Nova Scotia Public Education System SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide Revision Date: August 23, 2017

SchoolsPlus & TIENET - Nova Scotia Student …...2017/08/23  · Nova Scotia Public Education System SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide Revision Date: August 23, 2017 SchoolsPlus & TIENET

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Nova Scotia Public Education System

SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide

Revision Date: August 23, 2017

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SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide

August 23, 2017


Contents General PowerSchool Information ...................................................................................................................... 4

PowerSchool userguides ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Accessing student info (demographics, attendance, academic info, behaviour incidents, icons, photo, TIENET link, etc.) ................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Schools Plus Indicator ............................................................................................................................................. 4

General TIENET Information ................................................................................................................................ 5

TIENET Quick Reference Guides ............................................................................................................................. 5

TIENET Support ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Accessing TIENET .................................................................................................................................................... 6

TIENET Home Page ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Searching ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

TIENET Communication System ............................................................................................................................. 7

Messages ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Caseload (My Students) .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Student Profile ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

SchoolsPlus Information .......................................................................................................................................10

Manually Editing the SchoolsPlus Profile .........................................................................................................12

TIENET Documents ...............................................................................................................................................13

Accessing and Creating New Documents .........................................................................................................13

How to Attach a File to a Document in TIENET ................................................................................................14

Changing the Status of a Document .................................................................................................................14

How to Delete a Document in TIENET ..............................................................................................................14

How to Undelete a Document in TIENET ..........................................................................................................14

SchoolsPlus Specific Information ....................................................................................................................... 14

SchoolsPlus Documents ........................................................................................................................................15

Modifying a Document’s School Year ...............................................................................................................16

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SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide

August 23, 2017


Referral Process ....................................................................................................................................................17

Referral Form ....................................................................................................................................................19

Baseline, Monitoring and Closing Form ...........................................................................................................21

Initial Baseline ......................................................................................................................................................21

Closing Information ..............................................................................................................................................22

Intake Form ..........................................................................................................................................................22

Consent Form .......................................................................................................................................................23

Comprehensive Service Plan ................................................................................................................................25

Transfer Form ...................................................................................................................................................26

Case Notes ........................................................................................................................................................27

Core Component Analysis ................................................................................................................................29

TIENET Reports .................................................................................................................................................. 31

SchoolPlus Reports ...............................................................................................................................................31

Additional Programming Documents ...............................................................................................................32

Core Component Analysis By Location .............................................................................................................32

SchoolsPlus Consent .........................................................................................................................................33

SchoolsPlus Facilitator Monthly Reports ..........................................................................................................33

SchoolsPlus Referrals ........................................................................................................................................34

SchoolsPlus Staff Documents ............................................................................................................................ 35

Facilitator/SPCOW Monthly Report .....................................................................................................................35

Creating a New Monthly Report .......................................................................................................................36

SchoolsPlus Roles and Access to Documents .................................................................................................... 41

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SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide

August 23, 2017



POWERSCHOOL USERGUIDES A number of PowerSchool User Guides have been created and can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/teachers/powerteacher/ug-cat, or by clicking on the button below.


How facilitators can see attendance and cumulative information: (Under #3 in guide) for checking and to fix baselines that admin have not fully completed.

1. Go into Power School (not TIENET)

2. Search Student: Please Note: Only SchoolsPlus Facilitators have access to this option. (SPCOWs do not)

3. Go to left column in blue and go under "Enrollment" section

4. Click Cumulative Record

5. Scroll to area you need and open

SCHOOLS PLUS INDICATOR If a TIENET Icon is present in PowerSchool, anyone with access can click and see what services are part of the student’s record, including a SchoolsPlus indicator when this has been triggered. This indicator shows that there has been a referral to SP (Profile/Program Info at the bottom), showing the name of the SchoolsPlus facilitator and status discuss contacting the previous SP facilitator.

There are 3 SchoolsPlus indicators that are exported from TIENET as part of the nightly process:

1. ReceiveSchoolsPlus – This will be “Y” for students that have an active SP Case and “N” for students that do not. The export uses the Status field on the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student profile to determine this.

2. SP_PaperFileExists – This is based on the “Previous SchoolsPlus paper file exists” field in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile and will have a “Y” or “N” value.

3. SP_PrevFileExists – Gets set to “Y” if the student has a SchoolsPlus Case Notes document from a previous school year.


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SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide

August 23, 2017



TIENET QUICK REFERENCE GUIDES A number of Quick Reference Guides have been created and can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at

http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/teacher/tienet/user-guides, or by clicking on the button below.

