I Miss Nellie Holmes , treasurer of the' Young Woman's Temperance Association of Buffalo , N. Y. , strongly advises all suf- fering ¬ women to rely , as she did , upon Lydia E , Pinfcham's Vegetable Compound * J'pEAB MRS. PINKHAM : Your medicine is indeed an ideal woman's medicine , and by far the best I know to restore lost health and strength. I suffered misery for several years , being troubled with menorrhagia. My back ached , I had bearing-down pains and frequent headaches. I would often wake from restful sleep , and in such pain that I suffered for hours before I could go to sleep again. I dreaded the long nights as much as the weary days- .I . consulted two different physicians , hoping to get relief , but , finding that their medicine did not seem to cure me , I tried your Vegetable Compound on the recommendation of a friend from the East who was visiting me. " I am glad that I followed her advice , for every ache and pain is gone , and not only this , but my general health is much improved. I have a fine appetite and have gained in flesh. My earnest advice to suffering women is- to put away all other medicines and to take ]Dydia E. Piiikham's Vege- table ¬ Compound. " Miss KF.T.T.TK HOLMES , 540 No. Division St. , Buffalo , N. Y- .Jliss . Irene Crosby , prominent in Social Life in East Savanah , Ga. , adds her testimonial to the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.D- EAB . MRS. PINKHAM : "It always gives me pleasure to find an article of real value and unquestioned merit. I have found ILydia 13. Piiikham's Vegetable Com- pound ¬ well calculated to relieve and cure the various troubles arising from irregulari- ties ¬ and menstrual pains. " Much suffering could be spared if we only paid more attention to proper living and diet , but as long as women do not do this , your Vegetable Compound has come to the front as a true friend in need. I have been very pleased indeed with the relief it has broujrbt. TOG. I find that I have perfect health now , and that my mind is also more clear and active since I used your Vege- table ¬ Compound. It has been of great benefit to me , and I gladly recommend it. Very sincerely yours , Miss IRENE CROSBY , 313 East Charlton St. , East Savannah , Ga. " Remember that every woman is cordially invited to write to- Mrs. . Pinkham if there is anything about her case or symptoms she does not understand. Mrs. Pinkham's address is IJynn , Mass. Her advice is free , and is cheerfully given to any ailing woman who asks for it.- FO . R FEIT M wo cannot forthwlta prodnco the original letters and signatures of above testimonials , which will prove their absolute genuinenes- s.Ljdia . IS. Pinkham Mad. Co. , lornn , MOM. A little skandel now and then iz- bi the best of men. The carpenter nni pattern shop iperated in conn ction with the en- lineering - depirttneuo of the TJniver- Sty of Mi.-hlgan has been enlarged ji n arly do lole its former size. At lie same time the equipme. fc "f the hop has been improved and in- reased - Before the close "jf the cur- anfc - 'calendar year the foundry , i.acksmith shop and machine shop will be leinodeled. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Sprains and Strains. Were Welcomed t- oIfssfsrn during last Year They are settled and settling on tht Grain and Grazing Lands , and are pro * . permit- and satisfied- .SirWIllrod . Laurier recently said : "A- rew star lias risen upon the horizon , i ixl Is toward It tliat every Immigrant who leave * the land or his ancestor * to come and peck a home for himself now tuins his gaze" Canada. There ii ROOM FOR MILLIONS IIomcKtcmln ( riven- uvviy. . SchoolK , < Uiurchci , JSuII- vayx - \ , .Market * , < "l I unite , every ¬ thing to be dexlrcd. For a descriptive Atlas and other In. formation , applv o SUPEKLNTKNOKKT ! NIQIUTIOK. Ottawa , Canada ; or antho- v - nn > Kll Nnw VorkLifu Bide. . Omnhn. N h- i Toe article < n typh is ferer in the llast volume ( vol. VII ) cf the Refer- ence ¬ Hand Book of the Medicinal Sciences , was written by Dr. David M. Cowie , lirst assistants in Internal medicine in the medical department , of the University of Michigan.- I . I Thirty-one thousand plants have been purch.is d for use on the Sa i- naw i- Forest Farm of the University ' 'of Michigan. Planting operations will begin as soon as the weather i permits. THE USUAL PEOGRAM Lady "My foofe seem to be swell'- ed. . " Shoe Dealer "These'tfo. 2 shoe* have been in stock BO long that thej have shrui k. " Ladv "i really believe my joinb are eohreed. " 'A'osj likely these shoes are wronglj- marked. . They may be Ko. J's. " Lady "I certainly ean'6 got tnea 01. " Dealer Your instep is high. ] will get another pair with a higher I J instep. All persons of noble ancestrj have high insteps" Dealer ( back p-irt of the store, two minutes later ) "Quick , George rub the marks off those number sixet and give them to that woman ii- front. . " We are promised a seed time an- harvist < , but we ain't satisfied onlesj- we kan diktate the quantity ov oati- we are going to git to the aker , anc what the price iz going to be. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE CANDY CATHAB.TICS- Oc. , . AD 30 BEST FOR THE BOWELS USE OF BITTER APPETIZERS.- tnflnoncea . of Them on the Procesaes- of Digestion. What Js the logic of the bitter ap- flotizers - that axe commonly taken just before the heavy meals of the day both to this country and abroad , asks the London Lancet The object is appa- rently ¬ to stimulate the secretion of gas- Iric - juice , but it has been suggesiea that it would be more physiological to make use of a small quantity of alkali Instead , as that is known to exercise a favorable influence upon peptic se- cretion. ¬ . The chief objections to the use of. bitters have been based on researchei- by Tchelzov , who found that the ad- ministration of large doses of quassia- hliidered rather than helped the diges- tive ¬ process. Relchmann , moreover, showed that in the fasting stomach , the secretory activity of which is nor- mal ¬ or diminished , a bitter drink pro- duced ¬ less secretion of gastric juice than a draft of distilled water. These experiments take account solely of the specific action of the hitters , and do not regard their reflex effects. These have been particularly studied by Borlssov , whose results are an- alyzed ¬ in a recent number of La Se- maine Medicale. Borissov found that If a little wad of wool soaked in tinc- ture ¬ of gentian was put into the mouth ( of a dog ) immediately before food was administered a marked stimulate effecl upon gastric secretion resulted , but if the bitter was used fifteen or thirty minutes before the meal it was quite Inefficacious. It is concluded , there- fore ¬ , that these substances have tha power of rendering gustatory sensa- tions ¬ more acute and of exercising a temporarily stimulant effect upon gas- tric ¬ secretions ; for this purpose tney- Bliould be given immediately before tha meal in small doses and in the form ol tincture ( ten to twenty drops ) rather than cachets or pills- .We . rn'ay remark upon this that tha habit is obviously susceptible of abuse , particularly when , as is usually the case , some strong alcoholic liquor ig used as the vehicle of the bitter. Aa- a matter of fact , such a stimulant action is 'the real function which i3 intended to he subserved by the soup which is taken at the beginning of a- meal. . There is a tendency to consume this in somewhat large quantity ; in such cases it tends to be harmful rath- er ¬ than conducive to digestion ; bu < there can be no doubt, on the othei hand , that the use of a tabtespoonful- or two of a hot and sapid fluid at thq beginning of a meal is an excellenj means of giving the stomach a fair start in the performance of Its funo- tlons. . Kills TTolf with Hands. Elliott Terry , a 13-year-old boy of- Boxelder County , Utah , is the hero of- a desperate encounter with a big gray wolf. The lad emerged victorious from the conflict with nothing more serious than a flesh wound in the leg to re- mind ¬ him of it. With his 5-year-old brother , Eddie , Elliott was hunting squirrels. He was armed with only a 22-caliber rifle. In- a clump of bushes the lads were at- tacked ¬ by a wolf , unusually large for his species in this State. The younger boy took refuge in flight , while Elliott gave battle to the wolf. The animal , evidently having been driven down from the mountains by the snows , was ferocious. The boy fired a shot from his toy rifle and before the wolf reached him had discharged the weap- on ¬ twice more. All three bullets took effect , but not sufficiently to disable the animal , which-leaped at the hey and fastened his fangs in the young ¬ ster's leg- .Elliott . , being unable to fire another shot because of the close quarters , grappled with the beast , seizing it by the throat. The animal snarled and snapped viciously , but the lad held Ms grip tightly , dropping his rifle and ap- plying ¬ all his strength with both hands in an effort to shut off the wind of hia antagonist This style of defense proved effective , the wolf finally losing strength and ceasing to struggle. While the wolf lay gasping iipon the ground the lad dispatched it by cutting its throat with a pocket knife. Shattering All Illusion. The Ohio and Mississippi rivers were bank-full. In the pilot house of the steamboat as it drew near the landing at Cairo , stood a traveler from the East taking his first view of the thriv- ing ¬ city that stands at the junction of these two mighty rivers , alwajs an ob- ject ¬ of interest to tourists.- "And . this , " he said, speaking more to himself than to anjbody else, "ia the spot where Dickens' 'Martin Chuz- zlewit' - landed , away back in the for- ties ¬ 1- "The grizzled old pilot turned to him incredulously.