Introduction The French War 3 Army Lists Swedish Army 1635 - 41 4 Imperial Army/Saxon Army 1635 - 41 4 Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638 5 Weimarian Army 1638 6 Imperial Army 1642 - 45 7 Swedish Army 1642 - 45 7 Spanish Army 1643 8 French Army 1643 8 Bavarian Army 1644 9 French Army 1644 9 German Army 1644 10 Bavarian/Imperial Army 1645 10 French/Hessian Army 1645 11 Imperial Army 1646 - 48 12 Bavarian Army 1646 - 48 12 Swedish Army 1646 - 48 13 French Army 1646 - 48 13 Swedish & French Generals Profiles 14 Cavalry Tactics 15 Imperial, Bavarian & Spanish Generals Profiles 15 Infantry Tactics 16 Dismounted Cavalry 16 Swedish Muskets 16 Scenario Battle of Wittstock 17 Battle of Jankow 19 War-Tokens Benefitial Effect 21 Detrimental Effect 21 Furia Francese 21 Acknowledgments 21 Copyright Stephen Danes and Warband Miniatures 2009 All rights reserved. No part of this publication or abstraction from it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or trasmission by email or internet, without prior permission in writing from the copyright holder. Sample file

Sample file - Wargame Vaultwatermark.wargamevault.com/pdf_previews/64235-sample.pdf · 2018. 4. 28. · Army: The Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638 Commander: Werth Generals: Savelli, Gotz

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Page 1: Sample file - Wargame Vaultwatermark.wargamevault.com/pdf_previews/64235-sample.pdf · 2018. 4. 28. · Army: The Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638 Commander: Werth Generals: Savelli, Gotz

Introduction TheFrenchWar 3 Army Lists SwedishArmy1635-41 4 ImperialArmy/SaxonArmy1635-41 4 Imperial/BavarianArmy1638 5 WeimarianArmy1638 6 ImperialArmy1642-45 7 SwedishArmy1642-45 7 SpanishArmy1643 8 FrenchArmy1643 8 BavarianArmy1644 9 FrenchArmy1644 9 GermanArmy1644 10 Bavarian/ImperialArmy1645 10 French/HessianArmy1645 11 ImperialArmy1646-48 12 BavarianArmy1646-48 12 SwedishArmy1646-48 13 FrenchArmy1646-48 13 Swedish&FrenchGeneralsProfiles 14 CavalryTactics 15 Imperial,Bavarian&SpanishGeneralsProfiles 15 InfantryTactics 16 DismountedCavalry 16 SwedishMuskets 16 Scenario BattleofWittstock 17 BattleofJankow 19 War-Tokens BenefitialEffect 21 DetrimentalEffect 21 FuriaFrancese 21 Acknowledgments 21


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Page 2: Sample file - Wargame Vaultwatermark.wargamevault.com/pdf_previews/64235-sample.pdf · 2018. 4. 28. · Army: The Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638 Commander: Werth Generals: Savelli, Gotz

FearingthattheSwedishoffensiveinGermanyhadgroundto a halt, the French first minister Cardinal Richelieudecided to intervene.AHabsburg revival following theirvictoryovertheSwedesatNördlingenwasnotinFrancesinterests and so the Cardinal secured an alliance withtheDutchRepublic,BernhardofSax-WeimarandseveralItalianstates.

However, the French opening moves in the Rhinelandwerenot successfulandby1636Spanishand Imperialisttroops threatenedParis.TheFrenchdidmanage toholdthe Catholic forces and eventually drove them out andbetween1637and1648theSpanishandImperialistarmiessufferedastringofdefeats.Thiswasthemostdestructivephaseofthewar,nolongerareligiousstrugglebetweenProtestantsandCatholics(CatholicFrancefoughtCatholicSpain)thiswasnowawarofoccupationandannihilation.

