A well-trained workforce is more important than ever. Heightened competition drives shorter product life cycles and faster time to market. That means employ- ees need rapid access to expert knowledge wherever in the world it may be. With the unprecedented mobility and decentralization of employees today, learning opportunities must be mobile as well – available at any time and from anywhere. With the SAP® Enterprise Learning environment, organizations can make sure their employ- ees promptly get the training they need to perform their work competently and responsibly. SAP® ENTERPRISE LEARNING VERSION 6.0 AND ENHANCEMENT PACKAGE 4 FOR SAP ERP SAP Functions in Detail SAP ERP

SAP® EntErPriSE LEArning...SAP Enterprise Learning removes the many barriers – lack of time, space, or resources – traditionally associated with training employees, customers,

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Page 1: SAP® EntErPriSE LEArning...SAP Enterprise Learning removes the many barriers – lack of time, space, or resources – traditionally associated with training employees, customers,

A well-trained workforce is more important than ever. Heightened competition drives shorter product life cycles and faster time to market. That means employ-ees need rapid access to expert knowledge wherever in the world it may be. With the unprecedented mobility and decentralization of employees today, learning opportunities must be mobile as well – available at any time and from anywhere. With the SAP® Enterprise Learning environment, organizations can make sure their employ-ees promptly get the training they need to perform their work competently and responsibly.

SAP® EntErPriSE LEArning VErSion 6.0 And EnHAncEmEnT PAckAgE 4 for SAP ErP

SAP Functions in DetailSAP ErP

Page 2: SAP® EntErPriSE LEArning...SAP Enterprise Learning removes the many barriers – lack of time, space, or resources – traditionally associated with training employees, customers,
Page 3: SAP® EntErPriSE LEArning...SAP Enterprise Learning removes the many barriers – lack of time, space, or resources – traditionally associated with training employees, customers,


4 Introduction to SAP® Enterprise Learning

5 Product overview 5 Product components 6 The Learner, instructor, and

Training Administrator Portals 7 Extending the Scope and reach

Through SAP netWeaver 7 Benefiting from integration with

SAP ErP Hcm 7 Target groups 7 Learners 8 course Authors and

instructional designers 8 Training Administrators 8 managers 8 instructors

9 Learner Portal 9 functional Elements and Use

of the Learner Portal 9 course Search function 9 Access to the course catalog 9 messages and notes 10 Training Activities 10 reviewing course information,

registration, and cancellation 10 completing Web-Based courses 11 Learner Account 12 customer-Specific functions 12 Services Supported by SAP

netWeaver Portal

13 Learning Management System 13 content Player 13 offline Player 13 The Learning management

System 13 general functions 17 reporting 18 instructor Portal 20 Virtual Learning rooms

21 Authoring Environment 21 Authoring Tool 21 Learning Strategies 22 instructional design Editor 23 repository Explorer 25 Packaging 26 Template manager 26 Learning objectives and

Learning objectives manager Software

26 Test Author 27 repository Explorer as an

Administration Tool

29 Integration 29 SAP netWeaver Portal 29 Learner Portal 29 collaboration 30 content management 30 Search and classification 30 Portal Solutions from other

Providers 31 integration with other compo - nents of SAP ErP Hcm 32 regulatory requirements and

compliance management 33 other integration options

34 System Landscape and General Conditions

34 Learner Portal and Browser 34 SAP netWeaver Application

Server 34 Authoring Environment 34 Learning management 34 content management

35 System Landscape with Application Link Enabling

35 find out more

Page 4: SAP® EntErPriSE LEArning...SAP Enterprise Learning removes the many barriers – lack of time, space, or resources – traditionally associated with training employees, customers,

SAP Enterprise Learning removes the many barriers – lack of time, space, or resources – traditionally associated with training employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. With this power-ful software, you can:• Leverage a comprehensive, blended

learning environment for all your train-ing needs

• manage training across the extended enterprise

• identify training requirements and help ensure compliance with regula-tory requirements

• deploy learning across your extended enterprise, track its completion, and measure its impact

• disseminate information about new products rapidly

• improve workforce performance more effectively

• Provide Web-based training units as well as virtual learning sessions to teach new functions or processes to employees or external contractors worldwide

• Provide an environment in which trainees can collaborate on the topics they are learning

• Provide personnel on the road with e-learning courses to improve their efficiency and know-how, allowing them to participate in real-time training without being physically present

Because of its open architecture, the software can integrate external learning content hosted on third-party content portals through SAP netWeaver, which serves as a foundation for service- oriented architecture (SoA). Users can then access the content through a familiar Web-based learner portal within the SAP Enterprise Learning environment.

reducing costs is a major objective for most c-level managers, while research shows chief learning officers care most about aligning the development of their employees with organizational values and vision. Their concern reflects the fact that the key enabler for executing corporate values and vision is a well-educated and highly skilled workforce.

A well-trained workforce is all the more important in today’s rapidly changing economy. Heightened competition is driving shorter product life cycles and time to market, requiring employees to have rapid access to specific knowledge. globalization has removed the borders on domains of competence, with employees responsible for gaining access to expert knowledge wherever

in the world it may be. And with the unprecedented mobility and decentral-ization of employees today, learning opportunities must be mobile as well – available at any time and from anywhere.

chief learning officers know this: to succeed today, their organizations must be able to provide employees with easy access to highly specialized, on-demand learning that is relevant to the job at hand. They must incorporate knowledge transfer and learning as an integral part of their corporate strategy.

The key to implementing this central objective lies in the effective use of technology. Businesses must leverage collaboration tools – including enter-prise portals, mobile communication devices, and virtual marketplaces – that bring together all information sources in their value chain, including employees, suppliers, partners, and customers. This degree of integration requires a comprehensive software solution that can handle all aspects of talent management.

our talent management strategy is to optimize the strategic processes involved in managing a workforce, helping you attract and acquire the right talent, edu-cate and develop talent, identify and nurture future leaders, compensate for performance, motivate talent, and align talent with organizational objectives. SAP Enterprise Learning is tightly inte-grated with talent management func-tionality in the SAP ErP Human capital management (SAP ErP Hcm) solution and with the knowledge management and collaboration functionality of the SAP netWeaver® technology platform.

intrOduCtiOn tO SAP® EntErPriSE LEArning A comPrEHEnSiVE, BLEndEd LEArning EnVironmEnT

With the SAP® Enterprise Learning environment, orga-nizations can structure, deliver, and track knowledge transfer; tailor content to individual learning styles and needs; and plan, measure, and analyze the impact of learning programs and help ensure they are in line with the organization’s objectives. With the software, you can create a framework for developing and maintaining employee competence throughout your organization.

4 SAP Functions in Detail – SAP Enterprise Learning

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Product Overview

The SAP Enterprise Learning environ-ment supports blended learning. The concept of blended learning refers to the fact that the software supports a multitude of delivery methods in order to fulfill a variety of specific training purposes: • Bound by place and time – delivers

material that must be accessed from a specific place at a specific time; ideally suited for classroom and instructor-led training and Web-based courseware

• Bound by time only – delivers material that must be accessed at a specific time but from any location; suited for synchronous learning sessions con-ducted over the internet with an instructor guiding the participants

• independent of time and location – delivers material that may be accessed at any time and from any location; suited for Web-based courseware, online testing, static Web-based training, and Web-based courses hosted by external learning services

• Bound by time and either bound or not bound by place – delivers materi-al that must be accessed at a specif-ic time and may or may not have to be accessed from a specific location; well suited for a mixed curriculum made up of any of the training for-mats listed above

An additional delivery method involves external learning services. Participants can both register for and “attend” these courses from their personalized learner portal. This delivery method points to the desired external learning services, which may be Web-based courseware, testing services, collabo-ration services, or any other classroom training courses hosted on an external server.

Product componentsThe components that make up the SAP Enterprise Learning environment are briefly described here.

A learner portal gives learners access to course offerings and information on personal learning data and learning activities. it provides a springboard to a personalized learning environment, where learners take the courses and engage in the training activities they selected.

from an instructor portal, instructors manage course participation. They may review course registration, add a name to the course roster, and confirm the list of participants who attended a course.

An online content player acts as a vir-tual trainer, reading the preferred learn-ing strategy stored in the learner’s account when a course is launched. Based on the learning objectives already achieved by the learner, it puts together a course and presents it to the learner in the browser. The learner can navigate through the learning path

the course proposes and access spe-cific learning units from the table of contents.

The offline content player allows a learner to download Web-based courses and tests from the learner portal and play them locally. The fact that a course has been downloaded by a learner is indicated in the personalized course list for that learner. The learner can, at any time, synchronize his or her offline learning progress with the learner por-tal and either continue learning online or set the status of the course to “completed.”

The virtual learning tool enables instructors and students to share knowledge and skills online, which facil-itates online learning and training across your enterprise. The tool is based on Adobe Acrobat connect Pro-fessional software and eliminates the costs incurred by using traditional classrooms.

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The learning management system with a personalized training administrator portal enables training administrators to manage course scheduling and admin-istration centrally.

An authoring environment supports you in structuring e-learning content and creating online tests that conform to industry standards. content-creation tools can be integrated to create pages for Web-based course content.

A content management system pro-vides a place to store, manage, and create versions of e-learning content.

The Learner, instructor, and Training Administrator PortalsThe SAP Enterprise Learning environ-ment provides three portals to support

the three different roles of users engaged in learning activities: the learner, the instructor, and the training adminis-trator. The portals give users a person-alized point of access to information that reflects their activities and interests and serves as a tool through which they can carry out their tasks or engage directly in courses.

