Q0NTAIN8 MORE 5*REW8 >i THAK ANT OTflEE PAPEB- HAS THE LARGEST :;- Northern New Jersey. :•; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VOL. xxni. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1893. NO. 11 rtnuwp imf nuzuT BT s PEOPaiKTOBg. OBoa on EUclwjll Blr«»t next door O> «DMamiPT10» UTVABI- 1 WU.jS *XE. lT»6»Tw MlT»6»Tw»17l 16 tic 8 71 ISO 410 INI SOO «J0 8 CO 10 00 ueo 15 00 16 JO MOO 900 ID S60 ** .8 701 10 OS jILOO I not, 0 « 60 10 00 » oo n oo 11 00, U DO iswaiw U Ml VM u oo! m w t i 00! 87 » laoo uoo 1700 15 00 M00 MOO 3D 01 16 00 •6 ft 110 00 AUDIO »» UTUl, MHUL ND> now 1C omm m u»». . OOOPEB, UniH IIS BOLICITOB IN COAKCIKT, O&oela tbe Tons BalldlBf, Oiar I. A. IgCD'l 9tor«, DOVKB. M. J .1»0 0. OOHHINS, M. D.. o i n u i i PBMrrrnomB, l«D' SMClAllST IH TBC TBUTMUil OF KlUIUL DIBKISH. UiriQB tH MX tUI HOTEL BOILDUIO, 11,1. QUO. W. BOWER, - ABOHITEOT, [. J. Ttupiioin CAIA 101. Ornci Ornuti DBPOT, Dir ft Stem* Bnnjiua, J «lVMa AND BUB ODTTUIa BALOOH, " •• Bctax Braort IBIVWn* IOLLI1*! BOTH UDDUOT,] DOVKB, H. /. jhm DUoiliHb«tn aotlnlrioAtlod In * neat aspsait.lv. „___ PORTLAND RANGES. I now ofler this Range, with the Duplex Gr&te aud the Improvement on ilie Oven Door, at the old price. Buy no other until yon have soon it. I would thank you (or a <ia!l and aafi&fy jourauhoa tbai I tim the largest honso, ooiry thelargest Btook, lowest pricos and easioat toims in the Stub To protect enBtomors audreap the b&nefits of my owu adverliping, please notioo tho first aamo, AMOS, and No. 79, boforo ontoringthe storo. BOOK ACCOUNT OPENED IP DESIRED! 'TOLUTB gOTgb, Ooi. BuosniLti un> BDIMI 8M,. DO5IB, K. J. 1. B, JOLWT. , Bonn «ou OUIIWM U111. aOODS DELIVERED FBEE OF CIIAEOE TO ANYVA.nl OF THE STATE. T #. BaOIOlT, DOVKB, X. J., , tllWt <aaler la AMOS H. VAN HORN, ; . Ho. 73 MAERBT STRHT, - NEAR PLANE ST., NEWARK, i\. J. /-vrricE ot ~ COOXTT BUPUIHIIINOtllT . , HOO»Ho, * BASK BOILDUia, Doiu, V. 1. JBBBBI IBOH imuia oo. Hniinuu iSSnoeiK BOBIUS OK IB lota of I MrM tad •pmidi. wd Myw^l u>adbnlldui«l<iH itPoHOmn.N.J. KMraa L.0.BUBW1BIB, tWf, 11 U. DAVBHTOBI, ATTORHBr AT LAW, AHD StIUCltOH IN r PUBLIC, r OFFICE EAKKR EBlLDINa, / ' DOVKB, S-J. nr i. BOM, OUOITvI AID MBTBBUVOHAIWBBT, , "A» VMAAT inui, -. ,' " RAIBOFB.1,1. OLIVER S. FREEMAN, •CarpanUr.tnd Builder, 'SOB SiLE IT 4U. DRUG BT0BE9. PEARCE & MONEZ. Carpenters and Bjiilders. WK. E. BPA1TO&K&, Jr., FLORIST'. iOUD STBEBT, DOVEB, N. J. r all oocaalonrtimilataa at .lortit and eitrjaS* to Una ot th> JOHHBOH * OOOPEB, nmuL DIBBOTOBS AKt>OsifsiUT.Tuiunsimo UifDcmAKSM. ranmal aHaDUon (Ino toall calif b; j. JOIUSDII* OJHos aUid wanrtMtns) u the cJ" lo>Kul»IMial,](oiTliltna:. 15-lj THOXAB B. HoOfiiTH. UratTtbijI lwrUinliif to lh«btuinia fm il«brf it d u n DOtkx. Omo. ud winnai. th Wriltt Oiimo am m»fo H i t Col bl JIUel-Jl «nd topn KBW AND LABOE SUPPLY OP Wall Paper AT A, Q. BUCK'S, I10U8JS AMD BIOS PA1NTEB, S (S DOVM,II.a. SAVE T I M CENT! AMOSH.VANHOB1\ T , 73 Market Street, Wiehos to aall tha attention of now beginnera and ptmU&aem et tliair goods now »«d save 20 per cent. I will take orders for goods HOW and bold them until Spring without a deposit at Uie following re- dnood pricos: 60 Antiquo Oak Bodroom Baits, reg price %p KcJuoud to $17.00 25 Parlor Baits, mahogany finished frame, rug cover• -ing, regular priootBO Hodnoed^ $42 60 85 Parlor gaits, mahogany finieuctl frauio, pluuli oovering, regular prioe $40 Kejucod to$27.50 CARPETS. 2G piocoa of TapouLry Brnaaela Carpet, regular prioo l peryora7Cc >. Itedaced to COcla 2B pieces of All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price poryora75o..., neilucel to OOote 2fi piooea of liow-prioed Ingrain Carpot, regular price peryard40o t Reiluced to 30 da CANNED GOODS. H«t Jersey Tonutoea Cab. . Swt»t Hugar Com " . nnlilan l'u-npkiii " ie.t Blring Ileans '• . UarrowfRt I*«ai " tCliflAriC TELEPHONE 580. li>6 T»lrfe ?cnrlira White Wax Cborrtoi Bnrlettretra Now lUd Httltnon houco«l Maukcrel j»rge Can Brook Trout Lanw Can (Jlam* Cutfeura RescWtat, 1r (Iranno'i Nm-viira, 3unlock filnod Bittern, Bood'i B*raptirilla Co tlo alrvllEor " . uialslou " ,. Oonpoiibd Byrup. ESTABLISHED I83O. GEOiiGE E. TOOHtt££», MOH&Z0TOWM, HARDWARE r- *n>— IKON MERCHANT, BclMr*' O«riUg« tfakin 1 , BUokimithi 1 , Omineton'i MUlug ud KtoafMtiinn 1 flop- pllw, HlDl*, OiH, eM AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS U ud Fafiiltun, 6*l«« ud Betiat, B'oy- , TrkjelM.HtJiton Twkle ini Spartt- MK.-I Ooodi, HonMkMpIng Ocodi. iLH USEJ Al ' LAND AND DRAIN TILE, BAECW1EE FENOINQ, FOBIITT ul lloiqlllii HelllW Alio > foil III rf 4~1 S^«; BeW«ii.loti l WW rowlijranrdwQMfortoiTitorr* Wright Organ &Piano Wfg Company, DOVER, 1J. J. lishBfl 20 Years •UTSKAL'FOB 1'AKOT SILKS, LACES, IIANDKEKCHIEF8, lUDttLOTEP Dover Boiler Works. P. F, BIRCH, - - Proprietor MA5CM0TUSXB OF^ turn Bolkfi. Smok. SUok. oil Tcuka, ChMnliwl Faua, Ors.Buokou and &J1 Uodi otlbMJIron WMi. KKPA11UKOPUOHPTLV; ATTBKDRDTO Old bollen tak«o In BXcbann I Coal soil Wool, Dan«lsd and LOOM Ldmo, Hair, ria*. W, Cement, Front and Common brick, 'laolDI, BUI", Curblnt;, Bull, Slate Kan iU,««. COR. UOBKIB AKD BIOKEttSOX BTS NOTHING EQUALS Dr. Edwards 1 CBBE rlpiM), DruuchTtl^ Whomlng Ooogb, utd a l t l e throt «nrf Itingi fta toni Ttl^ Whomlng Ooogb, utd all dlmanoltlie throat «nrf Itingi ftatonic prbpsrUn lUpport tho B7itcm( Ttia Exptct anut unloaiu theCDDsetted muoous mom* tTbtl tt A M llavDlTAH 11 al i ^.l'jr,. JilaU, 1OU*, TVo dobertfjy dworlully uu.te Inrecon* lending Dr, Edwardi' Cough Hprtiji as a J nsdyln "Orinp," and all forma of, we are using It it nor families J A H *COU*KU-, ?T«irBaltlm(intN.Y. Both Z'K, H>&COO. (Ira miioii hla: STORE ROOM AND LIVING ATAIITMEWT3! Tfao Urge tad ootrjuodlonj tton room ttod living apartments over sanf, altuatnl ID SUnbope, 17 J,, now occupied u a clothing i HAUOBI. T. BWTU, i Executor of Mint* o( Amof SmlLti, WE HAVE THE iye l!it of Mem New JeresF FOB THE CELBBnATBD -, Mathusjiek Pianos OF TEKFECTION I OW I BABY rAVMENI BATIBFAOnON OUAIlANIEEDl, L. H. IVES & Co. Fancy Goods, and NOVELTIES. UUIEB' ADD CHILDREN'S Winter Underwear, STATIONERY, TAHOT'Atm 8TAPL* BOOKS ANDBASKETS. COLLSUC Zfoworic. N- OPEN ALL THE YEAHI NATIONAL PATRONAUK1 SESTCOUBSEOPBtal^ESSTRAINIrfn. toast e*pansl»a 'n tima and money. Picas- anteat location Indonrc by thousand* ot gradnatos and nnnclreds of tbn Jaadlng bnsl- UN men oE tbe Btato and nation. Write for "atafngue and r» oonvintwd My H COMSHAN, Principal. r for Aitliau, Citarrli. __ W, Ul|ihllierla, Croup, Scarlet FeTtr, Hsy Fever iurr Tlirut anJ All Ulicatea «f itic Air Fasutin.;. Tbe Vaporiclnfc Apparatu* Iriimple >*cl ptffccr, * j J I* Hie M f d l nicllnKl J or Uc^rofloa inlKalmi, Fir tit* bf mlt Dr*[pi i 7ri<tti<ift:it4lj W. H. SCHIEFFtUH & Ca. Now York Ec(» Apflfc ' GO TO Kanouse & Hosking's •I ways ob bond, uxx BTIUST.,." Xftiui CANAL BKIPOS, DOVES H. J. RUBBERS. - It does uot cost you a cent to wear Hub- bers their value being more tlian saved by preserving.the shoe, and they are the only article of feet wear that will positively keep tho feet warm and dry. My stockof RUBBERS is complete, and comprise Boots of all grades and prices for Men, Boys, Youths, Women, Misses and Chil dren; Arctics in bo%. button and buckle; Alaskas, Storm Rubbers, and specialties of all kinds- My Wool Boot for Men is the best in tho market. My prices are always the lowest. . P. O. HEAGAN, Opp. 1)., L. & W. It. It. UOVEK, N. J POUNDS OF THE BEST GRANULATED SUGAR TO EACH PUR- CHASER OF ONE POUND OF TEA AT L.LEHMAN & Co. . ST., NEYT Doon w THE DOVTH TOBT OFHOE, COVED, N. J. GROCERIES. Host Uleo S ftn Rnnw \\ tide Co<lftM\ While Uasm per fit IJinu llrntia " A ail* Hfkaa'craHwn Sib] VanillaCronuis . . I c,ta Ufuce Meat Fine 1rulut Boap ii Cubes Largo Cake 1'tiroHonp Vr Prior's Cojgli Mahwi Uoln l)ut Washing Powder Very Best Minnesota Patent Flour, Per Barrel, $5 00. c, Kqt Covered Htow Puna, Acme Frying Tana, Good Pcrub llruati or Wltiak lira in, IS InOi CoUaden, Heniy 11 roll ers, QlaM CoTtti-ed Cutter DIalieg, Flour fiKttvs (Stdecraiil), Gcort Kiitfo ord Furu, "'i G. •opper Bottom Wash Boilers $1.00. Coal Hods 25c. HUKBllKQB OF OIUEBARTIClEa AT OOrriUCEJ, CAM. ARD BE CONVINCED L. LBHDIAN A, Co., DOVER N. J. A Savins of Two to Four Toss of Coal ii uaiug tlie OS0E6LA' or QUEEN ESTHER HA^GES iviLIi reg- ister attachment Alarge line of stoves in stock as fallows: nil Coot Stoves. Art Oanopr, Gem fortune, East«r, Oilizen, Broadway, Now Broadway, Archer, Kenmord, lattimer, ArjniB, Neptraie, HoliiiJ,' Gipsy. PAIiLOB STOVES , urel, Florence; Home Around. Bandy. STORE AMD SHOP BTOVII. Hnnir. Uonarefa, Dalir Umday, PortUni, llelcor. VMolta FDU.EI1 £ WARREH and TUB DtlBHIKO STEAM AMD HOT WATK1L IIK1TERB. Plnmblnff. Tinning'and Stcata Fi^tlnK Work iloiie In all liranobeB. Look at my large stock befor. purcoaEinK 1). S. ALLEN, Dover, K J. CORNISH'S CELEBRATED ORGANS ^ PIANOS. licr ;«f hum c of NOTICE. Xn rcsiKMiHO tu (i larfrc niti riMiitcsts HIIHIO by pittruiiH in Vim vie I" It}, MCWTB. COKNISII & CO, oponc.1 nbranch wnreronin in elm tliclr local rcprcaoiitnlUo, Mr. K. DAlaKYiUI'I.fi., nt No. 5 JBUICIC BLOCK. DOVISH. If. *T., nhero a choho Kclcclion of FIA1T0S ait OBGASS "III bo on \lcxv. Mr. Diilmnplo will I)c in nttumlnnce i tu recch c orders nnd fcvliiltlj liwtruimmlM. Prlres »mo at a! Factor/. £uj pijmenl plarj to still all pochls. (•tlnlsitum iciit fri-e «? nn> Hililrr-*> VnicRdlnsj pure Ituteri . 3 nrlih Itlork. Dtivnr, IV. J., S£^ CORNISH &'boJ, liSl SPECIAL BEPEEaENrATTVE FOE DOVEK: JOHN R. DALRYMPLE. P. O. Box 137 BLACKWELL STREET, -DEALERSIN- -LUMBER OF ALLKINDS-:- Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c, BRACKET AND SCROLL 5*WINC DONEITO ORDER, COAL, FOOBII U l ! MATEEIAL «DRY AND SCREENED COAL. 3 f to bmidlo ttdr own cod can oat* It aattma i s l lomdsd.irlthoat 11107611118;, Z.ETTEB FBOM B£V- A. O, DILL. There ora no"bluBMomlJiy»"inor "Bboi fcldi. 1 totlio muneo vrtilch adjoins the Pr. I jUrlan Church andwssiop house an tbe )ura(iiiugo grounds. Hie mitur uoi tbs 1A«U tennis cuurU which (a tfae Hummer time Is the favorite resort, m tbe etfbt of afUrnoon and early evening, of thttladlni and gentleman f row Uie two ho(*!« nnt hr tveay. horthampton is one of the old arUUicratlc toitn of tlie empire ftats; tooaristocratic sown SItwa yoturi aco to allow tha railroadto C3iuo within iU liordora andsopuiliedlt-oQ" several miles to the vestlacross a luorflis called here by tUold Iiid.an n»na. "The Male" I quote from tbe large nlitory o' Uilv county which has recently cauie from preia at nn ex[>enB9 of Blitecn dollar* a \olunie, "Fiib UOUBS" using tlie old-nsm it »L« hundred yean sgn, nhen Sir, Wililam Juln BOO hadhia "Fish liouee " or Hummer IGS rt on tbe baubs at tho I^ocangdda where Lhe M*wnla Hall now ilamla. A umne more oft€L used in this vicinity than Iilts'own tbat f HortbiitupUjn, "Fish House lias urowji as HA ai other villages in tbe couDty, nud Lhfj m»y boaccounted tdr by tlie fact Itat Its lubabltants bav* mostly beeti wealtby, couserFAtlve people, with ft lave for tholr talelr couutry seaM, and no desire to tea tlteir twsutlful farms and gsntena laid out Into LJIOIng luU. It Is aplace dleUaclly noted fur its {jlearant and putistaatinl buowstoada.' Tbo growing cities of Amsterdam^ JuhnaUiwi •nd OlaverBTJllo near ua on the south aud ithfvatt havo B[treeted many of oi gut nnd iretaltbtut cltlisus away, \iul to-day Kortbamploo Is, the Ideal village and parlnb. Your correnpotideut bastestedIU btt.uLlful Suuioicrs aud Its none tbo lees st- tmctlce Wlutars. Tbo air Is BOpure that Ii tl o last week 1bave slept two nlghta with tlo window raised one-halT, w, Ibatthe t\ >ccupy not one-balC of the window. Tlia il ry, crl.j), voldiiMS Is exbllarUIug. Ina few weeks Uie trout streams will lie eillve with tl o Imping (hubtng streak a of risub light, as 'treleaR troller Jan tha batik, and tlia gleai i of their star tuangled sides flasbes up stream where the more gltlllful nlni- rod will land ID bis btufact afrliliy li-y. We ore on tbe edge of the Aillroudocks and on joy Uie v lew of the inountalnt and the balsam tntlcu air. Flowing tbroufen ths village, I by the famous covered bridge, four hundred feet long, built In 18lO. Ti.eMtnl»ra wltbln Bbonlug; no algna of drcay, la tbe LccaDgada, full of game fish coming down (rum tbe north In a graceful curve Itflotrti back northward aud eastward to Lucerne where tt enters tlie Hudson. Ttio Vlate creek enters It flnt above ths bridge, even more laimut as a fitulDK and hunting ground. It was upon tbe banks ol this Btroarn tbat Sir Wllllatn n»debiH treaty nltb tlie Inillojig. Uiir church thuugb nut largo Is a strong one. Evory older in tha session aman or succeii, Intelligence and a Rood mind. Tte cou»erva- tlbin of the qotntnunlty has yielded «t*p by step to the holy inilueuces of tiod'a wonl. 1 hrongb tbe cQldxt weather for thirty years meetlrgi have been lield In uroirded rooms Cor the fourth vretlc aud are going ou. ltio iimtlng tu-uight IB for hoyj aud man only. To-morrow nlgbt a Christian toclnl meotlng. Uod la saving many BOIIIB—eievon were rocolred on coufeulon Uoforo January, at many more are waiting (o be received. Dfnr friends In New Jersey prny for us as wo do fur you. Of our four different chglntbrce if Unoi often plug ot ono eerTicaau Iboy did In "A Byniposluiu ot Song" lait eroulng. We l&vo tn Ibe gallery a cuoir ot adult 'tugcn who have sunE togotber tor twenty flto •years-trained voices who sing tho old md oothotnu. In front nt tbe left of the pu.pt'. a choir of young JXK>I>1Q led by t. cornet. Directly In front a children's choir, which .li- ft boy choirs of lads, from neroutfl twelve years ot age, wlio slug well. Thebofi sug an " offertory " every Sabbath looming, 1 Tlie voung warriors ".numberabout twenty- flvo and (ire from »ix to fourteen jours of nge. iorjt ana of tbtm wlf offer jirajcr 1 alone at ir weekly maatlugg aud wn do not rise from our knees until oacli has thus taken part We bsvo also a IT. F". U.S. Society. Ihavewrit- en thus In full In answer to many an^utritR of our thiircb and work. • . Tills rooming I greeted by tlie band ODO of cur &t«d men vbo hod walked over s, ta\\a to tb village for bis mail, eta He wai one hundred and tiro on tfae £2J o( last month, Yutca la clear, bla head erect aud last Sum- mer La swung the cradle in bis own Hold of grata Be Is tbe oldest Free Mason In the United titatea. At family wonhlp thUtnorn- Ing I called upon an aged talutat myBldflano* said "Grandma wou'byourepeataPialmthft j!" and laid vpou tbetablptUe Bible In m j hand as she repeated, tbe ono hundred aud laird Pealni without a nilatata. She learns a new one overy two or three days. Hbe will be ninety ono on tlie fifteentb ol tbla i. Amid, tbe pleasaul suntouuittuga ul w Held of labor I often iLlok of the dear old parsonage nt Mt. Ftoedom and of the young and axed one there, and of the little chairb at Stirling ami the glorlons Ingother- iK wf souls there. - '"'. , , Your corroiponileat, " A. CDBUIWO PIU., ' Another View ofTrasta. : 1'erhapa tbe rowt remarkable contribntlt to Uie msgdilne literature ot tbs month U the editorial article of. tha Boclal Economist for Fubruary, " The Kooconilo JSrrora of TrusU." Standing serene ouaBDlentlOo plane, above political bias and .arabaal conslderaUan. .Mr. UuntCQ oonsldont centraliBod capital, as repre- by.truatsi as a potout and uKesoary factor In our clriliutloni IIotakeatbe posl- Uou, which to supports wltb asturdy arrnj of fts';andllgures, tLittruttsarotboorganl- fatlou.of corporationsft*wrpbratlops wore tbo orgautmtlon at ladivldutvl ccpltailsla •, tbfit thay. are> tno legitimate and Inevitable iiircoiiie of the businew mitboda of tbe ago, 1 »w lal advance. Tfas large capita,! Ihoy are Lblntocontrol niakea It ponlble for themtp i\ail of all labor-saving devices, all improved metnods, and to offer the public* a better article than Individual effort could furnlih, aud at a lower price. And this Is thtlr iulTlcIfnt reason for beiue, that they serve the community better and cheaper than did or cau , inialler crganlution. Thougb the ocanoinlc necessity . of lhe ceutrallutlon of ipIW ia pmenUd as a self-evident proposi- U.;n, It It oUU admitted tbat, though tb» publlcmsymiBunderatAndorexagKerateraou), It seldom invents them, aud that, therefore, to arc-use tbe popular antagonism now existing, there must be radical errors In tha conductor trunti These ernra are Impartially noted, aail their remedy auggnsted and impresslTely urged : . Wa btno received recently a little' Souvenir Boob, Illustrated In oolora and devoted to tho description 'of tbe business of The Youth's Companion, and especirtlly illustrating the- now bnlldlng, wblcb in jiiat oomploted aud ocriiplsd. Every one who It Interested fn the paper, «ad we know tbat tho niiraber^cf famlliifl in our vicinity who Ult« It ioMwwa yi>ar I y year, will daeire Co Me and read this bit of blatory cbncernlng'a fiTorlta pspor. " nil* The CoiWlt»»ion isonBoltha o1de*t rs In tUeeooatry, having boen itartol In 16.7, It is one ot the freshest and inoit vifiortiOBOt all our publications and has at- tained this unequalled circulation of six hun- dred tbounnd copiw weekly. Ita prospectuj, containing the sunouucemenU of authors and articles for the year 181)3, shows that the com- Ins vclunie will ba, if possible, batter than any ct Ita predeccasom. . • - Any DOW inibseribe. may obtain tbe Sou- venir Book free by asking for it At the time tba rubscriptioD is sent. Price (l.TQn year, BostGi, Mass. ... Oood IiDOata. flood lojks are mom than akin Jooji, ilep tng upon a. beoltby condition ot all tlia vital organj. ' If tha Uvcr bo Inactive, you have a Bilious Loot, if your staniacb bo disordered yd i Imve a Dyspeptlo Lookond If your neya be afTecttjd you liovo a Pinched l-jok. Bocnn good bcnltb and you vrlll lutvo good IOOIJS Elcwtrlo Bitters i> the great altorntiro on I Tnnfa ncbi directly on tbou vital organs. Ciires PimplM, Blotehei, Bulls and gives i good complexion. Bold at Hobert Killgore 1 Drug Btoro, Dorer, Ornm, Ilanoe & Co^ Drug 8torc,"Port Ororo, awl P. N. lenltlnB 1 Ui Store, Charter. Wo, per bottla. A KBW OLD MAOAZINE. Tbe pulillnbera of Tha National Uagarlnc have acquired tbd Megaclneof American Hia tory, whlub was edited liy Mrs. JI«rtha J Lamb until tei- deatb ouJanusry ltd lost Wltb tho February tituo them t historical junrusli ara mergml Into on*, tie name, llagnxlne of Amerlmn Ulitory, that ot Uio older period*™!, now init* 3tb volume, in retained. Geuerat Jamai Grant Wilson well ki as an editor of Important historical works, includlnz App!etau'aCycloi>ivdlaof American Biography will edit the new ma£azlna which Is tmlarjffd more than thirty pages, while tbe price is reduced from fS to «?i per annum. Tfae historical prlxe competition, inaugurated by Tbe National HagsKloe, and offering f 2,000 in 14 prized Ia continued by tfae Magazine of American Hlatorj. Tbe ooadltloas ot tbe or- iginal contest are unchanged and particulars can lie bad by sending a slump to tho Maga- zine ot American History, )B2 Hauau Ht., New York City. An appreciative and iIlsorlnilnatlnK sketch ii Mrs. ilartha J. Lamb accompanied by au admirable plotureasfroutlapleoe, finds appro- priate place 111, tuo February Iraue of tbe Magacine of American History, wulcb abe edited for so many years aud from which deatb called her so suddenly. Tbe articles 'A North Carolina Monastery" and "Inci- dent In tbe Ufa of Webster" have a melnn cuuly i(it*frest«» being the c»!j uiws nrniURw3 by her for tbis number. La Tour and Acadia" embraces one of the ii iutereGting episode* Intbe Ustory botb of HtuKuchusotbi and Nova Bcotia. Tills iiootlo story as preaanttsl In tbe February lumber of the Magazine of American History differs somewhat from tbat of Mr. I'arfai In tbe January "Atlantic" Mr. Alb sympathlus wltb La Tour, which Is aim tlie attitude wbioh Wlnthrop, governor of MasMohuHtts, raalntalutKl at the begluuiug of the feud. The account of tlis urtolllclal nee between Boitwi ami JA Tour drawn from the (irlgin&l deed* preaurvfed hi tbe SulTolk HecordB. AuJonit other Intorestlng article are l*rof. Week's Blotch of John Arcndala. tbe Quaker Qovernor of North Carolina lu17U4; apaper by tbe editor, Qea. Wilson, on B&yard Tay- lor, the itoet-travetler; a Columbian Ode fur the celebration of 17U9 by John Plnlai-d, founder of the New York Historical Society, and au article on tbe Astor Library by Fred- erick Baumlars, its chief llbrarian-the first series on tba Iwdlug libraries o( tlie couutry, Tbe Lincoln letter, of wliicb a fao-nlmlle is Ken, Is tiers prcieBUd far tlie flrd tlino, It wan written at (Jen. Grant's Keadn,uartorn and WBB transmitted to Mr*. Lincoln, over tbe wires, in cipher, The account of monies furnished by Lewis I'intanl, tbe American Commissary pf ITtaouers, la atuoit Intereft- iiift revol nil unary document. Tbs Ft-bmarj number ot tue magazine of American History, tbs tlrat presented by Mm publishers since the consolidation with tba National Magazine, contains so many utremely lutereetlog aud ituuQrUut papers, as tu makfl It tlie most admirable IMUO of au >rlcan blatorlcal ningoilne we havo ever BWU. THE BUBAL NEW-YOXlKEB. Tlie Poromosit Affflcultura! Newspaper. A \>a\& stop bas been Ukon by tliat best (tad toremoatof all farm papsrt, Tlie Kuril Net Yorker, In reducing Its subscription urf< from |3to (I a year, and tbnt, too, without any reduction In the quality or dimeter of the paper. Its publisher! b&tve acted on the principle of tho greatly Incteated circulation msklDft up for tha lower price. Indeed, the paper is comtantty belug improved In all de- partment*, and Is clearly tbo leading agricul- tural newspaper oC America, n It lias been Eoi much of the time during tht last 42 years. "With Ita superior corps of editors (unequalled byaoy btberhalf down farm paper*], itsex- perliriBnt larin, Its great list ot farmer con- tributors In all parts of tbecouatry, its costly and practtcat andbeaiitiful Hlutitratlona— altogether Involving a cott of production greater perhaps than of anyfarm paper— with all these features It Is n marvel that the paper cap be sold for tl a year. 01 course It could not tw, save for tbe fact tbat prsgres- B.T8 farmers la all nectloos give It beady sup- port la such vast numbers. Every year Tbe Rural New-Yorker Bends out to it* lubscrlb- e n »Mds B>ad plaote ol Ta.uaUe m originated ot) Ita experiment grounds. Tbese, In total, are estimated as having been worth millions ot dollars to Atnerlcon agriculture This t o w n IJdltor Carman bo* a rare treat b thlt line, proposing tosand IT D«W roses, Rosa rugoaa hybrids, a new grope, a new early poUto, and »Md of 200 crosi-bred tdraatoes— all to avery «ulmar1b*r [wylng for ths mail- Free sampld ooples of the paper may be bad by addressing The Rural New-Yorker, NewVock. a candidate for Vli»-Pmldciit ot tfae United Btates when Fremont ran for Presi- dent. Id Koptember, IH-iJ, be iMmnm BH at- irnej-at-law, end four yearn later wus made connftollor. li. 1802 Mr. BcuJderwai elected to tbe Htoto Benato, and lu WVi was chosen President of tint bmly. H P was a Demoi-rat of tha old l. In 1KII9 Gnv. UdtidolpU appaluted him aJustlci of tbo Hupreiue Court. Uaver- nors liwlle, Liullnrr and Abbett lu turn reap- l»lutcd bim. Tlie Juilge'a present lerm noiriil not eiplro until March 23d, 161*7. He had eerk-ed twenty-four yeara on tbo Buprenie Court bench, HlBclrcultorlRlnully embraced Moumouth and Middlesex counties, but a few yeara ago be changed with Chief Justice Beasley end assumed charge of tbo circuit competed of tbe counties ot Mercer, Warren and Huutenlon. Rluce 18fl I be lias boon a rnomber of the Board of Trustees of Princeton Theological Ejemlnary. Judge Scud Jer married Marls Louisa Dmks, daughter of Supreme Court Justice Ooorgo K Drake, of Honi^w., N, J. Of Ax children bom tu tlieiu, f\ve are still living Tbe Justice was noted for his Kuliolarlyat- taliimenU, bis Iuvc of books and bis kindly and gentlo disposition, His boalth was of tbe robust kind durine bli many yenni of life. Lait winter be was attacked with serious iloknean fur the fleet time, but bad apparently thoroughly recovered From it. Poator Hlllliiffton SoesTi Beaffrn. Her. E,J, O. MlUjniton, tha young pa* tor of the B»ptlit Clmreh la Hamburg, Suuez unty, has not yet resigned. Hia friends i n urged him to remain. Hit intention to resign wu the result of a meeting of tbe deacons and members of the church held Saturday afternoon, when, by a vote of SO to 91, be wu defeated, to an effort to secure an apology (com Deacon Keat, fiho'bail tu&de. various charges against hjin, Pastor HlUIngton latwenty-one yearn old. ehubMn ptutor of tho Hamburg church for a year and a half, his former charge bo- Ing at Werrensburgr Warren oouDty, N, Y. Tl baialways Iweu store or Ion trout^u In thoohurch, and four pastors won forced to withdraw before Mr. Mlllington cam*.. Mr, MllUngton decided that-the only way to bring .bout peace wan to force tho disturbers out of tbe church. He had succeeded ia getting rid of a number of them, but when he etine (o Deacon Kent he found energetic resistance: The meeting SiturtMT wu a stormy one. Deacon Kent accused the potor of repudiat- ing bis just debta, of lying, misrepresentation and violation ot established churcu cuitomi. The votlug wai Infnvor of tbe pastor, but when tio tuaUted' on Deacon Kent anologlilng Deacon Rood declared be vu going too far and called for prayer from Deacon Benedict. After the prayer tbe paitor's lupportew ilopped over to the otbur side, and that Ia why has resigned. For All the People, Governor Werta responded to tbe toojt "Our State," at tbe banquet ol tbe Jersey City Dwud of Trade but Thursday night. As PWdentDear Introduced him the banqueters ve tbreo hearty cheers and a tiger, '•Itbaiikyou heartily for tbo sincerity of your welcome," utd tbo Governor. " Tbe tusifrned to me tbii evenliip; Is one that will challenge the attention of any speaker. It In my career heretofore or hereafter I m«y be able to do anything to advance tfcegl oua hlttory or enhance tbe honored name of New Jer«y, I will think mywlt nio*t la As Chief Executive of the HUte It will aly be my duty' and pleasure to administer tbe laws, In FOlar Ri ii in ma lies, for the good md benoflt of all cltlx-ni To tbat end.whlle o a certain eitent one must acknowlodge ind oltey the comuiands of party, I do nnt obey tlie demands of party when X do net believe them consistent with public good. Tola ii acriterion 1 have lived up toin the past, and I intend to adhere to It in tbe future." This sentiment provoked ths wildest ap- plause. ~ Fronouncea Hopeleia, Yet Saved. From aJotter written by Mrs. Ada B. Hurd, ot.Grolon, B. D,, ire quote: "WAS Uki with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cougbset In and finally terminated in coii- pn. Fonrdoctorn gave me up, saving 1 could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour* determined if I could not stay withrayfriend* on eartb, I would meet oiy ahsent ones above. My husband wai ad- Tited to Ret Dr. Kiog'a K«w Discovery far Consumption, Coughs and Coldi. I gave It a ferUl, toolclnallBl>otUDa;UhMcurediDe,and UuDjtGodlMnu'swf.'vttUiunlhM.rtj-woman- 1 Trial iwtUo free at Kol>crt KUlgvro'a Drug Stare, Dover, O w n , Ilance tt Co's Drug Btoro, Port prvn, and Y, N. JenWm 1 Drug Store, Chaitw.: Lfirp* alee Mo. and «1.00, DEATH OF JUSTICE B0UDPEH. Juitlca Edward Wallace Bcuddur, ot 8upnm« Court, <Ued euMealy at bUbouie on Grcfiiivood avenue, Tronton, at l().:iO o'clock last Priday night. Ue bad atU.-iided the Cir- cuit Court during tbe J»y, ami was In appir- mt good bualtb and e^irite wlicn he left tin lourt roam. Aft«r returning to bis Louie be prepared for dinner, and shortly after par- taking of the meal rotired to bla bathroom. After leaving Ibe batli he expdrianoedB feeling of oppretulvenevi and at once tmni- inonod lilmnn Ueorge. "Thlfl Is an mmanal atUck, fJeorge,"to narked tbe Judge. " I nnver ei])*rieiiced cue like It before." Almost Immediately he complained of a nse of tuftucfltion. Dr. W. Elmer, of West street, was iiromftly summoned, but iwfore tbe puysickn arrived tbe Judge bml nway. Iwanl Wallace Bcuddtfr was tbe son or Jasper H. Uuudder and Mary atlllnoll Uoeder. wa* burn at Hcudder'M Falls, Meroer County, on August 121b, ibi2, and was tbere- fore saveiity-one years of aze at the time of death. Ui« anceetorH wore among tbe early net lien* of Hiring Townfhlp. Ue at- tended tba Trenton Avadomy, tbo Lawreiiue- vllle scbool and perfected hi* oducmtlmi U Frlnc«ton College, from which Institution ht) graduattxl with lilgli hoimrs lu 1»fl. Inim th* degroe ot LU D. URS conferred ujmii him by tbe collego. After ln«vlng college be en- DEATH OF BENJAMIN F. HOWEY. Benjamin V, Hoivoy died nuddenly Monday morning at ble borne it Dundeld, Warren county, ol Bright,'* dl.esw. Mr. Howey wns burn uear Hwwlesboro, Uloucester county, March 1711), 1^ and van coDHequoutlr near- ly sjxty-rour yearf old. Mr. Howey aerved Intbo late war OJ Cap- tain of a company ot New Jt-j \y Voluntecn. Hla early educatioa was received at the com- mon school of bis native placo aud at the academics at Swetbsboro anil Uridgeton. At the Dga ol titnelaen he went to ftiliadolpbln, liero for eight years he was engaged In gtm- ttd busluws as n. gralu aud flour ciimmlidou merchitnt lu18-W be removed and settled lu tbe township of Jwuowlton, Warren county, and, la partnership wltb Eobort Ki Killa, of Pblladelphia, engaged in tho data Lusinwi, t|(iarrylng and nnnufucturlog AlateroofltiK nnd school elated Ia1801 acoinpauy known the "Delawn.ro Water .0op Hlato Vpm- panj", was ornmlwd, In which Mr. Howey liuoa had. an, iotoreat, nnd which b»s beeu Muful inltsoperatloiiB. Kci)lowing in iho political Hue of his father, to li amember of tho Republican party, haviug formerly been Whig. lu ths foil of 1873, Mr. Howey was elected Sheriff of Warred county, and it In a fact 'orthy of note that he was the first aud only Incumbent ot tbat ofllce from the Republican ranks since tbat party was formed, In 1650— the county of Warren being largely Demo* crsttc, and more especially hia own towmlily, in which, however, hi received a handsome majority. Be made lilmaelf a very nccept- bto Bbetlft* by gWlng EaUsfaction to both political parties during his torm of oflloa. At tbe close of bis term inCongress Mr. Howoy was ogilu made tbe candidate, but Democracy hid resumed Its perpendicularity and though lie kept tbe majority down below tbe normal. InI&3I Mr. Howey was the can- didate of the HcjmbUcflU part; of Warren county for Ponator against Ueorge A, Beatty, but was defeated, lu IK*] Mr. Honey nominated for uovcruor and mode a strong (lent agatunt tha D«iuoc»Uc nomtnw, Robert S. Urten, who was etecteil by about tlie usual majority. In li^T ha «as again made the standard bearvr of hiipnrly against Johnston CornUb wbowsB nomluateil Tur Htate Bom tor by tbe Democratic caucus, but a few daya before tbe elecUun It was dUcovered that Mr. CoruUh was nut of tbo c institutional age to be eligible to lbs dllice of Collator and Martin Wyckoftwasmibatlluted, andonly bad 1S4 itCB more than Mr. Ho way. His candidacy ogalnnt Job™ton Curnieh for Cjiigres) In tbe last campafgu ii yet too trenb In tbD infiids of the people to nt*>d commeut, He mode a flghtthat reduced (tie lknvwratle FM.jf.rlty ttto-thlrdi. Mr. Howoy was afrbrewdbasl- nes* man nnd loaves contJJeralKi nt an estate. School for Fepnie Minded Children. Tbe following (nan extract from Gaveri Abliett'H recent mmsag*, concerning tho training tchool fur tvvble mimletl childrenat Vtiwlaud; Tbe trulnlng sofcoo) is under private man- agemeat, but tbe 0t«to ban generally sent all the feeble mtadfd children to thin institution because tt la situated In this State. Tbe Btato has paid for the education, cloth- ing and mnlutonance of lift children during tbe tlueal y«ar. Tlie reports ot tha Board of Directors and of the officers of thisfnatitutlou U an excellent showing of tbe rapid and healthful devr-1opulent of every dtpai'tinen Without any aid from the 8Ute w)\ateve icoptapercapltii ytarly ollnwauce for Ii dlgant children, the school hu acquired plant, chiefly throwBUtheaenorftalty ot puW spirited citizens, which the management esti- mate to bo ol the valua of (TO.OOU. Tbe Inauguration and successful conduct of thin school, deserves just recognition, tt la delightfully situated at Vlueland, Aid Inmy visits to this Institution I hare been pleased with its management. It Is a treat ehnrlty, intlcr the management of a Board deserving if high praln for its great Work for thi poor children, who appeal so strongly to our lyinpathics for their care and comfort. A Successful Favorite. At tbe closing Quarterly Conference for the year held at the First M. E. Church on Mon- day evening !aBt, tlto fDlIowing statement was nude, which clearly Indicates much prosperity during the three yean pastorale of the ltev. Win, Dny. Ruoeired on probation 132, r«- celvod luto memb:rohlp H7, IMIVIUK a net Increaie of niombjri 110, with-) 3on probation, after deducting {or removals, deaths, »t«. On lust Sabbntb six ware received per letter, ten from probation tn full connection, fifteen admitted onvrobation. Tbemeetlng on Mon- day evening Btronglr requested the con- tlnaanw of tho services of Mr. Day, which we mre tho community will heartily endorse. Or. Hale'a Household Ointment is the finest remedy in tbe world. It abso- lutely cures catarrh. It cures neuralgia and rneumntirai. Cum flies like magic C salt rheum Intbe roost soothing manner. Cures inlbunod and granulated eyelids. Cureg oouitbs and colds. Can be taken internally. A. positive xpecifio for pneumonia, , brulees, burns, chllbloius, soree of long stoad- \n£, corns and bunions u-e cured fiulckly dlfforent from all else; superior to all else; I hoi no equal. C5c,*nd50cboxee. Large BIH cheapest. Sold at Bobort Killgore's Corner Drug Store, Dover, N, J, NATIONAL QUAUD BEOBQAHIZA- TIOIT. nib«rs of tlio Nalioiml Uuavd t,r& a.nz- iousfy waiting to bear of further develop- ments in the reorgttnlzatiuu of the First Bri- d I k b M m b l d itln^H and plans for reorganization were uued. As tlie brigade is cou»tltuted now, tbere 1Ma great deal of ditsattf faction nxUting. It li hoped that throuRb flov. WerU ths trouble may be adjusted and tha guard placed on a hotter footing than It Is now. At present tie First Brlgote oonuleta of OLO twelve aiiJ two Uncomtanr resiuieuU. Tha Second Brigade It compasad of throe eight company regtments. TLe present plan li to change the FttEt Brigade ta as totcrra {Wt> regimeiiti of eight comnauies each, aud to do this new cnmpanlo* will have to bj organized and wbat are now termed tue insubordinate companies will bare to be reorganised. Jersey City is to unve tbo headquarters of ons r*gl- merit, ompoacd ol tlie lix companies of tie old Fourth aud two UBW companies, with ~ol. AberneLby In coiumtud Orange is to tue headquarters of a regtv meiit composed or tbe four companies of tbe old Hecoud lU-giuient of lloboken, which turn poxltlvoly rafuetid to serve in tbe present Bvcunil Keglmsnt; tho three Orange com- panies now latlio Benuusl R»g!ment aod Uis Dover coui|mnj now In tue First Regiment, with Lleut-'Col. Hnyder «ud LleuLOI. hotter, at pieieut uuattnebed. lucom* tuand ; Pater son It to be the headquarters ef ouotbtr regiment compared of threw com- panics ot Leonla, three of Pateraon, ace of I'assalc, and ono of if ayon us, wltb Col. Muggy, at present uuattacbeJ, in command. Newark Is to lio lieadqusrlcra of two regl- •nonU, Riude up as follows: First to be oom- I ss It Is at present, and the except ton ot tbe companies commanded liy OapU, Town- send, Hill and DleU, and Col. Campbell In command, and tlia reused Fifth Uealiuent tn be eotniWNed of tlietie three CQuipanies, old Company D of tbe Fit tu lUuiment, which was dlsband'd, the members of old Companies K id U. or tho Fifth Regiment who bave per* slBtently refiiaod to servo in Companies I and 11 of the now First Itegiment, and two new omptinlea to be organised, with Ccl. Bernard icomaiaud. This plan was flnt suggested by Col. Bnyder if Orange, aud bad apparently met wltbthe apuroral of tha other otlloers, Urig.-Geii. Mr and tbo other urigadeofUcers oresald to regard this plan favorably and are noxious oseettcarriiHlout. Th» ofllcers wilt conf»r bli week wltb dov, Werta, wboba*expressed ilniM'lf In favor of doing all ha can to place iheHatloimlUudrdof ttew Jersey on Us old foot Inf. NOT ENTIHELY DESERTED. It cannot be said of the late ff over nor Abliell that like Cii>ur there are "nous *> |wor to do ulni tevcrence," for at amettlug ot the Ltiou Abbatt Ouards of Paterson last treek they iiassod »eot of sarlo-comlc melo- drftmatlc reaolutlons that should bringtbs glittering War to tbo eye of tlie Great Turned- Donn, and nmke his enemies quake and shiver over their work. "It Is frith a profound of gratitude and appreciation for tba inestimable services rendered to the common - peoplo of tho Htata of New Jersey by tbat Lion ot Democracy, Hon. Lecm Abbett, tbat we tender to htm cur heartfelt t b u l utotbli lutrepld chatnplomhlp of tfae toilers of our iramon veultb, wben clutobed by tbe throat by giant monopoly and rental (tie) political treachery, at Governor of our (State be w u a terror of monopolistic tendencies and legisla- tive putrescence. Hence Ilka Brutus he WM itabued by so called friends, but unlllteBrutus te wai not stabbed to deatb, he wu tio j-itiuno of tbe people." To moat people tbfu will be anew rendering of bli tory, but that Is a little thing. It straws that the Abbett Uuard* are literary evenifttielrmemorieaare not tonacloiuof evcnU. Than comes another rhetorical t!tj rocket ttat dauWs Vat ey» and throws tbo glamon of rcnianca over tbe last tbreo y«ar'e or tho laU Ooveroor's lite. It 1* really thrilling when you plature U» faerola resistance -of Mr. Abbett to the suave and subtle blandfsbmenta of Wealth, especially wben bis weakness for the coin of tb« realm fs BO long will tbe splendid services of Abbett ba irnic-red. lie wbo scorned the blandishments if corporate wealth and influence, who would not be deterred f roai bli position, ha itood forth Uie peerless advocate of the massea. Tbo clou of his public services marks au epoca In the history of tbe New Jersey Ltefa.a- Uon that w u ignoralnom." This last sentence ezpretsei a' precnant truth tbouga It Id not likely tbe Qusrdi in* teudod tbe meaning tua peculiar arrangemsnt - of the words convey. It Is la the last pum.- graph, however, where t)ie villain of VK plif gets in his heavy work and tlie foreshadowing if apolitical tragedy Is given. 11 As to tbe Senators and ABsemblymen wbo so falsely and treacberously betrayed their tru<tt nhot like E«iu of old, sold their lilrtti- right we appeal to oil democmta from Bustex to Caps May to loathe and repudiate then) a. imdemrYlng and unworthy representative*. Down with them even to the ground." B'doathI Beiraral Heal Estate Transfers. Following are the latest real ertate tnvuj. fers in Morris county: " ' Jamea W. Dlgau aud vritb and other*to Caroline Powelton, property In Jlorrlstown for (1,000. Ixaae P. VreoUod and wife toJacob II, Vreeland, Jr., proi»rtf In Hanover townihlp fr *1. . George 13. Voorbeej, Jr., to tbe Electric UgUt Heat wiA Power Comiw«', ptojirty In Morristown for | 1 . " Jag. P. Carboy, executor, to William Calla- ftji, property ID Boon ton far (35D. William H. Kills and wife to Tbomss Ellis, property In Hanover township for NOD. Frances J. Paine, Gertrude P. Waddlngtoa and Edna-E. Baker to Thomas P. Clifford, property In Uorrlstown for tEOO. ~Imer H. Harrington, executor, to Sidney Hagnerty, Jr., property in BuccoBunna for VBOO. Kelson Hughson to Andrew O. Orr, prop- erty at Mt. Freedom for 11. Henry H&nn And *lfo to Ea.m» Cook, prop- erty In Washington township for f 1. ' Bishop WInand Michael Wlgger to All SouU' Hospital, property In Morrlstown for H. Reduced Instead of Fromoted." William Barrett, •who has been condacUir of tbe midnight Alorrlstown Bocommodatlon for many ytnra, was reduced to tbe position of ba««KO master last week. The reaeon for thla reduction is not made public. A. great deal of sympathy is expressed for Mr. Bur- rett, as he hat been lone and favorably mown as one oE tbe most careful and «fflclent nen on tha road. Be bas been with tbe road for thirty-two years, and his friends say be irres better treatment at the hands of the ipany than ba IB now r e e l i n g . Or* of Mr. Barrett's friends told a Call reporter tha itfaar day that this reduction from the rank ol conductor was brought about by ono ottos railroad olUcera who was unfavorable to him and lost no occasion to injure him. It is pretty well known that favoritism and nepo- tism extends to aaunusual extent on this road, but it is unusual for officers of tbe com- pany to IIM authority to tbe Injury of an em- _ ployee far merely personal causes, as it Is alleged nu dano tu this Instance. BBWtureof H i m . A young man has been going around through this section with apaper which beallegu was written by Dr. Cummins ot tbls place asking Cor contributions fortbe ontstaira ot a maa who bud lost a leu. Ue had tha names of a lumber of well known men attached to It *lth the Amount ot their contributions, and mcceedrd In swindling niiotnbor of people. Be Is an Ircpofter, u Dr. Cummins never wrote a paper of tbat kind and several of tfae whoso names appear on tho paper declare them to ba forgeries. The young man lives not fnr from Dover, and this Is not his flnt attempt on this Una, but tha law may break uphisbmlness If he continues hisswlndlInK operations. I have used Dr. Deano'a Dyspepsia Pills for lillioumen and liver trouble*, and found them to work llkeacbarin. Anyone thus troubled and using them will g!ve tha same testimony, J. P. KKATOH, Pullman Conductor Pa. R. R, 7 ••-.•• ..--X

