Mercury Retrograde Special Report Say What!? - Mercury Retrograde Special Report Mercury Retrograde is a phenomenon that has worked its way into mass consciousness. The moment a communication snafu occurs, folks blame Mercury Retrograde! The truth is, not all miscommunications can be laid at the feet of this little planet. But it does behoove us to observe a few simple principles about this event. Mercury appears to turn backward in its path around the Zodiac three times every year, for about twenty-one or twenty-two days at a time. So every four months, you get a three-week pause in which to catch up on old correspondence, read the book that's been sitting on your nightstand and make phone calls to friends and family. The current Mercury Retrograde (almost complete) is in Scorpio. It began November 8th and will end November 26th. What is a Retrograde? A planet can be described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. But this is an optical illusion. Actually, the Earth is rotating, causing the planets to appear to be moving backwards (or standing still) in the sky. Retrograde periods, although often problematic for mere mortals, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet goes through retrograde periods, except the Sun and Moon. In general when a planet is in retrograde, events may take place that seem almost fated, and frustrations, 'near misses' or totally unforeseen events can occur that may leave us feeling like we're not in control of our lives. A retrograde period is best perceived as a cycle that consists of three stations. The motion is like a pendulum swinging with a start backward, a stop and a start forward again. What is a Station? A station is when the planet appears to be motionless in the sky. For every retrograde period, there are 3 'stations': The first station occurs when the planet begins to slow to a halt before appearing to travel backwards through the zodiac. The second station occurs when the planet slows down while moving backwards and appears to stop before moving forward again.  The third station occurs when the planet returns to the point where it first paused (made a station). The negative energy of the planet's retrograde is most powerful while the planet is stationary and more likely to generate critical or even disastrous results. Page 1 Numbers. Patterns. Purpose. Copyright © 2013. Numerologist.com. All Rights Reserved.

Say What!? - Mercury Retrograde Special Report...Retrograde periods, although often problematic for mere mortals, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet goes through retrograde

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Page 1: Say What!? - Mercury Retrograde Special Report...Retrograde periods, although often problematic for mere mortals, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet goes through retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Special Report

Say What!? - Mercury Retrograde Special Report

Mercury Retrograde is a phenomenon that has worked its way into mass consciousness. The moment a communication snafu occurs, folks blame Mercury Retrograde! The truth is, not all miscommunications can be laid at the feet of this little planet. But it does behoove us to observe a few simple principles about this event.

Mercury appears to turn backward in its path around the Zodiac three times every year, for about twenty-one or twenty-two days at a time. So every four months, you get a three-week pause in which to catch up on old correspondence, read the book that's been sitting on your nightstand and make phone calls to friends and family. The current Mercury Retrograde (almost complete) is in Scorpio. It began November 8th and will end November 26th.

What is a Retrograde?

A planet can be described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. But this is an optical illusion. Actually, the Earth is rotating, causing the planets to appear to be moving backwards (or standing still) in the sky.

Retrograde periods, although often problematic for mere mortals, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet goes through retrograde periods, except the Sun and Moon. In general when a planet is in retrograde, events may take place that seem almost fated, and frustrations, 'near misses' or totally unforeseen events can occur that may leave us feeling like we're not in control of our lives.

A retrograde period is best perceived as a cycle that consists of three stations. The motion is like a pendulum swinging with a start backward, a stop and a start forward again.

What is a Station?

A station is when the planet appears to be motionless in the sky. For every retrograde period, there are 3 'stations': The �rst station occurs when the planet begins to slow to a halt before appearing to travel backwards through the zodiac. The second station occurs when the planet slows down while moving backwards and appears to stop before moving forward again.  The third station occurs when the planet returns to the point where it �rst paused (made a station). The negative energy of the planet's retrograde is most powerful while the planet is stationary and more likely to generate critical or even disastrous results.

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Page 2: Say What!? - Mercury Retrograde Special Report...Retrograde periods, although often problematic for mere mortals, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet goes through retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Special Report

When Mercury goes Retro

This is a time when things can feel like either "too little too late" or "too much too soon." Delays, computer problems, broken promises and communication break-downs are typical of Mercury retrograde periods. Problems with transportation and missing (sometimes crucial) bits of information that block forward movement are also common during these phases.

Since Mercury a�ects thinking, perception, communication, commerce and transportation, retrogrades tend to pose challenges in these particular areas. People who work with their minds or their wits including writers, commentators and media types can feel these retrogrades most acutely!

The basic functionality of telephones and computers are often a�ected to, along with radio and TV reception. Having communication devices installed during Mercury retrograde periods is best avoided.

There's also a "slowing down" e�ect associated with Mercury Retrograde. Whether it's waiting for test results or that check that's 'in the mail', extra patience may be called for during these times.

There's also something called the "retrograde shadow," which occurs for a period of time just before and after the actual retro and direct stationing of a planet.  The retrograde shadow for Mercury begins about three weeks before and ends about three weeks after the exact retrograde period.

Mercury retrograde, like any planetary aspect, a�ects people di�erently, depending on where it hits their personal charts. Some people actually prosper under a retro Mercury, especially if they were born with a Mercury retrograde in their birth chart. (see the �nal section below for details on this).

One thing to remember that often projects begun during a retro Mercury period will not come to fruition or completion until the next retro Mercury station occurs.

