SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY CLASS VIII WEEK 4 ENGLISH 1. THE ANT AND THE CRICKET This poem is about a silly young cricket and an ant. Cricket was only singing all day long and used to enjoy his good times during summer season. He didn't plan anything for the future. When winter arrives, cricket couldn't find a small amount of food to eat. This poem is in the form of a fable. A fable is a story, often with animals as characters, that conveys a moral. This poem about an ant and a cricket contains an idea of far-reaching significance, which is as true of a four-legged cricket as of a two-legged one. Some human beings are like the cricket, who save nothing for the bad weather. And, therefore, the tale is not a fable but the truth. The Ant and the Cricket Summary of the Poem The poem “The Ant and the Cricket” is a fable (a story, consisting of animals as characters, that conveys a moral) written in a poetic format. It is about a silly young cricket and a miser ant. The cricket used to sing all day long and enjoy his good times during the summer season. He lacked farsightedness, for he never had plans for his future. When the winter arrived, cricket couldn’t find a small amount of food to eat. So the cricket thinks to go to ant to borrow food and to get shelter. The Cricket knocked on the ant’s door asking to help. Then ant questioned the cricket what he was doing during summer. The poem ends with the ant asking the cricket to try dancing and singing again during his hard times. Moral: We should work harder for our own sake and for the time of troubles. Moreover, always remembers that today’s saving is tomorrow’s income 2. NCERT Exercises……. Page No 23: Question 1: The cricket says, “Oh! What will become of me?” When does he say it, and why? ANSWER: The cricket said the given line when it found that its cupboard was empty and winter had arrived. It could not find a single crumb to eat on the snow covered ground and there were no flowers or leaves on the tree. It wondered what would become of it because it was getting cold and since there was nothing to eat, it would starve and die. Question 2: (i) Find in the poem the lines that mean the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” (Shakespeare). ANSWER: (i) The lines in the poem that mean the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” are ‘But we ants never borrow; we ants never lend.’

SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL NIRANKARI COLONY CLASS … · 2020. 4. 22. · Some human beings are like the cricket, who save nothing for the bad weather. And, therefore, the tale

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    This poem is about a silly young cricket and an ant. Cricket was only singing all day long and used to enjoy his good times during summer season. He didn't plan anything for the future. When winter arrives, cricket couldn't find a small amount of food to eat. This poem is in the form of a fable. A fable is a story, often with animals as characters, that conveys a moral. This poem about an ant and a cricket contains an idea of far-reaching significance, which is as true of a four-legged cricket as of a two-legged one. Some human beings are like the cricket, who save nothing for the bad weather. And, therefore, the tale is not a fable but the truth.

    The Ant and the Cricket Summary of the Poem The poem “The Ant and the Cricket” is a fable (a story, consisting of animals as characters, that conveys a moral) written in a poetic format. It is about a silly young cricket and a miser ant. The cricket used to sing all day long and enjoy his good times during the summer season. He lacked farsightedness, for he never had plans for his future. When the winter arrived, cricket couldn’t find a small amount of food to eat. So the cricket thinks to go to ant to borrow food and to get shelter. The Cricket knocked on the ant’s door asking to help. Then ant questioned the cricket what he was doing during summer. The poem ends with the ant asking the cricket to try dancing and singing again during his hard times. Moral: We should work harder for our own sake and for the time of troubles. Moreover, always remembers that today’s saving is tomorrow’s income 2. NCERT Exercises……. Page No 23: Question 1: The cricket says, “Oh! What will become of me?” When does he say it, and why? ANSWER: The cricket said the given line when it found that its cupboard was empty and winter had arrived. It could not find a single crumb to eat on the snow covered ground and there were no flowers or leaves on the tree. It wondered what would become of it because it was getting cold and since there was nothing to eat, it would starve and die. Question 2: (i) Find in the poem the lines that mean the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” (Shakespeare). ANSWER: (i) The lines in the poem that mean the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” are ‘But we ants never borrow; we ants never lend.’

