y p tI r = v3 n q v- r ijzriHv 5 O p e- lI c- ufl i C < i j p f 4 f OCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 io I f < Sc 4 I C r- J > z EVENING TAR 1t > < p C Lmtinyr an ft RtIft- EMtenaa4 Pbliubr i r 1 C ilTTlNGIrT Eter- R R CARROLL vMs MwsrT- he Star returns thanks to Mr Ar Q aeid of Oak for a crate of superior peaches They were of extra size and flavor aad we understand Mr Armold who by the Way In the capable man ¬ ager of the McDowell Crate ft Lumber Cot Oak baa a fortyacre tract set I oat la thla deliclow f raft andthe frees are Jut comtef IMo > earlar The 4 fruit Is as Use asthe s everripeB ed In Floridaaadvtae cream ta the 7 liberality witk whlcll I Mr Arnold re mefflbere ke friead traits of char- acter ¬ pJ of the maiiM the milk of Jui man kindness that flowsfnhlscen erOud kindly < Heart May Mr Ar- nold ¬ live lose aadprosper and receive 1 returns from Jila peack orchard com naeBrate with tJ e spirit of enter- prise ¬ thrift and progress that charac- terized ¬ all hacts > I s Gene Fkraam the gas plow ex- ponent ¬ v of agricultural doing In and f around Oxford was a vbitor In town Tuesday transacting business When questioned about crops prices and the general state of affairs remarked that- it was geod so far as the disastrous season of 1198 had been overcome and bat for till unpleasant reminder the bird otco te8 ulan happiness would be piping the glad song of pros- perity ¬ f from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same When questioned about thecounty site con ¬ test of Sumter said it was simply raging as between Coleman and Web- ster The people is the west and north end of the county say to put the courthouse at Webster will mean an endless cbalnof discomfort to the greater part of the population of the county and therefore Injustice to all while the Wcbsterites to overcome this J argument refer to the fact that Cole- man Is an interloper an Independent- bird forcounty seat honors and should be rebuked for not maintaining dem- ocratic ¬ 1 doctrines pureand simple and so the firing line Is in a constant state e of eruption and will be until the Sth of >Juy when this county seat contest c will be settled 4 Editor Appleyard of the Lake City 4 Index before he really knew Dr Trlb ble of Charlotte Va and the rumor prevailed he had declined Instead ot accepted the position of president of h Columbia College suggested tKe name of Prof J M Qulllams of the Bow- ling ¬ Green Ky normal and a former president of the Jasper normal school as president of Columbia College Prof GulUams was an able educator and a strong man at the head of the Jaspernormal i The able and conscientious editor of the TJmesHehald alatka aaya of the late legislature if it did nothing else than pass the Cash amended pri- mary ¬ F election laws should be entitled- to the thanks oftbWoters thestate S w Mr J A Freeman who is In charge- of the Camp saw mill at the big dam- on the WIthlacoochee river came up Sunday to visit his family at Belle view and consult Dr Izlar this morn lag He said there three splendid rains flunSay morning at the dam tberewere three clouds one from the S east oae from the south and one from the west and there was a generous down pour for an hour and a half He said work wasprogreas Ingwell on The big dasa They are now blowing out a solid bed of ten feet in rock for one of the big whMls that they are blow- ing ¬ d up rocfc aa big tie a goed sized auto and lifting them on ground to be crushed and used In the C rfcrete foundation of the house We had tbe pleasure of paying Judge Alex Wynne of Eastlake a visit Snuday morn ngThe judge has been I a very sick man and for several weeks- It looked M If he was booked for a trip across the river but thanks to the good offices of Dr Henry he is still on earth with bright prospects of recov- ery ¬ He can now sit up and move about some and he Is as cheerful as ofyore- Mr I Elmer Cllne a former resident 4 of Ocala sad manager of the Ocala Foundry and Machine Works passed through Ocala yesterday on his way to Jacksonville from Auburndale his home Ik county Mr Washbum has purchased the Sheriff Hodge place north of the s A S L crossing and occupies Jhe same vacating one of the Hllburn houses In the second war- d4Je rtL Henry Griggs of Oak was In town viesterdsy coming with his brother 4 L Griggs the Oxford farmer and ej Weir melon grower who spent ie night with his son Mr Henry Griggs la in charge of the Arnold farm and pe aek orchard Oak t 3 vp i Dr ad Mrs W H Powers little son and Mrs Powers mother Mrs F E Harris returned this morning from S Tryon N C Mers1 Harris and- C H Uoyd went to Jacksonville to Met the party Dr Powers Is report ¬ edtobe resting easy which will be r pleaMBt news to his host of friends The fftar misinformed yesterday + out Mrs A E Waterman going to SeAbreese She went to Hobe Sound 1 to visit her daughter Mrs Jack filers iMt her granddaughter Miss Eliza- beth ¬ Neweom accompanied her as far- M DayteM to join a nouseparty given hy Mr il P Rentz of Ocala WJIetIJ1Ja Pylea wuonhls way J JMwe 1f9m South Carolina be met his Bfetner 8iun the young undertake- rat OA In Savannah Sam Is JeliffhtM with his ntw home I S c Mayer J 11 Stevens of Crystal River was te town Monday having come from Oxford where he visited fete wit sad baby and returned to Ocala via his fatherinlaws melon tara at Lake Wei- rTItelcMep and Keddick baseball tnamn crell bate In the latter place Meaday Boiliteams think they are craekerjacks and oth went In for 4 S bed and ltwasa game that just ft t- tWtc i tke fcta Utof t fans and open- ed riv8ci1 organs crowd was for big the eiclte l erit at fever heat Bob Xviaa umpired the game and resulted f In R44kk winnliTg oat 5 to 4 The t e4atIes was so great atReddckthe- i > MW1au srcely big eflflgh q il- It t wJ1pe the IcanopswatterSete JeetTMpORd ete- j ti oJ f r e ii > J Iiisirother J E t Then et T lIa1wM Hwent to San t IirtJUt micht to taurpect the celery I f th tMCtln PjX Crt JM s r- fvl S S- M S l 1 j t t f J 5l t- Il f z > v t f- f 1 x v 5 ADLY DISTORTED a v f It seems that the statement of the or Ky Inquirer that Rev cVdCarroll aeckrl Ocala to be a very bail place was another case of great cry and littlewool The editor- of the Inquirer received a copy of the Star containing a report of a sermon preached by Mr Carroll a week before his departure In which the reverend gentleman gave his congregation some rather plain talk but tnere was noth- Ing specially denunciatory of Ocala in the sermon nor did any one take of- fense at it The Kentucky editor drew unwarranted Inferences from the ser- mon ¬ and his comments on Ocala were entirely gratuitous The reference to free silver was also that of the editor and not of the preacher who has con ¬ sistently supported every democrallc measure since he was old enough to lave any opinion on public affairs The Kentucky editor should take up his abode In Salt Lake City