School Strategic Plan for Mildura South Primary School Endorsements Endorsement by School Principal Signed………………………………………. Name…………………………………………. Date…………………………………………… Endorsement by School Council Signed………………………………………. Name…………………………………………. Date…………………………………………… School Council President’s endorsement represents endorsement of School Strategic Plan by School Council Endorsement by the delegate of the Secretary Signed………………………………………. Name…………………………………………. Date…………………………………………… 1 Valid as of August 2015

School Strategic Plan template · Web viewMildura South Primary School (MSPS) is situated in the large rural city of Mildura in the heart of the growing Sunraysia district, 541 kilometres

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Page 1: School Strategic Plan template · Web viewMildura South Primary School (MSPS) is situated in the large rural city of Mildura in the heart of the growing Sunraysia district, 541 kilometres

School Strategic Plan for Mildura South Primary School


Endorsement by School Principal




Endorsement by School Council




School Council President’s endorsement represents endorsement of School Strategic Plan by School Council

Endorsement by the delegate of the Secretary




1Valid as of August 2015

Page 2: School Strategic Plan template · Web viewMildura South Primary School (MSPS) is situated in the large rural city of Mildura in the heart of the growing Sunraysia district, 541 kilometres

School ProfilePurpose Mildura South Primary School is committed to our students and provides them with challenging learning

experiences, which develop confidence, encourage personal excellence and success.Our motto is ‘Foundations for our Future’ our aim is to provide a strong foundation for later education by offering a framework within which students will become responsible, active members of society.

Values At Mildura South Primary School our core values are honesty, integrity and the active nurturing of the welfare and intellectual growth of our students.

Members of the school community share a positive commitment to the highest educational ideals.

Continual development of the School-Family Partnership, combined with the dedication of the staff and positive attitudes of the students ensures that Mildura South Primary will continue to provide excellence in Education.

Environmental Context

Mildura South Primary School (MSPS) is situated in the large rural city of Mildura in the heart of the growing Sunraysia district, 541 kilometres from the Melbourne GPO. There has been a steady increase in enrolments due to the development of the land surrounding the school with the current enrolment standing at around 630 students. With more subdivisions under development within the catchment area, further significant growth is anticipated. MSPS has outstanding facilities for learning. The spacious grounds have sporting facilities including a gymnasium, grassed areas, new hard courts, purpose built playgrounds and two synthetic grass tennis courts which can be used for a variety of activities. New facilities over the last five years have included: a library/learning centre, a BER building that facilitates flexible learning, canteen and music room.

The relationships amongst staff and students are respectful and positive, reflecting the strong commitment to our school values. The whole school community collaborate together establishing a consistent approach when managing student behaviour and resolving conflict through the process of Restorative Practice. The student population is diverse. Staff are continually striving to improve student outcomes, through comprehensive transition programs, engaging students in curriculum and connecting them to peers through student leadership opportunities and forums for student voice.

Students are supported by a staff profile of 37 teaching staff, an AUSLAN tutor, a part-time social worker, part-time school psychologist, a multi-cultural education support officer, Koori support teacher, Education Support Officers and a computer technician. The LOTE is AUSLAN, specialist areas are art/science, drama, music, physical education, Reading Recovery and special needs programs. The school has a strong performing arts program with an active brass band of 40 students and three school choirs. The school has developed a strong performance and development culture supported by various forms of peer observation and coaching.

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Page 3: School Strategic Plan template · Web viewMildura South Primary School (MSPS) is situated in the large rural city of Mildura in the heart of the growing Sunraysia district, 541 kilometres

Building the capacity of all teachers across the school is recognized as being paramount to future success.

