Science KSSM Notes Form 5 by Cikgu Heery 1 BAB 5: SEBATIAN KARBON (CARBON COMPOUND) 5.1 PENGENALAN (INTRODUCTION) 1. Jenis sebatian karbon (types of carbon compound): SEB. KARBON ORGANIK (ORGANIC CARBON COM.) SEB. KARBON BUKAN ORGANIK (INORGANIC CARBON COM.) Berasal drpd benda hidup (come from living things) Drpd benda bukan hidup – tanah, udara (from non-livings – soil, air) Hidrokarbon, alkohol, lemak (hydrocarbon, alcohol, fat) Batu kapur, karbon dioksida (Limestone, carbon dioxide) 2. Sebatian karbon adalah terlibat dlm kitar karbon (carbon compounds are involve in carbon cycle)

Science KSSM Notes Form 5 by Cikgu Heery

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Science KSSM Notes Form 5 by Cikgu Heery




1. Jenis sebatian karbon (types of carbon compound):



Berasal drpd benda hidup (come from living things)

Drpd benda bukan hidup – tanah, udara (from non-livings – soil, air)

Hidrokarbon, alkohol, lemak (hydrocarbon, alcohol, fat)

Batu kapur, karbon dioksida (Limestone, carbon dioxide)

2. Sebatian karbon adalah terlibat dlm kitar karbon (carbon compounds are

involve in carbon cycle)

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Science KSSM Notes Form 5 by Cikgu Heery


a. Analisis proses (analysis of process):

Proses yg menambahkan CO2 di atmosfera (processes that increase CO2 in atmosphere)

Proses yg mengurangkan CO2 di atmosfera (processes that reduce CO2 in atmosphere)

respirasi (respiration) pereputan (decomposition) pembakaran (combustion)

Fotosintesis (photosynthesis)

Ini TIDAK BAGUS utk persekitaran jika proses terlalu tinggi (This is NOT GOOD for the environment if too high) - boleh menyebabkan pemanasan global (can cause global warming)

Hutan membantu mengurangkan kesan pemanasan global (Forest can reduce the effect of global warming)


1. Bagaimana hidrokarbon terbentuk? (How hydrocarbon is formed?)

Hidupan laut mati & terbenam dalam batu lumpur (Sea life forms die & buried under rock & sand)

Suhu tinggi, tekanan, & penguraian bakteria selama berjuta-juta tahun (High temperature, pressure, & bacterial decomposition for millions of years)

Hidrokarbon terbentuk (Hydrocarbon is formed)

2. Kita boleh peroleh pelbagai pecahan hidrokarbon melalui proses

penyulingan berperingkat (we can get different fractions of hydrocarbon from

fractional distillation):

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Science KSSM Notes Form 5 by Cikgu Heery


3. Pecahan diperoleh mengikut takat didih berbeza (fractions are obtained

according to different boiling points):

Takat didih (boiling point)

Hasil penyulingan (distillation product)

Warna (colour)

Kelikatan (viscousity)

Keboleh bakaran (flammability)

30 – 80

Petrol Sgt jernih (very clear)

Sgt cair (very dilute)

Sgt tinggi (very high)

80 – 150

Nafta (naphta)

Jernih (Clear)

Cair (dilute)

Tinggi (high)

150 – 230

Kerosin (kerosine)

Gelap (dark)

Likat (viscous)

Rendah (low)

230 – 250

Diesel Sgt gelap (very dark)

Sgt likat (very viscous)

Sgt rendah (very low)

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Science KSSM Notes Form 5 by Cikgu Heery


4. Sebatian hidrokarbon tepu & tidak tepu (Saturated & unsaturated




Ada ikatan tunggal dlm rantai karbon (has single bond in carbon chain)

Ada ikatan ganda dua dlm rantai karbon (has double bond)

Contoh (example):

Metana (methane)

Etana (ethane)

Etena (ethene)

Propana (propane)

