Kinderhook Reformed Church Sunday, October 7, 2018 “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known” Rev. Rudolph Visser, Pastor - Rev. Derek DeJager, Guest Pastor Welcome visitors! Please fill out a visitor’s pew card and place it in the offering plate. 9:00 A.M. CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP Following worship, all are invited downstairs for refreshments and fellowship. Thanks to today’s ushers , Jim Baker, Merrill Johnson, Wayne Van Allen. Thanks to today’s greeter(s) Jean and Stacey Hurst Nursery facility available downstairs. Prelude Récit de tierce en taille Nicolas de Grigny Welcome and Announcements Drawing Near to God Call to Worship Psalm 103:1-2, 20-22 L: Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. P: Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits. L: Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word. P: Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you servants who do his will. L: Praise the LORD, all his works, everywhere in his dominion. P: Praise the LORD , my soul *Hymn #2 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty Allowing God to Shape Us

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Kinderhook Reformed Church Sunday, October 7, 2018

“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known”Rev. Rudolph Visser, Pastor - Rev. Derek DeJager, Guest Pastor

Welcome visitors! Please fill out a visitor’s pew card and place it in the offering plate.

9:00 A.M. CELEBRATION OF WORSHIPFollowing worship, all are invited downstairs for refreshments and fellowship.

Thanks to today’s ushers, Jim Baker, Merrill Johnson, Wayne Van Allen.Thanks to today’s greeter(s) Jean and Stacey Hurst Nursery facility available downstairs.

Prelude Récit de tierce en taille Nicolas de Grigny Welcome and Announcements

Drawing Near to God Call to Worship Psalm 103:1-2, 20-22

L: Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.P: Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.L: Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.P: Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you servants who do his will.L: Praise the LORD, all his works, everywhere in his dominion.P: Praise the LORD , my soul

*Hymn #2 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty

Allowing God to Shape Us Prayer Of Confession (Unison) From Our World Belongs to God, st. 40

God of grace, we grieve that the church, which shares one Spirit, one faith, one hope, and one calling, has become a broken communion in a broken world. The one body spans all time, place, race, and language, but in our fear we have fled from and fought one another, and in our pride we have mistaken our part for the whole. Yet we marvel that you gather the broken pieces to do your work, that you bless us with joy, with growth, and with signs of unity. Forgive our sins and help us to commit ourselves to seeking and showing the unity of the body of Christ. In his name, Amen.

Assurance of Pardon Psalm 103:8-12The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always accuse, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far he removes our transgressions from us.

Coming Before God’s Open Word Blessing upon Our Children and Invitation to Youth Sunday School (Unison)

Heavenly Father, provide our children with a unified, prayerful, Bible-teaching church family that will draw them into community, give them a hunger for your

Word, and involve them in your work; bless them with spiritual leaders who are trustworthy and humble. Amen.

Prayer Hymn for Illumination #557 (Please remain seated) Open My Eyes That I May See Scripture Lessons Psalm 8; Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12 Sermon “In Good Company” Prayer of Blessing

Silent Prayer for Those Seeking to Acknowledge Christ as Their Savior:"Dear Jesus, I confess that I'm a sinner, and not right with you. I repent and ask forgiveness. I believe that you died on the cross to take my punishment and to pay the price for my sins. I believe that you rose from death to give me new life. Wash me clean from all sin, shame, and guilt, and come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. In your name I pray. Amen."

Celebrating God, His Care, and His Abun-dance

Offering/Offertory “Our Father who art in heaven” Dietrich Buxtehude *Doxology #809 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow*Offertory Prayer (Unison) Reprinted by permission from The Worship Sourcebook, © 2004, CRC Publications.)

Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us - our selves, our time, and our possessions - signs of your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us - Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

*Hymn (Insert) All Are Welcome Communion

THE MEANING OF THE SACRAMENTBrothers and Sisters in Christ, we come to the table of our Lord in Remembrance, Communion, and Hope.

We come to Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ was sent into the world so we might be saved through him.

We come to be in Communion with this same Christ who has promised to be with us always, even to the end of the world.

We come in Hope, believing that this bread and cup are a pledge and foretaste of the feast of love in the kingdom to come.

Since by his death, resurrection, and ascension Christ has obtained for us the life-giving Spirit who unites us all in one body,

so we receive this Supper in true love, mindful of the communion of saints.THE INVITATION

This is the feast of the Lord’s Table, in which all who profess the Lordship of Christ in their lives are invited to share. Come, for all things are now ready.