until some of the freshness Is pickled out of him DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED- by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to curedeaf- ness and that Js by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucuous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rum ¬ bling sound or imperfect hearing and when itis entirely closed deafness this result and unless the Inflamma- tion ¬ can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition hear- Ing will be destroyed forever nine cawsbut of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but in Inflamed con- dition ¬ of the mucuous surfaces- We will give One Hundred Dollars for ny case of deafness caused by catarrh > that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu ¬ lars free FJ CHENEY IJr CO Toledo O Sold by druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation h i EVINSTONS NEW CHURCH Evlnston is to have a new Methodist church Mr Grace was down a few days ago and contracted with Mr M J Roess for the lumber for the build- ing ¬ of the same COVERS DENSELY LOOKS LIKE ENAMEL- In all my experience as a painter- I have never seen the equal of Davis 100 Per Cent Pure Paint- It will cover more surface and cover- it better than anything I have ever used Its finished appearance looks like enamel C R Mason M P Marshall Texas HURRAH FOR PURE PAINT Davis 100 per cent Pure Paint will stand the test of the most rigid Pure Paint Law For sale by the Marlon Hardware Co Ocala Fla V PAPER IS PROSPERING- When the Times gets its new equip ¬ ment Installed the people will be in ¬ vited to Inspect the best arranged and most complete newspaper plant in South Florida The stereotype outfit arrived last week from Chicago the new linotype the week previous from Brooklyn and the big press Is expect ecJ the latter part of this week Tam ¬ paSTimes 1et The Times Is an excellent paper one of the best In quality In the country and the Star rejoices to note its pros ¬ perity ii ORANGE GROVE FOR SALE OR RENT- A fiveacre orange grove with splendid large trees now filled with fruit located right at depot in the lit- tle ¬ town of Eagle Lake eight miles from Bartow and four miles from Winter Haven Large house of 10 big rooms suitable for winter home of boarding house and can be kept filled all the time Family is scattered and owners will sell very cheap Apply or write MB Star office Ocala Fla Miss Mottle Odom went down to Is tachatta Monday afternoon LOSTA bunch of eight small keys- on ring with my name on metal tag attached Finder will be suitably re- warded ¬ by returning keys to me E L Carney tax collector Messrs Bob Marshall and Jonas Driggers of Oklawaha were business callers yesterday- The B H prescription department Is the main stay of any drugstore Accuracy reliability promptness and pure drugs have made this department of our business one of the largest in the country Send us your prescriptions Tydings Co Mr Odom who is with the Home Company at Heldtvllle spent Sunday with his mother and sisters in Ocala- W Lv Bard the successful melon grower of Weirsdale was In town Tuesday- The Ocala News Co are agents for the celebrated Hawkes glasses We can fit you Give us a trial Look over our line of toilet prep- arations ¬ We are quite proud of the fine stock Perfumen powders and soaps of the finer grades Tydings Company i- WEATHER FORECAST Washington June 23Local rains tonight or Thursday- Bear In mind we carry a full line of Staffords and Carters Inks also fountain pens from 1 up at the Ocala News Company THE FOURTH IN BELLEVIEW- The 4th of July will be celebrated in great style In Belleview Saturday July 3rd The celebration will be un ¬ der the auspices of the W C T U of that place A big crowd is expected There are many imitations of De Witts Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salve DcWIUa is the original Be sure you get DeWltts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for Ik It Is good for cuts burns and bruises and is es- pecially ¬ good for piles Sold by all druggists HOUSES FOR RENT Modern cottages all conveniences well located and new Apply to Jos- eph ¬ Ben at court house I OCALA IS AT THE HEAD Receipts of Second Class Postoffjce- sf Florida for the Year Ending March 31 1909 Ocala Fla June 15 1909 Auditor for the Postoffice Department Washington C f Sir Will you kindly give me the postal receipts of the following named offices for the year ending March 31st 1909 There Is a little spirit of rival- ry ¬ between some of these offices as re ¬ gards the increase In business year by year and for this reason I make the above request for which I thank you In advance Very respectfully George C Crom Postmaster- The following are the figures given Postmaster Crom In reply to the above by the auditor Ocala 1961845 Gainesville 18G1845 Orlando o 1726S15 Lake City 854 S28 Live Oak 1003625 P alatka 1284602- 121596G Sanford Tallahassee 195315C BRONZE CASKETS THE LATEST Smith Roberts Add Them to the Stock of their Establishment in Tampa Bronze Is the earths most famous metal It combines with a strength that has never been equalled an im erviousness to moisture and an ar- tistic coloring and effect that haS made It a metal most eagerly sought for In the manufacture of materials where great resistance Is necessary as well as for the worlds masterpieces- of artistic sculpture effects Bronze now enters Into the manu- facture of caskets for the dead and Smltn Roberts undertakers on Florida avenue and Tyler street ave the only casket of this metal ever brought south of Atlanta It has been but a short while since the art of manufacturing bronze caskets has ob- tained ¬ In the United States although Westminster Abbeys most interesting sepulchers remain Intact today after centuries of wear by virtue of the fact that they were made of bronze Perhaps Queen Eleanors body is the first one ever Interred In a bronze casket She died In 1290 Six years later the famous St Edmunds tomb was constructed of bronze while in 1395 Richard II had a bronze tomb built for himself and his first wife These tombs arc among old Westmin ¬ sters most interesting sights and in spite of the centuries of wear the tombs are as perfect today as they were when built Coming down to our own times President McKinleys body and that of his wife now lie In bronze caskets- at Canton O They will be an Inter ¬ esting relic for Americans centuries from now as it has been demonstrat- ed ¬ that the bronze is indestructible- The bronze casket which Smith Roberts have is sandsome in design and finish copper lined and satin cov- ered ¬ on the Inside while a handsome beveled glass covers the opening at the head of the casket Apart from this casket they have fine caskets in stock that are models of the casket makers art their grow Ingbusiness demanding that they car- rY ¬ a large and varied supply They have recently added to their business- a