Propena (propene)

Butana (butane)

Butena (butene)

Sbg sumber tenaga boleh

diperbaharui (drpd sisa


As resource of renewable

energy (from food waste)

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Science KSSM Notes Form 5 by Cikgu Heery



1. Proses penghasilan alkohol (alcohol production)

- drpd proses penapaian & kemudian penyulingan

(through fermentation & then distillation process):

a. Penapaian (fermentation)

Glukosa Etanol + Karbon dioksida (Glucose) (Ethanol) (Carbon dioxide)

b. Penyulingan (distillation)

- utk memperoleh alkohol tulen (to obtain pure alcohol):

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2. Sifat fizik alkohol (physical properties):

a. tidak berwarna (colourless)

b. cecair pada suhu bilik (liquid at room temperature)

c. bau tersendiri (unique smell)

d. takat didih meningkat jika semakin banyak atom karbon (higher boiling point with more carbon atom)

e. kurang larut air jika semakin banyak atom karbon (less soluble in water with more carbon atom)

3. Sifat kimia alkohol (chemical properties):

a. Mudah terbakar (Flammable)

- nyalaan biru tiada asap (smokeless blue flame) - pembakaran membebaskan CO2 – mengeruhkan air kapur (combustion releases CO2 – turn limewater cloudy) - pembakaran membebaskan wap air – kalsium klorida kontang menjadi merah jambu (combustion releases water vapour – change anhydrous calcium chloride to pink)

b. Menghasilkan ester melalui pengesteran (produce ester through


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Science KSSM Notes Form 5 by Cikgu Heery


- Asid sulfurik pekat memantaskan tindak balas (concentrated sulphuric acid

speeds up reaction)

- Hasil pengesteran (product of esterification):

- Ester – berbau harum, kurang tumpat drpd air, & tidak larut air

(Ester – fragrant, lower density than water, & not soluble in water)

4. Kegunaan alkohol dalam kehidupan seharian (Uses of alcohol in daily life)

a. Bahan api (fuel) - mudah terbakar & pembakaran bersih – bagus utk persekitaran (flammable & clean combustion – good for environment) b. Perubatan (medicine) - sbg antiseptik utk bunuh mikroorganisma (as antiseptic to kill microbes) - sbg pelarut dlm pembuatan ubat (as solvent in medicine producrion) c. Kosmetik (Cosmetic) - sbg pelarut minyak wangi, losen, & gincu (as solvent of perfume, lotion, & lipstick) d. Industri (industry) - menghasilkan bahan makanan & cecair pencuci (produce food & detergent)

5. Kesan pengambilan alkohol secara berlebihan (effect of high alcohol intake)

- kerosakan organ – ginjal & hati (organ damage – kidney & liver)

- penyakit jantung (heart diseases)

- koordinasi terganggu – tidak boleh memandu (coordination affected – cannot


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- 2 jenis lemak – tepu & tak tepu (2 type of fat – saturated & unsaturated fat):



Persamaan/ similarites: - mengandungi unsur CHO (contain element CHO)

- tak larut air (not water-soluble) - sumber asid lemak dlm badan (source of fatty acid in body)

Sumber/ Source: Haiwan/ animal

Tumbuhan/ plant

Keadaan dlm suhu bilik/ Condition in room temperature: Pepejal/ Solid

Cecair/ liquid

Takat lebur/ Melting point: Tinggi/ High

Rendah/ low

Bil. atom hidrogen/ number of hydrogen atom: Maksimum/ Maximum

Belum maksimum/ not yet maximum

Boleh tambah hidrogen?/ Can add H? Tidak boleh/ Cannot

Boleh/ Can

Aras kolesterol/ Cholesterol level? TINGGI/ HIGH 3 risiko – risiko batu karang hempedu (gallstones) - risiko jaundis (jaundice) - risiko aterosklerosis (salur darah tersumbat) penyakit jantung (heart attack)

