Scoring the IPQ-R

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  • 8/20/2019 Scoring the IPQ-R


    Using and Scoring the IPQ-R Subscales

    It is advisable to have a good read of the IPQ-R paper before you use the questionnaire. The paper can be

    downloaded from this website. As outlined in the paper the questionnaire can be adapted for particular

    groups. Items relevant to the identity and causes of the illness can readily be inserted into the


    The pdf  !nglish version of the IPQ-R on this website as"s the questions in relation to illness. #herever

     possible the word illness should be replaced with the name of the particular illness or condition under

    study e.g. diabetes chronic fatigue syndrome.


    Please note:

    $igh scores on the identity timeline consequences and cyclical dimensions represent strongly held

     beliefs about the number of symptoms attributed to the illness the chronicity of the condition thenegative consequences of the illness and the cyclical nature of the condition.

    $igh scores on the personal control treatment control and coherence dimensions represent positive

     beliefs about the controllability of the illness and a personal understanding of the condition.

    Coding:  for identity scale yes % &' no % (

    strongly disagree %& disagree %) neither agree or disagree % * agree % + strongly agree % ,

    Reerse score: IP& IP+ IP IP&, IP& IP& IP&/ IP)* IP)+ IP), IP)0 IP) IP*0

    !" Identit#: sum yes-rated symptoms in column ) 1this symptom is related to my illness2 on p. &

    $" Ti%eline &acute'chronic(: sum items IP& - IP, 3 IP&

    )" Conse*uences: sum items IP0 - IP&&

    +" Personal control: sum items IP&) - &P&

    ," Treat%ent control ite%s: sum items IP&/ 4 IP)*

    " Illness coherence ite%s: sum items IP)+ 4 IP)

    ." Ti%eline c#clical: sum items IP)/ 4 IP*)

    /" E%otional re0resentations: sum items IP** 4 IP*

    /. Causes:items 5& - 5&

    6o not use these as a scale. 7tart analysis with separate items - used as grouping variables 1ie

    those who do8do not believe in a specific causal factor2. #ith a sufficient sample si9e 1n%, or more2 factor analysis can be used to identify groups of causal beliefs 1 eg lifestyle ' stress etc2

    which can then be used as sub-scales 1see the following papers for e:amples ).

  • 8/20/2019 Scoring the IPQ-R


    SPPSS S1NT23

    This 7P77 synta: file can be used to compute the IPQ-R subscales if you have some missing data from

     participants on select items. ;n subscales with 0 items we have allowed for a ma:imum of ) missing

    items. T! timeline % 0?=!A@.+1ip&ip)ip*ip+ip,ip&2.5;=P>T! timecycl % +?=!A@.*1ip)/ip*(ip*&ip*)2 .

    5;=P>T! conseque % 0?=!A@.+1ip0ipipip/ip&(ip&&2.

    5;=P>T! perscon % 0?=!A@.+1ip&)ip&*ip&+ip&,ip&0ip&2 .

    5;=P>T! treatcon % ,?=!A@.+1ip&/ip)(ip)&ip))ip)*2.

    5;=P>T! illcoher % ,?=!A@.+1ip)+ip),ip)0ip)ip)2.

    5;=P>T! emotrepr % 0?=!A@.+1ip**ip*+ip*,ip*0ip*ip*2.

    !!5>T! .