Stewardship A Disciple's Response Saint Annas Catholic Church 2019 Time and Talent Opportunities 1

Saint Anna s and Talent Stewardship Booklet...2 HOW WE SERVE AS ONE BODY This booklet lists St. Anna’s “time & talent” opportunities. Prayerfully review these options and, led

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Page 1: Saint Anna s and Talent Stewardship Booklet...2 HOW WE SERVE AS ONE BODY This booklet lists St. Anna’s “time & talent” opportunities. Prayerfully review these options and, led

Stewardship A Disciple's Response

Saint Anna’s Catholic Church

2019 Time and Talent Opportunities


Page 2: Saint Anna s and Talent Stewardship Booklet...2 HOW WE SERVE AS ONE BODY This booklet lists St. Anna’s “time & talent” opportunities. Prayerfully review these options and, led



This booklet lists St. Anna’s “time & talent” opportunities. Prayerfully review these options and, led by the Holy Spirit, offer your gifts of “time and talent” so together we will “press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us”…. our lives offered in communion with our Lord.


1. To express your love of God! 2. To bring Christ’s love to others!

3. To let His light shine and show the way!

St. Anna’s, One Body...










All the Baptized called to be Stewards

Charity/ Treasure

One Faith, One Lord, One Baptism


Page 3: Saint Anna s and Talent Stewardship Booklet...2 HOW WE SERVE AS ONE BODY This booklet lists St. Anna’s “time & talent” opportunities. Prayerfully review these options and, led


Stewardship ….a disciple’s relationship to Jesus as Lord!

Following Jesus Christ is a way of life; lived in the reign of the Holy Spirit, life lived in the Kingdom of God... Stewardship is not some clever trick the Church has concocted to deprive us of our money or our leisure! As believers in the “Good News” we live consciously as stewards of all that has been entrusted to our care---our life, our person, our relationships, our skills, our health, our income, our family, our parish, our church, our environment. We respond as His disciples. We acknowledge all that we are and all we have flows from and can be traced back to God. God is the source of all that is good. Stewards recognize we did not create ourselves and so we use God’s gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure first and foremost to give God our Father, Redeemer and Sanctifier the glory! We honor our God by using our time and talents honorably by working with charity and justice.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,

as good stewards of God's varied grace”.

1 Peter 4:10

“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap

bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion,

for God loves a cheerful giver”. 2Corinthians 9:6-7


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We strive to make stewardship a “way of life” at St. Anna’s. We assist and encourage our fellow parishioners to use their time, talent, and treasure within the parish. We organize the parish ministries fair,

evaluate St. Anna’s stewardship efforts, coordinate our annual Treasure Commitment, and Priesthood Sunday.

Jerry Hobbs: Chair, Karen Straub: Co-Chair

Asha Wise Smith, Brenda Ancrum, David Smith, Ginny Harlan, Angie McElveen, Tim McElveen, Fr. Dan Toof, Nancy Sykes, Patsy Hobbs,

Senta Penvose, Stephanie Smith, Mike Straub, Betsy Marshall, Christine Feibish, Terri Still.


We are an elected consultative body where laity and clergy work as a community of prayer, leadership, service, and pastoral planning. The council makes recommendations to our pastor regarding parish plans and policies in accordance with Church law and Archdiocesan policy.

We strive to work together discerning what is best for the parish.

Fr. Daniel Toof, Brandy Lake, Victoria Reeves, Alan Farabaugh, Christine Feibish, Sue Plumb, Roger Coyne, Dawn Criss, Victor Solis,

Tyler Odom, Delilah Tanner, Gina Griego, Chris Penvose.


We advise our pastor on the administration of the parish finances. The council helps create the budget, oversees spending, and ensures good

fiscal policy and implementation of best practices. Members are appointed by the pastor.

Robert Gaubert: Chair

Brandy Lake, Fr. Dan Toof, Brenda Ancrum Laurie Hester, Linda Offutt, Michael Morris, Steve Matonak,

Flynn Warren.

For the most up to date roster of the above council members and contact information, please email the church office at

[email protected] or call at 770-267-7637.


