Saint Hedwig Saint Patrick Sister parishes serving the East Bay Front of Erie Pastor Rev. Msgr. Henry A. Kriegel DAILY MASS Saint Patrick 8:00 AM SATURDAY EVENING MASS Saint Hedwig 4:30 PM Saint Patrick 5:00 PM SUNDAY MORNING MASS Saint Hedwig 9:00 AM Saint Patrick 10:30 AM HOLY DAY MASSES Anticipation Saint Hedwig 5:30 PM Holy Day Saint Patrick 12:05 PM CONFESSIONS 30 Minutes before each Saturday Evening Mass or by appointment Saint Hedwig Parish Established 1910 521 E. 3rd Street Erie, PA 16507 (814) 454-6232 www.sainthedwigparisherie.org Saint Patrick Parish Established 1837 130 East 4th Street Erie, PA 16507 (814) 454-8085 www.saintpatrickparisherie.org For information on Baptism, Religious Education, Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation, Adult Initiation, Marriage, Prayer or Study Groups, please call either parish office.

Saint Hedwig Saint Patrickweddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young

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Page 1: Saint Hedwig Saint Patrickweddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young

Saint Hedwig Saint Patrick

Sister parishes serving the East Bay Front of Erie

Pastor Rev. Msgr. Henry A. Kriegel


Saint Patrick 8:00 AM


Saint Hedwig 4:30 PM

Saint Patrick 5:00 PM


Saint Hedwig 9:00 AM

Saint Patrick 10:30 AM



Saint Hedwig 5:30 PM

Holy Day

Saint Patrick 12:05 PM


30 Minutes before each Saturday

Evening Mass or by appointment

Saint Hedwig Parish Established 1910

521 E. 3rd Street

Erie, PA 16507

(814) 454-6232


Saint Patrick Parish Established 1837

130 East 4th Street

Erie, PA 16507

(814) 454-8085


For information on Baptism, Religious Education, Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation,

Adult Initiation, Marriage, Prayer or Study Groups, please call either parish office.

Page 2: Saint Hedwig Saint Patrickweddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young

Today is the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time and our first reading comes from Isaiah. Like last Sunday, when we heard God calling Jeremiah to be a prophet, today we hear him calling Isaiah. The gospel paired with Jere-

miah’s calling was the story of how Nazareth re-jected Jesus. Today’s pairing gives us the gospel of Jesus telling Peter he will be a fisher of men. Isaiah, like Jeremiah, feels unworthy and we’re told that the seraphim (which means “fiery”) ap-proaches him and touches his lips revealing that the God who calls him is a Lord of forgiveness and mercy.

In our second reading, we hear again from First Corinthians, the fourth Sunday in a row that we hear from this magnificent letter. Today’s excerpt is from the last chapter when Paul begins to talk of the implications of the resurrection for the Co-rinthians. The passage has three sections. In the first, Paul reminds them of the gospel he taught them and that they struggle to live. In the second section, he provides a summary of that gospel. At the end, Paul inserts how Jesus appeared to Cephas and the Twelve. Scholars feel he insert-ed the appearances with what is to follow—his own experience with Christ. Paul is asserting himself as equal to the Twelve. In this final sec-tion, Paul begins by describing himself as one born abnormally which refers to the times he had persecuted Christians. By using that phrase he is able to show that God can save even one who had persecuted Christians.

Our gospel from Luke immediately follows Jesus’ rejection by his home town which we read last week. Recall that his kinfolk were furious when Jesus suggested that God’s mercy would be ex-tended to Jew and Gentile alike. Like God’s call of Isaiah who was in need of mercy in our first reading, today’s gospel tells us of Peter’s calling. Seeing the nets filled with fish draws not only Pe-ter but his partners, James and John. Luke uses the word “seized” and uses the plural pronoun “they” which scholars say implies that most of the other fishermen also left their nets and joined Je-sus.