Using the Learner PortalUsing the learner portal is straight-forward: learners log on to the SAP netWeaver Portal component via a Web browser to access their organiza-tion’s learner portal. The learner portal lists details of corporate training and education offerings as well as collabo-ration activities meant strictly for the person who just logged on. from here, the learner can register for courses,

start Web-based or virtual learning courses, or join an ongoing collabora-tive effort. if organizational regulations dictate, an approval process is triggered, and the registration or cancellation request is routed to the employee’s supervisor for approval.

Using the Instructor PortalThe instructor portal serves as the point of access to all instructor-related activi-ties. it allows instructors to efficiently manage course participants and course activities. for detailed information on the instructor portal, see pages 18 to 20.

Using the Training Administrator PortalThe administrative processes involved in planning and processing courses, curricula, and course programs are handled via the training administrator portal. Administrative tasks such as cost settlement are handled in the back-end software by a training man-agement component, which is part of SAP Enterprise Learning. Because of this integration, tasks such as cost settlement can trigger functions that perform follow-on activities, such as billing and internal activity allocation.

Through the training administrator portal, the training administrator can schedule courses, manage participa-tion, monitor resources and capacities, manage course correspondence, follow up on courses, manage mandatory courses, and publish course content to the content management system.

Scorm 1.1, Scorm 1.2, and Scorm 2004,cmi guidelines for interoperability, revision 4.0 from Aicc

Web servicesBook or cancelStart or launchExchange learningprogress

WebdAV interface









SAP® Enterprise Learning


Figure 1: Parts of SAP Enterprise Learning

Training Administrator


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Extending the Scope and reach Through SAP netWeaverintegration with SAP netWeaver com-ponents and functionality extends the scope and reach of SAP Enterprise Learning in a powerful way. The learner, instructor, and training administrator portals can be viewed through external portal services thanks to integration with the SAP netWeaver Portal com-ponent. course content can be stored and managed due to the integration with the knowledge management com-ponent of SAP netWeaver. Learning-related collaboration features in the learner portal are based on the integra-tion with the collaboration functionality in SAP netWeaver. connection to external learning services is possible through integration with the SAP netWeaver Process integration (SAP netWeaver Pi) offering.

Benefiting from integration with SAP ErP Hcmif your organization already uses train-ing and event management software in SAP ErP Hcm, you can continue to use all of its functions with SAP Enterprise Learning. However, the data stored for your existing classroom training courses can be smoothly trans-ferred to SAP Enterprise Learning. in bringing your traditional classroom courses into the environment, you will gain the advantage of a wide range of additional functions for managing e-learning and virtual learning courses, curricula, and course programs.

Because SAP Enterprise Learning is part of the talent management suite in SAP ErP Hcm, the competency catalog – which contains qualifications, compe-tencies, skills, and certifications – can be used to its full extent. competen-cies can be defined and specified as prerequisites for courses. on success-ful completion of a course or test, the employee’s profile can be updated to reflect the newly acquired skills. When relevant, expiration dates for skills or certifications are displayed within the learner portal along with course options for renewing the skill or certification. courses that would fit into an individual’s development plan are displayed as pro-posals in the learner portal. To augment the learning process, SAP Enterprise Learning provides a wide range of reporting options that can be used by learners, training administrators, instructors, and managers as well as other general functions, such as busi-ness workflows.

Target Groups

SAP Enterprise Learning is designed to support the work and objectives of learners, course authors and instruc-tional designers, training administrators, managers, and instructors.

LearnersThrough a Web browser, learners log on to their personalized learner portal from their computers at work or at home. in the learner portal, they can

view the complete corporate education and training offering in detail, which may include traditional classroom train-ing, e-learning courses, and entire course programs. Learning proposals will be displayed, which are individually generated to complement or extend the learner’s current skill profile. The pro-posals are based on such facts as the learner’s current job description and organizational unit, current competency gaps, and – when viewed in tandem with the learner’s development plans – possible future competency gaps. Learners can enroll in courses, register for classroom courses and cancel reg-istrations, and start self-paced learning units. Learners wanting to learn offline can download the courses onto their Pcs or laptops and synchronize their learning progress when they are online again.

The SAP Enterprise Learning environment provides a personalized learning plan and offer-ing for each employee. courses can be as-signed based on role. Skill gaps can be identi-fied and recommenda-tions made as to what training can close those gaps. gaps are identified based on the compe-tencies individuals list in their personal profiles compared with those required to perform their jobs.

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course Authors and instructional designers course authors and instructional design-ers have tools and wizards in the author-ing environment to structure course content, import external course content, and create online tests. if needed, exter-nal authoring tools can be launched from the authoring environment.

Authors and designers create learning content that they then integrate into learning objects or combine to create complete courses – referred to as learning nets – which consist of learn-ing objects, instructional elements, and tests. The attributes they append to content make it possible to structure the content more flexibly, for example, according to a preferred learning strategy that learners themselves can specify and store in their learning profiles. metadata that authors and designers assign to content enables intelligent searches and increases the reuse potential of the content.

Training Administrators Training administrators access the course content of SAP Enterprise Learning from where it is stored and managed in SAP netWeaver Portal to create course offerings; manage partic-ipation, resources, and courses; and perform reporting. When planning e-learning courses, they can use refer-ences inserted in published course material to retrieve the appropriate con-tent for the courses being planned. new versions of course content pub-lished by an author can be made avail-

able to learners automatically with no additional effort required from the train-ing administrator.

managers Supervisors or managers can monitor and guide the learning processes of their employees. if required, they are notified when their employees register for or cancel participation in courses and can approve or reject these requests. reporting functions in the learning management system keep managers informed of employee learn-ing activities and the associated costs. SAP Enterprise Learning provides the training administrator with extensive support for planning, organizing, and controlling corporate education and training.

instructors instructors and tutors can get reliable, up-to-the-minute information through the instructor portal on schedules, locations, resources, and participants for the courses they teach. They can prepare for virtual learning sessions by logging on well in advance of the actual session time and setting up necessary course content. At any time before, during, or after the course, they can manage participation of their courses, such as booking, canceling, and rebooking participants to courses. once the course is over, instructors can follow up a course by confirming participants’ attendance, evaluating their pass-or-fail status, and transfer-ring acquired skills and proficiencies to the records of individual participants.

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LEArnEr POrtAL A PErSonALizEd PoinT of AccESS

The learner portal is the employee’s personalized point of access to all learning-related functions offered through SAP Enterprise Learning. Though integrated with SAP netWeav-er Portal to provide a wide range of functions through a single source, learners can access the learner portal on a stand-alone computer or through another company portal.

The design of the learner portal and its content can be adapted to meet com-pany-specific requirements. All data from SAP ErP Hcm relevant to corpo-rate education and training processes is integrated in the learner portal in real time for ready access by the learner.

Functional Elements and Use of the Learner Portal

SAP Enterprise Learning provides a variety of portal design options from which you can create a learner portal that best suits the needs of your employees and your organization. The different functional elements that can make up the structure of the portal include: • A course search function• Access to an organization’s course

catalog• Access to messages and notes• The my Training Activities area• functions to preregister and register

for courses as well as to cancel registration

• functions to initiate and participate in Web-based courses

• The learner’s account for monitoring course registration, participation, and completion

• functions to grant rights to managers and instructors to book training and courses for the learner

A detailed description of how each of these functional elements can be used by a learner is provided in the following sections.

course Search functionfrom the navigation area on the left-hand side of the learner portal, the learner can search for courses in the company’s course catalog by clicking the find button. The search may be based on course title or course description. from the resulting list of matching courses, the learner can view more detailed information about a course and register for the course. An extended search function allows the learner to enter further search criteria, such as the skills learners must have to be eligible to take a course or skills learners will acquire after successfully completing the course.

Access to the course catalog Access to an organization’s course cata-log can be included in the learner portal to give the learner access to the orga-nization’s complete list of course offer-ings and training programs. information shown for each course includes how the course is delivered – for example, whether it is instructor-led classroom training or Web-based. Synchronous virtual learning sessions and courses hosted by external hosted services can be integrated into the learner portal as well. Besides browsing through the course catalog, the learner can search for a specific course. By assigning required authorizations, the course cat-alog view can be restricted to display to a learner just the courses relevant for the group the learner is assigned to.

messages and notes The messages and notes area lists learning offerings specifically suited for the individual learner viewing it. This list may include courses prescribed for the

Figure 2: Example of a Learner Portal

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learner based on his or her role in the organization or courses recommended by a supervisor.

in addition, this area displays informa-tion about the competencies required for the learner’s current position and if each competency must be renewed or updated. A preview period can be configured within which the learner will be notified about soon-to-expire com-petencies or certifications. from this area, the learner can locate the relevant courses to renew a competency or certification and move to the “learner account,” which displays the learner’s competency profile – competencies the learner has already acquired – and how it measures up to what the learner’s current position calls for.

if a learner is interested in a specific classroom course for which no suitable dates are scheduled, the learner can preregister for the course. When new dates are published, the learner is noti-fied in this area. The preregistration data also helps training administrators plan new course dates.

Training Activities The Training Activities area shows the learner a list of the courses the learner has planned to take, has completed, and is in the process of taking. it also shows pending activities, such as tests to be taken. The courses shown may include Web-based courses and external Web-based courses, static links to Web-based courses or content, and virtual learning courses. from the list, the learner may view additional infor-mation about each course and cancel course registration. course-related

collaboration can be accessed from this area as well.

