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    GRADE: KindergardenMOVIE: Finding Nemo

    From the wonderful, colorful, fun and fantastic world of marine corals, inhabited by countless species of animals with different characteristics and sense of adventure give life to this beautiful journey.

    Fish teach us the importance of knowing, listening, and follow breeding guidelines. Everyone is a world that will gradually shape and in that moment is where we must learn to follow the right path and take into account the advice of adults.

    We now invite you to enjoy this little scene where our children are the ones who teach us how important is the love of our parents.


    With you....

    My name is David and I am Marlin. Nemo's father. My name is Isabella and I am Nemo My name is Ethan and I am Mr Ray. My name is Angel and I am Sheldon, the seahorse. My name is Valeri and I am Pearl, the octopus. My name is Oscar and I am Bubles, Nemo's friend.

    Los otros nios hacen parte del conjunto de peces que van al arrecife con Nemo.


    Mr. Ray: Welcome little explorers! (Todos los peces van junto al maestro raya hacia el arrecife - llegan al arrecife)

    Mr Ray: Here we are. Take a look around but don't go far. (Los peces se esparcen a experimentar el arrecife y el maestro los reune en ese instante. Se separan Pearl, Sheldon, Bubles y Nemo. El caballito de mar asusta al pulpo)

    Pearl: you made me spread my ink. (Se rien los tres)

    Sheldon: I bet you can't come where I am. Pearl: I can Bubbles: I can too

    (los tres llaman a nemo) Nemo: My dad say that I can't go to the surface.

    (Aparece Marlin llamando a nemo) Marlin: Nemo don't go there. Bubbles, Sheldon, Pearl: He didn't want to. Nemo: Dad, I can swim very fast. Marlin: You have small fins. Nemo: I hate you!

    (Maestro raya y Marlin hablan un rato sobre lo sucedido, en ese instante Nemo sube a la superficie y los otros peces observan detenidamente lo que suceda).

    Marlin: Nemo! Come here before another fish catch you. Nemo: No. Marlin: Don't touch the boat.

    (Nemo toca el barco con sus aletas)(Aparece un buzo y se lleva a nemo y el resto de los peces nadan asustados y Merln queda tirado en el piso) (Todos los personajes se cojen de la mano y hacen la venia y salen del escenario)



    GRADE: Transition MOVIE: The Little Mermaid

    In a beautiful place in the depths of the sea where the water is pure and transparent like glass and an abundance of corals, seaweed and extraordinary fish.There was a splendor palace that belonged to the king of the seas and his six daughters. This palace was made of coral, shells and pearls of all sizes.

    The Little Mermaid was the youngest and apart from being the most beautiful she had a wonderful voice. She sang accompanied by harp, the fish came from everywhere to hear the shells opened and the jellyfish stopped to float. The Little Mermaid was always singing and she was always looking for the sunlight.

    One day, a pirate ship killed her mother and the king became hard and he prohibited the music.


    Ariel: The little mermaid - girl Tritn: King Arista: sister - girl Atina sister - girl Alana: sister - girl Andrina: sister - girl Adela:sister - girl Aquata: sister girl Eric Max's dog Flounder the fish Sebastian the crab Sharks Octopus Turtle Lobster Ray


    (Todos los personajes comienzan bailando)(El rey saluda a todos en la fiesta)

    King: Good afternoon!(La sirenita le canta a una de sus hermanas)(El rey le da una caja musical a su esposa)

    King: This is for the most beautiful woman in this kingdom.(El rey abraza a su esposa y las hijas escondidas miran a sus padres)

    King: Let's go girls. Let's play in the water. Daughters: Ok dad. Thank you.

    (En ese momento llegan los piratas en su barco) King: We are in danger!!!!!

    (En ese momento el barco mata a la reina) King: Ateneaaaaaaa....... Nooooooooo........ Narrator: From that moment the king became a very strong man and prohibited the

    music in Atlantida. Aunt (ta): Gep up girls, It is time to spend a moment with your father. Daughters: It is the only thing he cares. They don't let us do what we want. Aunt: Pleased is our job. Sebastian: Hello! King: What would I do without you!!??