Wednesday of this week is Ash Wednesday and Catholics are asked to observe this day and Good Friday as days of fast and abstinence. People over the age of 14 are asked to abstain from eating meat on these two days and on all

of the Fridays of Lent. Likewise, Catholics be-tween the ages of 18 and 60 are asked to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting im-plies eating one full meal and two much smaller meals. Canon law also reads that we can substi-tute another form of penance for abstinence. We should try to do something penitential for Lent. On Ash Wednesday, we will have an 8 AM Mass in the chapel at St. Patrick’s as well as a 12:05 PM Mass in the main church. The final Mass of the day will be at 5:30 PM at St. Hedwig’s. I will distribute ashes after all of those Masses. In ad-dition, I will be in St. Patrick’s Church from 11:35 AM on Ash Wednesday to distribute ashes to an-yone who wishes to come before Mass. I will have to stop distributing ashes shortly after noon so that I can get ready for the 12:05 Mass. Just a reminder, Ash Wednesday is not a holyday of ob-ligation. Celebrant of the Saturday evening 5 PM Mass next Saturday will be Father Dennis Martin, chap-lain at St. Vincent Health Center. Celebrant of the Sunday morning 9 AM Mass at St. Hedwig’s and the 10:30 AM Mass at St. Patrick’s will be Father John Fisher, retired pastor of St. Lawrence in Al-bion. I will be in San Antonio, TX to officiate at a wedding. (Please note that I do not take February weddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young adults, reveals that college students are more likely than ever to call themselves gifted and driven to success, even though their test scores and time spent studying are decreasing. Psychologist, Jean Twenge, the lead author of the study, says that it reveals that narcissism in students is up 30% in the last thirty years. She writes that on Facebook, for example, young people can fool themselves into thinking they have hundreds or thousands of “friends.” They can delete unflattering comments, block an-yone who disagrees with them or poke holes in their inflated self esteem. Using Twitter, she says, young people can pre-tend they are worth “following,” as though they have real-life friends when all that is happening is the mutual fanning of false love and false fame. Using computer games, our children can pretend

Page 3: Saint Hedwig Saint Patrickweddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young

A Family Perspective:

In today’s gospel Jesus asked Simon to start by “going a short distance.” Later he asked Simon to “go into deeper water.” The first step toward reconciliation is usually a “short distance” which gives us the courage to further “into deeper water.” Reconcilia-tion starts with the first short step!

From the Pastor’s Desk continued………

they are Olympians, Formula 1 drivers or rock stars. On MTV and other networks young people can see lives just like theirs portrayed on reality TV shows fueled by such incredible self-involvement and self-love that any of the “real life” characters should really be in psychotherapy to have any chance at a normal life.

She also says that they are watching a congress that can’t control it manic, euphoric narcissistic spending and a society that blames mass killings on guns, not on the psychotic people who wield them and a stock market that keeps rising and falling like a roller coaster as bubbles inflate and burst. False pride, she writes, can never be sus-tained; the bubble of narcissism is always at risk of bursting. Her conclusion is that young people are higher on drugs than ever, smoking more, tattooed more, pierced more and having more sex, earlier and earlier, because it makes them feel special for awhile. Her final sentence is ra-ther haunting. “They’re doing anything to distract themselves from the fact that they feel empty in-side and unworthy.”

I honestly don’t know what I think of that report. It seems to be a harsh sentence. Most of the young people I know don’t fall into these categories. She contends the raw data supports her conclu-sions. It’s something to think about. I’m not sure I fully accept her conclusions.

Not only have we had a new carillon donated for St. Patrick’s, but a second parishioner who wished to do that is now underwriting the entire costs of the restoration of the pipe organ.

This past Wednesday we hosted the lectors, ush-ers, choir, greeters and Eucharistic Ministers for drinks and hors d’euvres at the rectory. We have so many new ministers that many don’t know one another. It was a fun, relaxing evening.

Things we never hear: “Hey, it’s my turn to sit in the front pew.” “I was so enthralled, I never no-ticed that your homily went 20 minutes overtime.” “I love it when we sing hymns I’ve never heard before.” “Nothing inspires me and strengthens my commitment to the Lord like our annual Cath-olic Services Appeal Drive.” “Let’s send the pas-tor to a bible seminar in the Bahamas.”


A Moment of Reflection Reading I: Isaiah 6:1-8

Reading II: Psalm 138:1-8 1 Corinthians

Gospel: Luke 5:1-11 Although most of us do not remember our own bap-tism, we know that we were called, and still are called, to follow Jesus as Simon Peter and the other fishermen were called that day on the shore of Lake Gennesaret. Most of us are not so unlike Simon Pe-ter. We are drawn to Jesus. We want to follow his call and be part of his work, but we want to approach our faith-like on the cafeteria plan. We do some of what he asks, but not everything. When have you felt that you were being called by God to something, but hesitated? Why?


St. Stanislaus Parish is hosting their Annual Lenten Fish and Pierogi Dinners on Fridays, February 15, March 1 & 15 in the Parish Hall from 4:00—7:00PM. Adults $10.00, Children ages 6-12 $5.00, children five and under—free. Take outs are $10.25. Come and enjoy a delicious home cooked dinner.