French grey funeral car which gives R D FULLER DENTAL SURGEON Office Over Munroe 8 Chambliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH L F BLALOCK Dental Surgeon Office Over Commercial Bank Phone 211 Office hours p to 12 a w 1 to 5 p m TERMS CASH J E CHACEr DENTAL SURGEONR- ooms 9 10 and 11 Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH CHARLES HURT M D BOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OfficeSecond Floor The Munroe Chambliss Bank Building Ocala Florida Telephones Office 222 Residence 221 Office Hours9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m 730 to 830 p m F E McCLANE Physkiin aid Snrgeon General Practice Calls Made Promptly Night or Day Special Attention to Obstetrics Di- seases ¬ of Women and Children Office Rooms 322Holder Building Second Floor Phones Office Xo 33 Residence No 333- OCALA FLORIDA EquitableL- ife Assurance Society Of The lilted States STRONGEST IN THE WORLD MISS FLORIDA CONDON I Resident Agent CHICHESTER s S l PILLS IaiI Aek C- orcuhl ten rPIMb- ous ru b td aar1 fhtl mcnJlk sealed wfch Blue RtLboo Take dwr JIx f yogr lrforCKI JlE8TDl8 elf >> RUB PILLS for K- SOUIY ISBetSJl < UnJS KdbtJe NUQGISTS EVERY W RE v OWf t M What Ails You Do you feel week tired despondemt have frequent headaches coated tongue bitter or bad taste in morning heart t burn belching of gas ado risings ia i throat after eating stomach gnaw OT i burn foul breath dizzy spells poor or variable appetite nausea at times and kindred symptoms I If yo Ve any considerable number of f lb above tows you are suffering rromiliou5nais > enId liver with Indi eston 8Oyspep i > Dr P erGolden- ialDLevry jnaocunOLthe the most valuable mcjnaneieknown to I medical science for the pfrmarjpntcnre 0- uch y DnormaLcng < ftilionj It is a most r efficient liver invigorator stomach tonic l bowel regulator ana nerve strengthener- The Golden Medical Discovery is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum a full list of its Ingredients being printed- on its bottlewrapper and attested undei oath A glance at its formula will show that it contains no alcohol or harmful habit forming drugs It Is a fluid extract made with pure triplerefined glycerine- of proper strength from the roots of the following native American forest plants viz Golden Seal root Stone root Black Cherrybark Queens root Bloodroot and Mandrake root The following loading medical minorities among a host of others extol the foregoing roots for the cure of just such ailments as the abpvesymptnms Indicate ProLE Bartholow M D of Jefferson Med College PhUa Prof B C Wood M D of Unlvof Pa ProfEdwln JL Hale M IL of Hahnemann Med College Chicago Prof John King JL D Author of American DLpensatory Prof Jno M Send der MD Authorof BpecIBc Medicines Prof Laurence Johnson M DMed Dept Dnlr of N Y Prof Flnley Ellincwood M D Author of Materia Medica and Prof In Bennett Medi- cal ¬ College Chicago Send name end ad- dress on Foetal Card to Dr RV Pierce Buf- falo ¬ If Y and reoelve Ira booklet ivln extracts from writings of all the above medi- cal ¬ authors and many others endorsing In the strongest possible terms each and every in rrodient of which Golden Medical Dlscor cry is composed- Dr Plerces Pleasant Pellets retaliate an4 Invigorate stomach liver and bowels They may be used in conjunction with Golden Medical Discovery It bowels arc much cow UpaUd Theyre tiny and cugarooated them a complement of two of the fin ¬ est funeral cars in the state Thoroughly competent and having a splendid staff of attaches Smith Roberts have built up a deservedly large undertaking business Their motto if they were to have one should- be kindness courtesy efficiency and promptnessTampa Times Lovers of baseball will please re- member ¬ the games of ball that will be played at the park tomorrow Friday and Saturday between Ocala and Cor dele Ga The Georgia team played the Oak Halls at Gainesville yesterday and went down in defeat by the slender margin of one score The worlds most successful medi- cine ¬ for bowel complaints Is Chamber ¬ lains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It has relieved more pain and suffering and saved more lives than any other medicine in use In ¬ valuable for children and adults I j The following representatives of the thrifty Coleman farmers and truckers I were in town Tuesday namely Cliff Bridges Mr Tankersley Ed Curring- ton and R C Fussell who in the cab- bage ¬ and tomato crop are all to the good and wear that usual Coleman smile that will not wash off To avoid serious results take Foloyc Kidney Remedy at the first signs of kidney or binder lIsorder such as backache urinary irregularities ex ¬ haustion and you will soon be well Commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy today Sold by all druggists- W H McRainey the factor in Wild- woods progress and prosperity was In town yesterday and said Wildwood was to be congratulated that In its history of 25 years it never had a case of typhoid fever There Is no better stock of fine writing papers in the city than we carry Come In and look It over if you want something really nice Ty dings Co John Juhan our popular and es ¬ teemed druggist has been laid up sev- eral ¬ days with chills and fever to the regret of his many friends Crystal River News Your prescriptions when left at the Court Pharmacy are compounded- from pure and fresh drugs Phone us well call for and deliver your pre ¬ scriptions Capt Lytle came in yesterday from Georgia where he spent several months He stopped over to see his son who is in the hospital recovering- from an operation for appendicitis 5 or 0 doses GOG will cure any case of Chills and Fever Price 25c SEABOARD AIR LINE j EXCURSION RATES J 2080 Nashville Tenn and return- V B I June 6 7 8 14 15 16 28 29 30 Limit 15 days Extension Sept 30 Stopovers 1525 Tuscaloosa Ala and return U of A June 8 9 12 14 19 21 28 July 3 5 Limit 15 days Extension Sept 30 Stojfovers 125 Knoxville Tenn and return- S S June 20 21 22 26 27 July 3 10 11 21 Limit 15 days Exten- sion ¬ I Sept 30 Stopovers 1240Athens Ga aS d return U or- G June 26 27 2S July 3 5 10 17 j Limit 15 days Stopovers 1870Monteagle and Sewanee Tenn and return MW Jc M P July 1 10 17 23 24 30 August 13 14 Limit Sept 5 1765Asheville N C and return- K of K July 8 9 10 11 Limit July 26 2385Black Mountain N C and re ¬ turn Y P SI June 30 July 1 2 I Limit July 2- 655440St Paul Minn and return U S 0 E July 3 4 5 Limit July 31 5580 Denver Colo and return X E A July 12 3 4 Limit July 30 Stopovers 1795Black Mountain N C and re ¬ turn Chautauqua July 12 19 26 31 August 2 9 16 21 25 Limit Sept G 8390Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco Cal B P O E and G A R July 1 to 10 included Limit Oct SI Stopovers 10465 San Francisco Cal and re ¬ turn One way via Portland July 1 to Sept 30 inclusive Limit Oct 31 Stopovers 9540 Seattle Portland Tacoma Vancouver Victoria Everett New