March 21, 2021|Fifth Sunday of Lent S AINT L AWRENCE THE M ARTYR C ATHOLIC P ARISH AND E DUCATION C ENTER 1971 S T. L AWRENCE DRIVE S ANTA CLARA, CA 95051 T EL. NO. 408-296-3000 F AX NO. 408-296-3100 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Website: www.saintlawrence.org Celebrating Our Catholic Faith through Worship, Education, and Service Fr. Ernesto Orci Pastor [email protected] 1-408-296-3000 Ext. 438 Fr. Angelbert Chikere Parochial Vicar [email protected] 1-408-296-3000 Ext. 440 PARISH OFFICE 1-408-296-3000 [email protected] Giuliana Barragan - Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 431 Melissa A. Tamayo - Office Assistant [email protected] Ext. 432 FINANCE OFFICE Carla Gerrard - Site Accountant [email protected] Ext. 443 Nadine Young - Finance Office Assistant [email protected] Ext. 442 CATECHETICAL OFFICE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF RELIGION Eleanor de Paz - Catechetical Director [email protected] Ext. 433 MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Eleanor de Paz [email protected] Ext. 433 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] Ext. 433 HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION Elgin Presa - Coordinator Katrina Antonio - Coordinator [email protected] YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY [email protected] ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL (Pre-K - 8th Grade) Carina Lares - Principal [email protected] 1-408-296-2260 CHILDREN’S CENTER 1-408-296-8077 Teen Center & Extended Day Care Trini Martinez - Director MUSIC COORDINATOR Emily Kupitz - [email protected]


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1971 ST. LAWRENCE DRIVE SANTA CLARA, CA 95051 TEL. NO. 408-296-3000 FAX NO. 408-296-3100

E-Mail Address: [email protected] Website: www.saintlawrence.org Celebrating Our Catholic Faith through Worship, Education, and Service

Fr. Ernesto Orci Pastor [email protected] 1-408-296-3000 Ext. 438 Fr. Angelbert Chikere Parochial Vicar [email protected] 1-408-296-3000 Ext. 440

PARISH OFFICE 1-408-296-3000 [email protected]

Giuliana Barragan - Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 431

Melissa A. Tamayo - Office Assistant [email protected] Ext. 432

FINANCE OFFICE Carla Gerrard - Site Accountant [email protected] Ext. 443 Nadine Young - Finance Office Assistant [email protected] Ext. 442

CATECHETICAL OFFICE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF RELIGION Eleanor de Paz - Catechetical Director [email protected] Ext. 433

MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Eleanor de Paz [email protected] Ext. 433

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] Ext. 433

HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION Elgin Presa - Coordinator Katrina Antonio - Coordinator [email protected]

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY [email protected]

ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL (Pre-K - 8th Grade) Carina Lares - Principal [email protected] 1-408-296-2260

CHILDREN’S CENTER 1-408-296-8077 Teen Center & Extended Day Care Trini Martinez - Director

MUSIC COORDINATOR Emily Kupitz - [email protected]


March 21, 2021 - Fi h Sunday of Lent - Page 2

March 11, 2021

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am grateful that Pope Francis has providentially declared a Year of Saint Joseph* and a Year of the Holy Family** on the same year that we, the Diocese of San Jose, celebrate our 40th Anniversary Jubilee. In reflecting on our past and present, this year is a time for us all to look to Saint Joseph and the Holy Family as models of faith. It is a time to climb a spiritual mountain top to recommit ourselves to the mission of Jesus Christ. And it is a time for our Diocese to discern how we will carry out this mission into the future. In biblical times, jubilees were a time of renewal and hope, of new opportunities and new beginnings.

To assist toward the goal of spiritual renewal and recommitment, I am happy to announce the following 10 pilgrimage sites within our Diocese for the Year of Saint Joseph through December 8, 2021. The faithful, who visit any of these pilgrimage sites, will gain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions (a spirit detached from any sin, sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion, and prayer according to the intentions of the Holy Father). Until it is safe to visit these sites in person, spiritual or virtual visits may be made by actively participating a livestream Mass from one of these locations with devotion and full attention to the Eucharist.

Eight parishes or centers names for Saint Joseph or the Virgin Mary

Saint Joseph Cathedral Parish, San Jose Saint Joseph Parish, Mountain View Our Lady of Peace Parish, Santa Clara Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - Vietnamese Catholic Center, San Jose Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, Alviso Queen of Apostles Parish, San Jose Saint Mary Parish, Gilroy Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Los Gatos

Two cemeteries, as Saint Joseph is Patron of a happy death:

Calvary Cemetery, San Jose Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Los Altos.

