1 School Prospectus 2019/20

School Prospectus - Bolton · 6 Expectations & Standards 7 The School Day 8 General Information 9 Uniform ... then enter the classroom to begin their daily challenge task. If for

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Page 1: School Prospectus - Bolton · 6 Expectations & Standards 7 The School Day 8 General Information 9 Uniform ... then enter the classroom to begin their daily challenge task. If for


School Prospectus


Page 2: School Prospectus - Bolton · 6 Expectations & Standards 7 The School Day 8 General Information 9 Uniform ... then enter the classroom to begin their daily challenge task. If for



Page Contents

3 A message from your Key Stage lead

4 Meet the Year 3 Team

5 A message from your teacher

6 Expectations & Standards

7 The School Day

8 General Information

9 Uniform

10 Partnership with Parents

11 Home/School Communication

12 Homework

13 Beyond the School Day

14 Curriculum: Read Write Inc.

15 Curriculum: Maths

16 Curriculum: Maths

17 Curriculum: I.P.C.

18 Mentoring

19 Educational Trips & Visits

Page Contents

3 Mission Statement and School Aims

4 Admission Arrangements

5 Expectations & Standards

6 Attendance

7 The School Day

8 General Information

9 Uniform

10 Partnership with Parents

11 Home/School Communication

12 Homework

13 Beyond the School Day

14 Curriculum: English

15 Curriculum: Maths and Topic

16 Curriculum: Science, History and Geography Overview

17 Curriculum: P.E., Computing, Music

18 Curriculum: Religious Education

19 The Staff Team

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Welcome to Bolton Parish Church C of E School Make an appointment to come and visit us and see for yourself what a successful and engaging learning

community we can offer your child

Our Mission Statement

Bolton Parish Church CE Primary School is an aided Church of England School which welcomes children of varied backgrounds from the neighbourhood. We aim to provide a stimulating and challenging education enabling our children to develop into competent, caring individuals.

Christian values are built into the school’s ethos and teachings.

The Staff and Governors of Bolton Parish Church School Church of England Primary School place Collective

Worship at the centre of the school’s daily life. It is a time when we come together to share Christian values

and experiences of our everyday lives, to develop the spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding of

our pupils.

Worship is organised on a whole school basis and is led by different members of the teaching staff, a range of visiting church ministers, outside speakers and also the pupils in school. This enables us to provide an ex-citing and varied approach towards our collective worship and greatly enhances the schools Christian char-acter. The whole school is invited to attend Bolton Parish Church at least twice each term to worship and to rein-force our Church foundation. The RE co-ordinator and Headteacher produce a yearly plan for collective worship, which include the themes to be developed, the visiting speakers and the values as well as other practical elements such as the members of staff responsible for Collective Worship.

The School Aims

To educate pupils intellectually, socially, morally, aesthetically, physically and spiritually within a school based on Christian Principles.

To establish a secure, safe, happy environment in which a broad, balanced curriculum can be delivered.

To provide for the development of the ‘whole child’. To foster joy in learning and life. To stimulate children’s curiosity and excitement about the world and to encourage them to search for

a faith by which to live. To promote attitudes of trust, respect, responsibility, self-esteem and equal opportunities. To develop high standards of behaviour. To develop a partnership between parents, teachers and governors. To develop strong links between school, Church, home and community. To maintain a programme of professional development for all members of staff. To manage the financial resources to the best advantage of the school.

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Admission Arrangements

Children can be admitted to the Reception Class from September of the school year in which they

will have their fifth birthday.

Parents who are interested in a place at Bolton Parish Church School need to complete a “School

Interest Place” form, available from the Office and register their child with the Pupil and Student

Services Dept at the Town Hall. Early in the spring term, before the child is due to start in the Sep-

tember, places will be allocated by the LA.

The number of children which can be admitted to the school in each year-group is 30 (52 places in

the Nursery – 26 in each session). In the event of there being more than 30 children whose par-

ents wish them to go to Bolton Parish Church of England Aided Primary School, the Governors

have decided that they will allocate places according to the following priorities:

1 Looked After Children (children in public care), children with a statement

2 Children whose medical or social circumstances mean that their needs can only be

met at this school.