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2019 Time and Talent Opportunities

Note: Works with Office Manager and Secretary Counters - A group counts the cash and checks from first and second collections, fill out deposit slips. Meets Tuesday mornings. Parish Mailings (stuff and sort) - Volunteers would be available during the day for making copies, sorting and stuffing envelopes. Stuff Bulletins - Volunteers are needed on Friday (9-3) or Saturday mornings. The time will vary depending on inserts. * denotes seasonal events. Blood Drive - Twice a year, St. Anna’s hosts a drive for the American Red Cross. Coordinator works with the Red Cross to publicize these events and find parish volunteers to register donors as they arrive and serve cookies and such before they leave. *Buckets of Hope - The Living Room is an organization consisting of Georgia’s largest facilitator of emergency and transitional housing for people living with HIV/AIDS. This ministry, fills 15 buckets a year to give to the Living Room on National AIDS day. The buckets are distributed, filled and collected during the month of October each year. *Christmas Craft Bazaar - Volunteers will help organize and advertise a Craft Bazaar. Help obtain Artisans, set up and work the event. *Christmas Food Drive/ Empty Stocking - The volunteers for this committee will advertise the upcoming event in De-cember, collect canned goods at our church, get them to the National Guard Armory, and/or distribute food to the poor on the designated day in Decem-ber.



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CHRISTIAN SERVICE Faith In Serving Humanity (FISH) - An ecumenical organization, where St. Anna’s is well-represented, which provides money, food and clothing to residents of Walton county. Volunteers work at the center using a computer, investigating applications and counseling. FISH also needs volunteers to work in their thrift shops (Monroe and Loganville), pick up food from grocery stores for food pantry and pick up donations. *Jesse Tree - The volunteers for this committee obtain the names of children / families make name tags with children’s names, and set up tree in Parish Hall. When parishioners return gifts for the child they chose, the child’s parent/guardian is then given a pick-up location, time and date. Knights of Columbus - The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization based on the principals of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. It is open to Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are practicing Catholics in union with the Holy See. Members are given the opportunity to strengthen their parish, give back to their community, and grow in their faith. Council meets monthly.


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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Quilters - Mission of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Ministry. Our mission is to raise awareness of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Hospice ministry. Each year, St. Anna’s quilters get together and make a quilt to be raffled off in the fall to help raise money for medicine Quilters - St. Anna’s quilters get together and make quilts for different ministries and seasons, as well as assist in any sewing needs the Parish may have. Reception after Funeral - Depending upon each family: Provide a reception in the Parish Hall for the family and those attending the Funeral Mass. Respect Life Ministry - Be a liaison from our parish with Archdiocese. Keep parishioners aware of Respect Life legislation, education and activities. Organize times to civilly protest abortion and stand for Life! Rosary Makers - Meets twice a month to make rosaries for First Holy Communicants, Confirmation candidates, Welcome weekends, New Comers, and for those who ask for them. Transportation - Provide a ride to those in need: to Mass, parish activities, shopping, doctor etc.


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FAITH FORMATION Note: These ministries work with our DRE (Director of Religious Education).

Each volunteer who has regular contact with children or vulnerable individuals, as a condition of the Archdiocese, must consent to a “Background Check”

and attend the VIRTUS Protecting Gods Children class.

Adult Faith Formation - This ministry helps with sharing in the journey of strengthening our Catholic faith. They are part of the faith formation team that plans and implements programs for adults. They work closely with our DRE and Pastor. Assist in Nursery during Mass -(VIRTUS Certified) Volunteer in nursery to assist the regular caregiver during the 9:00 a.m. or Noon Mass. Rotation solely depends on number of friendly supporters. Catechists and Aides - VIRTUS Certified; Teacher) - 3 yrs-12th grade: Prepare lessons from teacher manual to present on Sundays to class. Attend meetings and workshops at St. Anna’s. Work on certification as catechist by attending classes/workshops at other locations. (Aides) - Assist the lead (experienced) catechist in class every Sunday. Be able to take over for lead catechist if necessary. Attend meetings/workshops. Work toward certification. Catechist Substitute - (VIRTUS Certified) To be called on when catechist/assistant catechist is not able to teach. Will only be asked occasionally and les-son plan will be supplied for you to teach. Confirmation Reception - Coordinates/assists a reception following the Confirmation Mass. Responsible for decorations, cake, punch and organizing the parish to bring food for the event. Sets up and manages the event. *Easter Vigil Reception - This committee will publicize, setup, decorate and organize the reception in the parish hall following the Easter Vigil. It is special for our new Catholics! *First Communion Reception - Coordinates/assists a reception following the First Holy Communion Mass. Responsible for decorations, cake, punch and or-ganizing the parish to bring food. Sets up and manages the event. Cursillo/Ultreya - Members meet monthly and attend mass followed by a meal . They also share their life experiences based on the three tenets of Cursillo life: i.e. Prayer, Study , and Action.