Throughout the year we will strive to honor with heartfelt prayer and devotion St. Joseph as the guardian and protector of God’s people, the Church. May Saint Joseph and the Holy Family intercede for us in this work of rededicating ourselves to the mission of Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,

+Oscar Cantu Bishop of San Jose *Year of Saint Joseph celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Saint being declared Patron of the Universal Church. **Year of the Holy Family marks the 5th anniversary of the Pope’s apostolic exhortation on the family (March 19, 2016) and prepares for the 10th World Meeting of Families in Rome (June 26, 2022).

Office of the Bishop


March 21, 2021 - Fi h Sunday of Lent - Page 3

Our Par ishioners , Fr iends , and Family

Please Pray For. . .

Ann Ayala

Ben (3 years old)

Erika S. Barragan

Fatima Brazil

Tim Brown

Jerry Campisi

Sue Collins

Patricia H. Curteman

Louise Dale

Linda Daily

JoAnn Fuller

Mary Gardner

Raymond Gutierrez

Margaret Haselden

Alexa Hechema

Phil Irsmirsher

Evalyn J. Lewis

Evalyn J. Lewis

Ann Lizotte

Joseph Nardini

Patricia Martinez

Berna Muñoz

Lina Pirotta

Moses Pirotta

Karen Pizzo

Lupe Ramirez

Margarito Razon

Jeffrey Richardson

Joseph Riolo

Tiburcia Rodríguez

Jim Scuncio

Danielle Scuncio

Jan Snyder

Lina Velasco

Hortensia Valadez

March 25th marks the anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s encyclical, The Gospel of Life (Evangelium vitae). Check out this brief summary that highlights key themes and foundational teachings.


El 25 de marzo es el aniversario de la encíclica del papa Juan Pablo II, El Evangelio de la Vida (Evangelium vitae). Lee este breve resumen que destaca los temas clave y las enseñanzas fundamentales.


He Made His Dwelling Among Us The Annunciation and the Gospel of Life

The Annunciation celebrates the visit of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to inform her that she was to be the mother of Jesus. On this great feast day, we not only recall Mary’s courageous “yes” to God, we also celebrate the Incarnation of Christ, our Savior. For it was there, in the womb of a woman, nine months before the celebration of the manger, that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14). The celebration of the Annunciation coincides with the anniversary of the papal encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). This prophetic document on the dignity and inviolability of every human life was put forth by Pope John Paul II on the Solemnity of the Annunciation in 1995. The intimate connection of these two events highlights a profound reality about the identity and value of every human person. Luke’s Gospel tells us that by the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ would be conceived within the womb of Mary. It was there, in the womb of the Blessed Mother, that Christ first took on human flesh and made his dwelling among us. Like us, the unborn child Jesus grew and developed beneath the shelter of his mother’s loving heart. Through Christ’s Incarnation, God chose to share fully and intimately in our humanity and bridge all distance between God and man, so that we may dwell together. The Church teaches us that “by His incarnation the Son of God has united Himself in some fashion with every man.” God desired to dwell among us, as one of us, in order to bring us salvation. This truth “reveals to humanity

not only the boundless love of God… but also the incomparable value of every human person.” Each of us is made in the image and likeness of our Creator, to share in the very life of God himself. This reality “reveals the greatness and the inestimable value of human life.” The human person is “a manifestation of God in the world, a sign of his presence, a trace of his glory.” Created through the love of the Father, each one of us bears “an indelible imprint of God.” By sharing in our humanity, Christ invites us to share in his divinity, that we might dwell with him for eternity. Therefore, “the Gospel of God’s love for man, the Gospel of the dignity of the person and the Gospel of life are a single and indivisible Gospel.” Through Christ’s descent to earth God desires to raise each one of us to the heights of heaven. May we recognize that to proclaim the Gospel of Life is to proclaim Christ, the one who made his dwelling among us.

Scriptural excerpt from NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Excerpts from Evangelium vitae © 1995, Gaudium et spes: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World © 1965, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2020, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.


March 21, 2021 - Fi h Sunday of Lent - Page 4

There are several ways you can make your gift or pledge, (Pledge Envelope, Online Giving at www.dsj.org/ada, from your cell phone: Text ADA to 408-317-0990 to start online giving without the paperwork, Sustaining Gifts, Stock Gifts and Matching Gifts). Please bring your completed pledge as you come to Church and place your envelope in the offertory basket at Mass.