Westminster and Bellingham and re ¬ turn Yukon Exposition July 1 to Sept 30 inclusive Limit OcL 21 S Stopovers Above Rates Open to the Public HEXRY RAYSOR C P T A OCALA FLA C M DICKERSON T P A I TAMPA FLORIDA WORDS OF WARNING Editor StarIt Is wonderful how a set of men that are elected by the j > eo pie to see to the welfare of the people could be so neglectful As stands to reason the first duty for them to per- form ¬ naturally to see to the health ofthe town TiiJiavea healthy town you must have a clean town What- do you find by going in any direction you happen to start from Boxes or barrels where the people are ordered- to deposit all sweepings and other ac- cumulations ¬ standing on sidewalks- or in front of their houses filled up sweltering in the sun for sometimes- two or three days before carried away by the scavenger You go west from the square on Exposition street you come to the ditch and you will be al- most ¬ overpowered by the stench aris- ing ¬ from that ditch This ditch carries off half of the sewage of the town This alone Is enough to carry off half of the people with typhoid fever Now we come to the biggest nuis- ance ¬ the RESERVOIR The last time It was cleaned was all of seven years ago when some dead buzzards were taken out of It Xow Mr editor when you take water from the clearest spring and condense it and let it stand for a few days a certain percentage of sediment will set eat the bottom How much sediment do you suppose you would find In the reservoir which has not been cleaned in seven years Analyze the same sediment and you will find a great selection of microbes- of all kindsmost of It In typhoid germs There Is the danger for the health of our town and you the mouthpiece of our people should ex- pose ¬ all these dangers wake the town council and show them Its high time- to take action to prevent an epi- demic ¬ L S Sunny Jim Robinson the popular shoe man has at last succeeded in se ¬ curing a passenger train service from Ocala to Tampa Mr Robinson has worked on this scheme for years and finally the officials of the Atlantic Coast Line have granted him his hearts desire The train will be a great convenience to our people You will see by the schedule published on another page that this thing of getting- up before day to catch a train to- i Tampa will be a thing of the past We can stay home and eat breakfast look over the mail and then go to Tampa have plenty of time there and return for supper at the usual time In be ¬ half of the people of Dade City and vicinity the Star desires to thank both Sunny Jim and the A C L road Dade City Star ONE UNIVERSITY- JOHN D DOESNT OWN Omaha Neb June 22None of John D Rockefellers money will be accepted for Improvements on the athletic field ot the University of Ne ¬ braska That is the decision of Gov ¬ ernor Shallenberger and Chancellor Avory While the hand of Bryan has not been shown it is the opinion that his Influence has been felt as he defeated- the plan proposed two years ago when the oil king offered to give money to pay for the erection of a building on the campus the only condition being that it should be known as Rockefeller Hall Foleys Honey and Tar is especially recommended for chronic throat and lung troubles and many sufferers from bronchitis asthma and consumption- have I found comfort and relief by us ¬ ing POI eR Honey and Tar Sold by t all druggists I A M Bobbitt the young and suc- cessful ¬ merchant of Oak was In town yesterday and made the Star an ap- preciated call He said all things considered trade was good Mr B is building up qufte a trade In his sec- tion ¬ and his store Is the exchange I social and commercial of that lay ot the land Soreness of the muscles whether In ¬ duced by violent exercise or injury Is quickly relieved by the free applica- tion ¬ of Chamberlains Liniment This liniment Is equally valuable for mus- cular ¬ rheumatism and always affords quick relief- L I L Griggs the Lake Weir melon grower was In town Monday He loaded his two last ears Monday He bad a fair crop some 26 cars and the returns were fair R C Davis Co of Jacksonville- will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms If desired S II IJ It- U I 1 l4 Ia + c r S Ot + J iiHit > 1 t < t y- lA 4 01 c 01 t it 9 q it < < < FACliit1c- t t 4 t < J s 1- Xr T < J1o o > f- t t t l < ht 4 l Ir 6- T j S 5 A f > TIIURSDAY JUNE4- S 1ir o- sj S r I S to- l S < l > Viv 5H > f Fj 4- m r r J 1 o1t t t o Sfc < This will be omething worth ifrhilefOT Y i f 1- J 1 i rrI < to attend We have just received a largJa- ssortment t i 1 of German ValenGiennetf aadv- N t > li 1- f f Round Thread Valencieiiie Lace Edging 5 4- r I f 1 S Sj x S- Jfl and Insertion to match j i V < > t > These goods are from one of the 1arest1ace t F i 1 11- i c houses in New York and are firs oll 8 in iFt t < S 101 S J tq every jespectl They S are worth from 1OOtO- 1501adozen f S tf + x yards but beginning oo rot r tiFt < I P 1 9 oclock arid continuing iiritil j- t 12 oclock Thursday Morning- i T f t l < I WewillseU Vt S C c j S 5 r J S if 12 yards for 50 ds r 1 2tt1f > j- l t I J f- t r- t c r Look at the Win- dowFRANKS L L- S > t tii t f 4 S 0 i t > t a oj C r- f L 2 < J Y- t7f S 11 > f- i 7 > WHERE YOU WILL BE TREATED RIGHT Formerly The Variety > Store t- t > S 1 s r- N f t wi I lild0 i to nrIY < r r L I t- i = = = = 1- c E- A ¼ S J > S H ROBINSON President- S H BLITCRY Manager J G BOOZER Assft- v r MJ Y c F f GEO 3 DUTCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL f J t A t r r BANK1- I f OCALA i l r FL t i 5 a < I < v THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK t I r > Are the merchants the professional and successful men and womenb- the i city the farmers of the surrounding territory j 1 J l We accommodate al classes Our represent the men aid women who have and are stll building successful enterprises r r v I We solicit a share of your uuR- iaessMONTEZUMA > S X 1 5 1 f HOTEL GUY WTOPHOPN THE YEAR ROUND JOHN R DEWEY W lal K Per Day Ocala FltrWa T ST JOSEPHS ACiD MYL- RETO 4 Near I Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph Young Boys from 8 to 14 ears Received Carefully Tralne along Physical Intel- lectual r Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming 4 Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms > Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER S5raw6l w St Josephs Academy Loretto FIQ4a S 2 v 1 4 1 j r j- I 1oo1 n r 1 t- v t i- A < e t- i p J t it r- it i Y4 f 7 w o 1 Yj- r g j- r J f 7+ f We have a complete stock of all kinds of Carpenters TooT ofth Highest gd J Also tools for workmen in most of the other trades ale all t guaranteed and will be a good investment Come in audlookdvwthVB O 7 you f H d will find what you want and at rBablelnc 1 The Marion U a r rwa re iIC 0 brf 1 tB- O r t H B CLARKSON General Manager t OCALA FLA r v- v i < f I- f > f I > b 5 5 5 rr i S < f ritJ 0 I > N f 1 jA S I 1I

