Saving Paper

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  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    So, you wish to stop or at least reduce theactivities responsible for pollution

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Save Paper!

    Seems great idea! Isnt it?

    But, how?

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Dont Use Tissue!

    Yes! Good idea. You decide that after a

    heavy meal, you would stop using tissue

    paper to wipe off your hands.

    Thank You for the same. Ill also try my best

    to follow the same.


  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Are You Using Soap?

    If you are going to use soap for cleaning yourhands, please think twice. The soap, after cleaningyour hands, goes to drain.

    This is going to contaminate the soil and thegroundwater. Remember, often the weight of soapused for washing hands is nearly equal to the

    weight of tissue. I am sure there is no Effluent Treatment Plant

    (ETP) going to treat this water.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Ok. Use a Handkerchief.

    Well, seems a better option. Handkerchief

    can be reused again and again after washing.

    The only problem is What do you use forwashing? Soap or detergent or something

    else? Again with plenty of water.

    Environment wise, is it really different from

    washing your hands with soap?

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Tissue Paper! Its Better.

    Please do suggest me some better options so

    that I may stop using tissue after a deliciousmeal.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Toilet Tissue

    Isnt the situation same with toilet tissue? Fornearly 10-12gms of tissue, for the productionof same 100-200ml water would have beenused.

    In the conventional system, we use nearly500-800ml water. Then, nearly 2-2.5gms ofsoap along with nearly 500-800ml water isrequired to wash our hands.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Toilet Tissue: Not so bad!

    Now, under this situation, decide yourself

    whether using toilet tissue is so bad an idea?

    To me, it appears that toilet tissue is a more

    environment friendly option.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    O.K. Let us try something else.

    Stop reading newspaper.

    At least the printed version.

    A lot of paper can be saved.


  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper



    What are the alternatives?

    E-paper, T.V., Radio.

    But, if you are watching TV or listening to radio,you cannot save important things easily.

    Internet is over-flooded with information and to

    search something useful to me is a little difficult.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper



    My son is appearing in board examinations, and I

    get every day a sample paper for him in my daily


    I tried to get the same from internet. But, there are

    so many sample papers that I got confused which to

    choose, which to download.

    My newspaper might not be giving the best sample

    paper, but at least it can be trusted to be good.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Newspaper is economical too.

    I consider the cost of newspaper as the priceof newspaper less the price of waste papergenerated after reading newspaper.

    If I consider cost of internet connection (onthe proportional usage basis), cost ofelectricity required to switch on computer,cost of occasional printouts etc., newspaperis still cheaper.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Reduce Printing of e-mails

    Well, this part is too common to be told to anyone.

    Unfortunately, I rarely take a printout.

    I have tried to spread this message, but was unableto find a person who takes out printouts without


    Do you know somebody who takes out printoutsunless really necessary?

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    So, you are using a piece ofpaper!

    and still feeling guilty that trees are being cut

    to make paper.

    You feel yourself responsible forenvironmental damage.

    Read on.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    How much paper do you use?

    In India, average specific paper consumption

    is to the tune of 8-10kg per person per year.

    What is the consumption by other persons inthe world?

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    How much paper do others use?

    Against India, the world average is around

    30-35kg paper per person per year.

    In many developed countries, this figure is inthe tune of 400-500kg.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper



    Indians are very conservative by nature. You

    would find even rich people here using back

    side of envelopes for writing small points forthemselves.

    In India, we strongly believe that

    Nothing Should be Wasted

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Paper from Tree only?

    Let us come back to the point.

    In India, do you know most of the paper is

    made either from waste paper, or fromagricultural residues e.g. bagasse, rice straw


  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    New Paper Mills:

    Do you know that during past 10 years there

    is hardly any paper production capacity

    increase in India using wood as rawmaterial?

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Paper from Wood?

    In INDIA wood is used only for less than 8-

    10% of paper.

    That means for any paper you are using,there are less than 10% chances that a tree

    had to be cut to make this paper.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Captive Plantation

    Furthermore, most mills using wood as a rawmaterial have their own forests, and use captive

    plantation for their needs.

    These mills grow desired number of trees thatwould be required by them after say 8 or 10 years.

    This way, these mills cannot be called responsible

    for tree cutting.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Some Calculations?

    If you use 10kg paper per year, you would

    require around 600kg for the whole of your

    life. One tree is more than sufficient for same

    amount of paper.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    One Tree = Paper for 20

    But, if you consider use of waste paper and

    agricultural residues for paper making, and

    also keep in mind about the captiveplantation, just one tree is enough to meet

    your paper requirements for 20 life spans of


  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Save Paper

    If you choose to use less paper, that would be

    still better.

    But, is it not something like suggesting onlyan diabetic person to stop eating chocolates

    but ignoring when he is eating sweets?

    Is it not a time to ask other industries, to do some sacrifice?

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper



    On a rough estimate, we use at least 8-10

    times wood for furniture than paper.

    Are we really ready for wood-free furniture(e.g. steel furniture) or less-wood furniture?

    How many of us are really willing to even

    think of steel doors and windows rather thanwooden one for our homes and offices?

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    What an IDEA Sirji?

    Mobile companies are showing that they are

    the only real well-wishers of environment.


    Should it be done by blaming others?

    Should we not ask them why the birds are

    disappearing from trees which are near

    mobile towers?

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper



    Have you ever cared for environment while

    ordering new furniture?

    The earth has sufficient for everybodysneed.

    But, not for everybodys GREED.

    Think! Are you becoming part of masses

    who pretend to care for earth.

  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


  • 8/4/2019 Saving Paper


    Thank You.