SB2b Statistical Machine Learning Hilary Term 2017 Seth Flaxman New website: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~flaxman/course_ml.html Announcements: First problem sheet available! (due: Friday 27 Jan. at 5pm for Part B) First problem class for MSc students: Thursday (26 Jan) at 3pm in LG.01

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SB2b Statistical Machine LearningHilary Term 2017

Seth FlaxmanNew website:


Announcements:First problem sheet available! (due: Friday 27 Jan. at 5pm for Part B)

First problem class for MSc students: Thursday (26 Jan) at 3pm in LG.01

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Recap from last time Validation and Cross-Validation

Validation and Cross-Validation

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Recap from last time Validation and Cross-Validation


For each combination of tuning parameters γ:Train our model on the training set, fitparameters θ = θ(γ), obtaining decisionfunction fθ(γ).Evaluate Rval (fθ(γ)) average loss on avalidation set.

Pick γ∗ with best performance on validationset.Using γ∗, train on both training andvalidation set to obtain the optimal θ∗.Rval(fθ(γ∗)) is now a biased estimate ofR(fθ(γ∗)) and can be overly optimistic!Evaluate model with γ∗, θ∗ on test set,reporting generalization performance.

Training set

Test set



Validation set Modelcomplexity

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Recap from last time Validation and Cross-Validation


Training Training Training Validation Test

TrainingTraining Training Validation Test

TrainingTrainingTraining Validation Test

Training TrainingTrainingValidation Test

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Logistic regression

One of the most popular methods for classificationLinear model on the probabilitiesDates back to work on population growth curves by Verhulst [1838, 1845,1847]Statistical use for classification dates to Cox [1960s]Independently discovered as the perceptron in machine learning[Rosenblatt 1957]Main example of “discriminative” as opposed to “generative” learningNaïve approach to classification: linear regression

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Logistic regression

Statistical perspective: consider Y = {0, 1}. Generalised linear modelwith Bernoulli likelihood and logit link:

Y|X = x, a, b ∼ Bernoulli(s(a + b>x)

)s(a + b>x) = 1

1+exp(−(a+b>x)) .

−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 80



ML perspective: a discriminative classifier. Consider binaryclassification with Y = {−1,+1}. Logistic regression uses a parametricmodel on the conditional Y|X, not the joint distribution of (X,Y):

p(Y = y|X = x; a, b) =1

1 + exp(−y(a + b>x)).

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Linearity of log-odds and logistic function

a + b>x models the log-odds ratio:

logp(Y = +1|X = x; a, b)p(Y = −1|X = x; a, b)

= a + b>x.

Solve explicitly for conditional class probabilities:

p(Y = +1|X = x; a, b) =1

1 + exp(−(a + b>x))=: s(a + b>x)

p(Y = −1|X = x; a, b) =1

1 + exp(+(a + b>x))= s(−a− b>x)

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Fitting the parameters of the hyperplaneHow to learn a and b?

Consider maximizing the conditional log likelihood for Y = {−1,+1}:

`(a, b) =n∑


log p(Y = yi|X = xi) =


log s(yi(a + b>xi)).

Equivalent to minimizing the empirical risk associated with the log loss:

R̂log(fa,b) =1n


− log s(yi(a + b>xi)) =1n


log(1 + exp(−yi(a + b>xi)))

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression

Not possible to find optimal a, b analytically.For simplicity, absorb a as an entry in b byappending ’1’ into x vector.Objective function:

R̂log =1n


− log s(yix>i b)

Logistic Function

s(−z) = 1− s(z)

∇zs(z) = s(z)s(−z)

∇z log s(z) = s(−z)

∇2z log s(z) = −s(z)s(−z)

Differentiate wrt b:

∇bR̂log =1n


−s(−yix>i b)yixi

∇2bR̂log =



s(yix>i b)s(−yix>i b)xix>i � 0.

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression

Second derivative is positive-definite: objective function is convex andthere is a single unique global minimum.Many different algorithms can find optimal b, e.g.:

Gradient descent:

bnew = b + ε1n


s(−yix>i b)yixi

Stochastic gradient descent:

bnew = b + εt1|I(t)|


s(−yix>i b)yixi

where I(t) is a subset of the data at iteration t, and εt → 0 slowly(∑

t εt =∞,∑

t ε2t <∞).

Newton-Raphson:bnew = b− (∇2


This is also called iterative reweighted least squares.Conjugate gradient, LBFGS and other methods from numerical analysis.