Sc I J EVENING TAR Ot StarIt Xr t - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03200/00111.pdf · Sheriff Hodge place north of the s A S L crossing and occupies

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Page 1: Sc I J EVENING TAR Ot StarIt Xr t - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03200/00111.pdf · Sheriff Hodge place north of the s A S L crossing and occupies



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p C Lmtinyr an ft RtIft-EMtenaa4 Pbliubr i r


C ilTTlNGIrT Eter-R R CARROLL vMs MwsrT-

he Star returns thanks to Mr ArQ aeid of Oak for a crate of superior

peaches They were of extra size andflavor aad we understand Mr Armoldwho by the Way In the capable man¬

ager of the McDowell Crate ft LumberCot Oak baa a fortyacre tract set

I oat la thla deliclow fraft andthe freesare Jut comtef IMo >earlar The

4 fruit Is as Use asthe s everripeBed In Floridaaadvtae cream ta the

7 liberality witk whlcll I Mr Arnold remefflbere ke friead traits of char-acter


of the maiiM the milk ofJuiman kindness that flowsfnhlscenerOud kindly < Heart May Mr Ar-nold


live lose aadprosper and receive1 returns from Jila peack orchard com

naeBrate with tJ e spirit of enter-prise


thrift and progress that charac-terized

¬all hacts >

Is Gene Fkraam the gas plow ex-


v of agricultural doing In andf around Oxford was a vbitor In town

Tuesday transacting business Whenquestioned about crops prices and thegeneral state of affairs remarked that-it was geod so far as the disastrousseason of 1198 had been overcome andbat for till unpleasant reminder thebird otco te8 ulan happinesswould be piping the glad song of pros-perity


f from the rising of the sun tothe going down of the same Whenquestioned about thecounty site con ¬

test of Sumter said it was simplyraging as between Coleman and Web-ster The people is the west andnorth end of the county say to put thecourthouse at Webster will mean anendless cbalnof discomfort to thegreater part of the population of thecounty and therefore Injustice to allwhile the Wcbsterites to overcome this

J argument refer to the fact that Cole-man Is an interloper an Independent-bird forcounty seat honors and shouldbe rebuked for not maintaining dem-ocratic

¬1 doctrines pureand simple and

so the firing line Is in a constant statee of eruption and will be until the Sth

of>Juy when this county seat contestc will be settled4

Editor Appleyard of the Lake City4 Index before he really knew Dr Trlb

ble of Charlotte Va and the rumorprevailed he had declined Instead otaccepted the position of president of

h Columbia College suggested tKe nameof Prof J M Qulllams of the Bow-ling


Green Ky normal and a formerpresident of the Jasper normal schoolas president of Columbia CollegeProf GulUams was an able educatorand a strong man at the head of theJaspernormal

i The able and conscientious editor ofthe TJmesHehald alatka aaya ofthe late legislature if it did nothingelse than pass the Cash amended pri-mary


F election laws should be entitled-to the thanks oftbWoters thestate


Mr J A Freeman who is In charge-of the Camp saw mill at the big dam-on the WIthlacoochee river came upSunday to visit his family at Belleview and consult Dr Izlar this mornlag He said there three splendidrains flunSay morning at the damtberewere three clouds one from the

S east oae from the south and one fromthe west and there was a generousdown pour for an hour and a half Hesaid work wasprogreas Ingwell on Thebig dasa They are now blowing out asolid bed of ten feet in rock for oneof the big whMls that they are blow-ing


d up rocfc aa big tie a goed sizedauto and lifting them on ground tobe crushed and used In the C rfcretefoundation of the house

We had tbe pleasure of payingJudge Alex Wynne of Eastlake a visitSnuday morn ngThe judge has been

I a very sick man and for several weeks-It looked M If he was booked for atrip across the river but thanks to thegood offices of Dr Henry he is still onearth with bright prospects of recov-ery


He can now sit up and moveabout some and he Is as cheerful asofyore-


Elmer Cllne a former resident4 of Ocala sad manager of the Ocala

Foundry and Machine Works passedthrough Ocala yesterday on his wayto Jacksonville from Auburndale hishome Ik county

Mr Washbum has purchased theSheriff Hodge place north of the s A

S L crossing and occupies Jhe samevacating one of the Hllburn houses Inthe second war-


rtL Henry Griggs of Oak was In townviesterdsy coming with his brother

4 L Griggs the Oxford farmer andej Weir melon grower who spent

ie night with his son Mr HenryGriggs la in charge of the Arnold farmand peaek orchard Oak

t 3vp i

Dr ad Mrs W H Powers littleson and Mrs Powers mother Mrs FE Harris returned this morning from

S Tryon N C Mers1 Harris and-C H Uoyd went to Jacksonville toMet the party Dr Powers Is report ¬

edtobe resting easy which will ber pleaMBt news to his host of friends

The fftar misinformed yesterday+ out Mrs A E Waterman going to

SeAbreese She went to Hobe Sound1 to visit her daughter Mrs Jack filers

iMt her granddaughter Miss Eliza-beth


Neweom accompanied her as far-M DayteM to join a nouseparty givenhy Mr il P Rentz of Ocala

WJIetIJ1Ja Pylea wuonhls wayJ

JMwe 1f9m South Carolina be met hisBfetner 8iun the young undertake-rat OA In Savannah Sam Is

JeliffhtM with his ntw homeI


c Mayer J 11 Stevens of CrystalRiver was te town Monday havingcome from Oxford where he visitedfete wit sad baby and returned toOcala via his fatherinlaws melontara at Lake Wei-

rTItelcMep and Keddick baseballtnamn crell bate In the latter placeMeaday Boiliteams think they arecraekerjacks and oth went In for

4 S bed and ltwasa game that just ft t-

tWtci tke fcta Utof t fans and open-

ed riv8ci1 organs crowd wasfor big the eiclte lerit at fever heat Bob

Xviaa umpired the game and resultedf In R44kk winnliTg oat 5 to 4 The

t e4atIes was so great atReddckthe-i >

MW1au srcely big eflflgh q il-Itt wJ1pe the IcanopswatterSete

JeetTMpORd ete-j


fr e

ii > J Iiisirother J Et Then et T lIa1wM Hwent to Sant IirtJUt micht to taurpect the celeryI f th tMCtln




