VOL. XIX.—NO. 149. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1896. THE SAINT PAUL GLOBE: PRICE TWO CENTS—] BULL?TIN OF THE ST. PflrUL GLOBE. THinSDAY, MAY 23. \Veather for Today- Local Ruins; "Westerly Wind*. PAGE 1. Cyclone's Awfnl Work at St. Louis. Score of Steamers Go Down. Ruins at Kast St. Louis Ablaze. Havoc ut the Race Track. Cyclones at Many Points in Missouri. PAGE 2. Host of Teachers Transferred. Dlrney SuMn Safe. Cupid Itejtt Ilusy. Kens of the Courts. Advcntists in Camp. PAGE 3. News of Minneapolis. Stanley Hall Commencement* Ueer Tax Defeated. Jlroad Gauge Prohibs Win, PAGE 4. Editorial. Cutcheon Will Not Be a Delegate. PAGE 5. Rain Stops the Apostles. Millers Heard the Tigers. Intercollegiate Field Day. System of Paths for Cyslists. PAGE 6. Law of Railroads. Bar Silver, 08 3-Bc. Cash Wheat in Chicago, .">Bc. Stagnation in Stocks. PAGE 7. Globe's Popular WTants, PAGE 8. Problem In Cinch for Child*. Change* in Fire Alarm System. Commencement at Stryker. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK—Arrived: Schiedam, Amster- dam; Stuttgart, Bremen; Majestic, Liver- pool. AMSTERDAM—Arrived: Edam, Now York. LIVERPOOL Arrived: Teutonic, New York. BREMEN—Arrived: Bonn, New York. SOUTHAMPTON—Arrived: St. Paul, New York. Happily, the man who makes new bicycle records is conspicuously quiet this year. The line old Southern dame, Tennes- see, is 100 years old, admits it, and is proud of it. Matthew Stanley Quay is conducting himself with circumspection outside the breastworks. .^»> The Prohibitionist could hunt up Mc- Girity and run him for president. He didn't mind water. -^»» The smallest man in Springfield, 0., wants to be chosen mayor of the town. He has a great head. .«. The chief of the rainmakers, old Ju- piter Pluvlus, is the most unpopular man in the Northwest. » The coupling- of filled cheese and beer In the senate was so appropriate that the senators defeated the bill. .—. Mr. Cleveland will address a letter to the fish of Buzzard's bay before he indites an epistle on third terms. Who said the times were hard? Cop- per has b ;en struck at Mud lake, gold at Eau Claire and oil at St. Louis. „«. The czar of Russia has his crown. The czar of the house of representa- tives hasn't, by a large majority. -•\u25a0 Millions of bushels of wheat are in the Chicago elevators, and yet a man was permitted to starve to death at Joliet. McKinley will make the mistake of his life if he attempts to let Platt, Quay and Clarkson under his um- brella. We have no objection to a McKin- ley-Reed ticket if people will refrain from calling them Tom McKinley and Bill Reed. The Methodist conference has de- cided to go into the fire insurance busi- ness, but will limit its operations to this world. The moon has been charged with working up business for the storm king, but the astronomers have cleared the skirts of fair Luna. The Dunkards are plainly friendly to the horse. They have decided in na- tional convention that it is not advisa- ble to own and use a bicycle. An Indiana poet has sold a poem for 100 bushels of potatoes. Whether the poet or the potato merchant grot the worst of it is yet to be developed. , —_^. What might be known as "the cy- clon..' ticket" could be made up of Ben- jamin Tillman and Mary E. Lease. Platform—Our voice 13 our fortune. •«. If Gen. Weyler continues to wage war by proclamations there will be an opportunity for those who desire to trade phonographs for machine guns. Mormon agents are in New York. It Is an evidence of the size of the Mor- mon caput that he selects the most promising field in the country for his v/ork. The report from Pittsburg that the Prohibitionists are drinking so much water that other people have to drink milk and "other things" lacks confir- mation. The war in Illinois Is growing in in- terest. Ben Cable has called Altgeld jin anarchist, and the next mail will no doubt bring the former a challenge to a duel. d The heads of the Democrats of Ver- mont are as solid as their maple sugar. Their platform reads: "We demand the maintenance of a gold standard of values." The appalling disaster at St (Louis is almost exactly seven years later than that at Johnstown, Pa., which occurred May 31. 1889. The loss of life in the latter, the greatest in the-history of the country, was over 5,00©. ONE THOUSAND DEAD OR BADLY MANGLED. The Awful Work of Death Done by a Fierce Tornado Which Swept Over Doomed St. Louis. DIRE RUIN WROUGHT ON EVERY HfIND. City's Streets Strewn With Debris, and Fire Added to the Horror of the Sorry Situation. EXCURSION ST&fIM&RS WERE GfIFSIZ&D Scores Drowned in the Black River With None to Hear Their Pitiful Appeals for Succor. A cyclonic storm swept St. Louis at 5.15 last evening?. Confirmed de- tails are meager, l>ut it In estimate! that 1,000 wore killed or injured. Seven steamers were capsized, ainung- them the excursion boat Big Re- public, and many drowned. The city hospital was wrecked, and it. 1* reported sixty bodies were recovered there. At the Vandalia round house 35 are said to have been Killed. The grand stand at the fair grounds was wrecked, and it was reported that ISO were killed there. Wires of all kinds -were blown ilorrn, and darkness, and In places fire were added to the horrors ol the situation. NEW YORK, May 28.—The following j message has been received at the New York office of the St. Louis Republic, In the Times building: "St. Louis, May 28, 3a. m.—To Re- public Bureau, New York: Impossible to give more than a rough estimate of the damage and loss of life here and at East St. Louis. Probably 500 or 800 killed, and twice that number injured. We have rumor of a cyclone at Mo- berly, Warrensburg and" other towns in Missouri. Thirty killed at Vandalia, 111. Local situation terrible. "—The Republic." CHICAGO, May 27.—One of the greatest disasters of recent years over- whelmed the city of St. Louis tonight in the shape of a cyclone, which be- gan shortly after 5 o'clock, and for thirty minutes tore its awful way through the city with a velocity of over eighty miles an hour. Although reports from there are very meager, owing to the almost total destruction of telegraph wires, it seems certain that the number of dead and wound- ed will reach fully 1,000, and the dam- age done to millions of dollars. The city hospital, which, fortunately, sur- vived the storm, Is filled to overflowing with mangled men, women and chil- dren, and the morgue within two hours after the end of the storm was so full of corpses that it was necessary to provide other quarters for the recep- tion of the dead. In addition to those who were killed In the houses and in the streets, hun- dreds of dead are beneath the waters of the Mississippi river. Of all the steamers on the levee when the storm broke out but one is now afloat. All the others have gone down, in many Instances every soul on board being lost. Among the boats destroyed was the excursion steamer Great Republic, one of the largest steamers on the lower river. Not a man escaped from her, and it is said she was crowded with excursionists when the storm came up. The center of the city is a wreck. Many buildings have been demolished, and others partly wrecked. The streets are utterly impassable to street cars, md in many places progress on foot is a matter of great difficulty. To add to the horrors of the night, the electric light plants were rendered Incapable of service, and the gas lamps are also shut off, leaving the city in total dark- ness. Fire also broke out in several portions of the city, and the fire de- partment was unable to make an ef- fective fight on account of the choked- up condition of the streets, and the large number of firemDn who were en- gaged in the Imperative work of rescu- ing the dead and wounded. The only authentic information from i <Ue stricken city tonight was seat out by the agent of the Associated" Press, who managed to reach an outlying tel- egraph office.and send a brief dispatch, as follows: A tornado blowing at the rate of over eighty miles an hour struck St. Louis tonight, and raged for half an hour with great fury, and as a result, HUNDREDS OF LIVES WERE LOST, on both sides of the river. Many buildings are blown down and many river steamers sunk with all on board. It is Impossible at the present