Rendah/ low – bagus utk kesihatan/ good for health

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1. Struktur buah & kandungan minyak (fruit structure & oil content):

2. Urutan pengekstrakan minyak (Sequence of oil extraction):

1. Pensterilan (Sterilisation) - guna stim utk bunuh mikroorganisma & melembutkan buah (use steam to kill microbes & tenderise fruit)

2. Penanggalan (Separation) - buah dileraikan drpd tandan (fruit is separated from the bunch) 3. Pencernaan (Digestion) - buah dicerna utk asingkan sabut & tempurung (digest to separate mesocarp & endocarp)

4. Perah & turas (extract & filter) - sabut minyak sawit (PO) (mesocarp palm oil (PO)) - tempurung minyak isirung sawit (PKO) (kernel palm kernel oil (PKO))

5. Penulenan (Purification) - PO disalurkan melalui carbon utk melunturkan warnanya (PO is channelled through carbon to remove its colour)

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3. Komponen minyak sawit (Components of palm oil):

MINYAK SAWIT (PALM OIL) Gliserol (glycerol)

Asid lemak (fatty acid): - asid lemak tepu (saturated fatty acid) - asid lemak tak tepu (unsaturated fatty acid)

4. Sifat kimia minyak sawit (Chemical properties of palm oil):

a. Melakukan pengoksidaan (conduct oxidation):

Minyak sawit + Oksigen Radikal bebas Palm oil + Oxygen Free radicles

b. Melakukan hidrolisis (conduct hydrolysis):

Minyak sawit + Air Gliserol + Asid lemak Palm oil + Water Glycerol + Fatty acid

c. Melakukan pengesteran (conduct esterification):

Minyak sawit + Alkohol Ester (Biodiesel) Palm oil + Alcohol Ester (Biodiesel)

5. Nutrisi dalam minyak sawit (Nutrition in palm oil)

- lemak (fat) = kandungan lemak tepu & tak tepu yg seimbang (balanced

content of saturated & unsaturated fat)

- Vitamin EA

- antioksidan – spt karotena & vitamin E (antioxidant – carotene & vitamin E)

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6. Kegunaan minyak sawit (Uses of palm oil):

- makanan: m. masak, marjerin, coklat (food: cooking oil, margerine, choc.)

- ubatan, kosmetik, sabun, biodiesel (medicine, cosmetic, soap, biodiesel)

7. Sabun:

a. Penghasilan sabun (Soap production):

Minyak sawit + Alkali pekat Sabun + Gliserol Palm oil + Conc. Alkali Soap + Glycerol

b. Komponen sabun (Soap component):

c. Tindakan pencucian sabun / Cleaning action of soap:



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1. Kepala sabun larut dalam air (Head of soap dissolves in water)

2. Ekor sabun larut dlm kotoran berminyak (Tail of soap dissolves in greasy stain)

3. Aktiviti pencucian menanggalkan kotoran drpd kain (Cleaning activities remove stain from the cloth)

8. Pengurusan lestari dalam industri sawit (Good management in palm


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a. Penggunaan tanah (Land use) - penanaman semula pokok sawit baru utk optimumkan penggunaan tanah (replanting of new palm trees to optimise the use of land)

b. Air sisa POME (Palm oil mill effluent) - diguna semula utk buat baja & tenaga biogas (reuse POME to make fertilisers & biogas fuel)

c. Kualiti udara (Air quality) - pokok kelapa membantu mengurangkan kesan pemanasan global (palm oil tress help in reducing the effect of global warming)

d. Sisa kelapa sawit (Palm wastes) - guna semula sisa utk pelbagai tujuan (reuse wastes for many applications):

Pelepah baja Branches fertilisers

Batang bahan kayu

Trunks woods

Tandan kosong baja

Empty husk fert.

Tempurung panas air Shell fuel to boil water

Sabut permaidani

Husk carpet

POME baja & biogas POME fert. & biogas