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OBoa on EUclwjll Blr«»t next door

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O&oela tbe Tons BalldlBf,

Oiar I. A. IgCD'l 9tor«, DOVKB. M. J

. 1 » 0 0. OOHHINS, M. D..

o i n u i i PBMrrrnomB,l«D' SMClAllST IH TBC TBUTMUil



Q U O . W. BOWER, -


[. J.Ttupiioin CAIA 101.

Ornci Ornuti DBPOT,Dir ft Stem* Bnnjiua,


" •• Bctax BraortIBIVWn* IOLLI1*! BOTH U D DUOT,]

DOVKB, H. / .

jhm DUoiliHb«tn aotlnlrioAtlod In * neat

aspsait.lv. „ _ _ _

PORTLAND RANGES.I now ofler this Range, with the Duplex Gr&te aud the Improvement

on ilie Oven Door, at the old price. Buy no other until yon have soonit. I would thank you (or a <ia!l and aafi&fy jourauhoa tbai I tim thelargest honso, ooiry the largest Btook, lowest pricos and easioat toimsin the Stub

To protect enBtomors aud reap the b&nefits of my owu adverliping,please notioo tho first aamo, AMOS, and No. 79, boforo ontoring thestoro.



Ooi. BuosniLti un> BDIMI 8M, .

DO5IB, K. J.

1. B, JOLWT.

, Bonn «ou OUIIWM U 111.


T #. BaOIOlT, DOVKB, X. J.,, t l l W t <aaler la


;. Ho. 73 MAERBT STRHT, -



, HOO»Ho, * BASK BOILDUia,Doiu, V. 1.

m» JBBBBI IBOH imuia oo.Hniinuu

iSSnoeiK BOBIUS OKIB lota of I MrM tad •pmidi. wd Myw lu>adbnlldui«l<iH itPoHOmn.N.J. KMraa

L.0.BUBW1BIB, tWf,





/ ' DOVKB, S-J .

n r i. BOM,


-. ,' " RAIBOFB.1,1.


•CarpanUr.tnd Builder,


PEARCE & MONEZ.Carpenters and Bjiilders.

WK. E . BPA1TO&K&, J r . ,



r all oocaalonrtimilataa at .lortitand eitrjaS* to U» Una ot th>


AKt>OsifsiUT.Tuiunsimo UifDcmAKSM.

ranmal aHaDUon (Ino to all calif b ; j .JOIUSDII* OJHos aUid wanrtMtns) u the cJ "

lo>Kul»IMial,](oiTliltna:. 15-lj


UratTtbijI lwrUinliif to lh« btuinia fmil«brf it dun DOtkx. Omo. ud winnai.

th Wriltt Oiimo am m»fo H i t Colbl JIUel-Jl «nd topn


Wall PaperAT A, Q. BUCK'S,




73 Market Street,Wiehos to aall tha attention of now beginnera and ptmU&aem e ttliair goods now »«d save 20 per cent. I will take orders for goodsHOW and bold them until Spring without a deposit at Uie following re-dnood pricos:

60 Antiquo Oak Bodroom Baits, reg price %p KcJuoud to $17.0025 Parlor Baits, mahogany finished frame, rug cover•

-ing, regular priootBO Hodnoed^ $42 6085 Parlor gaits, mahogany finieuctl frauio, pluuli

oovering, regular prioe $40 Kejucod to $27.50

CARPETS.2G piocoa of TapouLry Brnaaela Carpet, regular prioo

lperyora7Cc >. Itedaced to COcla2B pieces of All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price

poryora75o. . . , neilucel to OOote2fi piooea of liow-prioed Ingrain Carpot, regular price

peryard40o t Reiluced to 30 da

CANNED GOODS.H«t Jersey Tonutoea Cab. .Swt»t Hugar Com " .nnlilan l'u-npkiii "ie.t Blring Ileans '• .UarrowfRt I*«ai "

t C l i f l A r i C


li>6 T»lrfe ?cnrliraWhite Wax CborrtoiBnrlettretraNow lUd Httltnonhouco«l Maukcrelj»rge Can Brook Trout

Lanw Can (Jlam*

Cutfeura RescWtat,

1r (Iranno'i Nm-viira,3unlock filnod Bittern,

Bood'i B*raptirilla Co tlo

alrvllEor " .uialslou " , .Oonpoiibd Byrup.


GEOiiGE E. TOOHtt££»,



IKON MERCHANT,BclMr*' O«riUg« tfakin1, BUokimithi1,

Omineton'i MUlug u d KtoafMtiinn1 flop-pllw, HlDl*, OiH, eM


U u d Fafiiltun, 6*l«« u d Betiat, B'oy-, TrkjelM.HtJiton Twkle i n i Spartt-

MK.-I Ooodi, HonMkMpIng Ocodi.iLH USEJ Al '



FOBIITT u l lloiqlllii HelllW Alio > foilIII rf 4 ~ 1 S ^ « ; BeW«ii.loti l W W

rowlijranrdwQMfortoiTitorr*Wright Organ & Piano Wfg

Company,DOVER, 1J. J.

lishBfl 20 Years •UTSKAL'FOB 1'AKOT



Dover Boiler Works.P. F, BIRCH, - - Proprietor


turn Bolkfi. Smok. SUok. oi l Tcuka,ChMnliwl Faua, Ors.Buokou and &J1


Old bollen tak«o In BXcbann I Coal soilWool, Dan«lsd and LOOM Ldmo, Hair, ria*.W, Cement, Front and Common brick,'laolDI, BUI", Curblnt;, Bull, Slate KaniU,««.COR. UOBKIB AKD BIOKEttSOX BTS


Dr. Edwards1 CBBErlpiM), DruuchTtl Whomlng Ooogb, utd a

l t l e throt «nrf Itingi f t a toniTtl Whomlng Ooogb, utd all

dlmanoltlie throat «nrf Itingi fta tonicprbpsrUn lUpport tho B7itcm( Ttia Exptctanut unloaiu the CDDsetted muoous mom*t T b t l tt A M

llavDlTAH 11 al i ^.l'jr,. JilaU, 1OU*,TVo do bertfjy dworlully uu.te In recon*lending Dr, Edwardi' Cough Hprtiji as a m»J nsdyln "Orinp," and all forma of,

we are using It i t nor families

J A H *COU*KU-,?T«irBaltlm(intN.Y.

Both Z'K, H>& COO. (Ira miioii h l a :


Tfao Urge tad ootrjuodlonj t ton room ttodliving apartments over sanf, altuatnl IDSUnbope, 17 J,, now occupied u a clothing


i Executor of Mint* o( Amof SmlLti,


iye l ! i t of M e mNew JeresF


Mathusjiek PianosOF TEKFECTION I


L. H. IVES & Co.Fancy Goods,


Winter Underwear,STATIONERY,





toast e*pansl»a 'n tima and money. Picas-anteat location Indonrc by thousand* otgradnatos and nnnclreds of tbn Jaadlng bnsl-U N men oE tbe Btato and nation. Write for"atafngue and r» oonvintwd

My H COMSHAN, Principal.

r for Aitliau, Citarrli._ _ W, Ul|ihllierla, Croup, Scarlet

FeTtr, Hsy Fever iurr Tlirut anJ All Ulicatea«f itic Air Fasutin.;.

Tbe Vaporiclnfc Apparatu* Iriimple >*cl ptffccr,* j J I* Hie Mfdl nicllnKl Jor Uc^rofloa inlKalmi,

Fir tit* bf mlt Dr*[pi i 7ri<tti<ift:it4ljW. H. SCHIEFFtUH & Ca. Now York Ec(» Apflfc

' GO TOKanouse & Hosking's

•I ways ob bond,u x x BTIUST.,." Xftiui CANAL BKIPOS,


RUBBERS.- It does uot cost you a cent to wear Hub-

bers their value being more tlian saved bypreserving.the shoe, and they are the onlyarticle of feet wear that will positivelykeep tho feet warm and dry. My stock ofRUBBERS is complete, and compriseBoots of all grades and prices for Men,Boys, Youths, Women, Misses and Children; Arctics in bo%. button and buckle;Alaskas, Storm Rubbers, and specialties ofall kinds- My Wool Boot for Men is thebest in tho market. My prices are alwaysthe lowest.

. P. O. HEAGAN,Opp. 1)., L. & W. It. It. UOVEK, N. J





GROCERIES.Host Uleo S ftn

Rnnw \ \ tide Co<lftM\While Uasm per fitIJinu llrntia " A

a i l * Hfkaa'craHwnSib] VanillaCronuis . .I c,ta Ufuce MeatFine 1 rulut Boap ii CubesLargo Cake 1'tiroHonpVr Prior's Cojgli MahwiUoln l ) u t Washing Powder

Very Best Minnesota Patent Flour, Per Barrel, $5 00.

c,Kqt Covered Htow Puna,Acme Frying Tana,Good Pcrub llruati or Wltiak lira in,IS InOi CoUaden,Heniy 11 roll ers,

QlaM CoTtti-ed Cutter DIalieg,Flour fiKttvs (Stdecraiil),Gcort Kiitfo ord Furu, "'i


•opper Bottom Wash Boilers $1.00. Coal Hods 25c.



A Savins of Two to Four Toss of Coalii uaiug tlie OS0E6LA' or QUEEN ESTHER HA^GES iviLIi reg-

ister attachment A large line of stoves in stock as fallows:

nil Coot Stoves.Art Oanopr,

Gem fortune,East«r,


Now Broadway,







Florence;Home Around.

Bandy.S T O R E A M D S H O P B T O V I I .

Hnnir. Uonarefa, Dalir Umday, PortUni, llelcor. VMoltaFDU.EI1 £ WARREH and TUB DtlBHIKO STEAM AMD HOT WATK1L IIK1TERB.

Plnmblnff. Tinning'and Stcata Fi tlnK Work iloiie In all liranobeB.Look at my large stock befor. purcoaEinK

1). S. ALLEN, Dover, K J.


humc of

NOTICE.Xn rcsiKMiHO tu (i larfrc niti

riMiitcsts HIIHIO by pittruiiH in Vimvie I" It}, MCWTB. COKNISII & CO,oponc.1 n branch wnreronin in elmtliclr local rcprcaoiitnlUo, Mr.K. DAlaKYiUI'I.fi., nt No. 5 JBUICICBLOCK. DOVISH. If. *T., n hero a choh oKclcclion of FIA1T0S ait OBGASS "III bo on

\lcxv. Mr. Di i lmnplowill I)c in nttumlnnce

i tu recch c orders nndfcvliiltlj liwtruimmlM.

Prlres »mo at a! Factor/. £uj pijmenl plarj to still all pochls.

(•tlnlsitum iciit fri-e «? nn> Hililrr-*> VnicRdlnsj pure It uteri

. 3 nrlih Itlork. Dtivnr, IV. J.,





Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c,BRACKET AND SCROLL 5*WINC DONEITO ORDER,


f to bmidlo ttdr own cod can oat* It aattma i s l lomdsd.irlthoat 11107611118;,

Z.ETTEB FBOM B£V- A. O, DILL.There ora no"bluBMomlJiy»"inor "Bboi

fcldi.1 totlio muneo vrtilch adjoins the Pr.I jUrlan Church and wssiop house an tbe)ura(iiiugo grounds. Hie mitur uoitbs 1A«U tennis cuurU which (a tfae Hummertime Is the favorite resort, m tbe etfbt ofafUrnoon and early evening, of thttladlni andgentleman f row Uie two ho(*!« nnt h r tveay.horthampton is one of the old arUUicratlctoitn of tlie empire ftats; too aristocraticsown SItwa yoturi aco to allow tha railroad toC3iuo within iU liordora andsopuiliedlt-oQ"several miles to the vestlacross a luorfliscalled here by tU old Iiid.an n»na. "TheMale" I quote from tbe large nlitoryo' Uilv county which has recently cauie from

preia at nn ex[>enB9 of Blitecn dollar* a\olunie, "Fiib UOUBS" using tlie old-nsm

it »L« hundred yean sgn, nhen Sir, WililamJuln BOO had hia " Fish liouee " or HummerIGS rt on tbe baubs at tho I^ocangdda whereLhe M*wnla Hall now ilamla. A umne moreoft€L used in this vicinity than Iilts'own tbat

f HortbiitupUjn, "Fish House liasurowji as HA ai other villages in tbe couDty,nud Lhfj m»y boaccounted tdr by tlie fact ItatIts lubabltants bav* mostly beeti wealtby,couserFAtlve people, with ft lave for tholrtalelr couutry seaM, and no desire to teatlteir twsutlful farms and gsntena laid out IntoLJIOIng luU. It Is a place dleUaclly notedfur its {jlearant and putistaatinl buowstoada.'Tbo growing cities of Amsterdam^ JuhnaUiwi•nd OlaverBTJllo near ua on the south aud

ithfvatt havo B[treeted many ofoi gut nnd iretaltbtut cltlisus away, \iul

to-day Kortbamploo Is, the Ideal village andparlnb. Your correnpotideut bas tested IUbtt.uLlful Suuioicrs aud Its none tbo lees st-tmctlce Wlutars. Tbo air Is BO pure that Iitl o last week 1 bave slept two nlghta withtlo window raised one-halT, w, Ibatthe t\

>ccupy not one-balC of the window.Tlia il ry, crl.j), voldiiMS Is exbllarUIug. In afew weeks Uie trout streams will lie eillve withtl o Imping (hubtng streak a of risub light, as

'treleaR troller Jan tha batik, and tliagleai i of their star tuangled sides flasbes up

stream where the more gltlllful nlni-rod will land ID bis btufact a frliliy li-y. Weore on tbe edge of the Aillroudocks and on joyUie v lew of the inountalnt and the balsamtntlcu air. Flowing tbroufen ths village,

I by the famous covered bridge, fourhundred feet long, built In 18lO. Ti.eMtnl»rawltbln Bbonlug; no algna of drcay, la tbeLccaDgada, full of game fish coming down(rum tbe north In a graceful curve Itflotrti backnorthward aud eastward to Lucerne where ttenters tlie Hudson. Ttio Vlate creek entersIt flnt above ths bridge, even more laimut asa fitulDK and hunting ground. It was upontbe banks ol this Btroarn tbat Sir Wllllatn

n»debiH treaty nltb tlie Inillojig.Uiir church thuugb nut largo Is a strong one.Evory older in tha session a man or succeii,Intelligence and a Rood mind. Tte cou»erva-tlbin of the qotntnunlty has yielded «t*p bystep to the holy inilueuces of tiod'a wonl.1 hrongb tbe cQldxt weather for thirty yearsmeetlrgi have been lield In uroirded rooms

Cor the fourth vretlc aud are going ou.ltio iimtlng tu-uight IB for hoyj aud manonly. To-morrow nlgbt a Christian toclnlmeotlng. Uod la saving many BOIIIB—eievonwere rocolred on coufeulon Uoforo January,at many more are waiting (o be received.Dfnr friends In New Jersey prny for us as wodo fur you. Of our four different chglntbrceif Unoi often plug ot ono eerTicaau Iboy did

In "A Byniposluiu ot Song" lait eroulng.We l&vo tn Ibe gallery a cuoir ot adult'tugcn who have sunE togotber tor twentyflto •years-trained voices who sing tho old

md oothotnu. In front nt tbe left of thepu.pt'. a choir of young JXK>I>1Q led by t. cornet.Directly In front a children's choir, which .li-

ft boy choirs of lads, from nerou tfltwelve years ot age, wlio slug well. Thebofisug an " offertory " every Sabbath looming,

1 Tlie voung warriors ".numberabout twenty-flvo and (ire from »ix to fourteen jours of nge.

iorjt ana of tbtm wlf offer jirajcr1 alone atir weekly maatlugg aud wn do not rise from

our knees until oacli has thus taken part Websvo also a IT. F". U.S. Society. Ihavewrit-en thus In full In answer to many an^utritR ofour thiircb and work. • • .

Tills rooming I greeted by tlie band ODO ofcur &t«d men vbo hod walked over s, ta\\a totb village for bis mail, eta He wai onehundred and tiro on tfae £2J o( last month,

Yutca la clear, bla head erect aud last Sum-mer La swung the cradle in bis own Hold ofgrata Be Is tbe oldest Free Mason In theUnited titatea. At family wonhlp thUtnorn-Ing I called upon an aged talutat myBldflano*said "Grandma wou'byourepeataPialmthft

j ! " and laid vpou tbetablptUe BibleIn m j hand as she repeated, tbe ono hundredaud laird Pealni without a nilatata. Shelearns a new one overy two or three days.Hbe will be ninety ono on tlie fifteentb ol tbla

i. Amid, tbe pleasaul suntouuittuga ulw Held of labor I often iLlok of the dear

old parsonage nt Mt. Ftoedom and of theyoung and axed one there, and of the littlechairb at Stirling ami the glorlons Ingother-

iK wf souls there. - '"'.• , , Your corroiponileat,

" A. CDBUIWO P I U . ,

' Another View ofTrasta. :

1'erhapa tbe rowt remarkable contribntltto Uie msgdilne literature ot tbs month U theeditorial article of. tha Boclal Economist forFubruary, " The Kooconilo JSrrora of TrusU."Standing serene ou a BDlentlOo plane, abovepolitical bias and .arabaal conslderaUan. .Mr.UuntCQ oonsldont centraliBod capital, as repre-

by.truatsi as a potout and uKesoaryfactor In our clriliutloni IIo takea tbe posl-Uou, which to supports wltb a sturdy arrnjof fts';andllgures, tLittruttsarotboorganl-fatlou.of corporations ft* wrpbratlops woretbo orgautmtlon at ladivldutvl ccpltailsla •,tbfit thay. are> tno legitimate and Inevitableiiircoiiie of the businew mitboda of tbe ago,1 »w lal advance. Tfas large capita,! Ihoy areLbln to control niakea It ponlble for them tpi\ail of all labor-saving devices, all improved

metnods, and to offer the public* a betterarticle than Individual effort could furnlih,aud at a lower price. And this Is thtlriulTlcIfnt reason for beiue, that they servethe community better and cheaper than didor cau , inialler crganlution. Thougb theocanoinlc necessity . of lhe ceutrallutlon of

ipIW ia pmenUd as a self-evident proposi-U.;n, It It oUU admitted tbat, though tb»publlcmsymiBunderatAndorexagKerateraou),It seldom invents them, aud that, therefore, toarc-use tbe popular antagonism now existing,there must be radical errors In tha conductortrunti These ernra are Impartially noted,aail their remedy auggnsted and impresslTelyurged : .

Wa btno received recently a little' SouvenirBoob, Illustrated In oolora and devoted to thodescription 'of tbe business of The Youth'sCompanion, and especirtlly illustrating the-now bnlldlng, wblcb in jiiat oomploted audocriiplsd. Every one who It Interested fn thepaper, «ad we know tbat tho niiraber^cffamlliifl in our vicinity who Ult« It ioMwwayi>ar I y year, will daeire Co Me and read thisbit of blatory cbncernlng'a fiTorlta pspor.

" nil* The CoiWlt»»ion isonBoltha o1de*trs In tUeeooatry, having boen itartol

In 16.7, It is one ot the freshest and inoitvifiortiOBOt all our publications and has at-tained this unequalled circulation of six hun-dred tbounnd copiw weekly. Ita prospectuj,containing the sunouucemenU of authors andarticles for the year 181)3, shows that the com-Ins vclunie will ba, if possible, batter thanany ct Ita predeccasom. . • -

Any DOW inibseribe. may obtain tbe Sou-venir Book free by asking for it At the timetba rubscriptioD is sent. Price (l.TQn year,BostGi, Mass. . . .

