SAP BI Delta Management

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  • 8/20/2019 SAP BI Delta Management


    delta queue

    - tcode - RSA7

    - To check whether a datasource supports a delta process¬ In SAP source sytem - tcode RSA6 AND SBIW (Datasource postprocessing)

      ¬ In BI system - check InfoPackage maintenance: if no delta process is avalable, only "full update" mode is offered in the InfoPackage of the DataSource.

    - various delta processes for SAP source systems  ¬ ABR - Both overwriting and adding is allowed. Allows data update to both DSOs and InfoCubes. Serialized on a data package basis.  ¬ ADD - Only adding is allowed. Allows data update to both DSOs and InfoCubes.Serialized on a request basis.  ¬ AIM. Only overwriting is allowed. Allows data update InfoCubes only. Serialized on a data package basis.

    - To check which delta proocess is supported by a DataSource  ¬ In SAP source system - ROOSOURCE  ¬ In Bi system - RSDS

    - Types of "extraction method" (in the SAP source system)¬ FI - Function module with its own packaging¬ V - using view

      ¬ InfoSet (query)

    - Types of Update modes (in the InfoPackage of BI system)  ¬ Full Update

    ¬ Initialize Delta Process* Initialization with Data Transfer* Init Simulation without Data Transfer* Early Delta Initialization



    - types of delta when creating custom datasource - go to RS06 -> press delta button -> three types of delta ->- look into upper limit and lower limit in delta