Page 4: Saint Hedwig Saint Patrickweddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young

Saint Hedwig News

Week of January 27 Sanctuary Lamp: Patricia Buszek requested by Agnes Oldakowski Our Lady’s Shrine: For Poor Souls St. Joseph Shrine: Joseph Prochowski requested by Ed & Irene Bukowski

Week of February 10 Sanctuary Lamp: Chet Loncki requested by D. Dombkowski Our Lady’s Shrine: Richard Dombkowski requested by Dorothy Witkowski St. Joseph Shrine: Sigmond Prochowski request-ed by John & Cynthia Weber

Please also remember those in the hospital, nurs-ing care and the homebound.

Our offertory for last week was $928.00 and $100.00 for Second Harvest Food Bank. Thank you and God bless.

Ash Wednesday…..Lent Begins We will have Mass and distribution of ashes on Wednesday, February 13 at 5:30pm here at St. Hedwig.

Stations of the Cross We will have Stations of the Cross on Fridays dur-ing Lent at 5:30pm. Let us all try to draw closer to Our Lord this Holy Season.

Lenten Dinners Delicious Fish & Pierogi dinners and more being served at the 3rd Street Polish Falcons every Fri-day from 4pm until 7pm.

Pray the Rosary

Parish Stewardship: Our offertory for last weekend was $5505.20 and $353.00 for Second Harvest Food Pantry. Thank you for your generosity.

Be sure to visit our web-site for an explana-tion on how to get started with on-line giving. It is easy to get started and you will never need to worry about looking for your envelopes before heading out to Mass. We began offering this service about six months ago and now have over fifty families using on-line giving.

Please make a special effort to remember in your daily prayers the members of our parish who are hospitalized, in Long Term Nursing Care, or home-bound. We continue to thank those who make spe-cial donations to our parish and we pray for those people in whose honor the donations were made: The Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of Mary Elizabeth Kummer Dobbs from Dwight, Carla, Blake and Brandon Kummer: The Food Pantry Truck is sponsored this week by Kathy Alessi in memory of Deceased Family Members; The Food Pantry in memory of Jim Beskel, Richard Boesel, Salvator Randazzo, Stanley Walkiewicz and Mat-thew Walkiewicz from Stan and Roselle Walkie-wicz.

Ministry Schedule Saturday, February 16, 2013 at 5:00 pm

Lector: Kathleen Haslett Eucharistic Ministers: Jay Habas, Carol Habas, Kay Mannino Greeters: Kathleen Horan, Jane Carney Altar Servers: Emilio Filippi Ushers: Chris Lampe, Rob Oligeri, Phil Rewers

Sunday, February 17, 2013 at 10:30 am Lector: Mary McCarthy Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Kearney, Audrey Reigel, Michelle Tottorelli Greeters: Marlene Golab, Arlene Miller Altar Servers: Kiely Kearney, Logan Kearney Ushers: Tim Torrey, John Maloney, John Purvis, Luke Purvis Offertory Counters: Mary McCarthy, Mary Kearney, Mary Pat Schlaudecker

We need two Eucharistic Ministers for Ash Wednes-day at 12:05. If you are available, please call the office at 454-8085, ext. 1. We are also need altar servers for both the 5:00 PM Mass on Satur-days and the 10:30 AM Mass on Sundays. Adults are invited to serve. Thank you!

Saint Hedwig Ministry Schedule

February 16 February 17 Saturday Sunday 4:30 PM 9:00 AM Lectors Ron Rossi Peter Pentz Eucharist Charlotte Mabie Peter Pentz Ushers Ron Helminski Tom Kurpiewski Richard Mielnik Tony Wernicki Altar Servers Portia & Yvonne Charlotte Mabie Nowosielski Amanda Juchno

Saint Patrick News

Page 5: Saint Hedwig Saint Patrickweddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young

March 23 John Watson & Anina Tsikhotskaya May 10 Douglas Hall & Julie Tuberson May 25 Luke Gilmore & Megan Bomba May 31 Patrick Cross & Nicole Gangemi June 7 Renny Prince & Alyssa Reiser June 8 Gerald Gornic & Grace Augustiniak June 15 Michael Baker & Ann Waldemarson June 22 Scott Guerriero & Meghan Williams June 29 Clint Sokolowski & Mary Frick July 5 Matthew Yaw & Kimberly Ferrick July 12 Patrick Grab & Emily Taccone July 27 Jon McLaughlin & Tiggy Talarico August 3 David Flaherty & Kathryn Fitzgibbon