COMMUNION HYMN #768 (Verses 1, 2, 3) I Come with JoyTHE COMMUNION PRAYER

Let us lift up our hearts and give thanks to the Lord our God.It is holy and right to lift up our hearts and give God thanks and praise.

Holy and right it is, and our joyful duty to give thanks to you at all times and in all places, O Lord our Creator, almighty and everlasting God! You created heaven with all its hosts and the earth with all its plenty. You have given us life and being, and preserve us by your providence. But you have shown us the fullness of your love in sending into the world your Son, Jesus Christ, the eter -nal Word, made flesh for us and for our salvation. For the precious gift of this mighty Savior who

has reconciled us to you we praise and bless you, O God. With your whole Church on earth and with all the company of heaven we worship and adore your glorious name.

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy name in earth, and sky, and sea.Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty! God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Most righteous God, we remember in this Supper the perfect sacrifice offered once on the cross by our Lord Jesus Christ for the sin of the whole world. In the joy of his resurrection and expec -tation of his coming again, send your Holy Spirit upon us, that we may offer ourselves to you as holy and living sacrifices, and proclaim this mystery of the faith:

Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again!As this grain and these grapes are gathered from many fields and hills into one loaf and one cup, to be to us the communion of the body and blood of Christ, grant also that your whole Church may be joined together in him, attain unity in the faith, and soon be gathered from the ends of the earth into your Kingdom. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! And now, as Christ taught us, we pray together:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen.

THE COMMUNIONThe Lord Jesus, the same night he was betrayed, took bread; and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you: do this in remembrance of me."

(Distribution of the bread)The bread which we break is the communion of the body of Christ.

After the same manner also, he took the cup when they had supped, saying, “This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

(Distribution of the cup)The cup of blessing which we bless is the communion of the blood of Christ.

PRAYER FOLLOWING COMMUNION (Unison) From The Scottish Book of OrderO Christ, you have opened to us the scriptures, and have been known to us in the breaking of bread: Stay with us, we pray you, that we may go in the strength of your presence and your truth all our journey through, and at its end, behold you in the glory of the eternal Trinity, God forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer Requests and Pastoral Prayer*Hymn #689 The Church’s One Foundation *Benediction, Blessing, and Response Hymn My Friends May You Grow in Grace *Postlude Balletto del Granduca J. P. Sweelinck

STEWARDSHIP UPDATE Our offering last Sunday was $2,549, around $650 dollars short of the $3,200 needed weekly to cover KRC’s daily operating expenses. Our deficit is now $8,495 after meeting this past week’s expenses.

Income-to-date: $122,386 - Expenses-to-date: $130,881

Stewardship Ministry reminds everyone to prayerfully consider how they might ad-just their giving so we can avoid falling further behind and having to tap into our very limited reserves to meet budgetary obligations.

Inspired by the abundance with which the Lord has blessed us, let us continue, as his faithful stewards, to be ever mindful of the need

to maintain a weekly offering sufficient to cover our commitments.

~REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH OF SCHODACK ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER OCTOBER 27~It's that time of year once again . . . The Reformed Dutch Church of Schodack at Muitzeskill will be holding its annual TURKEY DINNER on Saturday, October 27! The church is located at the intersection of Schodack Landing Road & Muitzeskill Road, in Schodack Landing. The dinner is served family style. The menu will include turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes,

gravy, green beans, squash, cranberry sauce, rolls and various pies for dessert. Seatings are at 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30. Take-out is also available at 4PM & 5PM - no early arrivals, please. Adults: $14.00, children 6-12: $6.00, 5 and under: free. Reservations are required - call 732-7345. If no answer, leave a message that you are calling regarding the church dinner, and leave your name, phone number, and ticket information. Your call will be returned by 8 pm the same day to confirm it was received. IF YOUR CALL IS NOT RETURNED THE SAME DAY, PLEASE CALL AGAIN. Hope to see you there!

Bonnie Dunham (6th), Susan Patterson (14th), Jean Wildermuth (15th), Aiden Visagie (18th), Will Patterson (21st), Amy Clinton (22nd),

Rudy Visser (27th), Barbara Vosburgh (28th), Derick Latorre (29th)

~BROOKS BAR-B-CUE UPDATE~Praises and thanks to our Lord that the recent BROOKS BAR-B-CUE/dessert sale/community outreach, sponsored by Kinderhook Reformed Church Cemetery, raised $3,899, all of which will go toward operation and maintenance of the cemetery grounds, an increasingly costly ministry to our community. The Cemetery Committee wishes to thank all those who helped in making this important event a great success once again!

