THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY JULY 31 1908 iS Ad w GOULD LINES STRONG Rumors of Harriman Deal Still Pervade Street TRANSACTIONS Trades In X Lines Coal Roads Sot Affected by Stories of Decision on Commodity Clanse of the Hepburn Law New York J r Bseapt display of atreagtfc hi tile O sM and the metal stocks the market today ngs shrinkage and tile actaatcoa namnrmg unto the active stocks hardly hanged sufficiently in price to aCotcl traders profit The opening was wry and In the first hour there wade of consequence except to acfeawmnaa which opened up ten patats from Ha last sate and then more than made ac the ion on a few trancacttsn and in Carn Prod ucts Beflning a TAJTOW pcialty which rose sharply in response to tbe advance receetly maoe by the company m prices of Its prtaetpia prodocte iacoM and starch as a to the ka pros for corn now prevaOtns Around noon the dullness WM to Same extent relined by a movement fc tile OvoU stacks based on reanasiabty desM- corrpiete Lake Erse notes which mature on Sat- urday the bonds of tbe Wabash the guarantor of the notes dis activity crt what was taatamount to aa assur- ance that the threatened crhus ta Wa basil affairs had pawed Gives So Particulars cf the statements made durtac business hours ta regard to WbaoBBgaad- jt the road but it was perty and the rs ItaOroad had entered Into In the general marled a considerable sopply Of sale on the tables Mat the acOlmj rot pressed and cased when prices business fen well below actions was not mare than boat a third of what it was Manipulation of a number i specialties could not disguise t exhaustion of the strength of such stocks as St Paul and even the Erie issue showed a tendency to droop Tere was a rumor to the elect that a favorable decision in the suit to hare tVie commodity flsnsf of the Hepbom rate Se rendered but K fafled to help teal st ka Gould Stocks Strong Orly the Gould stocks Canadian Padac 3 a few narrow great strength at close th Bs hops on the whole heavy though not weak Call money rf ri alder tJaan- f the ease in this class have been the result s tfiaia luaii ship currency t the W at the beaks slowing a dMncBnatioa to tee time ans the rates an which wes consequence Dealings in bonds were feisty haras those of the made making wule t e Erie cameiObtea decltaed wttk te stock Ko change was made at the Beak of England rate and the tostHutlon return that was exceptionally atreog for this tirae of year Console ware heavy but the general to London and n the continent were atramr Foreign interest m small The priee of copper rose ten sfcfl- lhtiped the si d afterward on thjs It wa to the advance in tbe metal abroad mere than to any news or occurrence tc strength of Amalgamated and American 3raett- hEegrrg was primarily due YORK MOSBY New v irk Jnl a IBOMT cal t at I per nit hicbMt n Icmt 1 dn 31 t th lens at K rr- Tir money rates win attad tl tnuM light There jarenrty hoUttac t area and broader avoact Rat for stay Stir aisstr 3i for four mmtht Jlk s 3- i for mi and aeia- iISUaiem C nilil sob COBRVMKXT BONDS Sew JaJr 9sCB as atatts bah fteady la th peal band of tone vat ou- wiihowt fta 3s cwipon ten 5s malt bonds to rejitr d IxS- e eoupjj Paatmt Canal TREASURY STATBMBST- Reterre hind eil coin and boBlKi HTpM Silver of HBO fad nruficate Art Total portal ncNrtt BIt taahtfsd tUDJB Ml pt po Ul firlaagj Earn nf tj tank under sex Jelj It MSB retired under FALLING OFF Tork Lack of In XearlT the Leading A tit a taU was a uninlsesttg air tile deal showing a further a JIG lot o it- t the affect that for wg the Wbselitg sad RaIl- road unwonted D4 t None Lake Erie alfatn gave tile hilt pertIc1I lars of the of tile teat mane any kkaa tbst pusp e4 t0 The tTdays eYe sad the of u eoapIe oC weeks fit ap- parent Union PIIdk v- cr aw and 1IIu1 world tile the 1 other tills year meet cans made at 1 per cent bet the of of- t 1 to Gould a markets oar lags a ton Is tble copper stocks ftnt in E here that COllIer A ada sod L cf 1 f poriods lira tlplr lit day lit Tbe man f ug t MIll York et 6wIIc- mTUtibl8 1W- 2s I8 IaI6 31 G CI- T fer lit rastandag eedMtateu 01 dollar Gl miD ad 1III1IIeot- l c silnr oIaIIM- sST rcridetr t at 11JI- Stal tank mFd- idiaT nr min J n- l1 rrasury ol Dd JBII TU 5- 1LbWt manSle Available men- 1pU C eJ RGZi tma u m i IpoMM not met d lit tagi IS 01 ant act Ie spit T It 1 tI- LL IN I Show Interest Ail 14gn very taadacy Wwad ere teats the feet a ar1 Saets 4d 2ss plajirg alength arrafyefl fltZ noaaelag eipnted an of beeweea been then siseihs lot WM se- ceded volame as de soon apaeiattles skew aq was r any eip I being ieceeasedata ray msr gains made entries was Lsdoa and aenrafy aide EW dip pall w pr ea iMr rte today akbt 4 M es a a sendersa inns laaslk fsr to a mama p- act P ell b it dw rrl1s r aaaW L e a pestl3 days llSiia ddaod ails t lfe 15 gnae k the ks Idle racted awtpb brew tea wu lli 1ia- 3t rpetera en c t15- Nngetttrd n tip l A 1151 1n m YtK IM fads held ndeplkn noes aal mn- Srer Ace ans 41 M15 iew Total NaRu Gn rat ien a 1 3fJ15151 4115faO 11JI11- OSr htLon a151Jes zed State Lesa- nrc note- t aver S elw alal1515F- rnctcmu eaptav rice Vinrr 37Afa matt na1 oak dapsiaha Uag1 l lster aJIel15a- Bo x5 tease aria as hths Z- Inrrenal rtrpae 1- 5yicelharo Ertnditures tiperts g- c d 1or3udedl 371511 S rotas p aura II Ewes erpendara year pal ta- Dc arla N tiara Irdesed e Jib 151 te1Se1 Non t nod ar esered sweapas y N- IIr3rnrtino d note Mach 3tal a 4 tSC N- S ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < < = I NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Hcttoa Cav Salon to noon 218000 abarea ruin 430190 Call money Illgb Hit low 1 cL 114- Bafca Ooav HilL LowCkwe- OoBBsr HL7M a JW- OK W 13 IMI- aUaadc Lav M Raman A obfa U M M Ramt T IJM H- 1MB BW V4 m a 8s OH 4- a ni 7 aim MK MSI Closes Pad UM C Soatssra LM- C ra Prodnrt- IVU Erie few nt File 14- Gcaaral Gnat Xortbn Oa M- IUM lit JW- SRk Mfc- B MR- iSW K HM lilt Yet 1C K art T St K T- Ma rae Sat T O i W aad W smd S Kt m m M m- Ml UK TTH KH W B8 MK W MM- iw 71 am- V Mm V t 8 OK- THa T TM- Ml MM Nit M- ISK B M- MM is DM am- MM K M- MI u im nm- tt an a a- j m o s- M M K- 3M SHa S U W u a W a T L aad C 8 laity 0C a- O ft- Ta Casa M ni s OH m- Mk Ma MK nra art n vjm MK MM us- Wa M- av a a ekes Can BtiuA Oat Bnttr CcaXXx- mCnuantand Btf 2 HI 1 HI I W6 XlM- M M JMi SS4S SMI- sM IJMI SBM 1 J K 7 T- MISCHLUUVBOUS nODS Cotaado and Soataoaav ammonal IMMaoort Patauc sk- Xw Oortnl Wk- XarMk sad Wars read SaMl Ia- Waaaav P T lot k- VYalnA P T Trw Mha- JB a aco aad lOMa a for GRAIN AND PROVISIONS bj S K Hess Oa- OH p sheet aaila aaL- Jatr MLWaeU- at eat day That t- as the the Ham at owe aa tt On