Training Activities provides a view of the learner’s overall course progress. This includes the learner’s completion time to date, percentage of learning objectives achieved so far, the number of learning objects completed, the learner’s overall target performance, and the learning status.

reviewing course information, registration, and cancellation As mentioned in the previous sections, a learner can browse courses in the course catalog and search for specific courses within an organization’s course offering. When the learner finds a course of interest, he or she can dis-play its description, content, delivery details, target group, the competencies it imparts or requires, related course recommendations, notes, course fees, and course language. for classroom training courses, details include course location, scheduled dates, places still available, and duration. duration details for Web-based courses may include the average and minimum completion time for a course and, where relevant, maximum duration – within what period of time a course must be completed. Web links may be integrated to provide further information on the location or content of a course.

once the learner has decided to enroll in a course, he or she can register. A confirmation prompt will be displayed. When confirmed, registration takes place immediately. if the learner regis-tered for a Web-based course, the learner can launch it right away. if learn-

ers need to cancel course registration for any reason, they can do so as well. The cancellation fee for a course is dis-played in the learner account under the course costs for training activities.

Workflows and Approval ProcessesA predefined approval process may be triggered when a learner registers for a course. if it is, registration is only com-pleted when the assigned supervisor completes the process by approving the registration. A workflow may also route a cancellation request to a super-visor for approval before the course registration is canceled. These work-flows can be readily configured to meet the needs of the customer. for example, the training administrator may want to specify a deadline for registering for a course or canceling registration or for approving or rejecting course participation.

completing Web-Based courses The learner can launch a Web-based course from the courses overview in the learner portal as soon as the learner has registered for it. Participation may be resumed at any time from the same area.

The first time a learner accesses a course, a personalized learning path for the learner is set up based on the learning strategy the learner selected and on learning objectives the learner already attained in other courses. for example, content units the learner took in another course can be omitted. The technical side of this process is handled by the content player (see “content Player” below). When the learner fin-ishes a course, he or she can set its

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status to “completed.” The competen-cies the learner acquired by taking the course are transferred to the learner’s profile.

in the learning management system, customers can set up rules specifying when learners can set a Web-based course status to “completed.” for example, the learner may have to complete a certain number of learning objects or achieve a certain percentage of learning objectives, thus indicating the course was successfully completed.

What tests learners take depend on what the course author specifies. Learners may perform exercises and take self-assessment tests during a course to test their comprehension of course content. They may take stand-alone tests, which are independent of course content. Placement tests are taken prior to course participation and may influence the scope of course material presented. final tests are taken at the conclusion of a course. The results of stand-alone, placement, and final tests can be stored in the learner account to indicate learning progress and may be included in reports. The results of self-assessment tests are not stored.

Learner Account The learner account helps learners keep track of their learning activities and helps them decide what courses to select. it provides an overview of courses the learner plans to take, has completed, or is in the process of tak-ing. information on planned courses includes the progress of the approval

process, if there is one, and approval status.

Unlike Training Activities, the learner account displays all of the learner’s training activities, including a view of the learner’s overall course progress, which reflects the learner’s progress in ongoing courses as well. Learners can view their current competencies in their competencies profile, including details of their proficiency. A bar chart clearly shows which competencies need to be updated or improved and which are at the required level of proficiency. Where relevant, the software proposes courses that would close the learner’s skills gap. in addition, learners can run a profile match that compares their com-petencies with the requirements of the position they currently hold. competency deficits are flagged to indicate mandatory competencies that must be improved, updated, recertified, or acquired in order to fulfill the requirements of the current position. Expiration dates for soon-to-expire competencies, such as licenses, are displayed to help the learner renew them in time. What courses are currently offered that can impart or refresh the competency are displayed.

When learners are interested in taking courses that are not yet scheduled in a suitable language or location, they can preregister for a course from the detail screen of the course. Preregistration data is stored in the learning manage-ment system and is available to the training administrator, who can use it to schedule new courses as required. As soon as a course is scheduled in the language, location, and time period that

meets the learner’s requirements, the learner receives notification in the mes-sages and notes section. The learner can cancel preregistrations if required.

favorites in the learner account is where the learner can bookmark sub-ject areas, courses, course dates, and competencies for ready access later. The learner can quickly add interesting subject areas to notebook on the detail screen of a course.

Settings in the learner account lets learners specify how they want to view the course catalog: as a list or as an expandable hierarchy. Learners can restrict the list of search matches to a preferred language, location, or pre-view period, and they can specify here their preferred learning strategy. (if a learning strategy is set for a specific course, that setting will override the default setting made here.) To learn more about learning strategies, please see the section “Authoring Environment.”

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customer-Specific functions customer-specific functions give you direct access to a special selection of courses on the home page of SAP Enterprise Learning. The standard deliv-ery displays the 10 most popular cours-es on the left side of the learner portal along with the course catalog. custom-ers can customize the presentation of their corporate course offering as they require. This customer enhancement is not affected by an upgrade.

Services Supported by SAP netWeaver PortalSAP netWeaver Portal is the single point of entry for learners, training administrators, instructors, and man-agers. A large number of role-based functions can be integrated here and presented to the user. functions used by line managers in their daily work can be integrated using the manager portal, allowing them, for example, to review the current and recommended training activities for their employees and register them for the courses. You can provide access to these functions for everyone involved in the training process by integrating other software with SAP netWeaver Portal.

Collaboration Roomscollaboration room functionality is deeply integrated into the processes of SAP Enterprise Learning. When inte-grated with SAP netWeaver Portal, it delivers powerful functionality for bring-ing learners and applications together in a flexibly structured, virtual working environment. for portal users partici-pating in these virtual learner communi-ties, you can facilitate rapid and efficient communication through chats, discus-

sion groups, document and application sharing, quick polls, and instant mes-saging. You can define a broad range of synchronous and asynchronous collaboration features and integrate Web conferencing solutions as well.

Training administrators can assign existing collaboration rooms or create new ones when they create a course. When a collaboration room is assigned to a course, a learner automatically enrolls in the room when he or she enrolls in the course and becomes part of the virtual learning group for that course. The collaboration room is dis-played in the learner’s learner portal under Training Activities. (Learners can also display assigned collaboration rooms under collaboration.) To enter a room, a learner simply clicks on it in the list.

Content Management and Knowledge ManagementSAP Enterprise Learning can store and manage learning content through inte-gration with the content management

component in SAP netWeaver Portal. This makes a broad range of functions available to learners and course authors. They can discuss content stored in the content management system with other users, provide feedback to the author, submit a comment that is visible to all users, and evaluate a document by assigning it a rating. They can subscribe to content or folders to receive notifica-tion when changes occur or new ver-sions are made of that content. docu-ment retrieval is facilitated based on categories and structures as well as on powerful search engines.

Through integration with the knowl-edge management functionality of SAP netWeaver, you gain access to tools for publishing, locating, and dis-tributing information, which improves cooperation within the organization. in addition, a uniform interface provides access to content stored in a variety of repositories.

Figure 3: Example of a Collaboration Room

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The learning management system con-trols the learning process and adjusts it to fit the individual needs of each learner. Based on information it has about the learner, the learning management system determines what content the learner views in the learner portal and helps manage the learner’s personal learning process by proposing learning units to take. it monitors the learner’s progress and handles administrative processes.

Content Player

for knowledge transfer to be effective, a learning unit must correspond to the learner’s level of knowledge. The con-tent player determines this at the start of a course by comparing the learning objectives already attained by the learner with the learning objectives of the course. it also accesses the learner’s preferred learning strategy from the learner’s account when the course is launched. Based on this information, it determines the appropriate content, scope, and navigation path of the course. from information about the learning objectives already achieved by the learner, the content player assembles the relevant content units and presents the e-learning course material to the learner in a separate browser window. The navigation the content player offers provides the learner with the proposed learning path, which reflects the selected learn-ing strategy – either stored in the learner account or specified explicitly for this course, if it was set. The learner can navigate forward and backward through the learning path and access specific learning units from the table of contents.

if the learner interrupts a Web-based course, the content player saves the information on the learner’s progress to the learner’s account, information that is accessible to the learner at any time. When the learner resumes, the content player opens the course at exactly the point at which the learner left off.

Offline Player

With the offline player of SAP Enterprise Learning, learners can download Web-based courses and tests from the learn-er portal and play them locally. in the course list, a course will be flagged to indicate whether it was downloaded and stored locally.

The offline player guides the learner through the course according to the preferred learning strategy and adjusts the number and sequence of learning objects to reflect the learner’s individual

learning pattern. if a learner interrupts a course, the offline player will reenter the course at the point of interruption when coursework is resumed.

The learner can, at any time, resynchro-nize his or her offline learning progress with the learner portal and either con-tinue learning online or set the course status to “completed.” The offline course remains locked on the learner’s computer until the learner deletes the course or indicates through the learner portal that the course will be played offline again.

The Learning Management System

The learning management system is the administrative side of SAP Enterprise Learning. it includes functions for course planning and execution, course regis-tration and cancellation, and follow-up processing, including cost settlement, which can be performed from the train-ing administrator portal.

general functions Using the learning management sys-tem, the training administrator creates a course offering and defines training measures for individual learners and groups of learners. The training admin-istrator can create a course catalog and make all or parts of it available to learn-ers through the learner portal, either for reference or enrollment purposes. The training administrator can manage inter-nal and external participants and enroll them in courses.