- "Mister . , " he responded , "I've trav- eled ¬ this river , man an' boy , fur the last sixty year , an' I hain't never seen no boat o' that name. Somebody's > een foolin' ye. " Simplicity in Toys- .It . is a pity that such a great variety of toys are given to the modern child to play with. Everything comes to hig hand ready made , and leaves almost nothing to his own creative genius. A few simple playthings made the child just as happy , and much more h * ventlve. Many a little one will spend hours building houses and laying rail * road tracks with a box of blocks foi his material who will in a day cast aside the most costly toy , if it euggesj nothing new to his fancy.- At . the Bull.- A . girl from the great woolly West Was told she was "much overdressed ; " Then they heard her exclaim : "Well , you can't say the same Of the rest of these girls , I'll be blest !" -Cincinnati Times-Star. AN EASTERN WAR JOKE Japnese Emperor "What news' ? " Japanese General "We have met the enemy and they are hours behind us. " New Boy "Lady wants to see VO- Dlir" Fortune Teller "Who is she ? " "I don't know. " "Theu follow her home and find out. Bow the dickens am I going ! o tell a woman's fortune if I don't tnow who she is ? " THE SOUP INDUSTRY Steward ( writing bill ol fare ) 'What sort of suup will you have oday ? " Conk "I vlll tell you zoon. Zaml- "Sm"H : re ! " Cuuk "JJaf all yesterday's scraps Ken added to zee stock-pot ? " Sam "Yep. " Cook "Vat zort of soup does it- mell Ilk ? " TOE PATERNAL RACK Young Man "Why does Mr. Jinks lave such a bang-dog , noaccount- ok ; ? Is it because he is in financial roubles ? " Old Man-"Oh , no. It is because te is the father of children of school tee , and they have begun to ask Mm to help them wiih their anthl- etic. - . " His Friends' Remedies We desire [ remedy for a cold , and for the in- Drmatinn - of those who may make uRgestJons , we mention that we lave already taken the following : Quinine , rock and rye , lemon hot , IOD toddy , Irish moss tea , teef tea n quantities , hot milk , mustard 'laster ( externally ) , mustard plaster infernally ) , hot vvater bag , steam lath , hot irons , X's mixture , \ \rnnchial troches , hob baths and nflnitum , ilaxseed , naseau , all the en minute rem < dits , Stickeoi's 3orn Cure , Bump's Sure Cure for Jog Cholera , Dover's powders , two I fferent prescriptions of unknown ' 'haracter.- We . will be genuinely obliged for long list of other things to take , tf. B. We have also taken a fresh : old. Baltimore News. The St. Edmnndabiiry Weaving Vorks of ITeslemere , England , has lent s me most exquisite productions Df their loc ms to the World's fair. These fabrics or silk and satin , in- ilude - a chalice veil of crimson satin Brocaded in golc' thread with a symbolic design. There are priestly /rstments and hangings of silk and aand tutfed rugs. Queen Alexandra ecently ordered an alter cloth of- imilar design , red and gold being : he combination selected- .At . the World's fair an ingenious Missouri man has a "print shop"- D"ilt of honey of. which he is tne- irchitect and the bees the builders He reproduced his otlice building in- oainaHure and turned his bees loose.- In . a few moths every facade , every ootin and cnraer was thickly covered vith golden honey. This odd ex- ninit - is placed in the palace of argi- lulture. - . The only work that will tell must jest jou something. Meyer- .T . h e Univeis ity hospital In connection with the Michigm- Qniversit } will reciive any indigent person for treatment at the expense u f the township i n whicu n e has l gjl residence upon the written order of ihe supervisor of that township. "PE-RU-NA TOMES UP THE SYSTEM IF TAKEN IN THE SPRING. " SAYS THIS BEAUTIFUL YOUNG GIRL. MISS MARJORY HAMPTON , OF NEW YORK. Miss Marjory Hampton , 2616 Third Avenue , New York City , writes : "Peruna is a fine medicine to take any season of the year. \ Taken in the spring it tones up the system and acts as a tonic , ; strengthening me more than a vacation. In the fall and winter / have found that it cures colds and catarrh and also find that it ' is invaluable to keep the bowels regular , acting as a gentle stimu- lant - ' . on the system. In fact , I consider it a whole medicine chest. " Miss Marjory Hampton. , ' ' PURE BLOOD Blood Impurities of Springtime Cause , Prevention and Cure.