In1643theSpanisharmysufferedthedisasterofRocroi,wherethesuperiorityoftheFrencharmywasestablishedandwhereSpainwasfinally removedfromtheHabsburgcause.

From 1636 the Empire suffered a series of destructivedefeats at the hands of the Swedes, at Wittstock andRheinfelden in 1638 and a second battle at Breitenfeldin1642.TherewereFrenchdefeatstoo-atTuttlingenin1643andFreiburgin1644butthesewereoutweighedbycrucialvictoriesatNördlingen,JankauandZusmarshausen.Facedwiththeprospectof losingPraguetotheSwedes,theEmperorwasforcedtoagreetotermsandsignedthePeace of Westphalia, the treaty that ended the ThirtyYearsWar -althoughthispeacedidnotendthefightingbetween France and Spain - who remained at war foranotherdecade.




Page 3: Sample file - Wargame Vaultwatermark.wargamevault.com/pdf_previews/64235-sample.pdf · 2018. 4. 28. · Army: The Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638 Commander: Werth Generals: Savelli, Gotz

Army: The Swedish Army 1635-41Commander: BanerGenerals: Torstensson, Leslie, Karr, Stalhansk, Vitzthum, Ruthven

Unit Type Formation Grade Number Strength WeaponSwedishInfantry Regiment Veteran 2 18-20 p/S*

ScottishInfantry Regiment Veteran 2 12-16 p/S*

GermanInfantry Regiment Veteran 1 18 p/S*

GermanInfantry Regiment Regular 3 16-20 p/S*

LifeGuardHorse Trotter Elite 1 12 S

FinnishHorse Galloper Veteran 2 6-9 S

SwedishHorse Trotter Veteran 2 6-9 S

GermanHorse Trotter Veteran 4 6-9 S

GermanHorse Trotter Regular 12 6-9 S

Demi-Cannon Artillery Regular 3 - S

Demi-Culverin Artillery Regular 4 - S

*BattalionGun Artillery - - - S


Army: The Imperial/Saxon Army 1635-41Commander: HatzfeldGenerals: Marrazino, Kalkstein, Wildberg, Ulhefeld

Unit Type Formation Grade Number Strength WeaponImperialInfantry LaterTercio Veteran 2 16 p/S*

ImperialInfantry LaterTercio Regular 4 16 p/S*

LeagueInfantry LaterTercio Veteran 1 16 p/S*

SaxonInfantry Regiment Regular 3 16 p/S*

ImperialCuirassier Trotter Veteran 4 8-10 S

ImperialCuirassier Trotter Regular 8 8-10 S

ImperialArquebusier Caracole Regular 1 10 S

ImperialDragoon Dragoon Regular 2 8-10 S

CroatHorse Skirmish Regular 2 8-10 S

CossackHorse Skirmish Regular 1 6-8 S

Demi-Cannon Artillery Regular 2 - S

Demi-Culverin Artillery Regular 1 - S

Falcon Artillery Regular 2 - S

*BattalionGun Artillery - - - S




Page 4: Sample file - Wargame Vaultwatermark.wargamevault.com/pdf_previews/64235-sample.pdf · 2018. 4. 28. · Army: The Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638 Commander: Werth Generals: Savelli, Gotz

Army: The Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638Commander: WerthGenerals: Savelli, Gotz

Unit Type Formation Grade Number Strength WeaponImperialInfantry LaterTercio Veteran 1 16 p/S*