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FAITH FORMATION Lay Carmelites - The Lay Carmelite Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary (historically known as the Third Order) is an association of laypersons, whose members responding to a special call from God, freely and deliberately com-mit themselves, “to live in the following of Jesus Christ” according to the char-ism, traditions, and the spirit of the Carmelite Order. Members are brothers and sisters of the Carmelite Family and sharers in the same call to holiness and mission of the Carmelite Order. You must be under the age of 69 to join. Parent Advisory Board – To assist and provide support to the DRE and cate-chist. To represent the families with Children in the School of Religion. This board meets quarterly. ( July, October, January, April)

Parish Library Service Team - The team is responsible for the overall care and organization of the Parish library. This includes cataloging book donations, re-filing returns in proper locations, assisting in library displays and would partici-pate in any other library events. *Passion Walk - This Lenten community event requires a minimum of 2-3 adults to work with our youth (7th-12th grades) to plan, coordinate, publicize and practice this dramatic presenta-tion of our Lord’s trial and crucifixion on Good Friday. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Team - (RCIA) This team works to provide education and support to non-Catholics who are interested in learning about our Catholic Faith. Some team members are asked to teach an RCIA class while others act as part of the support team or mentor to our candidates. Rite of Christian Initiation of Children Team - (RCIC) Assist DRE with sacramental preparation and spiritual direction of children and youth who have not received the sacraments. (Children above 2nd grade ) Welcome - Previous CRHP participants coordinate a spiritual renewal week-end designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in the our parish community. The weekend retreat is held at the parish. It occurs annually, one weekend for men and one weekend for women.


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Summer Days -VBS Service Team - Assist in planning and implementation of Summer Days-VBS. Choose an area to work at and attend Summer Days (usually five June weekday evenings). Wednesday Morning Bible Study - All parishioners are invited to study the scriptures in a relaxing environment, with lively discussion. Youth Group Advisory Board (YGAB) - Under the direction of the DRE and Youth Ministers, plan and execute events (given Pastor’s approval) to encourage our parish middle and high school youth to grow spiritually, while feeling a part of the St. Anna’s community and having fun. Adult Leaders for Children’s Liturgy of the Word - CLW leaders prepare and present to children, (ages 3 through first grade) a short spiritual presentation during the 9:00 a.m. and Noon services. Catechist guide book is provided. Altar Server - Boys and girls are eligible after having received First Holy Communion and having attended a training session. Young adults in their teens are also welcomed. Adults, male or female, are trained to serve primarily on weekdays. Trained adults may be asked to serve on weekend Masses whenever our younger altar servers are not available. Care of Altar Linens - Takes the purificators, corporals, hand towels used during Mass home weekly to wash and press them before returning to the Sacristy. Care of Liturgical Environment and Items - This group is responsible for decorating the church and environs, especially before and after major seasons of the liturgical year: Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. This group meets before and after a Liturgical Season to ready the sanctuary for that Liturgical Season. Candle stands, chalices, patens, Tabernacle, etc. checked, cleaned or polished twice a year.


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Centering Prayer - This silent prayer practice, with its roots in our Catholic Church, was practiced by the early "Father's and Mother's of the Desert" over 1700 years ago. St. Anna's Centering Prayer meets every Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the chapel. *Children’s/Adult Lenten Stations of the Cross - Coordinate the “Way of the Cross” in church before Fish Fries during Fridays in Lent. (not on Good Friday). Eucharistic Adoration - Individuals sign up to pray during a regular hour of Eucharistic Adoration. Current hours fall between 6 a.m. and Noon every Friday before the 12:15 Mass. You may sign up as a substitute to cover someone who cannot attend their regular hour. All are invited to come and adore at any time. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (E.M.E) & Communion to the Homebound - (Requires training) A Eucharistic Minister distributes the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. They also may take Eucharist to the sick and homebound. After being approved by the pastor and trained in our parish, Eu-charistic Ministers receive Archdiocesan Certification for three years. Eucharis-tic Ministers must attend a brief training session in order to be recertified eve-ry three years. First Weekend Rosary - Meets 30 minutes before each mass the First weekend of each month. Sign up to lead or participate in the Rosary. The Rosary can be offered for special intentions.