fiitrj aeKw aad iba at aw UT aUT MJT- S w taak Mr mWMJUT MsMH Xa 1 L CL ax IJW Rax X e Lafla SSL 1 aBMisa e a UM- S t V M yellow t a V WHEAT Oc Bkja Lnr Ckwe J July 1M L H4 UIK i Sept MIK K u SB c I LHH L m m May UK UM COK- XnrSIIIXCTOX CATTXE 31AKKET CKC Ins aa ai aur SsaAK- tKKrFikae lC3aia UfitlU- CALTESPnae per pod H- cms COWSPris caeh LC- 6aofaaw dd and Sir S99UJJX j E R 4 Jtew G F asltweaL barr r- AM c- Aace OS II a ZNe nA- IL Sex fI a- GAIa m n Po n II NM sets N i- tcIiaa PeNe Ohiw t- c Kk St IE a1l1 H JIlt IlL Q S 5r so A x Co 1 D Iio I- SCet GIIL Ills t D L Oade n Q 411L T15 all JIll made pIL L 1f- tDI L L M H1 lilt U n u u SI I ra lea CIa I IN- K r r4 So So X Dft UP IHi lU SPa UII N 5ij a Nat r Y CIeI- LJ 1tII R Tae PII JIoiIL l8I- a am rn dt L 5 n L iw wL L P IlL a s m eR Iliahe 000 1f- tOo Len n JIll nA- fa S L WL a JI W JM u Ml IN- t It 1ft fdbr JIL iUIII fi fix S S z s WI 1 U8 n- w Win Si CURD IIARKBlI- II OIL New Ya 0 tow Cke 0 WI I 1ft Jni 0000 S- ono S cw J s GY WI Gad Cnii IS I 1 S- ft IN- UNI ft i m I WI o- Is to- T T m m- J la CeIIn6 Erie Irie a r Ie- at MIoL PaM So Sew Yak Canal JL JaiaSioo 1taIIaIr SL dill ra le eats nfIIDIIIIc IN t tile tirat r4 fit Go JIIawie Mail attr r a r tics DMab Is- lis WIll 111 M oeII at tdi- eM Ors t ItIr6e- rt t J a- D 3 Otftn eta 15a IoAIID0rtdIIr ItD8 UE La s J f r L o Z L Y t Jb j Doc n it CLT1L5Ea1n eart 1tJIa1- G1 BOGS s tr tat m QMait fsabed otlaa d tto Tat 8bet P Pear skD s sail I r Mssit mica Aytalel t R t n ax 152 a en 4 3f 152 Ace Ise 1eamh 9Ji fl 154 IIIk aK- Ace Lss U Lap ta Ii ai 1511- 5des featc fir fss tt 8 en x 7thaw rif at S B a ter Iq AMt ten fx tits M a N rill N Ep- bCaaahlerbp N Central i1ISbt L SS a a f1- Ctterpeaw t NM a- sap Gnat Wmla i P aft 1M- 4Cldags t 3Ih t iiM SNh M rat then 712 Reif U a- Ctirado enNhaa n alt 4 C- Comien sottae iS N 124- e t 44 an en ta M ails 11x4 flw 1l Wt 11 Hadtsa lilt D mM iQ t W 7W n r a3- essr t Rr IN 21 V1- 1TMas Sst a ilk aw fp N a ax Sit 15Ra lit- Gtat Naen 1N4 US lies a N Caai Leff latf M a el a ax A- IN w a as al act ail 11 r y4 n N N a ail oak 1311 ar jd N N fRi Y- f iai fN 7J 11- Pa L5 ace 15 Rain N ley aM la ls all tit 31s rd la WI- Se r k4 M WI 11 ask als ap 15 a a- k 1d ae O 11 R- Newddi aaa ail atd s m- en alt We tat sefsu NIL IS a15 WI ALL I We yes WI- Tema Palle 1531 a W- IT r W 151 Zit ax belle m 1x15 a e 1511 1W AM W lit 4 a al W WI fi1I W6 led 4lx N shat aN 1 4I malt 1x14 a slaw 1LM W W- Wa1N std 15 7h a Gate l 7 LP lies t Aar 1tb- ete 81ss 31 S 154 tar y abas mesa file 14 a Ito b ae II ta 12 p W l t- i iaDtly Dsioion 1 f ed11eY 515s A a 3 WI Ones dtar tt s15 k fire IRadt 7 711 ale 12- 1fnia 12 WI ale des alr15 1- KetrOtsh C 7 154 31p 1tG 3 Bh 4 115 gf 1- Utilad a 7- Takao 4B a Vr Yet J lad tsms en did esgrJ- esne bat via Mt seeed tile M4- vM salts d Yi t1- Ariaa s Mt- Araa i 41- akt a aM pit If 41 a- ss r Oar UAl a pe swt ibex k a- Lt L a- Ipee l wsw s fiat M- kftt iM 31 it a jab WI oali 4 4 N- Xedak r W s b Y- P 151- 5fetdkw s enl W15 12 press 1atsa tdsNt 415 r 1- lleebss a- re 1 a1c fns 4 t M talc Pstc b WI- Cetm duels O 121- 1Wawa 15 4 a ar N 2415et atria 1Ll ytlday week esp Qt1 teaiid amsb d lea Yam 9rs hlae r tea Tmek Ara Apr t w as ask r start ass 6r d rat repeh usrp art deskew rted ttMue1- 5esa 1eba yes saw k islets an rwM Ipso die ark hen iaebtai- p tee k 15 aabet dais err freak law Whets Or itm ass 1Msa A ter arias aaaM ass ei fr de ara t1she h1- 5atK w be atsr sass r stan wahic- 3 la- ctdtr sat was gsier aleap ieretd washer b east reap ass toad dt- oesbM saeaet wee taw Mears w mesas ykYa r Awkiur se era r neapot papppk 1ss bq and ea sits tot wIfl TL Op Mr lair Jab Mt a O M1 i 15 170- RfJabr W I a 152 Rlwr TN W 11 Ali 4 kM a a llh ail 1515 WI ak NR- fep1sa115 o U NI R ad la as- 1S MN Lit- aeNub as a L- eOaesr aN as a awskg tsdi Ts 7ksal k eske w ltd and sa15i a7 nxcarob r aid t fl Na a 1 3a w1d1 sners1115 Ribs R e b 1 15 1 i N Lab sex it It N Mt p lent 4315 enr Lenten tao es LAYf3Spra sdka At pb edhs 514raa let beet g = = > >< > + + = > BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET mkaaiui Mb r ni i la an the sake sad sjsssMsmi tht swat safer seartnes toted TliHaiiMii Stock Harbisgn Maaana Xa- tIUWOS R wfc 4 OTOTATtONS- Mankafl L uses MM K BALTIMORE QTY STOCKS KBGJ MM water MB a nal max l tt- EVk IQVT MHHMIM- i GAS LiD XLCCTRIC Sties CM L lit hx- ICasad e 6 CX av laav- CoaaaL tt RANKS ASCII TBC8T OnMPANtBS- BM V- luiiimaiil TIM Ca M- aVitiiail of M- KAIUKMB 9fe S- StVCCr MHWAT8 I ulttd da asi- Cd aM J ak Cat ant CNSS m- Sa ask aa Ma 1st K lit had fc 6 dM A- Sartaoa Casnil i Rl MaV- r ilniaii VaBw M K MO- MA av lit I wes Ta Oatt HO- WB aad Wei Gull fa- I flTBCXT KAFLWATa BaM Cfcr ra ht K Btt Mr am la- I Chi Ov Mr M MB- 1C sad S m- Ufa ad BK tit ta- 1i1na Coau C a4 L arsistlr Caaft Lta of Ors CM Osrta Dar LOCAL PRODUCE eeSi M9 TksWa law off M asr raCTi Wot Vterfaia ad Su Thitt Tiaataan aB M ta Caniaaa H- CHCCaCS r Ta Slat faeHCK aui MaHH UTE POCUHr Cltkkan loci rtK Ma saws I ors ayrtsc l a- m fci laiaijt- taax I M- DKO8ED POCLTKT DaM aawll aaaa caotau Will naMet NaC Ml I tMUSMB MKaTO MaaiJ iiaalij OK cued VBKBTABLBSmsKe baa seas per tassel I ska sew per bbL lilata Sath Ouvlfca MC- nhsa r nrw per M aM Bartj To iw Md Lssd Xattk OnaBa- av erala UfciiJt ar aawa lath Cantaii ben p T badM Masi is l l kale sir bM Ma3 hues L MJ oniaDa Wiiaiiim per rile UHLS da E n M ta 1st dn Msrybad- H JSHS per aaL 4J MM Poe on GMEKX rRDRSOiaavn Mr kn- SaLW caacalaapif var G8iS per Z aZJI birHliinin blMMMntoa ar pass aB agalta- USaU wauraxk each Ilea 8CXDaU- da ar Mk ccw IS aa saw MaB c M i- XT AL stsaa fx Dv G Uaa tek HalJ Maadnkc Sat Balm FBUR8Aan tied iUaer tar x- Mffet t 6KAIK Wheat SsataWFa aa ease a S8 m M tarn ateDra wake Jfc da ydbrr JaaB- a aar UialM Weiss X aU WOOL AND HIDB W I ubcd free f sar ML JaOt aaniataiC f irks r Ib da saoy Par Ja MaV bUo ta ia7 pn ax lat ikKp las COTTON KAEZET Yet pens Bat r start nathatsu Yew Yak cattOD awritt dpcaas- dsdhw cf X t aoamta After tat e that pains aadc w Wia nay tile aaaa4 etaaiaf apBarctstlj hen WaB- rfow to the llaiait f C aoal aad bet The bee ia its atM M tar aaaawt z K Mat and MJK bA MC SJO- tH n JI US tit LIVE STOCK MARKET at 9JB3 KB Rm Qty ten aaauhl o Prime raed a weisfctt said at TM jer M- aS rtncters tad rnd r USai- CR eaBBcra LWa2S Ttaaa Tr HS tt bMd a rkM M to 15 ceato tiifan LiP i rooshi aMaCA raked tflSaiiB hair UBatsn plo VSHUi SHEEP Bwerpto I M bcwi market steady N u sheep ifcl7 MTeapm l lT9 stare lambs LSatW ivsta LJCanL SALES I Cea Crtm oioS S iil- Dtet Iom Ca- r RA till 1IWMJ IIaJto spans art t34aa s0t- 0IbaL III Cky Mt i STATS 88CJIIma BIll W J 96 toneap pestle II- CcL er G Y t 