time to estimate the number of lives lost, as the hospitals are filled with in- jured, and the morgue is filled with the slain, while great numbers of the dead and maimed are lying among the ruins in all directions. A portion of the east end of the Eads bridge is destroyed, the grand stand at the fair grounds is down, the woman's por- tion of the jail is gone and the immense Cup- pies block is partially destroyed. The Waters & Pierce oil works are burning, and other buildings in various sections of the city are on fire. The Western Union Telegraph com- pany announced that because of Its inability to keep up its wires, it would be Impossible to send out any more messages tonight from St. Louis or its vicinity. The reports regarding the duration of the storm are conflicting. About 8 o'clock the operator on the Wabash road, at a small station not far from East St. Louis, managed to get the operator at Decatur, 111., long enough to send him word that the round house of the Wabash road was blown down and that the freight house of the Van- dalia was wrecked and thirty-five men were killed in the ruins. After he had told this much, the wire failed him. Shortly after 5 o'clock the Wabash operator at Decatur reported to the main dispatcher's office, at Forest, 111., that a cyclone had Just passed through the country to the south of Decatur, and it was reported to have done great damage. In a few minutes he sent word that a second storm had passed through the'eountry, almost exactly In the track of the first, and that he was unable to get any more information regarding it, but that it was thought to have done great damage in the country lying east of East St. Louis. The operators on the Alton road were unable to get any information from their men in the neighborhood of St. Louis, but reported that just before all their connections with that city were broken off they had received word that there had been a severe cyclone at Rush Hill, Mo., which is a small town on the Alton road, not far from Mexico, Mo. The dispatcher's office of the Illinois Central was unable all night to get any information from any point en the line south of Centralia. It was re- ported to them, hcwever N that a CYCLONE SWEPT THE COUNTRY couth of that point. At East St. Louis the destruction seems greatest. H. C. Rice, the West- ern Union manager at the relay depot on the east side, climbed across the de- molished bridge and made his way Into St. Louis. He reports that the Nation- al hotel, Tremont house, Martell house, De Wclf cafe, the plant of the Hexel Milling company, Horn's cooper shop and a great number of other buildings are blown down. Many dwellings are wrecked and many of their occupants are known to be dead. The Vandalia round house, the Vandalia freight house, In which thirty-five men are said to have been killed; th* Baltimore & Ohio round bouse, the Standard Oil works. East St. Louis elevator and twelve other freight houses on the levee are destroyed. It is difficult to estimate the number of dead and wounded, but a rough estimate would place the number at about 1,000. Both the Western Union and Postal companies have lost every wire out of the city. One of the worst features of the dis- aster is thought to have taken place at the race track at St. Louis, where races were in full swing and the grand stand was crowded with people. Re- turns from the St. Louis races are re- ceived at the track at Lakeside, Ind., and a few minutes after 5 o'clock the operator sending the report of the races stopped his work long enough to remark: "There goes the grand stand," and then his wire collapsed and noth- ing more was heard from him. In a few seconds the same message was re- ported from Lexington, Ky., with the additional Information that fully 150 people were dead? This was subse- quently corroborated by the operator of the Wabash road at Decatur, who said that in his second message re- ceived from East-St. Louis it was de- clared that the grand stand at the races was down, and that fully 150 peo- ple were BURIED IN THE RUINS. A few minutes after 5 o'clock the operator of the Associated Press at St. Louis, who was taking the usual re- port, sent word that it was growing very dark, and asked for a minute's delay, that he might provide himself with a light. In a second more the wire snapped, and it was impossible to get any further information from him or out of the town. The local weather office In this city was unable to give any information regarding the storm, as the officer. > in charge was informed early In the evening by the Western Union that it would not be able to send the usual weather bulle- tins from St. Loui3. It was said, how- ever, at the local office that the condi- tions had been all day very favorable for severe storms all through Missouri and Southern Illinois. It is thought that the storm swept over St. Louis from the northwest to the southeast, as it is considered prob- able that the storm which was re- ported in the afternoon at Rush Hill, Mo., would require several hours to reach St. Louis, and the storm at the two points is reported as having been long enough apart to enable the storm to cover the distance between Rush Hill and St.Louis. The storm which tore through the country south of Centralia is said to have occurred at about 6 o'clock, or an hour after St. Louis was devastated. These three points are in a direct line from the northwest to the southeast, and ihp weather officials are inclined to believe the storm was one and the samifj The Eads bridge which is reported as having been badly damaged, was built in 1873, and was considered one of the strongest arch bridges in the world. It was built without a draw, and rose to an elevation in the center and sloped down to the shore on either side. There was upon it a double rail- road track, which was used by the trains of the Wabash and the Alton railroads, a double passageway for wagons and a double pathway for pe- destrians. From the reports received It is not thought that it is so seriously damaged as to delay the train service of the roads which use It to any large extent. At midnight it was reported at the dispatcher's office of the Wabash road at Forest, 111., that it was impossible to reach any point further south than Nameokl, which is nine miles north- east from East St. Louis. The oper- ator at that point said that up to mid- night It had been impossible to obtain any definite information from St.Louis, but it was certain that fearful damage had been done. He said that the RUINS WERE ON FIRE at East St. Louis, and burning fiercely, but he could tell nothing more than that. He had not been able to obtain any information from any of the Wa- bash trains that had passed his sta- tion since 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The report of the damage to the bridge and the estimates of the number of the dead and wounded, he said, were not confirmed with any accuracy. RIIX REIGNS SUPREME. Death and Destruction to Be Seen ol Every Ilaml, ST. LOUIS, May 27.—Death and de- struction reign supreme in St. Louis and vicinity tonight as the result of the most terrible storm that ever visited this section of the country. So wide- spread is the destruction in both St. Louis and East St. Louis that it is impossible to even estimate the amount of the damage and loss of life. Build- ings of every description are in ruins, and as a result hundreds of people are reported dead and injured, but until daylight comes and order Is restored it will be impossible to make any defi- nite statement. Reports are in circu- lation that seven steamers lying at wharves on this and the East St. Louis side of the river have been sunk, with all on board. The city is nearly in darkness, as the electric light wires are down. With one or two excep- tions all the street car lines in the city are at a standstill, and thousands of people are compelled to remain down- town or walk home. The storm broke about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, after a most oppressively hot day, and rain began to fall. It soon developed into a fierce thunderstorm, with the wind I from the cist. A little later the wind had gained a velocity of eighty miles an hour, driving the rain before it, and ; tearing loose signs, cornices, chimneys