School information 3 - Diyafah Inspection 2017... · 2018-05-14 · School information. 4 ... understanding of Islamic values and awareness of Emirati and world cultures. Students

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Page 1: School information 3 - Diyafah Inspection 2017... · 2018-05-14 · School information. 4 ... understanding of Islamic values and awareness of Emirati and world cultures. Students
Page 2: School information 3 - Diyafah Inspection 2017... · 2018-05-14 · School information. 4 ... understanding of Islamic values and awareness of Emirati and world cultures. Students


School information .................................................................................................................... 3

The DSIB inspection process ..................................................................................................... 4

Summary of inspection findings 2017-2018 ............................................................................ 5

National Priorities .................................................................................................................... 10 Main inspection report ............................................................................................................ 13

1. Students’ achievements ................................................................................................ 13 2. Students’ personal and social development, and their innovation skills ................... 16

3. Teaching and assessment ............................................................................................. 18 4. Curriculum ...................................................................................................................... 19

5. The protection, care, guidance and support of students ............................................. 20

Inclusion of students with SEND (Students of determination) ........................................ 21

6. Leadership and management ....................................................................................... 22

The views of parents, teachers and senior students ............................................................. 23

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General information Students Location Al Nahda Gender of students Boys and girls Type of school Private Age range 3-18 Opening year of school


Grades or year groups FS1-Year 13

Website www.diyafah.com Number of students on roll


Telephone 0097142671115 Number of children in

pre-kindergarten NA

Address P.O Box 24023. Al Quasis. Dubai

Number of Emirati students

2 Principal Patricia Johnston

Principal - Date appointed 16.08.2015 Number of students

with SEND 29

Language of instruction English

Largest nationality group of students Indian

Inspection dates 9 to 12 October 2017

Teachers / Support staff Curriculum

Number of teachers 125 Educational permit / Licence


Largest nationality group of teachers

Indian Main curriculum UK / IGCSE

Number of teaching assistants 16

External tests and examinations

IGCSE, Cambridge Checkpoints, GCE, AS and A levels

Teacher-student ratio 1:13 Accreditation None

Number of guidance counsellors

3 National Agenda

benchmark tests CAT4, GL

Teacher turnover 6%

School information

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In order to judge the overall quality of education provided by schools, inspectors consider the six

standards of performance that form the basis of the UAE School Inspection Framework (the

framework). They look at children’s attainment and progress in key subjects, their learning skills

and their personal and social development. They judge how effective teaching and the assessment

of learning are across the school. Inspectors consider how well the school’s curriculum, including

activities inside and outside classrooms, meet the educational needs of all students. They judge

how well schools protect and support children. In addition, inspectors judge the effectiveness of

leadership, which incorporates governance, management, staffing and facilities.

Inspection judgements are drawn from evidence gathered by the inspection team, including

observation of students’ learning in lessons, review of their work, discussions with students,

meetings with the staff, parents and governors, and review of surveys completed by parents,

teachers and students.

Judgements are made on a six-point scale

DSIB inspection teams make judgements about different aspects, phases and subjects that form

the work of the school, using the scale below, which is consistent with the framework.

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Al Diyafah High School was inspected by DSIB from 09 to 12 October 2017. The overall quality of

education provided by the school is good . The section below summarises the inspection findings

for each of the six performance indicators described in the framework.

Leadership and management The school's leadership is fully committed to improving students' outcomes. The sense of

teamwork in the school is strong and staff morale high. Training for staff has successfully

improved the quality of teaching in the secondary and post-16 phases. Thorough evaluation of

the school’s work provides leaders with a realistic view of how well the school is doing.

Governance arrangements continue to be very effective and supportive of school leaders.

Students’ achievement Students’ personal and social development,

and their innovation skills Children make an effective start and achieve

good outcomes in the Foundation Stage in all

subjects. This good achievement continues in

the primary phase in English, mathematics

and science. Students’ progress accelerates

as they move through the school. Their

attainment and progress in Arabic and

Islamic education is improving at a slower

pace. Students’ learning skills are at least

good throughout the school. Students work

diligently with good social interactions and

communication to support their learning

Students’ personal and social development

throughout the school is very strong.

Younger students demonstrate good or very

good attitudes and behaviour toward each

other and in their day-to-day interactions

with their teachers. As they move into the

secondary phase, they develop outstanding

understanding of Islamic values and

awareness of Emirati and world cultures.

Students have an excellent appreciation of

the role and importance of innovation.

Teaching and assessment Curriculum The protection, care,

guidance and support of students

The quality of teaching is

stronger in the secondary

and post-16 phases where

teachers have strong subject

knowledge and use a range

of strategies to support

students in their learning. In

the primary phase,

opportunities are missed for

students to learn

independently. In the

Foundation Stage, teaching

is backed by a good

understanding of how young

children learn through play.

The design of the

curriculum varies from good

to outstanding in the post-

16. The additional curricular

choices to support older

students’ understanding of

enterprise, innovation and

entrepreneurship are

having a very positive

impact. Less effective is the

modification of the

curriculum to meet

students’ individual needs

in lessons, particularly for

students with SEND and

those who are academically


Health and safety

provisions, including

arrangements for child

protection and

safeguarding, remain

outstanding. The care and

support offered to older

students helps them make

career and higher education

choices. Less effective are

the arrangements to help

children move from the

Foundation Stage to the

primary phase, and the

support for students with


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School leaders’ commitment, experience and skills in sustaining and improving students’

academic and personal outcomes.

Students’ very good achievement in English, mathematics and science in the secondary

and post-16 phases.

The high regard all staff have for students' safety and protection.

The highly supportive, committed and actively involved parent group.

Improve students’ attainment and progress in Arabic and Islamic education by:

providing opportunities for students to work more independently

raising teachers’ expectations of what students can do

enhance teachers’ understanding of how to plan work that meets students’ different


Improve teaching and learning in the primary phase by:

ensuring teachers plan lessons which provide a wide range of appropriately

challenging activities

routinely providing students with opportunities to work collaboratively and to lead

their own independent learning

providing access to a wider range of learning technologies to support students’

research, inquiry and investigation skills

make the necessary modifications to lesson content and approach to ensure that

students with SEND make good progress.

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Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Learning skills Good Good Very good Very good


Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Islamic education Attainment


applicable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Not



Acceptable Acceptable

Arabic as a first


Attainment Not

applicable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Not

applicable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Arabic as an

additional language

Attainment Not






Progress Not

applicable Acceptable Acceptable




Attainment Good Good Very good Very good

Progress Good Good Very good Very good


Attainment Good Good Very good Very good

Progress Good Good Very good Very good


Attainment Good Good Very good Very good

Progress Good Good Very good Very good

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Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Personal development Very good Good Outstanding


Understanding of Islamic

values and awareness of

Emirati and world cultures

Good Very good



Social responsibility and

innovation skills Very good Very good



Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Teaching for effective

learning Good Good Very good Very good

Assessment Good Good Very good Very good

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Curriculum design and

implementation Good Good Very good


Curriculum adaptation Good Very good Outstanding Outstanding

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Health and safety, including

arrangements for child

protection / safeguarding


Outstanding Outstanding


Care and support Very good Very good Very good Outstanding

The effectiveness of leadership Very good

School self-evaluation and improvement planning Good

Parents and the community Outstanding

Governance Very good

Management, staffing, facilities and resources Good

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In 2014, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-

President and Prime Minister of UAE, and Ruler of Dubai, launched

the UAE National Agenda 2021, with education being a prime focus.

The National Agenda includes two major objectives developed with

the intention of placing the UAE among the most successful

countries that provide world-class education. By 2021, it is

expected that the UAE will feature in the top twenty countries in

the ‘Programme for International Student Assessment’ (PISA) test and in the top fifteen countries

in the ‘Trends in Mathematics and Science Studies’ (TIMSS) test.

In response to this, each participating school was issued a report on their students’ performance

in these international assessments and, in addition, they were provided with clear targets for

improving their performance. In 2015, KHDA launched the National Agenda Parameter, which is a

method for measuring and monitoring schools’ progress towards achieving their individual

National Agenda targets through the use of external benchmarking assessments.

The following section focuses on the impact of the National Agenda Parameter in meeting the

school’s targets:

Attainment, as indicated by the National Agenda Parameter tests is above expectations.

The school meets the registration requirements for the National Agenda Parameter.

The school leadership is fully committed to the National Agenda. The action plan

prioritises the need for improved student achievements through changes to teaching and


The data analysis of the National Agenda Parameter tests is fully integrated into the

overall school assessment practices. This enables teachers to adapt their teaching to suit

the needs of all students.

All relevant National Agenda Parameter data is triangulated against internal curriculum

data to find the right curriculum and learning pathways for students.

All the core subjects have developed procedures to enrich curriculum opportunities. There

is a focus on skill development to deliver high outcomes.

With the increased knowledge of their potential, and success in international tests,

students have become well-rounded learners, organised and reflective in everything they


Overall, the school's provision for achieving National Agenda targets is above expectations

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The curriculum meets statutory requirements, and supports age-appropriate provision.

Sessions are taught in discrete lessons, with additional incidental opportunities to enhance


Staff adhere to well-planned topics on the four pillars of moral education. In the earlier

years there is more focus on expressing feelings.

Students’ learning reflects diligence and for older students, sensitivity to others in difficult


The assessment process has been devised to reflect a formative approach with students’

achievements and accomplishments noted in their moral education ‘passport’.

The school's implementation of the UAE moral educations programme is developing.

Social studies is delivered in English and has been integrated with the National Curriculum

of England. Heritage and culture are features of this programme alongside humanities.

Teaching is well-planned, but at times lacks a specific focus on students' involvement in


There is not enough adaptation of learning to meet a range of needs. Students can be

involved in the same task with limited recording of work.

Attainment and progress in social studies are assessed mainly though formative methods,

with a summary of achievements to inform the next steps in learning.

The school's implementation of the UAE social studies programme is developing.

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In the upper phases, students use online resources to solve problems of varying complexity

in mathematics and science. This is often accomplished through problem based learning


In the secondary and post-16 phases students are keen and enthusiastic about their

involvement in the entrepreneurial activities that help them to acquire and develop

leadership and other key skills.

In higher year groups, teachers routinely involve students in problem-solving, independent

research, and critical thinking. In the primary phase, tasks tend to be more teacher initiated

and controlled.

Innovation is promoted across a range of subjects and the extended curriculum, providing

students with the opportunity to use technology well and motivating them to have high


School leaders have developed a coherent strategy for promoting innovation. Detailed

strategic planning identifies opportunities to establish key partnerships that support and

promote a culture of innovation in the school.

The promotion of a culture of innovation is developing.

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In Islamic education, the school’s internal data indicates students’ attainment is weak.

However, learning in lessons and students’ workbooks show that most students attain

levels that are in line with curriculum standards. They acquire an appropriate knowledge

of Islamic morals, values and understanding of Islamic laws.

Students make slightly better progress in the primary and secondary phases than in the

post-16 phase. However, students in post-16 can understand more sophisticated Islamic

concepts and can apply and relate their knowledge to real life situations.

Students’ understanding and their knowledge of Seerah (life of the Prophet PBUH) is

stronger than their understanding of Hadith and their interpretation of the Holy Qur’an.

For development

Improve students’ recitation and memorisation skills by providing opportunities for the

systematic practice of the Holy Qur’an.

Most students in Arabic as a first language attain levels that are in line with the Ministry

of Education (MoE) curriculum expectations. The school’s internal assessment results are

higher but they do not reflect the standards observed in lessons and in students’


Students’ listening and reading skills are stronger than their writing and speaking skills.

Although students writing is of an acceptable standard it often lacks depth. Students’

progress is slower when work does not match their needs.

A particular improvement this year, is seen in students’ ability to use language in a wider

range of real life situations. This is evidenced by less mistakes in both written and spoken

forms of language.

For development

Improve students’ writing and speaking skills by increasing the level of challenge in tasks.

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Islamic education Attainment Not applicable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Not applicable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Arabic as a first


Attainment Not applicable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Not applicable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

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In the primary phase students’ attainment is in line with MoE curriculum standards. In the

secondary phase students’ attainment remains weak because a significant number find it

difficult to understand and follow their teacher’s instructions.

In all phases students are beginning to decode written words and sentences. A minority

can read and fully understand sentences and short paragraphs. Students’ speaking and

writing remains weaker than other skills.

There has been some improvement in students’ attainment in the primary phase. The focus

on language practice in a range of real life situations, and the use of dictionaries, are

enhancing students’ language development.

For development

Increase the opportunities for students to speak Arabic in lessons and make links with real

life situations.

Students in all phases can write for a specific audience. While these skills are less

developed in primary, in upper secondary and post-16 they are exceptionally good

resulting in very strong achievements when measured in international and curriculum


In the primary and secondary phases, the majority of students can comprehend meaning,

identify the main idea and sequence events in a given text, resulting from a strong focus

on reading. Most students in upper secondary and post-16 are skilled in understanding

implicit and explicit meaning in a passage.

Systematic and increased opportunities for speaking and listening in all phases has led to

improvement in students’ oral skills especially in the Foundation Stage. Secondary and

post-16 students are fluent speakers and use a breadth of vocabulary in class debates,

discussions and presentations.

For development

Develop students writing skills in the primary phase by increasing opportunities for them to

write independently and creatively.

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Arabic as an

additional language

Attainment Not applicable Acceptable Weak Not


Progress Not applicable Acceptable Acceptable Not


Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16


Attainment Good Good Very good Very good

Progress Good Good Very good Very good

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Progress and improvement has been constant over the previous three years with

particularly strong application of mathematical concepts in the upper phases. In the

Foundation Stage, children’s understanding of number and accuracy in counting is stronger

than previously.

Progress accelerates as students move through the school. This is as a result of

opportunities for students to extend their capacity to comprehend and apply more complex

mathematical concepts.

Senior students are frequently made aware of the links between their study and real–life,

which provides a relevant context for their work. They also acquire very good knowledge

and apply this in research-based projects.

For development

Provide a greater level of challenge for more able students in the primary phase.

Both internal and external assessment information shows attainment and progress in the

secondary and post-16 phases are generally higher than in the primary phase because of

a stronger emphasis on investigative work.

Underpinning the very good outcomes at the secondary and post-16 phases is the use of

assessment and the focus on developing key scientific skills and understanding. Older

students have systematic opportunities for practical group investigations and independent


The newly introduced ‘learning skills framework’ is enriching the curriculum and improving

students’ scientific understanding, critical thinking, problem solving, investigation and

research skills. Assessment criteria, based on high international benchmarks, are used to

raise standards across all phases.

For development

Increase opportunities for students in the primary phase to write, read and think more


Consideration should be given to challenging students’ learning beyond age-related


Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16


Attainment Good Good Very good Very good

Progress Good Good Very good Very good

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16


Attainment Good Good Very good Very good

Progress Good Good Very good Very good

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Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Learning Skills Good Good Very good Very good

Students’ learning skills are well developed across all phases. However, they are

particularly strong in the upper phases, where students take more responsibility for their

own learning and the assessment of it. In the primary phase, teacher-led lessons restrict

opportunities for students’ independence.

Students in all phases are able to work cooperatively and make meaningful connections

between areas of their learning. Older students communicate their thinking effectively

when describing their learning and delivering presentations in class and to wider

audiences. Working together cooperatively and developing role play situations are

strengths in the Foundation Stage.

Students confidently apply skills, knowledge and understanding acquired in one lesson to

new learning contexts. In the Foundation Stage, innovation is less obvious but technology

is used well.

For development

Develop teachers’ skills to enable students in the primary phase to take responsibility for

their own learning.


Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Personal development Very good Good Outstanding


Students’ personal development is a strength across the school but is comparatively less

effective in the primary phase where some immaturity is evident in and out of lessons.

Behaviour is generally excellent around the school. However, a minority of students in the

primary phase become detached in lessons when teaching is not engaging enough or

teachers do not set behaviour expectations at appropriate levels.

Bullying is rare and students understand the value of a safety and healthy eating. Overall

attendance is very good. Students keenly attend school and are mostly punctual in arriving

to school and their classes. This has a positive impact on their attainment and progress.

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Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Understanding of Islamic values

and awareness of Emirati and

world cultures

Good Very good



Older students demonstrate an excellent awareness and appreciation of Islamic values and

their relevance to UAE modern society. Younger students are able to reflect on how Islamic

values affect their lives in the UAE.

Students fully respect and appreciate UAE culture and heritage. They enthusiastically take

part in numerous cultural activities and trips to celebrate the UAE culture. Awareness of

the wider world and the community in which students live is stronger in the upper phases.

Students display a very secure understanding and appreciation of their own cultures. They

are aware of the many similarities between the different cultures represented in their


Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Social responsibility and

innovation skills Very good Very good



The development of social responsibility and innovation skills are very strong in all four

phases. Older students are excellent role models to younger children. They lead a wide

range of social and volunteering initiatives, all of which have a positive effect in the school


Through well-planned projects, students acquire key skills to innovate and be creative.

They have a very secure understanding of environmental challenges and some have come

up with innovative approaches to address them.

The focus on developing student leaders through their involvement in community,

environmental and entrepreneurial initiatives and projects has secured excellent social

development for students particularly in the upper phases.

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Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Teaching for effective learning Good Good Very good Very good

The quality of teaching is very strong for the older students particularly in English, science

and mathematics. In the Foundation Stage, teaching is supported by a good understanding

of how young children learn through play. Tasks provided are well matched to the needs

of the children.

In the better lessons teachers have a good level of subject knowledge and expectations of

students are high. Less successful lessons lack challenge and are characterised by closed

questioning, which limits opportunities to develop higher order thinking skills particularly

in Arabic and Islamic lessons.

A focus on students conducting research, using technology, working collaboratively

and the effective use of assessment to monitor progress has driven improvement in

teaching, particularly in the upper phases. Questioning is often well focused and probing

to help students reflect more deeply and precisely.Click here to enter text.

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Assessment Good Good Very good Very good

Assessment procedures are rigorous and comprehensive. They provide the detailed

information necessary to strengthen students’ achievements. This information is used

most effectively to provide challenge for the different ability groups in the upper phases.

Data is available to track the progress of student groups and individuals and enable

teachers to make the necessary adjustments to teaching to match student needs. Students’

progress diminishes when the focus is on content rather than on developing learning skills.

The increasingly accurate use of international benchmarks is enabling teachers to profile

and challenge students better. Self-assessment by students increases motivation and new

learning intervention practices offers students structured catch-up sessions.

For development

Build on and share the very best teaching and assessment practices and ensure they are

consistently applied throughout the school.

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Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Curriculum design and

implementation Good Good Very good


Themes are chosen very carefully to ensure there is breadth, balance and relevance in the

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. In the rest of the school the programmes

of study ensure smooth progression through the subject matter. Planning is a strength of

the curriculum, although it is implemented more effectively in the secondary and post-16


New subjects have been successfully introduced at the end of Year 9, enabling students to

choose subjects for IGCSE based on their interests. Skills-based activities (DIVE programme)

aims to equip post-16 students for the next phase of their education.

Reviews of the curriculum take place regularly. In the Foundation Stage, children have

insufficient access to natural objects and resources to develop their creativity and artistic

skills. As a result, they are not as able to observe, draw conclusions and make predictions.

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Curriculum adaptation Good Very good Outstanding


The curriculum provides excellent opportunities for students to learn about the UAE culture

and traditions. Students develop entrepreneurial and innovative skills especially in the

secondary and post-16 phases. This is less strong in the Foundation Stage where children

are more restricted in freely exploring the world around them.

Older students are supported to achieve success through a wide range of additional

learning opportunities and experiences. These interest, motivate and challenge students.

However, the modifications in the classroom for students with SEND and those who are

academically gifted are less effective.

The cross-curricular, experiential approach to learning established in the Foundation Stage

is not sufficiently well developed in the primary phase. Transition arrangement do not

always support the children’s move to a more formal learning setting.

Arabic is not taught in Foundation Stage.

For development

Develop resources and opportunities for students in Foundation Stage to make connections

between their learning and the world around them.

Support the transition of students into primary by adapting the curriculum to match their

stage of development and experience.

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Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Health and safety, including

arrangements for child

protection / safeguarding

Outstanding Outstanding



The school has excellent policies and procedures in place. Child protection procedures in

the school are understood by staff, and promoted through regular training. Supervision of

students throughout the day ensures their safety. Arrivals and departures on the buses are

very well- managed.

Clear expectations and well-established routines throughout the day ensure the safety of

students and staff. The school premises are clean and tidy, and equipment is maintained

in good condition. Systems for recording and evaluating the effectiveness of safety checks

are fully embedded.

Healthy lifestyle choices are very effectively promoted through the school’s curriculum.

Students also have access to planned and informal sporting activities throughout the day.

The physical education programme is very well led by specialists. Students’ health and

well-being is overseen and promoted by qualified medical staff.

Foundation Stage Primary Secondary Post-16

Care and support Very good Very good Very good Outstanding

The emotional and physical well-being of students is well promoted across the school.

Students in the post-16 phase receive excellent professional guidance to make well-

informed choices about their future careers and programmes of study, and to support them

in developing maturity and confidence.

The school uses a range of strategies to identify students with SEND and those who are

gifted and/or talented. Systems for the effective support and challenge of the students in

the classroom are not sufficiently well refined. This results in variable progress across a

range of subjects.

The school provides a very caring environment. Relationships in the school are

exceptionally respectful and strong. Strategies to promote regular attendance are effective

with swift action being taken when students are absent or late to school.

For development

Support prompt and accurate identification of students with SEND and those who are gifted

and/or talented.

Provide high quality learning experiences in classrooms which are appropriately adapted to

assist identified students in making rapid and sustained progress.

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Provision and outcomes for students with SEND Good

The appointment of a governor for inclusive education, an inclusion champion and an

Inclusion Steering Committee, demonstrates the school’s commitment to inclusive

education. A robust programme of monitoring to support the evaluation and improvement

of provision is not yet established.

Specialist staff use a range of assessment strategies to identify the learning needs of

students. Whilst identification is generally accurate the support plan targets are too focused

on curricular outcomes with insufficient attention given to developing learning strategies

for the individual student.

Relationships with parents are strong. They have confidence in the school's procedures for

SEND support and receive regular communication from the school, both formal and

informal, regarding their children’s achievement. Specialist staff are approachable to listen

to concerns and provide guidance for parents in understanding their children’s need.

Students engage in active learning, which helps with their personal and academic

development. In the secondary phase, students have a range of curricular choices to enable

them to select the programme of study best suited to their needs and interests.

A variety of assessment systems are used to monitor and track the progress of

students. However, the interrogation of assessment information is underdeveloped. Most

students demonstrate positive attitudes to their learning, showing a determination to

succeed. They make good progress over time.

For development

Ensure all students with SEND make accelerated progress through developing Individual

Education Plan(IEPs)and Personal Learning Plan(PLPs) that are focused on reducing their

individual barriers to learning.

Implement strategies to secure robust monitoring and evaluation of the school's inclusion


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The effectiveness of leadership Very good

School self-evaluation and improvement planning Good

Parents and the community Outstanding

Governance Very good

Management, staffing, facilities and resources Good

The principal, supported extremely well by the vice principal, provides very strong leadership. Senior leaders demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the English National Curriculum and the requirements for Islamic education and Arabic. They give significant emphases to the UAE’s priorities and demonstrate a thorough knowledge of how students learn best. The leadership strongly promotes a vision which is inclusive and effectively incorporates the National Agenda.

The school knows its strengths and weaknesses well, although the monitoring of

classroom practice by a few leaders lacks rigour. The school development plan correctly

identifies the main areas for development. However, plans do not always clearly identify

how improvement will be checked and measured, limiting the effectiveness of leaders and

the governing body to evaluate accurately the progress that the school is making.

The school has excellent links with parents. Regular newsletters provides parents with

details of the curriculum and events, and celebrates the success of students. Parents feel

they are very well informed about their children’s academic progress, in particular,

regarding their performance in international assessments and the updates on the national


The governing body works very closely with senior leaders on the school’s evaluation of

its work. As a result, they have an accurate and insightful view of current strengths and

areas for development. Governors receive regular and up-to-date information about the

performance of the school, including data about how well students are achieving. They

provide good support to leaders and are confident in challenging senior leaders.

The premises and facilities provide a clean and well-maintained environment for learning.

The buildings are safe, secure, and used to the best advantage. Day-to-day management

of the school is very well organised. Teachers and staff are sufficiently qualified to fulfil

the school's vision and mission. The teaching staff benefit from regular training that closely

matches the school’s priorities.

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Before the inspection, the views of the parents, teachers and senior secondary students were

surveyed. Key messages from each group were considered during the inspection and these helped

to form inspection judgements.


No. of responses = 194


No. of responses = 577


No. of responses = 79


Students feel the school strives hard as an organisation to help them succeed

and has their best interests at heart, a few felt they would like more

enrichment activities, but feel overall that their learning and achievements

are progressing well and that these are acknowledged and they are

congratulated when they do well. The inspection findings support these



Almost all parents who completed the inspection survey express positive

views and satisfaction with the effectiveness of the school and how

leadership plans carefully and thinks through any new ideas and initiatives.

Most, but not all, feel the staff know the students well and assess their

learning in an informed way to ensure progress. The inspection findings

reflect these views.


Most of the teachers have very positive views about the leadership provided

in the school, which has resulted in a well-organised provision with a highly

positive ethos. There are few negative comments, although the staff praise

the way in which they feel supported and the improvements made to the

school in recent years. These opinions are supported by the inspection


The views of parents, teachers and senior students


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The school has been asked to prepare and submit an action plan to DSIB within two months of

receiving the inspection report. This should address:

recommendations from DSIB

areas identified by the school as requiring improvement

other external reports or sources of information that comment on the work of the school

priorities arising from the school’s unique characteristics.

The next school inspection will report on changes made by the school.

Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau

Knowledge and Human Development Authority

If you have a concern or wish to comment on any aspect of this report, you should contact

[email protected]