111I- C L L k P lit C I c tee IL r on 111- So ilddlt7 Gsrd n- w 8L h JIlt I- to Ca A Oe X JIIti IiI iAIN N c IUIU- IOu L 11- AIIaa C L lit AI- III sad Jac oat fIlM 71541 I lie MIi AIr III L- J W JIM lit ilk Ost K lit a n Co lit St t3 DI lit m Car Ca Rr G Ani N Dew IN JIlL lie Itpa Dee n NIt Mt 0 C sad L 000 S Go f MARKET the laol ip1 JaII- kae ftt AzdoIIII ebb tea a nl- or Mae fill I7 11IIII lIdS sssda that IBR IT t hob sire fall n Dhall l3 n Jar n wlftr1- 1ft r k1- IaIZ IJa- II 111 SM I 8aL stns akf Raft I aou- uf IItIIC IIr- UII Gftqfa yen V f per r1 Jtt 5IiaUt IIiaeu rr enw a I we SerI babe Ne r a del SdI 1 f L P MNSm t 0111 tw JIiew StoS Jew G afta at a j tetra c tee aid M far a- s at ri a NN L IUC till ail 9f tU old Orleans Oa BIlL Law Qe UI UI U JiaIr cATn D u sines at tar sthe pa per a at too SUERPRa15u steady ttJl- it1uJ BQS Lm 5 l1IIIb r Jaly Jriae beN HOG s Stem n ea- Se shat pa yrs bti i heck k 74 Seas Doeam y H- L7Jt IN Ra fsdh- glltots Atba MI tail 15 d Das ne 12 fl p sat N- 5J0 meld Rya ts 15 K MM ax risked a Ilia esetape An 1115 95- 3h 4 top 96 M- 3412N N Ile k b sue a I N a 4llaa IN a M4 7rt Sia1 a Pk Gees ms 111 sale licit 3 ks- NUd lR d Casre15 W- t adssl M Il4k- Tbbd Sttlast Is r ant 115 115 Oat Cspai 15 IS its41 a I lIk r 71 sus a II- trswrf 159 A- lasbad tit 1115 S- Wwla Drprad 5 t iaaea ss r Eba 31 PMSDS r be K WI 1s K IR a rte 115 nut MM 1i M- Pala K flea IM- I41d ea k M N P ss 415 fN 4 MM M 3eba 115 1If 71- 5ledtii r Awsk K MM 31- 1swd Ar K 15 g- a irs Lbe apar a- aWbcd Ab 1Ja a 1 N Mt- t3clasd r RAM 1156 lip aewd and frame k WI M ps ut Mt M Wes Weiss 3 east 1212 en k MM M 1M fS4 en riles eat 1N M NM- K L as MM M- teals 1515 MM is 1M6 r Ik M 115115 MI tI- ak 7klud Ii plL 11- 54MeLrLLtaa1sll N N- sdtwd 7seels K Ylt11111r- aa1 r Wet 1152 read OS YIECiLLiJrRO- GiAkta psi 71 S en lid Oep ay en N 15 Ike let 1 1115 44 L a dente pod sans tea ild M- 7sasdq wy- w a dap d a1Ssmy r sou des sus hb- dr nil Mat d p1 Psrs- m seat spa yes d the tat sir s sill aaees r klr hsM fbs a Ns p1es J- eTER6rq t4 y des Weer- fa des Pass Ia aw des 1st r aeM MN ded j ahtla Rea gsscr- N a X sees Vocals silt 4aesr std ba des b4e Ian des 3 lssy 1 des 1ss des leaN p4 bs 1 do aegc siti aN as sea bides sprt Jss lies > dent Pie 1fs15 114 Nedsl- N feOosd per b d- 1k des dry 8 pr s ant w peR per bas sd Yiarh peas radsstea Pr W bests 215 s- It Sea tare ass 4r 1r mama fat is- dsa p to t per I Em Cai1rais sa4 r iee Mss ha tAiL Dame akJaktt eosir Llk des rsr 11513 des k eats rate kfl ann des per se 15d5 tDs best 3r 5NatN 41s Rant 31 d- ssd set too Ndaaed 15s des Ire stem par err ptesq d4 fes M ae4y is tsk- PssG ss UUa Artka ley d Yak k aYese sad w z Peale tsa- ir Jab gdet wan a pool is t 5lapet stkit sltd rte ceps d aNa k s Iaa sutau telaa arse lwkp peat sae Mwea keen mitts w psn15r s aSSrasdsa- y M paaN en hs wet r n ks ysR wail at15 her t wet W 9r d U bki tit ysa a- New Tor3- o5a Pelt Iwo Pest i Li 515 t2 1t j Nee G as a1a Dsltr Yak J4 pepipu Iced Mtge aottatee bed 11111- 1lsr M ids CALYP6nedph W bed psRpg tkedp t p15d sak taM r teh slda kn y raed air he 4 auk t1 esp hat Laa91 wed mite S y IhChieee 1tCATPLsRemipu use bead randy a So radii 11e ass ant MS9e sheep > > < > > < > > < < > < > < ± > ° > > = > > = ± > = LOCAL FINANCIAL GOSSIP TIle featuro of trading OB the Wash- ington Stock Exchange yesterday Investment baying of bonds The amooat taken was and ratted States Ma B aad Washington Railway sad Electric 4s figured hi the trrdtag JfcM of the totter bring recorded vM at 1S rod SH The sees of stock amounted to 91- aheree the target sales being 5 shares f Railway and Ktoctrfe are Pee iBsaraace at a stare IB aggregate W shares of Capital Traction were transferred tract one broker to aaotber an at d OUter trading was to fractional lots in eluding several of the bank shares The common stock of the Washington Railway and Electric Company was so far as the record shows bat there was some very vigorous Jockeying far prices OB it after call Offerings of the stock la some quantity were made at US a stare the highest point reached by the stock yesterday Tbto price did not quite salt the buying broker and W 14 sad MK was bid After repeating the bM and the offering price a score of times it was determined that there com be so ale short of MS and this the broker was set wining yesterday to pay It wa stated yesterday after the sesBtoa that coaaUeraMe of the common side can ward WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET 1st at II at tat M at ML TMat Mat ML Mats- SMS I HAM at MX- ITTTiai U l- rWaissal a A4MWB- MJSCELLANCOFS MHO Baetne Uaat Jet fc TTFB MACBTXB CTQC- Knauvs STOCKS ST AXT nocicaB- ATCMS aUStt TOCKa- KMCaXLAXBOCa aTOtaQi NEW YORK PRODUCE ft Mr MLOCGARTha kcal law at L taXA OaVrirgi sat Sued vsar Beet DBt Maadr and ane I NATAL TTllaTTI n a m at n- at Xc Xcata ami at Sat iar the kaat auadr MILL fTtT Oaaiiti aadtraat daaBsam hen in M to- JtaX sad saO JIG 1 shies Na white Ma Z wka aairaili hqahy Ssctag tlsalM des UsM- trasjbu XMaLM dean X75 4W la i MS X aiii dean X3US RTE FLOCRHtaadf taaOa is daD 4JMJL fcr set LB teal to saox Prime si 8TKAW Otuai ail B 8FSaaay swdnala- KM jacart ma- roRKrm mt oafc- tTAltOWE UIR N X- Mairiam bca Mr Matrix M- skujusilae asks ties Tat B Csataflav H TJW saesasfi is ra a t Cnaasqr S arMa Baa sue dstrr- UK CSM fab alma sleet hr utaa feae SaX Set taacj as nta rSaWi do speeds ITM POPE FIRS REORGANIZES Automobile Company to Have Cap itnl of GSOOOOO Hartford Conn July RT A reorgantsa- UOB of Pope Manufacturing Ooanpa- ywe effected this afternoon TIM new capitalization win be j o of preferred stock sad jeM65 of tom The company wont Into the receivers beads oa August U UK TIle Pope Man- ufacturing Company are makers of bi- cycle and automobile sad had a capt- talteatfcm of JHSW It was announced rat that Albert Pope G A Yulee and Ednert J Tambryn the receivers eUbne mast the company within a parattvely short time The failure of tbe cempaay last year was ascribed to hard Mmes lid the great getttac credit from the banks A strike at big automobile plant at Toledo last year also had much to do with the forcing of a receivership for the The Met of the company were placed at abort J7SsP000 while the UabtttOea were saM to be about Slo09ODO when the failure took h asiete of the Pope Motor Car Company a sabsMtary concern were given as jtme 0 at the same time you thtok of It telephone your Want Ad to the Washington Herald an bill win be dent you at 1 cent a word was lo rilmtd at sad iO shares of the sle- eted be had at a dear and up IItItIIar I- Iu a lit Ii- ii S II t iZ e 111 neat IIIIa MIIIr w IIaII LO l Dade a care iii- IUoU lit and rae Is JIa 3It Yabo