S S-

M S l1 j tt f J

5l t-

Il fz

> v t f-

f 1 x

v 5


It seems that the statement of theor Ky Inquirer that Rev

cVdCarroll aeckrl Ocala to be avery bail place was another case ofgreat cry and littlewool The editor-of the Inquirer received a copy of theStar containing a report of a sermonpreached by Mr Carroll a week beforehis departure In which the reverendgentleman gave his congregation some

rather plain talk but tnere was noth-Ing specially denunciatory of Ocala inthe sermon nor did any one take of-

fense at it The Kentucky editor drewunwarranted Inferences from the ser-mon


and his comments on Ocala wereentirely gratuitous The reference tofree silver was also that of the editorand not of the preacher who has con ¬

sistently supported every democrallcmeasure since he was old enough tolave any opinion on public affairs

The Kentucky editor should take uphis abode In Salt Lake City until someof the freshness Is pickled out of him


by local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of the earThere is only one way to curedeaf-ness and that Js by constitutionalremedies Deafness Is caused by anInflamed condition of the mucuouslining of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube Is Inflamed you have a rum ¬

bling sound or imperfect hearing andwhen itis entirely closed deafnessthis result and unless the Inflamma-tion


can be taken out and this tuberestored to Its normal condition hear-Ing will be destroyed forever ninecawsbut of ten are caused by catarrhwhich is nothing but in Inflamed con-


of the mucuous surfaces-We will give One Hundred Dollars

for ny case of deafness caused bycatarrh > that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cure Send for circu ¬

lars freeFJ CHENEY IJr CO Toledo O

Sold by druggists 75c Take HallsFamily Pills for constipation


Evlnston is to have a new Methodistchurch Mr Grace was down a fewdays ago and contracted with Mr MJ Roess for the lumber for the build-ing


of the same


In all my experience as a painter-I have never seen the equal of

Davis 100 Per Cent Pure Paint-

It will cover more surface and cover-it better than anything I have everused Its finished appearance lookslike enamel C R Mason M P

Marshall Texas


Davis 100 per cent Pure Paint willstand the test of the most rigid PurePaint Law For sale by the MarlonHardware Co Ocala Fla


When the Times gets its new equip ¬

ment Installed the people will be in ¬

vited to Inspect the best arranged andmost complete newspaper plant inSouth Florida The stereotype outfitarrived last week from Chicago thenew linotype the week previous fromBrooklyn and the big press Is expectecJ the latter part of this week Tam ¬

paSTimes 1et

The Times Is an excellent paper oneof the best In quality In the countryand the Star rejoices to note its pros¬

perity ii


A fiveacre orange grove withsplendid large trees now filled withfruit located right at depot in the lit-tle


town of Eagle Lake eight milesfrom Bartow and four miles fromWinter Haven Large house of 10 bigrooms suitable for winter home ofboarding house and can be kept filledall the time Family is scattered andowners will sell very cheap Apply orwrite MB Star office Ocala Fla

Miss Mottle Odom went down to Istachatta Monday afternoon

LOSTA bunch of eight small keys-on ring with my name on metal tagattached Finder will be suitably re-


by returning keys to me EL Carney tax collector

Messrs Bob Marshall and JonasDriggers of Oklawaha were businesscallers yesterday-

TheB H

prescription department Is themain stay of any drugstore Accuracyreliability promptness and pure drugshave made this department of ourbusiness one of the largest in thecountry Send us your prescriptionsTydings Co

Mr Odom who is with the HomeCompany at Heldtvllle spent Sundaywith his mother and sisters in Ocala-

W Lv Bard the successful melongrower of Weirsdale was In townTuesday-

The Ocala News Co are agents forthe celebrated Hawkes glasses Wecan fit you Give us a trial

Look over our line of toilet prep-arations


We are quite proud of thefine stock Perfumen powders andsoaps of the finer grades TydingsCompany i-


Washington June 23Local rainstonight or Thursday-

Bear In mind we carry a full line ofStaffords and Carters Inks alsofountain pens from 1 up at the OcalaNews Company


The 4th of July will be celebrated ingreat style In Belleview SaturdayJuly 3rd The celebration will be un¬

der the auspices of the W C T U ofthat place A big crowd is expected

There are many imitations of DeWitts Carbollzed Witch Hazel SalveDcWIUa is the original Be sure youget DeWltts Carbolized Witch HazelSalve when you ask for Ik It Is goodfor cuts burns and bruises and is es-


good for piles Sold by alldruggists

HOUSES FOR RENTModern cottages all conveniences

well located and new Apply to Jos-eph


Ben at court house



Receipts of Second Class Postoffjce-sf Florida for the Year Ending

March 31 1909

Ocala Fla June 15 1909Auditor for the Postoffice Department

Washington C f

Sir Will you kindly give me thepostal receipts of the following namedoffices for the year ending March 31st1909 There Is a little spirit of rival-ry


between some of these offices as re ¬

gards the increase In business year byyear and for this reason I make theabove request for which I thank youIn advance Very respectfully

George C Crom Postmaster-The following are the figures given

Postmaster Crom In reply to the aboveby the auditorOcala 1961845Gainesville 18G1845Orlando o 1726S15Lake City 854 S28Live Oak 1003625Palatka 1284602-

121596GSanfordTallahassee 195315C


Smith Roberts Add Them to theStock of their Establishment in

TampaBronze Is the earths most famous

metal It combines with a strengththat has never been equalled an imerviousness to moisture and an ar-tistic coloring and effect that haSmade It a metal most eagerly soughtfor In the manufacture of materialswhere great resistance Is necessary aswell as for the worlds masterpieces-of artistic sculpture effects

Bronze now enters Into the manu-facture of caskets for the dead andSmltn Roberts undertakers onFlorida avenue and Tyler street avethe only casket of this metal everbrought south of Atlanta It has beenbut a short while since the art ofmanufacturing bronze caskets has ob-


In the United States althoughWestminster Abbeys most interestingsepulchers remain Intact today aftercenturies of wear by virtue of the factthat they were made of bronze

Perhaps Queen Eleanors body is thefirst one ever Interred In a bronzecasket She died In 1290 Six yearslater the famous St Edmunds tombwas constructed of bronze while in1395 Richard II had a bronze tombbuilt for himself and his first wifeThese tombs arc among old Westmin ¬

sters most interesting sights and inspite of the centuries of wear thetombs are as perfect today as theywere when built

Coming down to our own timesPresident McKinleys body and thatof his wife now lie In bronze caskets-at Canton O They will be an Inter¬

esting relic for Americans centuriesfrom now as it has been demonstrat-ed


that the bronze is indestructible-The bronze casket which Smith

Roberts have is sandsome in designand finish copper lined and satin cov-


on the Inside while a handsomebeveled glass covers the opening atthe head of the casket

