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Ex Friend Today It Ends

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Ex Friend Today It Ends

Dr. Ritu Beniwal



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Dr. Ritu Beniwal


Hello Guys, I Am Prisha

“It‟s 11 o‟clock in the morning, and this girl is still

in bed”, I heard my mother‟s ever-complaining

voice, entering my room.

I slightly removed the quilt from my face with

just my eyes outside and saw her sliding the

curtains from window. She opened my almirah and

took out a sky traditional outfit and turned to me.

“I am placing this salwar kameez here, now get

up soon”, she said again, “do you even remember

that Kshitij and his family are coming to see you

today? I am sending Avani to help you get ready,

till that time, you get up from bed and take bath”,

and she moved out.

After spending approx. 10–15 minutes of

laziness more in bed, I got up and entered the


It‟s hardly six months that I have completed my

college, and the marriage concern has been started

in my family, but not a matter of that much thought,

as this is very much prevalent in our middle-class

traditional families.

Chapter 01

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Ex Friend Today It Ends


Hello guys! I am Prisha, and I am from

Ambala, Haryana. Mine is a big joint family,

parents, uncle aunt, and we seven children in all,

siblings and cousins. Except me, the rest of the

children of our family are extraordinarily talented in

their respective fields of academics. They are

pursuing their bachelor or masters degree from top

institutes of the town. In short, I am a bouncer

personality in this talented squad, and after a lot of

effort, I could hardly made it to dentistry only,

which even I will not say a cup of tea for all.

Although my family never imposed to choose this

field ever, I did dentistry with my own will. Now

when I am pretty satisfied with my profession, just

one thing which I couldn‟t indulge in my work was

passion for it, which I always wanted to have in my

work, and I often feel when I am busy in my

hobbies of painting, creativities etc.


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Dr. Ritu Beniwal


Get ready, guests are to arrive!

“Don‟t move, Prisha. Let me pin up this dupatta”,

Avani di said to me while giving a jerk to my

shoulder to make me stand head straight.

“Okie, but please carefully, otherwise you will

hurt me”, I said looking at the deadly sharp safety

pin in her hand.

“No, I will not. You just stand straight and keep

quiet for a second”, she said and draped the dupatta

over my shoulder.

“Isn‟t it looking perfect now”, she said with a

proud smile for her work and turned my face to the


“Ya, this is ok”, I said with a glazed look.

“Kshitij will definitely say „yes‟ when he will

see you. You are looking very beautiful”, Avani

said drying my wet hairs, “and if we think of his

parents, then they have already liked you when they

saw you in my marriage.”

“Kshitij‟s mom had talked to mummy many

times after that, but that time you were in college,

so no one wanted to disturb your studies”, she went

on saying doing my hairs.

Chapter 02

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“Then, why are you disturbing now?” I said

and turned to her, “you know I want to establish my

own clinic and want to be independent first.”

“Then, who is saying not to, you can do

whatever you want to but after marriage”, she gave

her very expected answer, “and you were not even

interested in your dentistry degree and profession

first, what happened now.”

“Ya, I was not, but I have done it. I want to do

my work with all my heart”, I said in a firm voice.

And then trying to make me understand, the so-

called practical point of view, she explained,

“Kshitij is a nice guy. He is smart, intelligent and

has recently set up his own business. He is just

perfect for you. Marriage is not going to hinder your


“But marriage will obviously give me a lot of

responsibilities, and I don‟t think I will get enough

time to start up with my work with full


Avani looked at me for a while again, “Just

leave it for now, I actually don‟t understand your

logic behind this all. You are looking very pretty,

just don‟t make faces in front of them and smile

please.” She changed the topic very smartly.

“Hmm, thank you! Is he on facebook, di?” I


“Ya, he must be, I mean who is not nowadays!”

Avani said, “but you don‟t try to find him out there.

They are about to reach within half an hour, then

you can see as you want to.”


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Dr. Ritu Beniwal


Well, I have seen his one picture in Avani‟s

marriage album. He was the typical marriage

material, was looking actually dashing in that grey

well-tailored suit, but only looks are not important

to spend your whole life with someone!

I was all ready to meet my future husband and

in laws. Avani tried to put on make-up also, but I

succeed in saving myself from that torture at least.

“Okie, now come with me and have breakfast. I

am going to help mom in kitchen. Guests would be

coming anytime”, Avani said, and I followed her to

the hall downstairs.


