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Sample Copy. Not For Distribution.iii Get Your Golden Egg 19 Ways to Win Over Procrastination Tushar Vilas Kokane EDUCREATION PUBLISHING (Since 2011) Sample Copy. Not For Distribution

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Get Your Golden Egg

19 Ways to Win Over Procrastination

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Shubham Vihar, Mangla, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh-495001

Website: www.educreation.in ________________________________________________________________

© Copyright, 2018, Tushar Vilas Kokane

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of its writer.

ISBN: 978-1-5457-1827-8

Price: 175.00

The opinions/contents expressed in this book are solely of the authors and do not represent the opinions/standings/thoughts of Educreation or the Editors. The book is released by using the services of self-publishing house.

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Get Your Golden


19 Ways to Win Over


Tushar Vilas Kokane



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Dedicated to…

My lovely parents, Mr. Vilas Kokane and Mangla Kokane, for

being my source of inspiration. I would like to dedicate this book

to my charming sister, Samidha, and brother-in-law, Vinay, for

their wonderful support and consistent encouragement. I would

also like to dedicate this book to my wife, Nivedita, and my son,

Vihan, for their unconditional love.

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Congratulation for picking up “Get your golden egg”. You have

taken the first step towards winning over habit of procrastination.

The word has become more dynamic than ever before. The speed

of invention has become stupendous. The achievement of first

million subscribers for any technology or invention is reduced to

few months from decades. It took decades to reach one million

mark for television while WhatsApp took only few months to reach

one million subscriptions.

Technology disruption is going to impact human life much

faster than we could think. There is an increasing pressure on

utilisation of time and being productive at personal as well as at

individual level. It is going to be difficult day by day to do all the

things in given limited space of time.

There won’t be enough time to do everything. Avoiding

procrastination is going to be a differentiating factor between

successful and not-so-successful people.

Success follows a specific pattern

During my tenure of one-and-a-half decade as Human Resource

professional, I came across many young achievers, super

successful, talented, extra-ordinary individuals. I observed that

there is a pattern emerging out of their life in terms of their habits

and thinking. Anybody can be productive if they follow this pattern.

Tony Robbins said, “Success lives pattern”.

You may master any number of productivity improvement

technique, but there will be still enough work need to be done.

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There are two different schools of thoughts about productivity. One

talks about doing multiple tasks at faster rate and the other talks

about focus on better utilisation of limited bandwidth by focusing

on those 20% task which will give you 80% results. Considering

our limited bandwidth in terms of time, prioritising our goals has

tremendous impact on our life.

We all procrastinate for one or another reason, although the

reason and degree of procrastination differ considerably with each

individual. The study conducted about procrastination indicates

that successful people also procrastinate; however, they follow

different pattern of procrastination and their set of procrastination

is different than ordinary person.

There are numerous techniques mentioned in this book which

will help you to overcome procrastination; go and remove your

name from procrastination club. Tools and techniques given in this

book are very simple to exercise; however, the impact of this

technique will not only boost your productivity but will make you

effective in your personal or professional roles in your life. The

very purpose of this book is to understand what successful people

do to overcome procrastination and how we can learn from them.

This book is designed as “GIFT” to ensure that we can give it to

someone important in our life and we wish them good luck and

prosperous future. You can also use this simple tools and

techniques to be successful in your life. Ensure to use the page

number 10 in case you are gifting it to yourself.

Why this book is so short?

As mentioned earlier, the objective of “Get your golden egg” book

is to help all of us to overcome procrastination. I observed during

promotion of my first book “How to Win an Interview” and also

during my journey as a reader reading many self-help books that it

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is difficult to finish longer book at one go. I do not want readers to

give one more reason to procrastinate. The techniques given in

this book are simple and practical. They are very simple to

implement and yet very effective. The sturdiness of the book is

strength and it also gives higher probability to finish it at one go.

“Get your Golden Egg” is helpful to readers from all walks of

life. Procrastination exists in our world from ages. It exist in

different forms and levels at different ages. We procrastinate at all

stages of our life starting from school to retirement. The reason

varies from subconscious to conscious level that depends upon our

age, educational level, environment, financial status as well as our

attitudes towards that particular task. As we grow as an

individual, complexity of procrastination increases. There are

many researchers and behavioural scientists who have written

thesis and various research papers on procrastination. My

objective of writing this book is not attempting to unfathom

reasons for procrastination as I am of the opinion that we cannot

remove it completely. Procrastination is as natural as various

other human emotions like anger, hatred, lust or greed. The only

way to get rid of them is to focus on method or processes which

help us either overcome them or shift our focus on more

meaningful things in our life.

