Sauna Etiquette Tips

Sauna Etiquette Tips

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Saunafin is the leading provider of home and commercial saunas, infrared saunas, steambaths, material kits and more.

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Sauna Etiquette Tips

Page 2: Sauna Etiquette Tips

At The Gym When it comes to the gym,

there are a plethora of germs and bacteria that can cause infection. Furthermore, many display rude behaviors that are offensive to others. There are many who fail to take this into consideration when they use the sauna. While many feel that it is not big deal if they do not employ proper sauna etiquette, the hazards and risks a large number of people sharing these attitudes pose can become expansive.

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Workouts are for the Gym

It has been proven that weight can be lost in the heat of a steam room. This is partly due to the water weight shed through sweat and largely because the body’s metabolism goes into overdrive in attempts to lower the body temperature.

Many take their time spent in these small rooms to increase weight loss by jogging in place, doing jumping jacks and engaging in other exercises. This is rude and inconsiderate to those sharing this confined area. Unless there is no one else currently in the room, these exercises should remain reserved for the gym.

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Don't Leave the Door Open A common complaint shared by

those who enjoy steam rooms is when others leave the room and leave the door open. This requires those left behind to have to get up and shut it. During the process, heat is lost.

Furthermore, when entering the room, the door should not be left open while the incoming individual stops to chat with someone outside of the room. In this case, the door should be shut and the conversation finished prior to entering the steam room.

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Don't Bask in the Nude

Saunas are normally made of wood, and wood is known to absorb sweat and germs. While they are sanitized by the maintenance staff daily, there are still particles that remain. Not only does this expose the nudist to the bacteria left behind from the last person, but it also poses risks to the next person to fill their spot.

Furthermore, due to the close proximity found in these quarters, it can become very uncomfortable for others to be forced to sit so close to someone choosing to sit in the nude. It is common courtesy to wear a towel or other covering when choosing to sit in a steam room.

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Keep Your Musical Interests to Yourself Music is an art, and not everyone appreciates the same styles. It is a common

courtesy to keep volume to a minimum when in close quarters with other people. If a person desires to listen to their music while they enjoy their time in the hot box, a pair of headphones should be brought along to confine the music to their ears only.

With a variety of picture-taking devices on the market, it can make others in the room uncomfortable as the person next to them browses for a song they want to hear. They have no way of knowing if they are being photographed in such a private setting.

In reality, it is a better idea not to bring electronic devices into steam rooms to begin with. The heat and humidity found here can easily cause damage to such instruments.

On a side note, it is also respectful to keep talking to a minimum. Many use their steam room time as a chance to meditate and mentally recover from a long day. They likely do not want to be forced to listen to a conversation going on next to them.

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Bring a Couple of Extra Towels

When entering a sauna session, it is good practice to bring an extra towel to sit on to create a barrier between the germs on the seat and the body. While etiquette is good practice, there are always those who do not consider others, and this helps steam room users avoid contact with bacteria left behind.

Furthermore, it is a good idea to have yet another extra towel on had to be used after the session is over. It is not a good idea to dry off with the same towel used in the sauna as this will spread germs and sweat all over the body.

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Steam Rooms are Not Clothes Dryers

In the gym, clothes are destined to become saturated with sweat. Those who work out should never use steam rooms as a means of drying their clothes while they shower or swim. This lack of courtesy is rude to those who wish to use the area for its intended purpose.

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Don't Stare

While many people choose to go into steam rooms naked, they are normally not trying to attract attention, and it is rude to stare. If offended by their lack of discretion, a towel can be offered; however, others in the room should not point, stare or make crass comments to others in the room.

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Take a Shower Before Getting In

As mentioned, steam rooms are notorious for germs and bacteria. Many go straight from a strenuous workout straight to the steam room covered in sweat and grime.

Furthermore, those who have just come from the pool carry with them chlorine that, when heated, can cause irritation to others in the room. Before jumping into a steam room, it is considerate to take a quick shower to remove bacteria, dirt and chlorine.

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Think Before You Act

Steam rooms are public settings, and this should be kept forefront in the minds of those who employ their use. Before engaging in any activity that may be offensive to others, it is common courtesy to first ask them if it will bother them.

A steam room can offer its users a safe and effective means of losing weight as well as a comfortable place to warm up after swimming. However, it should be kept in mind that these are public areas. Proper etiquette should utilize when using them. When everyone employs these basic rules, the steam room experience can be one that can be enjoyed by all.