August 9 Matthew Yelkovich & Shannon Callaghan August 10 Zach Kauchak & Krista Hagge August 24 Bradley Gaitheridge & Michele Scully August 31 Hank Steadman & Yoonhee Suel September 7 Jake Yackovich & Katie Kosobucki September 13 Phil Hake & Leslie Sargent September 13 Brodie Smith & Kelly Schriefer September 20 Giovanni Reimer & Colleen Maycock September 28 Eric Williams & Theresa Brooks October 12 Adam Mook & Ashlee Antolik October 19 William Gerber & Caitlin McGrath November 2 Scott Woofter & Gabrielle Randall December 31 Timothy Scott Engler & Kaitlin Komora


Page 6: Saint Hedwig Saint Patrickweddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young


All of the priests of the East Erie Deanery met recently to try to better coordinate weekday Mass times during Lent to provide parishioners with as many options as possible. Listed below are the various times for Masses at different churches SAINT PATRICK M-F 8 AM in the chapel. Main church open 7 AM—3 PM SAINT PETER M-F 7 AM, 8 AM, 12:10 PM and 5:15 PM SAINT LUKE M-F 5:15 PM SAINT JAMES M-F 7 AM, Saturday 8 AM SAINT MARYS M-T 9 AM HOLY FAMILY M-F 7:30 AM SAINT CASIMIR M-F 8 AM SAINT ANN M-F 12:05 PM

STATIONS OF THE CROSS SAINT JOHN Wednesday at 6:30 PM SAINT MARY’S Friday at 5 PM SAINT PATRICK Church is open M-F from 7 AM - 3 PM for people to pray private Stations. Enter through SW tower door (handicapped ramp)

CONFESSIONS SAINT PETER M-F 4:30 — 5 PM SAINT LUKE Thursday 7:30—8:30 PM THE MALL CHAPEL Wednesday and Saturday from noon until 4 PM Catholics are strongly encouraged to use Lent as a time of prayer and sacrifice, a time to re-flect on the meaning of our lives and the promise of Resurrection which Jesus Christ will bring us on Easter Sunday. We can only prepare for the fulfillment of that promise by cleans-ing our hearts and souls and trying to enter into a deeper spiritual relationship with God.

Page 7: Saint Hedwig Saint Patrickweddings north of the Mason Dixon line!) A new report, the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young


LITURGY INTENTIONS Feb. 09 Saturday, Vigil: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time



Feb. 10 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time



Feb. 11 Monday, Our Lady of Lourdes



Feb. 12 Tuesday, Weekday



Feb. 13 Wednesday, Ash Wednesday





Feb. 14 Thurs. Sts. Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop


Feb. 15 Friday, Lenten Weekday


Feb. 16 Saturday, Vigil: First Sunday of Lent




Feb. 17 First Sunday of Lent






St.H=St. Hedwig, St.P=St. Patrick, HR=Holy Rosary

CP=Chapel,, PF=Polish Falcons PR=Pascal Room, R=Rectory, CV=Convent

02/09 3:30 PM Confessions - St.H

4:30 PM Confessions - St.P

02/10 9:00 AM Rel. Ed. K thru 6 - Holy Rosary

1:00 PM Rel. Ed. Gr. 7, 8, 9, 10 - Holy Rosary

1:00 PM Confirmation Session—Holy Rosary

02/12 11:00 AM Food Pantry - PR

02/13 12:00 PM A.A. - PR

7:00 PM RCIA - R

02/16 3:30 PM Confessions - St.H

4:30 PM Confessions - St.P

10:00 AM—Noon First Reconciliation Retreat

at Holy Rosary

02/17 9:00 AM Rel. Ed. K thru 6 - Holy Rosary

1:00 PM Rel. Ed. Gr. 7, 8, 9, 10 - Holy Rosary

1:00 PM Confirmation Session - Holy Rosary


Saint Hedwig Saint Patrick

NAME: ____________________________ _____________________ PHONE: ____________

STREET: ______________________________________ CITY: _____________ ZIP: _______

E-MAIL: _____________________________________________________________________


New Registration Change of Address Moving Want Envelopes

PLEASE DROP THIS INFORMATION INTO Offertory Basket or mail to Rectory


Please call Mary Alice Hartwell at 454-5908 to have your prayer intentions placed on our joint parish prayer wheel. Please be assured that your prayer requests will be treated with respect and confidentiality.


Children preparing for the Sacrament of Rec-

onciliation will participate, along with their

parents, in a retreat Saturday, February 16th

from 10 am until 12 noon at Holy Roasry.

Please remember the children and their fami-

lies in your prayer.