The TIENET Quick Reference Guides are also accessible directly from the TIENET Help Menu.

TIENET SUPPORT SchoolsPlus staff can send an email to “[email protected]” to submit requests for TIENET support from P.P. and/or R.D. at the Dept. of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD). This will automatically open a ticket in our IT ticketing system. Once your ticket has been actioned by the team at the EECD, you will receive an email from our ticketing system with additional details. Simply reply to the email if more information is being requested from you. To download any attachments from the ticket (if needed), you will need to login to the RT ticketing system with the RT login credentials that have been shared with SchoolsPlus staff.

In cases when SchoolsPlus children withdraw from school, TIENET has been modified to enable staff to continue to work with the child’s record in TIENET. INSTRUCTIONS: When you are working with a SP child that has withdrawn from school in Nova Scotia, send an email to “[email protected]” and request that we re-activate the child in TIENET. After we re-activate the child in TIENET, we’ll go to the SchoolsPlus section to the student profile and set the new field “SP not enrolled in school” to “Yes”. While this field is set to “Yes”, SP Facilitators will have edit capability on the student/parent/guardian contact information on the General Demographics section of the student profile. Contact information doesn’t get updated from PowerSchool when a child is withdrawn from school, so it’s up to the SP Facilitator to keep the child/parent/guardian’s contact information up-to-date in TIENET while the child is not in school. If/when the child re-enrolls in school, the new field “SP not enrolled in school” will automatically get set back to “No”, and the contact information will start being be fed from PowerSchool again.


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August 23, 2017


ACCESSING TIENET A Quick Reference Guide on accessing TIENET can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/accessing_tienet.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

TIENET HOME PAGE An overview of the TIENET Homepage can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/tienet_home_page.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

This guide includes:

• Navigation Bar (Search, Communication, Reporting, Administration, and Help); • Quick Assess; • Messages; • My Students; • Reports; and • My Classes

SEARCHING When searching for a student in TIENET, choose the school from dropdown beside Select Location: where the student is enrolled. More detailed information about searching can be found in the Quick Reference Guide Searching for Students, Staff, etc. in TIENET. The Guide can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/searching_for_students_and_staff_in_tienet.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.




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SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide

August 23, 2017


TIENET COMMUNICATION SYSTEM For an overview of the TIENET Communication System, click the button below. This overview includes:

• Accessing the Communication System • Components of the Communication System

o Send Message o Navigating the Message Box

Accessing the Message Center Accessing Unread Messages Creating Messaging Groups Creating folders within the Inbox To move a message to a folder

o Announcements Sending & Accessing Announcements Send Immediate Announcement

o Calendaring in TIENET Navigating the TIENET Calendar Adding a Personal Calendar Item Adding a Group Calendar Item More information on the TIENET Communication System can be found on the

iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/communication_system.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

MESSAGES Any unread messages in the TIENET Communication System will appear in the Messages Panel. A Quick Reference Guide exists for TIENET Communication and can be found on the iNSchool Website.

In addition to the information on messages in the TIENET Home Page Guide more information on Settings for Forwarding Messages, can be Found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/forwarding_tienet_email.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.



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SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide

August 23, 2017


CASELOAD (MY STUDENTS) A Quick Reference Guide exists for managing Caseloads, click on the button below. This Guide includes

• Adding Students to a Caseload • Removing Students from a Caseload • Student Caseload Subgroups • More information on the Student Case Loads can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at

http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/caseloads.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

STUDENT PROFILE Please Note: Demographic information can only be changed in PowerSchool by school staff. Contact the school if you see any information (e.g. – Address) that is incorrect. The process to change the Self Identification information is similar to the process used for other forms in TIENET (IPP, Adaptation).

Some forms in TIENET display the self-identification data and it is another opportunity for a student to self-identify. This information is maintained in PowerSchool by the school staff. The process would be to contact the school to have the self-identification information changed. Once it has been changed in PowerSchool the change will be reflected in TIENET on the following day.