Each method mentioned in this book is easy to implement and

has proven track record. One of my favourite methods is “Get your

golden egg” as it helps us to build our anti-procrastination muscle

and also helps us to win our biggest enemy in the fight against

procrastination, which is fear of failure. You need to reflect upon

your reason for procrastination to arrive at method to win over it.

If you want to learn how to stop dreaming and start doing – if

you want to stop putting things off and start getting things done –

then this little book is your roadmap to success.

Let’s get started...

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From, …………………………………………… To ……………………………………………

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Contents Page

Procrastination – Meet the Beast Within

Which is Your Style?



Procrastinator Code

How to Stop Procrastination



Method 1: Check off list Method 20

Method 2: JUST DO IT Technique 23

Method 3: Use Affirmations 26

Method 4: Face Your Fear and Do it Anyway 30

Method 5: Announce to Support Group 32

Method 6: Priority Setting 36

Method 7: Weekly Scheduler 41

Method 8: Reward Yourself 46

Method 9: Doing Most Boring Task At Your Peak

of Performance


Method 10: Get your Golden Egg (GYGE) 50

Method 11: Bring Your Buddy 54

Method 12: Stay Healthy 56

Method 13: Build an Emotional Muscle 60

Method 14: Pareto Principle to Curb



Method 15: Record Your Ideas 66

Method 16: Believe in Yourself 69

Method 17: Set Your Learning Goals 71

Method 18: Find a Starting Point 73

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Method 19: Embrace Imperfection 75

Jargon Buster 79

About the Author 83

About the Book 84

Acknowledgements 85

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Get Your Golden Egg | 1

Tushar Vilas Kokane

Chapter 1

Procrastination – Meet the Beast


On a lazy Monday morning, you get up hearing rooster in your

alarm clock and observe that it is 6 o‟clock and then snoozes the

alarm for 10 minutes more. The thought struck you is you anyway

set up your alarm 20 minutes earlier considering “this is going to

happen” or “let me keep buffer”. After 10 minutes, your alarm

again reminds you to get up but you again push for snooze for 10


After 10 minutes, again alarm struck and most of us (not all of

us) get up and start getting ready for office. Some of us WISH to

exercise but we postpone it thinking “Will do to it from


Both of the tasks, that is “getting up early” and “doing

exercise”, will have immense positive impact in our life and we

know it. But for no good reason, we keep delaying it.

The procrastination is so timeless, in fact, that ancient Greek

philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle developed a word to

describe this type of behaviour: Akrasia.

Akrasia is defined as the state of acting against your better

judgement. It is when you do one thing even though you know you

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Get Your Golden Egg | 2

Tushar Vilas Kokane

should do something else. Loosely translated, you could say that

Akrasia is procrastination or a lack of self-control.

Procrastination in simple words can be defined as “The

postponement of an intended or scheduled or important task

without any good reason”.

We squander away our free time and put off important tasks

we should be doing them till it‟s too late. And when it is indeed too

late, we panic and wish we have got started earlier. The chronic

procrastinators I know have spent years of their life looped in this

cycle. Delaying, putting off things, slacking, hiding from work,

facing work only when it‟s unavoidable, then repeating this loop

all over again. It‟s a bad habit that eats us away and prevents us

from achieving greater results in life. Don‟t let procrastination take

over your life.

There are various forms and types of procrastination which

depend upon degree and reason of procrastination. Putting off jobs

we do not like or jobs which do not motivate is common trait.

Unfortunately, most of the jobs we procrastinate do not get done

and stand in our to-do list. This creates sense of distraction and

reduces our productivity.

Is all procrastination a bad thing?

There is no doubt the word procrastination comes with a tint of

negative connotation. However, it is important to remember that

not all deferment of action is always bad. Sometime

procrastination helps you to poise and think before getting into


Procrastination has its origins in Latin: Pro (forward) a

crastinus (of tomorrow).

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