~ANNUAL CHURCH CLEAN-UP DAY UPDATE~Many thanks to all of those who came out recently to lend a hand to our annual church-clean-up effort. Your help with organizing and putting things in tip-top shape was greatly appreciated. Again, watch for details to come regarding an outdoor clean-up day for the parsonage coming up in the near future.


Around noon Saturday, September 8th over 125 people – including those from 8 churches, 2 Girl Scout troops, and the Ichabod Crane football team - entered the Kinderhook Town Hall, and for three or so hours worked together to pack 20,088 nutritious meals under the sponsorship of Kinderhook Reformed Church and Rise Against Hunger. Praise God for and many thanks to all of those who provided hands-on participation in this effort to help relieve hunger world-wide, and to all of you who gave your financial support to ensure its success.

REMEMBER TO THANK & PRAISE GOD FOR Pastor Rudy Visser, our Spirit-filled minister and leader of vision, and for the Christ-cen-

tered messages God gives to Pastor each and every Sunday for the spiritual nourishment and growth of our church family.

the inspirational ministries of our guest preachers, Perry Jones, Tom McCrossan, John Bowen, Derek DeJager, and others who lead KRC worship from time to time.

the happy news that David Smith, KRC's guest organist, and his wife, Vicki, are delighted to report the birth of a granddaughter – Maisie Gwen Unger – in Baltimore this past  Fri-day evening. Mother Juliet and baby Maisie are home and doing very well, as is father Isa-iah.  Please pray for God's abundant blessings on this new family.

the good news that everything went well with Arnie's sister Jeanette’s recent surgery. The tumor was successfully removed from her kidney, biopsy results will be back in 1 week, and everything is very positive!  Arnie and Claudia thank you all for your prayers!

the good report that Dave Ennis, diagnosed with a form of chronic leukemia, is experienc-ing no symptoms of the disease, and that based on recent tests showing his condition to be stable, Dave will not be needing medical treatments at this time.

the welcome news that routine tests for Kara, daughter of Dave and Beth Ennis, have re-turned negative, and that Kara continues to be cancer-free

those men and women who have served or are now serving our country, and those who have sacrificed their wellbeing and lives for the peace & liberty we enjoy.

all those of KRC's family and friends who volunteer their time, talent, and energy so gen-erously and so selflessly to the various ministries and programs of our church, and who of-ten do this quietly behind-the-scenes with little notice or recognition.

REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR those who do not know Christ or who are struggling in their faith journey. Pray also that

God will provide opportunities for us to witness for Jesus, and give us the courage and win-some words needed to make the most of these opportunities.

Pastor Rudy, as he fulfills his ministerial duties. KRC ministries, programs & projects, and those planning & administering them as

they seek new directions and God’s wisdom and blessing in moving our church to-ward a greater and more effective impact on our surrounding communities: KRC’s Consistory, especially newly installed officers, Jane Deane, Jean Hacker; Susan Patterson, and Deborah Spaulding; KRC’s administrative ministries; KRC’s Youth Group; Sunday School; KRC’s small group ministries and Bible studies; Community Prayer Group; 1st Friday Free Community Dinner; and other outreach programs.

our state, national, and world leaders, especially President Donald Trump and all of the government officials now in office, that God will grant them the leadership skills and wisdom needed to govern effectively.

our military men & women, their families, and friends, that they may know God’s pres-ence, protection, and peace.

victims world-wide suffering natural and other hardships and tragedies; those suffering economic instability; poverty, hunger, & poor health; political oppression, unrest, war, dis-placement, gun violence, and terrorism.

families and friends grieving the loss of loved ones, especially Mary Jane and Les Hay-wood, family, and friends grieving the loss of Mary Jane’s brother, Michael, following a long battle with cancer. The family thanks all of you for your prayers for Michael during his illness.

those who, even after many years, still hurt from the loss of loved ones.(Continued from previous page.)

reassurance, peace, and dignity for those nearing the close of this life. Carly Rippel, recovering from another seizure this past week and undergoing additional

MRI and EEG testing within the next 2 weeks. Pray that current medication adjustments and upcoming tests will result in stabilization of Carly’s condition and in her ability to pur-sue her college and career goals as planned.