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‘You are not a kid’

The house was decorated with flowers, lights and

rangolis. No, these efforts were not taken to

welcome the guests; instead, this was the month of

March, and it was the great Indian fest – Holi – few

days back. This was just the after fest left

decoration and elements still in air. Avani started

preparing breakfast. Everybody was busy in their

respective works assigned to them. At such time, in

Indian families, boy‟s side guests are welcomed and

treated so nicely that even our PM wouldn‟t get

such a warm welcome during his famous foreign


We all have some criteria set up for our life

partner, or I should better say soul mate. As life

partner specifies the mod term which means one

with whom you just spend your life, earn and spend

money, make family, raise the kids, marry them

when they grow up, settle them and die happily; yet

there is no big difference in the two, soul mate is the

one with whom we feel, we grow not only socially

but emotionally, spiritually, with the feel of

togetherness forever, and with a love that is beyond

boundaries, beyond everything, perhaps beyond life.

Chapter 03

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Dr. Ritu Beniwal


I was almost sinking in my philosophical

thoughts that Avani interrupted, “Prisha, just look at

my phone. See, who is calling?”

“Umm … some number”, I looked at the phone

lying on the kitchen table in charge.

“Take call, I am busy”, she said without

looking at me.

I removed the phone from charger and received

the call, “Hello!”

“Hello! It was a guy on the other side, with a

little pause, he continued, “Avani ji?”

“No, Avani is busy, who are you? I am her

sister, Prisha”, I asked in a casual manner.

“Ohh k! And this time, after taking a little

longer pause than before, he introduced himself,

“Hey Prisha, I am Kshitij, we have almost reached

here, but not exactly. I think I have missed the

street. Will you please help me to get the way to

your home?”

“Oh … ya sure, tell me exactly where are you

right now, any landmark …?” I asked.

Avani looked at me and gesticulated, “Who is

on call?”

“Kshitij …”, I said slowly holding the phone

away from mouth.

“Well, this is a school here, D.A.V. school”, he


“Ok, then you just take lef …”, and before I

could complete, Avani almost snatched the phone

with a dark look at me.

“Hey Kshitij, it‟s Avani, ya, you just take left

from D.A.V. school, then it‟s the 7th house in same

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Ex Friend Today It Ends


side row.” She talked very sincerely and hung up

the call.

“What‟s wrong with you?”

“Now, what wrong I did?”

“He is supposed to be your future hubby. His

parents are with him now in car, and you are telling

him the address and landmarks! Don‟t you know

how you should behave?”

“You told me to take the call, and what‟s

wrong in it”, I asked with a quizzical face.

“Then, you should have given it to me when

you got to know that it‟s him!”, she said making the

reason behind her over dramatic behaviour crystal

clear to me.

I didn‟t say even a single word after her such

an intelligent thought and just kept listening to her.

This was really the extreme. What the hell was

happening to me? He was just a stranger, and I was

supposed to behave as if he is the one and only for

whom I should think now.


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Dr. Ritu Beniwal



While she was teaching me this lesson to react

normal and quiet, Kshitij and his parents arrived

home. They were made to sit in drawing room.

Avani di and all my family were there with them.

After about an hour, Avani di came to call me.

Taking me to the drawing room, she again

anxiously set my already set dupatta and hairs.

I entered the room following her. Kshitij‟s

father gestured me to sit beside aunty.

“Come, sit here beta”, aunty said.

I was trying to act normal but the way I found

aunty staring at me from head to toe, it was making

me a bit conscious. Mothers are really keen

observers when it is something about their son‟s

life, and I think she was doing her job very well!

After a minute of this check-out session, she

finally spoke up, and my heartbeat came back to

normal, “Do you remember me, beta? We have met

at Avani‟s marriage?”

“Ya, I remember”, I said with a cheesy smile

and tried to recall if I had ever met her during

Avani‟s marriage but what I could actually

Chapter 04

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remember from Avani‟s marriage was that special

flavoured ice-cream of my choice and my struggle

in managing my lehenga all the time.

Suddenly, Avani nudged me, “Prisha, uncle is

asking you something.”

“Ah …yes, sorry, I didn‟t hear …what?”, I said

in hurry.

“So you did your BDS degree from

Faridabad?” uncle asked in a very polite manner.

“Yes, from DDU institute of medical sciences”,

I replied.

“Ok, that institute has good colleges, and its

hostels too have good facilities”, he said.

“Yes”, I said.

“So your hostel was combined or was it

separate from boys?”, aunty suddenly asked in the

middle of the conversation.

I have never thought of this, but it was a cool

thought! Such kind of facility was no yet available

in most of the Indian UG degree institutes till date. I

guess she asked this because she had done her

master‟s degree from abroad. Maybe there are such

kinds of arrangements there. I got her sincere

motive behind the question but still my wicked

thought made me smile a little, which I controlled,

when Avani pressed my hand, guessing my thought

process behind that.

“No, it was separate aunty ji”, I said normally,

and amidst all these rapid fire rounds, I gave a quick

look at Kshitij who was also smiling at this

question. After this momentary eye contact, I turned

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