- Dr. . . Hartman's medical lectures are eagerly scanned by many thousand readers. One of the most timely and interesting lectures he ever delivered was his recent- lecture on the blood impurities of spring. The doctor said in substance that ev- ery ¬ spring the blood is loaded with the effete accumulations of winter , derang ¬ ing the digestion , producing sluggish- ness ¬ of the liver , overtaxing the kid- neys ¬ , interfering with the action of the bowels and the proper circulation of the blood. This condition of things produces what is popularly known as spring fever , spring malaria , nervous exhaustion , that tired feeling , blood thickening and many other names. Sometimes the victim is bilious , dys- peptic ¬ and constipated ; sometimes he is HOW IT WOPKb' Prison Superintendent'Heie's a lot of official documents showing that the min ; who has been in cell 90 for the last- ten years has been \ found innocent of the crime for which he was convicted. " Assistant "Hum 3 \ \ bat's to be done D'I\V ? " Superintendent "Kick him out. " The foundation of a noble charac- ter ¬ is absolute sincerity.- On . March H , Dr. Frederick G- .Novy . , professor of bacteriology Jn the University of Michigan , gave an address before the Wayne County Medica ! Society at Detroit , on "Tryp- anoamoes. - . " um.- iiyi fr "feaflB " * ' " 1Wt-bS For Infants and Children. You Hav- iiways Oouj ; :: nim : mmi'i'mniiii'immmmt' | able Preparalionfor As- similating ¬ UieFoodandBeguIa- ling the Stomachs andBowels of Bears the Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur- ness andRest.Contains neither OpiumMorphine. nor Mineral- .I . feT "NAR. C O TIC.J- Uxyv . afOTtUbSUtVELPITCHER- fbmp&in Se- 4lx.Senna. * Bi flcnpJeetl- Ctotitd - 1tntoyfvt- n.Aperfecl &iyc . Remedy forConsu'pa- Fion - , Sour Stomach.Diarrtioea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh- ness and Loss OF S&EEP. ill w f- cFac Simile Signature oF $5 NEW YORK. " 3 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE CENTAUB COMPANY. NEW YOUR CITY. weak , nervous and depressed ; and again la : may have eruptions , swellings and other blood humors. Whichever it is , the cause is the nutno effete accumula- tions ¬ in the blood. Nothing is more certain within the- vhole - \ range of medical science t'lan that a course of Peruna in early springtime will perfectly and effectually prevent or cure this almost universal affection. Everybody feels it in some degree.- A . great majority are disturbed con- siderably ¬ , while a large per cent of the- human family are made very miserable by this condition every spring- .Peruna . will prevent it if taken in- time.Peruna will cure it if taken as di ¬ rected- .Peruna . is the ideal spring medicine of the medical profession- .If . you do not derive prompt and satis- factory ¬ results from the use of Peruna , write at once to Dr. Ilartman , giving a. full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice ¬ gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman , President of The Rartiuau Sanitarium , Columbus ,. Ohio- .It . is the thrill of euthuisasm ; led the true ring of truth you feel anc hear hack of the cold type thai nitikes ynu buy the thing advertised. Jed Soarboro. ISo man ever sank under the hurder- of today. It Is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden o ) ' today that the weight is more that a man can hear. MacDonald. 1 never knu a man yet with a bed full ov brains that could whisseB- or sing a tune korrecKtly. Kindness iz never entirely wasted it will tell even on a mule.- Mm. . . Wlnslow's SOOTHING SYttUP for chil- Irpn teethinpsoftens the uums , reduces Intta- matlon8llayspaln cured colic. Piiceijobottli The best detinisbun I kan giv ov happiness iz , to ha ? all our reazon- ible - - wants grati tied- .Piso's . Cnre for Consumption ahvayi- gives immediate relief in all throat tree hies. F. E. Bierman , Leipsic , Ohio , Aug. 311001. Lawyers , ducks and dok'ors aicr remarkable for their big bills. Old Sofas , Racks of Chairs , etc. , can be dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. * Civiliz sbun hai given us ruin , the ffuir.full cauze ov more sin an <? mlzery than all the horrors OT bar.- barism combined.- Horc . Agents for finest blgk- nottoe ,, . Good (tellers , now terrltorr old ii cue day. VVriU U. Wireucll- ZieaCUy.lll. . I have seen men who were so cun- ning ¬ at a trade that it wuz ical f us.- to . be cheated bi them.- Aak . Ton- Denier for Allen's Foot Eage > - A powder to shake Into your shoes. It rests the feet. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen, Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching , Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores , 25c. Sampla mulled FREE. Address Allen S. Oltusted , Le Eoy , N. Y- .IT . WAS CHILLY Jinks ( entering ) "Hello , old man { You look blue. What's up ? " Binks ( gloimily-Coal. ) " rTvrrr Do we do It ! A pint of the flnwt RalrwasJ n * ' W frJ5 cent" , delivcrel at your tiuor. K farther {.barges wh tcTer. s-end 15 cents to- hatagon Specialty Co. Crookrrille , O- .Thare . may be sutcb a case on re&- kord , but I never knu a thief t < - reform ye- t.BEGGS'BLOOD . PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. CURES WHEKE All ELSE FAILS , ben Cougr Byru x. Tastes Good , use in ttma. Sc & by drutrgiu- N * N. U. * 2Q17 YORK