Ed Arnold, hospitalized recently with a persistent infection that was partially septic.  Pray for a speedy recovery for Ed, and that he may experience God's strength, comfort, and peace at this stressful time.  Ed and his wife, Pat, are long-time members of KRC. If any-one would like to send him a get-well card, his address is: Ed Arnold, c/o The Kendrick Family, 12903 North Hungers Circle, San Antonio, TX 78230.

those awaiting test results or surgery; recovering from surgery, injury, or illness; or chronically ill: Leo Dolan; Jean Skipper; Tom Catchpole, nephew of Kay and Floyd Haber; John Bowen; Stacey Baler; Wayne Van Allen, Dave Ennis; Elize Visser’s mother; Carly Rippel; Alan Smith; Jane Stutzman; George Graham; Fred Borrelli, Merrill Johnson.

residence-bound KRC family, George Clowe, and those caring for the elderly, displaced, disabled, or ill, especially the Bakers, caring for Nancy’s mother, Vickie Metzger, 98.

those battling or recovering from cancer or in hospice care: 12-year-old Issy Kwei; Bill Nieman; Ben Kissel; Carol, future daughter-in-law of Erika & Merrill Johnson; Judy Al-varez; Charles Roppolo; Terri; Don Morse; Jill; J.B.; Jen; Ronny; Carol Nel; Jeff Peter; Mark; Ann; Steve.

those facing challenges, stressful circumstances, and difficult decisions: a young person with close ties to our church family who is experiencing serious depression and having dif-ficulty finding purposeful, rewarding direction for moving ahead in life.

Regular updates are needed on the progress or condition of all individuals on our prayer and praise lists, especially those whose names are in bold type. Please forward this information, as well as new praise/prayer requests, to or call 859-4158.


Alight Pregnancy Center, HudsonPerry Jones and Capital City Rescue Mission, Albany

Compassion International, KRC-Sponsored Child, Evelin Chuquinia, 19Alex and Fran Knauss, Trans-World Radio

Maureen Menard, Youth with a MissionThe Silvas, RCA missionaries, Hungary

Brian and Bea Post, Wycliffe Bible TranslatorsSeth and Melissa Rogati, missionaries, Young Life Ministry, St. Thomas


Each member’s share of this year’s classis assessment has been set at $94.68 (Up $6.18 from last year). All who are able to do so are encouraged to offer, over and above regular giving, their share of this support. The full share does not have to be given at one time, but may be given in as many increments as are convenient. If offered weekly, that’s about $7.90 per week for the remaining weeks (12) in this year. Please clearly designate all contributions, “Classis Assess-ment.”

EMAIL, WEBSITE, AND FAX INFORMATION Email Address – [email protected]

Website Address – kinderhookreformedchurch.comRev. Rudy is available at his church office

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings.Please call ahead for an appointment.

Evenings are set aside for meetings, visitations, and counseling.For immediate assistance at any time, call 518-859-4158.

Church Phone 518-758-6401 Church Fax 1-518-758-6402

KRC 2018 CONSISTORYPastor Rev. Rudy Visser, President of Consistory

Deacons Noreen Dick – ’18 Church Family. . . . . . . . 518-758-6640 Susan Patterson – ’19 Property. . . . . . . . . . 518-755-4909 [email protected] Beth Anne Rippel – ’18 Stewardship. . . . . . 518-392-5044 [email protected] Deborah Spaulding – ’19 Outreach. . . . . . . 518-758-7316 [email protected] Elders Jane Deane – ’19 Christian Ed., Cemetery. . 518-758-7051 [email protected] Jean Hacker – ’19 Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518-758-9412 [email protected] Merrill Johnson – ’18 Worship. . . . . . . . . . . 518-828-6726 [email protected] Dawn Van Buren – ’18 Consistory Vice-President, Cemetery, Pastoral Relations, Personnel. . . . . . . . . 518-758-7564 [email protected]

Clerk of ConsistoryPatti Varga – 518-755-3054 [email protected]

KRC TREASURER Derick LaTorre – 518-376-1882 [email protected]

KRC STAFF KRC Office Manager KRC Office Assistant Paul Clause – 518-859-4158 Courtney Wood – 518-852-7172 KRC Sexton KRC Cemetery Supervisor Steven Green – 518-505-4918 Greg Clause – 518-369-8