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Page 1: SBHS2
Page 2: SBHS2

Observation table:

Kc Tau I (sec) Temperature (T) 0C Input (dU)

0.90 32.14 29.78 0.0016

0.45 32.14 28.99 0.0044

1.80 32.14 30.00 -0.25

0.90 16.09 29.99 0.000006

0.90 64.39 28.53 0.0053

As we increase the controller gain the system goes towards instability and if we increase the tau the

system will take long time to reach in steady state so we should keep Kc and tau in such a way that it

should not take much time and s well as it should not become unstable.

In above observation best results gives if we just half the time constant’s value i.e. 16.09.