UTZUTT WDOKS Cyan n tBXe- eIDIk w 1 GaII Gaa 000 Gases StUll eIaIaIIII J IMIIL Urns w II- J1ieI sasht0 c R- c r n- ellaa nn1- 10I 81 c JL stIr SJ s y wtda e6 tIIIt a us tIIIt e r vie W1 d IIIa pet to t Ie antIe lUll 21 td 0 Plat 4 I- an u lair I 81 ta1 rc ray ak IU8 11J1a1a Acct tttr In us Pehe M JUt lie ems JIdI6 4 Mock The new will psr chase the entire will oper ate the he and at Wettt5e3d t Juke wrodd Iy 73 per nest of ail the In the oCCIIK1L pace While MIX gt ttad1s tea 1R Commercial R 36 ail teas aa ilea as W 1112- 4Waskp en Way sad ttlsMr e at 1- 1Capd Tasks a st e 15 a Waultaer 1adbay sad 1slt tdTd 2 3tNr arb gs kY Risk Rat IK- Caaaal Thu Calmtic I r ns c ii p dsd toPh sbe as the ds c gsstass1sM asT- sM Atkd 1 115- G ant 4 1Offa 4 Taeas 1 en Sea w PIS le N- CsIk t MM k StaNeny aad Efaask M ar Fit sc 1Y Steak r 2rripta lsaeat k- Ltawwb ikhp 111- 4WaMapo 7 1- YWskf is 1212 M- PCRUC lhoir M M- W tkielad able ea a a Web fdsq V pfd Mt M- tal r T as W- Waebiaras N- vgrwa K- P15 Talellae d aha iads a lhanlaahr Usoyps i N- I WI Mt lbar tltplt 111 15- 11Ifsef x- 74AnOlrA6 faldiLI- meta M 115 11- 5Lank 11S1114ll- let i M M M- WiiJ t6 r Ten Santis eta k r Ans M Tat Natirr Bakd vats None 11- Mattist and Yana Mrlsea rata unless i- ma awaarCi 12- 1 1- Prblk a S Year 5 Pot a a- li 141 iK UI15U15a15ea fN0015- Zexhbk 3 Sta Gtahr a x- 11eAa tt l r ilpa WI asst a l- Waa4apta Yale a ale d tit tMst wr stet ass M ady veUfad 154 15 31 end a desaaPe 1- 5w auMso 7 t padre wa aeiet15h ante esa tics k- e eel hates qMd tic ae hit a its ssasM tsa b fns cased aa punt Naives be pest at 415 ao ind IPrc 12ek rue stklkp dry MAR 1415 k trek Wawa Mat s me sMa utat h15R o late earl N N teat reap Ram iii narks CO1 YEALstteq xth eves 1a- R3ATReIeM en Wv wsp drat ire s 7 lea aAS Na- a aa1b kgdci Pseq lfeeti hopthk Wakta 311 des ate tend ersske4 San Asdn 1 BUT Rtrtipt t WTIReeailda Wes m S men cOmpaay property aad taaerfes Mass p sved eoo ¬ > ¬ ¬ < < = > FINANCIAL 1 FINANCIAL L Capital 200000 Surplus and undivided profits 40000 Deposits 1400000 Two Centrally Located Banking Houses both conducted on the soundest principles and equipped with every modern convenience enable us to offer depositors advantages 3 Interest on Savings Accounts ONE DOLLAR will open an account Commercial accounts invited upon the most terms Merchants Mechanics Under Supervision of OFFICERS E Jordan Julius Peyser v Banking Hours President days 9 a m to 12 noon SAT NIGHTS from 6 to Irvin Owing PENNA AVE AND TENTH ST Branch Cor Seventh and G Sts eo eo eo excep- tional B k an u S Treasury Dept I 9 a m to 3 p m on Satur Michael G onaIck L S CatsCashier U JL fleshier 9 and on 1st 2d 3d 15th 16th yr I and last days of each month p m r favorable i S avBna s cC PPes- esIdent nt Ptnda Owes ThompsooAsst Seventh Street Branch W151am C jth extdlagtssMneger Manager until 5 I DIES IN DUTYS PATH sliest Engineer on C 0 Rim Down by Train BY ROAD PRESIDENT John II Merrltt Killed at Clifton Pore AVai Pilot of FASt Plying Virginian for Many Years and Warn highly E tcemed by I tall road Offialals for Ills Fldell Ohio as the host mnrm ma tat Amstten was struck by tast bonad Cbssatpeako sad Ohio psurogm unto X S at Clifton rge and fatally Injured r sutt- teg wtthbi twatyflr mhimsu aStor 3fT MaaTttt WM to fhaimaniina OB No IMS a On wert lad west of Gladys tea ftwn snliaid yard a tMi- m hi the ast xrand main track lilt by Bncinr Pilot Upon ex I smmatlon It was found that sas- taka deep gaaba on the n ck and of bond He tan hurried to tbe expired tJt- of the fatattty was wr d ly to Ids tanks but it that his wtfa sad daoghMr on vide to at Mldfflsbrook A- gaeta County Xr MorrKTs son Will the Richmond Prosorietebarg and Po- tomae Railroad was notUed and Mt on toe early morning train for CUftoa Forge The body wilt bs- btouaiat here for lariat Mr Merrttt was a native of Augusta of hta age oca was gained as a hrak maa Stauntoa and Htoton la U8 tw a y eight years ago he bsaan Ida aagtaoer and two years later unitod with the Brotherhood of Locomotive K- ghwera of which order he was a ai He rewarded as most cngtnfcr- oa th Mountain division of the Chesa- peake and Ohio having m his cbwrge two of fastest traits oa the road Nog S and F F Va Personally 3tr Merritt WM of the most popular railroad men n thai section of State Ho was a Mason mm of local lodge Xo CB amid aa Elk PRAISED Va July Juba H JMn1tt K thle Pal J of the Ibis IIIIt Ida WQ tit Uw tit for rsisfl trip e at IlL tile he this di gently of No The pilot of tile engine C1Iek lEI tile his honk against raD this welt track be top tile aDd Ohio where be- at a who le thief dertt to oidat of L lad Casty and Is the Ilk raI1roedI8g upe her up to tIe time of Ids loth was tIM teat the the a- bet Charbtis IDs ritpgs sec city i bed by li Staeea Cheespske sad loath an eo- glaa h prep kin have last trek slapped to freest 3 which wad om is hb aide ad threw the ao had Chess 4 tat pre tpt bee was fwd were relatives Ma an was fiftyeeoed ysder Seat between career se- an 4 rote > ¬ + > I NEWS OF THE VIRGINIAS POLITICAL AND OTHERWISE c Two years ago the sate of Taft was given toa smell town m I nca 4 rCo Bty Va TIlls Is only one of the maay phues named after the uteUa uisued candidate last H is safe to say that tile vote of the town of Taft in Virginia win be eat coMair for William J Bryan Virctaia may well take her rightful place seem amoag dairying States OO- Bdttioas are favorable for this ta every respect notably ta mad dl a dame of graafog load and veiihiine to exeeMeat markets and facul- ties for transporting the products We have takes occasion to trip atoms ta teat m dairytag heretofore ana are gratifled to know that the interest to broaeBtegRcaaoco World t and famtsa tbe atroagest oacnnractsaent to hope for prosperity pravMed Uw trust Mgnatee do not get ta between the crops and the people who are eoasonters sad by high prices which always mote hard times drive away prosperity Petersburg IndexAppeal- r The BIg Stone Gap SMBMMJT laotnate for Teachers o eaed Jamo M has largest attendance la tile history of the school The enrollment is now con tilts year Is of a high order The people ta this secBon of the State are of the opinion that the Normal sboaM be permanently located at leg Stone Gap because that place is now recognized as the Mecca of the educational lire of Southwest Virginia There is now being constructed there a large and commodious hotel to be called the Normal for the The er this are which llderaW than sad the wsrk J aban Walt con year aba the more 311 don HERO REFUSES COIN United States Marine Saves Two from Waves GIRLS FATHER IS OVERJOYED Offers Six Hundred Dollars to Sailor from Cruiser CArolina