and everything in its way. Many buildings of every description were de- molished, and others were set on fire by lightning and crossed wires. The fire department responded to fourteen alarms. The streets were full of people go- ing home from work, and a panic en- sued as soon as the storm broke. Men were picked up and hurled against the buildings, horses and carriages were ! sent flying here and there, and falling | wires ful' of the deadly fluid added to the horror of the 'seen 3. Suddenly the wind vered arounfl to the west and completed the deatruction. It is as- serted by some of those who have tra- versed the downtown part of the city \u25a0 that there are few buildings in St. Louis that have not suffered in some way from the storm. Tonight the STREETS ARE IN DARKNESS and travel in any direction is danger- ous.because of the fallen live wires and debris lying- everywhere. The wagon- way of the Kads bridge, on the East St. Louis side, is a crumbling mass of mortar and stone, and parts of the tower and Pier No. 1 were also torn away. An outbound accommodation train on the Chicago & Alton road was wrecked by a broken rail, but fortu- nately nobody among the fifty passen- gers were hurt. A trolley car loaded with passengers, bound for the West side, is said to have fallen through to the railroad track below, but with what result is not known. The roof of the Republican conven- tion hall was blown off. and a twenty- four-foot section of the western wall of the city jail was torn down, expos- ing the interior. It was during exer- cise hours and 200 prisoners were ex- ercising In the building ajid were panic-stricken. They were too fright- ened to try to escape. Jailer Wagner was on the scene in a moment, and with the aid of a number of detectives and policemen, the prisoners were placed in their cells. The tanks of the Waters-Pierce Oil company, on Gra- tiot street, blew up, spreading destruc- tion on every hand. Three stories of the Coe Manufac- turing company's building, Ninth and Gratiot, and nearly half of the Wain- wright brewery were blown down. The summer high school, Eleventh and Spruce; McDermott's saloon, Eleventh and Chestnut; Jere Sheehan's livery stable, Eleventh and Walnut, were un- roofed. The engineer of the Aetna Iron works, Twenty-first and Pappin streets, was almost instantly killed. The walls were blown in and he was scalded to death by steam. The Con- solidated Wire works, Twenty-first and Papin streets, was almost totally wrecked. Seven people are known to have been injured seriously by this wreck, and many more are said to have been hurt by falling walls. The two-story building of the C. H. Sawyer Manufacturing company 1819 Choteau avenue, was demolished. John Sawyer, a member of the firm, and Emma Chancy and Isabella Ham- den, typewriters, were crushed to death under the walls. H. H. Sawyer, a member of the firm, was injured fa- tally. The St.. Louis Refrigerator and Woodenware company's factory at Second street and Park avenue was completely destroyed by fire caused by lightning. A rumor was widely circu- lated that the gas tank near the Con- solidated wire works, at the south end of the Twenty-first street viaduct, had been blown over, and, crushing in the walls of the wire works, killed four men to a certainty, and probably more. The cyclone broke at fifteen minutes after 5 o'clock, coming directly from the west, DESTROYING THE CITY proper, then crossing. the Mississippi to East St. Louis and there, after raging for half an hour disappearing In the direction of Alton. There was little warning for the helpless people in the streets, the thousands on their way home from work, or the in- mates in the great mercantile establishments of the city who had not left their posts of duty. Temporary hospitals abound In every part of the city. The armory at Seventeenth and Pine streets has been opened for the care of the wounded, and many Injured have bern taken Into private houses. The city authorities at midnight were sending mount- ed police through the city in an effort to as- certain, if possible, what the loss of life really Is. So far as absolute facts are con- cerned, nothing definite can be learned before tomorrow. Among the houses known to have been de- stroyed are thp furniture store of Frederick Otieneds, at the corner of Broadway and Soulard streets, in the southern part of the city, where six men are reported killed; a saloon at CO4 South Seventh street, where nine men are reported in the ruins; St. Patrick's church, at the corner of Sixth and Biddel streets. One thing that hinders the work of taking out the dead and rescuing the Injured is the fact that every electric light wire and tele- phone wire is down. This prevents commu- nication between the various parts of the city and the town being in absolute darkness, tha work of rescue is going on with agonizing slowness. Tc add to the dismal situation, the rain \u25a0 which fell shortly after the tornado passed, began again about 7 or. 7:30 o'clock and is now coming down in torrents. It is Impossi- ble to get reports from the police stations, where many of the dead and injured have been taken, and consequently statements in regard to the dead and wounded up to the present time are for the most part conjec- tures, but there is no doubt that the loss of life is greater than anything the country has known since the disaster at Johnstown. It is evident that the tornado pursued a track of many miles In length, as reports from various railroad stations show that nothing has been received from any point west of here as far as Moberly. Scattered bits of information show that between Mober- ly and this city various SMALL TOWNS HAVE BEEN WIPED OUT and many persons.are 4ead in them. It was at first thought that many had been killed at the Fair grounds in the western part of the city, where the roof of the grand stand was blown off while the last race was being ran, but is Is now known that the people at the track sav^ the storm coming and, rushing out of the grounds, took refuge in the ad- jacent fields. At the time the storm struck the town and created such havoc the accompanying noise was terrifying. People were picked up In the streets and dashed to the ground or against the buildings as though they had been the merest straws. One thing which aided the storm in its course of destruction was the val- ley which separates North and South St. Louis, along which the railroads entering the city from the east and west have their tracks and yards, and through which they have access to the union station at Twenty-first street. This depression is some forty or fifty feet In depth, a regular valley, In fact, and had the tornado confined itself to this channel the loss of life and property would not have been so great. A. W. Becker, of the big firm of J. P. Becker & Co., of East St. Louis, was among the first persons to cress the Eads bridge after the storm abated. His family was in St. Louis, and in his eagerness to get to them he climbed over the debris of the bridge on his hands and knees, over wrecked cars, dead horses and a mass of other debris. He informed a reporter that the condition of East St. Louis is almost beyond descrip- tion. The TOWN IS A WRECK for blocks arourS and the loss of life in that region alone is estimated at from 200 to 230. The Vandaila freight house, near the east end of the Eads bridge, was completely de- molished, a number of persons having gone down in the ruins. When Mr. Becker left the scene men were engaged In digging out the dead and dying and several bodies had already been removed. Melntz's grocery store and a whole row of brick bulUlngb adjoining it were rased to the ground, but no person CoaContd on Third fftje. ftPPftUUNG CLJMArX OF Ttt^ STORM KING'S WORK. SWEPT BY THE STORM. Reports of Accumulated Disasters Follow in the Wake of the Blast That Wrecked the City of St. Louis. ALTON TRAIN BLOWN FROM A BRIDGE. School House in the Path of the Storms- Eighty Children in the Structure Said to Be Killed. REPORTS IN FROM MANY OTHER PLACES. Seven People Killed at Mexico, State of Mks* souri, and Damage Done at Various Other Points. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 27.