Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture UPDATE Mitchell Japp, Cereal Crops 17 January 2019

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Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture


Mitchell Japp, Cereal Crops

17 January 2019

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Canadian Agricultural Framework (CAP)

• GF2 ends March 31, 2018 … CAP began April 1, 2018• 5-year federal/provincial policy framework (2018-2023)• Includes 6 Strategic Initiatives areas:

1. Science, Research and Innovation2. Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change3. Markets and Trade4. Public Trust5. Risk Management (Livestock/Plant Health; Farm Management)6. Value-Added Agriculture and Agri-Food Processing

• Also includes Business Risk Management (BRM) programs (e.g. Crop Insurance, AgriStability, AgriInvest, AgriRecovery)

• For the Strategic Initiatives, this is $71.2M per year x 5 years ($356M)

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Clubroot in Saskatchewan

• To date, clubroot has been confirmed in 43 commercial fields in SK

• ~1500 fields surveyed in 2018

• Visual inspection and soil samples for DNA analysis

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Where will clubroot be?

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Clubroot: what is it?

• Clubroot is a soil-borne disease that can cause yield losses of up to 50% or greater

• Caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae (pathogen)

• Causes disease in cruciferous crops such as:

Canola Camelina

Mustard Stinkweed

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Clubroot management

• Clubroot is best managed through a proactive approach

• Sanitation, crop rotation, resistant cultivars

Clubroot management

Clubroot has not been confirmed on your farm


Clubroot has been found in one or more of your


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FHB Risk for 2019

• 2012, 2014, 2016 were high years for FHB in many areas

• 2013, 2015, 2017 were not

• 2018 broke that cycle

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Top CWRS Varieties (2018):

AAC Brandon (MR), CDC

Utmost VB (MS),CDC Plentiful (MR), Cardale

(MR), CDC Landmark (I)





2018 CWRS FHB Resistance Used (ac)

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Top 5 CWAD Varieties Grown in Saskatchewan in 2018



FHB Resistance in CWAD (2018 insured acres)

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5500 distributed

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New/notable in 2019• Expanded to 40

pages• Additional info on

pulse crops• Quinoa• Chickpea Solo ADV• Mustard• Fewer older varieties• Wheat lodging• Interpreting seed test results• Wheat class changes• Flax tables• Pulse distribution list

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Research and Industry Support

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[email protected] 535-3578