Oood IiDOata.flood lojks are mom than akin Jooji, ilep

tng upon a. beoltby condition ot all tlia vitalorganj. ' If tha Uvcr bo Inactive, you have aBilious Loot, if your staniacb bo disorderedyd i Imve a Dyspeptlo Lookond If yourneya be afTecttjd you liovo a Pinched l-jok.Bocnn good bcnltb and you vrlll lutvo goodIOOIJS Elcwtrlo Bitters i> the great altorntiroon I Tnnfa ncbi directly on tbou vital organs.Ciires PimplM, Blotehei, Bulls and gives igood complexion. Bold at Hobert Killgore1

Drug Btoro, Dorer, Ornm, Ilanoe & Co^ Drug8torc,"Port Ororo, awl P. N. lenltlnB1 UiStore, Charter. Wo, per bottla.

A KBW OLD MAOAZINE.Tbe pulillnbera of Tha National Uagarlnc

have acquired tbd Megaclneof American Hiatory, whlub was edited liy Mrs. JI«rtha JLamb until tei- deatb ouJanusry ltd lostWltb tho February tituo them thistorical junrusli ara mergml Into on*,t ie name, llagnxlne of Amerlmn Ulitory,that ot Uio older period*™!, now in it* 3 t bvolume, in retained.

Geuerat Jamai Grant Wilson well kias an editor of Important historical works,includlnz App!etau'aCycloi>ivdlaof AmericanBiography will edit the new ma£azlna whichIs tmlarjffd more than thirty pages, while tbeprice is reduced from fS to «?i per annum.Tfae historical prlxe competition, inauguratedby Tbe National HagsKloe, and offering f 2,000in 14 prized Ia continued by tfae Magazine ofAmerican Hlatorj. Tbe ooadltloas ot tbe or-iginal contest are unchanged and particularscan lie bad by sending a slump to tho Maga-zine ot American History, )B2 Hauau Ht.,New York City.

An appreciative and iIlsorlnilnatlnK sketchii Mrs. ilartha J. Lamb accompanied by au

admirable plotureasfroutlapleoe, finds appro-priate place 111, tuo February Iraue of tbeMagacine of American History, wulcb abeedited for so many years aud from whichdeatb called her so suddenly. Tbe articles'A North Carolina Monastery" and " Inci-

dent In tbe Ufa of Webster" have a melnncuuly i(it*frest«» being the c»!j uiws nrniURw3by her for tbis number.

La Tour and Acadia" embraces one of theii iutereGting episode* In tbe Ustory botb

of HtuKuchusotbi and Nova Bcotia. Tillsiiootlo story as preaanttsl In tbe Februarylumber of the Magazine of American History

differs somewhat from tbat of Mr. I'arfaiIn tbe January "Atlantic" Mr. Albsympathlus wltb La Tour, which Is aim tlieattitude wbioh Wlnthrop, a« governor ofMasMohuHtts, raalntalutKl at the begluuiugof the feud. The account of tlis urtolllclal

nee between Boitwi ami JA Tour i»drawn from the (irlgin&l deed* preaurvfed hitbe SulTolk HecordB.

AuJonit other Intorestlng article are l*rof.Week's Blotch of John Arcndala. tbe QuakerQovernor of North Carolina lu 17U4; a paperby tbe editor, Qea. Wilson, on B&yard Tay-lor, the itoet-travetler; a Columbian Ode furthe celebration of 17U9 by John Plnlai-d,founder of the New York Historical Society,and au article on tbe Astor Library by Fred-erick Baumlars, its chief llbrarian-the first

series on tba Iwdlug libraries o( tliecouutry,

Tbe Lincoln letter, of wliicb a fao-nlmlle isKen, Is tiers prcieBUd far tlie flrd tlino, It

wan written at (Jen. Grant's Keadn,uartornand WBB transmitted to Mr*. Lincoln, overtbe wires, in cipher, The account of moniesfurnished by Lewis I'intanl, tbe AmericanCommissary pf ITtaouers, la a tuoit Intereft-iiift rev ol nil unary document.

Tbs Ft-bmarj number ot tue magazine ofAmerican History, tbs tlrat presented by Mm

publishers since the consolidation withtba National Magazine, contains so manyutremely lutereetlog aud ituuQrUut papers,as tu makfl It tlie most admirable IMUO of au

>rlcan blatorlcal ningoilne we havo everBWU.


Tlie Poromosit Affflcultura! Newspaper.

A \>a\& stop bas been Ukon by tliat best (tadtoremoatof all farm papsrt, Tlie Kuril NetYorker, In reducing Its subscription urf<from |3 to (I a year, and tbnt, too, withoutany reduction In the quality or dimeter ofthe paper. Its publisher! b&tve acted on theprinciple of tho greatly Incteated circulationmsklDft up for tha lower price. Indeed, thepaper is comtantty belug improved In all de-partment*, and Is clearly tbo leading agricul-tural newspaper oC America, n It lias beenEoi much of the time during tht last 42 years."With Ita superior corps of editors (unequalledbyaoy btberhalf down farm paper*], itsex-perliriBnt larin, Its great list ot farmer con-tributors In all parts of tbecouatry, its costlyand practtcat and beaiitiful Hlutitratlona—altogether Involving a cott of productiongreater perhaps than of any farm paper—with all these features It Is n marvel that thepaper cap be sold for tl a year. 01 courseIt could not tw, save for tbe fact tbat prsgres-B.T8 farmers la all nectloos give It beady sup-port la such vast numbers. Every year TbeRural New-Yorker Bends out to it* lubscrlb-e n »Mds B>ad plaote ol Ta.uaUe moriginated ot) Ita experiment grounds. Tbese,In total, are estimated as having been worthmillions ot dollars to Atnerlcon agricultureThis t o w n IJdltor Carman bo* a rare treat bthlt line, proposing tosand IT D«W roses, Rosarugoaa hybrids, a new grope, a new earlypoUto, and »Md of 200 crosi-bred tdraatoes—all to avery «ulmar1b*r [wylng for ths mail-

Free sampld ooples of the paper may bebad by addressing The Rural New-Yorker,NewVock.

a candidate for Vli»-Pmldciit ot tfaeUnited Btates when Fremont ran for Presi-dent. Id Koptember, IH-iJ, be iMmnm BH at-

irnej-at-law, end four yearn later wus madeconnftollor.li. 1802 Mr. BcuJderwai elected to tbe Htoto

Benato, and lu WVi was chosen President oftint bmly. H P was a Demoi-rat of tha old

l. In 1KII9 Gnv. UdtidolpU appalutedhim a Justlci of tbo Hupreiue Court. Uaver-nors liwlle, Liullnrr and Abbett lu turn reap-l»lutcd bim. Tlie Juilge'a present lerm noiriilnot eiplro until March 23d, 161*7. He hadeerk-ed twenty-four yeara on tbo BuprenieCourt bench, HlBclrcultorlRlnully embracedMoumouth and Middlesex counties, but a fewyeara ago be changed with Chief JusticeBeasley end assumed charge of tbo circuitcompeted of tbe counties ot Mercer, Warrenand Huutenlon.

Rluce 18fl I be lias boon a rnomber of theBoard of Trustees of Princeton TheologicalEjemlnary.

Judge Scud Jer married Marls Louisa Dmks,daughter of Supreme Court Justice OoorgoK Drake, of Honi^w., N, J. Of Ax childrenbom tu tlieiu, f\ve are still living

Tbe Justice was noted for his Kuliolarly at-taliimenU, bis Iuvc of books and bis kindlyand gentlo disposition, His boalth was of tberobust kind durine bli many yenni of life.Lait winter be was attacked with seriousiloknean fur the fleet time, but bad apparentlythoroughly recovered From it.

Poator Hlllliiffton SoesTi Beaffrn.Her. E,J, O. MlUjniton, tha young pa* tor

of the B»ptlit Clmreh la Hamburg, Suuezunty, has not yet resigned. Hia friendsi n urged him to remain. Hit intention to

resign w u the result of a meeting of tbedeacons and members of the church heldSaturday afternoon, when, by a vote of SO to91, be wu defeated, to an effort to secure anapology (com Deacon Keat, fiho'bail tu&de.various charges against hjin,

Pastor HlUIngton la twenty-one yearn old.ehubMn ptutor of tho Hamburg church

for a year and a half, his former charge bo-Ing at Werrensburgr Warren oouDty, N, Y.Tl baialways Iweu store or Ion trout^u Inthoohurch, and four pastors won forced towithdraw before Mr. Mlllington cam*.. Mr,MllUngton decided that-the only way to bring.bout peace wan to force tho disturbers outof tbe church. He had succeeded ia gettingrid of a number of them, but when he etine (oDeacon Kent he found energetic resistance:The meeting SiturtMT w u a stormy one.Deacon Kent accused the potor of repudiat-ing bis just debta, of lying, misrepresentationand violation ot established churcu cuitomi.The votlug wai In fnvor of tbe pastor, butwhen tio tuaUted' on Deacon Kent anologlilngDeacon Rood declared be v u going too farand called for prayer from Deacon Benedict.After the prayer tbe paitor's lupportewilopped over to the otbur side, and that Ia why

has resigned.

For All the People,Governor Werta responded to tbe toojt

"Our State," at tbe banquet ol tbe JerseyCity Dwud of Trade but Thursday night. AsPWdentDear Introduced him the banqueters

ve tbreo hearty cheers and a tiger,'•Itbaiikyou heartily for tbo sincerity of

your welcome," utd tbo Governor. " Tbetusifrned to me tbii evenliip; Is one that

will challenge the attention of any speaker.It In my career heretofore or hereafter I m«ybe able to do anything to advance tfcegloua hlttory or enhance tbe honored name ofNew Jer«y, I will think mywlt nio*t l aAs Chief Executive of the HUte It will a l ybe my duty' and pleasure to administer tbelaws, In FO lar Ri ii in ma lies, for the goodmd benoflt of all cltlx-ni To tbat end.whlleo a certain eitent one must acknowlodgeind oltey the comuiands of party, I do nnt

obey tlie demands of party when X do netbelieve them consistent with public good.Tola ii a criterion 1 have lived up to in thepast, and I intend to adhere to It in tbefuture."

This sentiment provoked ths wildest ap-plause. ~

Fronouncea Hopeleia, Yet Saved.From a Jotter written by Mrs. Ada B. Hurd,

ot.Grolon, B. D,, ire quote: " WAS Ukiwith a bad cold, which settled on my lungs,cougbset In and finally terminated in coii-

p n . Fonrdoctorn gave me up, saving1 could live but a short time. I gave myselfup to my Saviour* determined if I could notstay with ray friend* on eartb, I would meetoiy ahsent ones above. My husband wai ad-Tited to Ret Dr. Kiog'a K«w Discovery farConsumption, Coughs and Coldi. I gave It aferUl, toolclnallBl>otUDa;UhMcurediDe,andUuDjtGodlMnu'swf.'vttUiunlhM.rtj-woman-1

Trial iwtUo free at Kol>crt KUlgvro'a DrugStare, Dover, Own, Ilance tt Co's Drug Btoro,Port prvn, and Y, N. JenWm1 Drug Store,Chaitw.: Lfirp* alee Mo. and «1.00,

DEATH OF JUSTICE B0UDPEH.Juitlca Edward Wallace Bcuddur, ot

8upnm« Court, <Ued euMealy at bUbouie onGrcfiiivood avenue, Tronton, at l().:iO o'clocklast Priday night. Ue bad atU.-iided the Cir-cuit Court during tbe J»y, ami was In appir-mt good bualtb and e^irite wlicn he left tinlourt roam. Aft«r returning to bis Louie be

prepared for dinner, and shortly after par-taking of the meal rotired to bla bathroom.

After leaving Ibe batli he expdrianoed Bfeeling of oppretulvenevi and at once tmni-inonod lilmnn Ueorge.

"Thlfl Is an mm anal atUck, fJeorge," tonarked tbe Judge. " I nnver ei])*rieiiced cue

like It before."Almost Immediately he complained of anse of tuftucfltion. Dr. W. Elmer, of West

street, was iiromftly summoned, but iwforetbe puysickn arrived tbe Judge bml t«nway.

Iwanl Wallace Bcuddtfr was tbe son orJasper H. Uuudder and Mary atlllnoll Uoeder.

wa* burn at Hcudder'M Falls, MeroerCounty, on August 121b, ibi2, and was tbere-fore saveiity-one years of aze at the time of

death. Ui« anceetorH wore among tbeearly net lien* of Hiring Townfhlp. Ue at-tended tba Trenton Avadomy, tbo Lawreiiue-vllle scbool and perfected hi* oducmtlmi UFrlnc«ton College, from which Institution ht)graduattxl with lilgli hoimrs lu 1»fl. In imth* degroe ot LU D. URS conferred ujmii himby tbe collego. After ln«vlng college be en-

DEATH OF BENJAMIN F. HOWEY.Benjamin V, Hoivoy died nuddenly Monday

morning at ble borne i t Dundeld, Warrencounty, ol Bright,'* dl.esw. Mr. Howey wnsburn uear Hwwlesboro, Uloucester county,March 1711), 1 ^ and van coDHequoutlr near-ly sjxty-rour yearf old.

Mr. Howey aerved In tbo late war OJ Cap-tain of a company ot New Jt-j \y Voluntecn.Hla early educatioa was received at the com-mon school of bis native placo aud at theacademics at Swetbsboro anil Uridgeton. Atthe Dga ol titnelaen he went to ftiliadolpbln,

liero for eight years he was engaged In gtm-ttd busluws as n. gralu aud flour ciimmlidou

merchitnt lu 18-W be removed and settled lutbe township of Jwuowlton, Warren county,and, la partnership wltb Eobort Ki Killa, ofPblladelphia, engaged in tho data Lusinwi,t|(iarrylng and nnnufucturlog AlateroofltiKnnd school elated Ia 1801 acoinpauy known

the "Delawn.ro Water .0op Hlato Vpm-panj", was ornmlwd, In which Mr. Howey

liuoa had. an, iotoreat, nnd which b»s beeuMuful inltsoperatloiiB. Kci)lowing in iho

political Hue of his father, to li a member oftho Republican party, haviug formerly been

Whig.lu ths foil of 1873, Mr. Howey was elected

Sheriff of Warred county, and it In a fact'orthy of note that he was the first aud only

Incumbent ot tbat ofllce from the Republicanranks since tbat party was formed, In 1650—the county of Warren being largely Demo*crsttc, and more especially hia own towmlily,in which, however, h i received a handsomemajority. Be made lilmaelf a very nccept-

bto Bbetlft* by gWlng EaUsfaction to bothpolitical parties during his torm of oflloa.

At tbe close of bis term in Congress Mr.Howoy was ogilu made tbe candidate, butDemocracy hid resumed Its perpendicularityand though lie kept tbe majority down belowtbe normal. In I&3I Mr. Howey was the can-didate of the HcjmbUcflU part; of Warrencounty for Ponator against Ueorge A, Beatty,but was defeated, lu IK*] Mr. Honeynominated for uovcruor and mode a strong(lent agatunt tha D«iuoc»Uc nomtnw, RobertS. Urten, who was etecteil by about tlie usualmajority. In li^T ha «as again made thestandard bearvr of hiipnrly against JohnstonCornUb wbowsB nomluateil Tur Htate Bomtor by tbe Democratic caucus, but a few dayabefore tbe elecUun It was dUcovered that Mr.CoruUh was nut of tbo c institutional age tobe eligible to lbs dllice of Collator and MartinWyckoftwasmibatlluted, and only bad 1S4

itCB more than Mr. Ho way. His candidacyogalnnt Job™ton Curnieh for Cjiigres) In tbelast campafgu ii yet too trenb In tbD infiids ofthe people to nt*>d commeut, He mode aflghtthat reduced (tie lknvwratle FM.jf.rltyttto-thlrdi. Mr. Howoy was a frbrewd basl-nes* man nnd loaves contJJeralKi nt an estate.

School for Fepnie Minded Children.Tbe following (nan extract from Gaveri

Abliett'H recent mmsag*, concerning thotraining tchool fur tvvble mimletl children atVtiwlaud;

Tbe trulnlng sofcoo) is under private man-agemeat, but tbe 0t«to ban generally sent allthe feeble mtadfd children to thin institutionbecause tt la situated In this State.

Tbe Btato has paid for the education, cloth-ing and mnlutonance of lift children duringtbe tlueal y«ar. Tlie reports ot tha Board ofDirectors and of the officers of thisfnatitutlou

U an excellent showing of tbe rapid andhealthful devr-1 opulent of every dtpai'tinenWithout any aid from the 8Ute w)\ateve

icoptapercapltii ytarly ollnwauce for Iidlgant children, the school h u acquiredplant, chiefly throwBUtheaenorftalty ot puWspirited citizens, which the management esti-mate to bo ol the valua of (TO.OOU.

Tbe Inauguration and successful conduct ofthin school, deserves just recognition, tt ladelightfully situated at Vlueland, Aid In myvisits to this Institution I hare been pleasedwith its management. It Is a treat ehnrlty,intlcr the management of a Board deservingif high praln for its great Work for thi

poor children, who appeal so strongly to ourlyinpathics for their care and comfort.

A Successful Favori te .At tbe closing Quarterly Conference for the

year held at the First M. E. Church on Mon-day evening !aBt, tlto fDlIowing statement wasnude, which clearly Indicates much prosperityduring the three yean pastorale of the ltev.Win, Dny. Ruoeired on probation 132, r«-celvod luto memb:rohlp H7, IMIVIUK a netIncreaie of niombjri 110, with-) 3on probation,after deducting {or removals, deaths, »t«.On lust Sabbntb six ware received per letter,ten from probation tn full connection, fifteenadmitted onvrobation. Tbemeetlng on Mon-

day evening Btronglr requested the con-tlnaanw of tho services of Mr. Day, which we

mre tho community will heartily endorse.

Or. Hale'a Household Ointmentis the finest remedy in tbe world. It abso-lutely cures catarrh. It cures neuralgia andrneumntirai. C u m flies like magic Csalt rheum In tbe roost soothing manner.Cures inlbunod and granulated eyelids. Curegoouitbs and colds. Can be taken internally.A. positive xpecifio for pneumonia, ,brulees, burns, chllbloius, soree of long stoad-\n£, corns and bunions u-e cured fiulcklydlfforent from all else; superior to all else; Ihoi no equal. C5c,*nd50cboxee. Large BIHcheapest. Sold at Bobort Killgore's CornerDrug Store, Dover, N, J,


nib«rs of tlio Nalioiml Uuavd t,r& a.nz-iousfy waiting to bear of further develop-ments in the reorgttnlzatiuu of the First Bri-

d I k b M m b l ditln H and plans for reorganization wereuued. As tlie brigade is cou»tltuted now,

tbere 1M a great deal of ditsattf faction nxUting.It li hoped that throuRb flov. WerU thstrouble may be adjusted and tha guard placedon a hotter footing than It Is now.

At present tie First Brlgote oonuleta of OLOtwelve aiiJ two Uncomtanr resiuieuU. ThaSecond Brigade It compasad of throe eightcompany regtments. TLe present plan li tochange the FttEt Brigade ta as totcrra {Wt>regimeiiti of eight comnauies each, aud to dothis new cnmpanlo* will have to bj organizedand wbat are now termed tue insubordinatecompanies will bare to be reorganised. JerseyCity is to unve tbo headquarters of ons r*gl-merit, ompoacd ol tlie lix companies of t ieold Fourth aud two UBW companies, with~ol. AberneLby In coiumtud

Orange is to t» tue headquarters of a regtvmeiit composed or tbe four companies of tbeold Hecoud lU-giuient of lloboken, which turnpoxltlvoly rafuetid to serve in tbe presentBvcunil Keglmsnt; tho three Orange com-panies now la tlio Benuusl R»g!ment aod UisDover coui|mnj now In tue First Regiment,with Lleut-'Col. Hnyder «ud LleuLOI.

hotter, at pieieut uuattnebed. lu com*tuand ; Pater son It to be the headquarters efouotbtr regiment compared of threw com-panics ot Leonla, three of Pateraon, ace ofI'assalc, and ono of if ay on us, wltb Col.Muggy, at present uuattacbeJ, in command.

Newark Is to lio lieadqusrlcra of two regl-•nonU, Riude up as follows: First to be oom-

I ss It Is at present, and the except ton ottbe companies commanded liy OapU, Town-send, Hill and DleU, and Col. Campbell Incommand, and tlia reused Fifth Uealiuent tnbe eotniWNed of tlietie three CQuipanies, oldCompany D of tbe Fit tu lUuiment, which wasdlsband'd, the members of old Companies K

id U. or tho Fifth Regiment who bave per*slBtently refiiaod to servo in Companies I and11 of the now First Itegiment, and two newomptinlea to be organised, with Ccl. Bernardicomaiaud.

This plan was flnt suggested by Col. Bnyderif Orange, aud bad apparently met wltb the

apuroral of tha other otlloers, Urig.-Geii.Mr and tbo other urigadeofUcers oresald

to regard this plan favorably and are noxiousoseettcarriiHlout. Th» ofllcers wilt conf»rbli week wltb dov, Werta, wboba*expressedilniM'lf In favor of doing all ha can to place

iheHatloimlUudrdof ttew Jersey on Us oldfoot Inf.

NOT ENTIHELY DESERTED.It cannot be said of the late ff over nor

Abliell that like Cii>ur there are " nous *>|wor to do ulni tevcrence," for at amettlug otthe Ltiou Abbatt Ouards of Paterson lasttreek they iiassod » eot of sarlo-comlc melo-drftmatlc reaolutlons that should bring tbsglittering War to tbo eye of tlie Great Turned-Donn, and nmke his enemies quake and shiverover their work. "It Is frith a profound

of gratitude and appreciation for tbainestimable services rendered to the common -peoplo of tho Htata of New Jersey by tbatLion ot Democracy, Hon. Lecm Abbett, tbatwe tender to htm cur heartfelt t b u l u tot blilutrepld chatnplomhlp of tfae toilers of our

iramon veultb, wben clutobed by tbe throatby giant monopoly and rental (tie) politicaltreachery, at Governor of our (State be w u aterror of monopolistic tendencies and legisla-tive putrescence. Hence Ilka Brutus he WMitabued by so called friends, but unlllteBrutuste wai not stabbed to deatb, he w u t ioj-itiuno of tbe people." To moat people tbfuwill be a new rendering of bli tory, but that Isa little thing. It straws that the AbbettUuard* are literary evenifttielrmemorieaarenot tonacloiuof evcnU. Than comes anotherrhetorical t!tj rocket ttat dauWs Vat ey» andthrows tbo glamon of rcnianca over tbe lasttbreo y«ar'e or tho laU Ooveroor's lite. It 1*really thrilling when you plature U» faerolaresistance -of Mr. Abbett to the suave andsubtle blandfsbmenta of Wealth, especiallywben bis weakness for the coin of tb« realm fs

BO long will tbe splendid services of Abbett bairnic-red. l ie wbo scorned the blandishmentsif corporate wealth and influence, who would

not be deterred f roai bli position, ha itoodforth Uie peerless advocate of the massea.

Tbo clou of his public services marks auepoca In the history of tbe New Jersey Ltefa.a-Uon that w u ignoralnom."

This last sentence ezpretsei a' precnanttruth tbouga It Id not likely tbe Qusrdi in*teudod tbe meaning tua peculiar arrangemsnt -of the words convey. It Is la the last pum.-graph, however, where t)ie villain of VK plifgets in his heavy work and tlie foreshadowingif a political tragedy Is given.

11 As to tbe Senators and ABsemblymen wboso falsely and treacberously betrayed theirtru<tt nhot like E«iu of old, sold their lilrtti-right we appeal to oil democmta from Bustexto Caps May to loathe and repudiate then) a.imdemrYlng and unworthy representative*.Down with them even to the ground."

B'doathI Beiraral

Heal Estate Transfers.Following are the latest real ertate tnvuj.

fers in Morris county: " 'Jamea W. Dlgau aud vritb and other* to

Caroline Powelton, property In Jlorrlstownfor (1,000.

Ixaae P. VreoUod and wife to Jacob II,Vreeland, Jr., proi»rtf In Hanover townihlpfr *1. .

George 13. Voorbeej, Jr., to tbe ElectricUgUt Heat wiA Power Comiw«', ptojirty InMorristown for | 1 . "

Jag. P. Carboy, executor, to William Calla-ftji, property ID Boon ton far (35D.William H. Kills and wife to Tbomss Ellis,

property In Hanover township for NOD.Frances J. Paine, Gertrude P. Waddlngtoa

and Edna-E. Baker to Thomas P. Clifford,property In Uorrlstown for tEOO.

~Imer H. Harrington, executor, to SidneyHagnerty, Jr., property in BuccoBunna for

VBOO.Kelson Hughson to Andrew O. Orr, prop-

erty at Mt. Freedom for 11 .Henry H&nn And * l f o t o E a . m » Cook, prop-

erty In Washington township for f 1. 'Bishop WInand Michael Wlgger to A l l SouU'

Hospital, property In Morrlstown for H .

Reduced Instead of Fromoted."William Barrett, •who has been condacUir

of tbe midnight Alorrlstown Bocommodatlonfor many ytnra, was reduced to tbe positionof ba««KO master last week. The reaeon forthla reduction is not made public. A. greatdeal of sympathy is expressed for Mr. Bur-rett, as he hat been lone and favorablymown as one oE tbe most careful and «fflclentnen on tha road. Be bas been with tbe roadfor thirty-two years, and his friends say be

irres better treatment at the hands of theipany than ba IB now r e e l i n g . Or* of

Mr. Barrett's friends told a Call reporter thaitfaar day that this reduction from the rank

ol conductor was brought about by ono ottosrailroad olUcera who was unfavorable to himand lost no occasion to injure him. It ispretty well known that favoritism and nepo-tism extends to aa unusual extent on thisroad, but it is unusual for officers of tbe com-pany to IIM authority to tbe Injury of an em- _ployee far merely personal causes, as it Isalleged n u dano tu this Instance.

BBWtureof Him.A young man has been going around through

this section with a paper which beallegu waswritten by Dr. Cummins ot tbls place askingCor contributions for tbe ontstaira ot a maawho bud lost a leu. Ue had tha names of alumber of well known men attached to It*lth the Amount ot their contributions, and

mcceedrd In swindling n iiotnbor of people.Be Is an Ircpofter, u Dr. Cummins neverwrote a paper of tbat kind and several of tfae

whoso names appear on tho paper declarethem to ba forgeries. The young man livesnot fnr from Dover, and this Is not his flntattempt on this Una, but tha law may breakuphisbmlness If he continues hisswlndlInKoperations.

I have used Dr. Deano'a Dyspepsia Pills forlillioumen and liver trouble*, and found themto work llkeacbarin. Anyone thus troubledand using them will g!ve tha same testimony,


Pullman Conductor Pa. R. R, „7 • • - . • • . . - -X •

Page 2: SAV E TIM CENT! RUBBERS. - staging.rtlibrary.org · Q0NTAIN8 MORE 5*REW8 >i THAK ANT OTflEE PAPEB-HAS THE LARGEST:;- Northern New Jersey. :•; ***** VOL. xxni. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY,

THEThe Dover Printing Company

f Fg p


Friday, Feb. 10. 18915.

lio HUM* b u >iad no ajipa rent eiTecrl«ld jierpciuUcularity of tbe g

AH t. hpeelnien ofHonorable David Bouuhimto of New York ghoMime freak ctfllccUtr.

Tli«t wit BftrndouK and (

arortlng walnitj'l l Ullt from the gl.) be gatberert In by

•ndable actaator Corah.!, in introducing and having

<1 by tb<> Sonata a set of reeoluttoicry ot bis late imtopMiIrt, Benji)T, wbo died Mon.lay,Moi

In tbe death of Benjamin V. Uowey tbiUepublkan party h&a lost obe of tl» mot.', virili•wader? anJ one of it* moni rtB.wcted! rociuIMJTS, nnd to the party cn-gnui/Alton in tbe ;

Fourth Cniigrerwioiia) District <*(*•<.• Jo I Jj LUilNttb is a MTcre Wow. Ho was a nun u!Krett individuality, wilti ttn> rare faculty o!mating Irlends and keeping them. Wtille heW M a atroDg portisau be nan utlil A Just andgeneroili factual), find in all tbe political con-tent* in which lio was o fuclur liin IntegrityWAI never iin[>eac]i<Ki nor bin earrngtnew of(lurposO ijueBtlonfti -4Ie m-vnr gtoojied to tbopatty trlckfl of ninny moro rUireeasful politi-cians, lie <van bulk on o larger pattern,

ii bones t, earnest, manlywhen IknjaiuiudeALb.

ley clospj his eyes In

The eminent win of Neptune who ball, fromthe banks of the Black river, In Cbwter town-ship, anil wbo ban tbe distinction of repre-itentlng Morris county ID titu ii|>i>cr house nftbe Legislature, bat> introduced a bill thatwill be of luucb iiiLvrent tu liltt neaforlug COQ-sUtuenta, I t provides for the appointmentut three ttupectara ut Htcrunbo&U and ttobmt boilers. It Is evldouce to llio marlnerBnl Rldcfa river &ud Lake Hojsateonjt t i n t theirluUreot* are not forgotten, and that It thereia any power in tbo BtaUi to prBveiit then jailing diaaatere that have made life a terrto theae inland navigators It»ba1l be inyolted.Anil tbon it provides three ulco oil! can, tbeincumbents of which will not be required toIKMMaa ou j ttpecla] lltucns tttlinr ttimi to beable to row n batteaii and keep It fretu caHi dug ia a calm. Tbe bill ma; be inoneratlTonven it it doea become a law because there 1BHO proTialoii for paylug tbe inspector*, butthat cau be itulJy remedied by to resourcefula tUtennan as Heuator Drake.

take eicuwion partlon up na theirpt*Uy soon.

U n . Peten, rmther of Eogiuwr Jobu f eand lira. Andre*. D. fihailor, died at thehou» of Mr. Bbaylot «nd was taken to Rmn-ylranla for interment on No, 1.1 BaturOay of*l week.A Mr. WdiUuuUiiii, t»f North Carolina, baa

bought tbe stock or Darld Misel, clothier, ofStanhope, and talks of starting a hose factoryIn addition. It i» a flrst-claM opening for Aman of push, eiiUTprim aud capital. Trami-portatlon by canal or railroad ia handy and 1don't aao why titanliope and Netcoug togethercould not be mndo tt Bfat-clnss manufactur-'

ubarrier. I wish the young roan the beat nfprosperity, and if he auwjseda as. well as Mr.Mine] b» will get along wall enough. I amsorry personally that we are going to low Mr.MiaelManetgbbor.BndwhllelnJire'schiingeeit often happens that we hard to "Welcomethe coming, ipeed tbe parting gueat," in thisinstance we speed the parting gueit reluct-antly.

I hear some pretty bad stories about tbeLake Eud Hotel, but lest there should tienothing In them I don't care to repeat tbem.Keeping a hotel la 5 legitimate business andtbe main object of tbe law in granting llceu&el» not simply to give a man license lo Bell beeraud wblakey, A* long as you only do whattUeldW allows sou, gentleiutu, you are allright, but when you transgreu tba law look

ut for ttia teuipCT&nca folks wUu et-tui to beII tMtotollers uuw-a-daya.ProUbly b«foro thla lit Iu priut Mr. Uard-

er will flnd out what happens to fellowa whomonkey with tbe New York yolice. Perhapstb Bu will fa th b t h

B00NT0N.The 211b auniveraarjr eiercisoa of the First

Reformed Church, ot Uoouton, vfhlch lookplace on February !!d 'won a grand success.Tbo Ittwfcory of tliUdeuomlnaUundateabackimune of the oldest in this twcUon of tbo Riata.Nearly a century and a half ago tlie flnti-burcn edifice, (a rude structure) wajj erectedat Old jioontvii, ttltuatcd on tbe ifco of groundabout mliiway on tbo uortlierlj side of tberood loading to tlie dwelling mm occupied byMr, liopkiDB. About the, beginning of thepresent century this cburch was consideredtoo email aiid nt*[)s were taken to build onemore modern ID design and In a more centrallocality. Tbe place cbc*en tor tbe erection oltht) new church <u being the moat central, was.on tUa opiwsltu Hide »[ tbe ntnwl f ruin wheretlm present HeturnicU Cliuivb eUuilij andIjowur UonUillfl. TkiOQldkViucturnwutnkc•luirn, enlarged, remoddeltd and rebuilt undstbe fcxperleuciti ejo ut Abtttbum Poor, (atlitir-Inlaw of tbo law Nluholaa N. Jacobus, andwben completed wan a L-re<Ht in workmanshipwud drchiitotuntl design to the builderat thattluio. Aguio In tbe year 1>>5~', thli churchhaving lucreosed iti membership under tbomlntiitratloiHiftuaKa ^ O ^ y ,\jiTA, Jnnoway and Nathaniel Conkllu, it be-lumo tiecMsary to once more enlarge theliplace of worship. In 1H54 the present churchnllllce a t hontr iloutville wai built. Thecontract anurded to Mr. Horubecfc, a builderof-Newark, N.J . , occupied and dedicated InFeurunry W&, 1'uu old cburcb edltlce wuthen taken down ami tbe materials cold atauction. Tbe timber >io» pMrchB^ed byHonry Sptcr, and used ID the erection of tbeU, U, Hotel at Bwnton. Tlia new ciiurcu cou-tlduod W prosper under the ministration atthe Kev. Nathaniul Ikiuktia. la the^uu 1tb U H t U l l U b l i d l d d ttbe UBV, il Uoobliu deolded to use Hisutmost endeavors to organise a new cburch iaUrn town of Booaion, wulcb organization wasBccomflleliw) on February 2d, lbttS, under tbetide or tLo First Iteforuied Church, ot Bvaa-

Steps nero at once taken to procure apcburch edtlice and a

pltt«e to accompllabJu t t

t ccmpllabtbe work wan appoints. 'Jury at once >et towork anil deBlded to imrdiaae tbe Hocond1'reabyterian Cburch at >>uralppau;, thatcongregation having dUbaudotl and again

commenced, the ctmirai'troritmovel awarded' U» K. B. iiiller erf this place lor the mini o\

•Tllu. Wort wnscomiiienoal In June end WMcomitWtM by the Ut ol December, 1MB, Vatproperty on which the church Btands, havingbeen donated by Mr. Ntetiotu N. Jacobut.Tbe cburch wus Judicitpd Dec-muer ICtb,]8(W. Total cost t5,(J0O. Twuaty Q?a yean Iha t epuc aud gune, i>astors and people mettogether in good old laihloiied foully tI Th t i i d d i t b

POET MOBBIS.I forgot to say but weak that Hiss Kannl<

Davis, daughter of Conductor Frank I. Davis.came bome • graduate of Normal Bchoo] atTrenton on Saturday nfcht a week ago. OnMonday nuirolufi (he .UrUd for Cbatbua, orsomewhere down that way to teach Bchool.If I tua not w y mud. Mistaken Fannie willbe heard from agalu.