—Spe- cials to the Times state that ten people were killed in a tornado which struck the village of Labaddie, Franklin coun- ty, this evening, and that the town of Renick, ten miles from Moberly, in Randolph county, was completely wiped out. Nothing definite from eith- er place. SEVEN KILLED. Mexico, Mo.. Among the l'laeen Struck by the Wind. KANSAS CITY, Mo., 3lay 27.—A spe- cial to the Times from Mexico, Mo., reports that a cyclone swept across Audrian county this evening, doing great damage to crops and wrecking ! many buildings. The correspondent reports that seven people have been killed in the county, and probably , twenty-five badly injured, but is un- i able to give any details. EIGHTY CHILDREN Killed in a School House at in >'. •. i 111. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 27.—The j train dispatcher at the headquarters of the Alton road here has a report ; from the operator at Roodhouse, 111., that at Drake, 111., just south of that point, on the Alton road, a tornado at , a late hour this afternoon demolished a big school house, and that eighty children perished in the ruins. No con- firmation of the report can be obtained. At the Alton headquarters the reports that Mexico and Rush Hill, Mo., were j swept by the storm are discredited. The railroad wires through the?e places are woklng, and no reports of se- rious damage have been sent in. TWO HUNDRED DROAVXED. Alton Train Blown Into the River by ! the Cyclone. CHICAGO, May 27.—1t is reported j that the limited train from Chicago to j St. Louis over the Alton road was blown into the river with a section of the bfidge, and 200 lives lost. ALTON TRAIN SAFE. BLOMINGTON, 111.. May 27.—The Chicago & Alton limited Is afe at Alton, having re- j turned from East St. Louis. Two Alton coacbea loaded with passengers flew from the { approach to the Eada bridge, and were badly \u25a0 \u25a0wrecked, but no one was seriously hurt. The Alton people know of no serious damage else- where on their road. IN AIDRIAN COIXTY. Death* and Injuries Reported on«%ll j Side*. KANSAS CITY, May 27.—A special to the I Journal from Mexico, Mo., says: Audrian : ccunty was visited by a terrific tornado this | afternoon at 3:30. The total number killed at j Bean Creek and Rush Hill ia about eight. I More than twenty-six were injured. Houses, | churches, barns and school houses were blown j down. The storm was preceded and followed j by heavy rain and hail, which did incalculable j damage. Full reports cannot be obtained at j this hour, owing to wires being down, and high water. In the Bean Creek district a school house was carried completely away, and a daughter i of Joseph O. Ware, one of the pupil 3, was i killed, and Lulu Ebanks and Hilda lSluse, ; also school children, were fatally injured. \u25a0 Others along the route of the tornado in this j district, whose names cannot yet be learned, are more or less injured. At the Dye school house, six or eight miles farther southwest, not a pupil escaped unin- jured, and five children were killed, three out- right, two dying later at this place. The school house was utterly demolished and sev- eral of the children were blown a great dis- tance away, and were not found until several hours afterward, and then in a mutilated condition. WORK OF REPAIR Already Begun by the R;iilroa«l Com- pamles. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. May 27.—General j ?up*rintc-r.<a«>i.t Miller, of the Pennsylvania, ; arrived tonight Uy special train from Ms I headquarters At Klchnwrtd. Ttto tiiJa was j switched to the Vandulia, which Is a part of the Pennsylvania, and left at 11:10 o'clock f<>r the pcene of the disaster. Mr. Miller carried with him a large force of linemen, k<> that the wires that were down cuulil lie im- mediately put in order for service. Wreck- Ing crewi will go nvcr the lino from Terra Haute. Before leaving this <ity Mr. Miller said that his knowledge of the buildings which are said to have been d<riioli-h- .1 led him to believe that first report! of til of life were not exaggerated. He belierea that there are at least 160 men in the freight house, and the reported losb of thirty-five lives he believes to be true. Ilia Informa- tion was that the Vandalla's property In East Bt Loula la very seriously dai <Jeneral Superintendent Van Winkle, of the Dig Four, left on the midnight train for St. Louis. He win be Joined by Erapt Neal at \ Mattoon. Mr. Vitn Winkle's staff of offldall j from here accompanied him. and at Mattoon : the wrecking train will be sent ahead of the regular train with all of the working eqofs- ' ments poMible to pat the line in ifa ipe for i handling Its traffic. Mr. Winkle's Information Is that all the shops, round houses and prop- erty in St. Louis were badly wrecked. The Itlg Four train, which left here this morning at 11:45 and which was due at iJi•• Union station In St. Louis at 6:56, i over the bridge Just a few minutes before the storm struck It, but it is rapposed to have | escaped Injury. Train No. 'J. which left here at 7:30 and was due at St. Louis at 6:35, v..is Just nine miles behind the wreck. It escaped by about 15 mlnutea the fate of the C. A A. train, which was turned over in the bridgf with a frightful loss of life. DAMAGE AT KKMI K. Five Peoylc Seriously In J ore* 1 at That Place. STURGEON, Mo., May 27.—A cyclone passed three miles north of here at 3 o'clock this aft- : ernoon. At Renlck three men were seriously | injured and a family of people were carried | over a mile, two children being badly hurt. Friendship church, north of town, was demol- ished. St. Luiilm County Swept. BALDWIN, Mo., May 27.—A hurricane, ac- companied by a terrific hail ana rain storm, passed over St. Louis county about 4:30 this afternoon. For three hours rain fell in tor- ! rents and hall fell to a depth of (several Inches. j Gteat damage was done to crops throughout this section of the country. Several buildings j were blown down, but so far as can be learned ! no one was seriously injured. People Hurr> in;;\u25a0 Home. CHICAGO, May 27.—0n all of the roadi be- tween this city and St. Louis special traina have been started for St. Louis, carrying the officials of the roads and many natives of i St. Lcjls. In a hurry to reach their home) I and obtain better knowledge of the results i of the storm and of the safety of their friends. ' Fully 100 men who are raeidents of St. \u25a0 Louis left here tonight on the special traina. Moberly 1 '-< ;«|"-.1. KANSAS CITY, May 27. -A special to the Journal from Moberly, Mo., states that to- day's storm did no serious damage at thai point. VICTORIA'S DISASTER. 1 Fifty of the Bo«ll<-* Him- rti-en Re- covcrrd. SEATTLE, Wash., May 27.—0n the it< Rosalie, which arrived from Victoria this aft- ernoon, were 101 sorrowful looking excur- sionists, the horror of the catastrophe Tues- day being kept vividly before them by the i presence of a corpse. The steamer had r-vo ! bodies on board when sho i-tarte:l from Vic- toria. One was that of .1. A. Van Bifckelin. ! which was ieft at Port Ttownaend, and tho other that of B. W. Murray, of ihi:; city. "People ud there don't seem to know any- thing more about the accident than U) n uO down here," said CapL C. W. A:nt:-. of the ; Uoaalie. "The old bu Idlng formerly % ; Market square, and used as a center for farnl* i era coming in from the couutiy with prod- uce has been turned Into a morgue, and ai ' fast as the bodies are taken from the they are carried into the Incloaure. Ip to tl>e time we left, about 9 o'clock this morning, fifty bodies had been recovered. All :hc p<n>- ple had been identified when I left, and no 00l was allowed within the enclosure where the bodies had been laid out. A mretched acroM th* river to keep tha ebbing tide from carrying out the bodies anu they aie using the steam rower of the pilo driver to work the drags. Estimates mado by :ho people there place the number remslni the water at from V: to 10'). It will prob- ab:/ be some time be.'oie all are taken out and probably some will nuv-.r be ioi.'.J." Trlpp < "\u25a0\u25a0 i'lui; Uoinc. WASHINOTO.V. May 27.-B.irtklt Tr'.pp, I r.:ted Statts minister to Australia, wii.ii Mra, ! Trlpp. Is In Washingtou f>r a few days. OW ! his way to Yankton. Mr. Tripp 1j ?n hln *a- nual leave and there Is nothing special la j his visit this country at tfcl* time.