Apart from this casket they havefine caskets in stock that are modelsof the casket makers art their growIngbusiness demanding that they car-rY


a large and varied supply Theyhave recently added to their business-a French grey funeral car which gives


Office Over Munroe 8 ChamblissBank



L F BLALOCKDental Surgeon

Office Over Commercial BankPhone 211

Office hours p to 12 a w 1 to5 p m



ooms 9 10 and 11Second Floor Holder Block




OfficeSecond Floor The MunroeChambliss Bank Building OcalaFlorida

Telephones Office 222 Residence221

Office Hours9 to 12 a m 2 to 4p m 730 to 830 p m

F E McCLANEPhyskiin aid Snrgeon

General Practice Calls Made PromptlyNight or Day

Special Attention to Obstetrics Di-


of Women and Children

Office Rooms 322Holder BuildingSecond Floor Phones Office Xo 33Residence No 333-



ife Assurance Society

Of The lilted States




SlPILLSIaiI Aek C-orcuhl tenrPIMb-ousru b td aar1 fhtl mcnJlk

sealed wfch Blue RtLbooTake dwr JIx f yogr

lrforCKI JlE8TDl8elf>> RUB PILLS for K-



v OWf t M

What Ails YouDo you feel week tired despondemt

have frequent headaches coated tonguebitter or bad taste in morning heart tburn belching of gas ado risings ia i

throat after eating stomach gnaw OT i

burn foul breath dizzy spells poor orvariable appetite nausea at times andkindred symptoms I

If yo Ve any considerable number off

lb above tows you are sufferingrromiliou5nais >enId liver with Indieston 8Oyspep i> Dr P erGolden-

ialDLevry jnaocunOLthe the mostvaluable mcjnaneieknown to I

medical science for the pfrmarjpntcnre 0-

uchy DnormaLcng <ftilionj It is a mostrefficient liver invigorator stomach tonic


bowel regulator ana nerve strengthener-The Golden Medical Discovery is not

a patent medicine or secret nostrum afull list of its Ingredients being printed-on its bottlewrapper and attested undeioath A glance at its formula will showthat it contains no alcohol or harmfulhabit forming drugs It Is a fluid extractmade with pure triplerefined glycerine-of proper strength from the roots of thefollowing native American forest plantsviz Golden Seal root Stone root BlackCherrybark Queens root Bloodroot andMandrake root

The following loading medical minoritiesamong a host of others extol the foregoingroots for the cure of just such ailments as theabpvesymptnms Indicate ProLE BartholowM D of Jefferson Med College PhUa ProfB C Wood M D of Unlvof Pa ProfEdwlnJL Hale M IL of Hahnemann Med CollegeChicago Prof John King JL D Author ofAmerican DLpensatory Prof Jno M Sendder M D Authorof BpecIBc Medicines ProfLaurence Johnson M DMed Dept Dnlr ofN Y Prof Flnley Ellincwood M D Authorof Materia Medica and Prof In Bennett Medi-cal


College Chicago Send name end ad-dress on Foetal Card to Dr R V Pierce Buf-falo


If Y and reoelve Ira booklet ivlnextracts from writings of all the above medi-cal


authors and many others endorsing In thestrongest possible terms each and every inrrodient of which Golden Medical Dlscorcry is composed-

Dr Plerces Pleasant Pellets retaliate an4Invigorate stomach liver and bowels Theymay be used in conjunction with GoldenMedical Discovery It bowels arc much cowUpaUd Theyre tiny and cugarooated

them a complement of two of the fin ¬

est funeral cars in the stateThoroughly competent and having a

splendid staff of attaches SmithRoberts have built up a deservedlylarge undertaking business Theirmotto if they were to have one should-be kindness courtesy efficiency andpromptnessTampa Times

Lovers of baseball will please re-


the games of ball that will beplayed at the park tomorrow Fridayand Saturday between Ocala and Cordele Ga The Georgia team played theOak Halls at Gainesville yesterday andwent down in defeat by the slendermargin of one score

The worlds most successful medi-cine


for bowel complaints Is Chamber¬

lains Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy It has relieved more painand suffering and saved more livesthan any other medicine in use In¬

valuable for children and adults I


The following representatives of thethrifty Coleman farmers and truckers I

were in town Tuesday namely CliffBridges Mr Tankersley Ed Curring-ton and R C Fussell who in the cab-bage


and tomato crop are all to thegood and wear that usual Colemansmile that will not wash off

To avoid serious results take FoloycKidney Remedy at the first signs ofkidney or binder lIsorder such asbackache urinary irregularities ex¬

haustion and you will soon be wellCommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy today Sold by all druggists-

W H McRainey the factor in Wild-woods progress and prosperity wasIn town yesterday and said Wildwoodwas to be congratulated that In itshistory of 25 years it never had a caseof typhoid fever

There Is no better stock of finewriting papers in the city than wecarry Come In and look It over ifyou want something really nice Tydings Co

John Juhan our popular and es ¬

teemed druggist has been laid up sev-eral


days with chills and fever to theregret of his many friends CrystalRiver News

Your prescriptions when left at theCourt Pharmacy are compounded-from pure and fresh drugs Phone uswell call for and deliver your pre ¬


Capt Lytle came in yesterday fromGeorgia where he spent severalmonths He stopped over to see hisson who is in the hospital recovering-from an operation for appendicitis

5 or 0 doses GOG will cure anycase of Chills and Fever Price 25c



2080 Nashville Tenn and return-V B I June 6 7 8 14 15 16 2829 30 Limit 15 days ExtensionSept 30 Stopovers

1525 Tuscaloosa Ala and returnU of A June 8 9 12 14 19 21 28July 3 5 Limit 15 days ExtensionSept 30 Stojfovers

125 Knoxville Tenn and return-S S June 20 21 22 26 27 July 310 11 21 Limit 15 days Exten-sion

¬I Sept 30 Stopovers

1240Athens Ga aS d return U or-

G June 26 27 2S July 3 5 10 17j Limit 15 days Stopovers

1870Monteagle and Sewanee Tennand return MW Jc M P July 110 17 23 24 30 August 13 14 LimitSept 5

1765Asheville N C and return-K of K July 8 9 10 11 Limit July26

2385Black Mountain N C and re¬

turn Y P SI June 30 July 1 2I Limit July 2-655440St Paul Minn and return U

S 0 E July 3 4 5 Limit July 315580 Denver Colo and return XE A July 12 3 4 Limit July 30Stopovers