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Greeter - Arrive 15 minutes early to welcome people with a handshake, a friendly greeting and a few pleasantries. Greeters stand inside the Church doors (outside if weather permits) and warmly greets all parishioners and especially newcomers and visitors. Invite newcomers to consider registering with us. Their primary responsibility is to help people feel welcome and comfortable. Invite newcomers/visitors to the Parish Hall for coffee. Head Usher - Head Usher arrives at least 45 minutes early to check with the Priest about any specifics for the Mass, assure those scheduled are present and obtain fill-ins as needed. They allow more time if the head usher is also a sacristan. Check schedules quarterly prior to distribution. Head usher working the 9:00am mass will prepare the sanctuary for the noon mass. Lector - (Requires Training) Preparation is essential to this important ministry. A training session is required before becoming a scheduled lectors; workbooks provided to all. Adult and Children’s Music Ministry - Musicians and singers of all ages are encouraged and invited to participate in this dynamic ministry. There are scheduled rehearsals lead by the music minister. Parish Lenten Mission Committee - Works with pastor to discern who to invite to lead us in mission, plan and assist in publicizing mission, works with “Parish Meals Together” team during the mission; secure babysitters for each service, etc. Sacristan - Ensure that the sanctuary is properly prepared for their assigned Mass. Sacristans assure vessels are clean. Usher - As ministers, they set an example of expected Mass etiquette. They welcome others and assist people as necessary to find seats, they take up offertory, and distribute bulletins at the end of Mass. Always hospitable.


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MAINTENANCE Buildings (Interior/Exterior) - Coordinator works with Parish Maintenance Personnel to monitor outside and inside maintenance of the Church, rectory, office, and School of Religion. These stewards may be called on to perform general maintenance of facilities such as painting, minor carpentry or replac-ing/repairing items. This activity occurs when needed apart from scheduled Spring-Fall Parish “Work Day”. Cleaning (Interior) - Parishioners with a “sense of ownership” agree to keep up the general appearance of the interior of the church. We employ janitorial service weekly but these parishioners will vacuum, remove bulletins/paper from the pews after Mass, use sweepers, and place hymnals neatly in pew holders: maintain general tidiness. Impressions are an important way to show that we care! Kitchen Ministry - These stewards assist to keep the kitchen tidy and organized and help with the upkeep of kitchen and Parish Hall linens. Parish “Work Days” - Work days will be scheduled in Spring and the Fall. Some work inside and others outside the Church. Coordinator consults staff and makes “to-do” list. Painting, dusting, polishing, changing smoke alarm batteries: these are all possible items to be taken care of.


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Articles to Papers - Members write a weekly article of St. Anna’s worship in the weekly church page section of The Walton Tribune. Submit articles on our special church events to The Walton Tribune and also to The Georgia Bulletin ( 2– 3 times annually). Articles must receive pastor approval before sending. Digital Photography - Photograph our faithful at worship, sacraments, service projects and social events for regular use in the bulletin and posting on St. Anna’s website. Website - The website is created with a user friendly format and requires basic html coding knowledge. It needs creative volunteers with basic coding, graphic editing, proof reading and typing skills to assist the webmaster in the developing and uploading of webpages. In addition, to assist the office in de-veloping site content for the Web Master.

********Internet Pictures********

The Archdiocese Rules and Regulations for the posting of Minors Photos

“Written permission must be obtained prior to posting photos or other identifying information” Please see office staff , DRE , or website for a Media Release Form. The policy for pictures of the congregation , groups, and organizations, outside of minors;

the photographers will announce in advance of the picture, verbal authorization of acceptance to post photo on the website or other print. If you do not want your

picture on the website or bulletin, you are not obligated to be in the photo.


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SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Active Catholic Enthusiastic Seniors (ACES) - Plans monthly social activities and trips to local areas of interest for 55 years and older adults of the parish. *Advent by Candlelight- This is an evening of reflection and fellowship for women of the parish and their families and friends. There are speakers and music that enhance the joy of Advent. Table hostess’ decorate tables for guests to sit at and all are wel-comed to attend. An RSVP is required. A committee is needed to assist with securing speakers and music for the event, as well as helping advertise and take RSVPs. *Easter Egg Hunt - Plan and organize the children’s egg hunt after the Noon Mass on Easter Sunday. Friends of the Heart - This is Women’s Night Out with emphasis on friendship and laughter among the women of St. Anna’s and gathers faithfully on the first Monday of the month. You would bring food for a light meal such as soup or salad. This is a chance to really get to know each other and form lasting friendships. *Lenten Fish Fry Fridays - Friday evenings during Lent (not Good Friday). Many volunteers are needed to cook, serve and clean-up. Making Coffee & Clean up Crew - Make and clean up coffee each Sunday in the parish hall after the 9:00 Mass. Newcomer’s Welcoming Committee - This committee sends letters and makes follow up calls welcoming our new parishioners. Committee makes a special point of introducing themselves to new parishioners before and after Mass, and invites them to special events. Registration information aids the committee in assigning a sponsor or sponsor couple for the newcomers for a year. The committee implements newcomers’ events. As well as, assisting the Secretary with Newcomer packages.