SAINT PAUL GLOBE - Chronicling Americaegraph office.and send a brief dispatch, as follows: A tornado blowing at the rate of over eighty miles an hour struck St. Louis tonight, and

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Page 1: SAINT PAUL GLOBE - Chronicling Americaegraph office.and send a brief dispatch, as follows: A tornado blowing at the rate of over eighty miles an hour struck St. Louis tonight, and






\Veather for Today-

Local Ruins; "Westerly Wind*.

PAGE 1.Cyclone's Awfnl Work at St. Louis.

Score of Steamers Go Down.Ruins at Kast St. Louis Ablaze.Havoc ut the Race Track.Cyclones at Many Points in Missouri.


Host of Teachers Transferred.

Dlrney SuMn Safe.Cupid Itejtt Ilusy.

Kens of the Courts.Advcntists in Camp.

PAGE 3.News of Minneapolis.

Stanley Hall Commencement*

Ueer Tax Defeated.Jlroad Gauge Prohibs Win,

PAGE 4.Editorial.Cutcheon Will Not Be a Delegate.

PAGE 5.Rain Stops the Apostles.

Millers Heard the Tigers.Intercollegiate Field Day.

System of Paths for Cyslists.

PAGE 6.Law of Railroads.Bar Silver, 08 3-Bc.Cash Wheat in Chicago, .">Bc.Stagnation in Stocks.

PAGE 7.Globe's Popular WTants,

PAGE 8.Problem In Cinch for Child*.Change* in Fire Alarm System.

Commencement at Stryker.


NEW YORK—Arrived: Schiedam, Amster-dam; Stuttgart, Bremen; Majestic, Liver-pool.

AMSTERDAM—Arrived: Edam, Now York.LIVERPOOL — Arrived: Teutonic, New

York.BREMEN—Arrived: Bonn, New York.SOUTHAMPTON—Arrived: St. Paul, New


Happily, the man who makes newbicycle records is conspicuously quietthis year.

The line old Southern dame, Tennes-see, is 100 years old, admits it, and isproud of it.

Matthew Stanley Quay is conducting

himself with circumspection outsidethe breastworks.


The Prohibitionist could hunt up Mc-Girity and run him for president. Hedidn't mind water.

-^»»The smallest man in Springfield, 0.,

wants to be chosen mayor of the town.He has a great head.

.«.The chief of the rainmakers, old Ju-

piter Pluvlus, is the most unpopularman in the Northwest.

»The coupling- of filled cheese and beer

In the senate was so appropriate thatthe senators defeated the bill.


Mr. Cleveland will address a letterto the fish of Buzzard's bay before heindites an epistle on third terms.

Who said the times were hard? Cop-per has b ;en struck at Mud lake, goldat Eau Claire and oil at St. Louis.


The czar of Russia has his crown.The czar of the house of representa-

tives hasn't, by a large majority.-•\u25a0

Millions of bushels of wheat are inthe Chicago elevators, and yet a manwas permitted to starve to death atJoliet.

McKinley will make the mistake ofhis life if he attempts to let Platt,Quay and Clarkson under his um-brella.

We have no objection to a McKin-ley-Reed ticket if people will refrainfrom calling them Tom McKinley and

Bill Reed.

The Methodist conference has de-cided to go into the fire insurance busi-ness, but will limit its operations to

this world.

The moon has been charged withworking up business for the stormking, but the astronomers have clearedthe skirts of fair Luna.

The Dunkards are plainly friendly tothe horse. They have decided in na-tional convention that it is not advisa-ble to own and use a bicycle.

An Indiana poet has sold a poem for100 bushels of potatoes. Whether thepoet or the potato merchant grot theworst of it is yet to be developed.


What might be known as "the cy-

clon..' ticket" could be made up of Ben-jamin Tillman and Mary E. Lease.Platform—Our voice 13 our fortune.

•«.If Gen. Weyler continues to wage

war by proclamations there will be anopportunity for those who desire totrade phonographs for machine guns.

Mormon agents are in New York. ItIs an evidence of the size of the Mor-mon caput that he selects the mostpromising field in the country for hisv/ork.

The report from Pittsburg that the

Prohibitionists are drinking so muchwater that other people have to drinkmilk and "other things" lacks confir-mation.

The war in Illinois Is growing in in-terest. Ben Cable has called Altgeldjin anarchist, and the next mail willno doubt bring the former a challenge

to a duel.d

The heads of the Democrats of Ver-mont are as solid as their maple sugar.Their platform reads: "We demandthe maintenance of a gold standardof values."

The appalling disaster at St (Louis isalmost exactly seven years later thanthat at Johnstown, Pa., which occurredMay 31. 1889. The loss of life in thelatter, the greatest in the-history ofthe country, was over 5,00©.


The Awful Work of Death • Done by a FierceTornado Which Swept Over

Doomed St. Louis.


City's Streets Strewn With Debris, and FireAdded to the Horror of the

Sorry Situation.


Scores Drowned in the Black River With

None to Hear Their Pitiful Appealsfor Succor.

A cyclonic storm swept St. Louis at 5.15 last evening?. Confirmed de-

tails are meager, l>ut it In estimate! that 1,000 wore killed or injured.

Seven steamers were capsized, ainung- them the excursion boat Big Re-

public, and many drowned. The city hospital was wrecked, and it. 1*

reported sixty bodies were recovered there. At the Vandalia round

house 35 are said to have been Killed. The grand stand at the fair

grounds was wrecked, and it was reported that ISO were killed there.

Wires of all kinds -were blown ilorrn, and darkness, and In places fire

were added to the horrors ol the situation.

NEW YORK, May 28.—The following jmessage has been received at the New

York office of the St. Louis Republic,

In the Times building:

"St. Louis, May 28, 3a. m.—To Re-

public Bureau, New York: Impossible

to give more than a rough estimate of

the damage and loss of life here and

at East St. Louis. Probably 500 or 800

killed, and twice that number injured.

We have rumor of a cyclone at Mo-

berly, Warrensburg and" other towns in

Missouri. Thirty killed at Vandalia,

111. Local situation terrible."—The Republic."

CHICAGO, May 27.—One of the

greatest disasters of recent years over-whelmed the city of St. Louis tonight

in the shape of a cyclone, which be-

gan shortly after 5 o'clock, and forthirty minutes tore its awful way

through the city with a velocity of

over eighty miles an hour. Although

reports from there are very meager,

owing to the almost total destruction

of telegraph wires, it seems certain

that the number of dead and wound-

ed will reach fully 1,000, and the dam-age done to millions of dollars. Thecity hospital, which, fortunately, sur-

vived the storm, Is filled to overflowing

with mangled men, women and chil-

dren, and the morgue within two hours

after the end of the storm was so full

of corpses that it was necessary toprovide other quarters for the recep-

tion of the dead.

In addition to those who were killed

In the houses and in the streets, hun-

dreds of dead are beneath the waters

of the Mississippi river. Of all thesteamers on the levee when the stormbroke out but one is now afloat. All

the others have gone down, in many

Instances every soul on board being

lost. Among the boats destroyed wasthe excursion steamer Great Republic,

one of the largest steamers on the

lower river. Not a man escaped fromher, and it is said she was crowded

with excursionists when the stormcame up.

The center of the city is a wreck.Many buildings have been demolished,

and others partly wrecked. The streetsare utterly impassable to street cars,md in many places progress on foot is

a matter of great difficulty. To add

to the horrors of the night, the electric

light plants were rendered Incapable

of service, and the gas lamps are also

shut off, leaving the city in total dark-

ness. Fire also broke out in several

portions of the city, and the fire de-partment was unable to make an ef-

fective fight on account of the choked-

up condition of the streets, and the

large number of firemDn who were en-

gaged in the Imperative work of rescu-ing the dead and wounded.