They had a tot chase down at lJtM.fi EndHotel l u t tSaturday afternoon. I am not informed or tbe particulars uf ft aud so mjstory Ii easily told.

Tban. Kow, of BUubojie, celebrated bii;oldun woddiiig oue dnjf laet weak, Saturdaytuink.Tbe carpi'utem e*i>*ct to havo tbat

fiuiithed acroM to. ' ' *and Shlppingport.

If the C , I,. A" W. folk,;rounil up on tin

i gth# canal between Jjiudlng

l y j(omsvbertt tbey could

KOOEAWAY.Now don't all g a m at oooe what It la to

wbeu 1 toll you that 1 exjwet MOD to be al._to give to tbe rw<len of the ERA • deutledaccount of a new and 01 tensive lodiutrybe started in Hock ft way, wulcb, If carrii

1 out, a* now soema ceilain, will employ marlea ami * IU be tar reaching in It* bwiefita,Mr. W, blaybart end family have

into tlieiry

ew re«Id«oeM K b hstation which Mr. Kaybart baa bei

iiiablod to build for tinuelf train tha nanif bauent toil at bi* trads OJ a bladumll

tuid it) bouor of the oveat lnrJUtlon* warlargo number of their friend*

attend what they were pleased to call a houiwarmlDft on Tuesday evening of thli w«slTbe iwrty was a select one, including mm.of our boat society people as well al nveralfrom Booatca, their former home, and otherplaces. Those present report having enjope'a very tjleatant evenlpg, tlie musical talentboth iDCtvl aud Inatruoiental, being ft >ptdfeature. A fliieiupuer watprovided to wblcail did arapla justice r.ad ft a Uvte Hour Ibi

1 party repaired to their homes wishing tbelihost and bosteeti of tbu evening many year* ~happy We In wtijnli to onjoy tiwlr new bom

Speaking of new lioiues I MO that U. VKltcliel'H uuiuioa on tbu hill near Bbadjs"'(B Hearing cumplaUon, Arthur Fore* lit aipplylug tliu first coat of pslut.Mr. Nlcuclas Ktotic»'« now house oa Maple

ireuue I* also nearly Jluhdjed. McKInnoc £tahl will try to ranbe It tbe beet psviute.ouso In town.Mr. George Brooke' new hotel building neor

lie IX, U A: W. station ii alao progressingrapidly and present* an attractive appou*-

nw>. Success to Mr. Brooks and bin neiterprlte.A number of families in town i>n eiilTerliout attach* of la grippe.Mr. Walter K, Clark tclbi m« that holss!

mtfk received a letter from hla uepbew.Ciias.H. Dolaod, who lives in far away Iowa. Ii' ' I<Jttor Mr. botnnd oongratuUtea bis uneli

hte reccut euecess in capturing a targein nhicn be thought to be a fos while lead

ing liia hounds a. marry chue over the mo\sn

FRA, which, although 1,!WO miles awayregularly rocelvwl and highly priud by tfamily, as It always brings news of old()ualntanc#» In this their farmer home

tbe Bun will faa y pucther cbauro to havefling at Dr. Parkfaurst, but considering bo

innocent those New York policemen are romaof the testimony reads very f uuuy.

Tbe salary attached to hla now o it loo a*Judge or UIB Court or I^rron mad Apjioaluwill not be inucii or a temptation for IVIlilmitWalter PLelpg to turn Democrat ncy morethan tbo higber office to wulcb IVosldent H«r-rlson bos called Judge Jauksoti, of Tenneuset',will iwJuca tbe Judge to turn Uepiibllcan.Houors axe easy noir, I sums, l^w ought tokoov so politics tiny way.

They tell me tbs Hew Vurk Irffilftntiire ingoing to tlx the price of coal in New Yorkulty. Won't tbat bo nice. Neit thing youknow they will be fUIiifr. ths price of silk urcalico or exactly what we shall pay a gallonfor molasses. 1 forgot for tlie moment wedon't live in Nun York and they don't makelaws for us. Legislators are great folks, arethey not 1

1 eaw Tom Utesell In at in Innight. Tom IB teacblug lioirn iBCunowUere. UIB fathi-r

g g d l a i o i d fu l ly erectIngs. The past is reviewed, a creditable ao-couut Is i-Bodcrfti, tbe book U clewed, allpresent aro Invltcil to tlio lecture room, whereUs, colTeo aud caVo iu abundance are servedby the ladles' of the congregation in theirmual hospitable nay at which their equalsan nono. Two hours spont iu friendly greet-ings aud hand snakes, looking to tbo futurelor greater prosperity and happiness, theyseparate, well pleased, wttti good trill towardsall anil enmity tonurd n TU t

p , p a d , wall, anil enmity tonurdK

t tk l

ardsTUB entertain-

f tb 17, y K o TUB entrtain

ment to take place on the eve of tbe 17th attbe same cburch uudcr tbe nutplces of thelAdlea'AldHoclety, the novelty a Jepanetwwedding iu IttU J Jl*uwe coulumw, the cere-mony to be rendered l>y n JnrsnrM tnlnuitcr,ID whicU the youos people ut tlw tliuicli willtake part, jjroinlaes to be a grand affair.After Iho certtnooy, Un, coEToe nod take willbe Borved by tba Indies In tbe lecture room.I'roceedsforthebenrfUof thachurch. Tickets'l'i cent Refreshments free.

Carpenter Jas. Bfmroa Is en go go! at preseatIn putting in a new front Iu the old pott cilicefor Tbo*. Starbey. He moves over fromPlant's old place.

William Whits Utter was married lastWednndajr a t the Catliollc panonage to MIMJennie Drlscoll of Mountain Vtotv. Rev. J.J T I h n i t t d

£!ulld(iig arouDd hero at present neverIcoktd so null. I beard tiro protnlaet lulld*riMy a few days ego tbat there w u not a newuouets gofPK up in tbe town of lioonton, wltntbe exce])Uon of tlio finishing of Barrett's,llran'a aud Gordon1* iu tbe 1*TV. This is a* f rj" poor shoeing-, but. h&prt a n «nt*rtfllnedtbat HprlDU wilt open «|> nltu somethlBg. Ifnot tbe trades wilt be tery dull here.

Tlie ownor of tbe burnt remains ot theU. H. Howl ia willing to wll or get a partnerto build It up again. This was good paylcgproperty, bringing in (1,200 yearly for rent.

Tuny are about starting a lodge of theKnights and Ladies of tbe Golden 8tat Here,

Street Commlulouer Peter K. Brown wajmarried Wednesday, February 1st, toHannah Blaur'elt, 0 slater to bis first wIA..

Jas. Qllmore, an old resident of thli town,innv*d to J'atenoa wltlt bis family,

Ri»Ud, from nisliorne on Green street, vUSunday the let (net., John Beatty, 17yearsand flve (nonth* old. Hla yareaU in theirttOtlcl Ion have the sympathy of a nuutxr ofHorruMlng fckndi.

There ii a project on foot to open up tbeIwulevard running nnrtheiut from thli townIt Is thought tbat *Ith very little money Itcould he opened and connected wltb ths roadsIwlow it and give a drireway all tbe wsy IntoPomptoo, ft distance of atteen mil** and nevercron a railroad track nor a canal brldgo.And on one aide, going east, no liner rites forbuilding burposes can be fouml. Boating,Uthlng snd good road* are tbe inducement tooiler to people tolocnta hero. WB have notthe Dofltlog nor fl*ulng, so give them goodroads. Cottages could be erected along thisroad a lna/ i facing the iutt and sheltered fromths BQn.li wlndfl aud a most desirable localltj.I beard a gentleman remark a few days egothat he won tsUH-isbed to Be* m many emptybousea In Poouton, If bereadi thli paragrapbhe nill know tb« reason. Tb» blwit furnaceis dlmundcd, Alt's braM work* movedWest VIrglDa) Patterson & GrubW, nidi millabut down, tho Cyclone paint works about ata stand still, tbe Aluminum works tliutdown, and tbe best part of tbo work, that Istbe weaving, tnten away from the silk milLTlese are some of tbe reattoni wby there a nm many houses empty. There Is a Board ofTrade organlud here and parbaps they willcmne to the rescue and bring In some otherJndiutries to take Uie place of some of thosethat are gone where the woodbine twlnath.

Thw* hundred and tea WBJ the lucky nuiij-ber that won the horn and wagon at the fairBaturdAy sight, Harry Scott was the holder.There was ft combination of ten and if anyuf them won Scott would bowe got it, but howon bitnwlf and sated tbem the trouble.

fitaubopo though, To be exactly cor routabout It Mr, It Udell is prlurtpal of tbe Madi-son public school aud 1 am told bo makca nfint rate principal, too.

A do«ti or so of Ur. A. U. Cope's icboUra-ent to teaehors' examination at Newton t u ttvturday. I bave not beard yot wbat sort ofrumination they stood.The Engineer WalUce. who « u killed on

the Baltimore nud Ohio IUllroad collision onMonday wai tha George W&ttaca who ran anengine from here to Uoliobon for awhile andwho built tlielioiiFO where Corn(IIus McPmkoow lives. If I remember correctly his firstrailroading waa done from here to llobokenas a braketnaii. Thence lie got to firing andBO to engineer. Those were tbe Jays wbeo afellow did not bflvo to serve as long an ap-prenticeship as they do now, I ^lollevt1 Illsoriginal bome waa In tbe neighborhood ofFlanders. I am Borry lie died that wny,though really wliat difference does it male I111 remember rightly Wallace was one orthose railroad men who believe In always bo-log prepared to die. (feeing on tow they cainever tell when they leave bome In tbe momleg whether they will come home aliVB it la isensible precaution, Ur, Watlntft bad fourchildren buned In Stanhope Union Cumetery,

Krs.uk R SlacktiousB of Btauhopa htu apretty little white inare tbat tils wife drivesaround with occasionally. Tbo store horsekicked it badly In the stable on Monday night.I do not know a t this writing what the resultwill be.

This must be some relation to tho famousGlacial Period we road about. It was aboutai slippery on Tuesday morning an any (JlaoinlPeriod dared to be.

1 am glad to say that Jutiiui P. Day Is stilliraproflDg though ha Mnslbly stays in the' oune this kind of weather.

Tha latest report Ii that the UnderwearFactory man haacboMn a lot on Lake llus-eonetcong on which two gentlemen are goingtu put up a building to suit him for which hewilt pay a yearly rental.

I ibould bare sal.) fifty Instead of thirty l u tweek «b*n talking ot the friends who made1

Ur, ICeecli a eurprlse party and had a mostenjoyable time Uenuelve*..

Tbota wbo read last fiu oday's Recorder musthave thought there was something tho matterwith Ctioliy Knickerbocker. Tuesday's pipereiplalDs I t I t says Coolly win write up tbeFrench Coot'i llsll in New York when he getssober, I thought nenspapar men did notdrink, the fellows on the New Tor). Worldeicepted.

I see, by tbe way, that tbe World is verymch concerned about Pother 1'unke and the

Catholics of Dovornnd vicinity, Well, seeingUJO World wants to run the earth It Is nowouder. But when it undertakes to run tbeCatholic Cburch In America H will llnd astough a Job u trying to toll th» Republicanparty what It ought to do.

That story about tbe coil stealing w«« aeort of CAM ot mistaken Identy ofTitr «!• i

Ulns, a mt of which be saw In tbo Inn

y, y g()ualntanc#» In this their fd ' t b M 0 H D


uiailon was supposedf In as much as you I

don't remember Mr. 0. H. Doland, but Iremember hli father Chaa. Doland, Hr., winonce lived at Koaoh Glen aud ran a mil'route through tfockatvajr, and the creamwasn't eklnuued from botfa sides of bis milleither. Hut Mr. Doland took Horace Unlej'u advice and Is still living with his sCharles 11.

It may be notes to wmio of our readers _bear tbat Mr. U. W. Craue, who was once thflgfliitflMhBL*. It. It, Btatlca hero 1* nowregularly ordained M. E. minister at NortiJ'latt, Nobraaka, aud fa meeting wltb greatEW-cess ftB a revlvaust.

Our highly astwinod <Deuville corresiiondisnt of the ...Record informs bla readera that we were ..error In «ur etateuwnt tbat Ur. Iglebart hatpurchased the K. H. Cooper property at Benvilla lor a eumtuar refttdunoe. Klghc you anbrother correepaoJant, but I must say tbathe source oftu be uui tw „named AS tba Lualness agent for tbe IleiDoctor lu tbe transaction. Yet If as you sajthis Hue proiwrty hasboen ]>Iaced on tbe marle t lor building purposes even tbe lou of t b i

9 Saturday I renowned doctor may be again to your plens-r il ad [soil I ant tbougb retarded village.

We hear It said that the Denvills Awatuu Club contemplate giving a great sb<

Jus tournamont In the near future,Mr. Leo liunjbafakl, of tbe kicyole world

bas taken unto himself A wife, the bride betna lire, Backer. Leo la to give his friendsgrand reception tbts Wednesday evening.

Tbe paramount word at our bloyole woU Liberty.

Manager Perkins ii away ou ft ttn dayibusiness trip through tha western States.

Though early in tho season tbs shipment olbicycloa from our factory has commenced ftearnest and n number of machines are shippedeacu day.

Our eiitorprlsing butcher, Ur . Kdward Fox,bos started an additional route through WHope and vicinity wltb J3r. Augustus Uti\n charge, Qus sayi be will make It warm'or all conipetltorB by fair, honest dealings.

Appearance! now indicate that UIB Roolfaway Ball UJub for tula aeawn will bft everstronger than that of last season and a* Man'oger Doughty, wuo did so aiucu to pilot tbiulub to BUccess last Eeason, la already bookligames with all the best clubs available,looks as if the lovers of tbs apart would b

m t « l to good ball next summer.Dicky Barton, wbo, with his wire, has been

iaoad under bonds Cor Urtji-Unloft tb t LIE.ot Ubas. A. Hopkins at Howell'a los ponds tfew days afio, Is again ou tUe mar path, buthaving lost lila little guu In his last engage-ment bo baj ra«ort«d to the pen, evidentlythinking .tinorointeuty Uiao the*word. Ina letter addressed to the Rock*way oorrea-pondent of the ttioN E H A and published tutba Itookaway Itecord of last waelt, Dickymade t great effort to gain renown la his newrnodit of warfare, tbe supposed enemy a tvrborn Dicky charged Pens was your humblecorrespondent whose only cauie tot offencewas Riving to tlie readers ot tbe E R A a tnitli*fulaocountoftheJofeatof this mlgbty warriorin & teceat ongagerasnt, the fftctl ot whiohwere obtained from eye-wltneaM o! the bat-tie wbo wens son-combatants. But u Dltkyia bis open letter did not deny one ilngleaa>aflrtlon made by your oorreBoundeat Uwrt I tno cause for argument and we will onlymoderately orltlclto Dicky for miking him-self appear much more rldlaulous bsfore tonpublio In bla letter tban was done lo tba notonof your ccrrespoudcut. We s tabs that^loky'd trouble was with a young man nam

Bo William Walter l'tielns has bt-tm con-firmed as Judge of tha Court of Errors andAppeals and the only vote again him was UIBSenator from Murria and bis name is EllasCbrlsUiuber Drake. Tolly one for EllasCurhlopher! But what In the world did ourMinister to Gcrumny ever da to Iforrijcouutythat her Senator shouU bare tue proud dis-tinction of sitting down on Mm {

In tbe Recorder ol Wednesday 1 rend tblsline, "itailroad companies would rather killtheir einplojte* tban adopt safety tlavicei."Hold on there, Mr. Itecorder! Do you knownwhat jouarn talking about! lsaottha nig-ger In the feuce ttie chap who Invents nulo-

"a car couplers aud «v«r; f«lbw willr his own invention b tbe best f Are not

these afraid tbe Interstate. Commerce Com-ciUaJju Kill tvlvft tho olber f«il.)«« niiilotbey kick tba tooa out ot their boot* la valu,out in tbe cold where any decision would laythem! How tht cor repairer* along anygreat Una of railroad do wish tbat Congressor somebody else would Bettls dewn to someparticular kind ot draw bead or coupler itdoes not moke much different* what,'so It iaautomatic D J

p A. Hopkins. Dicky •,young boy named Ubas.

iya It was »wltb

whom be quarreled for awbole'day. Now,Dicky, to quarrel wilb a man Is quite badenough, but to quaire) a whole day wilb »young boy, as you cay you did, Is ridiculous,and much worse than we charged you wltb.Then you Bay tbat at night tbls bay askedy nyon in loudd h i h

g s y aW to tell your wife to fdid hi h H

, tD. J.

STOCKHOLM,I^aat Saturday borses needed to be (sharp.The rain tbat fell last week welted some

w lT f tb I tb k t l


f la ek ww olT of tbe Ice so tbo tkntera c

l but Monday's snow

Mta Maggie Foley Is happy, the won Us l*ndollar lounge. David Freeman weama amlls.He woo a ton of coal and mo meendumm wttt u t Mn.' TV. F, Smith or Dover gave.Qoarter of tie articles are to be milled foryet, but Wednejuay nlgbt, February 8th,winds It aU up. H r .

.. BUT Bargain* I, . Closing out the balance of Chlidrea'a Cloaki

i t wrt at ths Dover Boar of J. H, Griram.

nlJ enjoyspoiled It

gMrm. Mary Nichols spent a few days with

her friends in Franklin.Tb» K, Y. S. & W. » . R. has a new engine,

W. H. ft; E B. H , No, 1, and It Is said tom u n Wllkcn Barn ft Katt«rn Boil ltood.Tbe Fatorson Qnardian says tbatnn employeeottha rood vronuita bet a hat tbat withineight mouths the company will be runningtwo through. Pullman can attached, fromWllbesBarre to Jeraey City every day, andthat the trip will be mode iu five hours, I tUsaid to be forty mllfs shorter than the tahighroute. - .

Blelgb riding for the past few days has beenplentiful.

We hive a man Ia Stockholm who likes 1read papers but be don't like to buy thfin.

SOHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN.Mrs, Joseph Coleman. of Teoria, 111., hi

been tbs guest of Mrs. Will Coleman.Misses Kthal Marsh, Cora Bratton, Uefsrt.

Bay Marsh and Harry Godwin, bars beenen]o>lng the mountain air for a fortnight.

Miss Hattle Bcaddeo hot been tbe guest ofber rirttrs at Fort Gram.

Mr, Andrew Dufford, wbo has been con-fined total* bome with a severe cold, Is.rap-idly improving.

Miss Emma Proctor, ol Asmiry Part , Is a t 'home,

Celehratioa of Um lord 's supper was ad*mlnlitered in the church on Sunday last, withons new convert.

Mrs. Henry Hann !• yet? low, cauxbjg anx-ty among nor friend X

down which you did on reaching home. How,OK you claim, there vrete so many rowdie* forwltneises agalnut her at the pond, do yoututiik tt waa manly [or you to u l t yowr *1??to go • unions them t It waa not us. but you,told tbU to tbe publlo ia an opea Jatcer.Tbeu you elate tbat the quarrel with a youngboy tool, place ou Monday and after nearly aweek lu which lo conuder tho mutter yourwife and you, on Saturday, went down armedwith a gun to make this young boy apologln.Then you state lu your letter tbat when youfound tbls young boy you handed tbe gun toyour wife, wbo asked him why he had dis-graced her character, wblcb lit denied havingdone, thus IE made it a question ot veracitybetween him and you, Dicky. Then afterbeing disarmed of tbe gun you acknowledgehaving made an assault on (he young boywith a plUs pole Id defense of your wife,How this, it true, might bava been ex-cusabis, even though tbe agraesor wai ayoung boy, but on this point your statement*

lot borne out by eye-witnesses. This, youwas all Hint luppivnciS tt* tbe cry of

JIT uua i-ftiwd, which fcroiiKut W pocpiato the «ceaet every one wishing to wek.Ten-genoe on you, but you escaped without ascratch. Now, Dicky, tell ma, would you OK-peotan lnUlligeat reading publlo to bellavi ,tbat If It was true that you were actiac toMy Iin th< defense of the life and good name ofyour wife that among 100 people, several of Iwhom wire your own and your wife's r*la-

Mrs. Henry Hann !•iety among nor friends.

U T . FEBEDQM.Tbe Ladies' Missionary Aid Society wlU

be held at the homo ot Mrs. CUaa. PeHart onHodneaday afternoon, February IGtb.

Mrs. Prudeo, of U t rrwdom, bos had Woodpoison In one of her fingers, she has Uen qultasick and under tbe doctors cart. •• -

Un. John Holbert entertained a numlwofher friend* at tea, last Friday erenlnf. • '

Uls< Annie gavooool, of Hackettotown, Uspending a few Oaya with. Mr*. J. B. Blact--TBII. • • . . . . ;

MlsB Laura Wright has bean quite tick for

tlve*, that every, one was aevklng v«ig#ne*on you. When you lay jnu escaped withnnta sciatch, which Is true, asyon sougbt safetyfrom on Imaginary danger In flight, leavingyour wife to work her way as best she mightfrom wbat you are pleated to call n manyro wdij*. Then, Dicky, to wind up your great

lstl* you say U a certain party (of wuraemeaning ui) would toll the truth hla ownneiguboru would think more o( him u Ibftjall aay he la too fresh. Now, Dicky, bow doyou happen to., know what U » neighbors layabout me as I have positive knowledge thatyou were trying to learn who 1 waa afteryour stir accusing letter waa Id typt. Thenyou say if I wonld tin si little more commonsense It wonld b« of great adTantage tetlf and everybody elso. Well, Dickdon't claim to be endowed with aoupcraBDCO of knowledge, but hardly tfclok we wouldruib In print with an open letter that -wouldmake us appear more ridiculous'before thepublic than anything that otter* might » y .

A i y l u n irotea.Bervicet wern held In the chapel at S i ' . V,

Sunday. Tbe cbolr gate the anlinml.'Ohcoma let ui dnK unto Urn Lord." ' Her. Dr.Erdman read th« I«asxin far the; day from thaHth and 10th chapters of Ui» Kplatle to th*Hebrews, after wbloh the choir sans; thetajmn, " Holy ElUe, I\oo« Dirlr*." Dr. Eid-mau then lpoko for d f b l l h>r upwards of,btiUan bmir

11 The meanlni ol OM toibpto 1Mb* wtl-dernasi;'spoken oflnHebr-w., 9tb cbaplw-,Tba choir then tang tba hymn *• Park itreet,"•iter, which Dr. Brdman praoontiCBd U» twiv

ire beoo issued to those Intwd-Ing to take port In th* fancy dross ball on

rusblngton'sbirthday nfglit. .. l; : - .The regnlar weekly dance waa beld on 1

day evmlnK in.atmuament ,h*ll,* « Isucrowd than usual bebag pmtent, • •-.-

A Ur. F c w a u biu boea «n0g«d io ltadtbe Aaylum tMnd the'coming somnwr.: ••;V'-'-.;*:,

,Gr»fttpTrpai»Uon» »rp,t«lni made by.U*«Morrt# PUlni Asylum Dramatic AsWda-

Uon" for prwnt im their next play.: It It w -UtKd " My Wtff's Relation;" It bas two actsand will b»T« ben cbararttra. Bomo dstcearly In Uarcb ha* been « t down for thp

IT PAYSTo patronize Taj lor Bros, for three reasons:Ist-They are strictly one-price,2d--TIiey do not handle nny poor stuff, such

m Hatiuets, 18c. boys' Pants, etc.Sa-Tney deal honestly with all; any child

can buy as cheap of them as a grown person.This Is the secret why Taylor Bros, have

grown from a very small Gents' Furnishingstore till now recognized to be among THELEADING CLOTHING HOUSES IN N011T1I-EIIN NEW JERSEY, all In three years time.

If you are looking for 18c, Boys' Pants wehaven't them, bnt can sell you somethingbetter. It does not pay you to buy them,and as we are looking out for our customer'sinterest we will not handle them- SO ONECiN BECOMMEND THEM TO JOT.

When we sell you a Milt we will tell you thematerial used in its manufacture and willback up our statement every time. Do notbe afraid to ask us (juestions and you candepend that the answer will be correct.

Our motto is: Honest dealings; low prices. .



will find s new stoek ofURN1TURE. CMIPETH,

BEDDINO, BPIUNGB, &c.Glvemeacall. Upholster; Insllttsbranchea,


NOTICE.The Eandolph Township

Committee -will meet at theEngine House, Dover, N. J., onWEDNESDAY, February 16th,

898, at 9:80 o'olook A. Jf. Allbills standing against thetownship should be sent in.

OONBAD MANN,w Township Clerk.


JAMES G. BLAINE.Going like a Drains fire.

Nothing like it ever known.TUB gre&Wst eellinir book

of the Century.

Agenta are wild with entlmaiaaand making from $10 to $20 per3ay. "We have the beBt book andallow agents the best terms.




Dlatb, onif ft 00. Morocco, $3. B«i)d tOo,for postage ou

VRSR OUTFIT.Benil ta day and you will m&Ve won^y t u t .

8 . I . BSXiL A Co.,0.1 and (H8 K. Broad Bt., l^illadelphla.



Wealth laved by being well brutal is •ibjeot fcr many Wmono. Our prlow are

lull ol Btrmcni, so k»ep tim> to tbe musto otbargains and follow the cwwd for It lb«r« |

boaorla roan and Tlrtu« la Rood goods at»w pricea, I mwn to 1M ti>» nuatcr ol tWituatloQ.Viiit our store jou will find out- flguret

tnuofa below current prices. .


Don't I s s (tie

Great Clearing Sale

now p i n g

on atBAKDR'S

U0VEE, N. J.


PRICE $125.It's natural to find in this

ihoe the two monetary fao-oro of price and quality•igbtly adjusted to the exactcale of profit making. Hav-

ing reliable material andBrat-class labor, then theirioe oannbt hurt you if you

are looking for just the rightthing.

If you hare not soundedthe merits of these shoes byompartive tests lor Qualityou m&y have unwillinglyist a percentage of profit onour last purohaBe. Inequal-

ity and prioe of thoso shoosno so arranged as to main-

tain the exact equipoiseleoessary to monoy getting,lall in and I'll show it'a true.'




Figured Indlk Silks,

China and Japanese Silks,

W o o l Challies,

Waali Fabrics; Whi te Goods,


Laoes, Flounotcgs , etc.

Till* will, be tlie laigcat exfilbitjoiind sale we have e\er held, rotnprtilnhe very belt gradei of goodi from tli

leading manuftciuren.

EXCEPTIONAL VALUESv.ill be offcien ttiat cannot fail^to ittrii

j ihe attention of our patront and ths>uhlic in general. /•

fkrUoalar attention |\ran to rnati iortera.


Tin first SS persons wno purcbaM twdLpay

•hatomtib* of tbe WorM wblab eon be sealt^rplkMoCbtialiMM.. In addltin. to thfd b u l i > M InaMlUon to thl>

t i n * dtooutttof U p t r w n t ofito all partita faoMJog Cardi np

r u m ? * t . « tba Urt Boot «iall taret takffl. Call and Mcur* a Can) at onoo,jou tn*J Mcnri UJt dlaomnt.


•wttcb *tors 1 ba.v«wttcb *tors 1 j , ;•ball bo pltawd to «M «U my Weml* *ad tba

U l l t « *

D>: .STUU WSJ gnita IB tat'tmnX day*.but weok, t o t b aboat one* morsv .' P. A. T^ ~}1-H<


IiUWBlIRprlcci a n RMWMU*. .'. m » « yon am baglva mo a call buor% pladas yom Dram.


BLACEWHX SiBira, Dotxs, N. J.



Jultcti 3d, i«i


r anal Tr<««ii«-n.1T. HULL

j ,E u p U O . U m t , Au™llu»B.Hull,Pbltip A. Hoffman, : ' ' Jouth ;O. Baftt r,Cb«B Y HMD, H D Taul Biran,

Edmim! p Hitof

ASSETS.Januur/1st, 1UO . . . , / . . i. f l . iki^l


5wSi»acndlWi deposit™-.Juutufj tils WO, .vU,MM

OIW 1UU11UU.19r,0(»L6R

btcnelladiclanilaod^J117 vt euh yMtr h s n tl .•loci alx montlii1 ll1ufauK.

DopoIHiMioM or tabn tlie Sddqi ofJanuary, April, July aid OctoMr, draw IB*tonrt f u n ita lit dajl of add tnoaUu » -T « 1 1 *

••••.'• 'BANEnWiHOUBS.ii. 'K. r«5_ 4. M. to 4 p. iL'&ulj. easept BatartaTi

8al«rd»j. from 0 i . * . to 11« . looui) and



72 pair Child's Dongob Tipped Spring Heel Shoes,

sizes81-2to 10 l-2at f > t v . . 98c. pair.

60 pair Child's Pebble Grain, Sole Leather Tip; Spring.

Heel Shoes, sizes 7 to 10 at • ; • - 79c- "

120 pair Misses'Pebble GraiOjSoieiLeatheriTip,'Spring

" Heel Shoes, sisses 11 to 2 at ^ -;...; - H : - - 95c. "

120 pair Womens Genuine Dongoln Pat. Tip Bultoii

•;' '•'-, 'Shoes, widthsjD:aud,^':at;v/^':->^:^T;';;^ $lM•-. " -

72 pair Boy's A Call' School Shoes, sizes 1 to 5> at^ - »8c. "

241) pair Men's A Calf Tap Sole, Hollows Tongue

Bluchers at - - • • $1.19

These arc nil new goods, just received-direct from the manufac-turers, mid worth fully 25 per cent more th<it the above prices:

:v':5?V; "'• :•:• :::::W0>£3e$&,

":•'. ""•,.:,",'.''.•" ' , 0»6 long and the nliort of iliii tiiat ud'mttttw lib'

' '.": lpngorhowilipttyou m>ybo,in elature^^qrpnrie,

• :::••.: ''af.liy',,;•; w« cm fit you. vjf.v ;;;V;:";>fe 5f v>;!:S;v."-i;A-^;;\

^"X^!^;.'i' :••• '"•'•/When hnjing ololiies/ lietweoh good,matotiiil

:, ^ ;.:. :;'' - . u d A bwl.fit, Asd'baiViQaterialuiSa goddfitfiwa

sappoM mint m«n would choose the l«tler. Dot tliatV ouly a choios

! pi, «»^pwbij(i:-jii»'.. offer »;;olioio«;6l;,'1g»^,"-''»;Hb;48^nl{/,|PerfMf

materiaU, perfect fit*, »m] jtuit »t present Bumbere of lines nf both,

OSuits and Overcoats;->. -fe--.';; JV:^:::;.i.^:vB:?-';>:--*-^K;vsiv;.:' -..'. ;:^ftfe;,;v-.-;:-;:;;o

I»ipri6e» tat below tiuir aotual value.'Wflfi :oaii pmUweljTRayeyo'

{rom»2to W o n Bait or OYtieoaf in scores of inst«noos;- Seeing it

b » l i e \ i n g ; c o m e a B d l ook » t t h M n , '"•:'•:•"'_ :./.' '' '•'.:•?.':'•'';:.• *<J<'r'":/-sl:.\

w&'cx&ik JTOIIUKE •sBE-iwi :H^?;||^i»jjV:^p=LV.




.All bir

Haraees". is

HIND I L U E nod


^V^.^RJ^>^ IBtty dirept from'fliejhanofMbinni.

S ^ > > y ^ if;- jou/oan'if(pft'i'Sj'^FisherK-HameM

tC. from'^oiir'dealejaj,;.M{-goodafo«ivl)e;:»

)xcab\ if M^wBdiitory: IbUVlTOlf;^O^BISK


K0THIE.Tit anooal ueeHW « :"» atoeUioldm of*Wisjbt Onuai l Fk X l k t r tTit anooal ueeHW «

to*Wisjbt O n u a i l FkOomnaiir fo* Uwiibotfan oh U t t b m nheU at fi»ir *ifflo», oonar BkdnnU aid Bar-• » « « ftW,.•.•.Iv.HMl* W,Ml,CanI.8o>p. w.V- -; •U-"/.'!" ^:P::.±l':--;:,:':&££

. Ilia Store on Biueesitreet now bocupfca: b jWi»:Hairt'a|'«*Jeml(T;Btoi».^'-!.•.-;.,,;

v;Dmri !r. J.J r*; ith, aw. f jS,i; iH»| w S ^ i ' S . : " . .'?»«•' t a )ou^, det*'.

IIPlTisTiEniiISfr Jf "jAjtiBlTVr, A IV

:. i%v;% pjgMiunamaiijo THS roixowma I •.;:• i -; :i '-V" ->: >-" 1!-" - ';• S"

It dveimB pleMnre toaonaiuiit my friend*wlUi S e f»ct lh«t UiBy can h»ye teeft eitrsol«awithoot peua by th«-use of Dr. Jeaaop'a L o o » l ' ; ; ' . .An»«theUo »t th» offioe of Dr. Freep)»n, DoTer.

olfioe ana b« ooririneed tt.t it U all Ui»t is claimed -

" loanbliMrfnllyrecommend the "IJocul Antes- 'v " UieUtf^tor eibMtisg tMHtf;^.^.. .'r-:i : - . - . : - .?:>i ,^.^sv""•'• •'• "•fe:MB«.lA£H,.P0K«ivir


MM. A . H . POBOBII,, ,- 5 Bacv.yi.u», H.-J., Feb. Mh, I8!)3.v

DnB. Vniruiv A]JD VESSLaMD: 'DKAB SIRS :—I am »o well pleased with the us* '

of tbs Looal AaaaUietio in baring teeth extracted '•that yon have my pumiauoa to nee my name anyway yon pleaae a> referenoe.

Una B B ENQUW;; :.\"<fjfK'Sjjii}; Cihester, N. J , Feb. 6th;.IiWl^iV'^-:;:i:

I Wtflir .tin 'years', experle&oev banag':&< well-linowii' V .:* vr:^repuUtion for extraoUiui teeth. ha« aooepled a ;


-:gl>RvritEijl\fi<S'haB .{lie '^niiiw^.'te-;m^,iS:S-S;.\"^Pr..jM»oj>^Loinl.ABftosth9ticv;-::;'./.-;

:: -t'••.^U^:'-''K^^'^:''




Pillsbury's Best Brandof Flour,

>. mat mtfcJoaa Asnttr.

