SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

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Page 1: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

P U B L I C AT I O N S2nd grade | Unit 8


Page 2: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink


Introduction |4

1. What Is Environment? ............................................ 7Things Not Living |8Things Living |16Self Test 1 |24

2. What Is Pollution? ................................................. 27Smog |28Trash |37Noise |40Self Test 2 |44

3. What Is Ecology?................................................... 47Ecology |48Mecology |55Wind Power |57Self Test 3 |62

Test |Pullout

| 1


Page 3: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Author: Della Johnson, M.A.

Editor-in-Chief: Richard W. Wheeler, M.A.Ed.

Editor: Harold Wengert, Ed.D.

Consulting Editor: Rudolph Moore, Ph.D.

Revision Editor: Alan Christopherson, M.S.

Media Credits: Page 4: © helenfoxgreen, iStock, Thinkstock; 15: © djpc75, iStock, Thinkstock; 19: © MuchMania, Getty Images; 20: © jossdim, iStock, Thinkstock; 32: © ziablik_n, iStock, Thinkstock; 55: © UrchenkoJulia, iStock, Thinkstock.

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804 N. 2nd Ave. E. Rock Rapids, IA 51246-1759

© 2019 Glynlyon, Inc. All rights reserved.

Page 4: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Hi, I am Dr. Kirke. Come learn with my young

woodland friends.

Hi, I am Filmore. I will help you learn

new things.Hey! I am

Roxie. I like a lot of action.

I am Tammy. I love learning new things.

Learn with our friends!

When you see me, I will help your teacher explain the exciting things you are expected to do.

When you do actions with me, you will learn how to write, draw, match words, read, and much more.

You and I will learn about matching words, listening, drawing, and other fun things in your lessons.

Follow me and I will show you new, exciting truths that will help you learn and understand what you study. Let’s learn!

| 3


Page 5: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink


Our world contains many things. Our world is a storehouse of beautiful treasures.

The treasures of this world include mountains, lakes, flowers, trees, and animals. Some of these treasures are living, and some of them are not living.

In this workbook, you will study some of the reasons these treasures are important. You will study why things that are living and things that are not living need each other. You will study some ways you can help keep these treasures beautiful.

4 | Introduction


Page 6: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

ObjectivesRead these objectives. They will tell what you will be able to do when you have finished this workbook.

1. You will be able to describe three things in your environment.2. You will be able to name three living things in your environment.3. You will be able to name three things in your environment that

are not living.4. You will be able to tell someone one way living things and things

not living need each other.5. You will be able to tell three things that cause pollution.6. You will be able to tell someone what ecology is.7. You will be able to do some things to help take care of our


New Words

These words will appear in boldface (darker print) the first time they are used.

breathe. To pull in and send out air.

connected (con nec ted). Joined together.

cycle (cy cle). Things that repeat themselves in the same order.

ecology (e col o gy). The study of environment and things around you.

environment (en vi ron ment). The place where you live.

Introduction | 5


Page 7: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

fertilizer (fer til iz er). Something added to the soil that makes plants grow.

fuel (fu el). Something that can be burned for heat or power.

mecology (me col o gy). A word made up to mean you and ecology.

pollution (pol lu tion). Something that makes the water, air, or ground dirty.

recycling (re cy cling). The way old, used things can be made into something useful.

renew (re new). To make old things new again.

smog. Smoke and fog.

storehouse (store house). A place to store things to be used later.

trash. Worn out, used things.

treasures (treas ures). Something worth a lot.

waste. Something of no value, such as garbage.

windmill (wind mill). A mill worked by wind.

6 | Introduction


Page 8: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

1. WHAT IS ENVIRONMENT?The things around you make up your environment. Some of the things around you are living. Some things are not living. In this section, you will study how important all these things are to you.

Also, you will study how you are important to the things in your environment.

Words to Study

These words will appear in boldface (darker print) the first time they are used.

breathe. To pull in and send out air.

connected (con nec ted). Joined together.

cycle (cy cle). Things that repeat themselves in the same order.

environment (en vi ron ment). The place where you live.

storehouse (store house). A place to store things to be used later.

treasures (treas ures). Something worth a lot.

waste. Something of no value, such as garbage.

Ask your teacher to say these words with you.

Teacher Check ________________Initial Date

Section 1 | 7


Page 9: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Things Not Living

Your environment is what is around you. From your environment, you get the things you need to live, work, and play. Air is part of your environment. You breathe air. Plants need air to live. Plants become food for us. You need air in order to live.