3 Children who will have an older brother or sister attending the school at the time of

their admission.

4 Baptised or dedicated children whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are in regular attendance

at Bolton Parish Church, or a church which is a member of Churches Together in Brit-

ain and Ireland, or a local Churches Together organisation.

5 Baptised children whose parent(s)/guardian(s) baptism is recognised by Church of


6 Any other children.

Arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils into School follow the same pattern as able pu-pils. Disabled pupils are fully integrated into School. No extra facilities are provided for disabled pupils as the School is well designed to cater for all. It is hoped that the allocation procedure described above will result in a satisfactory offer of a place for each child. If, however, the Bolton Education Authority’s offer (in writing, and formally de-scribed as final) is not satisfactory, the parent has a right of appeal under Section 7of the Education Act 1980. A leaflet explaining the appeal procedure is obtainable from the Bolton Education Au-thority. An appeal must be made in writing to the Authority within 15 days of the date of the Au-thority’s letter of final offer.

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Expectations & Standards Expectation of behaviour at Bolton Parish are:

At the start of the lesson:-

1. Ensure I enter the classroom in a calm and focused manner.

2. Ensure I am ready to learn immediately.

3. Ensure I listen to any instructions given so I am clear on what I need to do.

Throughout the lesson:-

1. Ensure I give 100% in every lesson.

2. Work collaboratively when required.

3. Work independently when required.

4. Ensure there is no lost learning.

5. Not disturb other children in their learning.

At the end of the lesson:-

1. Be willing to share my learning and next steps.

2. Leave my work area tidy.

3. Leave the classroom in a calm and sensible manner.

Whilst in the school building Pupils must:-

1. Walk at all times.

2. Greet people politely.

3. Hold doors open for adults and their peers.

4. Keep their own cloakrooms tidy.

5. Use quiet voices.

Whilst in the school playground Pupils must:-

1. Play safely.

2. Follow the class football timetable.

3. If you see someone on their own, ask them if they would like to join in with

your game.

4. No wrestling or fighting games.

5. Respect all adults, especially lunchtime supervision staff.

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Attendance We ask that you ensure that your child attends regularly, arrives for school on time, and is ap-

propriately dressed and ready to learn. When your child arrives at school in the morning, he/

she should wait outside in the playground until the doors are opened at 8.45am. Your child may

then enter the classroom to begin their daily challenge task.

If for any reason your child is to be absent from school, please inform the school office by 9am.

Children arriving at school later than 8.55am will enter school by the main entrance and will

need to register in the late book giving a reason for lateness. Arrival after 9.15am is recorded as

an unauthorised late mark.

Best Attendance and Punctuality are celebrated each week in assembly and the school uses the text message service to inform parents which class has the best attendance and punctuality. Green attendance is rewarded at the end of each term. At parent conferencing meetings, par-ents are provided with a colour-coded system to help them judge how well their child is attend-ing school and how punctual they are through the mentoring system (Green 100% - 97% Amber Below 97% and Red 90% and below). The DfE class all children whose attendance is below 90% as having persistent absence. Illness and Medical Appointments When a child is unwell, parents should contact the school before 9.00 am on the first day of ab-sence informing the school of the reason for absence. When a child is absent, the class teacher will record the absence in the register. As part of our Safeguarding Procedures, the school office will endeavour to contact the parent or carer and other emergency contacts if no message has been received regarding the reason for the absence to check on the safety of the child. When your child is admitted to school you will be asked to provide us with emergency contact

numbers in case we have to contact you regarding illness or an accident in school. Please ensure

the numbers you provide are of people in a position to come into school and collect your child if

necessary. It is also important that these contact numbers are updated regularly, for example, if

you move house, job or change your telephone number.

We operate a text messaging service in school as another way of passing on information and

notices to a parent’s mobile telephone. Please ensure that we have up to date mobile numbers

for parents.

School Responsibility - THE LAW and School Attendance Term time absence will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. Extended

absence may result in a warning letter and penalty notice being served. Absence without per-

mission will be recorded as unauthorised absence and will be referred to the Social Services for

investigation. It is also possible that your child could be removed from the school roll.

