CERVERA AT HIS HOME. The Kind Yon H?.TO Always Bouglit, raid whieli lias been, in use for ovei* SO years, has bovue Uie signature of a»cl lias been made under his per- ^oJial supervision since its infancy* Allow-no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle? with and endanger the health of ._ Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C A S T O R I A ALWAYS yj Bears tlie Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In JJ.se For Over 30 Years. N OTICE.—PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF Hon. Samuel A. Beman. Surrogate of the Countv of Franklin, and according to the statute 5n «ucn case made and provided, notice is hereby given to ail persons having claims against Lucinda •C. Williams, late of Malone. in said County, de- ceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, witl the vouchers thereof, to the under- signed, executors, at the residence of Clayton E. Williams, in Malone. in said County, on or before th«- 3!st day ot January next. Dated July 19th." 1902. C. F. WILLIAMS. > Fxeouto «, A. W. WILLIAMS. C Executo ' s - J. J. GIIBKET. Att'y for Executors. 3Gw27 fi N OTICE.-PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF Hon. Samuel A. Beotan. Surrogate of the County of Fraukiin. and according to the statute in suc-n oa<e made and provided, notice is hereby triven to all persons having claims aeainst Lewis M. Cantrill, late of the town ot Bansor, in said County, deceased, that they are required to ex- hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to" the undersigned, administratrix, at. her resTii*»<ie-~a4. North Banger, in the town of Bangor. in said County, on or before the 12th day of December next. Dated Msv S*. 1««. . . ELMIKA M. CANTRILL. Administratrix. ' BAITER & CAXTWELL. Att'ys. 23w27 DR PIERCES GOLDEN MEDICAL. DISCOVERY FOR THE BLOOD, LIVER. UUNGSJ JULIAN.D. EAKLE, . \ DEALER IN .'. Monuments and Cemetery Work THE CELEBRATED DARK BARRE GRANITE And All Other New England Granites. Empire State and Vermont Marbles. Best of Stock and --~... Workmanship Guaranteed. NEW TJSJLKPHOIYE. Rear .lot' James J. Murpliy's Store. MALONE, - N. Y. ^ J OTICE.—PUnSi;ANT TO AN ORDER or I Hon. Samuel A. Beman. Surrogate of the J County oi FraukJin. and according to the statute j in such cv»se made and provided, notice is hereby j ijiren to all persons bavins claims against George I C. Williamson, late of Malone, in said county, j •deceased, that they are required t»> exhibit trie same, with the vouchers thereof, to the uujer- signed administrators at. the store of G. C. Wil- liamson, in Maloue Yil!a*r*.m said comity, on oi before the 2--id day of August next. Dated February 15. 19<V2. EMMA H. WILLIAMSON, I Admmi**rators GEOKGE S. HOWARD. f Administrators. JOHN I. GILBERT, Attorney. " 8w27 ^OTICE TO CREDITORS.-—PUR- JL^I suant to an order of Hon. Samuel A. Be- man, Surrogate of the County of Franklin, and according: u the statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby given to all persons hav- ine elarrnS' against John* Cask ins, late of Malone. in said County, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, administrators, at P. J. Riley's resid* nee in Malone. ir said County, on or before the 20th day of December nest. Dated Junf 9th, 1902. - 24w27 ' JAS." ?.&Klks. ['Administrator*. BAIWEK & CAXTWEIA,, Attys. T HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW York,to Julia Longto, Ma]on<\ N. Y.. Sarah Peyette, Chicago. 111., Ida Jassineau, Chicago, III.', Victoria Levalley, St. A J bans, Vt., Frank Duma?, Maione. N. Y., Fred Dumas. Malone, N. Y , 3Irs. St. Mary, Malone, N. Y., Emma Sherrin. St. Albans, Vt., Beiia Dumas, New York City, N. Y., Moses Duma«, residence unkuown. next of kin of Fmnk Lougto, late of Maloue, deceased, send greeting :— You. and each of you. are hereby cited and required, personally, to be and apj>ear before our Surrogate of the County of Franklin, at the Sur- rogate's office in Malone village, in the County of Franklin, o^ theBtli day of September, 1902, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause why letters of administra- tion upon the goods, chattels and credits of Frank Lonjtto. late of Malone,deceased,intestate, should not be srranted to Donald J. Stewart who has made application therefor. And if any of the aforesaid persons are under the a«e of twenty one years, they will please take totkse that they are required to appear by their jreneml guardian, if thwy have one. and if they hare none, that they appear and apply for the appointment of a special guardian, or in the <jvent of tueir failure or neglect to do so, a special guardian will be appointed by the Snrro#ate to represent and act. for them tn the proceedings. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of office of our said Surrogate, to be here- unto affixed. Witness, Hon. Samuel A. {L. S.} Betnat), Surrogate of said County of Franklin, at the Surrogate's office in Ma- lone Tillage, thif» 5th day of July, 1903. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. B. W. BEBRT, Attyorney for Petitioner, . 30w7 Malone, N. Y. The Same Old Story. J. A.Kelly relates aw experience similar to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood in the United States and h as been told and retold by thousands of others*. He says: "Laft summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy, which I used according to directions and with entire satisfactory re- sults. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies. 1 ' Mr. Kelley is a well- known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by the Hyde Drag Co., A. W. Stick- ney, Malone, aad Geo. A. Smith, Burke. Cluett, Pwbody & Co.'s collars and 8& W. W, LAWBBNCK & Co.'s New Stow. For Over Sixty Yearn. MRS. WIKSLOW'S SOOTHING STP.I-P has been used by millions of mothers for their ohildi while teething, if disturbed at nieht and broken of 3'our rest by a sick child suffering and crying: with pain of Cutting Teeth, send at'onee and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wmslow's soothing 1 Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend up<>:i it. mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and Kowels. ^nres Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and jdres tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Window'* Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurse.* in the United States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drueeists throuph- ut the world. Be sure and ask for '"MRS. WINS- .ow 1 s SOOTHING SYRUP." If yon want a heating stove this fall call and examine my Oaks. I have a full Hue. M. N. FELL,Malone, N. Y. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo^Quinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day Artificial Limbs. C. M. Eddy, of Moira, X. Y., is now manufacturing all kinds of artificial limbs. Latest styles ami all movements in. joints. Are perfect and nalnrai, working on rubber springs. Call and see his work before purchasing elsewhere. There are a good many in Ottawa wearing limbs of his manufacture. No False Claims. The proprietors of Foley's Honey and Tar do not advertise this as a "sure cuie for consumption." Thej' do not claim it will cure this dread eoiaplaiut in advanced cases, but do positively assert that it w ' cure in the earlier stages and never fails to "feive relief in the worst cases. Fole\' Houey aud Tar is without doubt the great est throat and lung remedy, -Refuse al substitutes. For sale at Briggs' Phari maey. Need Flore Help. Often the over-taxed organs of dige tion cry out for help by dyspepsia's pain , nausea, dizziness, headaches, liver com plaints, bowel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are gentle, thorough and guaranteed to cure. 25c. at the Hj de Drug Co. 's drug store. Clocks called for, repaired and returned to your residence. A postal card or tele- phone call does the work. Try us. C. A. CANTVTELL. Foley's Kidney Cure purifies the blood by straining out impurities, and tones up the whole system. Cures kidney and bladder troubles. For sale at Briggs : Pharmacy. Biggest and best line of workmen's shoes In Malone. Prices $1.25 and up. HOIT & HASKELL. Broncliitls For Twenty Year* Mrs. Minerva Smith, <rf Danville, DLs writes: "I had bronchitis for twenty year, and never got relief uBta { used Foley'* Honey aod Tar.wWeb is a rare cure." For sale at Brigga'Pharmacy. HOTT the Spanisli Admiral Spend- ing' His Declining Years. Contrary to reports recently printed in the United States, Admiral Cervera, who commanded the ill fated Spanish fl«€t- at the naval battle of 1 Santiago, 13 not suffering from the neglect and conjtgmpt of lii&,xanntry«ieil. Quite the reverse,,,in fact, is tne ad- miral's position in Spain. He is spend; ing his declining years at Puerto Real, ADMISA.L CERVEEA. a few milos distant from Cadiz, and spends many a day at the naval club in the old city founded by the Phoeni- cians, where he is the object of much solicitkms attention and affection. Puerto Real has IK-en nicknamed by the Spaniards the navy's "Pensionopolis," for at least on^-Untli of its inhabitants are retired naval officers. The house in Santo Domingo street which is Admiral Cervera's home, al- though modt,-st in size and appearance, is one of the best in the little seaport city. It wears an air of comfort and cheerfulness, t ven of luxuriousness. Here, surrounded by a numerous contingent of sens—and daughters and their children, the old sea dog spends his days with his books. The den of Admiral Ccrvtra is as neat and cozy as a ship's cabin, the flat top desk, medium sized bookcase and two oi three chairs tilling nearly all the avga.il- .able ,space_. The routine of his life, as recently explained by kimstlf. consist? of read- ing naval reports from different parts of the world, attending to correspond once, etc., which take up his morning hours. In the afternoon he visits the casino, where he meets his old com- rades in arms. This is varied by oc- casional trips to Cadiz. The adsnir.il draws half pay from the government and besides hus quit a little fortune of his own. He c-wn half a dozen houses and considerable l:md in the township of 3h-dina Si dciiia, the home of the marquises ot Cervera. The admiral's father wa woultli-y man, but ;'.s he l i ft many chil- dren the parental fortune has been so split up that none of his hoirs can he considered rich. Nevertheless the ad- miral wants for none.of the comforts of life, nor doos he lack the friendship and respect of his countrymen. BISHOP HENRY C. POTTER. Effiinent Divine. Who Will Aff Assume >I;itrimonial Bonds. Right Rev. Henry C. Potter, bishop of New York, has surprised his friends and the public generally by