The only authentic information from

i <Ue stricken city tonight was seat out

by the agent of the Associated" Press,

who managed to reach an outlying tel-egraph office.and send a brief dispatch,

as follows:A tornado blowing at the rate of over eighty

miles an hour struck St. Louis tonight, andraged for half an hour with great fury, andas a result,


on both sides of the river. Many buildings

are blown down and many river steamerssunk with all on board. It is Impossible atthe present time to estimate the number oflives lost, as the hospitals are filled with in-jured, and the morgue is filled with theslain, while great numbers of the dead and

maimed are lying among the ruins in alldirections. A portion of the east end of the

Eads bridge is destroyed, the grand stand atthe fair grounds is down, the woman's por-tion of the jail is gone and the immense Cup-pies block is partially destroyed. The Waters& Pierce oil works are burning, and otherbuildings in various sections of the city areon fire.

The Western Union Telegraph com-

pany announced that because of Itsinability to keep up its wires, it would

be Impossible to send out any more

messages tonight from St. Louis or itsvicinity.

The reports regarding the durationof the storm are conflicting. About8 o'clock the operator on the Wabashroad, at a small station not far fromEast St. Louis, managed to get theoperator at Decatur, 111., long enough

to send him word that the round houseof the Wabash road was blown downand that the freight house of the Van-dalia was wrecked and thirty-five menwere killed in the ruins. After he hadtold this much, the wire failed him.Shortly after 5 o'clock the Wabashoperator at Decatur reported to themain dispatcher's office, at Forest, 111.,

that a cyclone had Just passed through

the country to the south of Decatur,

and it was reported to have done great

damage. In a few minutes he sent

word that a second storm had passed

through the'eountry, almost exactly Inthe track of the first, and that he was

unable to get any more informationregarding it, but that it was thoughtto have done great damage in thecountry lying east of East St. Louis.

The operators on the Alton road were

unable to get any information fromtheir men in the neighborhood of St.Louis, but reported that just before alltheir connections with that city were

broken off they had received word thatthere had been a severe cyclone at

Rush Hill, Mo., which is a small townon the Alton road, not far from Mexico,Mo.

The dispatcher's office of the IllinoisCentral was unable all night to get

any information from any point en

the line south of Centralia. It was re-

ported to them, hcwever N that a


couth of that point.At East St. Louis the destruction

seems greatest. H. C. Rice, the West-ern Union manager at the relay depot

on the east side, climbed across the de-

molished bridge and made his way IntoSt. Louis. He reports that the Nation-al hotel, Tremont house, Martell house,De Wclf cafe, the plant of the HexelMilling company, Horn's cooper shop

and a great number of other buildings

are blown down. Many dwellings arewrecked and many of their occupants

are known to be dead. The Vandaliaround house, the Vandalia freighthouse, In which thirty-five men are

said to have been killed; th* Baltimore& Ohio round bouse, the Standard Oilworks. East St. Louis elevator andtwelve other freight houses on thelevee are destroyed.

It is difficult to estimate the numberof dead and wounded, but a rough

estimate would place the number atabout 1,000. Both the Western Unionand Postal companies have lost everywire out of the city.

One of the worst features of the dis-aster is thought to have taken place

at the race track at St. Louis, whereraces were in full swing and the grand

stand was crowded with people. Re-turns from the St. Louis races are re-ceived at the track at Lakeside, Ind.,and a few minutes after 5 o'clock theoperator sending the report of theraces stopped his work long enough toremark: "There goes the grand stand,"

and then his wire collapsed and noth-ing more was heard from him. In afew seconds the same message was re-ported from Lexington, Ky., with theadditional Information that fully 150people were dead? This was subse-quently corroborated by the operator

of the Wabash road at Decatur, whosaid that in his second message re-ceived from East-St. Louis it was de-clared that the grand stand at theraces was down, and that fully 150 peo-ple were


A few minutes after 5 o'clock theoperator of the Associated Press at St.Louis, who was taking the usual re-port, sent word that it was growingvery dark, and asked for a minute'sdelay, that he might provide himselfwith a light. In a second more thewire snapped, and it was impossibleto get any further information fromhim or out of the town.

The local weather office In this city

was unable to give any informationregarding the storm, as theofficer. > in charge was informedearly In the evening by theWestern Union that it would not beable to send the usual weather bulle-tins from St. Loui3. It was said, how-ever, at the local office that the condi-tions had been all day very favorablefor severe storms all through Missouriand Southern Illinois.

It is thought that the storm sweptover St. Louis from the northwest tothe southeast, as it is considered prob-able that the storm which was re-ported in the afternoon at Rush Hill,Mo., would require several hours toreach St. Louis, and the storm at thetwo points is reported as having beenlong enough apart to enable the stormto cover the distance between RushHill and St.Louis. The storm which torethrough the country south of Centraliais said to have occurred at about 6o'clock, or an hour after St. Louis wasdevastated. These three points are ina direct line from the northwest to thesoutheast, and ihp weather officialsare inclined to believe the storm wasone and the samifj

The Eads bridge which is reportedas having been badly damaged, wasbuilt in 1873, and was considered oneof the strongest arch bridges in theworld. It was built without a draw,and rose to an elevation in the centerand sloped down to the shore on eitherside. There was upon it a double rail-road track, which was used by thetrains of the Wabash and the Altonrailroads, a double passageway forwagons and a double pathway for pe-destrians. From the reports receivedIt is not thought that it is so seriouslydamaged as to delay the train serviceof the roads which use It to any largeextent.

At midnight it was reported at thedispatcher's office of the Wabash roadat Forest, 111., that it was impossibleto reach any point further south thanNameokl, which is nine miles north-east from East St. Louis. The oper-ator at that point said that up to mid-night It had been impossible to obtainany definite information from St.Louis,but it was certain that fearful damage

had been done. He said that the


at East St. Louis, and burning fiercely,

but he could tell nothing more thanthat. He had not been able to obtainany information from any of the Wa-bash trains that had passed his sta-tion since 5 o'clock in the afternoon.The report of the damage to thebridge and the estimates of the numberof the dead and wounded, he said, werenot confirmed with any accuracy.


Death and Destruction to Be Seen ol

Every Ilaml,

ST. LOUIS, May 27.—Death and de-struction reign supreme in St. Louisand vicinity tonight as the result of themost terrible storm that ever visitedthis section of the country. So wide-spread is the destruction in both St.Louis and East St. Louis that it isimpossible to even estimate the amountof the damage and loss of life. Build-ings of every description are in ruins,and as a result hundreds of people arereported dead and injured, but untildaylight comes and order Is restoredit will be impossible to make any defi-nite statement. Reports are in circu-lation that seven steamers lying atwharves on this and the East St. Louisside of the river have been sunk, withall on board. The city is nearly indarkness, as the electric light wiresare down. With one or two excep-tions all the street car lines in the cityare at a standstill, and thousands ofpeople are compelled to remain down-town or walk home. The storm brokeabout 5 o'clock in the afternoon, aftera most oppressively hot day, and rainbegan to fall. It soon developed into afierce thunderstorm, with the wind

I from the cist. A little later the windhad gained a velocity of eighty milesan hour, driving the rain before it, and

; tearing loose signs, cornices, chimneys

and everything in its way. Manybuildings of every description were de-molished, and others were set on fire

by lightning and crossed wires. Thefire department responded to fourteenalarms.