Things in our environment that are not living help things that are living. Things that are not living are important to the environment and are a treasure we need to take care of.

• Plants need sun and air.• We need sun and air.• Animals need sun and air.• Plants need our care.

8 | Section 1


Page 10: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Do these activities.

1.1 Copy these words in your best handwriting.__________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------__________________________________________________

1.2 Look at the picture of the children in their garden.

Many of these things are part of your environment.

What things need the sun?





Section 1 | 9


Page 11: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Mark the Yes or No circle for each statement.

Yes No

1.3 The things around you are your environment.

1.4 All things around you are living.

1.5 From your environment, you get the things you need to live, work, and play.

1.6 We do not need the sun.

1.7 Plants need the sun and air.

1.8 The air becomes food for the plants.

1.9 We do not need the air.

1.10 Plants need our care.

Water is part of our environment. We drink water. We cook with water. We bathe in water. In seas, lakes, and rivers, water is the home of fish we catch to eat. Water in the ground helps plants grow. Every living thing needs water to live.

10 | Section 1


Page 12: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Draw three things that are not living things in your environment.


Teacher Check ________________Initial Date

Section 1 | 11


Page 13: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Write a word from the box to complete the sentence.

environment storehouse water

treasures charge food

1.12 The world is a(n) _______________________________ of

beautiful treasures.

1.13 We are in ___________________________ of these

beautiful _______________________________ .

1.14 Your __________________________ is what is around you.

1.15 Plants become _______________________ for us.

1.16 Every living thing needs ___________________ to live.

Make this list.

1.17 Write three things we do with water.




12 | Section 1


Page 14: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Find pictures.

1.18 Find an old magazine or search online. Cut out or print

pictures of four things in your environment.

Write a sentence on the following lines for each picture.

Write how you need it or how it needs you.__________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------__________________________________________________

Teacher Check ________________Initial Date

Section 1 | 13


Page 15: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink


chair thread

ch sh th sh th ch ch th sh

sh th ch ch sh th ch sh th sh ch th

th sh ch ch sh th ch sh th sh ch th

13th sh ch sh th ch sh ch th sh th ch

Look at each picture.

1.19 Circle the correct spelling of the beginning sound for each item.

14 | Section 1


Page 16: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Many things in our environment are not living. Water, air, and soil are not living. Soil is the ground in which we grow plants. Farmers plant their crops in the soil. Soil is part of our environment.

Our earth is part of our environment. The earth has rocks, sand, and soil. Our earth is also a storehouse of fuel, such as coal and oil. We burn this fuel to make heat and power.

Make this list.

1.20 Name three things in our environment that are not living.




| Oil wells pump oil from deep in the earth.

Section 1 | 15


Page 17: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

SELF TEST 1Each answer = 1 point

Mark the Yes or No circle for each statement.

Yes No

1.01 Plants do not need air.

1.02 Your environment is what is around you.

1.03 We breathe air.

1.04 Water is not part of our environment.

1.05 Water helps plants grow.

1.06 Plants are not living things.

1.07 You take things from your environment and put some things into it.

1.08 Nature is changing all the time.

1.09 Water is pulled from the sea into clouds.

1.010 Soil is not part of our environment.

24 | Section 1


Page 18: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Do this activity.

1.011 Name five treasures in our world.






Write the correct word in the blank.

1.012 The Amazon rainforest has many _________________ .

trees air

1.013 Treetops are _______________ in the Amazon rainforest.

thick bare

1.014 Every animal has a special __________________ in the


food place

1.015 People are able to make ______________________ .

food water

1.016 People can take care of the _______________________ .

clouds environment

1.017 To be healthy, you need a _______________ environment.

clean care

Section 1 | 25


Page 19: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

Teacher Check

_____________Initial Date


27My Score

1.018 Plants need our _________________________ .

care clean

1.019 Some animals ___________________ other animals.

end eat

Answer this question. (4 points)

1.020 What is your environment?__________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------__________________________________________________

26 | Section 1


Page 20: SCIENCE · 1.7 Plants need the sun and air. 1.8 The air becomes food for the plants. 1.9 We do not need the air. 1.10 Plants need our care. Water is part of our environment. We drink

804 N. 2nd Ave. E.Rock Rapids, IA 51246-1759


ISBN 978-0-7403-3958-5

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CS0208 – Jun ‘19 Printing