The Student Profile includes the following information:

• General/Demographics/Parent Guardian Information • Program Information • Emergency Contact Information • Diagnosis/Disorder Information • Caseload • Class Student Roster • Services Data


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SchoolsPlus & TIENET User Guide

August 23, 2017


A detailed explanation of Students Profile in TIENET can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/student_profile_overview.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

This Guide includes

• Accessing the Student Profile • Navigating the Student Profile • Pages of the Student Profile

o Program Information: The information found on this page is generated and updated as documents are created in TIENET with the exception of the SchoolsPlus information which is entered by the SchoolsPlus Facilitator in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile.

o General Demographics: The information found on this page is stored in PowerSchool and viewable in TIENET. Changes to this information must be completed in PowerSchool. Information in this section includes: Parent Guardian Information and Emergency Contact Information

o Diagnosis/Disorders Information: The information found on this page is manually updated in TIENET. More information related to Diagnosis/Disorder Information can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/entering_diagnosis_disorder_info_tienet.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

o Caseload: The information found on this page is a list of users who have added the student to their caseload (My Students).

o Class Student Roster: The information found on this page lists the courses a student is currently enrolled in this school year.

o Services Data: provides a list of the services a student is actively and has received. The information found on this page can be edited by certain users in TIENET. More information about Services Data can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/services_data.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.




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August 23, 2017


SCHOOLSPLUS INFORMATION Roles for SP staff are set by their PowerSchool Board PM. SP Community Outreach Workers and Mental Health Clinicians are role 31, and SchoolsPlus Facilitators/Leaders are role 28.

The only roles that will have access to view or edit the SchoolsPlus section of the student profile are the Board SchoolsPlus Facilitator and the Community Outreach Worker roles.

Figure 1: SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile

The following table describes the information displayed in the SchoolsPlus section of the Student Profile. This section of the student profile is only accessible by the SchoolsPlus Facilitator and Community Outreach Worker roles. Please note – A student will only show up in this section once their case has been activated. A referral alone is not sufficient.

Item Source(s) Update Scenarios SP Facilitator • From the SchoolsPlus Referral

form (when document is finalized) • Edited directly in the profile

• Whenever a new referral is created and finalized • Manual updates in Student Profile (SchoolsPlus

Facilitator Only)

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August 23, 2017


Item Source(s) Update Scenarios Community Outreach Worker(s)

• From Referral (when finalized) • Profile Edit

• Whenever a new referral is created and finalized • Manual updates in Student Profile (SchoolsPlus

Facilitator Only) Date Consent Signed

• From Consent Form (when finalized)

• Whenever a Consent form is finalized (Set to the date on the Consent Form when the Consent Form is finalized)

Address Differs?

• Manually entered • Checkbox to allow the SchoolsPlus Facilitator to indicate that the address for the student is different than his/her parent’s address

Referral Status Decision

• From Referral (when finalized) • Profile Edit

• Whenever a new referral is created and finalized • Manual updates in Student Profile (SchoolsPlus

Facilitator Only) Date Status Decision Reached

• From Referral (when finalized) • Profile Edit

• Whenever a new referral is created and finalized • Manual updates in Student Profile (SchoolsPlus

Facilitator Only) SP Paper File Exists

• Profile Edit • Manual updates in Student Profile (SchoolsPlus Facilitator Only)

Current Status (Active, Inactive)

• From Referral (when finalized) • Profile Edit

• Whenever a new referral is created and finalized (set based on Referral Status Decision) o 1 = Inactive o 2 = Inactive o 3 = Active o 4 = Active

• Manual updates in Student Profile (SchoolsPlus Facilitator Only)

Effective Date of Current Status

• Whenever a new referral is created and finalized (set to Referral Status Decision Date)

• Manual updates in Student Profile (SP Facilitator Only). Required when changing the status

• Whenever a new referral is created and finalized (set to Referral Status Decision Date)

• Manual updates in Student Profile (SchoolsPlus Facilitator Only). Required when manually changing the status in the profile.

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August 23, 2017


MANUALLY EDITING THE SCHOOLSPLUS PROFILE The SchoolsPlus section of the Student Profile can be edited by clicking the Edit button while viewing the SchoolsPlus Profile.

Figure 2: Editing the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile

The information in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile is what is used to produce the Facilitator and Community Outreach Worker Monthly Reports. It is important to maintain this information to ensure that the monthly reports are accurate.