KTio Plunges Into Waves and Brings Wright and tier Young Brother Safely to Shore siiaJ to Tbr Norfolk Va July Mtss Mary Wright and yswag brotaor saved tenet drowaiog at Irgbda Beach by Hoary a Vnttod Stare mania inns th ualaar North Carolina Sacsag Mtos Wright aad her brother hetaaaeety MrassAig ia tIM oases loud threw off Ida coat and dashed liraiilj out thtovgh UM rwcne sad aaay father of Wright sad M jay at the offend Cloud ttH an tile ash be Wright and her brother niece thrown taco the water from a boat la- wMoh they wore rowmg PORTSMOUTH MAN BILLED Dennis Snillvnn Stxtyfonr Years Old Struck by n Car Koriolk Vs July Jft Dennis Sullivan stetyf mr yenta oat a carriage manufac- turer lid one of moot prominent citl- aea of Portsmouth was struck by a trolley car near Ocean View lad night INN Norfolk tbe car Ho never regained conscious- ness Mystery nnr ouadb Ids presence at the spot where the accident occurred to CM out of tile war fr the car to go by end teD back against Carolina Chairman Resigns SaMsbury X O Jury at J P Greek chairman of Ute Democratic executive committee for the Eighth dtetrtct has and exRepresentative Theodore F Khrttz of Salisbury is the unanimous choice of the committee for chair- manship orth BanK wee ClaM aMI- D of drowning the 3U to loaded TIle her I II reseed for Ide heroic bat mania tIy refused SRis1 a x tile and at St VlDceat HN was badly crabed by He had off the uack It of elemeotd who last mouth was elected the S flu a her ianslsr Mogan teeen eke bneksr ec had as a rowsrd ce data 1k k- nee t Wligss Ned tonight SidIkms kuf apparently stepped re- signed ¬ ¬ of Ute teachers attending the institute Tata is only the third term of tile institute He work for good has from wticaj its patronage comes To insure strict compliance with tbe law by tile West Virginia legislature known as the corrupt practices act no money whisky or other thing of I value may be used to Influence the reter tickets in Taylor County W Va are with that law m Its true letter and wirtt- la aa editorial entitled Whistle Again tile SvKotk Bventeg Herald says The personal organ of the Taft family Ute Cincinnati Times Star acts very much like the boy whistling to keep up his whoa K says The sun te sbming the beds are staging and wmtain Jtowtass Bryan has again reoolved the X e oeratie- tkm lot President of the tailed States Why sheaMnt Republicans te- ta pyr TIle Democratle ticket Is vktaeHr Virginia as both Ute fatter or Bryan and the father of Kern were n the OM Dominion TIM is cer- tainly acceptable to Virginia aad it wOt sweep State The Democrat are sited everywhere ca the boat platform sad the beet ticket they have bad te years They will wit Ute election Why eves Ohio Judge State is doubt lot The Republicans indeed to be In sore straits in hoping for success in- States impregnable against Republican assault as Virginia Georgia and North Carolina are Peninsula Enterprise dell Pet felt tbe passed In IIb Ids haIIet tile eat3 the and Republican Ill to strictly wilDe pustDg by a grave yard born the Taft seem throughout try where- by fx- oSee cm Democratic an agreement comply courage a elect Rcket > ¬ FINANCIAL I I PAIDUP CAPITAL 1000000 While Accumulating Here Your Money Will Earn 3 per annum interest and in addition will have that protec tion insured by government supervision Deposits subject to check Ample facilities for transact- ing banking business of every character United States TnistCompany II Bradley Davidson President 1405 G Street Northwest Capital and Surplus JJ OOWC Union Trust Co Edward SUBwiisE JaN O Pajoe- 6aa E Haauaan- Gn E naaJse J4 Yips Piarideat Iran O WIHea W D Mom Interest on ALL acceuts Deposits subject to efeeok TheSafest Investments Ae time tint d B t taHStlU llslau aaHarfeed des C trait sots that mmtg pril well Moand- ra iiinpr boBX twos aa jmiiaaH jxncH We CXB Seat JH9 ssvard Swartzell Rheem 6 Hensey Cot- S HTH STREET NOKTHWBST Capital aeoo ks n iB Drafts direct on principal dues of the world Letters of Credit Issued Exchange bought and sold Investments and collections made Stocks and Bonds bought and sold Pa Are opposite U MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN MONET TO LOAN ON D REAL S0TATZ- lnr t sf intemt fttmtatt I tcS I e- POO er niaa at aar inUnt patied THE F H SMITH CO- JrMOt Dad BIt MM J T tee BEAT ESTATE VS STOCKSSBOBSJTT VS- DOOBT SK SZ aaeer M torts tod isaS aaei a fist and ta ratri ftatmiU adj BMTJ old cociVJenitltn banevcn THE IUBR1SON BEALTT CO Mob SO CI O rt sai X SST- lUOXET TO LOAN OX CTTT REAL I ALLEN C CLARK CS F SSU RBAU- csUte at boast rfc iaerc t speed iiflfctj vtta kefpea e fetor vajBMSO TTLSB- KOTHERFOBD HBCJ W Mth tt w BB4tf- I MONET TO OS 3CAKK TOUR NSW ccasldtratlon f r Unavera WM H SAONDK83 HELD FOR ANNAPOLIS THEFT Three Men Bound Over to the Cntteil State Grand Jury St dal to Tbe UB u Boald Annapolis Md July laCharged wilt tile theft of a lot of toes pipe and ether Junk from the Naval Academy Robert Carraa Robert Elliott and John Chap atKled for tbe action of tbe States grand jury te at tile coming Septeatber term TIM hearing was before Deputy tailed States Ceramtsekmer Julian Brewer of Annapolis It is alleged that the oKease was committed throe weeks ago and the arrest of Ute three men was only made OB Wednesday aa they has kept taem selves ia hiding la default of ball they were committed to Jan Pt r a suaflar offense Eattott was previOBaty sentenced to a term of Imsi I SIMM iM and C sad Chappea have served terms in Jail for other oCeaees Bryan and Kern Club Formed Seed ta The ffnhsiilsi Baud Lynchburg Va July A rnovnment was started here today for the formation of a BryanKern aad Glass IVmocratic dab Membership papers were signed during the day An wffl be perfected Gee night next wk in meeting which will be rein exState Senator Thomas When you have lost or found anything telephone an advertisement to The Herald and bin will be sent you at f I I I i i Z Tteet ONsr saa7 sad flat 06KD- iIMa II 0I0k Park L UIbwAc tw er Mom Pest real tile Duneet elf 0aIata- II dot the 7 elf ar for Sod Sean Ii Sl5iIIGI1- I We Issue Riggs S Trees J C rata reeled So tad 1IOLY WAN ON APPROVED CITY elf LOA LET kua U rtjkca Md st ntaa elf meat All CO F It nr eeIkI W pen ot of Annapolis eom United Bal a tin a by 1 cent a word e ara- G f I frL f- r c I5thandllst Preaidxt iee PeeMat Attaaer and fit y1se AM T4m r Aadtao- rBisard Sem mr arms d may stasM sure he too teak aseMuh m- et spas seal r ta- mrtkk t psattra tee s Natoy asy prey ace ireMaaac is anoints b band tint cnt- rc IptesaueK BANK NAL s teals pas shown kr FO TATS ail TO cu eat a sea ksat is t Csaptas adaMat wtea eeilea low veg today mesa eer Washi- ngton ¬ > >