Things to DO During Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is a great time to do things that start with 're': • REpair• REduce• REconsider• REcreate

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Page 3: Say What!? - Mercury Retrograde Special Report...Retrograde periods, although often problematic for mere mortals, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet goes through retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Special Report

But what else can you do to bring out the best energy of this period? Certainly, thoughts turn more inward than outward, so taking care of personal a�airs is a great idea. Follow your gut instead of following your head. This is a great time to practice yoga, meditation or any activity that centers your mind and body.

Things to AVOID During Mercury Retrograde

In general it is wise not to make any big moves – sign big contracts, buy or rent a house, purchase appliance or computer equipment or propose marriage during a retrograde Mercury period. Since mental facilities are also dimmed by this in�uence it's also best to avoid taking important tests during these periods. Try not to travel, because delays and snafus seem to abound.

Note: If you can avoid signing a contract during Mercury Retrograde, this is best. But if you can't, go through it carefully a couple of times and get help if you need to.

Above all, don't worry! Life moves forward even when Mercury seems to be going backward.

Upcoming Retrogrades

The next 3 Mercury Retrograde periods will be:

• February 23 - March 17, 2013 During this time, Mercury will 'back up' from 20 degrees Pisces to 5 degrees Pisces.

• June 26 - July 20, 2013. During this time, Mercury will 'back up' from 23 Cancer, to 13 degrees Cancer.

• October 21 - November 10, 2013 During this time, Mercury will 'back up' from 18 degrees Cancer to 3 degrees Scorpio.

Let's have a look at some of the energies that will be associated with these periods, so you are best prepared ...

A Religious Retro-Look

When Mercury moves in reverse through the sign of Pisces, emotions can get really stirred up

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Page 4: Say What!? - Mercury Retrograde Special Report...Retrograde periods, although often problematic for mere mortals, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet goes through retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Special Report

- especially around topics related to religion. At this time in the world, we're moving out of the Age of Pisces, and into the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Pisces saw the birth of both Christianity and Islam. And the �sh symbol in particular denotes the Christ.

What does this mean for you? It's time to re�ect upon how and where expressing (Mercury) your religious or spiritual beliefs (Pisces) might risk con�ict in your life. This is an ideal time to give the way you communicate (Mercury) about your beliefs a compassionate (Pisces) overhaul.

Feelin' Crabby?

During Mercury's retrograde in the middle degrees of Cancer, we can tend to feel (Cancer) cranky when communication isn't clear, especially at home. Give special care during this time to how you communicate with your family members, your self, and/or those you share your home with. And try not to take what others say too personally! You can tend to feel over-sensitive (Cancer) about other people's words (Mercury) during this time.

With Mercury in retrograde in the sign of home and inner emotional security, this is a good time to evaluate what needs securing or improving in your home (although actual improvements should be initiated once the retro period is over!) Plumbing and leaky faucets can be a real issue, as can locks, roofs or anything related to safety or protection.

Backing into Scorpio - Beware the Shadow!

Let's face it, Scorpio sometimes gets a bad rap. Ruled by the planet Pluto, Scorpio energies are related to all things beneath the surface of life. Whether it's Forensic detective work, inauthentic folks whose true motives are hidden under a facade of kindness, or the buried fears of your psyche, when it comes to this sign, what you see is usually not what you get!

Give that a double-whammy when it comes to Mercury's retrograde motion here. In other words, beware the sting of the Scorpion when you're not 'Walking your Talk' or listening to your gut about the honesty of others. Pollution, poisons and toxins may also be an issue during this particular Mercury retrograde.

But the Scorpionic energy isn't all bad - even during Mercury's backward motion. The best way to make use of this time is to turn inward and do a little bit of detective work on yourself. Got hidden fears holding you back? Old resentments that need healing? How about a plain ole cluttered closet or messy hard drive that need a good 'data dump'? This will be the perfect time to clean up your 'hidden' material.

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Page 5: Say What!? - Mercury Retrograde Special Report...Retrograde periods, although often problematic for mere mortals, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet goes through retrograde

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Mercury Retrograde Special Report

When Mercury is Retrograde in your Natal (Birth) Chart

If you are born with Mercury retrograde in your natal chart you could expect to have some life challenges related to self-expression, speech, writing, computers, public speaking and anything to do with communication. Some examples of a natal Mercury retrograde include: not owning your own computer, being dyslexic (as Mercury helps focus your perspective on life), stuttering, having a terror of public speaking, feeling like you are never 'heard', or di�culty speaking your mind clearly. Misunderstandings can also be a common thread that runs through your life.

"Misunderstandings can also be a common thread that runs through in your life."

This doesn't mean you're stuck with these challenges for life, only that they are 'themes' you are working through. You see, we all have challenging aspects of our lives - themes that weave their way through the years. These themes can be re�ected in our natal charts. But they are not 'written in stone'. The point of any challenging aspect like a Mercury retrograde, is to work through it over the years, gradually improving and growing in that particular area.

Here's the interesting thing about you Mercury retrograde natives ... when Mercury is going through a retrograde transit, you are more likely to experience a little less di�culty with communication, and feel more eloquent than usual.

And it is during these times that you can make real progress on your communication challenges, through deeper insights and more ease, relative to the sign Mercury is traveling through.

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