Service Standards Mildura South Primary: fosters close links with parents and the broader school community through its commitment to

open and regular communications. provides a safe and stimulating learning environment to ensure all students can achieve their full

potential has a strong professional learning culture encourages and supports students to feel valued as individuals and learners has teachers who are consistent in their behavior management and have high expectations for all

students guarantees all students access to a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum which includes skills

for learning and life provides all students with instruction that is personalized to their individual learning needs

commits to the active sharing of its vision and goals to ensure school community engagement in its strategic plan

4Valid as of August 2015

Page 4: School Strategic Plan template · Web viewMildura South Primary School (MSPS) is situated in the large rural city of Mildura in the heart of the growing Sunraysia district, 541 kilometres

Strategic Direction

Achievement Key improvement strategies

Goals To improve the learning outcomes and growth in student learning in Literacy and Numeracy with an emphasis on reading and number.

Increase teacher knowledge, skills and practices to ensure consistency in teaching across the schoolBuild capacity of leaders to improve learning outcomes

Develop a clear whole school vision for contemporary pedagogy featuring student voice and choice

Continue Assessment Driving Instruction (ADI) to accurately measure the achievement levels and growth of all students

Targets Naplan:Naplan Relative Growth – High Range

2015 2019

Reading 14.7% >15%Writing 12.1% >15%Numeracy 17.6% >20%

Naplan Relative Growth – Low Range

2015 2019

Reading 30.9% <25%Writing 43.9% <35%Numeracy 26.5% <25%

Naplan Comparison to Like School – Grade 3

2015 2019

Reading 429.4 (-.7) +-10 like school

Writing 430.2 (+8.7) +-10 like school

Numeracy 410.1(+7) +-10 like school

Naplan Comparison to 2015 2019

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Like School – Grade 5Reading 473.4 (-23.2) +-10 like

schoolWriting 461.8 (-17.2) +-10 like

schoolNumeracy 475.7 (-17.7) +-10 like


On Demand: All students in years 3-6 will demonstrate at least

1.2 growth in reading and 1.0 growth in writing and number

AusVELS (Victorian Curriculum): Greater than 85% of all students will be at expected

level in reading, writing and maths

Theory of Action If staff are knowledgeable and skilled in contemporary pedagogy then students will become more engaged and empowered learnersActions Success criteria

Year 1 Teachers will reflect in their Coaching Teams on student voice. Collaborating on specific skills, knowledge and understanding in Literacy and Numeracy.

Teachers will use their team reflections on student to plan learning intentions and success criteria for Literacy and Numeracy

Leadership will continue to provide professional develop for teachers on writing and implementing effective learning intentions and success criteria for each lesson.

Each team will have a cognitive coach, facilitating team reflection and supporting team planning.

Documentation of whole school scope and sequence in Literacy and Numeracy

Each term has a six week block of uninterrupted protected teaching time. Followed by one week of ADI

All staff participate in regular team coaching cycles

Each week year level teachers are released at the same time to plan together

All staff will participate in regular professional learning around learning intentions and success criteria

Draft scope and sequence plan developed in Literacy and Numeracy

All staff and students will participate in six week block each term of uninterrupted protected teaching time

ADI week is implemented each term

6Valid as of August 2015

Page 6: School Strategic Plan template · Web viewMildura South Primary School (MSPS) is situated in the large rural city of Mildura in the heart of the growing Sunraysia district, 541 kilometres

(Assessment Driving Instruction) using the data to provide differentiated learning for students.

Every teacher’s PDP will include a goal where every student achieves 1.0 growth in: Reading, Writing and Number.

Using ADI data all students will be taught at their point of need in: Reading, Writing, Number

Provide Professional Development to all staff on Victorian Curriculum

All teachers first goal in their PDP is for each student to achieve 1.0 growth in: Reading, Writing and Number

Students working 12 months above or 12 months below have an Individual Learning Plan

Professional Development provided to all staff to support the implementation of the Victorian Curriculum

Year 2 Continue to further develop the capacity of staff to use data to inform all aspects of teaching and learning from school wide, cohort and individual perspectives.

Review and refine whole school Literacy and Numeracy scopes and sequences.

Continue to plan in collaborative year level teams. Continue team coaching in each level, reflecting on

student voice and implementation of learning intentions and success criteria.