the an- nouncement of his intention to marry again. The bride to be is Mrs. Alfred Corn- ing Clark, who in 1S0G inherited mil- lions 011 the death of her late husband. Mr. A. C. Clark of the Singer Sewing Machine company. Bishop Potter, who is traveling Europe, is sixty-seven years old and is BISHOP HENBT O. POTTHK. a native of Schenect&dy, N. Y. In 1883 Rev. Dr. Potter, who bad added a literary reputation to,his fame as an eloquent divine, became assistant bish- op of New York, next in office to bis uncle. Right Her. Dr. Horatio Potter, and four years later succeeded on hi: uncle's death to ftiir episcopal honors. Bishop Potter's wife> who was Wise Bliaa % Jacob, died suddenly Jttne 29, tm, leaving five daughters tad HOPELESS CASES. When the doctor leaves and says the case is hopeless, what remainstobe done? Nothing, if the doctor's word is final. Much, if you will listen to the Statements of men and women who were ^3&ce ^ h o p e l e s s casjgs " given up by doctors, and who were -perfectly and permanently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Nothing ie more sure t h a n that thousands of men . and tvomen with It diseased lungs, (/ obstinate coughs, A' hemorrhage, ema- ciation and night- sweats, have been restored to perfect health by the use of _the " Discov- er}'. w Will it cure you? It has cured in ninety-eight cases out of every hun- dred where it was given a fair and faith- ful trial. By that record you have only two chances in a hundred of failure and ninety-eight chances of being restored to perfect health. It is worth trying. Abram Freer, Esq., of Rockbridge, Greene Co., 111., writes: ' < My wife had a severe attack of pleurisy and lung trouble; the doctors gave her up to die. She commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery jind she. Jsegan to improve from the first dose. By the" time she had taken eight or ten bottles she was cured, and it was the cause of a large amount beine sold here. I think the 'Golden Medical Dis- covery' is the best medicine in the world for lung trouble." FREE. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser containing over a thou- sand large pages is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth- bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. $ 100—Dr. E, »<>tt'hoii'*AiHl-DluretIc may .be worth to you nyjxv than $100 if you have a cbild who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sieep. Cures o d aud young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by C. W. Breea & Co, 'I am using a box of Ghana be rlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets'and find them the best thing for my stomach I ever used," says T. W. Robinson, justice of the peace, Loomis, Mich. These tablets not only regulate the liver and bowels; they are easy to take and pleasant in ef- fect. Price 23 cents per box, For sale by the Hyde Drug Co/, A. W\ Stickney. Ma- lone, and Geo. A. Smith, Burke. To Cure a told In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A1J druggists refund the money if it fails to cure W. Grove's sismature is on each box. 25c. OASTOniA. Bears the Signature of T. F. Anthony. ex-Postmaster of Promise City, Iowa, says: '"I bou?ht one bottle of 'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism, aad two doses of it did rne more good than any medicine I ever took." .. sold byC. W. Breed & Co., Malone. 42w Cut this out and take it to the drug store aud get a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The best physic. They also correct disorders of the stomach. Price 25 cents. For sale by the Hyde Drug Co., A. W*. Stickney, Ma- lone, and Geo. A. Smith. Bnrke. EJy'* Liquid Cream I5»Im i* an old triend in a new form, it is prepared for the particular benefit of t-utrerers from nasal catarrh who are used to an atomizer in spraying the dis- eased membranes. AH the healim? and soothing properties of Cream Balm are retained in the new preparation. It does not dry up the secretions. Price, inc: udins spr-;vine: 111be. 15 fonts At your rtrntfgrists' or Ely Brothers. .">() Warren Street, New York, will mail it. Farmers', Attention. I have a large stock of Home-made Tin- ware on hand; also Milk Cans and Dairy Utensils. M. N. FELL, Malone. N. Y. Miss Bernice Day has gone to Hiawatha Lodge, in the Adirondacks, few the sum- mer, Annie A. Seabury, of Chateaugay, has been granted a widow's pension of f 12 a month, and Henry S. Palmer, of Sf, Regis Falls, has been granted a pension of $12 a month. Joseph Duffle, of Burke, was thrown from his wagon one day last week and suffered a broken collar bone. Mrs. Hiram Bush, also of Burke, fell a few days ago and broke her left arm at the wiist. The Republican Senatorial convention for the 31st Senatorial district, compris- ing the counties of Clinton, Essex and Warren, was held in Port Henry on Tues- day afternoon, and Hon. Spencer G. Prime was unanimously reuominated. H. E, O'Xeil, of St. Regis Falls, was in MoiVa recently looking up the matter of furnishing the village with electric lights. This would certainly be a fine thing for the village and the citizens' should take the matter in hand. Prof. Samuel J. Preston, who for sev- eral years has been supervising professor of the schools at Mansaroneck, Westcbes- ter county, X. Y., has been appointed superintendent of schools in Pittsburgh, to succeed