Science Test Review Disease ~ Mrs. Connnor

Science Test Review Disease ~ Mrs. Connnor

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Science Test Review Disease ~ Mrs. Connnor. Antibiotics:. A substance used to kill or slow the growth of bacteria. Bacilli :. rod shaped bacteria. Spirilla :. Spiral shaped bacteria. Cocci :. round shaped bacteria. Good things that bacteria can do for you:. 1. make insulin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Science Test Review


~ Mrs. Connnor

A substance used to kill or slow the growth of bacteria


Bacilli:rod shaped bacteria

Spirilla:Spiral shaped bacteria


round shaped bacteriaGood things that bacteria can do for you:1. make insulin

2. make antibiotics

3. clean up oil spills

4. give plants nitrogen5. break down organic matter

6. make foods like:picklesyogurtcheesebuttermilk

Virus: microscopic particle that invades a cell and often destroys it

Viruses are NOT alive; cannot live on their own! Need a living host cell Dont grow and develop Dont use energy Diseases caused by virusesYellow Fever, Influenza, Common Cold and AIDS Vaccine:Helps your body develop immunity to a diseaseThe next time your body sees the disease, it will be able to attack.

Transmission: sending something from one person to another


~an agent that causes a diseaseWays to come into contact with a pathogen:AirPerson to PersonContaminated ObjectsAnimalsFood and waterPrevention:~to stop the spread of disease

using a mosquito net when sleeping so that the bugs cant bite youTreatment:~to try to cure or heal the disease when you already have it

taking antibioticsHow to treat a viral infection:Plenty of restDrink lots of fluidsCannot use antibiotics. They dont work.


~a living thing that is too small to be seen without a microscope

Symptoms: something that shows you have an illness

Bacteria:Extremely small, single-celled organisms without a nucleus; prokaryotic cells

Tuberculosis, tetanus, strep throat, scarlet feverImmune System:~an army of cells that fight pathogens

A disease which CANNOT be spread from one person to another


allergies, asthma, diabetes, arthritisInfectious:~a disease which CAN be spread from one person to another

common cold, flu, AIDSDisease:~a specific illness

How your body defends you from disease:SkinMucusEnzymes

AcidFeverWays to prevent a Pathogen from spreading: ~wash your hands ~take antibiotics ~stay home when sick ~dont eat raw or uncooked meat

An organism that belongs to the kingdom Protista(amoeba, paramecium, and algae).Protist: