School Days After the Storm Stewart Elementary September 20 – October 13 2008

School Days After the Storm Stewart Elementary September 20 – October 13 2008

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School Days After the Storm Stewart Elementary

September 20 – October 132008

Grades Three and Four High School and First Baptist

Sunday School Building

School as usual….Breakfast…then “Warm Up” activity!

Breakfast is finished and we are ready to begin!

Outdoor “Morning Breakfast” in the sunshine !

Pastor Bobby Visits!

Ready for for math!

Science illustrations of different types of storms!

Texas our Texas…making history!

Science Groups…Investigation

A breath of fresh air after lunch!

TAKS Objective Reading

Students do not miss a beat!

Leaning in a relaxed atmosphere!

Third Grade Class

Positive and Productive!

Thumbs up to learning!

Setting the stage for Composition Writing!

Good Bye from Third and Fourth Grade Students!

Grades One and Twoat

Moody and Hughes GymCrosby Middle School

Class Group Guided Practice

Independent Practice for Grade Two Students


Learning at its Best!


Listening and Learning!

Story Time

Focused and Learning!


Carpet Time!

Phonics Sound Blending!

What do you hear?What do you see?


The Smiles of Success!

Happiness is Learning!

Marching to Music Class !

PE and Brain Gym!

“Look and Leave”A visit to Stewart

by Grades One and Two“Punch Cookies and the Playground !”

God Bless The USA and Texas

Punch and Animal Cookies!

Second Grade Ready to Enter!

No electricity but “Our Room” is safe! Yea!

Room 103 A ….Light from the window!

Stewart’s Playround welcomes the students!

Playtime Again!

Swinging High!

We love our Playground!

It is Time To Leave…..

Blue Skies and Electricity will come to Stewart very soon

and we will come home to our school!

“Texas Our Texas”Largest and Grandest withstanding

every test…Oh Empire wide and Glorious…. You Stand Supremely Blest!....