Continue to implement the whole school assessment schedule

Implement Victorian Curriculum

Students continue to have individual goals targeted at their point of need

School scope and sequence in Literacy and Numeracy reviewed

Teams continue to be released together to plan and collaborate

Regular coaching cycle continues Whole school assessment schedule

implemented by all staff Evidence of Victorian Curriculum in all teaching

staff plannersYear 3 Continue to implement Victorian Curriculum

Cross check whole school Literacy and Numeracy scopes and sequence with Victorian Curriculum

Continue six weeks of uninterrupted protected teaching block each term

Continue whole school assessment schedule Reflect on the year level Cognitive Coaching teams and

the impact they are having on improved student outcomes

Victorian Curriculum implemented Whole school scope and sequence in line with

Victorian Curriculum Six week uninterrupted protected teaching

block each term continues Whole school assessment schedule

implemented Review on Coaching Program complet4ed

Year 4 Improve the team Coaching Program Review the implementation of the Victorian Curriculum Review the ADI approach and the impact it is having on

student outcomes Review staff performance development plans

Student voice data will present evidence of the successful implementation of the Victorian Curriculum

Review on ADI completed Review on staff PDP plans completed

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Engagement Key improvement strategies

Goals To develop student Voice and Choice so that students are reflexive and reflective thinkers who have high expectations of themselves as learners

Affective Engagement: Continue to develop quality relationships between teachers and their students and with students and their peers.

Continue to develop forums for ‘student voice’

Behavioural Engagement: Teachers will cater for a range of learning styles by extending learning and curriculum choices

Cognitive Engagement: Up skill teachers in relation to individualised, personalised and differentiated learning

Targets In the Attitudes to School Survey, by the end of 2018 indicators in Learning Confidence, Connectedness to Peers, Stimulated Learning and Student Motivation will be at or above state mean.

In the Parent Opinion Survey, by the end of 2018 indicators in Learning Confidence, Connectedness to Peers, Stimulated Learning and Student Motivation will be at or above state mean.

In the school based Student Engagement Survey students will indicate a confidence and connectedness towards school

Theory of action If students are self-aware learners who set high expectations then they will develop lifelong learning skillsActions Success criteria

Year 1 Implementation of Year 1 of the ICT change plan Monitor and improve Restorative Practices, Circle

Time, Tomorrow’s Leaders Today, Buddies, Smart Start and Smart Finish Programs

Implement Diversity Support Programs meeting the needs of EAL and Koori Students

When planning in teams teachers will have a clear focus on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria, Teacher Feedback and Student Goal Setting

Provide a wide range of curriculum that is based on student need, is challenging and accurately

Year 1 of ICT change plan implemented

Consistent use of Restorative Practice and Circle Time in classrooms.

Year 6 leaders will be identified as showing leadership behaviours

Implementation of the Action Plan for whole school approach for improving support for EAL students

Cultural awareness for Koori students

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targeted. Design a grades 3-6 student based survey to

measure student engagement

facilitated by the Koori Education Support Officer

Student data will identify skills, knowledge and understanding

Design a whole school scope and sequence plan for Inquiry Learning

Student survey designed and implementedYear 2 Implementation of Year 2 of the ICT change plan

Review and refine whole school programs to improve student voice and ownership of learning

Continue to implement the EAL Action Plan Continue to implement Cultural Awareness and

Stronger Smarter Program for Koori Students Review whole school scope and sequence plan for

Inquiry Learning Implement and analyse student survey measuring


Year 2 of ICT change plan implemented

Review completed and modifications in place EAL Action Plan in place Yarning Circle for all students completed Each class participates in one Stronger

Smarter lesson each week Review complete and modifications in place

Survey implemented and analysed

Year 3 Implementation of Year 3 of the ICT change plan Continue whole school program to improve

student voice and ownership of learning Continue EAL Action Plan Continue Stronger Smarter Program developing

Koori Cultural awareness Connect Inquiry Learning to Victorian Curriculum Track student survey data from school based

survey. Compare to ATSS survey

Year 3 of ICT change plan implemented

Programs in place EAL Program in place Stronger Smarter Program in place

Teacher Inquiry Planners reflect Victorian Curriculum

Analysis complete and actions implementedYear 4 Implementation of Year 4 of the ICT change plan