The following information can be modified:

• SchoolsPlus Facilitator o It is important for the correct SchoolsPlus Facilitator be assigned in the student profile

because this information is used in the calculations for the Facilitator’s Monthly Report. o The value gets set when a referral is finalized but when a case is reassigned to a

different facilitator it needs to be manually changed in the SchoolsPlus section of the Student Profile.

o There is a “Lookup” link to select a SchoolsPlus Facilitator for the case. • Community Outreach Worker(s)

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August 23, 2017


o It is important for the correct Community Outreach Worker be assigned in the student profile because this information is used in the calculations for the Outreach Worker’s Monthly Report. The value gets set when a referral is finalized but when a case is reassigned to a

different Outreach Worker it needs to be manually changed in the SchoolsPlus section of the Student Profile.

There is a “Lookup” link to select up to 2 Community Outreach Workers for the case. • Address Differs from Parent/Guardian • Status

o The status gets set based on the Referral Status Decision when the Referral document is finalized

o There are 3 status values Active (Open) Inactive (Closed)

• Can only set an active case to inactive after the Baseline, Monitoring and Closing Form has been completed and finalized.

No SchoolsPlus file exists • Effective Date of Current Status

o The date that the current status of the case was effective should be entered here o The value gets set when a referral document is finalized and can be manually changed at

any time • Previous SchoolsPlus paper file exists


ACCESSING AND CREATING NEW DOCUMENTS Information on new documents can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at

http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/creating_a_tienet_document.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.


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HOW TO ATTACH A FILE TO A DOCUMENT IN TIENET Information on attaching a file can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at

http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/attaching_a_file_to_a_document_in_tienet.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

CHANGING THE STATUS OF A DOCUMENT Information on changing the status of a document in TIENET can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/set_document_status.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

HOW TO DELETE A DOCUMENT IN TIENET Information on how to deleting documents in TIENET can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/how_to_delete_a_document.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.

HOW TO UNDELETE A DOCUMENT IN TIENET SchoolsPlus Facilitator cannot undelete Documents in TIENET. To retrieve a deleted document, please contact your board’s TIENET Coordinator. While TIENET Coordinators cannot see these documents, they can see that one was created and deleted – they can undelete it. At this point the SchoolsPlus Facilitator is able to see it again, but the TIENET Coordinator still does not see the document.

SCHOOLSPLUS SPECIFIC INFORMATION For full details on completing the SchoolsPlus documents see the SchoolsPlus Orientation Manual.




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August 23, 2017


SCHOOLSPLUS DOCUMENTS The following are screenshots of where to find the SchoolsPlus documents in TIENET. The first screenshot depicts the documents that can be created by SchoolsPlus Facilitators and the second screenshot depicts the documents that can be created by Community Outreach Workers.

Figure 3: New Student Documents – SchoolsPlus Facilitator

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Figure 4: New Student Documents – Community Outreach Worker

MODIFYING A DOCUMENT’S SCHOOL YEAR When the school year of a document needs to be changed to have it appear in the appropriate spot in the list of the student’s documents the following steps should be followed.

1. Open the document 2. Make sure the document is not in “Edit Mode”. Click “Cancel Editing” if the document is opened in

Edit Mode. 3. Select “More”… “Modify Document Year” (See first image below). 4. Choose the School Year from the Dropdown list and Click Accept (See second image below).

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Figure 5: Modify Document Year

Figure 6: Set Document Year

REFERRAL PROCESS When it is determined that a student is going to be referred for SchoolsPlus services a referral form and a Baseline Data and Monitoring of Outcomes form must be completed.

The following roles can create and edit SchoolsPlus Referrals:

• SP Facilitator • Community Outreach Workers • School Administrators

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When documentation is required primarily for parent support as opposed to student support the documentation would need to be created for the student with notes indicating that it is the parent and not the student being supported.

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Figure 7: SchoolsPlus Referral Form

Note: Referrals must be set to Final in order to appear on Facilitator and Outreach Worker Monthly Reports.

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August 23, 2017


The following information must be completed on the Referral Form before it can be set to Final:

• Student Profile o Name of Teacher o SchoolsPlus Id

• Referral Source Information o Telephone o Date of Referral

• Reasons for Referral o A minimum of 1 reason must be checked

• Previously Attempted Strategies o Nothing is mandatory in this section

• Current school-based services/supports o Nothing is mandatory in this section

• Referral Status Decision o This section can only be modified by SchoolsPlus Facilitators o One of the four available decisions must be selected o Name of Facilitator o Date status decision reached

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Baseline, Monitoring and Closing Form

Figure 8: Baseline, Monitoring and Closing Form

The Baseline, Monitoring and Closing Form needs to be completed for active SchoolsPlus Cases.