GO TOM, CHICKS'•; tor a watdi oblle be ti rMndoj itoek.

Time, ounce i l l ^ , ataoj ' "

Watohoa Cleaned for-75 ots;J and; upward.; ;

MAIH SraitlOB 7S cla. ANDCpVAliD.

MuBloal Xnsttiiiaentsi«W««> Haal Alter April lit I »ll]'tei' .rlooatrtliiUaiflclimrrallock.. .

Tbel|oiij»,ham andtotm r i i S ^ t abiet'tt»li«adorci>«ibi»trin.t WU] b. mid

low. .flniroi either ai a whola or[he upper jiortloa ot Jot to' iult

' ^-•..-.•Sj'ikO.;



luncinm. -DovM i;1 !!

ii itoAaa wilt IL. bm of mtjiiioi'ii'ii'iii'- ;g

•a aoaeiiyV;)s|;

lo •»! p»rt M ti. li«D it itortioHief : ' '*S%

FROM jij.L;nmri£uB'iUi&:if§i4OiSH OR OH MBr"PAYa£KJrM*fej.sS

i u o aicirt«o;>AiiT luorr ALtowxb'nr.r-tiit- MH'

PIANOB.TOmD AMD .SaPAIBKD'';-?.'. <}W-M TOUBTE A V B S i S S j S s j

•' ;.. !Mnl»otlTO'aMd«a^'to"y.'S%-fti?S

^•fltitii Iiiittetii, |(u(ilj,;;\->;'|mi u »irt V-M-'ai i&u^iJiSlH".'• ( i f DlaafaHdt i**-, M 1 — . ' "''>.-' •' •" '•••*:•. w *£*&i

Page 3: SAV E TIM CENT! RUBBERS. - staging.rtlibrary.org · Q0NTAIN8 MORE 5*REW8 >i THAK ANT OTflEE PAPEB-HAS THE LARGEST:;- Northern New Jersey. :•; ***** VOL. xxni. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY,

EBA.C Friday, Feb. 10,1893.

' gntared a* the fret Office at Dover, N J,

X1QO.AT.1 U B T W S .

- ^ Tbe. Itekawanifa kBled anotber men el

5T _ ^ i Jtw fguer'of, Conductor Roaa of tbe Blgbj f l j $ » * died tot T>«*J NI»B1ui»'lbi«nlinjKbooiat«orri.toir,l

u l»Jwej>clga«lu)aoix>il>tofaiavlat{eTer.' WiUifm H,Iarfaon will be ibe manager oft h l M I t a l U d b U (



Toeuiore-Wilto, J r , o! Summit, Ian Friday

- Tbe KadlaOoBaae Bell Club are tryllW torabe «GOD for tbe aopport-of tbe olub n

lia'mlHH under tie control at tbo lace2X , piramut were cut down to edgbt honre a dar^«**I -

' ' - , «Tha Welcome Ount publlihid bj H»». A; /•, It'Seaman, ol Whljipenj, be. euapendej

Ml* Sannell « . Drake, of tbe Wendm.t l r i U U l l J i t

Mr. W D "Oerdaer, ol Bucceauiua, It ed o f D r J>.rktmr.lW«teoU™,»lJi,«."

H Y k U U I < '

' Samuel J, Beftrlngfoforpia ua tUtbebaea, - caterpillar »lilcl) we. ploaol up near tbi

hot Jl«« H e » at tb» feat tralol on tba

".; ' ' TOeijut.r.1 Order «< Hibernian, detail1 pope, nlll bold i h l i l k Amor; In tbli

'jt P>ace W tt» erealmj of lUrch lTtii.&£"' Thjq Taylor* a. aerpaater, who bw*e Jill

" leg about four weeks ago Is Betting along' nicer/, flel»iujln«at Bwinj'.lioW% ••' R«llrfCOTiidl,Ho,811 O 0 K, peid Mr.. . . <. Kuean K BUtlman, of.tort Orem I|,OOD';. laat analog on eeooiintoltotat disabilityS;;' A ( ™ m . d < r . l U » « f l r f I I U l H1 _ ., rl.town, waa burned Setorday It belocgod

^uHon. Aa$ W^ Cutler nod trai velurd at

• ''Snrlngtbartcant'coldapalllthuldUiiita> * number of guinea bane ftare froao) to daato

. , ' on tbelrptrobeaettberaraiorWllllamStlliu,

* -IJ, In a wreck on tbe B * 0 Jtongay, Engl" Itper George V[el]Boe wea allied He we]

formerly ampin ed by tha laolcawar.De at

plak oreole da chime. U n , J A Allen, blockflfttfe* Uta^f A-tOY £etoDie>V»t. White} e fltW

lllaa JUnta Pelour, light greeg .Ilk. Ulei-Chain HoI.Ylt, white oi l aud eaabaare.Un, MUler. black and white aurab allkUl«a ttojor, green blotb trlromad wltb atlkMra, E tf. Young, ll.bt blue allk Btra J,Jofauaon, black ellk, Ulaa Aaaballe lauabert,green clDtb Xn. JDUD Smltb, wlilte oaab*mare. Kra.Vr Smith, black aUk UnH l)Ickl>7, Br., black ulk ,

(* Dr Taylor, of Succuunni, bu eold bliproperty la tbet piece to W S Qardaer,for

'.-M,™,end la bulldli( e roldnoa at Mom.I

L pqne WM pfckid up on «ha rtnet jreiter-fiflay and (ka owttafcau bara It \>J applylog to

' V l o e Prlndpel Tltmen at ton .outbiljt/ " W i d U

t ". Oollln.' bamont

fW.lf bae drawn ptena for a lana

ontha^lnlrbpIaoaatBudd'alieke. The- bcilldipj will beKl«M4, with an all 40.SO,

« * W * '•i> ««"»*•»»> We* l 4- - 'j ; 1 - . 'Cooiuotor Mannar, of tie Wullnitori

,V-' fepeclalfellwsetioOKlliioatofbliboliaaWt' • g^rldey, aid alnce than tea bean conllmd to^ U t M (JaJUlmproilo, , •

r « w o l / h r wnta

Clofjo bml a tiellcaia and dlillcultcase before I1T01011 *\\ nlncHluy, onu lu which

la feelings Qt Utiiua-ilty were ]q illroct coulct williilte rtriobndmlulBtruUod Of Uia lair

A hrlglit tnglvtvyeatM IU girl WDR tlie mhieUol Hie milt, aniT l( was tlie eRortotlior niotliorto get iKwffiHrtnn of lier that brduglit tlio iimt*tcr before t ie Junttce, Ttii-e«yoar»BgoStaryDem onwitli lier IlttledflUgLteiromi, toDo-

l l tocliildren belii(id (ierlii Ilun-eary, ami eoitira. oiniitojuiant at Uia F«rkHoloJ l l r mA ilrn. Iloyt Iwcnuie greutlattaplied to flio child and whoa tliu niptliordecirtod to fuavo they kept tiia pMIJ, tbs

tl U ll U l l l i n g nil td l

•yj "5ft«W«r«wooi«l/har wnta p«tlU(mto", iOotenior Wfrte taking him to appoint Jujjo' 1 Metro* to tie lacann/ In tie Hpracna Court

' o r i b U a l l l J t o U i B JwribrUeaoalliiilJtoUciBcnoJ„ .,- • TM.B.W'pmbytirf.o JMurdi'il Ifoirla-* T towni wUl In ullt of Indiana Umalone 4»d'-,. tsa atnottira alone will coat i»,on) On

;' i supdej nart too Uil aervlce will be held 19

motli»r, U.aj- tc, ^ gto lior, aiid tlie JndllTerflttu(i or UIA iwjU.sr ladMr, Hoyt^tobollevii tliftt formivl pattern ofodouilon would be tumocesAr^. Aiiar lm\ -tog UiaPark Hotel Mre Dom an wan .ed, ortstuDU tfl ]M»vfi married. A feltDu fJpuntfyiuJmnamed Qobor, and pat u * boarding tu>»M In

Did blnaJuuujth ahap At Uio UuR ttiiuo aort4iMaHjaj from thli iovni TUWTQ yfire

Liuf tmj rooiui lu Ml« hoq» and ton or twelreboonled with bet-and tlifijTitoro e.\oyrt

ymttbe lr modeiit IMng betngMtUrly)

t *f Ibe big l c bouen at lake Hopatcooj williVbanlMbrvtalaatofaaltweaa, UltWK*W elaian tundred oatlcadi wan eblpwd on ona?* ordM-aodaUU-ooniparj 'a ordera are nllfO.

->'• ,;;Ibera irt about two snadrat nan at work,,.^ v ' v l i t W * U»t«.Wb, pf BaHakurrTHi;. i C.iiaTa booalt out the dolhlti bUbeaa of

ftWdlUit6tb MlihUl^

gff fliu chili) luu )md little to Ua

lierjaqtiwr, nnd uns lived at U10 l'arkHotel,1"gcUiH by the name of Aimh) Boyt.Bhi 1B pretQ-, brislic and Intelligent, and b u

i d U tle cam and attention of an mmhowever, M t u r t c K i i


v child.c yfwairnirM

- . , tUatyt.raoe.lia.Tewo.for-.. Ward aad forty nine were raoeivea oa ptobev-

VjMe» « Bandar laat,' Tbe tteotlpga arV itlll

r . D w oLT r . D w oofBpimllHtt hea adored It a> jet.»• . .nuWO'Conilellrwho mirderad JobaTt rJBllh,atJtla.Hai,|nl880,,li/.Wal», UrnrUtou the head wlU a coin ogtter, aid will•jTJBHeMd to drteea , « n UnprWunkt, hea

g f S a j . l e r a * Weater ol bomwaaa billed and;>>: wb«--ti* Wlcbati, loUed tb.lrl.bo7. thea«et™a5tJre*Weri baa ot pork, H«aof, ?;lb.miatlan»a b WiaaUtullonbutliiaolilft;; to«J«l,hn*,,botob*ra. Tbtlotaoldbrouibt

«ifonMmailiaaMr.' Tb> ptWpti bo^.awattll'dleCTierlonofifca reilaloaofthef i l P l l h ' * , A l t e r . h t h d k i

-'i"toteflrl'rl«ldaoo,Eartb."! lo __•• ,'.'" Tee'Vmeft Intareetoi tba Saluted One. In; ;-:;.Aelr Friend, on Earth and How Kiprmw/

'•' ':' 'On 'AeaeixUu'eaiipayeraofatadlaoalokl

jt* .wwjgmWfcl Om -wttor and leleetrf<!J1lght• >1aate, ndiWlrwth-boronfhdabtln U«

r»llliborhc<;d;6f«1001o00,b«tltb,k«.airi<ihi l u i f tod d d i t i *

<llteenlodK.longwajlirokeiiofoocolthadrtriDg wbe«Ja

- -of tie engine »blii pdlad Conductor Crook'a, , , train out of araarCltTlaatnenlngMtwaa: S ootdbOTarMmiMtee train rooted Bo» •' Brook. AiatonmrneocetlietralnerriTed

;,l)<jiaral>ootllitrmlnnl«alat». . -• -~! EJwart.WaM wae1 arreated on eomplalnt

>r ' of'J.wdBroa-eom. ami'eitroneoharg. ofI. f Sleorderlr eoadncl^nd waa eent no forabi•- btj i~in«ol ie^ooin. l«ongl*al ibar Ie«olie^ooin.l«ongl*alibar Ie

of ailing Ikjnor Without alieenae egalnat the'JewellBroa. and'oTsatuldar liar/ wan aV-ffitadendweieborjad orerfora aearjq|«U

iiUlngaafeneetharg f raM wan. Una tlOaotnorbu

^if^.W^mMMteapvvM!j;thUUfee>hlabom.lnH.weik,8ybraarf 71b,Vln,tta«ftj<iglitjaer"ofblaa|ro.! Bo waa tie

•oo'ol Hiram Belknap end Ellu Hoagland* " ' " .bomln8ta»bope.*.n»ipent

i Dm "BrrUdtfto

* i 3-.IH, 8*et,BaR»a. Compenj at Handat.J ' bay.'giVao&t aUnitract for doobllng 11.

. alBtofttleQLUctofTt andUloonaB itlanhilldoublethUrlorco, The com-

raordera thai they can flll a>yaa the^wmtld- like to tfldoo&H'thhaiueniaMatterofMcaeiRij,

niaaint • Kt of haroeo • daji ddii l taibd O )U

Th* nupuali of MXM Bertl* £ . Mijberryu d Adoll*rt UdDftvJt war. Boii,mtil»d at

_ avara*. onof aswly * hun

At six 6'dock His* AnnieRlchardq .played * wielding march and the

tl psirtr entered tbe parlor and walked totba bey wtnduw when* B#r Wm Day of thsPint ttetbadlNt CfcuMh stood Ufa» a K

toon orer, tlw ring MirJoe briefthtbablUUMul groom wertkept btuy«>-e l n g t u «ongrtUalatlim« of their Wend*

Tti* brtd* wore 4 go«n of NblU Iwagmllnowltb obllTm Mmmliwh •">(> cwitod whiteRMM. - TIM brldtwiald v u 111M D»L,JU , of Oln a&rdMr, * cotuln of tb» bride,

• Tory pratty ootttunt of pale grayt b d -with cbidott. xa& wwitd

Hb bride1*brotber. *cUdu

£dwudlIof>r, Will HocUng,l f k D d Obartei Orjrttl

tandsonie sod valuable present*, Mr andJim UeDirJtlfttt on^he 0 (fl tntln for HewYork, ind wb»rf the Wain pulled (Tutor thestation tfuf war* gtfeUd -wltb ti salute ofeighteen torpedo**, Tljey bad intended lnakIDS *u extended toir tnit owing to tbeserfcuitUnmotth«lcW»» mother Uwy willmtdVn tomorrow, Tb«» were Batty dfganfceoetamw worn by &• ladlee, among tba moreMU<»ibl<i bring

MfnKatf Usybirrr, "blwcbhi silk andalbstroM qlotb. ICiuJJnle Dean, red china»llk. Ulu Kettb ilflUclt, yellow brocadedbengsUttS. ebUton trimmlngt. Jrtlss AnnieIUcturd*, plDkfalUoillk "MlasRetU. Whlta,fcrowa ftJoth trlmnud with b*ugs4Jne Mi*HfitU* Picksrwn, bteck luce Mrs. Fred- HDlck.rwn, (obUn blutfollle silk UinKUUsSedgmui, jellowlodli allk lire J Aradf,blsok si*. Jst trimtnlnfti UltsL.ul./He.iek,torn cdttaolotbaDd bUolt lieiisallue liraJ 3 Fear nary blu« clotliHsttUon, •ara • v aja w\* l»| e iuui i f l vj,Bwi.eAAv WL p , .qen-urv

and bro-n l»Un Mrs, U, tl.rbirt,tllkjeitriminlsg K n I > 0 BterwtrUi.btnslillm Uffl. UODATH, black1 silk Mrs. CBUketlw. browo Mil* «llk, Ura U Urney,drab India sl)k Mist Wlcox, black silktrimmed with ^et Ulsa Berth* G«B« ( blueasins silk Urs .W Bwagtaiu), whiM sattn.Airs. J BlokW. white f»Illfl silk. Un, WC«jrr bl.Ok^lk, jet trimming l ib* EtU

AIT OLD UAH'S DABLXNaBatmud Searing an cmplojae of Uia an

shop* and a Uts-Iouf. n d d w t ol Utl« piece,'tb» Uttuod bsro ot a lors affair ttiat It pwafor in-ae disparity bttwwt.4tb« •«

u d the dashing Duldwa Tb»weight oT seventy tttrw JMrt b>v» bent theold aiaa's form *ud the s o o n ot u manywittUrs bare wbUetwd kbi looks, -whiU theobject orbJft.UTt'ctiona bu jusf reached tbiIntertstioj point wbare

'•BtaudlnK wlU raluoUut fwtIVbtir the brook and river meetWomanbood ami childhood fliut,"

w to be. more exact the poctleallf fntcmttng*gt ol sUttMa, hut lume persons ore TUT/ old»t slxtoeir and tbe erratlo subjeot of thli 0V1truetaklfloaeo(tbeta Some two or threefears ago Bearing bad blp wife placed In tboUorrii Plains Atylam, and shortly after die

a paying marktd attention toJoooU Webb, tbe daugbter ot Jobn Webb,wbo nridae a riiart dlsUuca out a! town Tbegirl imBitd pleased irftb tho nttenUonsjof ber

iver vail tbe family n>*oi no objao-tlon, tbo old man gpandtog most ot iila earn-logs upon tbe girl L u t Saturday •venlngSsaringwM paying ooe ol bis regular Tintsand w u In the room alone witu Jsnaia, whenber brother ObarlBa tiroke into tbe room andentered Vat old vana out ot the bouse.Staring got down stair* be ttet a friend otyoung Wabb, oimed £d«ard Hasekor, wbovA upon bin ant. f,wt him KQ anmeroSIu)drubbing bUcklng Ws aye* and. bruising blotIn a way that will require BOOK, time XorblmtangatlnblsnorinalbMutf Tbfl girl clungto tbe old aian aud Insisted on hit remaining,but be decided tbat ha could be mor* oomftirtabla at boma, and trudged to Dover oyertfas sltppery roads and through the Icolil On Monday tie swore out warrtnti lortut 'arrest ol Wnbb and Hawker, and onWednesday tba Conner surnadered himself

sCotuUbleOtsnou, but Uueker Ittt tor_ ier parts He lias Barred oaa tarm in Btatiprison) and be (lid not care to face a secondconviction Wel>b watt arraigned befora Jas-

wbo aimmlttad him In dafai.lt>ball to await t ie aoMon or th? neit Orand

Yesterday momlug Webb aworo out a warrant for the arrest of Bearing on* a charge ofadultery He wuarmtixl and arraigned be-fora Alderman Brown, waived a bearing andfurnished security lor^hla appearance a tCourt. Young Webb claims that he did notstrike Bearing and aotod as bf did solely baoaoso lie oould no longer stand tlie outrag«oui

iiduatofbiialsterand her aged paranwnrHe Isn t any brighter^ than be should be and

was not so much tog result ot a

t, clilld.' .Slw

he v t b q t tlilWUor tin castixlygo wlthJior motlier

™ ^ * • — *

saoi^ ri

^frilgaed brfw* toitf. on ,• Tbemotiar^nwl tMtshewu

_ . . OonMoUaui and wanted toa girl toalttasito work in a factory TWslh*Ut-

t«c poaltlral J raf used to do, aod Mid thai thewould kill Jiemlf ratter thin go wlUChM-o)otb»ry fcH>f •v(DC«d inch .ail ^nnnaturslImtrtd for t i e Gabdr wontttrtbat the JofltlMwas as hli wits and bow to1 adjust the oue.NttflulIydMldad to sMtl tb* «6l|d baok IqUojift and uar motbta mVh hu 1(1 (lie bopsthat they might TORW to aottw agpeMSHttit,and dtod them for a hasring »t 0 o'clock 7 *t « t % ^ TlwjoJdiiot app^aronibwyeat^darand wbjm thef did oome they mada «nagifsuMt tbat cha mother *hwld go to Cowowtioutandll AI-BOUM aeod a letAr bankbefe siSBia l>y KWM ifsponslble ollloer o( thetown wbw* she locate that ih* baa proddedaraq«otabla hoina; Mr floyt U to^mdthechild j * S

i Oomn t T . t Uoroihg IJrajei' atOA

,. Evening Prayer and Sermon at T 45 r V« f i d O n ^! i?h Btb, Holy'Coinmiuilon

p , onallnthorHuQtlaysatSA u .MornlDg Prayer and Sermon at; 10;30 MStuulay i?ulioo]i\t.lDOr ^ l p4ndJernitai8tTlWr v -' h

The oilier d*yu of Uie-week-MornlDgrrtt eriverjr day At 8.. A,, *t , Eyoulng-Tmyem onuetd6yaaDd!Pridu otTiJS r> ft, all o lior

tV4S l ^ - , "Ui, P«a«t of L irsttliUa, Wnrch

t r - f ths Annnndntion, nnd ontn; Holy Woolc TJ6\y d o ib r a ( l t ' ) i 3 0 T J

b 81«b—Morpfng PmyerTi J>ovoUon from i' to

U pr*»cii ou tho

^Fctrunrj fJUt, ilio Ror a M. ClirkUwi, ofKtwariu y - tTSfV 4 *

ttu* Itav/ 0 L. Hteel.

yA OH Pi?l> 2i

the twitting and iiiMn of bis pBearing Is a njaa wb» work* steadily and

esros about $2 90 jier day and ouUlde of pay*jb is board the Webb family profited by

hblabor ThoBamo (taMof •ITalrt ha* exd for two or three years the family of the

girl baring Xqll knowledge of it and profitingby the proceeds pf bar shame An exampleshould not only be made of the boy, wboiection vat cuntnendt.b.s, whoever motiveactuated him, but tbo parents should be made

understand that they tre njontlly «ndlegally reiiionilble for a condition ot thingsthat oaitoot with safety be tolerated by anylecent and orJer loving oommdblty

Y. M 0 A. HotelTbe training clau will m « t Saturday even

Intcat O o'clock In tbe abwnra of SecretarySmith Mr Johnmtt will have ohargd of theI

W H BhiwgflrhaicoDUJntedtoglvei b talk to men ou " Sowing and Heaping"ant Sunday afternoon Tlila talk has beenwell received wherever It h u been given *nda* Ur Shawgsr Is popular with, our youngmsij lie w)H no doubt hafa « full boun

Tbe regular monthly misting of the Wo-man'* AuWHary wHl be held on Tttnda ofnext week at the house ot JUra, Jas. U, Neigh

Ueetrs, Qeorge, Tailor1/ Buvder, Coe, and.yon wWMUnd tbe State Convention wblob

bold In Oamden this week aq delegates fromth& local atsociatlon.

AnoUtMhiubex* pPlted |o the rooms an-nouncing "A meeting of tha members of the

• M. Q. A. next Monday eveolng tor thepurpose of endonrfcg tbe action of tbe Board

Directors iu tmrchasbg the propertyth S rt d tti

lower part of ths botite The building col-lapsed about live o'clock Ur Bofftnaiivalued tbo Itouu at «3 600 and had It ttvsundfar »l,sOO Tha furniture was alao Insuredfor •1,100 wltb A B LaJr, at Clinton, whorepresent* tbo Bprlnijfleld PIr* aud MarineInsurance Company, of Bptiuglleld, Itass.

Mr UoiTman expecU to go tff Newark inthe spring and had rented the property to

Tta K IlQltman, ofHaakettatown.wbo naa1 take possession Harch 1st Be haa opt jet

decided whether or not be will rebuild. , .Mr. Hoffman, wife and three children, Maud,

Frank and Fan), are stopping tor toe preaeut•lib Dr fi l ler . •Mr. Hoffman s eyat were pntty badly

timed : ;Nothing was letC of tbe bouse but the walls

In th* bawmaiA Vblon itUl stand • ^Mr HoRnuQwliihMttiroughtl.«ooltiinntb(

the BR* to thank nil netgabon for the asslit*anw they gaTS hltn After tho Bra erery oneof them invited blm and bis family to make-thelr home with them until he could makeother arrangements1 . . ,

B0ABD OF FBEEHOLDBRfl. •Tho Februar meeting of tbe. Board was

held on Wednesday, Mr, Froet ol Cb«ter Iw-Inj abaent ' ;,

TbB Vlnanc and Audit CommUtea repbrtvd;Kat tbe books and vouchers of the CountyCollector hal bean eumloati and found cor-rect Tbere had been received, Inoludlogbalance from last month and Btato sohool

mey, |KJT,iW74, disbursed, *183,m90,leaving balance on hand of 138,1*88 64..: Thequarterly report ot tba Collector was pre-HttUd, received and ordered published. Bills

gBQd ottered p*td.1h C t H

known M the Begur property, andthem tg exegnt* tbf neoeBBary papers in cooneotloo with said purchase, lDQludln( a mort-pigfi to to given in part pajtnent Tor tbeproperty." Membfrs wIR pl«iue take noticeand attend if possible^ '

At the Uat meetidr of ths Board of Dlreo-tonty WM voted *' tbal.uo boyi shall be ailowed in the jrocmt duritig adiool boon orafter six pftlock la the ironing ekpept on theevenings lot wide for tbe boyi olaMkln ths

During the tuunoe o( Secretiry'Bmitb UrfSmm will hurt obarge ol the room*

U n , J R. Oeorgo -will nprwtat tbe A w -littrjit^btjetilWCionvsnticin, <•*A otas* of young ladlei will toon 1M formed

who will bo Instructed In llgnt gytunattio- by In4lriit,tor Ilorinao, bt Kill 1

Tha .Chrlatiin Wort Ctmmltt<re met onrfedtwsdRy night and pUoaed th« work (ortbe moDll. -* r

A Wonderful "WomanThere are tew actrmeB w n a t ^ x W

great vunatlletalent tbat KMUI so natural toAgnei Herndon, aud who adapt tfatrnftlvcaaocompletely to whatever role* tbry'undertaketo portrey '< U Uelle Marifli' Ispertlcalarly.u|t«dj9it|JiiTctartJttP, helbg written ex-prea«iyrorber,andMlu Htrndon s affordeda splendid oppgrhinlty for some strong andIntone work in the play * She I* one of torn

very few who are equally at fcotna Inortkdy as well u pathiM t» emotional parta,lwi^U^tAlon. aa.art!ttelnth« leading Methe play la sure to receive proper prodaoUonT dual role of "J«n i l l d i "I

tbo dual role of J « i D j M l d . w i *

Belle Marietta an exceedingly difficult one,and ber great success In portraying two auoh

t t J U * t r t l i t

r.Hftrch 7llvti« Hev, O. C

i Htb, the ReVy y

Marco illrt, the Her O Valeutlne, or Bay-ntwr , l *» , h t J

., the H*v

. „ JAiiSoaTAMIlIeilt . ,Mr, K. D, RejnOU, wh» Una near Sorer

took hta wife and anoibn- lad; oot for •alalgfarlde laat Siudaj' afceraooQ. Ha at.

tomei tbatneb or tbo D , h'st.-ncartbB cor abopa abead of, a ooalDa train "*M pnrtlj oloee and Ua

cnMefoK irae bar*. {Ttaa bone got pver allrl,ht»h«n tba ilelfk attack tare ground andbt.aloi.ed np. Joat tbeo tt» angina atmtttae elilib wMch wii almoat acroa Ilia traoba d d d t l o ^ l M t ^ t t l d T^ p d ^ l M t a ^ l t t o a d . ThonaninawaijaDd waaoanibt In Dorar 07Mema.;lIarah.U;Loe»J'and Whit Troir-irldn v H r . ^ j n W i Ibe l d l nakao I t o a

ami Ibe ladln wenb b It l d

n v H r . ^ j n W a am I ladln w nakao Into a hoo»e nearby Fbu» It waalwud

that Ibaj'wre all eanaldaraU bulbed1, tatf h l l i ona of taem raa aarlouel


i: 'lu Aaeiawe'iit Sednsed . a .Tie lijbt batmea tbe New Tork Tnualt

Compan; ao3 UWXtx AaMaaur of Ibickafrajtoemiblp ii\ "JCOrrla countt* BOB been a«ttledbrtbeStateBoirdiif Aaieeaon. Tbetraontoompioe oU-plpa Ilnea vnlob conTay enitlepefnleam^fnini Ua FmnajiTenla and ofiiooil Tifloia to thi .aboard, j»aa acres Rock-

t l l p ' T f t t ^ lJtowMp e oland tba wlnatlon at |

tToe ooo-land tba wlnatlon at |aW». Toe ooo

paOT appealed tj-the Btat« Soard of .Aaee*eon, wblct ileolared tbe laluatlon eraaabeaa made and ndnced It to t U ann of |37,7IH.AooonUng W^lhOudlmi tbe lai bill trill be

d d f t W 5 » W 5 8 f ^ 'AoonUng W hndaoedfromtW5

f ^ M Sown nn Slsratort • iY Dafld ^oas, MVenty Bra jean old, and anttloar naldant'of Morrl.toi.il, fell domU l r t l t l A U t k l ' U l l k t bdaj and reoalnd aerione Msrlea. Hoai nuJwdaoocckeredoareer, and at oaa time waawaaltby,;' ibtt winter be lltad In * auntjIn IU rear of •HtlUrV lifer/ atabla on llontaatnet. Baounliini,aoina<lbaritableperaooanaa lllm admitted aa a patient Into An BonWHoapllel., TOO old man » u Learaifibto) n dwUlcwelldtlln tba ball bletookiliadooroftU abaft for adewr leading to ma of tbat^Hdl^»tadJ

i p g ,try girl and • French woman of Ua world Ismost creditable to ber Httfr|alokinuiBltlo&sfrom gaiety and lore to fury and hatred.

meat evpreealon todewlt, and PrepbhacoentBngiisb, wltb fada) expressions anil* manin , dleplay remarkable aud v^reaUl*

powers. Tbe ooatumee worn In the jplay byMlaa Henv.on are eald to be of rare iaite andeleganooead will oertataly please the Udlee.We predlut fftt her oa her apiieanuice Taw-day arcnlog, February 23tbt an acdlenoeUmttad only by tbe capacity ot the opera

Hurt t.t the ahopeIaitfrtday a car which fcnJ been atandlug

In tba yard at .he oar shop was ran Into theorlppJe sbop for repair*. It TO otfrend wltbice and very Ulppery. Jaunea Bowe pat aladder npagklnrt It and ollmbed up Ua aideJust u he muthed ths top tbe ladddr slipped.He Had no abanee to Mp hlranlt and fellw(tb U» tedder, peatnokto hU-sidson atrnra bom and was knocked Kcwleu. &•wsj taion to the anglpo room where It waxfound that no booei wen broken Vfhm -her«Kain»dpoiudousit«MlMwu taken home ina wagon,: Meet o£ the. tedders in the ibopihive iplkei In ih* end tc make thorn itick tothe floor, tut the one Bowe happened to getholdofhadncne. »> '

~X -\ Another Brakeman HnrLBrakapun John CbritUne, whd llvea at

Andenon, Warren county, and runs on the"oldroad wildcat'-1 from Port Mom*, withConductor Ben Otborn, bad a narrow escapefrom death on Wednetday morning Histrain jwwdthrouKbDoTer about 10 o'clockand-when Unejohtd tbt point x>t ti.»:ummtain fehriatlne started todltob up tbe ladderonthetid«of aLehlgh Vatleyboxoar ThereIi an Iron rt>a on tie top ol the can which tbeliraltiunen use to pull tbsmselvai on top,vrhen he tun i U weight on this rod it gavewaytthrttwing hint ewmy frotn the train overon the other .rack. Setae of t ie trainmensaw him fall and tba train waa stopped The#nglne waa out loose and be was picked Upandtrougdktaeit to DOT« »**tJ(m, themginarnnntaK •oackonthe ^ettbdund tract; Hebad »twd (aan over tha right «yet bts rightam pained him badly auid it was thought tfaewriit was out of plaBa Re alao complainedof a terrible headache esilnld blileft knoerap v u b n i i It waa1fmiKMs!b.e to tlnd adoctor a» they were all cot C riauna«al<>uewantad to go borne a&4 Ur. Carrtill, the ita<tton «i;e»it telegraphed Sopt, HeasoiWr fotorders. Aaa nrolttbe Hackettrtowo trainwh!ca arrivoaln Oonrat 1143 waa order**to run to Fort .Hurry irbero a doctor oouldexamine nhn,'1 and lo-fl-ponductor receivedorders to take^a. ttfhii home at Anderson.

J ** * Price* HT«y Down, ttbe Dover Bee Hire Store baa redaced 15

per sent, on all thnstodc Go and convinceyoureelt H Helinan, Sn-aW, oomer C—'Bt»eta,Oov*r,HJJ «.

2CsuHn ft HanOla O t n i u and Pian0| .ft ^ , JtnWas, Aitott Charter, fl, J w 5

FIEE AT FLANDEBB.Thn houss or Ur. P. A. Hoffman, of Flan-

dan,' wo* bnrnad to the ground early Thnr£day morning It was three itoriM high andcontained eleven rooms, at] fumlabsd. Hit,Hoffman and bar oldest son retired at nineo'clock Wednesday nigbt and Mr, Hoffmanretired at ten. Hli daughter, Jfaiid, weireading and ha a>k«l her U iho Waagoldg upBtatrr, but stw said she war going to OnUbMadlof; an article In Frank Lwlle1! UagailiH,after wbicb ibe waa going to write threeletters. Wbeu tht bad Unlbhed It waa aboutone o'clock iu Ibe morning. Bbe took a tablecloth up-etaln wild b*r latou-tlng to put!In the drawer of a_ bureau in the spare bed-toon on the Mcond floor Wbwi aba pulledout the drawer tha lamp fell to the floor .andexploded. Bhs called ber father who ran totbe scene without dressbiK.. He *ew the Hitirae too hot to light without wme clothes; onand ran back to his room and threw DO someolotbet and got aome water and commandedto flgbt Uje fiame*. MandranoptoUn thirddoor and aronwd the rest ot the family, whodremd and did what they oould to help.While Mr Hoffman was flgbting lUe'Srethey carried out the dining roam f uraitareand a quantity of clothing. After a greatdwl of bard work Ur HotTmau got the areupder control and to all appearances it wasentirely out The furniture and cjotblngwere brought Uck in tbe boute and.thefamily aat talking ot their narrow escapewhen luudenly the llaiuaa broke throughthe walls Between two bedroom*. Mr, Huff-r i then anit Uaud to arouse l lr Killer andl l u a n Hamloy and NeUon vbo oime Uplinmfdlately, followed byanumber of otterswho worked hard to mbdun the ilamts, butthey found it Impossible to do » Tfcli wasabout 3JJ0 o'clock. Tbe flame* ran up be-tween'the wDlb and broke out on the thirdfloor The house was filled with smoke and-wheti it WM a»n that tb« bon» w i i dDomedthey brgan to carrj oat tbe furniture.. Tbey•noceeded In getting everything out of tbeparlor with the exaepUoo of oue of Uaton &Hamlin<s best organi, which they found ItimpoBtlbla to aave. Tbey also saved aomeweiu-fog npparel Wlille tbe mm were btiay

t l M U Hitl rttl

pthing ahe c

pp yp M» Uf, Hitler wae grttlug every-h ld ut of the kitchen and.b

pwere aleo reported

TV (Mutt Hous» aud 4al. O w n l t U t Vs-jwrlrf In hguse at last report B8, tdmltted 88,dlacbargad 47, remaking *., Tbe jail phy-sician had made ib visits to the jail and thesanitary ooudltlon was good They aln-re*ported approved bills amounttoi; to «7M.^,which were >rdsreapaid , -';,•''.-'.