  • Question 3: The ant tells the cricket to “dance the winter away”. Do you think the word ‘dance’ is appropriate here? If so, why? ANSWER: The ant told the cricket to “dance the winter away” because when it asked the cricket what it did in the summers and why it had not stored any food for summers, the cricket answered that it sang through the warm and sunny months of summers. Therefore, in reply to this, the ant asked the cricket to “dance” the winter away just like it “sang” all through the summers and did not bother to store food for winters Question 4: (i) Which lines in the poem express the poet’s comment? Read them aloud. (ii) Write the comment in your own words. ANSWER: (i) The lines in the poem that express the poet’s comment are “Folks call this a fable. I’ll warrant it true.” (ii) This comment by the poet means that this poem is indeed a fable as it had a moral behind it. The cricket did not have anything to eat during the winters because it did not bother to store some food during summers. It was negligent and sang all through the summers. The ant, on the other hand, had built a nice home for itself and had stored food so that it would not starve during winters. It worked hard during summers to achieve this. Thus, the moral of the poem is to be prepared for the adverse times and always work hard instead of being negligent.


    व्याकरण क्या होता है :- व्याकरण वह शास्त्र है जिससे भाषा को शदु्ध लिखने , बोिने और पढने का ज्ञान सीखा िाता है। शदु्ध लिखने के लिए व्याकरण को िानने की बहुत िरूरत होती है। व्याकरण से भाषा को बोिना और लिखना आसान होता है। व्याकरण से हमें भाषा की शदु्धता का ज्ञान होता है। भाषा को प्रयोग करने के लिए हमें भाषा के लनयमों को िानने की िरूरत है।इन्ही लनयमों की िानकारी हमें व्याकरण से लमिती है। प्रयोग के आधार पर भाषा की इकाई वाक्य होती है।

    भाषा क्या होती है ? हमारे भावों और ववचारों की अलभव्यवि के लिए रूढ़ अर्थों में िो ध्वलन संकेतों की व्यवस्र्था प्रयोग में िायी िाती है उसे भाषा कहते हैं। अर्थातत िब हम अपने ववचारों को लिखकर या बोिकर प्रकट करते हैं और दसूरों के ववचारों को सनुकर या पढकर ग्रहण करते हैं उसे भाषा कहते हैं।

  • भाषा के भेद :- 1. लिजखत भाषा

    2. मौजखक भाषा 1. लिजखत भाषा क्या होती है :- िब हम दरू बठेै ककसी व्यवि से अपनी बातें लिखकर व्यि करते हैं तो उसे लिजखत भाषा कहते हैं। यह भाषा का स्र्थायी रूप होता है। ये लिवप पर आधाररत होती हैं। इससे अपने अजस्तत्व को सुरजित रखा िा सकता है।िसेै :- ग्रन्र्थ , पुस्तकें , अख़बार , पत्र -पवत्रकाएँ आकद। 2. मौजखक भाषा क्या होती है :- िब हम अपने ववचारों को बोिकर या सनुकर व्यि करते हैं तो उसे मौजखक भाषा कहते हैं इसमें दो व्यवियों के बीच में बात हो रही हो और तीसरा भाषण से अपने ववचारों को बताये तब मौजखक भाषा का ही प्रयोग होता है। मौजखक भाषा का सबसे अलधक प्रयोग नाटकों में होता है।िसेै :- नाटक , किल्म , समाचार सनुना आकद। बोिी क्या होती है :- छोटे भूभाग में बोिी िाने वािी भाषा को बोिी कहते हैं। बोिी को भाषा का प्रारंलभक रूप माना िाता है बोिी भाषा का स्र्थानीय रूप होती है। हम िानते हैं कक हर दस ककिोमीटर के बाद बोिी बदि िाती है। बोिी पहिे तो उपभाषा बनती है किर भाषा में बदिती है। लिवप क्या होती है :- ककसी भाषा को लिखने के लिए जिन लचन्हों की िरूरत होती है उन लचन्हों को लिवप कहते है। लिवप भाषा का लिजखत रूप होता है। इसके माध्यम से मौजखक रूप की ध्वलनयों को लिखकर प्रकट करने के लिए लिवप का प्रयोग ककया िाता है। सारी भाषाओँ के लिखने की लिवप अिग होती है। कहंदी की लिवप – देवनागरी अगें्रिी की लिवप - रोमन , उदूत की लिवप - िारसी पंिाबी की लिवप- गुरुमुखी

  • ऊपर दी गई िानकारी को पढ़कर लनम्नलिजखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने की कोलशश कीजिए –

    क) भाषा के दो प्रकार ...................... हैं। ख) अगेँ्रिी और पंिाबी की लिवपयाँ ..................... और ..................... हैं । ग) व्याकरण से भाषा के शदु्ध रूप से ................,……………….. और