PLEASE DO NOT MAIL THEM TO THE DIOCESE. You may also leave them at the Parish Office. Your support of the Annual Diocesan Appeal is very much appreciated and your gift will

make a difference in our Parish and in our Diocese!

2021 ADA Diocesan Assessment $ 91,907

2021 Parish Fundraising Goal:

$ 60,000

2021 TOTAL JOINT GOAL $ 151,907

$ 91,907

$ 29,363

$ 121,270




2021 Participation


100% ________ Current



Will be used to help offset the effects that Covid-19 is having on the annual parish operating budget

Week 8 183 Total Pledges

NOTE: Please note the additional graphic added to better illustrate the impact that CoVid-19 has had on Stew-ardship in our community. The bar for the Pre-CoVid Goal shows our stewardship goal before the onset of the CoVid-19 pandemic.

Stewardship Week Ending 03/14/2021

Stewardship Week Ending 03/07/2021


March 21, 2021 - Fi h Sunday of Lent - Page 5

Mass Schedule as of 3/01/2021

Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Saturday 8:30 am—Indoor Mass

Wednesday mass to be livestream ONLY when SLEMS classes are in session

Reconciliation/Confessions: Wednesdays from 11am-Noon and

4-5pm in the parking lot

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 9:15 am to 6:00 pm (begins after 8:30 am mass)

5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Live stream Holy Hour on Facebook Live

Livestream at: facebook.com/stlawrencedsj/live

Weekend Masses:

Saturday Vigil at 5:00pm - Indoor Mass

Sunday Masses: 8:00 am - Indoor Mass

9:30am - Outdoor Mass 11:00am - Indoor (Live Stream) in English 12:30pm Spanish - Indoor (Live Stream)

The maximum capacity allowed per Mass is 125 people. Social distancing protocols remain in effect.

Reservation for mass at: https://stlawrencedsj.eventbrite.com


Livestream at: facebook.com/stlawrencedsj/live

We, who are so used to baptism, can forget how this ritual reaches back to the very beginnings of Christianity. Imagine. When we were baptized, we were part of a ritual that began weeks after Christ’s death. It goes back that far. In the Acts of the Apostles, Luke describes an event that happened in the early Church (Acts 2:14-38). On that day Peter delivered a power-ful address to the Jewish pilgrims who had come to Jerusalem for their feast of Pentecost. When Peter finished, many in the crowd believed his message and asked what they should do. Peter said that they should be baptized. The author writes, “Those who accepted his mes-sage were baptized, and about three thousand persons were added that day.”

We received that same baptism. Luke continues to tell the story of those early years and tells of baptism after baptism. One of the most interesting accounts is the baptism of Paul (Acts9:1-19). After he was blinded by his encounter with the Risen Lord, Paul’s companions led him to Damascus. The Lord then appeared to Ananias, a Christian in Damascus, and told him to go to Paul. Ananias (with some reluctance) followed the Lord’s instructions. He laid his hands on Paul, and the scales fell from his eyes. Then Paul “got up and was baptized.”

That is the same baptism we received.

Liturgy Corner Baptism in the Early Church

by Deborah Ferry (taken from the Little Black Book from the Diocese of Saginaw)

Rediscover Your Marriage – Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) simply means 'rediscovery'. The program offers the chance to rediscover your-self, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage. 10's of 1000's headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending. Retrouvaille is a not spiritual retreat, not a sensitivity group, not a seminar, not a social gathering. For confidential information about or to register for the January Virtual Marriage Program beginning with a weekend on April 22-25, 2021 call 408-605-4998 ,email: [email protected] or visit the web site at www.HelpOurMarriage.org

“Ahora mi alma está agitada, y ¿qué diré? Padre, líbrame de esta hora. Pero si por esto he venido, para esta hora. Padre, glorifica tu nombre”. (Jn 12, 27-28)