S Q M Q Pk avBna i ra - Chronicling America...flw 1l Wt 11 t Hadtsa lilt D mM iQ essr t W 7W n r a3-Rr IN 21 V1-1TMas Sst a ilk aw fp N a ax Sit 15Ra lit-Gtat Naen 1N4 US lies a N

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Page 1: S Q M Q Pk avBna i ra - Chronicling America...flw 1l Wt 11 t Hadtsa lilt D mM iQ essr t W 7W n r a3-Rr IN 21 V1-1TMas Sst a ilk aw fp N a ax Sit 15Ra lit-Gtat Naen 1N4 US lies a N





Rumors of Harriman DealStill Pervade Street


Trades In X

Lines Coal Roads Sot Affected byStories of Decision on CommodityClanse of the Hepburn Law

New York J r Bseaptdisplay of atreagtfc hi tile O sMand the metal stocks the market today

ngsshrinkage and tile actaatcoa namnrmgunto the active stocks hardly hangedsufficiently in price to aCotcltraders profit

The opening was wry and In thefirst hour there wade ofconsequence except to acfeawmnaa whichopened up ten patats from Ha last sateand then more than made ac the ionon a few trancacttsn and in Carn Products Beflning a TAJTOW pcialty whichrose sharply in response to tbe advancereceetly maoe by the company mprices of Its prtaetpia prodocte iacoMand starch as a to the ka prosfor corn now prevaOtns Around noonthe dullness WM to Same extent relinedby a movement fc tile OvoU stacksbased on reanasiabty desM-

corrpieteLake Erse notes which mature on Sat-urday the bonds of tbe Wabash

the guarantor of the notes disactivity

crt what was taatamount to aa assur-ance that the threatened crhus ta Wabasil affairs had pawed

Gives So Particularscf the statements made durtac

business hours ta regard to WbaoBBgaad-

jt the road but it was

perty and the rs ItaOroad hadentered Into

In the general marleda considerable sopply Of

sale on the tables Mat the acOlmjrot pressed and cased when prices

business fen well below

actions was not mare than boat a thirdof what it was

Manipulation of a number ispecialties could not disguise t

exhaustion of the strength ofsuch stocks as

St Paul and even the Erie issueshowed a tendency to droop

Tere was a rumor to the elect thata favorable decision in the suit to haretVie commodity flsnsf of the Hepbom rate

Se rendered but K fafled to help tealst ka

Gould Stocks StrongOrly the Gould stocks Canadian Padac

3 a few narrowgreat strength at close th Bs hopson the whole heavy though not weak

Call money rf ri alder tJaan-f the

ease in this classhave been the result s tfiaia luaii

ship currency t the W at the beaksslowing a dMncBnatioa to tee time

ans the rates an which wesconsequence

Dealings in bonds were feisty harasthose of the made makingwule t e Erie cameiObtea decltaed wttkte stock

Ko change was made at the Beak ofEngland rate and the tostHutlonreturn that was exceptionally atreog forthis tirae of year Console ware heavybut the general to London andn the continent were atramrForeign interest m

small The priee of copper rose ten sfcfl-

lhtiped thesi d afterward on thjs It wa tothe advance in tbe metal abroad merethan to any news or occurrencetc strength of Amalgamated

and American 3raett-hEegrrg was primarily due


New v irk Jnl a IBOMT cal tat I per nit hicbMt n Icmt 1 dn31 t th lens at K rr-

Tir money rates win attadtl

tnuM light Therejarenrty hoUttac tarea and broader avoact Rat

for stay Stir aisstr3i for four mmtht Jlk s 3-

i for mi and aeia-

iISUaiem C nilil sob


Sew JaJr 9sCB as atattsbah fteady la th peal bandof tone vat ou-

wiihowt fta

3s cwipon ten5s malt bondsto rejitr d IxS-

e eoupjjPaatmt Canal


Reterre hindeil coin and boBlKi HTpM

Silver of HBO


Total portal ncNrtt BIt taahtfsd tUDJB Ml

pt po Ul firlaagj

Earn nf

tj tankunder sex Jelj It MSB

retired under


Tork Lack ofIn XearlT the Leading


tit a taU

was a uninlsesttg air tile dealshowing a further


JIG lot


it-t the affect thatfor wg the Wbselitg sad


roadunwonted D4



Lake Erie alfatn gave tile hilt pertIc1Ilars of the of tile

teatmane any kkaa tbst pusp

e4 t0

ThetTdays eYe sad the of u

eoapIe oC weeksfit


Union PIIdk v-cr

aw and 1IIu1 worldtile


1 other tills year meetcans made at 1 per cent bet the



1 to





lags a ton Is tblecopper stocks ftnt in E

here thatCOllIer

A ada sod



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tlplrlitday lit

Tbe man f ug t


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pr ea iMrrte today akbt 4 M esa a sendersa inns

laaslk fsr toa mama p-

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Total NaRuGn rat

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zed State Lesa-nrc note-taver Selw alal1515F-

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as hthsZ-

Inrrenal rtrpae 1-5yicelharo

Ertnditures tiperts g-c d 1or3udedl 371511 S

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pal ta-Dc arla Ntiara Irdesed

