School-wide (100%) Grade Level Data Meeting Gresham-Barlow School District 3/16/11

School-wide (100%) Grade Level Data Meeting

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School-wide (100%) Grade Level Data Meeting. Gresham-Barlow School District 3/16/11. CONSENSUS. INFRASTRUCTURE. CONSENSUS. IMPLEMENTATION. CONSENSUS. INFRASTRUCTURE. The Process is Ongoing and Long-Term. School Data Teams. Individual Problem Solving Team. Intervention Team. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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School-wide (100%) Grade Level Data MeetingGresham-Barlow School District3/16/11CONSENSUS

CONSENSUSINFRASTRUCTUREIMPLEMENTATIONCONSENSUSINFRASTRUCTUREThe Process is Ongoing and Long-Term210/12/20103School Data TeamsSchoolwide Data TeamInterventionTeamIndividual Problem Solving Team100% Grade Level Meetings: PurposeTo determine the effectiveness of the core programming


Make necessary adjustments to the core programs if they are not meeting the needs of most studentsWe dont talk about individual students at Schoolwide Data Meetings because

Schoolwide Data Meetings turn data into action for ALL students

General FeaturesWhen: 2-3 times per year (following collection of your schoolwide screening data)

Who: Principal, Literacy Specialist/Title I, Grade level team (could include Special Education teacher, ELL teacher, School Psychologist, Counselor, Paraprofessionals)

General FeaturesWhat: Use schoolwide data to answer questions about core instruction

Outcomes: Identify prioritized areas of need for the core curriculum and develop a plan (with a goal) for improving schoolwide achievement

Use an Agenda

NormsStay engagedFocus on what we can doListen to Learn

Main guiding questionsBased on schoolwide screening data, is our core program sufficient for most students at our grade level (80% or more above benchmarks)?

What instructional adjustments are needed to improve the health of the core?

1. Based on schoolwide screening data, is our core program sufficient for most students at our grade level?Review and analyze benchmark screening data. Current percentage of students at:

low risk: _______%, some risk: ______%, at-risk: _______%

What does your screening data look like??80%15%5%i) Current percentage of Students

low risk: _______%, some risk: ______%, at-risk: _______% 324325low risk: _______%, some risk: ______%, at-risk: _______% ii) Previous percentage of students


Teacher ASchoolTeacher BTeacher Ciii) Review movement of students between risk-status levels Summary of Effectiveness Reports261961811432481421Intensive at Beginning of the yearStrategic at Beginning of the yearBenchmark at Beginning of the yeariv) Goal for upcoming benchmarkingCurrent percentage of students at low risk: _______%, some risk: ______%, at-risk: _______%

Previous percentage of students low risk: _______%, some risk: ______%, at-risk: _______%

Goal for upcoming benchmarkinglow risk: _______%, some risk: _______%, at-risk:_______%What is an ambitious and attainable goal?

322543332839 ? ? ?b) Review annual OAKS testing data (if available).Determine percentage of students meeting minimum proficiency standards as set by the district (1) For example, Proficiency > 35%ile

OAKSPassing OAKS 3rd grade (204) places a child in the 17th percentilePassing 3rd grade is not enough. By 5th grade, if these students stay at the same percentile they will fail OAKS By 10th grade, if these students stay at the same percentile they will fail OAKSThis student will score a 236 and pass at the 32nd percentile

Based on 2009-2010 ODE percentiles

Talk to your neighborWhat other grade-wide or school-wide data sources are available at your school to analyze?Core Curriculum Unit Tests?Core Curriculum Weekly Tests?Common formative assessments?????????2. What instructional adjustments are needed to improve the health of the core?Focus on what WE can do to improve student achievement and reach our agreed upon goals2. What instructional adjustments are needed to improve the health of the core?

a) What instructional strategies have been effective in your classroom?Celebrate success and share whats working!Build bridges between those Islands of Excellence

Using data, prioritize which big idea of reading is currently the most important common instructional need for most students Phonemic AwarenessPhonicsFluencyVocabularyComprehension

VocabularyReading Comprehension (Retell)Phonemic Awareness (PSF)Phonics(Alphabetic Principle) (NWF)Oral ReadingFluency & Accuracy (ORF)Start with the most fundamental skill that will have the biggest impact

Phonemic AwarenessPhonics (Alphabetic Principle)Oral ReadingFluency & Accuracy62 % Established26 % Established32 % Low riskc) What priority skill(s) within that big idea will be targeted for instructionPhonemic Awareness Word comparison RhymingSentence segmentationSyllable segmentation and blendingOnset-rime blending and segmentationBlending and segmenting individual phonemesPhoneme deletion and manipulationPhonicsLetter sounds VC and CVCConsonant Digraphs CVCC and CCVCSilent ER-control vowelsAdvanced consonants (i.e.,-tch, kn, soft c & g)Vowel TeamsMulti-syllable wordsPrefixes and suffixesFluencyAccuracyProsody Expression EmphasisPhrasingVolumeSmoothnessRateCWPMVocabulary Contextual AnalysisMorphemic AnalysisExpressive VocabularyReceptive VocabularyComprehensionText StructureMake Inferences and AnalyzeEvaluateStory StructureGenerate QuestionsSummarizeMonitor Comprehensiond) What common instructional strategy will be used by all grade level teachersInstruction is more important than curriculum

Talk TimeWith your neighbor, review the 9 general features of instruction on the Common Instructional Strategies handout.Take turns and list all the instructional strategies you have used and/or seen used in the past month.

What active engagement strategy will be used by all grade level teachers:

Students only learn when they are engagedHow many times it takes to learn something newAverage Learner

Everybody else

Truly disabled student

Jo Robinson (2008)4-14 times14-250 times250-350 times31Active engagement

Talk TimeWith your neighbor, review the Active Engagement Strategies handout.Take turns and list all the active engagement strategies you have used and/or seen used in the past month.Also, think of additional strategies you have seen/used that are not listed.

Does fidelity to the core need to be further examined and how will that be accomplished?

Fidelity to 90 minutes of core instruction for ALL students the Big 5 of reading following a scope and sequence teaching the state standards and benchmarks

Worksheets Fidelity

Fidelity is important because it gives the whole school common language, common goal, and common tools



We want to be sure that we know what has and what will be taught. Mastery of skills looks different at all levelsRepeated opportunities to learnStudents can make connections and focus on the WHAT of learningFidelityProcess for ensuring fidelity of core program implementationProcess for ensuring effective instructional practices in classroomsWho ensures fidelity?What standards/criteria do you set for fidelity?

g) What professional development is needed to improve the core?Model lessons by coach or peerPeer lesson observationSubstitute time for team planningVisit local high performing schoolsIn school experts training at staff meetingsInstructional highlights at staff meetingsBook studiesDont forget Paraprofessionals!

Teachers should walk out of this meeting withONE clear goal for % of students at benchmarkONE common priority skill that requires additional instruction/practiceONE common instructional strategyONE common active engagement strategyAn understanding of whether fidelity to the core is sufficientA plan to address any professional development needs

Active Engagement StrategiesInstructional StrategiesCommon Instructional NeedsFidelityImproving Your CoreTalk TimeWith a neighbor, answer the following questions:What did you like/appreciate about this meeting structure?What might you do differently?