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The School Day When your child arrives at school in the morning, he/she should wait outside their classroom door until the

doors are opened at 8.45am. Your child may then enter the classroom to begin their first learning activity. It is

vital that children are in school, on time, every day as they practise their basic skills from 8.50 onwards.

If for any reason your child is absent from school, please inform the school office by 9am. Children arriving at

school later than 8.55am will have to sign the late book and enter school by the main entrance. School finishes

at 3.00pm. Should you not be able to pick your child up promptly for any reason, please inform the office im-

mediately on 01204 333433.


(Reception and Nursery)

8.45 am Doors Open

8.50 am Registration

8.55am – 9.30am Read Write inc

9.30am– 11.45am Adult lead activities

Continuous Provision

11.45am – 12.00pm


Carpet Session

Nursery Session Finishes

12.15pm – 1.00 pm Lunchtime

1.00pm – 2.45pm Adult lead activities

Continuous Provision

2.45pm – 3.00 pm Carpet session

Key Stage 1

(Year 1 & Year 2)

8.45 am Doors Open

8.50 am Registration

8.55am – 9.15am Assembly

9.15am – 10.15am Teaching Session

10.15am – 10.25am Playtime

10.25am – 11.15am Teaching Session

11.15am – 11.20pm Playtime

11.20pm – 12.15pm Teaching Session

12.15pm – 1.00pm Lunchtime

1.00pm – 2.00pm Teaching Session

2.00pm – 2.10 pm Playtime

2.10pm—3.00pm Teaching Session

Key Stage 2

(Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

8.45am Doors Open

8.50am Registration

8.55am – 9.15am Assembly

9.15am – 10.20am Teaching Session

10.20am – 10.30am Playtime

10.30am – 11.35am Teaching Session

11.30am – 12.30pm Teaching Session

12.30pm – 1.15pm Lunchtime

1.15pm— 3.00pm Teaching Session

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General Information

Healthy School – as a healthy school we promote healthy eating. Please do not

send your child to school with fizzy drinks or bars of chocolate in their lunchbox.

School Uniform - please ensure that your child comes to school each day in the

correct uniform. Trainers are NOT allowed except for outdoor PE. Children with

pierced ears are allowed to wear gold studs only. These must be covered during


You have the option to purchase a ‘healthy snack’ from school if you wish. Snack

money is to be paid in advance for the following half term.

We encourage children to drink throughout the day. Plain or sugar free flavoured

water is allowed to be bought into school in a sports type bottle (non spill).

Medication – should your child be prescribed any medication that needs to be

taken during school hours i.e. 4 times a day, please inform the office, and you

will be asked to sign a form giving permission for office staff to store the medica-

tion for your child’s use.

Dinner Money is payable every Monday morning or half termly. Please make

sure that your payment is sent in an envelope with your child’s name and year

group clearly marked. Payment can also be made by cheque. Correct money

should be sent to school as change and credits will be given only at the end of

each half term.

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Pupils at Bolton Parish are expected to wear correct

School Uniform every day.

Please ensure that your child comes to school each day in

the correct uniform. Trainers are NOT allowed except for outdoor PE. Children with

pierced ears are allowed to wear gold studs only. These must be covered during PE.

Royal blue sweatshirt /cardigan with school logo

White polo shirt - plain

Grey trousers, skirt, culottes, pinafore etc., not jeans or tracksuit bottoms

Grey tights or socks

If your child wishes to wear a vest under their uniform it must be plain white.

Summer Wear

Blue and white checked dress (white leggings may be worn underneath)

Grey shorts - longer length available locally

Royal Blue cardigans

Footwear - black shoes, not trainers or boots

PE Kit – your child MUST have the appropriate named PE kit if they are to take part in the lessons.

Royal Blue Shorts with royal blue or white leggings if required.

White T-shirt

Uniform and book bags can be purchased from the school office. Uniform is also

available to buy from Smart Clothing, next to the Bolton Market.



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Partnership with Parents At Bolton Parish we believe a strong school-family relationship can greatly benefit the child as well as parents. It is proven that children do better and achieve more when parents are involved in their pro-gress in school. Concerns can also be sorted out more quickly and successfully when parents and car-ers feel confident in approaching school with their concerns. Parents also get reassurance that their children are receiving a good education as trust and respect develops with the relationship with the school. In an attempt to strengthen the links with home, school will be offering an increased range of opportunities for parents to engage in their children’s learning.