Prof. F. H. Davis, resigned. Professor Preston is a graduate of Middle-, bury college. The board of education of Chateaugay has 1 e-engaged Prof. Smith as principal. Miss Mabel A. Curtin, a graduate of the Potsdam normal, has been engaged as teacher in music, and Miss Mary t. Hunt, of Copenhagen, has been engaged to fill the vacancy caused by, the resigna- tion of Miss Frew. The Plattsburgh shirt factory was late- ly closed down for two weeks "to give all the employes an annual vacation. JThis, jt seems to us,..is good policy-And must result in more vigorous work for the rest of the year. The factory now has work enough on hand to keep it running to its fullest capacity for several months. A new enemy of the potato crop is re- ported by Mr. David Parker of Redford— a green soft shell bug somewhat longer than the lightning bug, and more slender, a bug which seems very lively, making short hops, and which strips the foliage of potato tops clean. It is said that a similar pest is working on the potato vines in British Columbia. The Ottawa and New York Railway carried 155,606 passengers for the year ending June 30, compared with 113,000 the previous year. The total earnings, including freight and passeneer receipts were $196,200, as compared with f 168.200. On the improvement of terminal and betterment of property along the line, there was an outlay of $37,506. While this railway is not amassing a fortune, its net receipts as compared with disburse- ments for operating and other expenses shows a satisfactory balance. Special agent Williams,of the post office department at Washington was in Gouver- neur recently looking over the proposed routes for rural mail delivery systems. Petitions have been circulated "among the farmers'on nearly every road and cross- road within a radius of twelve miles of tte Gonverneur post office asking for free de- livery of the mails. After free delivery becomes established in Malone village wr expect to see a number of routes branch- ing oxit from this office. The farmers are entitled to it and will doubtless pre- sent the necessary petitions. A. F. Moore, of Polo. 111., who is visit- ing his sister, Mrs. H. K. White, in Ma lone, visited Portsmouth, X. H., last week, aud while there he inspected one of the old Spanish vessels which is in port. The name of the vessel is the Reina Mer cedes, aud it was one of the vessels sunk near Santiago. It was afterwards raised, aud is now being repaired and put in condition to sail by the United States, tinder the American flag. - One of the officers. gave Mr. Moore a piece of the old« deck, and told him to do what he liked with it. He prized the piece very much, and had two handsome canes made from it, and when he reached Malone he gave one to his friend, W. A. Short. A New Idea. We have added a ooraplete line of CUP PAPEH PATTERNS. We are confident they are in every way the equal of any patterns made. UP-TO-DATE IN. STYLE, Perfect in Fitting Qualities. There may be others as good* but surely NONE BETTER. The distinctively isriE^r IDEA is that every pattern sells for the uniform price of Not 20, 25 or 30 cents, but just TEN CENTS v Worth Considering ? We have plenty more money savers for you at THE NEW STOHE. F. W. LAWRENCE & CO. SMOKE A TEN GENT CIGAR IN A FIVB CENT SIZE. FOR SALS EVERYWHERE. 1 & lifte 1 lit Farmers! -:- can save you Money if you Purchase your . • . FEED and FLOUR OPUS. We Always Keep the Best. H. I. DOUD & CO., HOSTH BAMGOH, IT. Y. FOR SALE! —Including— Show Cases, Gas Fixtures, Curtains, Coffee Mill, Stoves, &e. Inquire at Cooley & Talltxum'a Grocery, east store in new block, corner Main and Pearl Streets* Summer is at hand and with it all the Fancy Chiflbn Braids and other light, airy material, suitable for making summer hats. Prices and work sure to please at Mrs. S. A. KEARNS, MAJLONB, N. Y. COAL! Scranton Coal, It's the Best, by C. I. ALLEN, Agt. Buy Sold by Meet me on the corner at.. Rice's*-Shoe Parlors That's where I always go for my supply of Rubber Boots, Sunday aad Working Shoes. My wife, children and even the baby say they want Shoes, Slippers and Bobbers from -RICE'S. ^ They have tb«H«fgest line of Footwear, at th* Lowest Prices, in town. ED. WALLACE, —DEALER IN— MONUMENTS "AXD ALL Cemetery Work. Dark Barre and Foreign Granite Monuments carried in Stock. —ALSO— Gouverneur and Vermont Marble. Workmanship and Stock Guaranteed. FERRIS BLOCK, Bast Main St., Malone, N. Y. TWrOTI€B.—I»ITRSUA2IT TO AN ORDER OF JL^I Hon. Samuel A. Bernac, Surrogate of ±he-Caanty of Franklin, and according to the statute tn such case made and provided* notice Is hereby girea to all persons harm* claims against Mary Ann Johnson, late of Ma- lone, in said coonty. deceased, that they are r»- ooiredtoexhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to Joseph Johnson, at his residence in Halone, In said county, on or before the 30th day * August next. --*--••-- Peb'y 17. 1902. jmmsnv N ' , l Admtabtmtow. •w JUHNsOji } B. W. JUHNsOj , Attorney. Sw2? *€!»,-PUKSt7ANTTG AN ORDER OF Boo.6atnael A. Beman. Surrogate of the r ot Frttnktta, and according to the statute B osse made and provided, notioefehereby brfBl&hnsaca&stGeQrfQ eraHisbarfBgcl&hnsaca f Westville, Is said county reciuimJto exhibit th« saffie.wttb ra thereof, to the mod«Ml*n«i, *d- », at his residence in OonrttbK in Raid on or before the **h d*y of Korember J