The information captured on the form at intake and at closing will be used for program evaluation purposes.

INITIAL BASELINE The form needs to be completed with relevant details upon the initial setup of the SchoolsPlus case for a student. The fields in the image above that have blue boxes around them form the Baseline details for the student.

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The document should remain in draft status until such time that the student exits the SchoolsPlus Program. At that time, the closing information should be entered into the document.

CLOSING INFORMATION The form needs to be completed with relevant details upon the closing informaiton of the SchoolsPlus case for a student. The fields in the image above that have red boxes around them form the Closing details for the student. A case will not be able to be set to inactive until the closing information has been completed in the document and the document has been set to final.


Figure 9: Intake Form

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CONSENT FORM The SchoolsPlus Consent Form needs to be completed for all active SchoolsPlus Cases. Consent also needs to be renewed annually.

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Figure 10: SchoolsPlus Consent Form – Consent Page

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Reminder: Consent Form needs to be renewed every 12 months or when the parameters of the consent change. When you create the consent document in TIENET, there is a calendar at the bottom. If you do not note the date signed on the calendar it will not trigger a renewal reminder and it will not automatically populate the SchoolsPlus Consent Report.

Figure 11: Consent Form - Evaluation of Student's Capacity to Provide Consent

In cases where the Evaluation to Provide Consent is not required check the “Not Applicable” box.


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Figure 12: Comprehensive Service Plan

A comprehensive service plan is developed for individuals who require more intensive intervention to address their needs. This plan is created in consultation with the student and family, as well as, other service providers.

Note: The Planned Start Date and the Actual Start date may differ, which is why there is a field for both dates.

The document should be printed, signed, and then uploaded as an attached document.


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Figure 13: SchoolsPlus Transfer Form

The Transfer Form is used when a student is transferring to a school that does not offer the SchoolsPlus Program. It is intended to provide the receiving school with relevant information about the student’s participation in the SchoolsPlus program.

This document can be viewed by School Administrators.

CASE NOTES The “SchoolsPlus Case Notes” document is where the SchoolsPlus Facilitator or Community Outreach Worker will record their notes related to the case. The existing SchoolsPlus Case Notes document is a collaborative document that both the SchoolsPlus Facilitators and the Community Outreach Workers can view and edit. As one of those roles, you will only be able to edit individual notes in the document that were authored by you.

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In addition there is a "SP Facilitator Case Notes" that can only be created, viewed and updated by the SchoolsPlus Facilitators. This document is intended for private notes. It can also be created at any time for a student regardless of whether or not the student has a SchoolsPlus file; for example, for consultations or participation in student meetings.

Figure 14: Case Notes

Figure 15: SchoolsPlus Facilitator Case Notes

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CORE COMPONENT ANALYSIS A Core Analysis Chart is used to identify gaps in programs and services. This document should be completed with input from the Regional Advisory Committee, consultation with administration and school staff, as well as, youth and community.

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Figure 16: Core Component Analysis

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TIENET REPORTS This guide focuses on the student documents associated with the SchoolsPlus process. Other student documents that are managed within TIENET are not described here.

• Information on accessing and subscribing to reports in TIENET can be found on the iNSchool Web Site, at http://inschool.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/nova_scotia_student_information_system/pdf/reports_in_tienet.pdf, or by clicking on the button below.


This guide focuses on the TIENET reports that were developed for use by SchoolsPlus staff. Other reports that are available within TIENET are not described here.

The following SchoolsPlus Reports are available to SchoolsPlus staff:

Figure 17: Reports Available to SchoolsPlus Facilitators


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Report Facilitator Outreach Worker

Additional Programming Documents Core Component Analysis by Location SchoolsPlus Consent SchoolsPlus Facilitator Monthly Reports SchoolsPlus Monthly Report Calculations SchoolsPlus Referrals

ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING DOCUMENTS The Additional Programming Documents report provides a list of Additional Programming Documents. The report prompts for a School Year Range to base the report on. An individual document can be accessed directly from the report by clicking on the document icon for an individual student.

Figure 18: Report – Additional Programming Documents

CORE COMPONENT ANALYSIS BY LOCATION The Core Component Analysis by Location report provides a list of Core Component Analysis Charts by Location (School). An individual chart can be accessed directly from the report by clicking on the document icon for an individual row in the report.