LEArning MAnAgEMEnt SyStEMTArgETEd knoWLEdgE TrAnSfEr

Learn anytime and anywhere. With the offline player, workers can take courses offline at home, on the plane, or in their hotel room, and then resyn-chronize their training progress when they are back online.

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integrated with SAP ErP Hcm, the learning management system offers the highest degree of data security possible. User-definable authorization profiles let customers map their organization-specific authorization concepts so learners can access only data that is relevant for them.

The learning management system sup-ports all of the business processes involved in the organization, manage-ment, and handling of training. it can be configured to meet the requirements, work processes, and delivery methods common in the organization. Training measures can be flexibly structured and include briefings, seminars, work-shops, virtual learning sessions, internal and external Web-based training, and static Web courses.

Core Data Management core data management software stores the large volume of information relevant to the planning, management, and follow-up of courses. This includes information on: • course details, such as catalog infor-

mation, dates, prices, capacity, schedules, assignment of course content, and completion times

• Personnel resources, such as trainers who are qualified to deliver courses

• room details, such as addresses, capacity, and equipment

• Participant data on both internal and external participants

real-time integration of SAP Enterprise Learning with the personnel administra-tion and organizational management components in SAP ErP Hcm provides consistent, reliable data that is free of redundancies.

Dynamic Menus The intuitive dynamic menus in the learning management system simplify data entry for the training administrator. Each menu represents work performed for one training management activity: • in the participation menu, the training

administrator registers for courses just as learners do in the learner por-tal, and all registrations can be seen here. The training administrator has advanced functionality available to replace or reregister participants.

• in the planning menu, the training administrator plans and schedules courses on the basis of demand.

• in the course menu, the training admin-istrator manages course dates and resources.

• in the information menu, the training administrator requests reports on courses, resources, and participants.

data created in one menu is imme-diately available in all other menus.

Course Planning and Preparation The learning management system has all of the functions you need to efficiently create a corporate course offering. The software lets you group courses by subject area and structure the course catalog. When the training administrator creates a new subject area, he or she can decide whether it should be acces-sible to learners in the learner portal.

course Typescourse groups are assigned course types that indicate delivery method – whether a course is delivered as class-room training, Web-based training, or another delivery type. Associated with the course type is information concern-ing content, objectives, target group, imparted and prerequisite competen-cies, prerequisite course types, and course fees. for Web-based course types, information about the recom-mended minimum, optimum, and maxi-mum duration for taking the course is included as well as how many days after the registration date the course is available and the number of times a learner can access the course. You can specify the percentage of learning

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objectives a learner must achieve or the percentage of learning objects a learner must finish in order to success-fully complete a course. for classroom course types, you can store a schedule that specifies class times and breaks.

contentWhen content is published, a reference to it is entered in the publisher database, making the content accessible to the training administrator. The training administrator can then assign the desired content to Web-based courses. outdated content will not be visible to training administrators when they set up new Web-based courses, so there is no danger that outdated content will be included in a course. However, learners participating in courses using outdated content will be able to finish the course uninterrupted. only when outdated content is no longer being used by any learner can it be physically deleted.

External Web-Based coursesYou can integrate external Web-based courses from other learning manage-ment system providers using Web ser-vices in SAP Enterprise Learning with the support of SAP netWeaver and SoA. Although these courses or virtual learning sessions reside on the server of the external provider, learners can access them from within the familiar learner portal of SAP Enterprise Learn-ing. The training administrator can make external Web-based courses available in the learner portal and

report on them. A learner can register for, start, and cancel external courses. A learner’s learning progress can be transferred back to the SAP Enterprise Learning environment.

curriculum it is sometimes necessary to offer employees a series of courses over a fixed time period. The learning manage-ment system offers the curriculum function for this purpose. A curriculum type is created that includes informa-tion about content, objectives, and pre-requisites and the course types and delivery methods it includes. Web-based, virtual learning, and instructor-led courses can be assigned a specific sequence or not sequenced within a curriculum. A Web-based course may be made available to the learner within a specific time frame within the curricu-lum or set up so that learners can take it at any point in the program. once defined, a curriculum type is assigned to a course group and serves as a tem-plate for an individual curriculum.

The curriculum designer can define alternative course types for individual curriculum elements. The training administrator can then select from the alternatives when putting the actual curriculum together. When a curriculum type is created, consistency checks are automatically carried out on the sequence of the course types and the prerequisites. in the event of inconsis-tencies, warnings and error messages are displayed.

course Program in addition to structuring your courses using a curriculum, you can group related courses into a course program. A course program does not have a set schedule; its schedule is determined by learners and the course dates for which they register. This allows learners to go through courses at their own pace. for example, an organization might roll out a continuous learning initiative in which learners are to go through a set of courses, but they can choose courses according to the times that are most convenient for them.

course program functionality clearly structures a bundled training offering. courses within a course program can be organized in the form of logical sub-units called blocks. A structured course program with different blocks resembles a learning map, with different blocks representing levels such as basic, inter-mediate, and advanced.

Blocks in the course program can be made mandatory or optional. Alternative courses can be made available to learn-ers to obtain the necessary competen-cies. completing individual courses can qualify a learner. completing the man-datory blocks and courses within the overall course program can qualify a learner as well.

determining course demand The number of course dates required to meet training needs can be automati-cally scheduled per location, language, and quarter. The number can be changed at any time if demand changes.

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Planning course dates dates for face-to-face training and syn-chronous classroom sessions can be scheduled manually in the course menu or automatically in the planning menu based on training needs and defined rules. courses can be scheduled to take place at fixed intervals. The learn-ing management system proposes suit-able dates, taking into account speci-fied time constraints – factory calendar, public holidays, weekdays, and fixed start dates. if planning includes resource selection, the software auto-matically proposes possible resources, such as trainers or rooms, subject to availability. Planning data that is accept-ed in this process can be changed later for the individual courses, if required.

Entering course costs When courses and course types are created, the associated cost data is entered and evaluated. cost data may include the instructor’s fee, course materials, advertising costs, room rent-al, and equipment rental. cost items are recorded once centrally and then available for reuse for individual cours-es and course types. cost items stored for individual courses or course types can be used to provide calculations for price proposals.

Marketing With the learning management system, there are multiple ways to make a course offering accessible to a wide audience. A course brochure can be created at any time containing either the entire course offering or a part of it, depending on what you want to publi-cize. The brochure can be downloaded

as a file for further editing. The course offering is also made available online to the learners in the learner portal.

Managing Registration The learning management system sup-ports organizations in day-to-day activi-ties associated with course registra-tion. registration activities can be performed by the training administrator through the training administrator por-tal. Using the dynamic participation menu, the training administrator can carry out the following activities: • Preregister – if participants are inter-

ested in taking certain classroom courses or virtual learning sessions but no suitable dates are scheduled, you can preregister participants for those course types. Preregistration data can be used to plan courses in response to demand.

• register – Learners can enroll as indi-viduals or as members of a group, for example, as an organizational unit.

• reregister – Participants can register for a course on an earlier or later date than that originally registered.

• replace – Participants can be swapped, or group bookings can be replaced with individual bookings.

• cancel – course registration can be canceled when a participant cannot attend.

many of these functions are also avail-able to learners on a decentralized basis in the learner portal, with learners able to: • register – Learners can enroll in

courses in the learner portal. • cancel – Learners can cancel their

registration for a course, if required.

• Preregister – Learners interested in taking classroom courses or virtual learning sessions for which no suit-able dates are scheduled can prereg-ister for the course type, specifying a time period if required. As soon as a suitable date is scheduled for that course, the learner is notified in the learner portal and can register for the course.

Correspondence The learning management system pro-vides a powerful framework for notify-ing learners, managers, instructors, training providers, and other involved parties about the activities and status of a training course or registration. Templates are available for all corre-spondence sent to recipients related to registration. The standard templates, based on Adobe forms, can be modified to suit company-specific requirements or used as they are. They can be used to produce printed, e-mail, fax, or short

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message service (SmS) notifications. notifications can be sent automatically when course registration or cancellation is carried out. Alternatively, notifications can be collected in a work list for later review, modification, and single or batch processing. general settings can be customized and made per course type. Every training administrator can specify his or her own settings for the work list to gain full control over the process.

Billing and Internal Activity Allocation customers can settle the costs for courses taken in the learning manage-ment system. course categories include courses that require fees and those that are free of charge. costs incurred by external users registering for individual courses can be settled using the billing interface. costs incurred for internal registration for indi-vidual courses can be settled through the internal activity allocation interface. costs incurred for internal bookings made by the learner for courses with various delivery methods can be charged to the relevant cost centers using the internal activity allocation interface. The training administrator receives reports that can be posted to cost accounting or sales and distribu-tion areas.

Transferring Training Costs costs incurred for individual courses are transferred in the same way. The training administrator receives a detailed list of the costs incurred. After checking the list, the training adminis-trator starts the activity allocation pro-cess, and cost centers are credited or debited automatically as required.