Scranton Coal, - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1902-07-30/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · BLOOD, LIVER. UUNGSJ JULIAN.D. EAKLE,. \ DEALER IN .'. Monuments and

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Page 1: Scranton Coal, - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1902-07-30/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · BLOOD, LIVER. UUNGSJ JULIAN.D. EAKLE,. \ DEALER IN .'. Monuments and


The Kind Yon H?.TO Always Bouglit, raid whieli lias been,in use for ovei* SO years, has bovue Uie signature of

— a»cl lias been made under his per-^oJial supervision since its infancy*Allow-no one to deceive you in this.

All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are butExperiments that trifle? with and endanger the health of

._ Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.

What is CASTORIACastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. I tcontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wormsand allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and WindColic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipationand Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates theStomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.

GENUINE C A S T O R I A ALWAYSyj Bears tlie Signature of

The Kind You Have Always BoughtIn JJ.se For Over 3 0 Years.

NOTICE.—PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OFHon. Samuel A. Beman. Surrogate of the

Countv of Franklin, and according to the statute5n «ucn case made and provided, notice is herebygiven to ail persons having claims against Lucinda•C. Williams, late of Malone. in said County, de-ceased, that they are required to exhibit thesame, witl the vouchers thereof, to the under-signed, executors, at the residence of ClaytonE. Williams, in Malone. in said County, on orbefore th«- 3!st day ot January next.

Dated July 19th." 1902.C. F. WILLIAMS. > F x e o u t o « ,A. W. WILLIAMS. C E x e c u t o ' s -

J. J. GIIBKET. Att'y for Executors. 3Gw27


N OTICE.-PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OFHon. Samuel A. Beotan. Surrogate of the

County of Fraukiin. and according to the statutein suc-n oa<e made and provided, notice is herebytriven to all persons having claims aeainst LewisM. Cantrill, late of the town ot Bansor, in saidCounty, deceased, that they are required to ex-hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to" theundersigned, administratrix, at. her resTii*»<ie-~a4.North Banger, in the town of Bangor. in saidCounty, on or before the 12th day of Decembernext.

Dated Msv S*. 1««. . .ELMIKA M. CANTRILL. Administratrix. '

BAITER & CAXTWELL. Att'ys. 23w27






Monuments and Cemetery WorkTHE CELEBRATED

DARK BARRE GRANITEAnd All OtherNew England Granites.

Empire State and Vermont Marbles.Best of Stock and — --~...Workmanship Guaranteed.


Rear .lot' James J. Murpliy'sStore.


^ J OTICE.—PUnSi;ANT TO AN ORDER orI Hon. Samuel A. Beman. Surrogate of the J

County oi FraukJin. and according to the statute jin such cv»se made and provided, notice is hereby jijiren to all persons bavins claims against George IC. Williamson, late of Malone, in said county, j•deceased, that they are required t»> exhibit triesame, with the vouchers thereof, to the uujer-signed administrators at. the store of G. C. Wil-liamson, in Maloue Yil!a*r*.m said comity, on oibefore the 2--id day of August next.

Dated February 15. 19<V2.EMMA H. WILLIAMSON, I Admmi**ratorsGEOKGE S. HOWARD. f Administrators.

JOHN I. GILBERT, Attorney. " 8w27

^OTICE TO CREDITORS.-—PUR-JL̂ I suant to an order of Hon. Samuel A. Be-man, Surrogate of the County of Franklin, andaccording: u the statute in such case made andprovided notice is hereby given to all persons hav-ine elarrnS' against John* Cask ins, late of Malone.in said County, deceased, that they are requiredto exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof,to the undersigned, administrators, at P. J.Riley's resid* nee in Malone. ir said County, on orbefore the 20th day of December nest.

Dated Junf 9th, 1902. - 24w27

' JAS." ?.&Klks. ['Administrator*.BAIWEK & CAXTWEIA,, Attys.

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEWYork,to Julia Longto, Ma]on<\ N. Y.. Sarah

Peyette, Chicago. 111., Ida Jassineau, Chicago,III.', Victoria Levalley, St. A J bans, Vt., FrankDuma?, Maione. N. Y., Fred Dumas. Malone, N.Y , 3Irs. St. Mary, Malone, N. Y., Emma Sherrin.St. Albans, Vt., Beiia Dumas, New York City,N. Y., Moses Duma«, residence unkuown. next ofkin of Fmnk Lougto, late of Maloue, deceased,send greeting :—

You. and each of you. are hereby cited andrequired, personally, to be and apj>ear before ourSurrogate of the County of Franklin, at the Sur-rogate's office in Malone village, in the County ofFranklin, o^ theBtli day of September, 1902, at 10o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then andthere to show cause why letters of administra-tion upon the goods, chattels and credits ofFrank Lonjtto. late of Malone,deceased,in testate,should not be srranted to Donald J. Stewart whohas made application therefor.

And if any of the aforesaid persons are underthe a«e of twenty one years, they will please taketotkse that they are required to appear by theirjreneml guardian, if thwy have one. and if theyhare none, that they appear and apply for theappointment of a special guardian, or in the<jvent of tueir failure or neglect to do so, a specialguardian will be appointed by the Snrro#ate t o

represent and act. for them tn the proceedings.In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal

of office of our said Surrogate, to be here-unto affixed. Witness, Hon. Samuel A.

{L. S.} Betnat), Surrogate of said County ofFranklin, at the Surrogate's office in Ma-lone Tillage, thif» 5th day of July, 1903.

Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.B. W. BEBRT, Attyorney for Petitioner,

. 30w7 Malone, N. Y.

The Same Old Story.J. A.Kelly relates aw experience similar

to that which has happened in almostevery neighborhood in the United Statesand h as been told and retold by thousands ofothers*. He says: "Laft summer I had anattack of dysentery and purchased a bottleof Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-rhoea Remedy, which I used according todirections and with entire satisfactory re-sults. The trouble was controlled muchquicker than former attacks when I usedother remedies.1' Mr. Kelley is a well-known citizen of Henderson, N. C. Forsale by the Hyde Drag Co., A. W. Stick-ney, Malone, aad Geo. A. Smith, Burke.