These will include:

• Half termly update mornings. These will take place the first week of each half term (except for Autumn 1 when they will be the second week). These will be at 8:50am and be an opportunity for teachers to share information relating to that term: topics, books being read, ways parents can help in the home etc. These should take no more than 30 minutes.

• Half termly parent workshops. These will take place each half term starting at 8:50am, they should last at least 30 minutes but no longer than 1 hour.

Parents’ Meetings

At the start of each academic year all parents are invited to attend a ‘Meet the Teacher’ event. This

gives teachers the opportunity to share with parents the learning journey which lies ahead for the

children. Parental conferencing meetings are held twice a year for each year group, whereby staff

have the opportunity to discuss individual children’s progress in greater detail with parents.

Year 1 and Year 4

Parent Workshops Parent Update Meetings

7th October 2019 4th November 2019

25th November 2019 6th January 2020

27th January 2019 24th February 2020

16th March 2020 20th April 2020

4th May 2020 1st June 2020

End of Year Class Celebration Assembly – Date to be confirmed

Year 2 and Year 5

Parent Workshops Parent Update Meetings

8th October 2019 5th November 2019

26th November 2019 7th January 2020

28th January 2019 25th February 2020

17th March 2020 21st April 2020

5th May 2020 2nd June 2020

End of Year Class Celebration Assembly – Date to be confirmed

Year 3 and Year 6

Parent Workshops Parent Update Meetings

9th October 2019 6th November 2019

27th November 2019 8th January 2020

29th January 2019 26th February 2020

18th March 2020 22nd April 2020

6th May 2020 3rd June 2020

End of Year Class Celebration Assembly – Date to be confirmed

Nursery and Reception

Parent Workshops Parent Update Meetings

10th October 2019 7th November 2019

28th November 2019 9th January 2020

30th January 2019 27th February 2020

19th March 2020 23rd April 2020

7th May 2020 4th June 2020

End of Year Class Celebration Assembly – Date to be confirmed

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Home/School Communication Website - http://www.bolton-parish.bolton.sch.uk

Text – Please make sure the office have an up to date mobile number as the school

often sends vital information by text message.

Blog - http://blog.bolton-parish.bolton.sch.uk

In the first few weeks of school, your child will be given a letter detailing their log in

details to the blog. These are strictly controlled and monitored.

Home school reading diaries – your child will be given a home school reading diary

at the start of the year. This is to be used for recording any comments regarding your

child’s reading, as well as any informal notes you need to give to the teacher. We ask

that any urgent or sensitive information should be written in a separate letter. Your

child’s teacher may also, from time to time, use the diary to make comments for your



Autumn Term

Term begins- Wednesday 4th September 2019

Half term – 18th - 31st October 2019

Term ends – Friday 20th December 2019

Spring Term

Term begins- Monday 6th January 2020

Half term – 17th – 21st February 2020

Term ends- Friday 27th March 2020

Summer Term

Term begins- Tuesday 14th April 2020

Half term- 25th May – 29th May 2020

Term Ends – Wednesday 22nd July 2020

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Home Learning at Bolton Parish Church CE School

At Bolton Parish Church C of E School we set a range of Home Learning tasks that are designed to

ensure that children achieve well and allow parents to support children in their learning. The

tasks that we set will develop children’s cultural understanding and will enable them to become

knowledgeable about their world.


We would like all children to read for at least 15 mins a day. Children in KS1 will be given a read-

ing book. Children in KS2 choose a book from the school library linked to their accelerated read-

ing ZPD. We would like parents to sign the reading record to show that reading has taken place.

Times Tables

All children will need to practise their times tables at home. We learn all tables to 12x12. Chil-

dren are regularly assessed on these in school.

Cultural Development Tasks

Children will be given a different range of cultural development tasks each half term. These may

include reading poetry, looking at art or learning about a famous landmark or person. The tasks

will progress from basic to deep tasks and children may choose an assortment to complete.

Basic – All children need to start with the basic task. This is the task that gives information need-

ed in order to be able to complete the other tasks.