1795Black Mountain N C and re¬

turn Chautauqua July 12 19 2631 August 2 9 16 21 25 LimitSept G

8390Los Angeles San Diego SanFrancisco Cal B P O E and GA R July 1 to 10 included LimitOct SI Stopovers

10465 San Francisco Cal and re¬

turn One way via Portland July1 to Sept 30 inclusive Limit Oct31 Stopovers

9540 Seattle Portland TacomaVancouver Victoria Everett NewWestminster and Bellingham and re¬

turn Yukon Exposition July 1 toSept 30 inclusive Limit OcL 21

S StopoversAbove Rates Open to the Public





Editor StarIt Is wonderful how aset of men that are elected by the j>eopie to see to the welfare of the peoplecould be so neglectful As stands toreason the first duty for them to per-form


naturally to see to the healthofthe town TiiJiavea healthy townyou must have a clean town What-do you find by going in any directionyou happen to start from Boxes orbarrels where the people are ordered-to deposit all sweepings and other ac-cumulations


standing on sidewalks-or in front of their houses filled upsweltering in the sun for sometimes-two or three days before carried awayby the scavenger You go west fromthe square on Exposition street youcome to the ditch and you will be al-most


overpowered by the stench aris-ing


from that ditch This ditch carriesoff half of the sewage of the townThis alone Is enough to carry off halfof the people with typhoid fever

Now we come to the biggest nuis-ance


the RESERVOIR The last timeIt was cleaned was all of sevenyears ago when some dead buzzardswere taken out of It Xow Mr editorwhen you take water from the clearestspring and condense it and let it standfor a few days a certain percentage ofsediment will set eat the bottomHow much sediment do you supposeyou would find In the reservoir whichhas not been cleaned in seven yearsAnalyze the same sediment and youwill find a great selection of microbes-of all kindsmost of It In typhoidgerms There Is the danger for thehealth of our town and you themouthpiece of our people should ex-pose


all these dangers wake the towncouncil and show them Its high time-to take action to prevent an epi-



Sunny Jim Robinson the popularshoe man has at last succeeded in se¬

curing a passenger train service fromOcala to Tampa Mr Robinson hasworked on this scheme for years andfinally the officials of the AtlanticCoast Line have granted him hishearts desire The train will be agreat convenience to our people Youwill see by the schedule published onanother page that this thing of getting-up before day to catch a train to-

i Tampa will be a thing of the past Wecan stay home and eat breakfast lookover the mail and then go to Tampahave plenty of time there and returnfor supper at the usual time In be¬

half of the people of Dade City andvicinity the Star desires to thankboth Sunny Jim and the A C L road

Dade City Star


Omaha Neb June 22None ofJohn D Rockefellers money will beaccepted for Improvements on theathletic field ot the University of Ne ¬

braska That is the decision of Gov ¬

ernor Shallenberger and ChancellorAvory

While the hand of Bryan has notbeen shown it is the opinion that hisInfluence has been felt as he defeated-the plan proposed two years ago whenthe oil king offered to give money topay for the erection of a building onthe campus the only condition beingthat it should be known as RockefellerHall

Foleys Honey and Tar is especiallyrecommended for chronic throat andlung troubles and many sufferers frombronchitis asthma and consumption-haveI found comfort and relief by us ¬

ing POI eR Honey and Tar Sold byt all druggists

I A M Bobbitt the young and suc-cessful


merchant of Oak was In townyesterday and made the Star an ap-preciated call He said all thingsconsidered trade was good Mr Bis building up qufte a trade In his sec-tion


and his store Is the exchangeI social and commercial of that lay otthe land

Soreness of the muscles whether In ¬

duced by violent exercise or injury Isquickly relieved by the free applica-tion


of Chamberlains Liniment Thisliniment Is equally valuable for mus-cular


rheumatism and always affordsquick relief-


L Griggs the Lake Weir melongrower was In town Monday Heloaded his two last ears Monday Hebad a fair crop some 26 cars and thereturns were fair

R C Davis Co of Jacksonville-will sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms If desired


I 1 l4 Ia + cr S Ot + J iiHit> 1 t < ty-

lA4 01



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Viv 5H> f Fj 4-mr r J 1 o1t t t o Sfc <

This will be omething worth ifrhilefOT Y i f 1-



i rrI <

to attend We have just received a largJa-

ssortmentt i


of German ValenGiennetf aadv-N

t >li 1-

f fRound Thread Valencieiiie Lace Edging 5 4-r

I f1 S Sj xS-

Jfland Insertion to matchj i V < > t >

These goods are from one of the 1arest1acet

F i1 11-

i c

houses in New York and are firs oll 8 in iFt t <S

101S J tq

every jespectl TheyS

are worth from 1OOtO-




tf +x

yards but beginningoo


r tiFt<

I P 1

9 oclock arid continuing iiritil j-t

12 oclock Thursday Morning-i


ft l<

I WewillseU Vt


C c j S

5 r JS if

12 yards for 50 dsr

12tt1f >


l t IJ f-

t r-t c r

Look at the Win-




> ttii t f4 S 0 i t >

t aoj C r-



<J Y-

t7f S11 >


i 7>


Formerly The Variety>

Store t-



S 1 s r-N

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to nrIY <


L I t-

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J> S

H ROBINSON President-S H BLITCRY Manager J G BOOZER Assft-

vrMJ Y c F fGEO 3 DUTCH Te-


t A t rr BANK1-


f OCALA i l rFL t i

5 a <I<v



Are the merchants the professional and successful men and womenb-the icity the farmers of the surrounding territory j 1 J lWe accommodate al classes Our represent the men aidwomen who have and are stll building successful enterprises r r v I

We solicit a share of your uuR-


>S X 1

5 1



lalK Per Day Ocala FltrWa





Near I

Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph YoungBoys from 8 to 14 ears Received Carefully Tralne along Physical Intel-lectual

rMoral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming 4

Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall andRecreation Rooms >

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER S5raw6lw

St Josephs Academy Loretto FIQ4aS

2 v1 4

1 jr j-

I 1oo1 n r 1

t-v t i-


e t-

ip J

t itr-

iti Y4 f7 w





rJ f7+ f

We have a complete stock of all kinds of Carpenters TooTofth Highest gd J

Also tools for workmen in most of the other trades ale all t

guaranteed and will be a good investment Come in audlookdvwthVB O 7 you f H d

will find what you wantand at rBablelnc 1

The Marion Uar rware iIC0brf


O r tH B CLARKSON General Manager t OCALA FLA r



i< f I-


f I>


5 5 rr iS


f ritJ 0I > N f 1