Cluett, Pwbody & Co.'s collars and8&W. W, LAWBBNCK & Co.'s New Stow.

For Over Sixty Yearn.MRS. WIKSLOW'S SOOTHING STP.I-P has been

used by millions of mothers for their ohildiwhile teething, if disturbed at nieht and brokenof 3'our rest by a sick child suffering and crying:with pain of Cutting Teeth, send at'onee and geta bottle of "Mrs. Wmslow's soothing1 Syrup" forChildren Teething. It will relieve the poor littlesufferer immediately. Depend up<>:i it. mothers,there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea,regulates the stomach and Kowels. ̂ nres WindColic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation,and jdres tone and energy to the whole system."Mrs. Window'* Soothing Syrup" for childrenteething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre-scription of one of the oldest and best femalephysicians and nurse.* in the United States. Price25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drueeists throuph-

ut the world. Be sure and ask for '"MRS. WINS-.ow1s SOOTHING SYRUP."

If yon want a heating stove this fallcall and examine my Oaks. I have a fullHue. M. N. FELL,Malone, N. Y.

This signature is on every box of the genuineLaxative Bromo^Quinine Tablets

the remedy that cures a cold in one dayArtificial Limbs.

C. M. Eddy, of Moira, X. Y., is nowmanufacturing all kinds of artificial limbs.Latest styles ami all movements in. joints.Are perfect and nalnrai, working onrubber springs. Call and see his workbefore purchasing elsewhere. There area good many in Ottawa wearing limbs ofhis manufacture.

No False Claims.The proprietors of Foley's Honey and

Tar do not advertise this as a "sure cuiefor consumption." Thej' do not claim itwill cure this dread eoiaplaiut in advancedcases, but do positively assert that it w 'cure in the earlier stages and never failsto "feive relief in the worst cases. Fole\'Houey aud Tar is without doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy, -Refuse alsubstitutes. For sale at Briggs' Pharimaey.

Need Flore Help.Often the over-taxed organs of dige

tion cry out for help by dyspepsia's pain ,nausea, dizziness, headaches, liver complaints, bowel disorders. Such troublescall for prompt use of Dr. King's NewLife Pills. They are gentle, thoroughand guaranteed to cure. 25c. at the Hj deDrug Co. 's drug store.

Clocks called for, repaired and returnedto your residence. A postal card or tele-phone call does the work. Try us.


Foley's Kidney Cure purifies the bloodby straining out impurities, and tones upthe whole system. Cures kidney andbladder troubles. For sale at Briggs:


Biggest and best line of workmen'sshoes In Malone. Prices $1.25 and up.


Broncliitls For Twenty Year*Mrs. Minerva Smith, <rf Danville, DLs

writes: "I had bronchitis for twenty year,and never got relief uBta { used Foley'*Honey aod Tar.wWeb is a rare cure." Forsale at Brigga'Pharmacy.

HOTT the Spanisli Admiral I» Spend-ing' His Declining Years.

Contrary to reports recently printedin the United States, Admiral Cervera,who commanded the ill fated Spanishfl«€t- at the naval battle of1 Santiago,13 not suffering from the neglect andconjtgmpt of lii&,xanntry«ieil.

Quite the reverse,,,in fact, is tne ad-miral's position in Spain. He is spend;ing his declining years at Puerto Real,


a few milos distant from Cadiz, andspends many a day at the naval clubin the old city founded by the Phoeni-cians, where he is the object of muchsolicitkms attention and affection.Puerto Real has IK-en nicknamed by theSpaniards the navy's "Pensionopolis,"for at least on^-Untli of its inhabitantsare retired naval officers.

The house in Santo Domingo streetwhich is Admiral Cervera's home, al-though modt,-st in size and appearance,is one of the best in the little seaportcity. It wears an air of comfort andcheerfulness, t ven of luxuriousness.

Here, surrounded by a numerouscontingent of sens—and daughters andtheir children, the old sea dog spendshis days with his books. The den ofAdmiral Ccrvtra is as neat and cozyas a ship's cabin, the flat top desk,medium sized bookcase and two oithree chairs tilling nearly all the avga.il-.able ,space_.

The routine of his life, as recentlyexplained by kimstlf. consist? of read-ing naval reports from different partsof the world, attending to correspondonce, etc., which take up his morninghours. In the afternoon he visits thecasino, where he meets his old com-rades in arms. This is varied by oc-casional trips to Cadiz.

The adsnir.il draws half pay fromthe government and besides hus quita little fortune of his own. He c-wnhalf a dozen houses and considerablel:md in the township of 3h-dina Sidciiia, the home of the marquises otCervera. The admiral's father wawoultli-y man, but ;'.s he lift many chil-dren the parental fortune has been sosplit up that none of his hoirs can heconsidered rich. Nevertheless the ad-miral wants for none.of the comfortsof life, nor doos he lack the friendshipand respect of his countrymen.


Effiinent Divine. Who Will AffAssume >I;itrimonial Bonds.

Right Rev. Henry C. Potter, bishopof New York, has surprised his friendsand the public generally by the an-nouncement of his intention to marryagain.

The bride to be is Mrs. Alfred Corn-ing Clark, who in 1S0G inherited mil-lions 011 the death of her late husband.Mr. A. C. Clark of the Singer SewingMachine company.