Advanced – These are the tasks where children will start to apply their knowledge from the basic


Deep – Children apply their knowledge and start to make some decisions about how they will

complete the task.

Children are free to choose the tasks they want to complete. They may want to complete all the

basic tasks or all the tasks relating to one subject. They can tick or highlight the tasks on the grid

as they complete them. Completed tasks will need to be returned to school by the end of the

half term for children to share with others.

Please encourage high standards when completing the tasks. If your child usually uses pencil they

should complete the task in pencil and the same for those that use pen. Please remember neat


Other subjects

Teachers may sometimes set tasks related to other subjects in

school. This may be in order to support preparations for statutory

testing or to fill gaps in learning

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Beyond the School Day Extra-Curricular Activities

The extra-curricular life of Bolton Parish Church School is rich and varied. A wide range of activities

are offered to the children, either at lunch time or after school, providing children with the oppor-

tunity to meet, teach and learn from each other in a relaxed and perhaps less academic atmos-


Activities may include:

Drama Sewing Creative Horrible Histories

Dodgeball Music Makers Cooking Random Readers

Whacky Writers School Blog Table Tennis Let’s Explore

We are proud of the opportunities for children to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular


In addition to these clubs, school also provides a Breakfast Club from 8.00am to 8.45am at a cost

of £2.00 per day/£10.00 per week.

Educational trips & visits

At Bolton Parish we plan a variety of educational experiences for children throughout the school

year. As well as educational visits linked to curriculum areas, the children also have the opportuni-

ty to participate in trips which reward outstanding effort during each term. We do not arrange

trips for children which are not linked to the curriculum.

School website/Facebook/Text Messages/


Keeping parents informed is very important to us and we use a variety of ways:

The school website - All information is published on the school website although this would not be

the place to find day to day information e.g. Class trip updates.

Facebook – this is updated regularly and is the most up to date information, this would be the

place to look for class trip updates or PTA event details.

Text messages – we send text updates for important messages.

Newsletters – there is a weekly newsletter sent home on Fridays; please make sure you find this in

your child’s bag as it will include all the weekly and termly information.

Outdoor information board – this is updated regularly and includes all weekly information.

Parent update mornings – please see the information above.

Please check your child’s school bag to make sure that you have received your letters as they do

sometimes go astray.

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How we teach the Foundation Curriculum and Science

We teach our curriculum through a single subject approach. A high focus is placed on

the skills used in each subject. These are referred to as the Threshold Concepts. Learn-

ing is organised into two year blocks known as Milestones.

Years 1 and 2 – Milestone 1

Years 3 and 4 – Milestone 2

Years 5 and 6 – Milestone 3

As children progress through the Milestone they will repeat and develop areas of learn-

ing; moving from a basic to a deep understanding. This is called mastery.

English at Bolton Parish Church CE School:

At Bolton Parish Church School we follow a text based approach to learning in

English. Pupils in all classes study a range of short stories, novels, poems and non-

fiction texts which are used as a basis to teach skills in reading and writing.

Children also study additional texts in guided reading and are also encouraged to

read texts at home. There are also additional lessons to teach grammar skills and

spelling and phonics.

Phonics is taught using the Read, Write Inc scheme to all children in EYFS and KS1

and to children in KS2 if this is appropriate.

Children are taught handwriting using the Nelson Handwriting scheme. This begins

with correct letter formations in EYFS and children are encouraged to begin joining

letters from Year 1.

All children have a reading book to take home and are expected to read at home

each night.

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How we teach Maths:

Maths is taught every day at Bolton Parish Church School. We use a va-

riety of scheme resources to develop children’s skills in number, shape,

measures and data handling.

Children are taught to use a variety of formal written methods for calcu-

lations as well as developing mental strategies.

Children will use practical resources all through school as well as learning how to record their


There is a focus on learning multiplication tables from year 1 and there is an expectation that most

children will know all of the times tables up to 12x12 by the end of year 4.

Children are encouraged to apply their mathematical skills in a variety of different contexts and

there is a whole school focus on problem solving (reasoning).

Science, History and Geography Overview:

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Curriculum: PE

Physical Education is extremely important to our children and has a high profile in the Curricu-

lum. Each week we devote 2 hours of time to PE and enhance provision with the use of external

professional coaches from EdStart.