Sale Ten Million - University of Nebraska–Lincoln · I Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer of the' Young Woman's Temperance Association of Buffalo, N. Y., strongly advises all suf- fering

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Page 1: Sale Ten Million - University of Nebraska–Lincoln · I Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer of the' Young Woman's Temperance Association of Buffalo, N. Y., strongly advises all suf- fering


Miss Nellie Holmes , treasurer of the'Young Woman's Temperance Associationof Buffalo , N. Y. , strongly advises all suf-


women to rely , as she did , uponLydia E, Pinfcham's Vegetable Compound *

J'pEAB MRS. PINKHAM : Your medicine is indeed an ideal woman'smedicine , and by far the best I know to restore lost health and strength. Isuffered misery for several years , being troubled with menorrhagia. My backached , I had bearing-down pains and frequent headaches. I would oftenwake from restful sleep , and in such pain that I suffered for hours before Icould go to sleep again. I dreaded the long nights as much as the weary days-.I

.consulted two different physicians , hoping to get relief , but , finding that

their medicine did not seem to cure me , I tried your Vegetable Compoundon the recommendation of a friend from the East who was visiting me.

" I am glad that I followed her advice , for every ache and pain is gone ,and not only this , but my general health is much improved. I have a fineappetite and have gained in flesh. My earnest advice to suffering women is-

to put away all other medicines and to take ]Dydia E. Piiikham's Vege-table


Compound. " Miss KF.T.T.TK HOLMES , 540 No. Division St. , Buffalo , N. Y-



Irene Crosby , prominent in Social Life in EastSavanah , Ga. , adds her testimonial to the valueof Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.D-



MRS. PINKHAM : "It always givesme pleasure to find an article of real valueand unquestioned merit. I have foundILydia 13. Piiikham's Vegetable Com-pound


well calculated to relieve and curethe various troubles arising from irregulari-ties


and menstrual pains." Much suffering could be spared if we

only paid more attention to proper living anddiet , but as long as women do not do this ,your Vegetable Compound has come tothe front as a true friend in need. I havebeen very pleased indeed with the relief ithas broujrbt. TOG. I find that I have perfecthealth now , and that my mind is also moreclear and active since I used your Vege-table


Compound. It has been of greatbenefit to me , and I gladly recommend it.Very sincerely yours , Miss IRENE CROSBY ,313 East Charlton St. , East Savannah , Ga. "

Remember that every woman is cordially invited to write to-Mrs. . Pinkham if there is anything about her case or symptomsshe does not understand. Mrs. Pinkham's address is IJynn, Mass.Her advice is free , and is cheerfully given to any ailing womanwho asks for it.-



R FEIT M wo cannot forthwlta prodnco the original letters and signatures ofabove testimonials , which will prove their absolute genuinenes-


IS. Pinkham Mad. Co. , lornn , MOM.

A little skandel now and then iz-

bi the best of men.The carpenter nni pattern shop

iperated in conn ction with the en-


depirttneuo of the TJniver-Sty of Mi.-hlgan has been enlargedji n arly do lole its former size. Atlie same time the equipme. fc "f thehop has been improved and in-


Before the close "jf the cur-



'calendar year the foundry ,i.acksmith shop and machine shopwill be leinodeled.

MEXICANMustang Liniment

cures Sprains and Strains.

Were Welcomed t-


during last YearThey are settled and settling on tht

Grain and Grazing Lands , and are pro *.permit- and satisfied-


Laurier recently said : "A-rew star lias risen upon the horizon ,i ixl Is toward It tliat every Immigrantwho leave * the land or his ancestor * tocome and peck a home for himself nowtuins his gaze" Canada. There ii

ROOM FOR MILLIONSIIomcKtcmln (riven-

uvviy. . SchoolK , < Uiurchci , JSuII-vayx

-\ , .Market * , < "l I unite , every ¬

thing to be dexlrcd.For a descriptive Atlas and other In.

formation , applv o SUPEKLNTKNOKKT !NIQIUTIOK. Ottawa , Canada ; or antho-


nn > Kll Nnw VorkLifu Bide. . Omnhn. N h-

i Toe article < n typh is ferer in thellast volume ( vol. VII ) cf the Refer-ence


Hand Book of the MedicinalSciences , was written by Dr. DavidM. Cowie , lirst assistants in Internalmedicine in the medical department

, of the University of Michigan.-I

.I Thirty-one thousand plants havebeen purch.is d for use on the Sa i-


Forest Farm of the University''of Michigan. Planting operations

will begin as soon as the weatheri permits.