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Figure 19: Report – Core Component Analysis By Location

SCHOOLSPLUS CONSENT The SchoolsPlus Consent Report provides a list of active SchoolsPlus students (SchoolsPlus Status of Active in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile) along with details about whether consent has been provided and when it is up for renewal. The Student Profile can be accessed by clicking on the folder icon for an individual student.

Figure 20: Report – SchoolsPlus Consent

SCHOOLSPLUS FACILITATOR MONTHLY REPORTS The SchoolsPlus Facilitator Monthly Report provides a list of Facilitator Monthly Report documents. An individual document can be accessed directly from the report by clicking on the document icon for an individual row in the report. A SchoolsPlus Facilitator will see all reports that have been created while a Community Outreach Worker will only see his or her reports.

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Figure 21: Report – SchoolsPlus Facilitator Monthly Reports

SCHOOLSPLUS REFERRALS The SchoolsPlus Referrals report provides a list of SchoolsPlus Referrals. The report prompts for a School Year Range to base the report on. An individual document can be accessed directly from the report by clicking on the document icon for an individual student.

This report can also be accessed by School Administrators.

Figure 22: Report – SchoolsPlus Referrals

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SCHOOLSPLUS STAFF DOCUMENTS This guide focuses on the staff documents associated with the SchoolsPlus process. Other staff documents that are managed within TIENET are not described here.

FACILITATOR/SPCOW MONTHLY REPORT Monthly report to SchoolsPlus Board Supervisor and Provincial Coordinator.

Tips for completing Monthly report:

• Total existing cases at the beginning of the month must be manually calculated • Groups are not automatically populated so they have to manually tally up • In some boards only Facilitator completes the report, where in other boards the SPCOW also

participate in the creation of the report.

To find the monthly report remember: The monthly report is a document that gets created for a staff member instead of a student like most of the other TIENET documents. The first thing that must be done is to search for the staff member that the report is being created for. Since the Monthly Report is a monthly statistical document that a SchoolsPlus Facilitator or Community Outreach Worker creates for his/her self the first thing they need to do is a staff search to locate his or herself.

Figure 23: Staff Search

Fill in the details on the search form above and click search.

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Figure 24: Staff Search Results

Click on the document link to access the staff member’s documents.

To open an existing report click on the report that you want to access.

CREATING A NEW MONTHLY REPORT To create a new monthly report Select Facilitator/SPCOW Monthly Report and click go. It would be good practice to put the Month and Year (e.g. – December 2013) in the comments box that appears so it’s easier to distinguish the Monthly Reports in the List. For HRSB, also include the Hub School as part of the comment (e.g. – December 2013 Harbour View).

Figure 25: Create New Monthly Report

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Monthly Services Statistics

Once the Month and Year are entered the following statistics are automatically calculated from information in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile. The remaining information must be manually entered.

Report Label Criteria

Total existing cases at beginning of month

Manually entered

Total number parents participating in group programming

Manually entered

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Report Label Criteria

Total number of children/youth participating in group programming

Manually entered

New Referrals The staff member the Monthly Report document is attached to is identified as the SchoolsPlus Facilitator or the Community Outreach Worker in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile


The SchoolsPlus Referral Date in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile is on or after the first day of the month the report is being created for and the SchoolsPlus Referral Date in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile is on or before the last day of the month the report is being created for

In English:

Include students that were referred during the month that the report is being created for.

Not proceeding beyond referral phase

New Referrals (definition above)


The “Not proceeding beyond referral phase” indicator is checked in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile

In English:

Include students that were referred during the month that the report is being created for that have a referral decision of “Not proceeding beyond referral phase”.

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Report Label Criteria

Opened at intake New Referrals (definition above)


The “Opened at intake” indicator is checked in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile

In English:

Include students that were referred during the month that the report is being created for that have a referral decision of “Opened at intake”.

Providing service/ referral to service provider

New Referrals (definition above)


The “Providing service/ referral to service provider” indicator is checked in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile

In English:

Include students that were referred during the month that the report is being created for that have a referral decision of “Providing service/ referral to service provider”.

Opened with CSP New Referrals (definition above)


The “Opened with CSP” indicator is checked in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile

In English:

Include students that were referred during the month that the report is being created for that have a referral decision of “Opened with CSP”.

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Report Label Criteria

Cases completed / closed

The staff member the Monthly Report document is attached to is identified as the SchoolsPlus Facilitator or the Community Outreach Worker in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile


The current SchoolsPlus Status is ‘Inactive’ AND (the Status Effective Date is on or after the first day of the month the report is being created for OR the Status Effective Date is on or before the last day of the month the report is being created for)

In English:

Include students that were closed/made inactive during the month that the report is being created for.