Transferring Competencies When a course has been completed, follow-up processing takes place that includes confirmation of participation, evaluation of participation (whether the learner passed or failed), and transfer-ence of the competency imparted by the course to the participant’s data record. Participation confirmation can be carried out by the learner in the learner portal or by a training adminis-trator. All other steps can be carried out manually by the training administra-tor or by the software based on appli-cable rules. for example, transference of competency can be triggered auto-matically after a participant has con-firmed his or her attendance, but it is conditional upon the software evaluat-ing the participant as having passed the course. for a Web-based course, the learner simply sets the course status to “completed” in the learner portal. The competencies profile is automatically updated if the content player deter-mines that the learner achieved the minimum number of learning objectives prescribed for the course or completed the required number of learning objects.

reportingThe learning management system offers a comprehensive range of reporting options to help managers, training administrators, and trainers keep track of all training-related activi-ties. reports are classified as participa-tion, courses, or resources and can be generated with a variety of useful infor-mation to support administrative work:

• reports for course demand, partici-pation, and sales statistics provide important information for course plan-ning and can be used to identify tar-get groups for a training cycle.

• The report on registration of a group of participants provides an overview of the training measures and costs incurred for the various organizational units in an organization.

• The participant list report lists the participants of a given course, includ-ing such details as participant names, date of registration, and start and end times for time-dependent cours-es. for Web-based courses, the par-ticipant list report contains the required completion time in minutes, the number of learning objectives achieved, and the number of learning objects accessed per participant.

• The resource reservation statistics report provides at-a-glance informa-tion on the availability of resources to help you avoid conflicting resource reservations in the planning phase.

• Standard overviews of course results and participant results can be gener-ated to help instructors and training administrators keep track of test scores achieved by participants in a course or track the test result history of a particular learner.

• The test-item statistics report pro-vides statistical information on a par-ticular test and the effectiveness of questions answered by the participants.

The reporting functions are accessed from a dynamic menu. The training administrator simply selects the area in the course catalog for which a report is

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wanted and selects the option to gen-erate the report. customers can restrict access to reports by requiring authorization.

Reporting with SAP NetWeaver SAP ErP Hcm delivers predefined Hr business content through the data warehousing functionality in SAP netWeaver. SAP netWeaver provides a foundation for workforce analytics that gives your executives, Hr profes-sionals, and business line managers real-time insight into your workforce. This helps you identify trends early on and make well-informed decisions, manage human capital more effectively, predict human capital investment demands, and track workforce costs and the roi associated with Hr proj-ects. The content SAP ErP Hcm deliv-ers includes more than 600 predefined human capital management reports and 90 key performance indicators.

Predefined and customized Web cock-pits can combine multiple reports to

help you analyze your most important Hr key figures in a meaningful context. integrated benchmarking services help you build customer and shareholder value. With these analytic tools, you can track specific key performance indicators to monitor critical success factors.

SAP Enterprise Learning delivers two information cubes that are collections of objects and key performance indica-tors for reporting. one is for training management and one is for resource management. A learning cockpit set up by the customer can provide manage-ment with 28 key figures, including course costs, total registration, total revenue, number of participants, num-ber of cancellations, and resource costs.

in addition, SAP Enterprise Learning delivers the necessary extractors for course appraisals, including the rele-vant information objects from the SAP netWeaver Business intelligence com-ponent. This data can provide helpful information on how to improve your training programs.

instructor Portal The instructor portal is a personalized point of access for all instructor and tutor-related functions. Because the instructor portal is integrated into SAP netWeaver Portal, an instructor gains access to a wide range of functions from this single source. Both the design of the instructor portal and the content offered there can be adapted to meet your company requirements.

Align learning objectives with corporate objec-tives and measure the impact your training has with help from the stan-dard reports in SAP Enterprise Learning and the robust analytics in the business intelligence functionality of SAP netWeaver. Use accu-rate statistics to deter-mine, for example, if a recent safety program helped reduce a target-ed incident rate or if a new sales curriculum positively correlated to a boost in sales revenue.

Figure 4: Example of a Learning Cockpit

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The instructor portal offers instructors and tutors a quick overview of the courses they are responsible for. in the portal, they perform a variety of activi-ties related to these courses, including: • Browsing through the course catalog • managing course participation • following up on courses • managing virtual learning rooms

Instructor’s Work Center The home page of the instructor portal displays a work list of courses for which the individual instructor or tutor is responsible. This provides a quick overview of not just the courses they are managing but the schedule and location, required equipment and resources, and participants enrolled. from this page, instructors and tutors can launch and enter virtual learning rooms and collaboration rooms associ-ated with particular courses. They can run standard queries or define their own queries to view – for example, courses scheduled in the next month for which they are responsible or com-

pleted courses for which they must ini-tiate the follow-up process.

instructors can browse through the course catalog or the entire course offering of the organization, search for courses, and view individual course details. They can register, cancel, or reregister participants to the courses they manage. They can follow up on courses they have conducted, including: • confirming attendance of participants• Evaluating the participant perfor-

mance on a pass-or-fail basis • Transferring competencies and profi-

ciencies imparted by the course to participants’ learner accounts

Specific settings can be defined in SAP Enterprise Learning to govern what specific follow-up activities instructors can perform. for example, some instructors may only be allowed to con-firm attendance. Such settings can be made for all courses in general or for individual courses as needed.

Figure 5: Example of an Instructor Portal

Take advantage of inter-active online learning methods to improve the productivity and quality of training and reduce costs related to traditional class-room study by using the virtual learning tool powered by Adobe Acrobat connect Professional software. Use virtual learning to get prod-ucts to market faster, allow subject matter experts to interact with dispersed audiences, and collaborate and learn with geographical teams more often.

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from the learner portal, learners can register, access, participate in, and cancel registration for courses con-ducted in a virtual learning room. from the familiar training administrator inter-face, training administrators can create courses conducted in a virtual learning room, register learners, and assign instructors to these courses. from the instructor portal, instructors can access and manage a virtual learning room as well as create, delete, rename, and reassign one.

Some features of a virtual learning room include: • A camera and voice pod to share live

video and audio • A share pod to share rich media con-

tent including video, interactive appli-cations, and presentations

• A file-share pod to share files with students

• A chat and question-and-answer pod to chat and conduct managed ques-tion-and-answer sessions

• A notes pod to type or share notes during a class

• multiple layouts to enable different styles of instruction

Figure 6: Virtual Learning Room

Virtual learning rooms are persistent, and instructors can reuse the same room for different courses; however, the same room cannot be used for two courses held during overlapping periods. instructors can delete virtual learning rooms that they no longer use.

Virtual Learning rooms The SAP Enterprise Learning environ-ment has an integrated virtual learning room powered by Adobe Acrobat con-nect Professional. it can be accessed by learners, training administrators, and instructors from their own portals.

Manage Virtual Learning Rooms instructors can create their own virtual learning rooms through the instructor portal. rooms can be created based on specific templates defined in Adobe Acrobat connect Professional. When an instructor is assigned to a virtual learning room course, a default room is automatically created by the software as well. instructors can log on to a virtual learning room without any additional authentication and prepare it for deliv-ery of specific courses by collating and uploading study and presentation mate-rials used during the training.

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AuthOring EnvirOnMEnt conTEnT dESign, TEST dEVELoPmEnT, And conTEnT mAnAgEmEnT

The authoring environment, an integral part of SAP Enterprise Learning, is where every course is created and structured. it offers customizable and flexible views, allowing users to con-figure and personalize the authoring environment. its powerful tools help instructional designers, subject matter experts, and training administrators create, structure, and publish effective, flexible course content and design tests that can be embedded within the course or made available as stand-alone elements. • instructional design editor – Used by

instructional designers and subject matter experts to create learning con-tent and structure it into learning nets and learning objects

• Test author – Used by instructional designers and subject matter experts to create Web-based tests

• repository explorer – Used by train-ing administrators and instructional designers to manage content

content authors can enable a variety of learning strategies by appending links and attributes to a course. To create the HTmL pages for the content, editing software from external providers can be integrated into SAP Enterprise Learning and launched directly from the authoring environment. A variety of wizards built into the authoring envi-ronment ease the performance of the following tasks: • Processing messages • importing learning nets, objects, and

reusable media objects • creating:

– course structures – Learning nets – Learning objects

– online tests – Elements – Learning object templates – Element templates – Associations

Authoring Tool

from the authoring tool, you can use the repository explorer to access the content management system in SAP Enterprise Learning. content can be accessed via a secure Hypertext Trans-fer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (https) connection. The authoring tool supports content administration and versioning. The concept of having two repositories – a centrally accessible repository in the content management system and a locally installed working repository for each author – facilitates data exchange between authors and enables an independent content creation process. The central storage concept supports maximum reusability of exist-ing content, which can be referenced or copied by authors.

in order to leverage the reuse of learn-ing objects, authors can search meta-data to find appropriate learning objects. metadata is indexed automatically and accessible through the powerful search engine in SAP netWeaver. The mainte-nance of consistent metadata is guar-anteed by defining metadata fields as mandatory or optional. With this frame-work for metadata maintenance, exist-ing standards like Learning object metadata and dublin core metadata Element Set can be supported.

content conversion and import and export functions facilitate the integration

of courses from external providers that are compliant with the Sharable content object reference model (Scorm). customers can create and save their own templates for the various learning elements – learning objects and tests, for example – which gives authors valuable methodological and didactical support in the form of structural and content-related specifications.

content can be linked to specific learn-ing objectives, and tests created using the test author can verify the achieve-ment of those learning objectives. Achieved learning objectives are updated in the learner’s profile, which allows the content player to individualize the learn-ing process by pinpointing learning con-tent that can be omitted for the learner at the start of a course.

Learning StrategiesLearning strategies are used in combi-nation with learning objectives to realize a wholly adaptive learning approach. The use of learning strategies means that one course can furnish content for multiple target groups. content is structured once but can be put together at runtime to suit the learning styles of different learners. When the learner starts a self-paced course, the learning strategy he or she specified determines in what sequence the learning material will be presented. course authors can restrict the learning strategies a course supports.