El Cristo que nos muestra el evangelista San Juan, en esas horas previas a la agonía del huerto y a la crucifixión, es el hombre-Dios que, a pesar del miedo ante la tortura y la muerte que se le avecina, está decidido a ir hasta el final en el cumplimiento de su misión: la salvación de los hombres. Pero también es el hombre-Dios que sabe que llevar eso a cabo le va a suponer un sufrimiento infinito, a pesar de lo cual opta por seguir adelante. Por lo tanto, Cristo supo en todo momento lo que le esperaba y no pudo evitar que el miedo le turbara y que le tentación de huir le asaltara. Sin embargo, aun teniendo eso en cuenta, decidió continuar y le suplicó al Padre que le diera la fuerza que necesitaba para llevar a cabo su obra. Nosotros también temblamos ante el dolor, ante las pruebas, las que tenemos o las que prevemos. Es lógico. Es humano. Si no nos ocurriera eso habríamos dejado de ser seres humanos. No nos tiene que asustar sentir miedo o tener ganas de dar la espalda a los problemas. Pero debemos recordar el ejemplo de Cristo y hacer como Él: pedir a Dios su ayuda –sin la cual no podemos hacer el bien- y seguir adelante, siendo fieles a lo que el Señor nos pida en cada momento, siendo especialmente fieles al cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones, tanto laborales como familiares y eclesiales. Esto es especialmente importante en un momento como éste, con tantos divorcios. Recordemos una vez más la oración que San Agustín dirigía a Dios: “Dame lo que me pides y pídeme lo que quieras”. O, dicho de otra forma: “Señor, ayúdame a no huir, a hacer tu voluntad, a subir a la cruz. Me siento débil y sin fuerzas, pero, aunque yo no puedo, tú sí puedes”.

Propósito: En medio de los problemas, orar a Dios para que nos dé fuerzas para no huir. Ayudar a otros a hacer lo mismo, a que no huyan y a que encuentren su fuerza en Dios.

Pbro. Santiago Martin Responsable MARC.



March 21 to March 28, 2021 Cycle I

March 21, 2021 - Fi h Sunday of Lent - Page 6

Luck of St . Lawrence is back! T ickets Are Avai lable at the Par ish Of f ice


Now On Its


OUR NEXT DRAWING WILL BE ON APRIL 4, 2021 FOR $300 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Remember that each ticket you buy now gives you 4 chances to win. Please return your sold ticket stubs with payment to the Parish Office since the

sooner you turn in your sold tickets, the more chances you have to win the prizes money.

Deadline: Tickets must be returned to the Parish Office on April 1, 2021 before 12:00 Noon for the drawing on

April 4, 2021.

You can be The next

Lucky winner

A Note from Fr. Ernesto, Our Pastor:

As public masses resumed on June 15th, your daily Mass Intentions will begin to be prayed for at the date requested. If you are interested in requesting Mass Intentions during this period, our process has changed due to the closing of the Parish Office.

Please send an email to: [email protected]

or [email protected]

or call and leave a message for

Giuliana at (408) 296-3000 ext. 431,

with the information needed below:

Their name and contact number Requested date for Mass Intention Info for Mass Intention Requested donation is $10 per

Mass. Make checks payable to: St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish. Mail your donation to: 1971 St. Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051



Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults

Diocese of San Jose Anthony Gonzalez

Phone: 1-408-983-0113 Fax: 1-408-983-0147

Emergency line: 1-408-983-0141 E-mail: [email protected]

Office of Financial Services

If you suspect financial mismanagement or misconduct in your

parish, school, or in the Diocese of San Jose, please contact: EthicsPoint

dsj.ethicspoint.com or hotline 888-325-7863

Gate of Heaven Cemetery 22555 Cristo Rey Drive

Los Altos, CA 94024 (650) 428-3730

Calvary Cemetery 2655 Madden Avenue San Jose, CA 95116

(408) 258-2940

Please call ahead for Pre-Needs or

At-Need Arrangements

Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of San Jose

March 21, 2021 - Fi h Sunday of Lent - Page 7

Marriage Preparation Retreats: The Diocese of San Jose offers English and Spanish Virtual Marriage Preparation retreats throughout the year. The retreats are one day. Visit the Marriage Prep website:


English Dates: May 22, 2021

Fechas en Español 24 de Abril, 2021

19 de Junio, 2021

Lenten Reflection Booklet Available online, please visit :


Saint Basil the Younger DIED CIRCA 952 FEAST DAY: MARCH 26

As a young man, Basil began living as a hermit near Constantinople, now Istanbul, Turkey. Courtiers of the Byzantine emperor, alarmed at his appearance and fearful of his influence, had him arrested and questioned as a spy. Basil would say only that he was a pilgrim and stranger on earth, but he denounced their immoral lifestyles.

According to his hagiography, he survived their cruel tortures and being thrown to a lion unharmed, and was saved from an official drowning by two dolphins. These miracles won him freedom. Thereafter, many of the faithful came to his hermitage for healing, prophecies and instruction. Basil reportedly lived to the age of 110.