THE USUAL PEOGRAMLady "My foofe seem to be swell'-

ed. . "Shoe Dealer "These'tfo. 2 shoe*

have been in stock BO long that thejhave shrui k. "

Ladv "i really believe my joinbare eohreed. "

'A'osj likely these shoes are wronglj-marked. . They may be Ko. J's. "

Lady "I certainly ean'6 got tnea01. "

Dealer Your instep is high. ]will get another pair with a higher I


instep. All persons of noble ancestrjhave high insteps"

Dealer ( back p-irt of the store,

two minutes later ) "Quick , Georgerub the marks off those number sixetand give them to that woman ii-front. . "

We are promised a seed time an-


, but we ain't satisfied onlesj-we kan diktate the quantity ov oati-we are going to git to the aker , ancwhat the price iz going to be.



Oc., . AD






of Them on the Procesaes-of Digestion.

What Js the logic of the bitter ap-


that axe commonly taken justbefore the heavy meals of the day bothto this country and abroad , asks theLondon Lancet The object is appa-rently


to stimulate the secretion of gas-Iric


juice , but it has been suggesieathat it would be more physiological tomake use of a small quantity of alkaliInstead , as that is known to exercisea favorable influence upon peptic se-



The chief objections to the use of.

bitters have been based on researchei-by Tchelzov , who found that the ad-ministration of large doses of quassia-hliidered rather than helped the diges-tive


process. Relchmann , moreover,

showed that in the fasting stomach ,

the secretory activity of which is nor-mal


or diminished , a bitter drink pro-duced


less secretion of gastric juicethan a draft of distilled water. Theseexperiments take account solely of thespecific action of the hitters , and donot regard their reflex effects.

These have been particularly studiedby Borlssov , whose results are an-


in a recent number of La Se-maine Medicale. Borissov found thatIf a little wad of wool soaked in tinc-ture


of gentian was put into the mouth(of a dog ) immediately before food wasadministered a marked stimulate effeclupon gastric secretion resulted , but ifthe bitter was used fifteen or thirtyminutes before the meal it was quiteInefficacious. It is concluded , there-fore


, that these substances have thapower of rendering gustatory sensa-tions


more acute and of exercising atemporarily stimulant effect upon gas-


secretions ; for this purpose tney-Bliould be given immediately before thameal in small doses and in the form oltincture (ten to twenty drops) ratherthan cachets or pills-


rn'ay remark upon this that thahabit is obviously susceptible of abuse ,

particularly when , as is usually thecase , some strong alcoholic liquor ig

used as the vehicle of the bitter. Aa-

a matter of fact , such a stimulantaction is 'the real function which i3

intended to he subserved by the soupwhich is taken at the beginning of a-

meal. . There is a tendency to consumethis in somewhat large quantity ; insuch cases it tends to be harmful rath-er


than conducive to digestion ; bu <

there can be no doubt, on the otheihand , that the use of a tabtespoonful-or two of a hot and sapid fluid at thqbeginning of a meal is an excellenjmeans of giving the stomach a fairstart in the performance of Its funo-tlons..

Kills TTolf with Hands.Elliott Terry , a 13-year-old boy of-

Boxelder County , Utah , is the hero of-

a desperate encounter with a big graywolf. The lad emerged victorious fromthe conflict with nothing more seriousthan a flesh wound in the leg to re-


him of it.With his 5-year-old brother , Eddie ,

Elliott was hunting squirrels. He wasarmed with only a 22-caliber rifle. In-

a clump of bushes the lads were at-


by a wolf , unusually large forhis species in this State. The youngerboy took refuge in flight, while Elliottgave battle to the wolf. The animal ,

evidently having been driven downfrom the mountains by the snows , wasferocious. The boy fired a shot fromhis toy rifle and before the wolfreached him had discharged the weap-on


twice more. All three bullets tookeffect , but not sufficiently to disablethe animal , which-leaped at the heyand fastened his fangs in the young¬

ster's leg-


, being unable to fire anothershot because of the close quarters ,

grappled with the beast , seizing it bythe throat. The animal snarled andsnapped viciously , but the lad held Ms

grip tightly , dropping his rifle and ap-


all his strength with both handsin an effort to shut off the wind of hia

antagonist This style of defenseproved effective , the wolf finally losingstrength and ceasing to struggle.

While the wolf lay gasping iipon theground the lad dispatched it by cuttingits throat with a pocket knife.

Shattering All Illusion.The Ohio and Mississippi rivers were

bank-full. In the pilot house of thesteamboat as it drew near the landingat Cairo , stood a traveler from theEast taking his first view of the thriv-


city that stands at the junction ofthese two mighty rivers , alwajs an ob-


of interest to tourists.-"And


this , " he said, speaking moreto himself than to anjbody else, "iathe spot where Dickens' 'Martin Chuz-


landed , away back in the for-



"The grizzled old pilot turned to himincredulously.-


," he responded , "I've trav-eled


this river , man an' boy , fur thelast sixty year , an' I hain't never seenno boat o' that name. Somebody's> een foolin' ye."