Throughout the year all classes will be given opportunities to develop and practise skills in

Gymnastics, Dance, Games (Including competitive sports), Outdoor Pursuits

Children should have their school PE kit with them every day as we do a great deal of PE and

want the children to take every opportunity to join in . PE kits can be left in school and will be

sent home every half term to be washed.


At Bolton Parish Church School we teach computing following the guidance of Bolton Schools

ICT team. We teach four main strands of computing:

Digital Citizenship, which looks at the safe and responsible use of technology and the in-


Digital Literacy, which covers the purposeful use of technology to create, organise, store,

manipulate and retrieve digital content;

Computer Science, which involves the children learning to code to design, write and debug

programs to accomplish specific goals;

Information Technology, where we look at uses of technology beyond school, including

the internet.

Through weekly computing lessons, children will develop their computing skills through practical

lessons, and work on projects to practice and further develop the skills they have learned.

There is a national recognition that access to sustained music-making in schools develops chil-

dren’s confidence and motivation and has a positive impact on their performance across the

whole school curriculum. Music lessons at Bolton Parish Church CE School are delivered by a

specialist Curriculum Support teacher provided by Bolton Music Service. Lessons take place

every Tuesday with each class and last between 1/2 hour to an hour.

All classes throughout the school will have the opportunity to participate in Recorder, Glocken-

spiel and Ocarina lessons as well as group singing sessions.


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Religious Education

RE lies at the very heart of the curriculum and the Governors adopted the Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education Syllabus as recommended by Manchester Diocese which reflects the National framework for RE. The Governors recommend at least 5% of the timetable is devoted to RE. Christianity plays a key role and accounts for 80% of the curriculum time. Related units of work about Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism are also included. Respect for other faiths must be accurate and sympathetic, con-sistent with Bolton Parish Church School’s loyalty to its Christian foundation. At the same time we will promote in all our children the understanding that they have freedom to choose what faith to follow and that will be protected in law.

The Aims of RE To promote the school’s agreed Christian values of respect, peace, thankful-

ness, friendship, love, responsibility and forgiveness. Think theologically & explore great questions about life, death, meaning &


Reflect critically on the truth claims of Christianity. See how the truth of Christianity is relevant today

Develop skills to handle Bible text

Recognise faith as a commitment to a particular way of understanding God & the world

Respond in terms of beliefs, commitments and ways of living

Develop a sense of themselves as significant, unique & precious

Experience the breadth & variety of Christian Community

Engage in thoughtful dialogue with other faiths & traditions

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The Staff Team

Head Teacher Mrs Worthington

Deputy Head Teacher Mrs Brooks

Class Teachers

Year 6 Mr Rizvi (KS2 Lead)

Year 5 Mrs Keyani

Year 4 Mr Sweeney

Year 3 Miss Patel

Year 2 Mrs King (KS1 Lead)

Year 1 Miss McCormick

EYFS Miss Purcell

Mrs Edgington (EYFS Lead)

Teaching Support Miss Cook, Miss Heyes

Support Staff

Year 6 Mrs Nelson, Mrs Booth

Year 5 Miss Saleem

Year 4 Mrs Khan

Year 3 Mrs Chauhan

Year 2 Miss Clegg

Year 1 Mrs Smethurst

EYFS Mrs Bashir, Miss Greenhalgh, Miss McSorley, Mrs Thompson

Whole School Interven- Mrs Fishwick

School Meals Assistants

EYFS Miss Greenhalgh, Mrs Thompson

Year 1 Miss O’Brien

Year 2 Mrs Soufi

Year 3 Miss Mcsorley

Year 4 Mrs McGhee

Year 5 Mr Hadfield

Year 6 Mrs Booth

Office Administration

Office Administrator Miss Breen

Business Manager Miss Davies

Caretaker & Cleaning Mr Hadfield, Mr Fitton, Miss Wolstencroft,

School Cook & Kitchen


Mrs Pennock, Mrs Evans, Mrs Whitworth

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Head Teacher: Mrs A Worthington

Bolton Parish Church C of E Primary School

Chadwick Street



Telephone: 01204 333433

Website: www.bolton-parish.bolton.sch.uk