    (Flounder habla con sirenita)

  • Flounder: Let's play !!!! Sebastian: Nooooo. The music is not allowed!!! To the dungeon! Ariel: He was just helping me but we werent making music. Sebastian: Flounder to the dungeon and Ariel to the castle. Narrator: All the girls are in their rooms and the king passed by tto say Good Night. King: Good night girls. Sweet dreams. Sharks: Let's watch, hurry up! Narrator: The little mermaid chases the fish all night long. The little mermaid arrived to

    the party and the Sebastian gets scared.(La sirenita se pone a cantar y a bailar y todos los animales interpretan un instrumento)



    GRADE: FirstMOVIE: Alice in Wonderland


    Alice: Laura Narvaez Rabbit: Juan Alejandro Cedeo Tweedledum: Juan Esteban Cardona Tweedledee: Juan Diego Mora King: Martin Alfonso Pinzn Soldier: Andrs Felipe


    This fantastic story happened many years ago, when rabbits, cats and many characters were talking in the forest. Alicia lived the most beautiful but weird experience. Let's enjoy this wonderful event.

    SCENE 1

    Alicia: Oh a rabbit with a huge clock! I will follow him while my sister is reading. Rabbit: I am in a hurry, I am in a hurry!!!! It's already late. Alicia: Oh! Where I am!!! uhhhhh food, smells good. I will eat some. Cat: Hello Alice!!! My name is Cheshire the Queen's cat. You got a lot to know. Queen: You have stole pills. Kill Alice now!! OH no! Let's better play cards.


    SCENE 2

    Tweedledee: Hello Alici!! Tweedledum is slepping and he is dreaming about you. If he wakes up you will disapear.

    Alicia: Oh! Over there is anybody. I can see it. Soldier: Queen, Alice saw anybody. King: Congratulation Alice because you saw anybody.

    (Todos los personajes se sientan y hacen un banquete alrededor de Alice, se escucha una msica y todos bailan. Alicia se duerme...)

    Alicia: Oh! I am awake. This has been the most beautiful and strange dream.



    GRADE: SecondMOVIE: The Lion King


    For a long time humans have wanted to know why the exitence and extention of life, so we headed Mufasa's friends into the jungle where Srabiht is going to give birth to the future king.

    Life is wonderful, we all are part of the great cycle of life, all species communicate with each other, not only to survive but to know how to live together.

    Just as the human race, animals have hierarchies, from the fast antelope to the little ant, we are all a beautiful universe with purpose and goals to be accomplished; so .... Let's hear how wonderful is to be part of the circle of life.


    Mufasa (lion): Juan Jos Barcias Sarabhit (female lion): Maria Jose Herrera Simba (cub): Samuel Lamilla Spots (giraffe): Gina Diaz Dumbo (elephant): Khalid Mateo Fierro Fangs (tiger): Santiago Bautista Banzai (hyena): Luisa Maria Garrido Ray (gacelle): Rafael Montealegre Grumpy (buffalo): Jose Roberto Perdomo White tale (deer): Juan Daniel Cortes Pith (fox): Diego Mauricio Garrido Pumba(): Angel David Zuluaga Timon (meerkat): Cristian David Carvajal Rhino: Sergio Andrs Trejos Ostrich: Julian Camilo Bermeo Luffy (chimpazee): Kevin A. Polania

    From the day we arrive on the planetAnd blinking, step into the sunThere's more to be seen than can ever be seenMore to do than can ever be done Some say eat or be eatenSome say live and let liveBut all are agreed as they join the stampedeYou should never take more than you give (Chorus-coro)In the Circle of LifeIt's the wheel of fortuneIt's the leap of faithIt's the band of hopeTill we find our placeOn the path unwindingIn the Circle, the Circle of Life Some of us fall by the waysideAnd some of us soar to the starsAnd some of us sail through our troublesAnd some have to live with the scars There's far too much to take in here

  • More to find than can ever be foundBut the sun rolling highThrough the sapphire skyKeeps the great and small on the endless round (Chorus repeats-repeticin del coro) On the path unwindingIn the Circle, the Circle of Life.