Simplicity in Toys-.It


is a pity that such a great varietyof toys are given to the modern childto play with. Everything comes to highand ready made , and leaves almostnothing to his own creative genius. Afew simple playthings made the childjust as happy , and much more h*ventlve. Many a little one will spendhours building houses and laying rail*

road tracks with a box of blocks foihis material who will in a day castaside the most costly toy , if it euggesjnothing new to his fancy.-



the Bull.-A

.girl from the great woolly West

Was told she was "much overdressed ;"Then they heard her exclaim :"Well , you can't say the same

Of the rest of these girls, I'll be blest !"-Cincinnati Times-Star.

AN EASTERN WAR JOKEJapnese Emperor "What news'?"Japanese General "We have met

the enemy and they are hoursbehind us. "

New Boy "Lady wants to see VO-Dlir"

Fortune Teller "Who is she ?""I don't know. ""Theu follow her home and find

out. Bow the dickens am I going!o tell a woman's fortune if I don'ttnow who she is? "

THE SOUP INDUSTRYSteward ( writing bill ol fare )

'What sort of suup will you haveoday ? "

Conk "I vlll tell you zoon. Zaml-"Sm"H: re ! "Cuuk "JJaf all yesterday's scraps

Ken added to zee stock-pot?"Sam "Yep. "Cook "Vat zort of soup does it-


Young Man "Why does Mr. Jinkslave such a bang-dog , noaccount-ok; ? Is it because he is in financial

roubles ? "Old Man-"Oh , no. It is because

te is the father of children of schooltee , and they have begun to askMm to help them wiih their anthl-etic.

-. "

His Friends' Remedies We desire[ remedy for a cold , and for the in-


of those who may makeuRgestJons , we mention that welave already taken the following :

Quinine , rock and rye , lemon hot ,

IOD toddy , Irish moss tea , teef tean quantities , hot milk , mustard'laster ( externally ) , mustard plasterinfernally ) , hot vvater bag , steamlath , hot irons , X's mixture ,

\\rnnchial troches , hob baths andnflnitum , ilaxseed , naseau , all theen minute rem < dits , Stickeoi's3orn Cure , Bump's Sure Cure forJog Cholera , Dover's powders , twoI fferent prescriptions of unknown''haracter.-


will be genuinely obliged forlong list of other things to take ,

tf. B. We have also taken a fresh:old. Baltimore News.

The St. Edmnndabiiry WeavingVorks of ITeslemere , England , haslent s me most exquisite productionsDf their loc ms to the World's fair.These fabrics or silk and satin , in-


a chalice veil of crimson satinBrocaded in golc' thread with asymbolic design. There are priestly/rstments and hangings of silk andaand tutfed rugs. Queen Alexandraecently ordered an alter cloth of-

imilar design , red and gold being: he combination selected-



the World's fair an ingeniousMissouri man has a "print shop"-D"ilt of honey of. which he is tne-

irchitect and the bees the buildersHe reproduced his otlice building in-

oainaHure and turned his bees loose.-


a few moths every facade , everyootin and cnraer was thickly coveredvith golden honey. This odd ex-


is placed in the palace of argi-lulture.



The only work that will tell mustjest jou something. Meyer-



h e Univeis ity hospitalIn connection with the Michigm-Qniversit } will reciive any indigentperson for treatment at the expenseu f the township i n whicu n ehas l gjl residence upon thewritten order of ihe supervisor ofthat township.





Miss Marjory Hampton , 2616 Third Avenue , New York City , writes :"Peruna is a fine medicine to take any season of the year. \

Taken in the spring it tones up the system and acts as a tonic, ;

strengthening me more than a vacation. In the fall and winter/ have found that it cures colds and catarrh and also find that it'

is invaluable to keep the bowels regular, acting as a gentle stimu-lant

- '.

on the system. In fact, I consider it a whole medicinechest. " Miss Marjory Hampton. ,

' '


Blood Impurities of SpringtimeCause , Prevention

and Cure.-



. Hartman's medical lectures areeagerly scanned by many thousandreaders.

One of the most timely and interestinglectures he ever delivered was his recent-lecture on the blood impurities of spring.

The doctor said in substance that ev-ery


spring the blood is loaded with theeffete accumulations of winter , derang ¬

ing the digestion , producing sluggish-ness


of the liver , overtaxing the kid-neys


, interfering with the action of thebowels and the proper circulation of theblood.

This condition of things produceswhat is popularly known as spring fever ,spring malaria , nervous exhaustion ,

that tired feeling , blood thickening andmany other names.