Tba Comuif ttae on Poor House reported intlie J o u w at last report 73, admitted 8/ dlf

*rgeds,r«malnli«t» inCbtldren'iHomelast report 01, kdmitted 2, discharged I, n -

malalns; 02 Tha houM phjUclnw reportedtbaUthf bealtJi of till latnatea1 was, excep-tiDiUy good for thtTtcuoa of tha year.' -?becommittee reported •pproi'ed billiamouiitingto t$SL 3., whloh weraprderei paid "'••.•

IMCommltUe on Miscellaneous A w u n Uroporud' ApprOTed EQIII f(v "PeWCiolaenservice* and DfHoera lalartes amoonUng to

and for mlscdlaneotai.mrmntloi to »17S 76, which were ortUrrf

Tba commllUa appointed at Uwreoentroadmeeting In Hanorir townahfp nrt prsieBt,(utdtarovghllr Chas.H Manhpr««itedUamsvtur of ImiJtuTfcS road* H# (aid thatyears ago Morrk bounty bad a reputation forgoodroajl, butowiiasjtottieinotaaa* Inroadmllesge and tmve), togstber wtth Ib* fact thatthe road taxes have oot basa materially'^.onaied, tbe general condlUon of our roads

g<ties. If Horrls. county Mpeoto to oompeEewith nefgbboring ooontlae for the people fronilarge oltie* tbe ooulitlait of oar roed* mtitt beUnprovtd^In llaaovtr township tbey bidiUtketi step* in ths mattor fcnt fatutd that Itwas ImpracUoable to make ifcaw roads be-iHnnlnR nowhere and eodlne; ttowbert, ititere*

tore tbey bed r«*W«4 toukUM Board otFivekolders to ooaakW tbe tnatUr, secure In-fonnatlou, and take t i c nacesaary aUpe toadopt oertaiD mala thoroughfares as countyroad*, and by the imiq of bonds maDadamlia'and keep tbum In ordvr leafing the money'raised fpr road purpoaes In the townships'; tobe uwd for tbe iiflprovement of the by Toaoi.H« believed tiat if tbli policy was pursuedthe Increase in the value of real eitmte'wouldfaiHuore than repay t l i e outlay, andmanydtalrtblu rettdeooM Would be added, to'ti»

rturtir, w ( w ' :tiC\''

Mr Burke gave lomepraoHoalUluitrelioniof the value of good h*de to the farmen, andmoved t U t a ooutnlUea be ippolutad to la-Twtliate tbe nutter and report to the Boardwhich moUon waa carried and Uessra Burkt Fanlmlef, OUl, Backer and Thaip appo'nted

Before adfoarniug 8urro2«*>ltod.the tMnben ot tbe Board, oounty

l i l ivltod.the tMnben ot tbe Board, oountyofficial* uxi nprasBQtatlvei ot tha preai to'dine with him at the kfaadooHoiiM. TbeliiivlUUon was accepted and (coin thirty life ''toforty nests partookf of Ur Haraon'i hoe-

l l J ** * '?£$''?y n p

pltallty -Jeneyman. **

Monday « u aeotenoad day Inttbe'KorrlaCounty Court 'and Judge) Child dallreredsentence against the following prtujuera::%.

Wheeler, atlaa PonUr, allu 01MB,'.. tbeprieooer who swindled tbe Morrittawn SavInga Sank, reealved three years In Stateprison at TnntoiT Joelah DavMson, ooo.rfb fioonton g«itig of boodlums who aesanfted

ry Galley, a fourteen year-old Hungariangtrl.ntm. New Years Cay, waa aenteneed.tocue year tn Btate priion. Tha other menV;bera of tlie gang—look, Cooney and Hopkins—gotelxtydayelntbe oounty Jall Bod JohnHerti*. who escaped from tbe Btate BefonnBchool at Jameaburf, wai Mturoed to thatInstitution. Joha Horandl, the Jtallan proprfetor of • fruit tton in MprrigWwn whowas oonrlcted of cruelty to-bli sliyearroldadopted daughter Sophia, waa fln*d «10 andcosts of court. Her Dean ftynn, who'badinterested himself tn tbe cajs, suecaeded InhvtDg Sophia pUoed In the care ot BlUaraol Charity. HenrhttaTate, colored, who wasIs tie emplo of 3 Hunter, at Alton, andwho aiuulted her employ«r, wai oommlttedtcthe oounty Jail for*tea days F rijnn.oon-

lcted or assault upon A. Pierca at FortOreni, ahtty-dayi In tbe oonttty jail. - JpnaaWhlltmort), the fifteen year-old Horrittbwnboy wboatoJa aalelgb and robbed the trunkof a Union News agent, was committed totie State Reform Bchool at JamajOjorg.- " :

The two cbfokon thlevw, Van ZOa and VanAtta who wen arrested ohargod with hav-.ing robbed lienrooets in thit vicinity of Boon-ton."war» airaleaed and entered pleas of nanTUIL Faiquab Canuo, an Italian, .whorobbed a fellow-ootmtrymaa of tSSS at Mar-rtstowi., when imignd Ulan Judge Childpleaded guilty. Hearly all tbe stolen money

s found sewed up In the waistband of theprisoner's troniars at the time of his arreet. •

Save 10 Per Cent S.---....knd buy yonrTVlnler ITndarwBarat the DoverBaearof J.H.QtImnx > '.;:'

T B S LS0X6LATUBETbi Uavarnor Mondsj nlgbt nonilnaUd W

BirdBpcacer to be a member of ths ButeBoard of Aejesaors, dnerevl Bpencer is theonly RepubUoan 00 tbe board. Boveral BoutbJwiey QemDOnta tried to^oapture the bortb,but tha Ooveraorand t ie General am oldfriands and no 'outside InBusnca waa coosiil-and. Hllford W. Ludlam, of MIllvllls,appointed I*y Judge of Combarland to atio-«*1 Nathaniel Hti.tion, and J.Woodwaid to sqooatd John H. Bcudder as

a Second Congressional Distritrt rttve In tha BtaU School Board.

A delegation of tha I*w tuid Order Societyof Camd«n oallel ou Qoiremor Werts Mondayaod offend a long petition *«ai&«t ipclDtment and oonflrtnatlon of IA.J JudgeMcDowell, of Camden. , Th#y do not think heb a fit man to sit on tbe Bunch and auk tbttbis appointment be recalled. The GovernorIs to oonaidtr the matter.

Assemblyman Hendry introduced a Mil tosve county collectors elected by the Board

ot Freeholders for three years. ' Senator Cor-nish introduced a telephone bill, i t li theoutcome of tbe resolution passed two weeluagq. The price Axed for the jeor K% to te fwhere then are less than fifty subscribers,V88 where thsrearo more than fifty and lesst l t t ir ia; ovor that amount *S0. Ko chargeover fifty oenta oaa be mads for toili.ingtodlitantpoJnU, •.

Tbe bill abolishing the salary of CountyOUrk Barber, Df.Camdeo, and giving himonly fees waipeietd. rWHHaui J. ThompaOUmade a short fpeecb faVorlng the bill.

Qo the moUonof Senator Cornisb the Bail-ate adopted rMoIutioni of regret relative totbe death of Capt Benjamin ?, Howey.wbodied Monday morning it hia borne in Wnrroncounty. 1 ~ ' ' "

Benator UipchcUffe'e Patenon City Hallbill passed In the SenaU by a unanimous-rote. Benator Daly .mooteded ID Retting theJersey City Mucldpal Buildins bill tbrouabIn like matlner, 'and be bad It imniBdlstelytaken over to the House. r' - • • . • .

Bonalor WlntcnintroduMd a bill to . . „•bllsli ths old road aot permitting towmhlp

committee* to arranga -Toad-dbfrlcta. Mr.Kelly, of Hudson, hitrodnndi bne authnrlilngthe Treasurer and Cotnptroller, In llrat-alaiadtles to set ailde one-half the Uoean f«« forthe paving of •treat* when tbe funds othar-wlie provided for Uiat purpon* am pot tuffl-olent Mr.'Bellsrputlnoiie toauthariw'thi

'B of land far unpaid taxes and aaeeaun«ntsUr. Parker wants to encourage lae-jaobtlngdown In Honmonth conaty. He la thtfip»or for a bill parmlttiag the " laylug out pf

urses upon tbe streams ot tbe State tor tbapurpose of Ica-yatchlug, curling and skatingand racing therein." Air, Henry proposes toempower boards of freeholders to elect countycollector* for tbne years., Mr. JJenry alsofathered a bill pravldinfc that all persotu de<sirlng'to sell drags, modlDln*s and jrolwiisshall pass an' •aamluatlou before tfas StateB o a r d o f r b a r m a c y . ] • • ' " • • • ' '.-...:•'

Timothy fiarntt mads a great light for hisSeuth Orange sewer bill. He threw wit nodsarcasm at tali: opponent*. Hs talked-wall,but nit to no purpose, Mr, L w wai "tgtnIt," and he slrergled tha measure by Becuf-lag tbe iniertion of an amBodoicnt requiringthe consent of-governlng bodlM In order topermit any pinou, town or citj (0 dump »w-aga within the boundaries of' tbetr baflintek.

: ByHr. IllUer, Scoate joint resolution re-qiilrlng the New Jersey IlepreaeataUv« InOoDgreeato urge the achetne f or the unnexa-

a D! Hawaii to t ie Uclt*) HUtea. By Mr.3ornlih;»ciulHDg railroad tplegnpfe opera-ion to be i t Itast 20 yean old and competent

ituln.tloji la tb<rttbi and regu-latlons of tbeoonipany employ log him,' Buchoperator! miut b* able to receive by sound at

' twenty, words a nilnuU. By Mr. Bog-enrprovldlng for the election of two police;JUIUOM In Camden, ona or each party, at anannual lajarj of * 1,500 esch. .Tbe SenatepMned the bill nuking It lawful to print audeall newspapers on Suiidiy.'apd also the actmaking it lawful to sell milk; and walk, rid*or drive for nareatlon on tiuhday. . This billIs deafened tc protect tbe clH».m'o( fiuuexoounty from thei threats miule by Editor San<ford of the Bparta Bigttal ta tflforoe the oldblue lawsuits1 reading cadied a good deal ufmerriment and the Benatora enjoyed them-aalvee gnjtng ita iRthor. It was passed, v.

In theAaasmbly, the follpwInR blUa werei B t M d a o s d i . ' : ; - . ; v ' V - ' • • ' • : • • ' : ',•(". ^ - : ; ; - • • • ' • •

By '.Mr. Henry, pro tiding: that drugglsU•string to' enter' buslncn* in .this Btafe ab'aU

pass an eiamlnattpn'.lHtort' the Btatte Boardof :ybarmaoy,: oadsr-penalty 'of Ane or' iui-prUonment, or both, .Cy M r . Woolmy, g lvIugU»c»mber«of tbetioclet/for Uie Pre.•Motion of droelty- to AniuiaiK-power, to ar-TMt?lolatora.ot tin cnieUyto' aolmtla' lawiwilbout 'warrant/or. other procees,, By Mr.— n

e ' ^ •- : it h ^ ^ " A A!^ a _L -w* L» ' * . ' «x

- . _

OBBXaUT VALLEY.U 1 WeUb A. CH bave dlsaolTed partner-

Bhfp.Tbe rt-Usloue •ervlcvs held lu t Thursday

afternoou and eretilug In tbe PreibyterianCburct w«n quite well tvttandtd, contidUielnclBuiBney ol tbe weathBT. All our peopie speak In bigbest praise of Rev. HallowsiyKttr and Elder Itow. Truly they are filledwltb tbe lire of tbe Boly Ghott Tba 1ings wore again conducted by tbe eaine menou Tumday. evening and by 11*v. Halloway,Chsmbera and Stlp on Wednesday e Ten log.Tbe travailing Is very rough and dangerousunless one is pretty rough shod ; oorortbelww,there w u a goodly attendance tills weelc. OnTburadsy evening Ilov, Kerr sud Mr. Itosswill agala be with us. Two perBOUs btvetesktii B staSud for Cliiist and we hope jnenymore will follow befora the raeetiugn closs.

Tho potato soclnl Iwld last week at It. T.Weigh'* was a social and llaanoial euccaws.

ware given for the ouea Uiat could pickup the moat potatoes In five minutes. Thapotatoes were eitremely large, and a tinyspoon wae usud tc gather tiieni up, so that Itrequired a very steady hand to ecoon)]>l!flbtbe feat. Principal Roei.nt.rani picked upthirty-four and drew first prise and EdlleBaldwin galnod thirty-one. The sum of 113n u reasUed (or tba UucflL uf Uu> V. F. &.C. B.

Ur. and Urs. Henry Ttdd npeut tiatunlayat Pottersvllte.

WJltfam Well Utls ua he liad sold 3U m(Juring the pest month, filll la 1 wide awakeJewelry podlejr, be know* bow to react) tbepeople every time,

Tbe German Valley 0un "Club wen tiewith tt» Cailfon boys at tbe snooting matchlast Saturday at Fottersvllle, so Uiey pur-cbawd the balf from tbe Callfoa parties aud•ecured the bull, wbicb they now bave Intbelr pooBfi<e]oo. Ko doubt another shootingmatch will take plaoe over the eatne animal.

Bsrtley & llorlon bave about 40,000 hubsnow on hand, wblch are being Masoned readytor sale. 'With sll their commodious roomfor storing, tbey were compelled to rent thewagaa house of Iiaao Dorland for storingtome of them. Tbey are Huitlers. Tbay CID-ploy quite a number of men already and astheir business lucreatcs will gradually addon more. Suoees* to our neir Industry ; wewish there might be more.

Quito a delegation of JOUHR paople of theC, U. Boclety of ths Lutheran Church weresocially entertalnsd by tbe Presbyterian so-ciety of Obetter.ou Wednesday evening.They nl•peak li

m aer flrmi ecciu to hato do, helog consUntlr on tbe move.

We are having very cold weather againfew daya, with the promlM of another cold

lavs, by tbe weather prophet*.Uamade. Rumor tells ut we bave a harness

lator In town. We haven't seen any signout or anything thafpolnts tbat way tu yet.

MT, ASHNOTON.Ur. nud Mrs. J. 0 . Chryetnl bavo been

(pending some time In Dover.The little daughter of Mr. Krauk Cantieldu teoo serJoiu.y 111 with brain fever, but Is

DOW Improving.Tba Columbian Tea given by tho Willing

Workers ot tbe Baptist Church In lodga-wood lastTuetday evening was a great BUC-ceas. Miss M. Wllkenwti, irbu representedAmerica, was dressed In red, wbitoand blue,

MwS. Flower., repraMntinf, Hpain, WMeased in red, and Hiss Dolly King, who rep-

resented Italy, wat drtaatd in tbat eountrj'scolon, Ml»s Helen Baker represented Liberty#od was btoomlngly attired In red, white andUlue and a crown adorned ber head; Miss1 Ad*die Messenger, personating Queen Isabella,was appropriately dressed nnd wore her btlr

the style of bygone agtn, a. liauoUfu.BUVir was served under, the nuperviilon of tbe

roung ladles, aralettd by Mr, Jere Salmon,fhoce emillug face and winning manoere

always plaaM eierynnt, wpwlally the ladles.The proceeds are to be devoted to Che pur-ohasing of a bell. , - . , ; .

Mr. U..H. Bale, ihe fonuor steward of tbeHotel Broslln, but now proprietor of " VranCourt Inn," at Hoeello, H, J.tgaTe an openingreception last Baturday evening. .Mr. andMm. J. M. VanNortwlclt, ot this plan, at-huded. . : ' . •

Mr. Robert Dunlap Is about to enlarge hisnttage opposite tbe Bmlla. .. .

The young people oftbti place are enjoying

Crs\a«r, creaHm a 6 ^ e Department 61 Ag-rlculture, to L«' under tbe diirsB uf a com-tnlsdoMr'apJbted by th QV f li

, to er tbe diisB uf a comtnlsdoMr'apppJbted by the QoVernor for liveyt^BtanuniialaaOiryof iS,m; By Mr,Coyle, author.tini Boarfiof Education to rt-tire acbool taacben ow,flO yean of aje^ wbb

House adopted toe niloorliy, rejKjrt of tbeO l t t B j i i a I bill

pOaraalttw r>n

y jniuraose,on a billOaraalttw rn Btmjfi/aia..Iniuraose,on a bill

toei impi matual'fire4n»uraflo» cotopanltsfrom UM cperatlooa ot U»e |eoeral fire Insur-ance company act.,;'.The,mlJiorityreport wasInttvm'vltheblll " ^ ^ ' ' • ' ' ' ' % :'

a . ,tblll.

j00T.i\W«rti Iwtie BenaU, where anewl t o a t / t o '

-'t» hind '(a,b

l » a ( o u t / t o D p p o t * U i | ^ topl»M exObTenot Abbettpfti^e8iipno3e Courtbencli;Aconfereooiwafl held: last Sunday, It i ai

i*^erttf library Uei,vyt*u, Allan licDBrniott.aDd:the

Governor. wl»h It.we* il«n*Iy sealed and de-Uveredthat Leon Abbett ibould.be the auo.tJtwor.of Supreme CoottJtiitloe Edward W.Bcttdder.-Vlt was nptlntaaded that this com-|*ct ahDujd leak out, and tnubla was not an-ticipated:- It Was Uiought thiit the DemouratloSeutm; WOBAA BB pleased jov honor the ex.; WOBAA BB pleased jov honor the ex.Oofeinorwjth«ii»"appolnt«iitnt and 11 x himfor thereit of bU daysj,'buti'Senator* Adralnan^.WtotonUv#'notfOT|s«yer*l jeara ehettttrtd any;aifeotlou for 'tba'-aJediabratlo warhofi«,'aiid^y'coaTOoW a pUn'to^add

; *r«;<lt«graoe"to the ex-Cloverpor's 'political\ffliey;' bave^aecurid pledges of fives nottOTOte (or his coDlirmatlon and' arraoiglag' to titoclve the aa^t

Tuesday. :Het d f J d

»l Ui» BUte Houwfropi.'Jenny City toi at-' / U d h

s y ^ y yteodf Judge: BouJdw'a /.l[u.nU. and. then

d d t o Oe^tate bousa.and,calledd v , : W e r t e ^ : ' K v e r y one who inw

hW made ttu^otHDoeiit that :he,wa» fadingl^^(HI'h6I>:m^tti d th

g(HIish6uIa>n:m^tt iDg raand, thi

Jt'of tbe r»ok la hollow, aiiJ Lii face li

,;;BeK)lolloii« were offered in tb(SuiateTu*a-day •uttorliiflf''ttie peilntloi or* 'portrait'ofU*lat«rrofcnnr Q«orff« i i; Cook, Itvte g«o-lofiiiy and 173 «••* appropriated for that pur*pose."'' W b « It U flnUhea If Is W hang in tbeBtaU - HOUM 8«ator"HIchB*l Barrett nod

It U flnUhea If Is W hang in tbeBtaU HOUM. . 8«ator."HIchB*l Barrett nodPresident Adraln Introdaoed a1 bill tbat pro-yldea that the Board of .Visitor, to the Btate

rtltl l l r N Dyldea that theAgrtcaltnral .h l d b t U

isitor, t e Btatet New Drunawlok,f t b f

g U o l j r a New l o ,should bertatUr ootsiet of twomeDjbere from

O l d i I ' i ;chOoDs^<eai«)aldi*trIct,i; .t ; In the. House Tuesday'moruiog Barton B,Hutchlmwa, leader of tto Republican minority, made an attock on the targe lilt ot nij&«aqd doorktepers of the Hoajw..' It KBJ duringUi« consideration of penata rorty, which pro*

ldt*for the compeniaUcm of tie minor olli-erfa^Be called Bttontlou to tho fast that the

list was Iai^er.thiayee>rthaa bentofon, andUtattbire were doprkft*p«ra iiM pag« whohad'bpUiitig'tp do and Wmln'each bther'pway, and it was a Henema''t rplunder-theSt t f b t jajOOOr H b h t 'w y ,State for: a b o u t

^ r p rHe I bought' the

b I T Ota a b o u t j . r He I oughttheunber/enouH be limited by I . * . ; The bOlu pautseidr Thla •bntRont th* scheme that

riior. Werti and (^otiiptrolIer;-Hepn«n-i* had to have the number reduced N U

. beep the *xp»u»e of tbe'Ltgliilature within:—ionntetrt4m*t«d'in'tneraut« budget. ;

^l»l"wlsbeii'_to' lake- part In' tbosaltation of UieHawUiaa uut4«atiui.: Beus.t w Miller, of Capiilfay, offered * Joint res*utJon Tuesday - feoo'inm emlfng tb*t -ti i

t U i f ' b b B ^ i ^ C: ^ ^Cg ug

tbe'annexaUop of tileiPao.Uo islanila bi tboTJnJtaaut ••'"';' 'h";}-!:}* '"'• ';•;•:; ;

^dMlrw. to havhih b f l

B*oator Draio, ofsome now offices created which may bensfltsome of hli fHenda. HJa bill Introduced Koa-day night autborizoithe appolntownt'by tht)•QoTernor of from one to three ibspectors ofsteamboata and eteamboat.boilBrB.;TheJrnre

'have one'' ear termB, with'' autboritj to_ we llceom. Ho salaryIst fixed bytbeblil^;, Bcnatbr palv. came down with teveral billinUs pocket.'' dne'.bf them'' rcpmls tie acttaxing collateral inberitanoea'pajBed laat yearand about which tbera baa beenao'touch aal-tatJon. -Anotbor problblts the .manufaoturtior storage of hljh explnlvee'within-a haU

liraitaotaflylnoo'porated cit

The Slorlda Steam Heater..For illdrtrateMl cironlars aesd to The Fred.

E Btepfaaui^GaraunValley,H J '

NotJue to Tour Own interest. • .xott canH|TiikWAiey In Diiylngyour.tJiider* IUIPWBWUy j wyimi iv.was msoa)payaDad. r*'

Hoods and OIOTM a t ttw Dorer,Boe| -:1v'in.'W«lt*rPlielps WM nninlntotialy; don.

m n o o y l o o . p o r a t e d city or'town.; StnianoUjex bin mtkes insurance dueand payaole to owner of tha property at theHmtof. Uwoccurrraceof Ore when the louhas beenradjiuted: although tie owner m , rnottaUispfrsonwhoccratractedfor the In-

d^o whom It was nuide payable;'

ll^vport a iIrT highest t<

very pleasant Unie andterms of ths manner li

which they were welcomed by the society.We hope muoh good may Iw derived by th«e

eldbeater flrmi ecciu to have plenty

U t l tb

the ooaitiog on VatiEcery hill.,Dolly VanNortwick contemplates inovlns;

to Mt Fleossut next week. We hope she willbe contented and happy;1E IJBT new boroe."There was'a bone andboxgy 00 the lakeyenterday.ftfteraoon. ;Quite.an uncommouocgurnnotatthlsaeasonof theycar, ~

Eleotrio lights sue hi ba pot In all tbe rtwiusof the Hotel flrealin.' Au electrician fromNew York meatUnd the rooms for, Uwt poe-p o s e b r i W«dnwday."

:' - . / • • ," . ' ." ' - • . ' . . •" ••: •• :" "'

Messra. Reasley and 1'Jenon, ot Eiston,rent Tuesday at Hill Hide Lodge. . ;ThiBreslln Hot*. Oompaoy are preparing) rnsb tfaeVork'oa the addition of tbe hotels

new Idundrj and bBlp'squartef«.v._.V,;,' ",Jd,>Bndford BtMit,while at "work at tbeitlanUC DynamiteI works on Tuesday, went

to the pump to get some water and slipped ontbe ice, butting blmseir quite badly, Us was

',t to bl«. homebrought i e and Dr. Taylor w u Im-mediately aummoued, whoatnnt thoufht It

»ry tc» takee, .ewstitcheeoveiwould benb>#je;butons«amlclogfoundthatltiroula<

not be Ueoaaaary tc Uketbe etltchM, althouihthe B ub It a deep out. '.• Wt> hor* be will bfaround all right Jn a few days," RUITICATC.

•'..: / 'S i-\• BUpOAHThnSA;'Mr. Thu#; Piliherbert, teacher of Uis Mil-

ton pubbo tchool, waa in town.over Bunday., Mr. Amrie riillbower, of this place, andUss Roea Gray, ot Ironla, were married on

January 38Ih; at Frencbtowa, K. J., by Rev.llr: \HoDain, a former; pastor of tae H. KChurch of tbiiplace. Ed. MarUn says heFill be tha next If tbe weather keeps cold....:Mr. Wm-ren p.' Gardner, ba« imrcUajcd at

Dr.-:T«j'lor- tba property situated on l l latreetand will take po*se*Bfon April let.,, A nuraW ol prominent X)«moortite ot tbiaplace ara trying to secure tlie poet oflleo. Ihive heard tbat there Is a dirk horse In theHeld; but C4unot vouch for tbotruth.of^the

" Mlra Jennie Thomas, of Flanders, wwvuut^lag MUs Mamie Doertag o( tht l Sand Monday gf this week,', .

Mr, and Mr*, Pi" " "town Sunday vltlti\ There wae a party "held at the homo of Mr,Cbaa; King on Wednesday night of thin week.About thlr^r-flve youiig-peorjle were present,and enjoyed themselves till tbe saii.il Lours otWe morning, •-• *~*.•;i'v1/.:-'-.y.:' '• ~':;I'J-'. \ •."•

Mr. Coal k :Bf.'• Augustine Is the guM otr . ' W i g g i n s . c . • : . - : • - • • : ' • > • " '.-•'•• ••••-''• • ° - V • : . . ' • •

Hln Anna Crater lias been-VWUn'g.friendsi & o r e r . . " . >."'.,'!•• ; - ' . ' • • / • ••••.••••••'-.'-' • • ' : • ' - " r " ••

• \ The Bobolars ot the Fairmont eohool gave aVsry IntereeUng entertainment -last( Fridayejrenfog.'' Bu«aiunoa wai well represennd astiiuali". • •;y-r\-;r-'" • • :'•::•: -'"•>:-•::• -•'.:•"''-,

'On account of tho sever* atorm on MondayTenl&gtbe mdntbty'ooasecrs.Uon nwcling

was postponed until Monday the JflUi. ••••••Ur. Ueo, Crater, is, confined at home.with

\ D 9 > m . ; - : .; . - • • = ? • • • : • • • } . • • - . : • • ' . , - • » • •

We liotloed among tbe vlritora lu. townMr. Thomas PJUharbert.'of Uilton; air. Oeo.Gray, Paastda; W. Earle Case, Newark \ tbeW VUU f M i d h { U Qo

'rioa. of FJaudprs,.iting friends. .•'..-:'-. ••'.

aastda; W. Earle Case, NewrVmUtnUnn, of Mwidham { UT M i J T h

rk \ tbWM** mUtnUn, of wid { r. QtComm, Trenton; Miss Jennfe-ThomasY Flan-

era and MiM Bertha Thompson, of Garfleld.MIssHue Couralon bttaklDg an exboded

l l t t O ; : V - ' ' ' ''"


Mr. TVamen Gardiner h u ptirchaied theresldenoeot Dr. J . t i . Taylor., ' '

MlsaBadleBegw. learee On Monday toli- the Btate Normal School; and Miss Minnie

leaves to, continue tho study of music atJiewai-kv • : , •' '.'- -' .: . -.• "' "' . ' - •-

'Mr. and-Mrs. John Appier upent Bunday atl e s t a C , - ; - " • : • • . - : • • : • - . • - . ' . • - . X . Y . K . •

Five weeks agi> the old'year was said to l edying, and tloce then the mercury has beenatveral times' reported very low. In some

•Mnployed In cutting and hauling Ice uklttg a«»ld bath in U>»lake. '• --- - ' f

A few ottbeae bolJ (ley's have interferedfiitb those getting ontboop poles. - • • -••: Tuesday morning of thu,week wlU longnmembered by thbee' who were forced to

ravel on foot any distance. .• - • • • 'Tbe'scsnepresented to our eyea made ilesjy

to Imagine'ourselves. In Holland. Boys on

One pedestrian woi met who bad tbe dl*-inco froiti here to Oak Ridge to traverse., ;Mr. Kln'gdoniMt a valuable cow not long

n i n c a ; . - - " : -. ••-,:• •. "-, •.-•: ; • ; ••_-,'- . . - -..

Friday a number of oar jieo-j>Ie,'weiit down to Berkshire to attend tEiewwUng held by wax pastor.. A goodly num-ber were out and an excellent talk given tiyBev.Mr.Lawtori.11 .//- • v ' •.-.V-• v= "•-•

The people oE fierkihlre have purobastd AJloB organ, which greatly adds to Uwappear-

if the church, .; / - ' - ' . / • •.10'of our people alao attended, the' Qua-

osy af teraoon «erri« conducted by the Rev.Mr. Halloway, of Dover.. . -.'-, ', '. -We trust, that the 'series of mealliigs Justfoeld nany be productlra of much good.

' -j , " . . * • * * • - • • ' ' i• • . " . / , " . • . • • K B K V I l a . ' • , . ' - .';

inmber of our'young folks attended theColumbian Tea, given by tbe people of 'theBaptist. Chorcb, of I*dfie-Tood, 00 Tuesdaye v e n i n g , - " • • • - ' - . - ' - - , ' • • • • . • ".-•-. • ; • - .

Mrs. Johcuon and grandson, ol Canada, arevisiting ber brother, Mr, David Jardine, oftiiisplace. . ; • • ' • • • • • . -

\ W e a n glad to KM Miss Carrie Bturopf Intownagaln, ' , ' . . - - ' - \ - . •••••? :••.-.. , •

''*Wa are expecting Mr. E J, Boss, of Dover.to preach.In ourtchool house next Sunday

•evening. OORSTJJtT.

BABTLEY A N D VIOINITY.A* the spring UDBDR there will be Mtveral

ioagea io our uiunlly iiuiot hamlet. Ur.George Webb, of flvflsant Hill, will <*<the R. C. Bartley farm tbe coining year.W. Thomas will till the'twll of tn« W. K.Hopler larm and numerous other cbiRobert Carlisle wbo tins uueu araocg us forseveral yean will I&avi and Uke upiils abodelu High Hri.lge. HIH many rriend* vkh him

:ccf«i. Our low In gain fur tha citizens 1it\x UrUct,William LarlaoD, late cf WasliiiiBton, IK

been vlaitlng T. I'. Willett for several days.W« regret toitate that nc are soon to lot*

one uf our worthy citiwfa in thu persan ufJow|>b Cortrigbt. Ilia departure from amongus leaves the itoadHiile Cottaga witbout ateaaat.

Uertuun BLork ban laUly odjed all nituprorerai-iita to Ills barns tad covr n

lls bu tii>w ooetif (hti Irvxt oijnipped te.11this locality.

The alclKblng HIIH bolda good and motiF..elgtlng partita are Uia result.

On Tuesday evening U'venty-llvi; friends ofC. W. ytepbens invaded Ills home: 01..I badpieauiiit time. Tbooccasian wan his birthdayand it wu celebrated iti true American style.It was quite early {!) when tUey tvkbed (be

Win. fiartley & Bon« have Jmt compluia four ton portable »a>.ltr with truck attackini>ntrorpaitIeeii]BronchviIle, K. J.

Mr. T. M. Drsy bis jtut relumed froieiUnded visit among frituds at Mine Brook,Hoinerset county, N. J.

a. K. Gray, of raraalc, Is utoiipiag a lowdays with his parents.

WHb'dwpregret nu An iufcrnied tbat HtmHatUe Howell bus been conllned to her home

toveral dajH from a.surere attackirnlglo. At tills writing we are pleased to

aay she h much bolter.As lime goM on the Bartley braes baud Is

[mprovlug InimetiMily. Hoon we bope to callIt a lit rival of the famous Ullmore's band.

One of Ibe moat pleacant uventsof the«_son was a surprise tendered to Mlw AllieWucii onu eveuing lsst woelt. At precisely 0"'clock one hundred of ber youiig friendsUppttj In her home amid sbouta and laugh-ar ami fouud hor cuntentt«Jly sitting In her

rocker reading. Jf We could be allowed huJge from the HOIM we would surely imag.nih» left whig ot tlie svytuta Utul Urokea loose

in full farce, Lut no It mmn'ttbat, it wns tbsvoices of these mouutalu young poojila wbahavo Inhaled this pure air oil their lives. Dur-ing tbB evening various gamus wer» played,At ia o'clock all were Inviied to tbe tliningroom to partabo of a collatlou provided, bythe uumurous young Iadias. It wan farlymorning when tuey ttarted far their respoc-tive boniee, agreeing thot this was tbe most

itnt of all plHuant atTaire. HKI.IJOM.



CHILDREN'S KNEE PANTS, - - - - 18 Centa

H l t D R E N ' S OVEHCOATS, . . . . 65 "





HACKETTSTOWli.L Mrs, UKubeth SUphens fell ou tbe iue audiroke her arm. Tblo la three people whoonlliied totWrhorata nltU brokon Louts inown.CnrdH uro out for tho weddlug of Mlas Linda

liowlby awl Mr. Ernest Ward, to lake placeou Wedmwdnyibe 15tb, at tbe borne of thebride on High street.

Mr. V. u. Moor-ey, of Drew TheologicalBeiulnnry. supplied tfae jiulplt of tbe freiby-terlau Church laat Suudoy.

Ules Helen Poss, ot Wash lug ton, 0 . &, laUID guwt of Miss Maine Salman.

Mini Louise Klujiperbflrg antertalnod the'aiUmeEuchraClubnt her hama lajt Mou-

iv night. Ttvas tha largont turn-out thinMOD, tbero being eight tables tilled. Frlte*

ran secured by Un. pr. Martin and Mr.ou. Salmon,Air. and Mrs. Frank Qardu*rand Mr. Win.awsoD, of ilroolilyn, and Mr. J. HcUaii, ol

Say City, Ulchigan, were the guests of L Q.Jalrrjon ovor Sunday. -.. Tbe Y. P. 8. O. E. will hold a sociable Inhe PmbjUrfnn ohapel next Monday nfgtit,Pobruary 18tb.

Frank P. Young hat given up the Idea ofgoing Io tbe city, and la tbe spring will go Inbusiness wltti bis brother-in-law, Jas, Sinltli,whan dry and fanoy goods, carpeta, etc., wiltbe added to tbo stock.

