Sample Professional Service Disclosure!

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  • 8/9/2019 Sample Professional Service Disclosure!


    - ~itchfield Realty581-. .ecutive Place Suite 100Fayetteville, NC 28305Phone: 910-222-3366, Fax: 910-222-0500PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DISCLOSURE AND ELECTION[See Guidelines (Form 760G) for instructions on completing this form]

    perty Address:

    yer or Seller:

    eal Estate Firm: ~ ~ _te. Buyer or Sellerluding but not limitedineering.

    . Buyer or Seller acknowledges Firm has recommended that Buyer or Sellerrvice listed below to be performed pursuant to Buyer or Seller's purchller has either selected the service provider listed or elected not toeller the names of providers who claim to perform services in 0nnot guarantee the quality of service or level of expertise of anyrvices directly to the service provider whether or not the transact

    le Insurance I-+I-r~-----------------r------~

    lTitie Exam/ClosingInspections

    e Warrantyrtgage Loanperty Insuranceon Inspectiontic Inspection

    d Infestation Irl-~j~------------~------~------~

    IBuyer or Seller hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Firm harmless from and against any and all liability, claim, loss, damage, suit,expense that Firm may incur either as a result of Buyer or Seller's selection and use of any of the listed service providers or Buyer orller's election not to have one or more of the listed ser' ices performed.PREPARED BY: ~STANDARD FORM 760 Revised 7/2007 e7/2009. North Carolina Association of REALTORS, Inc. ~ o . ~ = ; " , ! ! ;Rea IFA$T Sof twa re . 2010. Ve rs ion 6.16_ Sof twa re Register~d to: Office Manager. litchfield Realty _ .....Page 1 of2or Seller initials __ __ Individual agent initials __

  • 8/9/2019 Sample Professional Service Disclosure!


    ~ '\~ )_*NOTE REGARDING SURVEYS: Situations arise' all too often that could have been avoided if the buyer l,""u'obtained a new surveyfrom a NC registered surveyor. A survey will normally reveal such things as encroachments on the Property from adjacent properties(fences, driveways, etc.); encroachments from the Property onto adjacent properties; road or ut ility easements crossing the Property;violations of set-back lines; lack oflegal access to a public right-of-way; and indefinite or erroneous legal descriptions in previous deeds tothe Property. Although title insurance companies may provide lender coverage without a new survey, the owner's policy contains anexception for easements, set-backs and other matters which would have been shown on a survey. Many such matters are not public recordand would not be included in an attorney's title examination. In addition, if the buyer does not obtain their own survey, they would haveno claim against a surveyor for inaccuracies in a prior survey.THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, INC. MAKES NO REPRESVALIDITY OR ADEQUACY OF ANY PROVISION OF THIS FORM IN ANY SPECIFIC

    Buyer or Seller

    Buyer or SellerDate: _

    BY: "', ANDARD FORM 760 Revised 7/2007 7/2009. North Ca rol ina Associat ion of REALTORS, lnc.aIFA$T Software, 2010 , Version 6,16. Software Regis tered to: Off ice Manager, L itchfield Realtyyer or Seller initials _ Page 2 of 2Individual agen t ini ti al s __