    .................. का ज्ञान सीखा िाता है । घ) ककसी भाषा को लिखने के लिए जिन लचह्नों की ज़रूरत होती है उन्हे

    .................... कहते हैं। ङ) छोटे भू-भाग में बोिी िाने वािी भाषा को ................... कहते हैं।

  • Mathematics Polygon [ worksheet – 7 ]

    Polygon : A polygon is a simple closed figure made up of only line segments. NOTE : A regular polygon is a polygon with all sides equal. A triangle has 3 sides , Quadrilateral has 4 sides , Pentagon has 5 sides

  • Hexagon has 6 sides , Heptagon has 7 sides , Octagon has 8 sides Nonagon has 9 sides , Decagon has 10 sides For a regular polygon with n sides

    i) Each exterior angle = ( 360

    𝑛 ) ̊

    ii) Each interior angle = 180 ̊ - ( each exterior angle ) iii) Sum of all exterior angles = 4 right angles = 180 ̊ iv) Sum of all interior angles = (2n – 4 ) right angles = ( 2n – 4 ) 90 ̊

    v) Number of diagonals = 𝑛 ( 𝑛−3 )


    1. Find the number of diagonals of the given regular polygons :

    Example : Octagon ( n = 8 )

    Number of diagonals = 𝑛 ( 𝑛−3 )

    2 =

    8 ( 8−3 )

    2 =

    8 𝑋 5

    2 = 20

    a) hexagon b) 18 sides c) 15 sides 2. Find the measure of exterior angle of the given regular polygons:

    Example : Octagon ( n = 8 )

    Each exterior angle = ( 360

    𝑛 ) ̊= (


    8 ) ̊= ( 45) ̊

    a) Pentagon b) 12 sides c) 15 sides 3. Find the sum of all interior angles of the given regular polygons :

    Example : Octagon ( n = 8 ) Sum of all interior angles = (2n – 4 ) right angles = ( 2X8 – 4 ) 90 ̊= 12 X 90 ̊= 1080 ̊

    a) hexagon b) decagon c) heptagon 4. Find the measure of each interior angles of the given regular polygons :

    a) Pentagon b) 12 sides c) 15 sides Example : Octagon ( n = 8 )

    Each interior angle = 180 ̊ - ( each exterior angle ) = 180 ̊- ( 360

    8 ) ̊

    = 180 ̊- 45 =̊ 135 ̊ 5. Find the number of sides of given regular polygons whose each exterior angle measures:

    a) 72 ̊ b) 30 ̊ c) 36 ̊

    Example : 45 ̊Number of sides = ( 360 ̊

    exterior angle ) = (

    360 ̊

    45 ̊ ) = 8

    Mathematics Quadrilaterals [ worksheet – 8 ]

    A quadrilateral is a polygon with 4 sides , 4 vertices and 4 angles

  • The sum of angles of a quadrilateral is 360 ̊

    1. Fill in the blanks : a. A quadrilateral has _________ sides. b. A quadrilateral has _________ angles. c. A quadrilateral has _________ vertices , no three of which are _______. d. A quadrilateral has _________ diagonals. e. A diagonal of a quadrilateral is a line segment that joins two __________ vertices of

    the quadrilateral. f. The sum of angles of a quadrilateral is ___________.

    2. Three angles of a quadrilateral are 54 ̊ , 80 ̊and 116 ̊.Find the fourth angle. 3. The four angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5 : 8. Find the angles. 4. A quadrilateral has three acute angles, each measures 75 ̊ . Find the measure of the

    fourth angles. 5. Two angles of a quadrilateral measure 85 ̊and 75 ̊ .respectively. The other two angles

    are equal. Find the measure of each these equal angles. 6. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral

    a. How many pairs of adjacent sides are there? Name them. b. How many pairs of opposite sides are there? Name them. c. How many pairs of adjacent angles are there? Name them. d. How many pairs of opposite angles are there? Name them. e. How many diagonals are there? Name them.


    1. Name the metals which can be cut by knife? 2. What are non metals give two examples? 3. What happens when metal sodium reacts with oxygen? 4. What happens when non metal carbon reacts with oxygen? 5. Write the uses of any foue nonmetals. 6. Differenciate between metal and non metal with 4 differences.