The learning strategies available in SAP Enterprise Learning are based on indi-vidual learning patterns and styles, reflecting the fact that people learn in different ways. They were derived from

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the results of a research project on life-long learning sponsored by the german federal ministry of Education and research. SAP, represented by its cor-porate research center, was the leading partner in the consortium involved in this project.

A learning strategy is made up of a macrostrategy and a microstrategy. The macrostrategy describes how the learn-er prefers to navigate through learning objects: moving from the general to the specific (deductive) or from the specific to the general (inductive). The microstrat-egy describes the learner’s preferred learning style within a learning object. The preferred style can be example-, task-, or explanation-oriented. Learners can change their preferred learning strategy in the learner account at any time.

instructional design Editor The instructional design editor is used by instructional designers and subject matter experts to create and structure learning content into learning nets and learning objects.

Learning Nets and Learning Pathscourses created using the authoring tool in the SAP Enterprise Learning environment are called learning nets. A learning net can consist of learning objects, instructional elements, and tests. complex learning nets can con-tain one or more subnets. When creat-ing a new learning net, the course author can create new content from scratch or use existing content.

A learning object is the self-contained treatment of a subject aimed at impart-

ing and possibly testing knowledge and skills. A learning object is independent and reusable and can contain multiple instructional elements.

An instructional element is the smallest didactic unit in a learning net that serves to impart the content of a learning object. An instructional element is assigned a knowledge category, which indicates the type of information it con-tains or what type of question it can answer. for example, an information ele-ment that answers the question “How does it work?” would be assigned the knowledge category “explanation.” There are four knowledge categories: • orientation • Explanation • Action • reference material

Links between learning objects and the instructional elements within those learning objects are represented by relationships. relationships are created in the authoring environment and can be didactic or functional.

The content player uses learning objects, relationships, and knowledge categories to generate a learning path at runtime that is tailored to the individ-ual learner. it takes into account learn-ing objectives already achieved by the learner and the preferred learning strat-egy the learner specified – either in the learner account or specifically for a course. To make the best use of learn-ing paths, a learning object should con-sist of several instructional elements belonging to different knowledge cate-gories. The instructional design editor allows course authors to preview how a course will navigate through a learning path.

ComplianceLearning objects created in the author-ing environment are compliant with uni-versally recognized standards for Web-based training. They are based on Scorm standards, established and promoted by the Advanced distributed Learning initiative of the United States department of defense in cooperation with leading international organizations.

Learning Net

Learning Object

Learning Object

Learning Object

Instructional Element

Instructional Element

Instructional Element

Content File

Content File

Content File

Figure 7: Layout and Structure of Learning Content

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Scorm 2004 certification The SAP Enterprise Learning environ-ment supports the delivery of Scorm 2004–compliant course content. Scorm 2004 is the current Scorm standard for creating Web-based course content. it supports advanced instructional design features, including dynamic sequencing. customers who have Scorm 2004–compliant courses can import course content packages into SAP Enterprise Learning using the authoring environment.

imported courses can be delivered with the content player, and progress and performance information can be includ-ed in standard reports. A new Scorm data report allows training administra-tors to view all runtime data generated by a Scorm course at the Scorm element level. This report can be used when there is a need to dig deep into the progress and performance details of a particular course for a particular user.

Aicc compliance SAP Enterprise Learning supports the delivery of course content that com-plies with “cmi guidelines for interop-erability, revision 4.0” developed by the Aviation industry computer-Based Training committee (Aicc). These guidelines are widely used for Web-based course development.

customers who have Aicc-compliant courses can import course content packages into SAP Enterprise Learning using the authoring environment. imported courses can be delivered with the content player, and progress and

performance information can be includ-ed in standard reports.

TestsA test is similar to an instructional ele-ment and is the smallest didactic unit in a learning net that serves to evaluate a learner’s understanding of a topic. dif-ferent types of tests can be used in conjunction with learning strategies to influence how a learner navigates through the training process: • Placement tests check prior

knowledge. • Self-assessment tests check existing

knowledge. • Exercises check comprehension of

imparted content. • final tests check knowledge acquired

upon the completion of a course.

repository Explorer The repository explorer is a tool for the central administration of course con-tent. it supports: • data transfer between the local

repository and the master repository • management of the local repository • management of the master


Figure 8: Authoring Environment – Instructional Design Editor

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The main function of the repository explorer is to transfer data between the local repository, where course content is edited, and the master repository, the central storage location all authors can access. Transferring data between the local repository and the master repository involves: • checking in reusable objects to the

master repository – A version num-ber is assigned when an object is checked in and the object’s content can be displayed by other authors when the content is released.

• copying objects to the local repository – The author can copy an object from the master repository to the local repository to edit or update it.

The check-in wizard lets you automati-cally add all dependent objects to the check-in list. dependent objects are any objects required for displaying the object being checked in. The check-in wizard provides a consistency check on cross-references between objects and

their dependencies, as well as on required metadata.

A job could be created to perform the following actions automatically:• copy to local repository • convert, if required • Validate content • check into the master repository • release a training course • Publish a training course

it is also possible to run several jobs in parallel.

Content Changeschanges to Web-based content can be managed using customizable change categories, which the author sets when content is checked in. The assigned change categories will determine whether learners currently participating in a course:• receive the new content version

automatically or manually

• Should maintain their learning prog-ress or delete it to start again with the new content

• Are charged for the upgrade

for example, a content change to cor-rect typos can be carried out automati-cally as learning proceeds at no extra charge, while a change that provides updated or new information may be handled differently. The author may want learners to be aware of the avail-ability of changed content, permitting them to update the content manually and delete the learning progress they achieved up to that point to start over with the new content.

Management of the Local Repository The local repository is the directory structure of the local hard drive where all locally created objects – learning nets, learning objects, and instructional elements – are stored. managing the local repository involves: • generating reusable media objects • Editing object attributes • deleting objects • Editing object files

You can set a view filter for the local repository to display all object types or only the editable versions of the objects.

Management of the Master Repository The master repository is the central storage location for learning nets, learn-ing objects, and media objects and is accessible to all content authors. man-aging the master repository involves:

Figure 9: Data Trans-fer Between Local and Master Reposi-tories Authoring

Environment Controller

Learning Objectives


Repository Manager

Publisher Database

Local Repository

Global Repository

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• releasing objects for reuse – A consistency check is carried out on learning nets, learning objects, and media objects before they are released. After release, the objects are accessible to other authors.

• Publishing released learning nets as course content – Published learning nets are sent to the training adminis-trator as possible course content. Whenever a learner registers for a course, it is always for the latest pub-lished version of that course. cours-es in which learners are currently par-ticipating are not affected by version updates unless the author decides to make the learner aware of a version upgrade by assigning the appropriate change categories.

• displaying a preview or thumbnail image of an object in the content player

• finding reusable objects – A view filter for the master repository can be set to display all object types or just the latest versions of the object types. Based on extended search criteria including metadata, this function requires a correctly configured cen-tral search engine.

Importing Resources resources can be imported in one of two ways: • You can make nonreusable files – such

as *.jpg files – available in learning nets or learning objects by importing them to the master repository. The files are stored in the root folder of the object and can be used only in that learning net or learning object.

• You can copy files to the repository as reusable media objects.

Standards-compliant course content packages should be converted into learning nets using the import wizard.

Packaging With the packaging function, content authors can e-mail learning objects and learning nets to recipients such as translators, who do not have access to the learning content in the master repository. The package is stored as a file in the learning net package format (*.lnp).

The packaging process involves packing the files to create a package and unpack-ing the package in order to edit the files. The process is identical to importing resources as reusable media objects. You can: • convert an external course to a learn-

ing net in SAP Enterprise Learning. if you want to apply learning strategies to the course, some extra editing is required. course formats currently sup-ported are Scorm version 1.1, Scorm version 1.2, Scorm 2004, and “cmi guidelines for interoperability, revision 4.0” developed by Aicc.

• convert learning nets from SAP Enter-prise Learning to Scorm format ver-sion 1.2. The converted learning net can then be imported and played in Scorm-compliant learning systems.

Figure 10: Referencing

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Template manager With the template manager, you can: • create, edit, and delete:

– instructional element templates – Test element templates

• delete:– Learning net templates – Learning object templates

Learning objectives and Learning objectives manager SoftwareYou can assign learning objectives to learning nets and learning objects to store data on the current knowledge of a learner. The content player uses learning objective data at runtime to dynamically adapt the course content to suit the learner’s level of knowledge. if a learning net or learning object has learning objectives appended to it, the software checks to determine if the learner has already achieved the objec-tives in question. if the learner has, the learning net or learning object is con-sidered completed and is skipped. if the learner has not achieved those objectives, he or she completes the

learning net or learning object in ques-tion. When that object has been com-pleted, all attainable learning objectives are granted to the learner.

When defining objectives with the learning objectives manager software, you can use existing learning objectives from the learning objectives catalog in SAP ErP Hcm or define new learning objectives for learning objects and learning nets. You can define and use learning objectives online or offline. When you work online, you can access the offline catalog of locally generated learning objectives and the online cata-log in SAP ErP Hcm with the learning objectives manager software. objectives created offline are updated to the central learning objectives catalog when the catalogs are synchronized.

