S2 Compo 1 Third Person Narrative Feedback (T)

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  • 7/27/2019 S2 Compo 1 Third Person Narrative Feedback (T)


    S2 Composition 1 Third person narrative (feedback)

    A. Correct the following spelling mistakes:

    upsad Up-side-down





    B. Improve the following sentences.

    Common mistakes Remarks

    1. There are many questions marks in Janes brain now. brain head

    2. She just wanted to find out why she will change places with

    her mum.

    Would change (a sentence/

    question inside another sentence)reported speech

    3. I never told you to born me! No specific time have never


    Born (always passive) give

    birth to

    4. Suddenly, a light appear and they have been back to normal. Light is uncountable a beam

    of light

    Appear appeared

    Have been were (simple past)

    5. Mum answered helpless. Wf helplessly


    6. Theyve known each other better so much than before. So much better

    7. Her principle complained to her mother about this. Principle principal

    8. Janes mum regretted scolding Jane. I shouldnt scold Jane


    Past tense after should scold

    have scolded

    9. I will better go to school as you, said Janes mum. Had better is a set phrase =


    10. Janes mother realized something had changed. She thought

    she became shorter and lighter.

    becoming shorter and lighter

    happens before she thought.

    past perfect.

    11. Mum, you work hardly every day, but I ignored your effort. Hardly only just

    Hard is both an adj and adv

    12. While standing in front of her mothers office, Jane felt

    really nervous.

    Standing in front

    (no need while when we use


  • 7/27/2019 S2 Compo 1 Third Person Narrative Feedback (T)


    13. Her mother finally knew how many works Jane needed to

    do at school.

    Work uncountable.

    14. (description of what Mum did at school)

    On the other hand, (description of what Jane did at home/


    On the other hand (used to

    compare two opposite sides of a


    At the same time/ Meanwhile

    B. Replace the highlighted words with the following:

    Bellow, groan, mumble, mutter, roar, shout, sigh, murmur, bark, wail, scream

    So I guess theres no one here? Jane said to herself softly.

    Where am I? Jane said loudly with her eyes being covered by a piece of black cloth. Hey, old

    woman, I want anything thats valuable from you NOW! said the robber.

    C. Good exampleRemarks


    Its absolutely ridiculous! Jane screamed. Jane and her mother

    discovered that they had exchanged their bodies within a night

    time. In fact, Janes mother was not happy about having a young

    body. She was so scared that she was shaking like a leaf. At the

    same time, Jane was like an ant on the hot pan, walking in and out

    of the room.

    Use of vocabulary phrases

    Idiomatic expression

    Participle phrase

    Falling to her knees, she started crying. We should calm down. If

    we cannot find the way to go back to normalwe need to pretend

    to be each other. Mums voice was shaking.

    Participle phrase

    Vivid description of her voice

    Although both of them still could not accept this ridiculous

    thing, life must go on. The next day, Mum went to school as Jane

    and Jane stayed at home being like a sloth all day. It was the hardest

    day for Mum at school as she had to attend different lessons and




    When the sun set, Mum was ready to go home for dinner. She

    thought that Jane wouldnt prepare any diner for her. To her

    surprise, Jane had prepared a fantastic and delicious dinner for her

    family. Im home! Mum said. Did you have a great day at school,

    Mum? Jane said cunningly. No!! Jane, I hope you can do me a

    favour. Can you go to England for me and send this important

    package to grandma? Mum asked. Why dont you just send it to

    her? Jane answered. Because this package is very important So

    Jane promised Mum and went to pack her luggage.

    Good use of adj

    Use of dialogues

    Jane was in the airport. She passed the immigration department

  • 7/27/2019 S2 Compo 1 Third Person Narrative Feedback (T)


    easily and set off. After twelve hours of travelling, Jane finally

    arrived at the London Heathrow airport. Then she went to find


    Use of phrasal verb

    Ding Dong Jane kept pressing the door bell. However, no one

    answered. Grandma! Im Jane! I have something for you! Jane

    yelled, but still, nobody responded.


    Use a variation of verbSo I guess theres no one here? Jane mumbled to herself.

    Suddenly, Janes eyes were covered by a piece of black cloth. Who

    are you? Jane screamed. Hey, old woman, I want anything thats

    valuable from you NOW! bawled the robber. The most valuable

    thing from me is my family! She continued, I love my family.

    They are nice to me! The robber nodded. Then the robber

    bellowed, Where is you family then? Tell me immediately!

    Theyre in Hong Kong! Far far away! Jane was very scared thatshe would never see her parents again.


    Use capital letter to show a

    loud voice

    Different use of verbs


    Next, the robber brought Jane to somewhere else. It was the

    airport. Okay, Jane, you may go back to Hong Kong and find your

    family now. The robber said. Somehow, Jane knew that the robber

    was her grandma and she burst into tears. Bye grandma! Ill miss


    Later on, Mum went to the airport and fetched Jane. Jane

    rushed to her mum and everybody in the airport cheered, because

    they saw a young girl rushing to her mum and give her a hug.

    Jane! Weve switched back to normal!


    At last, Jane told Mum all her experience in the UK and

    Mum laughed insanely. Now that they have been back to normal,

    Jane has learnt to be a good girl to mum and treasure the family.


    Good use of vocabulary learnt, idiomatic phrases, adjectives and verbs. It is a good plot with a

    climax. However, the part about grandma pretending to be a robber is a bit illogical.