The streets were full of people go-

ing home from work, and a panic en-sued as soon as the storm broke. Menwere picked up and hurled against thebuildings, horses and carriages were

! sent flying here and there, and falling

| wires ful' of the deadly fluid added to

the horror of the 'seen 3. Suddenly thewind vered arounfl to the west andcompleted the deatruction. It is as-serted by some of those who have tra-

versed the downtown part of the city\u25a0 that there are few buildings in St.

Louis that have not suffered in someway from the storm. Tonight the

STREETS ARE IN DARKNESSand travel in any direction is danger-

ous.because of the fallen livewires anddebris lying- everywhere. The wagon-way of the Kads bridge, on the EastSt. Louis side, is a crumbling mass ofmortar and stone, and parts of thetower and Pier No. 1 were also tornaway.

An outbound accommodation trainon the Chicago & Alton road waswrecked by a broken rail, but fortu-nately nobody among the fifty passen-gers were hurt. A trolley car loadedwith passengers, bound for the Westside, is said to have fallen through tothe railroad track below, but withwhat result is not known.

The roof of the Republican conven-tion hall was blown off. and a twenty-four-foot section of the western wallof the city jail was torn down, expos-ing the interior. It was during exer-cise hours and 200 prisoners were ex-ercising In the building ajid werepanic-stricken. They were too fright-ened to try to escape. Jailer Wagnerwas on the scene in a moment, andwith the aid of a number of detectivesand policemen, the prisoners wereplaced in their cells. The tanks of theWaters-Pierce Oil company, on Gra-tiot street, blew up, spreading destruc-tion on every hand.

Three stories of the Coe Manufac-turing company's building, Ninth andGratiot, and nearly half of the Wain-wright brewery were blown down. Thesummer high school, Eleventh andSpruce; McDermott's saloon, Eleventhand Chestnut; Jere Sheehan's liverystable, Eleventh and Walnut, were un-roofed. The engineer of the AetnaIron works, Twenty-first and Pappinstreets, was almost instantly killed.The walls were blown in and he wasscalded to death by steam. The Con-solidated Wire works, Twenty-first

and Papin streets, was almost totally

wrecked. Seven people are known tohave been injured seriously by thiswreck, and many more are said to havebeen hurt by falling walls.

The two-story building of the C. H.Sawyer Manufacturing company 1819Choteau avenue, was demolished.John Sawyer, a member of the firm,and Emma Chancy and Isabella Ham-den, typewriters, were crushed to deathunder the walls. H. H. Sawyer, amember of the firm, was injured fa-tally. The St.. Louis Refrigeratorand Woodenware company's factory atSecond street and Park avenue wascompletely destroyed by fire caused bylightning. A rumor was widely circu-lated that the gas tank near the Con-solidated wire works, at the south endof the Twenty-first street viaduct,

had been blown over, and, crushing inthe walls of the wire works, killed fourmen to a certainty, and probably more.

The cyclone broke at fifteen minutes after5 o'clock, coming directly from the west,


proper, then crossing. the Mississippi to EastSt. Louis and there, after raging for halfan hour disappearing In the direction ofAlton. There was little warning for thehelpless people in the streets, the thousandson their way home from work, or the in-mates in the great mercantile establishmentsof the city who had not left their posts ofduty.

Temporary hospitals abound In every partof the city. The armory at Seventeenth andPine streets has been opened for the careof the wounded, and many Injured havebern taken Into private houses. The cityauthorities at midnight were sending mount-ed police through the city in an effort to as-certain, if possible, what the loss of lifereally Is. So far as absolute facts are con-cerned, nothing definite can be learned beforetomorrow.

Among the houses known to have been de-stroyed are thp furniture store of FrederickOtieneds, at the corner of Broadway andSoulard streets, in the southern part of thecity, where six men are reported killed; asaloon at CO4 South Seventh street, where ninemen are reported in the ruins; St. Patrick'schurch, at the corner of Sixth and Biddelstreets.

One thing that hinders the work of takingout the dead and rescuing the Injured is thefact that every electric light wire and tele-phone wire is down. This prevents commu-nication between the various parts of the cityand the town being in absolute darkness, thawork of rescue is going on with agonizingslowness.

Tc add to the dismal situation, the rain \u25a0

which fell shortly after the tornado passed,began again about 7 or. 7:30 o'clock and isnow coming down in torrents. It is Impossi-ble to get reports from the police stations,where many of the dead and injured havebeen taken, and consequently statements inregard to the dead and wounded up to thepresent time are for the most part conjec-tures, but there is no doubt that the loss oflife is greater than anything the country hasknown since the disaster at Johnstown.

It is evident that the tornado pursued atrack of many miles In length, as reportsfrom various railroad stations show thatnothing has been received from any pointwest of here as far as Moberly. Scatteredbits of information show that between Mober-ly and this city variousSMALL TOWNS HAVE BEEN WIPED OUT

and many persons.are 4ead in them. It wasat first thought that many had been killedat the Fair grounds in the western part ofthe city, where the roof of the grand standwas blown off while the last race was being

ran, but is Is now known that the people at

the track sav^ the storm coming and, rushing

out of the grounds, took refuge in the ad-jacent fields.

At the time the storm struck the town andcreated such havoc the accompanying noisewas terrifying. People were picked up In thestreets and dashed to the ground or against

the buildings as though they had been themerest straws. One thing which aided thestorm in its course of destruction was the val-ley which separates North and South St. Louis,along which the railroads entering the cityfrom the east and west have their tracks andyards, and through which they have access tothe union station at Twenty-first street. Thisdepression is some forty or fifty feet In depth,

a regular valley, In fact, and had the tornadoconfined itself to this channel the loss of lifeand property would not have been so great.

A. W. Becker, of the big firm of J. P.Becker & Co., of East St. Louis, was amongthe first persons to cress the Eads bridge

after the storm abated. His family was in

St. Louis, and in his eagerness to get tothem he climbed over the debris of the bridge

on his hands and knees, over wrecked cars,dead horses and a mass of other debris. Heinformed a reporter that the condition ofEast St. Louis is almost beyond descrip-

tion. The

TOWN IS A WRECKfor blocks arourS and the loss of life in thatregion alone is estimated at from 200 to 230.

The Vandaila freight house, near the eastend of the Eads bridge, was completely de-molished, a number of persons having gone

down in the ruins. When Mr. Becker left

the scene men were engaged In digging out

the dead and dying and several bodies hadalready been removed. Melntz's grocery storeand a whole row of brick bulUlngb adjoining

it were rased to the ground, but no person

CoaContd on Third fftje.


SWEPT BY THE STORM.Reports of Accumulated Disasters Follow in

the Wake of the Blast That Wreckedthe City of St. Louis.


School House in the Path of the Storms-Eighty Children in the Structure

Said to Be Killed.


Seven People Killed at Mexico, State of Mks*souri, and Damage Done at Various

Other Points.

KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 27.—Spe-

cials to the Times state that ten peoplewere killed in a tornado which struckthe village of Labaddie, Franklin coun-ty, this evening, and that the town ofRenick, ten miles from Moberly, inRandolph county, was completelywiped out. Nothing definite from eith-er place.


Mexico, Mo.. Among the l'laeenStruck by the Wind.

KANSAS CITY, Mo., 3lay 27.—A spe-cial to the Times from Mexico, Mo.,

reports that a cyclone swept acrossAudrian county this evening, doinggreat damage to crops and wrecking !many buildings. The correspondent

reports that seven people have beenkilled in the county, and probably ,twenty-five badly injured, but is un- i

able to give any details.