Dr. Wheatley delivered n lecture in theubapelatCC. I. last Friday night on 'TheWnrnkTlDS J«w,"

The next lecture lu ths course will be giveby Dr. J. H. Vlnoeut, this Friday evotiluK.Bubjedt, " Tomarrovr," A story of the churchot Ibe future.

HissMattle Kent, who In teaching MUoolat Newton, made a short visit to her homeon Wednesday. - •

Mlu Biiia fortor spent a portion of thewoek witb ber brothor, J. Uadlsoa Porter, At

u t a i u . • .- •'.••- - ' BETU.

: '• ' ' PLANDEBfl.Mr. QeO' E. Uray, of Fasaaic, bos bean mak-

ing a short stay hem;- Ths OlrU' Hinlon Baud, of the l*r«by-tenan Churcfa, ictenj giving that most picas-Ing entertainment, "Aunt Dinah's HusHng-Bee" io tbp near future. To those wbo haveattended It n£>t much li needed to be said butto those win) were never entertained by "AuntDinah " and ber party ot nephews and ni&coi

ianch'terfiilly recoBltnBKl It; It U,to betvsn'aWuitihe'ii'.tli'abd 25tb ot February'

AdrnMslon'IiSandli;cental, - ' . ' :"••A Very pleaeebt party was held at Mr.

/hltfleia. Bt«ph*ue' a Tiies<Uy evening oft h i s w e e k . : • * • • - • . • • , : ' • - . . . - • •

Mr. and Mrs. Horton. formerly of - Fair-mount moTcd oa Wednesday Into ibelr bouseID thli place,; the property being tbB oneowned by the lata tin. Rachel Hpraguo. •

Mrs. p . E. Prambea I* maklhR a abort itajl u N e w a r k . . : . , ' • • ' . - - . ' . '• - ' • • ' • ' . " • •

Mrs, ThomM Sovereign, tarmerlyioCt)lewe,QOwof Newark, Bpoatatowd«,ye ttistweek with frlsndi here. *

A bouquet of beautiful out Sowar* waspurchased byUie Mlaslon Band for tUe cam-munlon table In tba Freabyteriin Church forlast Sunday, It being tbo rtgular observanceof the Lord's Supper, and to be presented toChe pajtor, Rov. Baker Bmlth, at the close ofthe BOTVICW. The .lowers cams from the

houie of Mr..W. IT; t^angier," of Dover,and tbe •election showed axcellent tasta onthe part ofcMr. Bpangler, who was also verygenerous.' It Is needless to lay tbat the beau-tltul flowers were greatly appreciated.. Wo regret to wy that Mr. P. A. Hoffmanlost hli house by tire on Thursday morning.

7 '• • "' '•..']•• f ' i B O N I A . • - . • • " • • . . .

Ed'waidOillem lostafluD boraelast weekJllss Gertie Johnwia has b»n vfriLing friendi

i Dover. •. • .-i-.1.1 " .- • * ' ' ;

> A surprise wai given Bamuel Swaokbamarlast week anil all report a line lime. ••• .; Miss Liizle May has been quite nick, bub weareglnd tobeariheiBiinprpviag. ':.'

John Bwut, our- Tillage .blacksmith, has.sen overrun with work, iharpeulng bprsest h U w e e k , ' - - '•• . - -"'•.' • „ ' • . • • • . - . . . • v.

. Itfrs. Walter Tettannan, or Dover, has hooirlaltlog ber parent*. : /'- '

The grand <Un'(e of lb»i*ai*on was bell atrfHllam BltellBDgorr. at Hor tor, Tu&sdaynight.. -Then were fortr-tlve couple presentfront Dover, Eeavil, Succtsuona, Alt, Free-dom, Irptila, CbMter and Mendhani. t'^.veryone hid a lint- Ji»» time and would.!!,«to goagain. Tb« mnalo was rurnlahed by Coop—andBkellungmv,-' .••'; •• '•, , RoaK DUD>


.. . • ", PORT 0»AM, Feb. Ptb, I6.«. -rakeHarm»u, ;• I. Bodilmr,Jeony Wllllaioa, -' Utury Bvattuer,

Wm. Dcmere«t, . John Peraaoii,John VanSicklrj, - Wm Odcll.Ubaa. Uajer,: ^ Un. Klzabetb Williams.

To obtain any of tbe above letters say "sd-vertlsed1! and givoUnl* of this list .

;. •. WU. a. T0NKIN0, P. M.




Sole Agents for Morris County.

B0TJ6B TO XBT> 7AOU APBIL 1st.Brick house on Union S t City water, bath

ind all Improvements. Inquire of' ' JeJaBiCKOFP,

- . - Cor, Bunwi and Canal Stf.

The farmCbaster. -barn. (address

FARM JPOR SA1VRmas UiB.BeemerKarm »farm known as UoBeemer Farm near

>r, N. J. 150 acres, large bouse and• ChEMip and on eaiy terms. Call on or

1YM. ir. BAKER, 'Dover, « . J .


: _ - BOVBH, K J .Vf p H E iubscrlber ollen at private ule hisX. mideoce, corner ot Morris street andLonmonth Ave., Dover, Now Jonor. L»rge

LIB dwelling 2U atopies, with'date roof,atnlng eight roomn, witb double parlors,

_. .window, ball and conssrvBtory withplaDts, stoain heat and biat of well water.tat 02x175 feot, with (ruft trees and grape

vines just in bcarlug. Much attention has>een given In the aelacUim Df tbe best varle-

roof, snpiilled with water, good garden, at:paragu* bed, fee All In perfect order and Intood coudltlcin. For iurtlculars, call cm or

•"' JOHN ABNDT,r ' . •• ' . _ , • • • ' ; •"• . . D O V K H , N . J .

P U B L I C SALE.Tbe aTutHcrluer, about to rolin<]iif»h rnnnig, will sell at public u l e at her raldenoo,bout M mils from Bartley & Hopler'* storet Barney,'au . -THTXHflDAT, FEBBCTARY S3d, 1893,all bur lire stock, tartnlug' ImpltmeiiU anthouaohold furniture. In part as follows :

s; HEAP or HOUSES.one pair ot very floe 4-year, old colt*, OnyMiller and llrown Bhsnnan blood and ayoarliugQuyMilleroolt, and a pair of worktorses. Three choice oows, l bull, U ewea

with Iambs, and everything .in the way offarming ImpwrnenU to be louftu about a flriCclaasfarm. Bale at 13 o'clock sharp. Terms,thnw noatbi credit on now with approvedsecurity on sU sums over five dollars.

HAi.if.vB li, Dakiat.A u c t i o n e e r . : • " U - S t r








is cLosnra.OUT BALANCE OF •;•'.'-

Jackets, Capes,Newmarkets; Ac.

At OostI

At Cost! \

. At Cost!

At Cost!

At Cost!



Special PricesPrevious to


Now going on at

BAKER'S, Dover, N. J.


Page 4: SAV E TIM CENT! RUBBERS. - staging.rtlibrary.org · Q0NTAIN8 MORE 5*REW8 >i THAK ANT OTflEE PAPEB-HAS THE LARGEST:;- Northern New Jersey. :•; ***** VOL. xxni. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY,

Brief Notes of tbe Happen ing of a V«<in New Jersey.

Benjamin Giliborsoa one day recentought two toua of flab iu tLc Mulllca river

John J. Alien, a builder of BtuMnK Ridglust fear paid $!£,0W for knur on one mai

The Bt»t« PuiiUnbom' Union met at Trt-too anil elected Many AjijiVgut*, '•! i"r«bold, Fresldont.

6e.-enDayBanlU.teof MaiuIleU have juskipped one of tbe laUwt nsaLo* ot \Ai-\cleitheir mlMJonary in Clilua, JUv. 1». II. JJavi

LUcb&rA Si. T. SniitU, the Uttfeafc-U Dtmcratlc candidate for tbe cltirkship of AJtrc<county, has filed a petition for a recount.

Tbe Bridge to a souribousij are duing gicagood ia relieving tbe many i*>or of liiu cityHundred! of <iuwm of SOLIJI nro disi^ievery day.

flv« families were jus.de hoiueleM Siiluvafternoon by Ore at No. IU[ Clinton tcrUoboken, caiiMtl by an orerlioaUil Bl-

.Powell, Partridge A SUKVI-'IJ brick amiterracotta works At Itoefcy Hill, near I'iton, were destroyed liy (Ire. List! uliint(KM ; partly Insured.

Judge Pancoost ami CUMnuau Allan Me-Deraiott made their concluding arguments iitbe Elddte-Hoffinan contest before tlie KeiiotiCatumitteft fit Trentou Monday.

Tettr niloy, a workninn ot llio NewiwlIJquorice Works, (ell Into a vut of bailinginter Monday, lie died a tew luiiirt nftwasnmovfd to tliflCity Ho*|lui.

Mrs. EUtatwtu Bclmlu, ot Jeraoy i:ityconvicted cf being a common fccolJ by a j'iryl u t week. Xbli is tbe Irat cinY.ctbii uudeitblsUw In New J « » y n tunny years.

Tbe dead body of a clillii wrapped In ruewas found in Belmont avenue, near [forgetaranue, Jeney City, Hominy tnurriinR. Tlipolice believe It to bo a case of iiifruiticMf.

Cape. May count; ia famous for iU largefamillw ot children. N. Oscar Untidy, of IUOrande, to tbe proud father of tnenty-fiveaad Patrick Edmund*, ot Cij« May, twenty-three.

Tbe teachers of tbe 1'utemou public ee•re organising tbetnw.ro* Into vnrlouateacliers' clubs for tbe study aud dtscwuion oftbe various bniucliei that they aro MIUX. upoto teach.

Oecrge Long, of Doyiestown, Juat a pen oulna fine hogs a few days ago Crutii a. dlncaarenenibllng cholera. Tliey were taken nickJiut after h« bad inadL' arrangtmfutfi to FCItuBt» to UIB bulcbeT.

Henry £. Moorjey was ttruck by one of tltrolley polui near the Market struct crossiiNewark, Monday evening and killed. Hstack bin head out to look abiid anil raiontACtwitb the role.

Tbe icarltt ferer u i>rerailing in S.,«and Dnwaville, Muuterdm. rjunly. Mile*Derioa, ol Brookville, ba* lost a ID-year ol•on, and Jolin Cunningham, of St.wkton, hs<two auee in bis family.

Tb* post*! authorities b»ve bt*n lnn=tJgating for a week a rulrUrj nt tbe Jen*.City post-office. Eight lativn mntalntncbeckl and drafts were stolen, l.ut j'ajniPnon Lbem wan stopped.

Re*. Father A. Treaey, tint ttoman Cath-olic priest of Burlington, nbo WAS deposed onaccount or bU alleged (n.<inlty by I)hbo[>O'FaJrell, tos been resUirwl Ui W« firlpatljfnnctloM by Ugr. Katolli.

Tbfl metnbfra of tbe Camiien County I!mAisodatfon have po.fi'Hl r^^rriutloii^ iiJor*ilag t ie action of Governor WprU in n}i]nijntIng William Walter I'heli* a menilx-r ot ttiCourt of Krrori! and App?ah.

Tbe women of WooiIstoK-n Letd an indlgiiftion meeUnz TTiumlay nlgnt ti proto«agkimt tbe pictures ol a burloi<iuo Lom|ia»jTb» company appeared jiut tho tamo (trvl baiIbe lanttat lioufte ut tho F^asoti,

Tbeitrikeof tbe soft filk wiinlcin of It. .vH. Adams at I'aUT»oii was fettled hy the HtaUBoard of Arbitration Friday. Ur. Adam.agreeing to pay tho inmo prices a; arc pjirIn Dberty & Wadtn-orth'a uiill.

Prowcutor Jotf[)b Thompson, of AtlanticCity, beada a eradicate tbat wlil build nnelectrici lailrood Ironi Point ot Beach w Uricantlne. BUaoieri wilt be run from AtlatitiiCity to concept with the road.

Tbe EllEabelbtown Mutual 1 mum nee Co.,wblcb wsj iaiUtuted lu 1SU, dL-saKwi a fewdayt ago, and the rUki, ntuouaUag to f3,(KU,-000, were tnmferred to tlio German-Aican IniuranM Company of New York.

Tbe great breeding eitabllehaient inoiFaibfon Stud Farm at Trenton, will bo Holdbecause of complication,; arffling out of itu•etUetnent of tbe eatate of the late otvncrIt will in all proUblllty be fold as a whale.

Tbe record! in tha Secretary of Stale1!oQlce thow that too number of corjKirAtlniiinow In (siatencv InNowJowy (• ov*r 10,«Mt,from which flGS.SSl.SO was paid tue wttax. Tbe itgar trust paid last year f 7,370.31'.

Peter Bloodgood, yard condtiL-tor forPennaylvanla Railroad a t Houtb Anibuy,while walking on Ills tmokj Pricihy morningwith a brak^renn, wan iiistautly klllnd Iiy uiiDDglne. Tbe brateniftii juinpcl and escaped.

PbUIp llartrum, wbo was recently inidifor a burgldT and shot by Henry Waldtonnear White House and left seven hours oback porch with tbe thermometyr ten bcloiru r o Ii Improving. Ko llrulia vrlll ne«t amuu-taUoti,

Mr*. Louise Kerder. of >'o. 410 i'Mlsade•vTeoue, J(r»y City, was nearly nullocated bycoal gai Uondny morntps. Her luisbaiufound ber and her four children imcomtclouiBa called Ur. Itooney, trbo restored the mif-ferara.

David P. Btfiu, proprietor of the Uurhiuicroenmrr, of Durham, left for parts unkmon tbo night uf Jan. ihllh. timvWy In dehtto hit patrom for milk aad other UoancSaitrouble 1* veportod to b« the cuuse ot his audden dbappearaooe.

The Warrick Olais ^o rka , nt Ulauboroone of tbe largnt in tbe State, were diipoux!a f a tp r lw te sole Friday to Wllllnm Brook-Otld, a Brooklyn giaaa manufacturer. Tinworks were to have been aol.l by the Shcrifto aaUify credltoro.

RequlsitiOQ papen from Oovemor U'ertiware rewirrid by Sheriff W « ( for UeorgeUorrii, colored, who i i In the Moyamwrrht-n, Pbltadi-lpbla, on a charge of commft-ting a mardnr In CaioJtn. They werewarded to Governor P&UIton.

Elwood Warman, of Qleu Uarduer, afreigbt train brakemaa nn tlie Central, wan•track by nn overhead bridge at Fanwond at13 o'clock Monday night and knocked fromtbe roof of a car. lie wat taking to » Plaln-Oeld hcmpiUt Iu a dangerous condition.

MisaUxsle Dooley, of Bakenrltle, Atlanticcount;, bad a Oroe light nlttt & hawk Sat-urday, She found tbe bird of prey in berbenboDM liiliing the chickens, ami before »1,Boould dltpetch the Intmter tho hawii hadtorn nearly all tbe hair from 1(1M Donhead. '

TVllliom 0. DeHart wait arrestt-O at Lake-wood last Friday for embez«1lng HUO fromtbeUDltedStataExpreMCnmpany. He wasagent for tha company and hod aitraya Iwrnoan eicellcnt reputation, llii brotbsr, aBtaten Island clergyman, ms^e good the de-ficiency,

Operator (Jeurge F . June wnffound rwpon-tibia £OT causing Ua&dddhot JtfTreTDlflirctt,•tod Brakemta John Cliwumnn was eernurwlfor neglect ID tbs recent eccident on the Penn-•jlxanift Railroad on tli ft M M H W R by Cor-oner Panlowa jury in Kocbe'n Hall, JameyCity, Tbunwtay night

George S t u b , a fifteen-year old txiy, diedMonday a t tbe Muhlenbrrg liocpital Plain-fl«ld, from Injuries received oc tho J*rwyCentral Rallmail. Henttomptwl to bnnnl nmoving coal train and hail R left cut off. EcWai almost ilead from lw« of blow! beforethe surgeons Mtild attend.

The Baptlit Church at Bloom neM had asartow escupe from dDslructlnn RunrtnyB'tornooD. The chimney wan discovered tn beon flre, and Etsex Hook and Ladder Company

Two cburchet In tie town have olreoJr boendettrojed by flre this Winter.

R « T . A. G. Lawion, paitor of the NorthBaptist Cburcb, Camden, was lerred withpapenby Sheriff West, to answer a tult iu-Btltated by hii hmther. Carter Lio-non. Thebrother allege i tbnt the mink tor m!B->ppro,iri-ated a Bum of moooy in a himlnni (reintoclion, and brings *uit for #1,000.

Carl F. It . Hartman, who bad charge of t i emoney order department or the Newark prutOfflceantn tbs fell cf IBM. and was then per-mitted to retign on account of nllegcd irregu-

larl t iea in hla account*, was arrested last week' on a charge of mfmppropHatfnfi fundi of tbeUnited State* Government lie waj ukeabeta** OnltcJ Btate* Coram.5i.oncr Wblte-bead and pa t under f500 ball. Ho ban beenotodylng law ilnce lie rei'gned frotn the post

tary, Bjwucer lVmrt, Corjurntluu Att-inicof Jertcy City. tiaturJsy, to sticcewl Jud|Rohert B. llii(ls]»th. fur tla-term wll.-li MoxDiri* In Mny Mr. Wmrt if nn ahiiniLUaPrinceton. CiMi'So and IE i.biut thirty fi>jt-am did. The HalarJ h $:i,(K«t.

Gt't'ifio Moaslmxik, tnedlytnu yenr* ulwai arr.^na at Itrld^eton Batunlay afwUIJBU by Dttectivc ranibain on a chorgubrmkiiij; oj*n and robblug nini< i-f the Ht«Wtor-bosc.-A on i-'dJay ui^lit nf lxst wtuk.nfiiistjrouk, uhu la a iiolorious i-lmrwcter, ullint tlotilisl IIIH Built, luit finally runfc-awl.

Jersey Nntiunol Uunrd, is«ue(l uu tir.Icr l'iliiy dlxhonorably lilM-liar^Ing tironly-tlir

Iu the I'liion C'ojuty Court fit KllzaU-tli iSaturday tha jury In tlio mimier tnnl

i raubiug thodoatli of OUI<;er Ktilly. 1).:V»VJO wt»* r-'iiiitin'i'ii I1* t^vciity ycun fli'riiuuo to tti. yonj-ri tit linn] labor id Hln

CiiaDccltoi' McUliJ Monday grunttd a wiHf prrur In tlin cusu of U't-sk-y Warner, .llouut Ijully, Hliois uudiT t»nt*ji)fe of tl^atliiir tlio inui-Jtir .if U-alt Peak, The writ n

baiici! to have liis eus't, revii«««l by ihe rirtiiuo Clourt. Wanitir was to liavo Inanged March i.'jtb.Tbi- IjreiikiDg up uf Iba i™ «n thu Mulll

tvvr 1« duiiiK great damage, several VPI-Hnvo been Bunk, «uJ uiony small bouts curdway. TUa il(lit framework ot tins btl<3t

mil been wnolitj nway, aud afitonn ut tltitnu ni'iild destroy every hrld^u in t.Iciiiity, The heavy leu lias kllU-1 thounaii

It la Mid that the LfliigU Vellfy K<v)lro'uinjinny IIIUIIIIH W l>uilil a •inv WIHL1

few ilruusirick ond I'lninileld. From tittiir |ilo,'e coumiijnicntinii to Now York

l.y tlie Jersey Central rr-ad aiitl il »BI» lutttinn of tbo Lebigh Valley road it cnrricl li.tr.elWt, NP«V Brunswick will 1>P i-rovliieii witLwither roailto New Ynih.CLarlcii Smith, rvbout -2i j , u i» uf n ^ , n em

at Iitury fJu.itli, in ci.Luciuc.1 Hti'-enuf BJIUreille, wax arrusiwl Into Ttiinstloj nt hijtber'i borne liy Deputy BUeriit Klrong, o

>'roobold, rharittK) with InirKlnrlzmg a MortIn UJarkatmrg, last Ortotor, lurouipany wit Itiro other*, at vrlik'L time thu owner of tlitWro nos «liot ami Imdly noundcil.Mn. 1-larkor, wife ot Dr. Harbor, of Moun

Holly, one of a committee -,f j'ounS »nin»i

iistiirics ft old rclli-sfor tbe WorU's Fairis? found an itiKTt-tlug »iv.fin^ti fa a yiUit tiillc i*ti5^kiugi t-ul'iiiguifj w ML*.* L ticUtie'Itecve, i'ne Milking* were tniiwd l-y LuircUaShnm inl7;j,iD.lrage tring VS> ytvs

It pro'jate In S.nuer«.t ouu'.v. ii no* •rcord Ia tbe tfttrro,sat*'J i"" '^ J t v a ! a J "iiitt-0 recwnlly by ttiv OqiUnn=' Court. lu<if nlii of Lwn* K.jrniT, a Gt-nutu, «ka

Ucckvllili, l»f.\ S^veail-r. A otiu-vuj.alivefill ia pne nrnde verhaliy In tbe i w u « of

uf Uiuivfly i

pogte until tbe price las got no I"" thnd wira-n nho formerly ttinik from f ISl^jt-rnt-ek noii can torn l.ut about tC>. ..•rwlest was Mut t" tie inannKiT nud all whoignwl tbe prutfst were discharged. The cm-'loyiiient of Puli>b Juivs out tlie yt\n-b furie«- work.(iralmm .fc V.o. have joined the l'stersou

L'on«olHat«l Urcwing C'omjwoy, whlfh win

11 the locfll brewc-rs, ex^pptins the iljncli-:llffe llros. uml Grabnnt A Co. n^rt'etl to com-inc. Th? Rvtton >f Uratwn to Co., tUtve->rr. leaves tin Kiinle Breivirv, oi'iie-1 by tbe

Ilincbcliire lirox., the only one iiutsldu nt the

A man calling liiniHjlf JchnDauiel a stoppedtlie BristolHdtclliiNewark.andmadBlu.e

> ayouug wi m(m,Mj'5H KoeutR. Tb* coupletra ta have been married Friday iifg.fi t etle liridf'n bomq, l.ut Lie bridegroom did not^ipra-v. He Lad nej;otioti^ for tho purchase

uf her fntlier'* saloon, ond had departed withW) wlileli he obtuiucl from a biirtendcr

Gwrgo Juue. ulio nas litid re»pnuiiilj!o byi« Coroner1* jury for tbo accident on tbe

1'L'iinnyIraiifa ItMllrMit!, ou Dticeoiber lOtb, by«bich Jeffrey Blen Itt was killed, wae or restedMondny afteniuDu uu a cliiirgo of ninnskngl-

em! put under ballot f 10,000. Being un-to filvo tocuritj ho nas comniitt"! to tbi>

county ]»ll. Ho b<w already been Indicted bytlio (J rood Jury.

Tho crusade Pgaliiflt tlio rnoo tracks U lo ticwlral with 7iKQt hy the State Leaguo ot\tizoae. Tin executive comrnltteo mot ou

.Vediieaday nrurnoon In tho l'reabytoi'lr=U lecture room, tA Ell«.l>etl». It wi?d to bold another meotlng nt Tronton,it was cotilldcntly amerted that tbrcotho number would go ta jitotQft it the

tail vroro lasuflil.Uii-ar Btfuid u*kul tlio JwlW-u or Uobold

Monrtay to arrest Annio EwaliJ, his wire, whoras nb'jut t« elope with Georgo Hut toy* IIDct«r. A wnrraut van ItMiied, tntt Mrn. EwnldonM not »>e found, Blie Is sixteen years oldnd her uufllmnd Is eiebteen. Th»y elf *ur months n^n dnd Inst week Ewnld

noA for B«Mm.tlng b T nnd llifenlentngTe with a pistol.

Tbe fancy lontber factory of 1?. A. tfcunfer,No. 07 Bergun St., Newark, was .mrtly de-

ed by flro nt nn early hour HMtitniny.Tht> tiro originated in the boiler room tn "roar, nnd tbo hlBh wind iwn swept the Mithrough tbamuln tmlldlna. 'lliuru was ii largoniuuiintof stock on hand, which irasiJcstloyed.Tba lots on build I op aud itock is alwnt f.W,<0U0, which In partly covorwl by

TlieHnrkeiwaek WnitrOmpmiyhnH ninrt-•Kod ita entire plant. Tbu mortgago (.-overtito pro|>orty of tba company iu Hub ok en,

•VfBt llobokcn, Fort I.ce, EnRlowood, Tenn-I7, Schmft]fiiburfii and Now Mil ford, ami. nil

iOnti-ocU forBiiplilyluKwakr. Thin b theipanytlmt supplies Iloitohcit wllli waUir,

md tlio money acquired liy tbo ninrrgngo isbo used to extend tbe jilnnt so a* to be nblt>

.0 supply Jersey City \t\\h water.

Firehrolco out In ttio mailing <lf,iartmentnf tbo Jomy City port ofllco ut T::«l o'clock

iUirday evening. Mnll Clorka Turner, Onr-etson, Daab and Hart, who were aborting.ha Wi'steru mall, mad& an untuoc^tstul nt.

npt to put out the flro end tliaii turned Inalarm, vbile they gave tbclr rtttentlou to

carrying out tho mall, or nhlcu there wnsabout a ton, aud wblch wss all savrd, and niltlie ffTectg cf tlw vnrliiii nnrprnnieiit tiiliclrilsrtre removed.

Vmong the pnnwngers on the PoontjlvaniftllroaU train which left Jersey City at O;I3turflay orpnlng was a young woman or

oreign blrlb bouud for Baltimore. At llon-noutb Junction she ezclttil the attention ofisnengerH by her rHitrers. TLo conductor ofo train found there was no physician aboardid telrgrapbod ahead to Trenton for one.hen ibu train reached Trenton riie wasmoved to tlie vrnlting-ronm tvfapre sho gaverth to a son. M'.tbf randuon nero removedHt. Kmnclt's Honpttal, where botn'uro do-

K well. Tbe mother cau *pea\i no Eoglinu.

GeorgB C. Ulllon, forty five yearn of ago,tho with IiU wife and family of six childron[vtd at Bloomficld, disappeared l u t week

hi* home, and has rat been hoard ofShortly bpforeCbrlitmM bo irai dli-

ed from the BloomMd organ wortl,^ s unnlila to otttnin employment else-

1. His family not havlnit any rncanaofaptwrt, lio becAine grently dlntreaMid. I t Is

" 0 threatened toliltl hlrunelf. Hiibroth-lflwRot Hiilon^ picture, sml put It IDtodi of tlie Now York pollen. His wifeithrr-Inbw do not liclleve Dillon wfll.Hmlclde.

lln. Joshua I^onard, ot Cald«el), TO TII-:edtiy ra ugly-looking tramp oa Tlraredas

rninp. 8be was nlone in tba haura andtramp de m ft tided brcahtut. She told himwould make him a, cup ot cofloe. At tblidemanded a jwrtcrhoiiHe eteak, and onng told she had no it^ak In tbe bonne beanj a.thcr, t*i«til bor by the arclt wwi !»*-

fan cbu&lnc her. Tho nimbio cf a pawing•chicle frl«hlenp<l him away. HA left tbo

lota of hta Qnger. on Mn. Leonard'* iKch.itixena on learning of thn awnult Marcbnl

lie neighborhood, but oould t»t find thoramp. •

UM Bdlke MuejtRA and her *tep-brother,ibcrto PJnoUnl, formerly or Toms Rlvto-,

rent to tbo Metropolitan Hotel In Atlanta,-, aud, going to a room, committed aiilcide,account of their tiopelcss nail unnataral

p8 for each other. The mDtber of Ml»leggoowug anentlooting honre juit out-

side of Toitu Illvcr, and lived tbere with farrtamity ot tliree daughters until Juno last,•rben ebe morNt to Atlanta.* Ml» Korggoioro tba reputation of being a B' r ' ° ' correct.ivbits Biii Bool tnnmui. Htae **m » yirangady or scholarly usttn and Bpcke OTB lmn-;ungef. illrillluit lu conremtion ttnd pooeased of decidol talent ta nio&lc and art, ebeloved fa tbe btst society of tbs Tillage.

Three OaoA Thins*- •. iKdlgore'i XX Cough 8>TUp. Klllgore1!

KX Camphor Cream, K(II£ore'« XX Parooi' U u U r t . " • - . . . ' = • • • - . • >

SUMMIT MAN'S VAUAKIEBChurk's I-; UerglJ"iTer1 "how home Irk's I-; UerglJ"frer1 "how bome It i

uit, \\a-ud tlirouKh l'hiladelpbia 011 bH 1 ki lb j uto Wa.li

,11 fo.;t Hif III- OH

td aUnfully tiedntevtrv


• l l ' l

if clnUf, it

He 1H making libMiug l^lnnd bim nlufneture, ujiou nlliing and a large powhicli i« a baudf otivu ctrth. The ma



o^in w

rut heard fnni early ou Saturday eveninghen 11 mrjiioti'd i>ulki-m&n met him comuw« thp bill tiyCuitsr Hill Cfltiictery, u hii.Uiua «b..ve Frank for J. Ills bagg

us t>j liuutT wliat It t^iiUiiiied. Uergbuliiirei ulm that tlie baggage belonged ^111, but to make awmranee doubly sure (hiitrol wagon won BLiiiiiiionod and tbe truvtliid bis b/ifitaKO Baa tent to the utatlnn-hoU

IVJicti iiiUTri.'iv&l by J.k'Utcnoiit DuugOergbulTtir -unrolltd his IIUIHUO uf fkgti, OR

top of which was a benuttftil Aiuvticau l«"K-r, which lie would nUuir no one to touch,le tutted iiik'lligGtitly on nil tubjectB, nilatllcularl^ u.iou tho inijjortnuco lo tliie

country ul »curln^ I ho Handivldi IslandsUuiulenda to prcmut IiU vitttvx 011 tblx qUM,jjn to tho rrc^ldcut. Hi) Interested tlii.I cute nut to Buch u il^rc* tbat hv gave bima FiipiKT and lodging, aud after givfiiif lilmgocd Ifruakfa^t lie ntaik-1 tlie pilgrim im hisway.

Tlie illi-d iiiiun nhidi bo in conveying bisreakunH wns mailo liy litrgh.-fr,•reajly ior bin proposed triji, and be Intends<i bnul it all tin- wiij to tbe National capital.ID has a. liont-lo ]uir[xws in moklug Ills j<my on Smt, as inldo from sac ing tue erjieose( ft Uljt l»y rail, Iw (eeli assured thnl H11lovelty of t!it> trip, lu connection with tlienip .rtAiiee of hU miss inn ond the notorietyif wiU Kain on tue way, TVSII Insure bitilpcfdy introduction to l'rceidcnt Hortinon.

Although tlie man gUts striking L-TIIIUI)*if 1*1 us a cranb on We subject of tbe anae:

atlon uf Hawaii, lo mpfivated Lieutounnt,Duiiganmul A number ot Tacouy dtkena tcHlimn ht> n m introduced by bia general in

iniiiitiun, and by bid lluetiny ami his snperi--ity as a conversationalist. Hedtd uutj bt Jt-U'rrtd iu thu least by tlit'disQptire of tlio tnoir, but faiJ be would pullirounu t« tUf tn4 ot bis jwrney, no matter

what the i-omlitiun of tbe roadi might be.}to e»[)p,-(s to reach U'luhingtan by&y evcuinp, and ooi.tMeutly ox pec t a to holdis first conference with the E'i'hurfdny.

A P evi'lopment ofa Small:Ifcltiujinr Binsll inattprs, unyt tbellorrli

awn ctTrv*i»tulcnt ot the Kuuday Call, re-liuls one of the fact that some 3ears egs[orri-tiwn tvni torn asunder hy the questionf nhC'tLer or not tbi* to*vn |fump ou tbire-en should h? tokfn down. A doctor bad:m\)ic 1 tlie niter and declared it to be uufl.T ilririkiiig purix^M. Tbere won a town-umji r«rty nnd nn fttitl-purty. OeorRe T.

y liy tbe town pump faction. Iiy bo Ing theyurit becanip postibltj for Sir. Wvftatint r, from BHiator Vic iec-sroe Judgs, nnd

I in the (iavernoi's chnlr. And nonrllinn Walter l'helj»s will liavo to kindlyumber the old torr 11 puuin fight In tb<mt>r JlnrriMonnforlifd elevation to tb«II ilid. Thus eraull I.pglunlr.Rj sometime1 tu prpat eii'lings,

'roet-jr's Tlieatto continues to ride on tba•t of the wave of fluece*s and tbfl ladlesbisnon flrmoy e»latillshed among U10 flnit-1.1 nmuscmciit instutltlius of tbo Metri

ulia. Tlie tact that New York stood ID ne«dicn'ro whero women and chlldrei] caniro ot wolng tbe vaudeville, free from

II ubjectiuunbls features, and be free to at<snd n Ubout exoort H proves by the audiences-re wblch arc competed chiefly of the gen tli>*, nnd always large enougli to HII tb.i howro-u poou until 10M at ulghr. Tba pr;romme IB cbanged each week nud will beipl lully UJJ to t i e Wgb atandanl llie maoage-ent desires to uu fnlaio. Tbla nook a trouji' almond eyed ions and daughters of ttio•ieutglvo JHjmuL-Kfl Bpartsnnd postiniM fol

i>*od by J.juUsr & Wilson, Dora Wiley, V011-iken A Hlco, illulicbe HbcrtroLKl, 1J orb s i t(«., A1111I0 Hal t, Muntagne & Wval, Barnoy'yuolds, Kiujt HiiU-rs, Cbnw. Uiuutonil,irk . t BIIO, Kamoclr, Eilmmid like, Mlnstudnll and others. The artists booked toI«nr ne i t Mondar a re : The Imperialr*imi>a Troupe nine In number, AuetiaSia-

:*«, Mllo. Amrnle, the human fly, Alfredi, the rullned comedy duoK-iwordi it<\\, JnUa & lsnHta Tills awl their IViy &1

llarloneltes In pantomime. TbeThroo Aaierl->n Jn<?lfs, Krauk Cotton and bis uagacloii

paplb Tom & Jerry. Tlio fammi Herbert, acrolLitsuztraordtnary, Joo. Flynntbethat " iota UcGlnty, Miss Wlliun White,

juiue urtlfiL (Into of "Twelve Tempta-IOIIB " Co.) I.sater & IVllnon, (" Two Mowijiorte In Town.'! times and Remington In

tbelr orlalnnl skit entitled " Cur Pawn Blum,"Win Annio Hart, Chan. B. Liwtor, upper ten*ud lower Uve, Allei t'ollalu Kvuut, pritutt.