Sometimes the victim is bilious , dys-peptic


and constipated ; sometimes he is

HOW IT WOPKb'Prison Superintendent'Heie's a

lot of official documents showingthat the min; who has been in cell90 for the last- ten years has been


found innocent of the crime forwhich he was convicted. "

Assistant "Hum 3 \\ bat's to bedone D'I\V ? "

Superintendent "Kick him out. "The foundation of a noble charac-


is absolute sincerity.-



March H , Dr. Frederick G-



, professor of bacteriology Jn

the University of Michigan , gavean address before the Wayne CountyMedica ! Society at Detroit , on "Tryp-



. "


iiyi fr "feaflB "*' "1Wt-bS For Infants and Children.

You Hav-

iiways Oouj; : : nim : mmi'i'mniiii'immmmt'

|able PreparalionforAs-


UieFoodandBeguIa-ling the Stomachs andBowels of Bears the

Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur-ness andRest.Contains neitherOpiumMorphine. nor Mineral-.I


feT "NAR. C O TIC.J-




fbmp&in Se-4lx.Senna. *





Remedy forConsu'pa-Fion

-, Sour Stomach.Diarrtioea

Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh-ness and Loss OF S&EEP.

illw f-

cFac Simile Signature oF $5




weak , nervous and depressed ; and againla : may have eruptions , swellings andother blood humors. Whichever it is,the cause is the nutno effete accumula-tions


in the blood.Nothing is more certain within the-


\ range of medical science t'lan thata course of Peruna in early springtimewill perfectly and effectually preventor cure this almost universal affection.

Everybody feels it in some degree.-A

.great majority are disturbed con-


, while a large per cent of the-human family are made very miserableby this condition every spring-


will prevent it if taken in-

time.Peruna will cure it if taken as di ¬



is the ideal spring medicine ofthe medical profession-


you do not derive prompt and satis-factory


results from the use of Peruna ,write at once to Dr. Ilartman , giving a.full statement of your case , and he willbe pleased to give you his valuable ad-vice


gratis.Address Dr. Ilartman , President of

The Rartiuau Sanitarium , Columbus ,.Ohio-



is the thrill of euthuisasm ;ledthe true ring of truth you feel anchear hack of the cold type thainitikes ynu buy the thing advertised.

Jed Soarboro.ISo man ever sank under the hurder-

of today. It Is when tomorrow'sburden is added to the burden o ) 'today that the weight is more thata man can hear. MacDonald.

1 never knu a man yet with a bedfull ov brains that could whisseB-or sing a tune korrecKtly.

Kindness iz never entirely wastedit will tell even on a mule.-



. Wlnslow's SOOTHING SYttUP for chil-Irpn teethinpsoftens the uums , reduces Intta-matlon8llayspaln cured colic. Piiceijobottli

The best detinisbun I kan giv ovhappiness iz , to ha ? all our reazon-ible


- wants grati tied-



Cnre for Consumption ahvayi-gives immediate relief in all throat treehies. F. E. Bierman , Leipsic , Ohio , Aug.311001.

Lawyers , ducks and dok'ors aicrremarkable for their big bills.

Old Sofas , Racks of Chairs, etc. , canbe dyed with PUTNAM FADELESSDYES. *

Civiliz sbun hai given us ruin ,the ffuir.full cauze ov more sin an <?

mlzery than all the horrors OT bar.-

barism combined.-



Agents for finest blgk-nottoe,, . Good (tellers ,

now terrltorr old ii cue day. VVriU U. Wireucll-ZieaCUy.lll. .

I have seen men who were so cun-ning

¬at a trade that it wuz ical f us.-


be cheated bi them.-



Ton- Denier for Allen's Foot Eage > -A powder to shake Into your shoes. It reststhe feet. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen,Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching , Sweating Feetand Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Easemakes new or tight shoes easy. Sold by alldruggists and shoe stores , 25c. Samplamulled FREE. Address Allen S. Oltusted ,Le Eoy , N. Y-



WAS CHILLYJinks ( entering ) "Hello , old man {

You look blue. What's up? "Binks ( gloimily-Coal.) "

rTvrrr Do we do It ! A pint of the flnwt RalrwasJn * ' W frJ5 cent" , delivcrel at your tiuor. Kfarther {.barges wh tcTer. s-end 15 cents to-

hatagon Specialty Co. Crookrrille , O-


may be sutcb a case on re&-kord , but I never knu a thief t< -

reform ye-



PURIFIERCURES catarrh of the stomach.

CURES WHEKE All ELSE FAILS ,ben Cougr Byru x. Tastes Good , use

in ttma. Sc & by drutrgiu-

N * N. U. * 2Q17 YORK