Review whole school programs Implement a range of student forums to discuss

student engagement, student voice and ownership of learning

Final year of ICT change plan implemented Programs reviewed

Forums completed

9Valid as of August 2015

Page 9: School Strategic Plan template · Web viewMildura South Primary School (MSPS) is situated in the large rural city of Mildura in the heart of the growing Sunraysia district, 541 kilometres

Wellbeing Key improvement strategies

Goals To enhance student wellbeing and resilience in a learning community that is built on the school values

Review current approaches to student wellbeing and student behaviour to ensure consistencies in approach to dealing with inappropriate behaviour

Develop a Social and Emotional Learning curriculum

Develop a whole school communication strategy for students, parents and teachers to support wellbeing and social skills programs

Review current transition program for students coming into, through and from the school

Targets Attitudes to School Survey, by the end of 2018 indicators in Student Safety and Classroom behaviour will be above state mean.

Parent Opinion Survey, by the end of 2018 indicators in Student Safety and Classroom Behaviour will be at state mean

Theory of action If students are engaged and empowered learners, behaviour management issues will decrease

Actions Success criteria

Year 1 Review current Student Wellbeing policies, strategies and programs

Review Student Behaviour (including Bullying) Policy

Source and implement a whole school Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Develop a scope and sequence social skills plan linked to the Victorian Curriculum and teaching and learning pedagogy of the school

Develop a whole school Communication Policy that informs parents on student wellbeing strategies and programs

Review transition programs

Review completed, policies updated and approved by School Council

Review completed. Policy updated and approved by School Council

Social Skills Program established Scope and Sequence chart being developed

Communication Policy being developed and will be approved by School Council

Transition Program reviewed and updated

Year 2 Implement new and refined Student Wellbeing policies, strategies and programs

Social and Emotional Skills program implemented including Scope and Sequence chart aligned with

Student Wellbeing Program implemented

Social and Emotional Skills program and scope and sequence implemented and documented

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Victorian Curriculum Implement whole school Communication Policy to

inform Parents Monitor effective transition

Communication Policy implemented

Year 3 Continue to implement Student Wellbeing policy Implement Student Behaviour Policy Continue to implement and refine the Social and

Emotional Schools Program Review the whole school communication policy in

light of outcomes of Parent Opinion Survey

Student Wellbeing Program implemented

Social and Emotional Skills Program in place

Review complete and updates completedYear 4 Complete reviews of all policies and programs

related to Wellbeing: Student Wellbeing Policy, Student Behaviour Policy, Social and Emotional Skills Program and Communication Policy

All reviews completed

Productivity Key improvement strategies

Goals Effectively allocate and use resources to support the school’s goals and priorities.

Develop a comprehensive, strategic professional learning plan

Implement the ICT change PlanTargets Expenditure is within the budget and driven by priorities.

Regular auditing of budgets to ensure effective and equitable allocation of resources in response to student needs

Theory of action (optional) Effective use of resources will support the school to achieve its goals and prioritiesActions Success criteria

Year 1 Develop a staff professional development plan that reflects the goals of the School Strategic Plan

Develop and resource a whole school ICT change plan

Staff professional development plan developed

Draft ICT change plan developed

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Create a staffing model that supports protected teaching time, cognitive coaching teams and releases teachers to plan in teams

Staffing model created

Year 2 Continue to build on the staff professional development plan

Continue staffing model Implement ICT change plan

Staff professional development plan developed Staffing model in place ICT change plan in place

Year 3 Audit budgets in relation to professional learning plan to ensure expenditure is within the budget and driven by priorities

Auditing of all budgets to ensure effective and equitable allocation of resources in response to current data sets

Audit the current ICT change plan

All audits completed

Year 4 Review all school budgets and allocation of funds to support school strategic direction and ensure that it is within budget

All reviews completed

12Valid as of August 2015