ImperialInfantry LaterTercio Regular 1 20 p/S*

BavarianInfantry LaterTercio Veteran 2 16-24 p/S*

BavarianInfantry LaterTercio Regular 3 16-24 p/S*

ImperialCuirassier Trotter Veteran 1 8 S

ImperialCuirassier Trotter Regular 1 10 S

ImperialHorse Trotter Regular 2 8-10 S

ImperialDragoon Dragoon Regular 1 8 S

BavarianCuirassier Trotter Veteran 2 8-16 S

BavarianCuirassier Trotter Regular 3 8-16 S

BavarianHorse Trotter Regular 2 8 S

BavarianDragoon Dragoon Regular 2 8 S

BavarianArquebusier Caracole Regular 1 8 S

CroatHorse Skirmish Regular 2 8-10 S

CossackHorse Skirmish Regular 1 6-8 S

Demi-Cannon Artillery Regular 3 - S

Demi-Culverin Artillery Regular 1 - S

Falcon Artillery Regular 1 - S

*BattalionGun Artillery - - - S





Page 5: Sample file - Wargame Vaultwatermark.wargamevault.com/pdf_previews/64235-sample.pdf · 2018. 4. 28. · Army: The Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638 Commander: Werth Generals: Savelli, Gotz

Army: The Weimarian Army 1638Commander: Sax-WeimarGenerals: Taupadel

Unit Type Formation Grade Number Strength WeaponLifeGuardFoot Regiment Elite 1 8 S

FrenchInfantry Regiment Veteran 3 12-16 p/S*

FrenchInfantry Regiment Regular 4 12-16 p/S*

ScottishInfantry Regiment Veteran 1 12 p/S*

IrishInfantry Regiment Veteran 1 12 p/S*

GermanInfantry Regiment Veteran 1 20 p/S*

GermanInfantry Regiment Regular 7 12-36 p/S*

LifeGuardHorse Trotter Elite 1 3 S

FrenchHorse Galloper Veteran 1 8 S

FrenchHorse Galloper Regular 2 8 S

GermanHorse Trotter Veteran 2 8-12 S

GermanHorse Trotter Regular 8 8-12 S

GermanDragoon Dragoon Regular 1 14 S

Demi-Cannon Artillery Regular 1 1 S

Demi-Culverin Artillery Regular 3 3 S

*BattalionGuns Artillery - - - S





Page 6: Sample file - Wargame Vaultwatermark.wargamevault.com/pdf_previews/64235-sample.pdf · 2018. 4. 28. · Army: The Imperial/Bavarian Army 1638 Commander: Werth Generals: Savelli, Gotz

Army: The Imperial Army 1642 - 45Commander: Archduke LeopoldGenerals: Piccolomini, Gonzaga, Borneval, Suys, Puchheim

Unit Type Formation Grade Number Strength WeaponImperialInfantry LaterTercio Veteran 4 16-20 p/S*

ImperialInfantry LaterTercio Regular 6 16-20 p/S*

GuardCuirassier Trotter Elite 2 6 S

ImperialCuirassier Trotter Veteran 4 8-10 S

ImperialCuirassier Trotter Regular 16 8-10 S

ImperialHorse Trotter Regular 3 8-10 S

ImperialArquebusier Caracole Regular 2 8-10 S

ImperialDragoon Dragoon Regular 1 8 S

CroatHorse Skirmish Regular 4 8-10 S

Demi-Cannon Artillery Regular 1 - S

Demi-Culverin Artillery Regular 6 - S

Falcon Artillery Regular 2 - S

*BattalionGuns Artillery Regular - - S


Army: The Swedish Army 1642 - 45Commander: TorstenssonGenerals: Wittenberg, Stalhansk, Lilliehook, Wrangel, Lillie, Schlang, Konigsmarck

Unit Type Formation Grade Number Strength WeaponSwedishInfantry Regiment Veteran 3 16-20 p/S*

GermanInfantry Regiment Veteran 1 20 p/S*

GermanInfantry Regiment Regular 6 16-20 p/S*

LifeGuardHorse Trotter Elite 1 12 S

FinnishHorse Galloper Veteran 2 8-12 S

GermanHorse Trotter Veteran 4 8-12 S

GermanHorse Trotter Regular 14 8-12 S

Demi-Cannon Artillery Regular 3 - S

Demi-Culverin Artillery Regular 3 - S

*BattalionGuns Artillery Regular - - S