e Jib 151 te1Se1Non t nod ar esered sweapasy N-

IIr3rnrtino d noteMach

3tal a4 tSC N-












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CLT1L5Ea1n eart 1tJIa1-G1

BOGS s trtat


QMait fsabedotlaa d tto Tat 8bet P Pear

skD s sail I r Mssit


Aytalel t Rt n ax 152 a en4 3f 152

Ace Ise 1eamh 9Ji fl 154 IIIk aK-Ace Lss U Lap ta Ii ai 1511-

5des featc fir fss tt8 en x7thaw rif at S

B a ter IqAMt ten fxtits M a

Nrill N

Ep-bCaaahlerbp NCentral i1ISbt L SS a a f1-

Ctterpeaw t NM a-sap Gnat Wmla i

P aft 1M-4Cldags t 3Ih t iiM SNh M rat

then712 Reif U a-

Ctirado enNhaa n alt 4 C-Comien sottae iS N 124-e t 44 an

en ta M ails 11x4flw 1l Wt 11

Hadtsa lilt D mM iQt W 7W n r a3-essr t Rr IN 21 V1-1TMas Sst a ilkaw fp

N aax

Sit 15Ra lit-Gtat Naen 1N4 US lies

a NCaai Leff latf Ma

el a ax A-

IN w

a asal act ail 11r y4 n N N a ail

oak 1311arjd N

N fRiY-

f iaifN 7J


Pa L5ace 15

Rain Nley aMlals all tit

31s rd la WI-Se r k4 M WI 11 ask alsap 15 a a-

k 1d ae O 11 R-Newddi aaa ail

atd s m-en alt We tat

sefsu NIL IS a15 WI ALL I Weyes WI-Tema Palle 1531 a W-IT r W 151 Zitax

belle m1x15 a e

1511 1W AM W lit 4a al W WI fi1I W6led 4lx N

shat aN 1 4I malt 1x14a

slaw 1LM W W-Wa1N std 15 7h a

Gate l 7

LP lies t Aar1tb-ete 81ss 31 S 154

tar y abas mesafile14

a Ito b ae

II ta 12p W l t-i iaDtly

Dsioion 1 fed11eY 515s

A a 3 WIOnes dtar tt s15 kfire IRadt 7 711 ale 12-

1fnia 12 WI aledes alr15 1-

KetrOtsh C 7 154

31p 1tG 3

Bh 4115 gf 1-

Utilad a 7-

Takao 4B a

Vr Yet J lad tsms endid esgrJ-esne bat via Mt

seeed tile M4-vM salts d Yi t1-

Ariaa s Mt-Araa i 41-akt a aM pit If 41 a-

ss r Oar UAlape swt ibex k a-

Lt L a-Ipee l wsw s

fiat M-kftt iM


it ajab WI

oali 4 4 N-

Xedak r W s b Y-

P 151-

5fetdkw s enl W15 12press 1atsa tdsNt 415 r 1-

lleebss a-re 1 a1c fns 4 t Mtalc Pstc b WI-Cetm duels O

121-1Wawa 15

4 aar N2415et atria 1Ll ytlday

week esp

Qt1 teaiidamsb d lea Yam 9rs hlae r tea

Tmek AraApr

t w as ask r startass 6r d ratrepeh usrp art deskew rted ttMue1-5esa 1eba yes saw k islets an rwMIpso die ark hen iaebtai-p tee k 15 aabet daiserr freak law Whets Or itm ass1Msa A ter arias aaaM

ass ei fr de ara t1she h1-5atK w

be atsr sass r stan wahic-3 la-ctdtr sat

was gsier aleap ieretdwasher b east reap ass toad dt-oesbM saeaet

wee taw Mears w mesasykYa rAwkiur se era r neapot papppk

1ss bq and ea sits totwIfl TL Op Mr lairJab Mt a

O M1 i 15170-RfJabr W I a 152Rlwr TN W 11

Ali 4 kM

a allh ail 1515WI ak NR-

fep1sa115o U NI R

ad la as-1S MN Lit-

aeNub as a L-eOaesr aN as a

awskgtsdi Ts 7ksal k eske w

ltd and sa15ia7 nxcarob r aid t fl Naa 1 3a w1d1 sners1115Ribs R e b


151 i N Lab

sex it It N Mt

p lent 4315enr Lenten

tao esLAYf3Spra sdka At pb

edhs 514raalet

beet g






+ +




mkaaiui Mb r ni i la an the sake sadsjsssMsmi tht swat safer seartnes toted

TliHaiiMii Stock Harbisgn

Maaana Xa-

tIUWOS R wfc 4



MM water

MB a nal max


i GAS LiD XLCCTRICSties CM L lit hx-

ICasad e 6 C X av laav-CoaaaL tt



luiiimaiil TIM Ca M-aVitiiail of M-


StVCCr MHWAT8I ulttd da asi-

Cd aM J akCat ant CNSS m-Sa ask aa Ma 1st K


had fc 6 dM A-

Sartaoa Casnil i Rl MaV-r ilniaii VaBw M K MO-

MA av litI wes Ta Oatt HO-

WB aad Wei Gull fa-I flTBCXT KAFLWATa

BaM Cfcr ra ht K Btt

Mr am la-I Chi Ov Mr M MB-

1C sad S m-

Ufa ad BK tit ta-

1i1na Coau C a4 Larsistlr Caaft Lta of OrsCM Osrta Dar


eeSi M9 TksWa law off Masr raCTi Wot Vterfaia ad Su Thitt

Tiaataan aB M ta Caniaaa H-CHCCaCS r Ta Slat faeHCK aui MaHH

UTE POCUHr Cltkkan loci rtK Masaws I ors ayrtsc l a-

m fci laiaijt-taax I M-


DaMaawll aaaa caotau Will naMet

NaC MlI tMUSMB MKaTO MaaiJ iiaalij OK cued

VBKBTABLBSmsKe baa seas per tasselI ska sew per bbL lilata Sath Ouvlfca MC-

nhsa r nrw per M aM BartjTo iw Md Lssd Xattk OnaBa-

av erala UfciiJt ar aawa lath Cantaiiben p T badM Masi is l l

kale sir bM Ma3 huesL MJ oniaDa Wiiaiiim per rileUHLS da E n M ta 1st dn Msrybad-

H JSHS per aaL 4J MM

Poe onGMEKX rRDRSOiaavn Mr kn-

SaLW caacalaapif var G8iSper Z aZJI birHliininblMMMntoa ar pass aB agalta-

USaU wauraxk each Ilea8CXDaU-

da ar Mk ccw IS aa saw MaB c M i-XT AL stsaa fx Dv G Uaa

tek HalJ Maadnkc SatBalm FBUR8Aan tied iUaer tar x-

Mffet t6KAIK Wheat SsataWFa aa ease a S8 mM tarn ateDra wake Jfc da ydbrr JaaB-a aar UialM Weiss X aU

WOOL AND HIDB W I ubcd freef sar ML JaOt aaniataiC f irksr Ib da saoy Par Ja MaV bUo

ta ia7 pn ax lat ikKp las


Yet pensBat r start nathatsu

Yew Yak cattOD awritt dpcaas-dsdhw cf X t aoamta After tat e

that pains aadc w Wia naytile aaaa4 etaaiaf apBarctstlj hen WaB-

rfowto the llaiait f

C aoal aad bet Thebee ia its atM

M tar aaaawt z K

Mat and MJK bA MC


tH n

JI UStit


at 9JB3 KB Rm Qty

ten aaauhloPrime raed a weisfctt said at TM jer M-

aS rtncters tad rnd r USai-CR eaBBcra LWa2S Ttaaa Tr HStt bMd a rkM M to 15 ceatotiifan LiP i rooshi aMaCA rakedtflSaiiB hair UBatsn plo VSHUi

SHEEP Bwerpto I M bcwi market steady Nu sheep ifcl7 MTeapm l lT9 starelambs LSatW ivsta LJCanL

SALESI Cea Crtm oioS Siil-

Dtet IomCa-r RA till1IWMJ

IIaJto spans art t34aa s0t-0IbaL

III Cky Mt



J 96toneap


II-CcL er

G Y t 111I-C L L k P lit C I

c tee

ILr on111-

So ilddlt7 Gsrdn-w8L h JIlt I-toCa





AI-III sad Jacoat fIlM


I lie MIiAIr III L-J W

JIM litilk

Ost Klit

a n Co litSt t3 DI lit

mCar Ca Rr G Ani N


lieItpa Dee n NIt


0 C sad L000 S


the laol ip1JaII-

kae ftt AzdoIIII ebbtea a nl-or

Maefill I7

11IIIIlIdS sssda that

IBR IT t hobsire

falln Dhall

l3 nJar nwlftr1-

1ft r k1-IaIZ IJa-


111 SM


8aL stnsakfRaft

I aou-uf IItIICIIr-

UII Gftqfa yen

V fper r1Jtt5IiaUt IIiaeu rr enw

a I weSerI




del SdI

1 f L P MNSm t 0111

tw JIiew StoSJew G

aftaat a j



Mfar a-sat

ri a NN

LIUC till

ail 9ftU old

OrleansOa BIlL Law Qe


JiaIr cATn Du sines attar sthe pa

pera attoo

SUERPRa15u steady ttJl-it1uJBQS Lm 5

l1IIIb r





n ea-


shat payrs bti i heck k 74

Seas Doeam y H-L7JtIN Ra fsdh-glltots Atba MI

tail15 d Das ne

12 flp sat N-

5J0 meld Rya ts 15

K MMax



Ilia esetapeAn 1115 95-

3h 4 top 96M-3412N N

Ilek b sue a

IN a

4llaa IN a M4

7rt Sia1 aPkGees ms111

sale licit 3 ks-NUd lR d Casre15 W-

tadssl M Il4k-Tbbd Sttlast Isr ant 115 115

Oat Cspai 15 IS

its41 a I

lIk r 71sus a II-trswrf 159 A-

lasbad tit 1115 S-

Wwla Drprad 5 tiaaea ss rEba 31

PMSDSr be K WI1s K IR a

rte 115nut MM

1i M-Pala K flea IM-

I41d ea k M NP ss 415 fN 4MM M3eba 115


5ledtii r Awsk K MM 31-1swd Ar K 15 g-

a irs Lbe apar a-aWbcd Ab 1Ja a 1 N Mt-t3clasd r RAM 1156 lipaewd and frame k WI Mps ut Mt M

