SAA Dragons Newsletter December 2019

SAA Dragons Newsletter December 2019

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SAA Dragons


December 2019

Table of Contents

1: Announcements page

2:Recap Page

3:Principal Message

4: Student of Month

5: Student Spotlights




6: Staff Spotlight

7: SGO Page

8: Positivity Page

9: Ask Fortis

Announcements 3rd: Debate meet all day in Ogden and a Boys’ Basketball

Game 4:15-6:00 at Highmark

5th: Boys’ Basketball Game 4:15-6:00 at SAA and the

Cabaret 7:00-8:00 in the Jr. High Auditorium

6th: Dollar dress day

9th: Boys’ Basketball Game 4:15-6:00 at Mound Fort

12th: NJHS Meeting 3:30-4:30 after school

13th: Boys’ Basketball Game 3:30-5:00 at Mount Ogden

16th: Boys’ Basketball Game 4:15-6:00 at Highland and a

Dance Class performance 7:00-8:00 in the Jr. High


17th: Choir Concert 7:00-8:00 in the Jr. High Auditorium

18th: Boys’ Basketball Game 4:15-6:00 at Quest and a Band/

Orchestra Concert 7:00-8:00 in the Jr. High


19th: Guitar Concert 7:00-8:00 in the Jr. High Auditorium

23rd-3rd: Winter Break

Veterans Day is the day we honor all the veterans who have served for us in anyway. Every Veterans Day we gather at school and show all the veterans what they mean to us. Students perform different songs and dances. To show appreciation, SAA has honor guard present the flag, the cheer team did two cheers, followed by the guitar class played Country Roads Take Me Home, after P.C. sung Rise Up as the dance class preformed.

Veterans Day to Mrs. Stephens is a day to remember the people who came before her that have served. Every Novem-ber 11th the school gets together to honor our veterans. We do this because there is a large number of students with veter-ans in their family. The school has had this tradition before

Mrs. Stephens came to the school. Mrs. Stephens also says that we owe all our free-doms to veterans. Every free-dom we have is thanks to them.

Veterans Day

Recap Page

Principal's Message

Syracuse Arts Academy

December 2019

Principal’s Message Merry Christmas to all of our SAA family and friends!

This time of year brings so many challenges and bless-ings. While we race around making sure we have the right gifts and party preparations, we also have the op-portunity to look around and notice others who may need our help.

I challenge each of you to find one person or one family less fortunate than you and do something for them to bring them additional joy this Christmas season. If you do that, a calm peace will help you see the real meaning of the season.

Life is short! Please don’t let another Christmas season go by without experiencing the gift of giving to others. It will make your life and the life of the receiver happier for sure!

Have a safe and wonderful Christmas season.

Mr. Pfister

Students of the Month

Kayla Ebner

Brooklyn Herron

Jordyn Robinson

Jane Patras

Lucy Jensen

Kate Schilling

Elizabeth Warner

Pieper Price

Amelia Webb

Synae Wright

Carter Watts

Katy Lund

Talen Millerberg

Abigail Guy

Shaylyn Butler

Katawna Allen

Made by Ethan Kennedy

7th Grade Student Spotlight

Aiden Litster

Aiden Litster is a 7th grade boy who

likes to have fun. When I interviewed

him on why he likes the school he said,

“It feels safe and there is fun electives.” I

asked him about what he likes to do on

his free time he said, "I like to hangout with my friends because it is

fun.” I asked him if you could live anywhere where would it be and

why, he replied,” I would want to live in Florida because it is warm. I

recommend trying to know him because he is nice and fun.

Arden Kennedy Arden Kennedy is a 7th grade girl that

likes to hangout with her friends.

I asked her why she likes the school she

said,” I like the uniforms because no

one judges you on what you wear.” I al-

so asked her what she likes to do on her

free time and she said, “I like to hangout with my friends because

they bring me happiness, they care, and are funny.” Finally, I asked

her where she would want to live and she said, “I would want to live

in California because it’s next to a beach and it’s sunny.” I

recommend getting to know her.

8th Grade Student Spotlight

Jake Moore

Jake likes SAA because he

likes the teachers. His fa-

vorite sport is Baseball; he

does it for fun. If he could

go could anywhere he would go to Hawaii. His favorite

movie is Major league and his favorite candy is a Kit


Jordyn Robinson

She plays Soccer in her

free time. If she could go

anywhere she would go to

Venus. Her favorite movie

is Gretta. Her Favorite

color is black and her favorite book is Waterfall Saga.

By Kiarra Reader

A seventh Grader

Emily Khol If she had 3 wishes they would be; to go to Syracuse high with her friends, that her family friend wasn’t crip-pled, and that her crush liked her back. If she could travel anywhere she would go to Florida to visit Dis-ney World. She loves SAA because her friends accept her. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Whipple because he makes music easier. Her Favorite song is Imagine Dragons, Believ-er. She loves the quote, “ You can do hard things” by her mom. She loves holidays, because she gets to spend time with her family.

Preston Housekeeper If he had three wishes they would be; To be an NBA player, go to March Madness, and his final wish would to meet Donovan Mitchell. If he could travel anywhere he would go to New Zealand because he loves the outdoors. The reason he likes SAA is because he loves the teachers and he has his closest friends in the world here. His favorite teacher is Mrs. Farnsworth because she is nice and she deals with him talking a lot. His favorite band is Young the Giant because it was his first concert and they have awe-some music. His favorite holiday is Christmas because he loves win-ter and decorations.

9th Grade Student Spotlight

Staff Spotlight

This is Mrs. Shaw. She

loves SAA.. If she had

one million dollars she

would pay off all her

debts and decide what to

do with all the leftover

money. Her favorite can-

dy bar is a Canadian candy bar or Snickers. If she could

go anywhere in she would go to Cook Islands in New

Zealand. She loves being a counselor and loves the stu-

dents here at SAA.

SGO Page For every mistake there are

thousands of chances to grow from.

-Cesar Vargas

Positivity page

Sarah McMannus

Ask Fortis

Question: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Answer: If a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck around 700 pounds.

Question: Do you know who Joe is?

Answer: Joe Mama.

Question: Why is this a thing?

Answer: Ask Fortis is for students who have questions and would like to ask anonymously

Question: How many books are in the world?

Answer: Exactly 129,864,880

Question: Where is North America?

Answer: North America is located in the western hemisphere, extending from Central America to the Arctic Ocean.

Question: How long does it take to travel between the isle of man and ireland?

Answer: 5 hours and 16 Minutes.

Ask Fortis Question: What do you do when your bored in math class?

Answer: Ask lots of questions so you don’t have to work as much.

Question: Tea.

Answer: Tea is a hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water.

Question: What is this?

Answer: This is an article in the newsletter, written by the yearbook staff.

Question: What is the name of the boat from Titanic?

Answer: RMS ( Royal Mail Ship) Titanic

Question: What is Obama’s Last name?

Answer: Believe it or not Obama’s last name is actually Obama.


Answer: EEEEE! Is a sound someone makes when they are happy or surprised.