    GRADE: ThirdMOVIE: Rio


    Blu: Carlos Andrs Gomez Villa Jewel: Karen Yulieth Jaime Nico: Luis Santiago Rojas Serin 1: Maria Lucia Salas Pedro: Andres Felipe Cubillos Lynda: Paula Cristina Gonzalez Serin 2: Karen Natalia Suarez Nigel: Santiago Jimenez Smuggler: Samuel Hernando Onas


    In the city of rio de janeiro, birds fly and sing while a baby macaw blue that has not learned to fly watch them. Several birds are caged including the macaw and the smugglersoa in united states. the box where the baby macaw in accidentally falls into the street, where it is found by a girl named Lynda who named the macaw blu.

    Fifteen years later.....

    A scientist tells Linda that Blu is the last male of his species and that he needs to take the bird to Rio de Janeiro, to cross with a female to preserve the species. Once in Rio, Blu meets a female Macaw named Pearl. Blu falls in love with with her, but she is interested only in escaping.

    Pedro: Where are they taking you? Do you need help? Come Nico... Blu: for a walk... don'd worry. I am fine. Nico: Don't be silly.... to the fridge.... Pedro: Ok...bye... Blu: Thanks, Bye.


    Blu: Hello! You are very pretty. Jewel: Who are you? You look like me. You know something? I am trying to scape. Blu: Why? Jewel: I just wanna fly and fly...

    Then, the shelter is attacked by smugglers. A cockatoo named Nigel, who is pretendig that is sick tricks the guard and Blue yJewel escape. As they run away, Nigel chases through the poor neighborhoods of Rio and after Blue and Jewel leave Nigel behind they get into the jungle.

    Lynda (llorando mucho): Everything is my fault. Smuggler: What a beautiful birds. They will be mine and I will be millionaire.

    HAHAHAHA Blu: This is the end. Jewel: Why? Blue: Who do we gonna scape???? Jewel: Well... Flying!!

    (mueven la jaula y salen corriendo)

    After Blu tries to fly and it fails, go to a market where there are a cardinal named Peter and his friend Nico, a canary who had known Blu on his arrival in Rio de Janeiro. They take Blu and

  • Jewel to the samba club of birds.

    Pedro: Hey!!! Stop talking! Nico: Let's go... We are missin' the party. Blu: I dont wanna go.... This is not my place... you know what? I hate the samba.

    (Nico y Pedro se abrazan y se ponen a llorar.) Jewel (se pone brava): See you pet!

    Then each bird takes a different route, Peter and Nico pursue Jewel until she is captured by Nigel. When Peter and Nico are telling Blu what happened they are also captured.

    Blu: Come on Serins! Help me!!! Serin 1: Count with me! Serin 2: We are going to help you to rescue your love, your juliet. Serin 1: This happened because you left Jewel alone. That's not right!

    At that moment they are captured by the smuggler.

    Smuggler: Good Job Nigel! Let's get out of here. Let's go to the plane.

    Blu gets out of his cage, releasing the other birds all. All the birds fly except Jewel, because she knows that Blu is afraid because he doen't know how to fly. Suddenly, Nigel appears, grab Blu by the throat and break a cage in the Jewel wing fractured it. Nigel is ejected out of the plane by a fire extinguisher that Blu tied to his leg. Jewel also falls out of the plane but Blu jumps to save her.

    Jewel: Blu!! you are flying!!! Blu: Yes!! because of you! You taught me to fly.

    (aterrizan donde Linda y se acarician)

    Blu says goodbye to Lynda and leaves with Jewel. They return to the forest where they become parents of three birdies.