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Linearly separable data

Assume that the data is linearly separable, i.e. there is a scalar α and a vectorβ such that yi(α+ β>xi) > 0, i = 1, . . . , n. Let c > 0. The empirical risk fora = cα, b = cβ is

R̂log(fa,b) =1n


log(1 + exp(−cyi(α+ β>xi)))

which can be made arbitrarily close to zero as c→∞, i.e. soft classificationrule becomes ±∞ (overconfidence)→ overfitting.

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Multi-class logistic regression

The multi-class/multinomial logistic regression uses the softmax function tomodel the conditional class probabilities p (Y = k|X = x; θ), for K classesk = 1, . . . ,K, i.e.,

p (Y = k|X = x; θ) =exp

(w>k x + bk

)∑K`=1 exp

(w>` x + b`

) .Parameters are θ = (b,W) where W = (wkj) is a K × p matrix of weights andb ∈ RK is a vector of bias terms.

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Logistic regression Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression: Summary

Makes less modelling assumptions than generative classifiers: oftenresulting in better prediction accuracy.Diverging optimal parameters for linearly separable data: need toregularise / pull them towards zero.A simple example of a generalised linear model (GLM), for which there isa well established statistical theory:

Assessment of fit via deviance and plots,Well founded approaches to removing insignificant features (drop-indeviance test, Wald test).

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization

Overfitting and Regularization

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization

Overfitting in Logistic Regressiondx <- c(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,5)d <- data.frame(dx)x <- seq(-6,6,.1)y <- c(0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1)lr <- glm(y ~ ., data=d,family=binomial)p <- predict(lr,newdata=data.frame(dx=x),type="response")plot(x,p,type="l")points(dx,y)

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization

Overfitting in Logistic Regressiondx <- c(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,5)d <- data.frame(dx)x <- seq(-6,6,.1)y <- c(0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1)lr <- glm(y ~ ., data=d,family=binomial)p <- predict(lr,newdata=data.frame(dx=x),type="response")plot(x,p,type="l")points(dx,y)

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● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization

Overfitting in Linear Regression


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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization


Flexible models for high-dimensional problems require many parameters.With many parameters, learners can easily overfit to the noise in thetraining data.Regularization: Limit flexibility of model to prevent overfitting.Deep connections with Bayesian perspective: prior distributions provideregularizationTypically: add term penalizing large values of parameters θ.

Remp(θ) + λ‖θ‖ρρ =1n


log(1 + exp(−yi(a + b>xi))) + λ‖b‖ρρ

where ρ ∈ [1, 2], and ‖z‖ρ = (∑p

j=1 |zj|ρ)1/ρ is the Lρ norm of b (also ofinterest when ρ ∈ [0, 1), but is no longer a norm).Also known as shrinkage methods—parameters are shrunk towards 0.Typical cases are ρ = 2 (Euclidean norm, ridge regression) and ρ = 1(LASSO). When ρ ≤ 1 it is called a sparsity inducing regularization.λ is a tuning parameter (or hyperparameter) and controls the amountof regularization, and resulting complexity of the model.

Bach, Sparse Methods in Machine learning.

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization


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Lρ regularization profile for different values of ρ.

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100











10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100











L1 and L2 norm contours.

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization

L2 regularization

Dates to Tikhonov [1943] (more general framework)Rediscovered as ridge regression [Hoerl and Kennard 1970]Derivation of ridge regression estimator [on board]

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization

Sparsity Inducing Regularization

Consider constrained optimization problem


Remp(θ) s.t. ‖θ‖1 < γ

Lagrange multiplier λ > 0 to enforce constraint,


Remp(θ) + λ(‖θ‖1 − γ)

At the optimal value of λ, the parameter θ is theone minimizing the regularized empirical riskobjective.Conversely, given λ, there is a value of γ such thatthe corresponding optimal Lagrange multiplier is λ.

Generally: L1 regularization leads to optimalsolutions with many zeros, i.e. the regressionfunction depends only on the (small) number offeatures with non-zero parameters.

constraint |θ|1 ! γ


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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization


Source: Statistical Learning with Sparsity: the Lasso and Generalizations byHastie, Tibshirani, and Wainwright

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Regularization Overfitting and Regularization

Bias/variance tradeoff

Why does regularization prevent overfitting?Regularization introduces bias with the goal of reducing variance:

Model complexity/flexibility



n er


Underfit:high bias

low varianceOverfit:low bias

high variance

Just right

Training error



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Useful Resources and Pointers

[links below are clickable]Compendium of common loss functions for classification and regressionStatistical Learning with Sparsity: The Lasso and Generalizations byHastie, Tibshirani, and Wainwrightglmnet (R package) tutorialMatrix Cookbook