Test Author Test authors work with the test author tool in the SAP Enterprise Learning environment to develop, manage, and implement Web-based test strategies. The test structure that test authors work with is made up of the following elements: • Sections – containing item groups • item groups – containing test items

and learning objectives • Test items

Attributes are assigned to a test to indi-cate how the test is to be taken. Each element of the test structure is assigned its own specific attributes.

Using the test author tool, trainers, course authors, instructional designers, and training administrators can efficiently plan, design, create, and manage tests

and feedback measures. By enabling precise evaluation of a learner’s skills and knowledge, the test environment helps test authors adapt the learning process to the individual learner, monitor the learning progress, and evaluate the training process and learner performance.

With the test author tool, authors can: • create and edit tests • create and edit test items, facilitated

by the use of templates • create and edit test pools (groups

of tests) and item pools (groups of questions)

• configure:– results calculation for items and

answers – Test conditions, such as test

duration – differentiated results calculation at

the learning objectives and sec-tions level

– Tests and differentiated feedback – Test items, item groups, and


Test Types You can create different types of tests with the support of the test author tool (the test type is assigned in the instruc-tional design editor). The test types are described in the following sections.

Placement Tests Placement tests are taken prior to a course to adapt a course to the individ-ual needs of the learner. The test results at the level of test, section, and item group are stored in the learner account. Test results at the level of test item are stored for statistical purposes in the results database.

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final Tests final tests are taken at the conclusion of a course and used to evaluate the learner’s performance. results at the level of test, section, and item group are stored in the learner account. Test results at the level of test item are stored for statistical purposes in the results database.

Exercises and Self-Assessment Tests Exercises and self-assessment tests, similar to quizzes, are scattered throughout learning content. The results of self-assessment tests are not stored. Their purpose is to let learn-ers monitor their own learning progress. This type of test may be used as learn-ing content.

Stand-Alone Tests Stand-alone tests are independent of course content and are used to evaluate one or more courses. results at the level of test, section, and item group are stored in the learner account. Test results at the level of test item are stored for statistical purposes in the results database. Stand-alone tests can be made a prerequisite for taking courses or a curriculum and can impart competencies. They exist as a course in the catalog, and learners must enroll to take a stand-alone test. Test results are stored in Scorm 2004–compliant format.

Test Items A test item is made up of a question to be answered, instructions, and possible answers to the question. The test envi-ronment supports the following types of test items:

• A multiple-choice item has one right answer and several wrong answers. This test item type can also be used to create true-or-false items.

• A multiple-response item is a varia-tion of the multiple-choice item, with the participant required to specify two or more right answers.

• A multiple-response-explicit item is a variation of a multiple-response item, with the participant required to state whether each possible answer is right or wrong. This type of test item helps identify knowledge gaps.

• A rating item is structured like a multiple-choice item. The participant may select one answer only. Unlike multiple-choice items, a rating item has no right or wrong answers. The participant rates the item content according to a predefined multilevel scale defined by the author. rating items can be used in questionnaires and surveys to elicit participants’ opinions or evaluations.

• A fill-in item or gap test has no pre-defined format. The participant must fill in the right answer in a text field. You can integrate graphics, screen shots, videos, and other browser- enabled media elements in each item.

repository Explorer as an Administration Tool in addition to the general functions con-tained in the repository explorer, a large number of other administrative functions are available to the training administrator or instructional designer.

You can translate objects that have been released. The translation control function in the repository explorer

stores translation-specific data. This data is evaluated in the learner portal so that courses can be offered to learn-ers in their preferred language, when available. it also helps avoid duplicate translation of objects already translated.

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You can create storage folders to structure the master repository.

You can delete empty folders, objects reservations, and invalid objects from the master repository.

You can mark content as obsolete to make it invisible to training administra-tors when they are assigning content to Web-based courses.

You can fix objects by checking for database inconsistencies that may arise in the master repository when objects are checked in or released. The repair function will correct unclear check-in or release statuses.

You can perform a function check to determine whether the master reposi-tory supports and correctly implements Web-based distributed authoring and versioning (WebdAV) protocol com-mands. A function check runs a perfor-mance test to measure the read and write speed of the master repository in order to detect bottlenecks there.

You can run a consistency check to determine whether objects checked into the master repository exist in the content management system or vice versa and check whether objects in the content management system have been published.

You can copy the entire master reposi-tory to another server.

You can configure the local repository to specify or change its root folder.

Offline Course Distributionfor learners with slow or inconsistent network connections, courses can be distributed on a cd-rom. Using the offline content player, learners will be able to synchronize their course prog-ress and performance in SAP Enter-prise Learning.

integration provides key benefits to your busi-ness. The SAP Enter-prise Learning environ-ment leverages a single competency catalog for all talent management processes, a single set of employee core data to reduce redundant users and data, and a single organizational structure to drive work-flow, security, and posi-tion management. it uses one set of consol-idated analytics to plan, measure, and link strat-egies with business outcomes and one technology environment to reduce maintenance and upgrade efforts.

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intEgrAtiOn PErSiSTEnT mAPPing of BUSinESS ProcESSES for TrAining

SAP Enterprise Learning is powered by SAP netWeaver. As it is part of SAP ErP Hcm, the functionality of SAP Enterprise Learning is deeply integrated with SAP ErP Hcm and the SAP ErP application in ways that affect technical considerations and business process-es. This enables smooth data exchange and persistent mapping of all business processes.

SAP NetWeaver Portal

SAP netWeaver Portal is open, Web-based software. While giving employees access to the functions they require to perform their daily tasks, it also supports the integration of non-SAP content, such as news reports from Web sites or stock tickers. SAP content can be imported into SAP netWeaver Portal through an iView (portlet), which is how the learner portal of SAP Enterprise Learning is integrated.

Learner Portal Through the learner portal, all relevant data from SAP ErP Hcm is made accessible to a learner in real time. This includes features and functions such as the course catalog, course proposals, and the training history from training management as well as the competen-cy catalog and competency profiles from personnel development. The learner portal is supplied with data about the learner from the learning management system, including data on learning progress in Web-based courses and reentry information for interrupted Web-based courses.

collaboration The collaboration functionality of the SAP netWeaver technology platform gives SAP Enterprise Learning power-ful support for collaborative learning in virtual learning groups. The administra-tor benefits from functions to create,

assign, and manage collaboration rooms connected to a course. from the learner portal, a learner can readily access the collaboration rooms associat-ed with a course.









Learning content

content management


SAP netWeaver Process integration

External learning service


Search-and- retrieval engine


Authoring environment

Analytical Reporting

SAP netWeaver Business


Content Player

Java engine





r® P


l Le


ng P


l B





for L







SAP® ErP SAP ERP Central Component core


Performance management,

personnel development

core data

SAP ERP Central Component

HR extension

includes training management (no add-on)





r A



n S


r pl

us le


ng p


l add



User interface: Learner

User interface: Author

User interface: manager

Business logic

Figure 11: SAP Enterprise Learning Powered by SAP NetWeaver

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content managementknowledge management functionality in SAP netWeaver includes content management functionality that is used to store content for SAP Enterprise Learning. WebdAV interfaces link the content management features with the learning management system and the authoring environment.

Search and classification Part of the knowledge management functionality of SAP netWeaver is the search-and-classification engine used to find courses in the content manage-ment component. You can search the master repository for individual objects using keywords or metadata.

Portal Solutions from other Providers SAP Enterprise Learning can run inde-pendently of SAP netWeaver Portal. The learner portal can be integrated into an existing corporate intranet or into an enterprise portal. However, to integrate the learner portal into an existing intranet, you must install the content management system you want to use, and the content management system must have a WebdAV interface.

Integration of External Learning Services Externally hosted learning services can be integrated into SAP Enterprise Learning through SAP netWeaver, which serves as a foundation for SoA. Learning services can include virtual learning sessions, external collabora-tion tools, externally hosted content, and testing services.

from the learner portal, learners can register for, launch, and cancel courses

hosted by third-party providers. You can transfer learning progress achieved on the external system and store it in the learner account in SAP Enterprise Learning. The integration is performed with SAP netWeaver Process integration.

Learning Management When a learner starts a Web-based course in the learner portal, the content player is automatically started in the

learning management system. By accessing the core data stored for the course in the training management area, the learning management system can retrieve the relevant content from the content management system and pass the information to the content player.

Authoring Environment course authors publish learning nets by checking them into the content man-agement system. for this purpose, an



SAP® Enterprise Learning

External learning system

Provider system




SAP NetWeaver® Process Integration




Services OverviewSelecting a course from the course offering in the learning portal of SAP Enterprise Learning

Figure 12: Architecture with SAP NetWeaver Process Integration

Figure 13: Selecting Courses in the Learning Portal

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online connection is set up between the local repository, the locally installed authoring environment, and the master repository in the content management system. Published learning nets are available in the training management area to the training administrator, who can assign published learning nets to courses.

HR Business Content SAP netWeaver has Hr business con-tent for SAP Enterprise Learning that includes Hr extractors, two information cubes, and 18 queries that make it eas-ier for you to report on, process, and retrieve data. Predefined standard reports and report templates enable you to create reports quickly. reports can be used to process data for deci-sion making or information purposes.