Bishop Potter, who is travelingEurope, is sixty-seven years old and is


a native of Schenect&dy, N. Y. In1883 Rev. Dr. Potter, who bad added aliterary reputation to,his fame as aneloquent divine, became assistant bish-op of New York, next in office to bisuncle. Right Her. Dr. Horatio Potter,and four years later succeeded on hi:uncle's death to ftiir episcopal honors.

Bishop Potter's wife> who was WiseBliaa % Jacob, died suddenly Jttne 29,tm, leaving five daughters tad

HOPELESS CASES.When the doctor leaves and says the

case is hopeless, what remains to bedone? Nothing, if the doctor's word isfinal. Much, if you will listen to theStatements of men and women who were3̂&ce ^ h o p e l e s scasjgs " given up bydoctors, and whowere -perfectly andpermanently curedby the use of Dr.Pierce's Go ldenMedical Discovery.

Nothing ie moresure t h a n t h a tthousands of men .and tvomen with Itdiseased l u n g s , ( /obstinate coughs, A'hemorrhage, ema-ciation and night-sweats, have beenrestored to perfecthealth by the useof _the " Discov-er}'. w Will it cureyou?

It has cured inninety-eight casesout of every hun-dred where it was given a fair and faith-ful trial. By that record you have onlytwo chances in a hundred of failure andninety-eight chances of being restoredto perfect health. It is worth trying.

Abram Freer, Esq., of Rockbridge, Greene Co.,111., writes: '< My wife had a severe attack ofpleurisy and lung trouble; the doctors gave herup to die. She commenced taking Dr. Pierce'sGolden Medical Discovery jind she. Jsegan toimprove from the first dose. By the" time shehad taken eight or ten bottles she was cured,and it was the cause of a large amount beinesold here. I think the 'Golden Medical Dis-covery' is the best medicine in the world forlung trouble."

FREE. Dr. Pierce's Common SenseMedical Adviser containing over a thou-sand large pages is sent free on receiptof stamps to pay expense of mailing only.Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book inpaper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,Buffalo, N. Y.

$ 100—Dr. E, »<>tt'hoii'*AiHl-DluretIcmay .be worth to you nyjxv than $100 if you havea cbild who soils bedding from incontinence ofwater during sieep. Cures o d aud young alike.It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by C.W. Breea & Co,

'I am using a box of Ghana be rlain'sStomach aud Liver Tablets'and find themthe best thing for my stomach I everused," says T. W. Robinson, justice ofthe peace, Loomis, Mich. These tabletsnot only regulate the liver and bowels;they are easy to take and pleasant in ef-fect. Price 23 cents per box, For sale bythe Hyde Drug Co/, A. W\ Stickney. Ma-lone, and Geo. A. Smith, Burke.

To Cure a told In One DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A1Jdruggists refund the money if it fails to cure

W. Grove's sismature is on each box. 25c.

OASTOniA.Bears theSignature


T. F. Anthony. ex-Postmaster of Promise City,Iowa, says: '"I bou?ht one bottle of 'MysticCure" for Rheumatism, aad two doses of it didrne more good than any medicine I ever took.".. sold byC. W. Breed & Co., Malone. 42w

Cut this out and take it to the drugstore aud get a box of Chamberlain'sStomach and Liver Tablets. The bestphysic. They also correct disorders ofthe stomach. Price 25 cents. For sale bythe Hyde Drug Co., A. W*. Stickney, Ma-lone, and Geo. A. Smith. Bnrke.

EJy'* Liquid Cream I5»Im i* anold triend in a new form, it is prepared for theparticular benefit of t-utrerers from nasal catarrhwho are used to an atomizer in spraying the dis-eased membranes. AH the healim? and soothingproperties of Cream Balm are retained in the newpreparation. It does not dry up the secretions.Price, inc: udins spr-;vine: 111 be. 15 fonts At yourrtrntfgrists' or Ely Brothers. .">() Warren Street,New York, will mail it.

Farmers' , Attention.I have a large stock of Home-made Tin-

ware on hand; also Milk Cans and DairyUtensils. M. N. FELL,

Malone. N. Y.

Miss Bernice Day has gone to HiawathaLodge, in the Adirondacks, few the sum-mer,

Annie A. Seabury, of Chateaugay, hasbeen granted a widow's pension of f 12 amonth, and Henry S. Palmer, of Sf, RegisFalls, has been granted a pension of $12 amonth.

Joseph Duffle, of Burke, was thrownfrom his wagon one day last week andsuffered a broken collar bone. Mrs.Hiram Bush, also of Burke, fell a fewdays ago and broke her left arm at thewiist.

The Republican Senatorial conventionfor the 31st Senatorial district, compris-ing the counties of Clinton, Essex andWarren, was held in Port Henry on Tues-day afternoon, and Hon. Spencer G. Primewas unanimously reuominated.

H. E, O'Xeil, of St. Regis Falls, wasin MoiVa recently looking up the matterof furnishing the village with electriclights. This would certainly be a finething for the village and the citizens'should take the matter in hand.

Prof. Samuel J. Preston, who for sev-eral years has been supervising professorof the schools at Mansaroneck, Westcbes-ter county, X. Y., has been appointedsuperintendent of schools in Pittsburgh,to succeed Prof. F. H. Davis, resigned.Professor Preston is a graduate of Middle-,bury college.