Killed in a School House at in >'. •. i111.

KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 27.—The jtrain dispatcher at the headquartersof the Alton road here has a report ;from the operator at Roodhouse, 111.,that at Drake, 111., just south of thatpoint, on the Alton road, a tornado at ,a late hour this afternoon demolisheda big school house, and that eighty

children perished in the ruins. No con-firmation of the report can be obtained.At the Alton headquarters the reports

that Mexico and Rush Hill, Mo., were jswept by the storm are discredited.The railroad wires through the?eplaces are woklng, and no reports of se-rious damage have been sent in.


Alton Train Blown Into the River by !

the Cyclone.

CHICAGO, May 27.—1t is reported jthat the limited train from Chicago to jSt. Louis over the Alton road was

blown into the river with a section ofthe bfidge, and 200 lives lost.


BLOMINGTON, 111.. May 27.—The Chicago

& Alton limited Is afe at Alton, having re- jturned from East St. Louis. Two Altoncoacbea loaded with passengers flew from the {approach to the Eada bridge, and were badly \u25a0

\u25a0wrecked, but no one was seriously hurt. TheAlton people know of no serious damage else-where on their road.


Death* and Injuries Reported on«%ll jSide*.

KANSAS CITY, May 27.—A special to the IJournal from Mexico, Mo., says: Audrian :

ccunty was visited by a terrific tornado this |afternoon at 3:30. The total number killed at jBean Creek and Rush Hill ia about eight. IMore than twenty-six were injured. Houses, |churches, barns and school houses were blown jdown. The storm was preceded and followed jby heavy rain and hail, which did incalculable jdamage. Full reports cannot be obtained at jthis hour, owing to wires being down, andhigh water.

In the Bean Creek district a school housewas carried completely away, and a daughter iof Joseph O. Ware, one of the pupil3, was i

killed, and Lulu Ebanks and Hilda lSluse, ;also school children, were fatally injured. \u25a0

Others along the route of the tornado in this jdistrict, whose names cannot yet be learned,are more or less injured.

At the Dye school house, six or eight milesfarther southwest, not a pupil escaped unin-jured, and five children were killed, three out-right, two dying later at this place. Theschool house was utterly demolished and sev-eral of the children were blown a great dis-tance away, and were not found until severalhours afterward, and then in a mutilatedcondition.


Already Begun by the R;iilroa«l Com-


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. May 27.—General j?up*rintc-r.<a«>i.t Miller, of the Pennsylvania, ;arrived tonight Uy special train from Ms

I headquarters At Klchnwrtd. Ttto tiiJa was j

switched to the Vandulia, which Is a part ofthe Pennsylvania, and left at 11:10 o'clock f<>rthe pcene of the disaster. Mr. Miller carriedwith him a large force of linemen, k<> thatthe wires that were down cuulil lie im-mediately put in order for service. Wreck-Ing crewi will go nvcr the lino from TerraHaute. Before leaving this <ity Mr. Millersaid that his knowledge of the buildingswhich are said to have been d<riioli-h- .1 ledhim to believe that first report! of tilof life were not exaggerated. He beliereathat there are at least 160 men in the freighthouse, and the reported losb of thirty-fivelives he believes to be true. Ilia Informa-tion was that the Vandalla's propertyIn East Bt Loula la very seriously dai<Jeneral Superintendent Van Winkle, of theDig Four, left on the midnight train forSt. Louis. He win be Joined by Erapt Neal at

\ Mattoon. Mr. Vitn Winkle's staff of offldallj from here accompanied him. and at Mattoon: the wrecking train will be sent ahead of the• regular train with all of the working eqofs-' ments poMible to pat the line in ifa ipe fori handling Its traffic. Mr. Winkle's Information

Is that all the shops, round houses and prop-erty in St. Louis were badly wrecked.

The Itlg Four train, which left here thismorning at 11:45 and which was due at iJi••Union station In St. Louis at 6:56, iover the bridge Just a few minutes before thestorm struck It, but it is rapposed to have

| escaped Injury. Train No. 'J. which left hereat 7:30 and was due at St. Louis at 6:35, v..is

Just nine miles behind the wreck. It escapedby about 15 mlnutea the fate of the C. A A.train, which was turned over in the bridgfwith a frightful loss of life.


Five Peoylc Seriously InJore*1 at

That Place.STURGEON, Mo., May 27.—A cyclone passed

three miles north of here at 3 o'clock this aft-: ernoon. At Renlck three men were seriously| injured and a family of people were carried| over a mile, two children being badly hurt.

Friendship church, north of town, was demol-ished.

St. Luiilm County Swept.

BALDWIN, Mo., May 27.—A hurricane, ac-companied by a terrific hail ana rain storm,passed over St. Louis county about 4:30 thisafternoon. For three hours rain fell in tor-

! rents and hall fell to a depth of (several Inches.j Gteat damage was done to crops throughoutthis section of the country. Several buildings

j were blown down, but so far as can be learned! no one was seriously injured.

People Hurr> in;;\u25a0 Home.CHICAGO, May 27.—0n all of the roadi be-

tween this city and St. Louis special trainahave been started for St. Louis, carryingthe officials of the roads and many natives of

i St. Lcjls. In a hurry to reach their home)

I and obtain better knowledge of the resultsi of the storm and of the safety of their friends.' Fully 100 men who are raeidents of St.\u25a0 Louis left here tonight on the special traina.

Moberly 1 '-< ;«|"-.1.

KANSAS CITY, May 27. -A special to theJournal from Moberly, Mo., states that to-day's storm did no serious damage at thaipoint.


1 Fifty of the Bo«ll<-* Him- rti-en Re-

covcrrd.SEATTLE, Wash., May 27.—0n the it<

Rosalie, which arrived from Victoria this aft-ernoon, were 101 sorrowful looking excur-sionists, the horror of the catastrophe Tues-day being kept vividly before them by the

i presence of a corpse. The steamer had r-vo! bodies on board when sho i-tarte:l from Vic-

toria. One was that of .1. A. Van Bifckelin.! which was ieft at Port Ttownaend, and tho

other that of B. W. Murray, of ihi:; city."People ud there don't seem to know any-

thing more about the accident than U) n uO

down here," said CapL C. W. A:nt:-. of the; Uoaalie. "The old bu Idlng formerly %; Market square, and used as a center for farnl*i era coming in from the couutiy with prod-

uce has been turned Into a morgue, and ai

' fast as the bodies are taken from thethey are carried into the Incloaure. Ip to tl>etime we left, about 9 o'clock this morning,fifty bodies had been recovered. All :hc p<n>-ple had been identified when I left, and no 00lwas allowed within the enclosure where thebodies had been laid out. Amretched acroM th* river to keep tha ebbingtide from carrying out the bodies anu theyaie using the steam rower of the pilo driverto work the drags. Estimates mado by :hopeople there place the number remslnithe water at from V: to 10'). It will prob-

ab:/ be some time be.'oie all are taken outand probably some will nuv-.r be ioi.'.J."

Trlpp < "\u25a0\u25a0 i'lui; Uoinc.

WASHINOTO.V. May 27.-B.irtklt Tr'.pp,

I r.:ted Statts minister to Australia, wii.ii Mra,

! Trlpp. Is In Washingtou f>r a few days. OW

! his way to Yankton. Mr. Tripp 1j ?n hln *a-

nual leave and there Is nothing special laj his visit t« this country at tfcl* time.