Integrated Business Processes SAP Enterprise Learning is a part of SAP ErP Hcm. As a result, material procurement, external billing, and internal activity allocation activities can be enabled through integration with the relevant functionality in SAP ErP, making data transfer between them efficient.

integration with other components of SAP ErP Hcm Since SAP Enterprise Learning is a part of SAP ErP Hcm, you can optimize your education and training processes by using existing personnel management data and functionality. for example, if you already use SAP ErP Hcm to per-form training and event management, personnel development, and organiza-tional management, you can generate in SAP Enterprise Learning training pro-

posals that you’ve already made for employees on the basis of competen-cies, requirements, and position data. SAP Enterprise Learning lets you dis-play these personal training proposals to the employee in the learner portal. courses can be linked to jobs, posi-tions, and organizational units from the organizational management component of SAP ErP Hcm. The transition from the training and event management component to SAP Enterprise Learning is direct, and all existing data can be reused in SAP Enterprise Learning.

customers who do not already use SAP ErP Hcm are supplied with the parts of SAP ErP Hcm they require to use SAP Enterprise Learning to its full extent. They can run SAP Enterprise Learning with minimal data from the other components and add value later on through integration.

Organizational Management integration with the organizational man-agement component of SAP ErP Hcm provides access to the complete orga-nizational structure, allowing you to book entire organizational units as par-ticipants. You can define target groups for courses by prescribing courses as mandatory for organizational units, positions, or jobs.

Personnel Development integration with the personnel develop-ment component of SAP ErP Hcm means that training proposals made during career and succession planning can be converted directly into registra-tion or preregistration for courses. Training courses that are part of an indi-vidual development plan appear in the

personalized learning offering in the learner portal. You can match an employee’s competencies with the requirements of a position. if the results reveal a competency deficit, training proposals can be generated automatically. Upcoming competency deficits through expiring competencies or certificates are indicated in advance. on successful completion of the required course, the employee’s profile is updated with the new competency. competencies can be defined as pre-requisites for course participation. inte-gration with the training management component of SAP ErP Hcm enables managers to prescribe mandatory courses for individual employees as part of their individual development plan.

Personnel Administration The employee core data (name and address, for example) that is required when registering for a course is stored in the personnel administration compo-nent of SAP ErP Hcm. integration with the learning management system lets managers prescribe courses for individual employees.

Concurrent Employment and Global EmploymentSAP Enterprise Learning can manage the training needs of employees with global or concurrent employment. for example, if an employee is working for two different organizational areas with different managers, approval workflow is directed to the correct manager and course costs are transferred to the cor-rect cost center.

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Time Management integration between SAP Enterprise Learning and the time management component of SAP ErP Hcm enables comparisons between employee train-ing dates and their time-off data – vaca-tion, illness, and business trips. This helps to ensure that an employee is available to participate in a course. it also prevents conflicts that can occur if an employee is scheduled as a par-ticipant and an instructor at the same time.

Employee Performance Managementintegration between SAP Enterprise Learning and the employee perfor-mance management component of SAP ErP Hcm lets employees select courses from the SAP Enterprise Learning training catalog, which are then inserted into an employee’s per-formance appraisal or development plan. The courses can be identified as mandatory, which is reflected in the employee’s learning portal.

The Manager PortalThrough the manager portal, managers can carry out learning management services, including managing mandato-ry course assignments and registering participants for courses.

regulatory requirements and compli-ance management SAP Enterprise Learning provides extensive support for complying with regulatory requirements and managing that compliance in a closed-loop pro-cess. Just some of the ways it sup-ports these activities include: • Supporting central management of

training based on standardized pro-cesses and enabling the tracking of critical training processes

• Helping ensure that employees get appropriate training to acquire the necessary competencies to perform their tasks and fulfill the responsibili-ties of their role within the organization

• notifying employees about expiring competencies and certifications and indicating the relevant courses they need to take to update them

• Enabling flexible notification via e-mail, regular mail, or other channels to employees, managers, or supervisors

• Supporting administration of online tests

• including e-signatures with date and time stamps for participation and progress reporting

• Allowing learners to attest to com-pleting any regulatory training, online test, or certification process by applying their e-signature, which is then date- and time-stamped

• Supporting the versioning of e-learning content and tracking of participation per content version

• Supporting extensive reporting for audit purposes through e-record functionality that can track who did what and when an action occurred

With SAP Enterprise Learning, an orga-nization has software in place that enables it to manage training in a cen-tralized environment, standardize its processes, and track employee compe-tencies that need to be monitored.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Title 21 CFR Part 11SAP Enterprise Learning supports training and certification for U.S. food and drug Administration Title 21 cfr Part 11 with the following: • Training needs

– Qualifications (21 cfr 820.25) – courses (21 cfr 820.25) – mandatory courses (21 cfr

211.25) • Training records

– Students input data and signature (21 cfr 820.25)

– reports made available to students, managers, and administrators

• competency – Tests to prove competency (21

cfr 606.20) – Tests as an element of content

and signed later by student on completion

– Tests with multiple-choice, multiple-response, true-or-false, and fill-in-the-blank answers

• Validation – Performed during implementation

by customer or integration partner security

– User name and password required– Password expiration dates

imposed, with a hard stop after three inaccurate attempts to log on

• Access rights role-based authorization concepts

for transactions

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• records and audit trail – Automated, inaccessible – containing name, date, time,

action, and from-to period • reports including names, training, reasons,

dates, and time • E-signature

– means for students to document completion of training

– User name and password (nonbiometric)

– name, date, and time, in readable form

Training-Needs Management Training-needs management has been extended so that training administrators can create training needs to support curriculum types, course programs, and e-learning. All three are included in training-needs management reporting, which makes it possible to plan and evaluate training costs. Additional training-needs management documen-tation can be found at the SAP Service marketplace extranet.

other integration options SAP Enterprise Learning supports inte-gration with the SAP ErP operations solution and the SAP ErP financials solution. Through this integration, you can manage data on external course participants, including billing, and pro-cure required training materials directly from the software.

Sales and Distribution in addition to managing data about employees, you can manage data on external participants by tapping into the customer data from the sales and dis-tribution component of SAP ErP oper-ations. This data is used for billing pur-poses and to determine participants’ addresses. To take advantage of this option, you must implement the rele-vant functionality in SAP ErP operations.

Cost Accounting While external participants are billed for course participation, training costs for internal employees are settled by means of internal activity allocation. during this process, costs are debited from the employee’s cost center. Par-ticipation fees may also be posted to internal orders. To take advantage of this option, you must implement the relevant functionality in SAP ErP financials.

Materials Management classroom training requires materials such as training manuals and statio-nery. You can procure these materials directly through the materials manage-ment functionality in the SAP ErP operations solution when that software is integrated with SAP Enterprise Learning.

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SyStEM LAndSCAPE And gEnErAL COnditiOnS TEcHnicAL rEQUirEmEnTS for SAP EnTErPriSE LEArning

This section contains information on the system landscape and technical prerequisites required for SAP Enter-prise Learning. SAP Enterprise Learn-ing is a part of the SAP ErP Hcm solution.

Learner Portal and Browser

To access the learner portal of SAP Enterprise Learning, learners require either the microsoft internet Explorer or the firefox browser.

SAP NetWeaver Application Server

The SAP netWeaver Application Server (SAP netWeaver AS) component is required to import the business server pages for the learner portal into SAP netWeaver AS. data from SAP ErP Hcm is displayed in the learner portal through the business server pages. SAP netWeaver AS is a component of the SAP netWeaver technology platform.

Authoring Environment

The authoring environment is installed locally on the content author’s computer and requires one of the following oper-ating systems: • microsoft Windows 2000 • microsoft Windows nT • microsoft Windows XP

The Java development kit from Sun microsystems inc. must also be installed. The authoring environment is connected to the content management system over a WebdAV interface, which is used to perform check-in, copy, search, and content publishing functions.

Learning Management

The content player is a Java application that is deployed in Java runtime Envi-ronment (JrE) from Sun microsys-tems. it is linked with other software, including SAP netWeaver AS and SAP ErP Hcm. JrE is based on Java Plat-form, Enterprise Edition, and is part of the SAP netWeaver technology platform.

Content Management

Learning content must be stored and managed, which means a content man-agement system is mandatory. The fol-lowing options are available: • Use the content management system

of the knowledge management func-tionality in SAP netWeaver Portal, which is part of the standard delivery of SAP Enterprise Learning

• integrate a WebdAV level 2–compli-ant server as the content manage-ment system, which is possible due to the open architecture of SAP netWeaver

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SyStEM LAndSCAPE with APPLiCAtiOn Link EnAbLingTEcHnicAL oPTion for SAP EnTErPriSE LEArning

customers may run SAP Enterprise Learning on a different technical plat-form from the one they use for SAP ErP Hcm. To do this, they can imple-ment a stand-alone instance of SAP ErP Hcm for SAP Enterprise Learning and transfer the necessary data from their Hr production platform to SAP ErP Hcm using application link enabling (ALE). ALE is a set of busi-ness processes and tools based on a proven technology that links applica-tions running on different computer platforms.

for security reasons, it makes sense to run the learning platform separate from the Hr platform. This allows you to implement a multitier firewall concept, so your external learners – customers, partners, or employees working from home – can book and launch courses but are prevented from accessing sen-sitive Hr data in the productive sys-tem. ALE integration is a mature core technology proven at several customer sites.


Additional components

SAP ERP HCM 4.6Cor higher

SAP® Enterprise Learning

composite applications

SAP ERP Central ComponentExtension set for training management

SAP ErP central component core

SAP NetWeaver®

Application Platform

Java ABAP™

content player

Learning portal

Scenario 1

Scenario 2


Link Enabling


Function Call

Figure 14: System Landscape with Application Link Enabling

Find Out More

To learn more about SAP ErP Hcm, please visit www.sap.com/hcm.

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