  • 7. Write the uses of following metals: copper, gold, sodium, aluminium. 8. Identify the non metal use for following purposes A) Making in electrodes B) Making in fertilizers 9. What is displacement reaction give example also? 10. Write about the testing of rust to show that rust is basic in nature?


    1.Which of the following is/are metalloid?

    a.Silicon b.Iodine c. Both(a)&(b) d.Gallium

    2.Which of the following is/are noble gas? a.Hydrogen b.Argon c.Neon d.Both(b)&(c)

    3.Chile salt petre contains a. Hydrogen b. Carbon c. Nitrogen d. Chlorine

    4.A metal with low melting and boiling point is: a.Al b.K c.B d.Mg

    5.Match the column:

    Metal Uses

    a.Copper. (i)construction purposes

    b.Iron (ii)automobile batteries

    c.Aluminum (iii)cables & wires

    d.Lead (iv)photography

    e.Silver (v)metallic paints

    6.Fill in the blanks:

    a. A pencil lead is made up of a non-metal called______.

    b. Non metals do not make a______sound when struck hard.

    c. Non metals are______conductors of electricity.

    d. Non metals are not good conductors of heat hence they are also called as______.

    e. Bromine is the only non-metal which is______at room temperature.

    7. Cooking utensils are made of metals but their handles are made of wood or plastic. Why?

    8. Why is it advised not to store pickles and curd in metallic utensils? 9. Write the correct words:

    a. metals : shiny :: non metals : ? b. gold : noble metal : helium : ?

    10. A doctor prescribed a tablet to a patient suffering from iron deficiency.The tablet does not look like iron. Explain.

    SOCIAL STUDIES Subject: History

    ASSIGNMENT – 7 Chapter:The Establishment of Company Power Answer the following in one word:

    Q1) In which year was Constantinople was occupied by Ottoman Turks? Q2) Who granted East India Company the monopoly to trade with eastern world for 15 years on December 31?

  • Q3) When did Jahangir granted a Farman to British allowing them to establish a permanent factory at Surat? Q4) Who was the first Indian to pass civil service exams? Q5) When was Treaty of Paris done? Q6) What was the highest post Indian officer could get in the British army?

    Q7) In what was was the battle of Plassey significant? Q8) Why was the battle of Buxar fought? Q9) Write a short note on Doctrine of Lapse. Q10) Name some states annexed under Doctrine of Lapse. ___________________________________________________________________

    Subject: CIVICS

    ASSIGNMENT – 8 (Week 4) Chapter: Constitution And Need For Law

    I. Define the following: a. Constitution b. Preamble c .Amendment d. Republic

    II. Answer the following in one word: a. If no foreign power can interfere in the internal affairs of our country. What does it

    make our country? b. Which fundamental right protects all other fundamental rights? c. Which right declared all citizens are equal in the eyes of law? d. Name the right that prohibits illegal traffic in human beings &beggar, or forced labour. e. Which word of the preamble implies that the state policies should be designed so as to

    serve for the welfare of the people? f. When was constitution of India put into force?

    III. Answer the following question in brief. a. State any two reasons why is there a need for law b. Mention any two functions of constitution. c. Mention fundamental duties of the citizens.


  • SUBJECT: Computer Topic: Ms Excel: Presenting data in Charts

    Charts A chart or a graph is a graphical form of data. With charts, the data can be presented in pictorial form in different ways. Modern spreadsheet software provides a good library of different types of colorful chart.

    Chart option is given in Insert ribbon.

    Components of a Chart

    1. The chart area contains all the parts of the chart. 2. X- axis or category axis us the horizontal axis of a chart. ( Showing month) 3. Y- axis or value axis is the vertical axis of a chart. It shows the value/ data series. 4. Axis titles are labels / titles in the X- axis and Y- axis. 5. The plot area is the area on which values are plotted. 6. Data series are the graphics that represent data in various forms like bar, column

    line pie area etc. 7. The legend identifies the patterns or colors that are assigned to the data series air

    categories in the chart. 8. Chart title is the title of the chart.

    Answer the following questions 1. What is a chart? 2. What is the group name from which chart can be created in insert ribbon? 3. What are the two major benefits of a chart? 4. What is the other name of X Axis? 5. What are legends?


    Topic: Ms Excel: Presenting data in Charts

    Chart Title

  • Make any type of chart in MS Excel with the given data

    Write down the steps to create a chart.