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SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Parish International Potluck Dinner - Plan for and publicizes this yearly event encouraging parishioners of all nationalities to represent their culture and cuisine. Parish Picnic - This committee makes plans, publicize, and organizes this major annual event. St. Patrick’s Day Dinner - Occurs during Lent, coordinated by the Knights of Columbus, with Lenten Fish Fry. Table Cloth Cleaning - Volunteer takes home table clothes and launders; returns to parish to iron using our steamer wand. Visiting Priests/Pastor Meals - Prepare food as needed to feed the visiting priests during their visits to our church. We often have visiting priests during our mission, penance services or filling in for the pastor when he is away from the parish.


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Heavenly Father,

Our loving Creator and Giver of all good gifts, bless our parish, strengthen our faith and grant us the spirit of Christian stewardship. May we give generously of our time, talent and treasure for the spreading of Your kingdom here in our parish and local community. This we ask through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy

Spirit, one God, now and forever.



Discipleship Prayer / Notes


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Council Representatives

We’re here to serve you!

Brenda Ancrum, Robert Gaubert, Laurie Hester, Brandy Lake, Steve Matonak, Michael Morris, Flynn Warren

(Not Pictured; Linda Offutt)

Dawn Criss, Roger Coyne, Alan Farabaugh, Christine Feibish, Gina Griego, Brandy Lake, Chris Penvose, Sue Plumb, Victoria Reeves, Delilah Tanner

(Not Pictured; Tyler Odom, Victor Solis)

Christine Feibish, Ginny Harlan, Jerry & Patsy Hobbs, Betsy Marshall, Angie & Tim McElveen, Karen Straub, Senta Penvose, Asha Wise-Smith, David Smith

(Not Pictured; Brenda Ancrum, Terri Still, Nancy Sykes, Stephanie Smith, Mike Straub)

Finance Council

Parish Council

Stewardship Council


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Index Administration...Page 5 Counters Parish Mailings Stuff Bulletins Christian Service...Page 5 Blood Drive Buckets of Hope Druid Hills Night Shelter Christmas Craft Bazaar Christmas Food Drive/ Empty Stocking Christian Service...Page 6 FISH Jesse Tree Knights of Columbus Christian Service...Page 7 OLPH Quilters Reception After Funerals Respect Life Ministry Rosary Makers Transportation Faith Formation...Page 8 Adult Faith Formation Assistant in Nursery Catechist, Aides & Substitute WELCOME (formerly CRHP) Confirmation Reception Easter Vigil Reception First Communion Reception Cursillo/Ultreya Faith Formation...Page 9 Lay Carmelites Parent Advisory Board Parish Library Service Team Passion Walk RCIA Team RCIC Team Faith Formation...Page 10 Summer Days/VBS Service Team Wednesday Morning Bible Study YGAB (Youth Group Advisory Board)

Liturgy...Page 10 Adult Leader for Children's Lit. Altar Server Care of Altar Linens Liturgy...Page 11 Care of Liturgical Environ. and Items Centering Prayer Children's/Adult Lenten Stat. of the Cross Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Ministers First Saturday Rosary Liturgy...Page 12 Greeter Head Usher Lector Music Ministry Parish Lenten Mission Committee Sacristan Usher Maintenance...Page 13 Buildings (Interior/Exterior) Cleaning (Interior) Kitchen Ministry Parish “Work Days” Publicity...Page 14 Articles to Papers Digital Photography Website Social Activities...Page 15 ACES Easter Egg Hunt Friends of the Heart Lenten Fish Fry Making Coffee Crew Newcomer’s Welcoming Committee Social Activities...Page 16 Parish International Potluck Dinner Parish Picnic St. Patrick's Day Dinner Visiting Priest Meals Page 17 Prayer Notes Page 18 Finance Council Representative Parish Council Representatives Stewardship Council Representatives