>nua Boprono ; Miati Miuue He 11 wood, Injgiuul duueen niid others.


L Seem nm-trp-v* In l,miii,.»»it SwiiUoiraKnultui fur l'u<iirup.

An IIRULI npfrrossof Rreat reimto aa O'voodoo," ov witch doulroBS, unions ihftwgvwm of this Hccllon, in ntlrni.tinaMch jilli'nlion, not only ,froiu tlms-o£ hiT uivn color, but Inmi tlm more hi-i-'Hirffnt jiorliuii uf Uib cuiiilUUl.ily» uud

tlio way iu wliioli slio does this ia to ap-parently swnllatv a nmnlmr of small

ikes of a ruriely unknown In thislion. They urn of tlio flunky color,

hi:ho iliitiii-nd, undof n illrt.v white in;li(! bully, Bnys n Louirilmm coiTCSpoo-Piitof tlio CincInmiU Euyuhcr.Thesu rcptik's remain secreted aliout

»W Nance's cabin uiitit Glic {riven a pc-:tilinr ivhisLliiig cnll, when they willjotne toiler, ivrigfrUnfi in great linstciver UIQ floor, up her dveES, and nyninl*i Iicrnpcn mniitli, liiBsinp lildcouely.They disnpponr ontl, remain hiddenEd mo times lor minutcn, Sl\c nss^rt*that they aro conocnlcd in her filomticbiiltll bhc recalls them,. when they willcomo putiriTip; out to writhe nlxmfc hwRoragfjy neck ami coil in her boRorn. •

Where tlio ennites rciilly JTO whenTanteli in her month is a mystery,

ind. has pti7Elorl nil Ihe yftxynMavtiibontj mUriy Iif^vln^ cotno Irom ftowIrionna to witness tlio phenomenon.onto really bcllovc that tho nnu-Ites do•0 down luto the stomach, -while other*ro convinced that the ivllcli Is simply

!>lnylnrf somoslcl^lit-of-hand trick oniictn; but if tho latter is tlie case It 1B>o cleverly dono tliftt there ia no dctoct

Tho witch presents a most extraordinnry antl hldamia nppaarnnoQ nlttinffnith tho (.nnlcos dnrtlnff their flafhoaduIn and out ot her toothless mouth, with

icirlittlo bcatl-Hfco eyes snapping1 usia fury at all about thoir mlatrcss.

\s nearly na can bo conntotl thero areilx or Bevcn of these reptiles, thoughsld Nance 'soys there nre ns mnn.v more,but they nre all ao mucli of a size and*olort1int they cannot bo identified.

ioy nro probably of ft liarraleRS nitro, thougii old Nance declares they

. 3 highly poisonous attil no ono wishe*to exporiiqent with them. . -. v


Tho influence of diet upon tho trroirthof-hair is the subject ot-a'paper lawhich, according to tho WashingtonStar, the writer says: Several oaseo of•hedding-of hslr aftcrinflncn«a has con-firmed my opinion tbnt diet has muchto do with the production and irith theenre of sympnthcUo alopecia. Hnlrcontains flro per cent, of nulphnr, nndta oah twen^rper cent of silicon nndn per cent, of Iron and monffnnescSolntion of beef (or, rather, part of

;)r BtArahy mixtures ftnrl econ milk,rhfch, oonstituto tho diet of patients

ivlth Influenza and other fevers, cannot(apply these elemonts, and atrophy otMo roots and falling- out of iialr result.

Tbo color ami. strength of hnlr Inyoung mammals ia not attntned so longta milk is tho sole. food. As to drugs.Iron has prompt Inflncnco. The footlawhich most abundantly eontnin the

d '.etcracrits" are thu variousand tbe oat.* tho oah of tho

twenty-two per cent of

I hare often found a dietary largely^mpoWil of oatmeal nnd brown tread

to jrrcatly promote tbo: growth of.hnlr.esppelftlly when' the baldness wos prc-ccdod hy constipation noil Klu?ffUhcapfllttry c.rcn\5tian. Those racca olmea.who. conBamomost meftt are them o f l t . h t r m i t g . '••_•. ^_^*^j_ ."..


There must eurUinly b frBi(fnilU;iii(<-tn th(»e.idcil liciglituf uiauyhat vroivii* worn l>v women und girls thinwinirr. i t tnnnoi Iw wholly n wliiuioilifMiri of fat-liiou ivhlfli t'o^-eriiM thiw-im-i' thi>ri.<or Tlicrc Ls uu assertivent'ss uK>ut tlio high, OK> htpt'pling. tinbrll-cr-iu lied hat ivliicli iiuiM luivesoioiKnvt of ii •IcM^pliilostipbli-ul MR-nillcunc.If uiHM.iiilil divi: lii't-p rnoiitfli into tinlnu'anin^uf ililn^s to lind It, Miys U11]j(.stoit inniser ipt . To be. Mir**, it ivouhliilto n (livirifr-lx-ll the Mxe nf 11 bell-crotvncil luil tit loiist to malic thephintrc Ui with irnj tiling lik<- f yHut prcMipposinfr Hint, why not inquiretit-rl<iuhlv if tk***-** tuwtr lnp Uut^ trienthat (-sipru-e KtanrU n | l>»y htiforo a pcFtiuutiUfr world? Can It it tlmL tligoddess of wliitn luibdctcriuittMl Ut defy

ll i h t fgl l I uf'pood biyle," aiirl has ncrt'lwd In thla

fttrtn upon u tlutusaml lieadsol blotideor bruun or bhick, ruling tli one lira insfemiuiim in llicater or concert or In theBaiii'UuuyV The high liul linn bet'n RUHeiently ultuclci'd for its. unbirfiiltount'Wt at tlitf thcnlt'r. I t meroly bristll.ipiiur, ISJto nn offumlcil cot'»bnvlt. Buttheliiffli liut nt cinirt'li, pnrtk'ulnrly uta Unttnriiiu or QmiUor raci'tiisff, is a ter-riblo Viarrier to t.CToticnii. tnotight, ea-peclullylf nni; wishes to KU« the preuch-cr. A reverend psyiiliologiht, who (joesurn; tlcrpiT Into things than our lay]ir<>viiiec penaita, fiuye tlint it inuy welt

ItiiriL'il whether or notthohifc'hirn liv tno muny Now EnglandImvc luul a eiibtiu compt-lling-

Kpiscopal chiirvhen, blnu-e there a t l«aetthesu hill;, mny miti-oiMliuitly lmver,flaunting dellunce to man, but UIUB<

down a tfood part of the time.


o Vinitic Oiir» Siimioniit (Uikititila*lu Tlirlr Way.

iy t'tOs, in paf-sinff up a rivshatv the most cxtraonlinary porftovunce in civcrcumiug nil uhstruclki —The. lurgost llooilgutes—somcAmt's flf-teon feet in lieiplit—(in the Thai

Iw supposed Ruflkicni to bar'RS of a fish the oir.c of a tlaminjr. Uut yontij? eels hare a wliolo-

iinil, in foii^pqtionrc, nothinjr dons,, of the way in wkltfli Ihey

ascend llootlgatc^ nml other \mrri<TR,

wlm ilie Mit-lf to the poet;others, which pet a little hlplier, meetwith the same fate, until tit lust a. layer

* them Is formed which enables therest to oreroome thn iHillciiHy of theMRsfipe. Tlir mortality WKLiHinp frnmmdi 'forlorn hopes' frroatly helps to ne-!A«nt fur the diffi»ronc<3 in the number

loi'i. and that of those which return

ilact-s thi'Hc bnby esls are mui-li soucrbtiflor, nnd are formed into rnlicn, which

nre eaten fried."Eels firmvn MUv. other lif-hes. Foring1, howevpr. the roost reninrltable

theories wore lichl as to their birth.One of the old belief A woe that they

MiRfrommud;orifaHh«»ryticUUliQtins1 eels tlevclpped from frairmeiits

, Hrated from their parenta' bodies bythe nibbloR ngnin^t rocks. One oltlnuttior not only declared that t hey canii1

frnm May dew. but r/avo tho following"l«> for prr«\ucAti[c itu>m. Cut np twoTR covered with Mny dew nntl hiyin one upon tho other, the* ffre

isliltii inTvnrA, and ih ra expose them totliDhcat of the mm. In a fi'iv hour;there will spring from thorn nn iuflnlt.quantity ol eclE."





Women aie great sufferers from ner<a w , weakneu, nervous prostration and de-bility. Thousands of girlsdroopandlBUguiabIn tbe clow. confiueJ stmotpbero of sbopt,fftctorirx or 001MS, onJ Luodrwli of thouundiwear out their uerve force «od power inboutehold cares, family boreaveraenU andreiponilbiUUeiuidKurk which n e w eadn

Here HH the great strain upon tlie aenou•yitotui of WODHQ. Here ia tbe cause whyBO many women wmptain ot t»ioR **•».nerroui, tired and eihanstiHl.

They have llttlo or no rest; thMrllfa iaa'atcontinual round of work, duties here, duUe*there, duties nittiout number. Wbatwoi "UlAt sucU wotnf u go to bed at night fatigued,and wake tired mid unreCmued In Ui« morn-ing ! What wonder that they uecome wornoar, to to KpenL-, in noire and vital pawer 'What wonJer tbat they hava great weaknMiexbauBtion, palun iu back and llmbi, togBthswith thu distres»lng female catnplatnta wHcl

ltvayB eauM>d by IOM of vital itrengthand vigor: Of bow many tuoutandl ofwomen ts tbe alwf o a true ftod ex&ol U&aa-erlptof dally llfef Tbey have worn out andeihauste.1 tbelr nervo tone and physicalpower. They mint work, but it lollom u -

irely aa tue day follows tbe nlgbt that theymat reetdve from some source a reoowat of

nerve Tores and puydcal enerRlec, or tliein inafblne will soon oea» to run at at).


Time Co (nine nbttn Clmrrhei Wil l lienfor »1tl«

ind suffgp«HonH ns to the ventHnting of•lmnli.H. Th!u IH the ntKuxm when i\W•iiHiilon of that HiiVji'ct h mont natural,•ointirks the AViihhinfrton tStnr. During-Lhe lvarm wimrai'r days there is (,'enenilunanimity as to the desirability of openfloors and windows and when everyipcrtmc Isifi use and (.He ntmosplnii'ps Ktill ton warm for comfort the con-rroffntlon mpekly resigns llspli. Xoault can bo found with the sexton; not

evcin the- chronic kiclcers— there nro HCV-cral even in every churuli-—attempt tohold him responsible, for' superheatedmcteoroloijlcttl conditions. Hut In thewintry Reason lie lias f. hard row to hoc[£ lie lots in a fittfllcicncy of pure airJust before and imineiHntely nfter ficrv-Ice ho In denounced because It takes noawh cttul to warm the place,\vU,,e if l\e;eops tlie windows closed ho lucura the

wrath of every nclf-respect ing inuu andcoman In tha congregation \vho \mow»inything of liyglene. I t may becandalotiBly darlnp nug-jrostion, but It

is nono tho less t rue that churcheswould bo more popnlar and much morecomfortahltf if they wpro Tenlilnted a icaretully an aro all f-tylkh liquor fialoonaandhigh-r/rndo rostinirflntR - Steamheat and not too much of It In winterand clectrlo funs In summer may toBomcVrhnt radical, but tho time IN com-inff when fihurvhpa will lio eqiiippw*witlt tliene ooinfortfi. ' '.. '-••

, A LAWYEB'S, STORY.Im I'eciillnr SlliUk* BI*i1o by H T*I*C~

rapl.«r.A party of uewRpuper men and Taw-

yci-s were discussing amusing typo-.tfrupMcul orrufH, wheu a veteran New

orlt attorney told ol a peculiar mlsrtake that had com* under hb notice,mado by a telegraph operator;,.

"1 IVOB a yonnjj tnnu ot tnat time,"sold tlio lawyer, "and had a small offlcancross the hall from a successful attor-ney who once in awhile befriended mo.One day 1 wiu Bitting in my office withmy legs on tho table and chnir tiltedunck, muting for clients nnd ilrcaminffof a Bweet' pirl Imowu to me as Ella,who had been tho sweetheart of my col-Jeffo days'tlio yonr bnfqre. I wasStartled (rom my reverie by n hoy withA tneBsftgu directed to tno. It wns frommy friend luiross the way nnd dot^l flhi-agot but tta contents mode my brain

hirl With telegraphic brevity it said;'Ellii la sweet. Don't'delfly, Take ittip and try i t ' I waa just coosidcrlnffthe advisability of a propoRal, and myoatoniBDjaont can be imagined. Myfirst ImpresBloDs were that I -was eitherasleep at tha'Windy City' hud driventry friend Insane. Hut there was themeEsenfrcr boy, so I rend the telegramupside down, ridowayR, ond everyway Icould sec it, and tha light finallydawned on mo. I took up » court calen-dar, ThoYa It was: 'EUft TB. Sweat,*and my friend wan nnmed as the de-irTidant's attorney,"

Boys love

HOSo do Girls.




$100 to $900!LOCATED OH

Park and Mountain Avei, and Vicinity,

BUekwsll «nd Union St..,

Htchartll and Myrtto A*et«.,UwrancB St. and en Ford Avo.

Near St< Mary't Church.




Smith & Jenkins,INSURANCE, B U L ESTATE,


BANE BuiLDnra, :

ma. 1.1.

FOE BALE,A dwelling with about two acres

ot ground for $1,100.Another dwelling with about two

tores of ground anobarn lor (1,000.Property in Dover. Apply nt the



ETTA S. tUVSK.No oue bnona tliera facto bett«r tban

wointn themsolvH, and the uuide history ofitnlne ll*ea would reveal a story ot tired

bodlen, unstrung and excitable nerves, wear-led limbs, aching beadi and teaks, with tbateibauBted, draftged out feeling wblch makeatheir IIFCS miserBbie.. •" _

The well known Etta S. Haven, of NewBoston, Conn., writing upon this subject 1

"'Dr. Gmne'u Nervuitt blood and nerveremedy ia a wouderfut remedy for twvroti*prostration, and tnwM terrible tired, 1 'fwlfogs tbat malts lire a burden, almost toogreat to beor. Ifwl thit lrAnnotBayenongh

ita praise for what it ha* done for tO9.gives one the most restful sleep, and In fact

OM all and more tbaa all It olatmi to do. 1'Isb every poor, tired woman on the Ux»

the B«rtb could be induced to try It for threedays 1 they would then understand iti Y*1I».BDd life would not seem ao wearisome andindMlraWe.11 ' . •It Is a fact that (ha gnat ntrvo lovlgorant

and femate res to rtvtlvebDr. Greene's Nervnrablood and nerve remedy,. No nioady (a th«

so sure' to bring back: tbe bloom andcolor .to tha1 wan and faded cneeki, the billllancy to tba hollow nnd fatgtard eyet, tbilightness and elasticity to the weak and wearystep, the strength and vitality to- the UD-•trUDg, shattered and worn out nerves. Histbs greatest of nil uterltie 'tonics and regula-tors, and" perfectly ami complexly (lure* allfemale wealtnfw and disease.

I t our readers are troubled In thia way weloul J advlM them by all mean* to UM this

remarkable remedy. We fc'now It to be pure-ly vegetable and fanrmiew and It Is within

reach ••* all druggists tell it forf I. It U tbe dficovery and prescription ofDr. Greene, of 85 Woat IlLh St., New York,tbe eminent. specialist in tie treatment of

andohranlo dUeaws, and tha doctorcan be consulted free, parsoniUjor by letter,whlcb Ii a (ruarwotw of f.ba gre*t TB|UB nftbe mmedy. .-"- ^

Fndfil, Jaded,

ppAn am using incident in relntcd liy a

London electrical juurniU. l'r«iwrnloryto the proposed vl&It of OIK1 of the n>rnlprincesses to open it IK-U- Infirinun,- ntAVwrdeen IViC conswlUnp rnc-inrcr'hndrequested that the Ktorafru iclls forlighting thr 'biiUdSnff mifflit 1»: tlioro ugli-ly thargcil \>y a ccmUrmows rim of unasctof the ciiRines nnd ilynumo-* fnr thirty

Wtitivo hours, Oirthe cvt'tiinp nithe completion ol tlie c?har(je a verybrillinnt nnrora tmrenliH tooli pluec.CUbinfC frwjoent moinenlnry reflection!from' the- glnss tool ot the ilymuncroom, ivlibh no terrified the hospitalmitliorfiicsthftl thn\' nttrilmtt'dtlie phe-nomena to the Riirclinrpliifr nf thr ac-cumulators, Tiny tux-onlinfrly prtweden

ltl.c.iitdclnyto turn on ihc> lumps 11aont us puwlljiR to th«v cells, with theiew of lehhoninjT, us they tlionjflit, the

cxecss|n> nmoiuit of stored eleotricalenergy. They ut the same time tele-phnned to their electrician lo comr Instently nnil Rf »p thn liffhtni'i?.

It is told In nn English rcllpteus jour-nal tlmt u clergyman recently ofllt-istedforn bitdhor eiurgyman. Being1 anxiousto know what impression he had made.10 nutied the cleric: "Was my ills-onrw- piteheil In.too hiph a key? IIO»L' I (Ud ucit bhcKtt over the hvmte nf

the people." "No. yon didn't do tlmt,sir." "Wus i t n cinhnble thomp?" nskedtho ciorjrj'miin. "\*P*. it

TLMO ore tlio wo-men who are help-ed to ncalUi and•trength by Pr.Three'* L'uvmiterreeeriptl.

and cures; a tonic tbat: Invigorate* and huildiup; a-Tierrtoe Uiit soothes and- stxcncUiena.Aud if It doosnt do wliat Its makers claimfor it, tlwy don't want your monej*.

For all tbo functional dcrangementa, pain-ful (Usoraors, and obronlo woakn<sses tbatoflllct womankind, tha " piwcripOon" la aBafe nnd curtain remedy—a guaranteed one.In"femalecomplamta"of orerynatam,pe-riodical pains, internal inflammation andulceraUon, leueorrbea, and nil kindred (tu-rnouts—it It, fails to benefit or cure, you b*i

No other modldne for women It sold ousuch trying terms. If any co\ttd he.ycbe euro that it would ha. In wmeiniL „which payi ttin deolor better, likely Xo U"juBtaJgoodt"

Are you suffering from weakness 1 Is yourcomplexJontallOK T Do you havencon*t*ntback-achat A n you «mitii*t«U Do JOBfeal all tired out I If you hava any of timefeeling*, begin ijt tmn to UMDI-. Hole's Houee-hoU?«e>, It will gWe you a clear complex.Ion, will reatore you to health and Htrengtband will ranks you feel llbea new person. (JetIt t<Hiay at Robert Klllgnro'n Corner DrugBtore, Davtr,N,.J.._ ^ ., ..

Consumption.The moat to be dreaded of all diseases often

begins In a simple eold, simply neglected. Hoigh should be allowed to run a single dayhout using the finest remedy In tta world,

Dr. Halo's Household Cough Cure, I t aculike magic, strengthening tlio lungs, allayingall irritation and cum a cough where allother remedies fall. 25c and 50c. per hottlsit Ilobert Killgore's drug store..

Bncklea'a AraicaSatva.The best salre in tbe world for Cuta, Qorm,

Bruises, Ulcers, Bait Itbeum, PeVer Bans,Tetter, Chapped HWMII, Cbllblauu, Com,•Qd all Hkln BrupUoas, and positively curesrues,ornopayroiujred. It Is guaranteed togive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.'Price twenty-five centa per box. For •*!• byRobert EUlffore, Dovar. Oram, Haoee Be Co.,Port Onun, «wl V. N. JenUna,CtHMt*r

COUNTRY STORE,A Rood chauco for n •nUrprUlnf joung

inn, with Moderate Capital, to pnrebttestock end Ritui-M. Rjint low, owner wishing

loin or kerp an Interest. ^Address V Mer-chant,Enx ofllee. ' V i - ; : ..-'• 1

ff . > . butff cnoiiffli." "I am gtrntnf

U»at, for, t« t«W yon iho tmth. Urnollwr 'lny, ns I vnu gpltinff thin fccrmonready ray dojr destroyctl four OT fivepaRcs, and that h»s mwle ltmacashort-er." -Oh, sir," said the clerk, "cooldyou lotour vicar have a^rap o' that 'ere '

ANNUAL MEETINaTha annual tne«Uhg of UM Btockfafl)dtr» of

Tbo George Richard* Compsnj, will b* beliat tliQCompauy's otttae, DoTer.N, J ,QnTosfday, Fubruarr Uth. ISO, a t 10 oViIook A, Jr.

" ; H T V C B A B i S « *

• .'•/.;. ^ W A N T E D . ' ^ ; •-•./•!'„•:Liv. men to act M repreteotatlres for U

New York Life Ituunuxa Co., to solicit mew York Life Ituuustnt«a to' Dover,

t HaoketutoNewtoo, Haoketutow«iW«1BlogUi,atripart* of Worthsro KawJarMy. 70100/nt«crlty And ability, rod contraoti will be

offered. Afch-eMforte*nVv• " .'."'•".-..

iO.4w US Broadway, Hiw Yorl Cllj,

Th*J£t>»tXtt>%u>»\icalSyttei>* Of Hyour Uwimo U to tue tho




Tinning, Plumbing,—AHD-; .

STEAM FITTINGin .11 Ualrbructo.


Perfect Steam HeaterA bOT or

Second-hand Pirlor Stoves,in u°d ooIuUUaa •&! Cor Mi« at ft bftTs&in.BtoVa nipalra o[ Ul llndi will be {unbind >tibort notlm. FartlcnUr attmtlon glren T<tbfa bnuicb.

Varrit Bt , mm floor from BlackweU.

Central. RailroadOF NEW JHlUiSY.

m i l T>BLB IK KmCOT KOV. 18m, 1602.


For New Tail. Newark and Eliz-abeth, at 6:15, A. K.; 3:88, 6:58 P. M.SUNBITS, 5:52 p. H.

For l^ikdelphia at B:45, A. V ;3I38 ,P . K.

For Long Brand, Ocean Qrore,Asbniy Park and points on 2fawlork and Ions Branch Rsilrotidat UI45, A. M; 338 P. if.

For all stations to High Bridieat 6:46, i . *.; 8:38, ft58 p. It.S 552 r. u.

For Lake Hopatoonc at 6:4G,8:56, A. M.; 3^8, p. u.

For all stations to Ediaoo, 6:45,8;5G A. M-; 3^8 p. if. '

For Bookawav at 9:20, A. M.:12:10, 2:51, 6:22, 7:25 r. M. SOR-»AYB,4:1CP. if.

ForHibernia at 9:20 A. M.; 12:10,2:51 p. u. SUNDAYS, 4:16 v.u,

For Eastan. Allen town and MauchOhnnk at 6:45 A. x . ; 3:38, 5:68.P.M. 80HDAW, 8:52 p.* .

Leave New York at CKX), 11:30,• M.; 4:30 P. M. 8tWDAYa,l*0 p. u.Leave Rookaway at 6:37, 8:1C,

. K . ; 3 . 1 5 , 8:30. 5:50, p. M. • ;

Leave Fort Own at 8:16, U:M,i. K.; 2:46, 6:17, 7:20 p. it ; . . :;-<:

SoMDAtfl, 4:11 P.M. „ ' '.-,:.• ° •.''••:

Leave Lake Hopatcorg aK;5:41 P ^ - ; ; ^ ;Leave High Bridge at 8:15, A. M ;

1:40, 6:17 p. M. SDWDATB, 8^K) P. M.J. H. 'OI*H/iTJBEH,:.",.r;! ••;•.'•-'.''r.'- j'-:-!'..

aeot 8 u P t H - •p ju j^ j j , . ; • ; : ; ; ; .G«o.Fa«.A«t.


ASK FOR 8AFBittiitlXdft^itt


Notice Is herebr glvan Uut at a regularmatrtina of tbe Mayor aod CoDntdl oT t tetoroub of Mount Arlington, beid January«th, ftOS^thefolIowlDsT naplntlon was

„ , That due notlo* ba KITCD thatBall ta U» place, u d Batorday,

Pebmaiy 18tb, 18W, a t fi o'clock p, n . , t£otn<«,wtMaa&d«(tut« UM l e a l voWn «t tbe

Barangb shall iMmbl* i»d nomlnata Bar-pnefai ptHcers,;wd d*slgtiato TOmt of mowy to

• :-\ CTBCB u - C O O K , aerVVDated Jantmrr SOlb, ItBB. . J 10-3w

MILLINERY GOODSirill dalislitttU UielwllM.'GUI BtoncaamlobUlnlSVlranag. o(« iood ideation.

uns.-ato.rABa,:;: F0O0I1B.H, *



i it gives me more good, solidTobacco for the money than I can'get in any other brand,"

10LLY TAR suits me and IJ mean to stick to i t It is the

largest and best piece of TobaccoI have ever been able to nnd."

"I KNO\V a good thing whenI I see it JOU.Y TAR fills the

bill. . It gives both quantity and

" \ I /HEN I chew I want theV.V bist. I have tied to JOLLY

TAR and could not be inducedto change."!'l AM of the same opinion as

1 Bill. JOLLY TAB is king ofthem all." ^V V

"\17E fellows want the most forVV our money always* JOLLY

.TAB gives it to us in good Cnew-iugTobacco. Itlsourstand-by."





MOniUS AND ESSEX DIVISION.)Depot In Now York, foot of Barclay 8t . and



•JLBT BOUltD, JL. H .Buffalo express* 6;8SOawego express* 0:10Dover «xpnws, <I:fiQ"" • ittatfn u p . 7rfi3

Ingtoniul.* 8:08Buffalo express* tUMEaston exproes, 8:44Bcrantan e i p * 11:17Dover occom. 11 rfO

p. M.-Dover accom. I2:JrilUmlrfl exprefls^ l'U4)E « t o n mall. 2:44Oswego expresa* 4rf»Hackettet'n spJ.* 6:M>Dover acoom, 0:00Buffalo express* UAHDover acoom. 0:53ililk express* (l;iU"- • r 8:4(1

•Via. Boonton Braucb.

VHEST BOtlMD. A . K.JUIlt ezprom* 6:63MLlk express, 0-Mmogh'ton rat\\* H:&0Eaaton mail, 0:38Buffalo express* 10:18UovarexpreH, 10:08B'ttettat'aspl.* 11KQ

P.M.Dover aooom. IZS&Eaatro Mtproea, QrfXlElmlra exprets* I! £5D accotn. 4:18

520preo, 5:20BcronUjQ exp> 5:80U'kettetomieip.fl:SS4Dover ezpraae, 7:18\Vanliliutoa Bpl. S'jUiBuffalo esprem* 8jfi!Buffalo expreu* 0^0Dover AGOOIO. 10:10BLlCfaloexprea* 10:23




1S-.1S p . u , 1:15 p. K3:11 " SilO "fcOO " 6;B0 "8^8 » 7:23 .'•8:1ft « B:1B •»

Lone, Arrire.Unrrlslowa. Dorer.fl:03 A. K.8:52 "

10:38 <•11:53 "l:»8 p , «8:15 "

A-&7 "6:» '<

6:11 - . „9:28 ••

10:S8 "19.-35P.M.

BBM&BD1£LI,B0CKi.lt AY, N. j .


Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

}nplez Bkam and Hoi Water Boaters. Theyat madB ol wrought boiler Iron, Have cop.>ar flttei, and otaim anperiority la tbe lol-BwlngpoluU: Ore»t economy in fuel I «un-plfolty of oonstrnetlon 1 No nnaecesslbls

oalt to keep oiean 1 Buy to man as* I Nooasl to lift to the top of i large majpulia

All kinds or Plumbing, Booflog and SUMIIron Work Mlunwlorj eiooutod. In <took atall tlmei Stores and Hot Air FortAws of evendewripUon; HardMMJputlerr, Tin-wire. OilCloths, 0*rp*U, eta. Leblgh and BorsntonOo*i,Ls.mpt, PsinU, OIU. Talroiak'i Bctvlet,Hori'a Batber Baokel Ohiio pomiM.

S.E. BENNETT,(racoeawrtoA. WlgbUin,)




Zinc,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pumps, Ac,





At 4:30. 7:20, 7:B0«, VtOO* 0.-00, B.SO*. 10:10,A. M.; 12.-00 II., lrftO*, 3:30, 8:80, 4:10*. 4i30,6:10. 6W. 7:80*. B:Wl, B:OJ tad 8:0C' r H.

•VJ». Boooton Braoob.

CHESTER BRANCH.Waimd. etalUmt.

L.H. F.K. F.K. A.M, I. II. F.H .10:83 S:0& 6:1T Gkute t 7:26 UiQO i t lv10:33 3:G7 0;OU Uorton 7^3 Ui08 itlfi10:13 a:G3 6:U lionla . 7:37 13>1S i:S6lftM 9M7 5:fi9 SaeDHunna 7:13 13ilS 1^4

*3 9:i3 5:U HOOUIDITUIB 7:4B 13:33 1:401:40 3:19 G:47 Port Oram 7:13 13:W Mm

H.3I 6:11 ,The EuketlBtoitn Xxprcw

Onm mag Eiit at 7H8 «. «.j6:38 p. ••

»M U:tS 5:01al PortW«tal


"?.vBiiiTBi.".;-iA. ;V ; , ; ;TIICQ,;TASRP^CI.

Masons and Builders,

Contncfaiforail Mnds of wort taken andall materials f urnishsd. "Priotlotl aiparisooe



tvij;rHKXT.TO'n, i i * Tr."B. 'B..:- v'-\



UOI8T1NG BNGINE8, alHyleBaw«\ vevcnauc , - - -„•. • •.;•••_

PIJHPINO KNGINES,- am« esaimaaiaoetl.

COKNIBH POMP«, alV• •-. . ; ; .- :«lMle.,, ; : ;«\.


PUI18UAHT to UM ordar of tbe SurrogaU ',ot tbe County of Morris, mada OD tlw '

t weutf "uiotb day oc eOaoaoibesr a j^ omietiiUAi*' ~sand lOgin hundred and aiiut?-two, Dotloe la*-—aby giTen to all penon* harliw olalms *

inst th* estate of laaan-fl.. J0U07, lata •:'heOjuntyd Morris, deceaaK), Jo prawot -

the same, unoer oatb or aalnnafloo, to tba -•ubaoriben, on or before the twent^-jiinUi day:otSepLVJDberiisxt.beitigiilneai.t^date uf said, onto-; awfttoy cwdjtor wing u> bring ta and exhibit bit or bar eUia,under Oato or afflrmaUoit, witbln tba Uo»e tolimited,will be forevw barred ol bUw.&ei-action tharefaa* afimlnit the Ksutatart ot eaid

Dated the aothdajot Deaamber A^ ». 18W.FKEDEIUCK H, BEiCH,

Dover, Jf .J .P J T H B Y , . ••••*-•

Jtorrtrtowii. H. j , ;

Estate of Martha II. Van-derveer, deceased: > ^

runuant to tbe order of tne SuAvnU oftbe Couutiy of Morrta, oude o n t S T a ™

g 1 n t 0 ^ ] p G r « Q B l . r i t l « o L U m , . s m j S u iMtAte of MartM H. Vanderreer, Utto ta theCount? of VonU, deo«aHd. to'nreant tbaeaine, under oath or afllrnuUra, to tbe iiub-sariben, on or before the Slit day of October -next, being Hint niontbjfrom tha data nf H M ,ordar; aul any creditor neslwitttur to"Jnimia and exhibitTiU or ber clafm, undar 'oath or-aJDnnanon. with ID tbe titaa m> Umitad. willbe forever barrw) of bl> or ber action th 'tors against the Exeoutort., •"" -





When you aik for BallanUue's Export, Usure you set It., Do not aooapt uxy otherBear, beotate soaie cm MLTI it it Just aa good,A nnaU SIOM of the rambw It bettor toia •gallon of cneap Imitation, For tmle lo all8_ X -^-ianMmnitm to.



Sod* and

sATMFAcrnoN ouAitAimuu). C.

. ,; (BuooikoVfciSuJH Jt Kckbort,): vJ.-: ,:•'


OooB»ca token "aj«i nuterioll fumloUd tor


p on Marrto Hmt,'n«lt totonnerlaon ,

Tbe Equipment or Irop



WILCOX & B^BRY.; cirpenteri ind Buililtri,

H lo.. atATI«ootB-Wetnn.lih«nu«Uaiil,uw p«t on Matt root, bj (old aMUato.

B t W ttiln, Faper al«mjeon land.


Fine Bologna Sausage.

oor.pto™. mai:le. that onlf •& beltta an need. It ma; be DbtaVed fromwagon. In Borer and Tfotnlty, or at tbaerr none of Jea. H. OUurui. Wima

HEUDEN BUOS., Bntohcra,.S7-tfv;;••,.. •• OBtlTRS OBOVE,H. J .

8eooad-hud FnrnitnTe ot all kinds, Btovea•nd enrjtnlaf alie: or If >on want a iomprloe for Knip Iran t t all kiida, go to• .' J ' : .JAB. B. TBUDOIAH V

O I I O K S S I . , nurtnelUnk. Sorer.H.lT.O.RoxlSB. ::•] V Uuttn

Soda and Minewl»Ut«rg,,

Hlnohllffe'i Oelebt»t«l Bitrn A


Greo. McCraoken.

his office and ibop to hie'a

O<»toaoto,jri«iii, ^ t o W a o n i a f f l l a t . . . :

tue beet Banner and JOBBffla .

J OS. R. ^WILLIAMS.'Mason aid Slater, v

PORT ORAM, N. ' j ; : •''te«en for oil iindi of wort Ib"*»?1 "X "» b t tol




TO tamro —-^—-»-*— HEATED AND DRAINED.

• OUR STORE••","•'FLOOBS'•••-•••: n n , loo rlCT. i o n ™ "• MMgHBg BTOCK OW H*«6.

To Insuro thia your house' muot bo property .J . . _ .

Wo inroro you tBSOtgt SAHHATIOB, widoron In WB-Wariai an' BUnosphoro of

-SWOBS. .Tho .COST in BEASOHABl?. ThoS1S01T la OEEAT. Our' Bpeoialtios areBAB1TABT PiXTMBIKG, ororjthingfor tho BATH .BOOM ond STEAMena HOT TVATEB HBATINO. Havingin.our oroploy aklUod workmen (ourfqromnn has Jwo over 30 years' o i -porlonoo) wo oon guarantoo Batlsfnotion.


. AppUoation. - '

found in our