Number of active cases at end of month

The staff member the Monthly Report document is attached to is identified as the SchoolsPlus Facilitator or the Community Outreach Worker in the SchoolsPlus Section of the Student Profile


The current SchoolsPlus Status is ‘Inactive’ and the Status Effective Date is after the last day of the month the report is being created for and the SP Decision Date is on or before the last day of the month the report is being created for.

In English:

Include students that are currently active and became active on or before the last day of the month the report is being created for. Also include students that are currently inactive and became inactive after the last day of the month the report is being created for and also have a SchoolsPlus Decision Date on or before the end of the month the report is being created for.

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SCHOOLSPLUS ROLES AND ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS The following screenshots illustrate the documents that are accessible by the SchoolsPlus staff.

Figure 26: SchoolsPlus Facilitator – Student Document Access

Figure 27: SchoolsPlus Facilitator – Staff Document Access

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Figure 28: Community Outreach Worker – Student Document Access

Figure 29: Community Outreach Worker – Staff Document Access

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Role: School Administrators Administrators only have access to the referral and Baseline Data forms. Referral Guide for Administration making a referral to SchoolsPlus. (I am often called by Administration asking how to make a referral due to turnover or Acting Principal.) Template for Administrators:

AVRAVRSB SchoolsPlus TIENET Referral Guide In the AVRSB, the SchoolsPlus Program is active with the Annapolis site at Champlain Elementary School serving students and families from the school communities of CES, CRMS, AWEC, ARRA, LEC, LCS, BRES and BRHS , a Hants site at Windsor Elementary serving the school communities of AVHS, WHMS, WEC, WFDS, FDS, WES, BDES, NSDS, TMPDS and DAHS and a central/western Kings site at St. Mary’s Elementary serving SMES, DRES, K&DS, WK, PRMS, CK , Cambridge, Coldbrook, SDES and B&DS. Students from these schools can be referred to SchoolsPlus by School Administrators through the Program Planning Process using the TIENET system. With SchoolsPlus, the provincial partners of Education, Health and Wellness, Justice, and Community Services co-ordinate and collaborate to deliver programs and services for children, youth, and families. To Refer a Student to SchoolsPlus (only administrators from SchoolsPlus schools can generate and complete this referral) In TIENET, search and locate the student for whom you want to make a SchoolsPlus referral and go to the Document section of the student’s file. From the drop-down list beside Create New Document choose the SchoolsPlus Referral Form (see screenshot below) and then Go. A Comment box will appear and for this document, fill in the date of the referral, then click New. You now begin filling in the document.

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Complete the required fields of this document including Referral Source Information, Reasons for Referral, Previously attempted Strategies, Current school-based services/supports, and Current community-based services/supports. When finished, click Save, Continue Editing. The document then gets forwarded by the school administrator to the AVRSB SchoolsPlus facilitator (Patty Cornwall in Annapolis, Princewill Ogban in Hants and Marybeth Floyd in Kings) in TIENET by going to More Actions and click on Send Message with Document. Next, repeat the same procedure with the Baseline Data & Monitoring of Outcomes Form. Complete the required fields of this form including Date Completed, Attendance, Discipline, Achievement of Expected Learning Outcomes, Engagement and Parent/Caregiver Involvement. Optional fields include Current Involvement with School Initiatives/Programs and Additional Comments. When finished, click Save, Continue Editing. Again, the document then gets forwarded by the school administrator to the SchoolsPlus facilitator in TIENET by going to More Actions and click on Send Message with Document. Upon review of these two documents and contact with the school and often the student’s family, the SchoolsPlus Facilitator will contact the school administrator with the Referral Status Decision.


SchoolsPlus is a collaborative interagency approach supporting the whole child and their family with the school as the center of service delivery.

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APPENDIX A – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS) Why can’t I access a student on my Caseload?

• If you can access the student but can’t edit documents or the SchoolsPlus Student Profile you will need to go back to the Homepage and make sure you have the correct school selected in the Location dropdown.

Why aren’t my monthly statistics adding correctly?

• Make sure any students that are supposed to be inactive or closed have been updated properly in the SchoolsPlus section of the Student Profile.

• If any students transferred out of schools that you have access to before finalizing you will need to contact a SchoolsPlus Facilitator that has access to the school to close the case on your behalf.