The board of education of Chateaugayhas 1 e-engaged Prof. Smith as principal.Miss Mabel A. Curtin, a graduate of thePotsdam normal, has been engaged asteacher in music, and Miss Mary t .Hunt, of Copenhagen, has been engagedto fill the vacancy caused by, the resigna-tion of Miss Frew.

The Plattsburgh shirt factory was late-ly closed down for two weeks "to give allthe employes an annual vacation. JThis,jt seems to us,..is good policy-And mustresult in more vigorous work for the restof the year. The factory now has workenough on hand to keep it running to itsfullest capacity for several months.

A new enemy of the potato crop is re-ported by Mr. David Parker of Redford—a green soft shell bug somewhat longerthan the lightning bug, and more slender,a bug which seems very lively, makingshort hops, and which strips the foliage ofpotato tops clean. It is said that asimilar pest is working on the potato vinesin British Columbia.

The Ottawa and New York Railwaycarried 155,606 passengers for the yearending June 30, compared with 113,000the previous year. The total earnings,including freight and passeneer receiptswere $196,200, as compared with f 168.200.On the improvement of terminal andbetterment of property along the line,there was an outlay of $37,506. Whilethis railway is not amassing a fortune, itsnet receipts as compared with disburse-ments for operating and other expensesshows a satisfactory balance.

Special agent Williams,of the post officedepartment at Washington was in Gouver-neur recently looking over the proposedroutes for rural mail delivery systems.Petitions have been circulated "among thefarmers'on nearly every road and cross-road within a radius of twelve miles of t teGonverneur post office asking for free de-livery of the mails. After free deliverybecomes established in Malone village wrexpect to see a number of routes branch-ing oxit from this office. The farmersare entitled to it and will doubtless pre-sent the necessary petitions.

A. F. Moore, of Polo. 111., who is visit-ing his sister, Mrs. H. K. White, in Malone, visited Portsmouth, X. H., lastweek, aud while there he inspected one ofthe old Spanish vessels which is in port.The name of the vessel is the Reina Mercedes, aud it was one of the vessels sunknear Santiago. It was afterwards raised,aud is now being repaired and put incondition to sail by the United States,tinder the American flag. - One of theofficers. gave Mr. Moore a piece of the old«deck, and told him to do what he likedwith it. He prized the piece very much,and had two handsome canes made fromit, and when he reached Malone he gaveone to his friend, W. A. Short.

A New Idea.We have added a ooraplete line of

CUP PAPEH PATTERNS. We are confidentthey are in every way the equal of any patternsmade.

UP-TO-DATE IN. STYLE,Perfect in Fitting Qualities.

There may be others as good* but surely NONEBETTER. The distinctively

isriE r̂ I D E Ais that every pattern sells for the uniform price of

Not 20, 25 or 30 cents, but just TEN CENTS v

Worth Considering ?We have plenty more money savers for you atTHE NEW STOHE.





1 & lifte 1 lit

Farmers! -:-W© can save you Money

if you Purchase your . • .



We Always Keep the Best.


FOR SALE!—Including—

Show Cases,Gas Fixtures,

Curtains,Coffee Mill,

Stoves, &e.

Inquire at Cooley & Talltxum'aGrocery, east store in new block,corner Main and Pearl Streets*

Summer is at hand and with

it all the Fancy Chiflbn Braids

and other light, airy material,

suitable for making summer

hats. Prices and work sure to

please at



Scranton Coal,It's the Best,


C. I . ALLEN, Agt.


Sold by

Meet me on the corner at..

Rice's*-Shoe ParlorsThat's where I always go for my supply ofRubber Boots, Sunday aad Working Shoes. Mywife, children and even the baby say they wantShoes, Slippers and Bobbers from

-RICE'S.^ They have tb«H«fgest line of Footwear, at th*Lowest Prices, in town.



Cemetery Work.

Dark Barre and Foreign GraniteMonuments carried in Stock.


Gouverneur and Vermont Marble.

Workmanship andStock Guaranteed.

FERRIS BLOCK,Bast Main St., Malone, N. Y.

TWrOTI€B.—I»ITRSUA2IT TO AN ORDER OFJL̂ I Hon. Samuel A. Bernac, Surrogate of±he-Caanty of Franklin, and according tothe statute tn such case made and provided*notice Is hereby girea to all persons harm*claims against Mary Ann Johnson, late of Ma-lone, in said coonty. deceased, that they are r»-ooired to exhibit the same, with the vouchersthereof, to Joseph Johnson, at his residence inHalone, In said county, on or before the 30th day

* August next.- - * - - • • - - Peb'y 17. 1902.

jmmsnv N ' ,l Admtabtmtow.•w JUHNsOji }

B. W.

— JUHNsOj, Attorney.


*€!»,-PUKSt7ANTTG AN ORDER OFBoo.6atnael A. Beman. Surrogate of ther ot Frttnktta, and according to the statuteB osse made and provided, notioe fe hereby

brfBl&hnsaca&stGeQrfQeraHisbarfBgcl&hnsacaf Westville, Is said countyreciuimJto exhibit th« saffie.wttb

ra thereof, to the mod«Ml*n«i, *d-», at his residence in OonrttbK in Raid

on or before the **h d*y of Korember