WesWeiss 3 east 1212 en

k MM M1M fS4

enriles eat 1N M NM-

K L as MM M-teals 1515 MM

is 1M6r Ik M115115 MI tI-

ak 7klud Ii plL 11-54MeLrLLtaa1sll N N-

sdtwd 7seels K Ylt11111r-aa1 r Wet 1152


GiAkta psi 71

S enlid Oep ay en N 15

Ike let 1 1115 44

L a dentepod sans tea ild M-

7sasdq wy-w a dap d a1Ssmy rsou des sus hb-dr nil Mat d p1 Psrs-

m seat spa yes d the tat sir s

sill aaees r klr hsM fbs aNs p1es J-

eTER6rq t4 y des Weer-fa des Pass Ia awdes 1st r aeM MN ded j ahtla Rea gsscr-N a X



silt 4aesr stdba desb4e Ian des 3 lssy

1 des 1ss des leaNp4 bs1 do aegc siti aNas sea bides sprt Jsslies >

dent Pie1fs15

114 Nedsl-N feOosd per b d-1k des


pr sant w peRper bas

sd Yiarh peasradsstea Pr W bests 215 s-

It Sea tare ass 4r 1r mama fat is-

dsap to t per

I Em Cai1rais sa4 r iee Mssha tAiL Dame akJaktt eosir Llk

des rsr 11513 des keats

rate kflann

des per se 15d5

tDs best3r5NatN

41s Rant 31d-


set tooNdaaed 15s

des Irestempar err

ptesq d4 fes M ae4y is tsk-PssG ss UUa

Artka ley

d Yak k aYese sad wz Peale tsa-ir


wan a pool is t 5lapet stkit sltdrte ceps daNak s Iaa sutau telaa arse lwkppeat sae

Mwea keenmitts w psn15r saSSrasdsa-y M paaN enhs wet r n ks ysR wail at15her t wet

W 9rd U bkitit ysa a-

New Tor3-o5a Pelt Iwo Pesti Li 515t21t j

NeeG as a1aDsltr

Yak J4 pepipu IcedMtge aottatee bed 11111-1lsr M idsCALYP6nedph W bed psRpg tkedp

t p15d sak taMr teh slda kn y raedair he 4 auk

t1 esp hat Laa91wed mite S y

IhChieee 1tCATPLsRemipu use beadrandy a So radii 11eass ant



> >



> <







> <














TIle featuro of trading OB the Wash-ington Stock Exchange yesterdayInvestment baying of bonds The amooattaken was and ratted StatesMa B aad Washington Railway sadElectric 4s figured hi the trrdtag JfcMof the totter bring recorded vM at 1Srod SH

The sees of stock amounted to 91-aheree the target sales being 5 sharesf Railway and Ktoctrfe are

Pee iBsaraace at a stare IBaggregate W shares of Capital Tractionwere transferred tract one broker toaaotber an at d

OUter trading was to fractional lots ineluding several of the bank shares

The common stock of the WashingtonRailway and Electric Company was

so far as the record shows batthere was some very vigorous Jockeyingfar prices OB it after call Offerings ofthe stock la some quantity were madeat US a stare the highest point reachedby the stock yesterday Tbto price didnot quite salt the buying broker andW 14 sad MK was bid After repeatingthe bM and the offering price a score oftimes it was determined that therecom be so ale short of MS and thisthe broker was set wining yesterday topay It wa stated yesterday after thesesBtoa that coaaUeraMe of the commonside canward


1st at II at

tat M at ML

TMat Mat ML


I HAM at MX-

ITTTiai U l-

rWaissal a






AXT nocicaB-




ft Mr MLOCGARTha kcal law

at L taXA OaVrirgi satSued vsar Beet DBt Maadr and ane

I NATAL TTllaTTI n a m at n-

at Xc Xcata ami at Sat iarthe kaat auadr

MILL fTtT Oaaiiti aadtraat daaBsamhen in

M to-JtaX

sad saO JIG 1 shies Nawhite Ma Z

wka aairaili hqahy SsctagtlsalM des UsM-

trasjbu XMaLM dean X75 4Wla i MS X aiii dean X3US

RTE FLOCRHtaadf taaOa is daD 4JMJL

fcr set LB teal to saox

Prime si

8TKAW Otuai ailB 8FSaaay swdnala-KM jacart ma-roRKrm mt oafc-


N X-

Mairiam bca Mr Matrix M-skujusilae asks ties Tat B Csataflav H

TJW saesasfi is ra at Cnaasqr S arMa Baa sue dstrr-

UK CSM fab alma sleethr utaa feae SaX Set taacj asnta rSaWi do speeds ITM


Automobile Company to Have Capitnl of GSOOOOO

Hartford Conn July RT A reorgantsa-UOB of Pope Manufacturing Ooanpa-ywe effected this afternoon

TIM new capitalization win be j oof preferred stock sad jeM65 of tom

The company wont Into the receiversbeads oa August U UK TIle Pope Man-ufacturing Company are makers of bi-cycle and automobile sad had a capt-talteatfcm of JHSW It was announcedrat that Albert Pope G A Yuleeand Ednert J Tambryn the receivers

eUbne mast the company within aparattvely short time

The failure of tbe cempaay last yearwas ascribed to hard Mmes lid the great

getttac credit from the banksA strike at big automobile plant atToledo last year also had much to dowith the forcing of a receivership for the

The Met of the company were placedat abort J7SsP000 while the UabtttOeawere saM to be about Slo09ODO when thefailure took h asiete of thePope Motor Car Company a sabsMtaryconcern were given as jtme 0 at thesame time

you thtok of It telephone yourWant Ad to the Washington Herald anbill win be dent you at 1 cent a word



rilmtd at sad iO shares ofthe


be had at a dear and up

IItItIIar I-Iu a lit

Ii-ii S II t iZ

e111 neat


LO l Dade a




and rae IsJIa 3ItYabo


tBXe-eIDIk w 1











c R-cr n-


10I 81

c JL


s ywtda e6 tIIIt a us

tIIIt er

vieW1 dIIIa pet

to tIe antIe lUll

21 td

0 Plat 4I-anu

lairI 81

ta1 rc ray akIU811J1a1a Acct

tttr In usPehe



4Mock The new will psr

chase the entire will operate the he and at Wettt5e3d


wrodd Iy 73 per nest of ail the







ttad1s tea1R Commercial



ail teas aailea as W 1112-

4Waskp en Way sad ttlsMr e at 1-1Capd Tasks a st e 15 aWaultaer 1adbay sad 1slt tdTd 2

3tNr arb gs kY Risk Rat IK-

Caaaal ThuCalmtic I r ns c ii

p dsdtoPh sbe as the ds c gsstass1sM asT-

sM Atkd

1 115-

G ant 4

1Offa4 Taeas 1 en Seaw PIS le N-

CsIk t MMk

StaNeny aad Efaask M arFit sc 1YSteak r 2rripta lsaeat k-Ltawwb ikhp 111-4WaMapo 7 1-YWskf is 1212 M-

PCRUClhoir M M-

W tkielad able ea a aWeb fdsq V pfd Mt M-

talr T as W-Waebiaras N-vgrwa K-P15 Talellae d aha iads alhanlaahr Usoyps i N-


lbar tltplt 111 15-11Ifsef x-

74AnOlrA6 faldiLI-meta M 115


5Lank 11S1114ll-

let i M M M-WiiJ t6 r

TenSantis eta k r Ans M TatNatirr Bakdvats

None 11-Mattist and Yana Mrlsearata unless i-ma awaarCi


1 1-

Prblk a SYear 5

Pot a a-li 141 iK

UI15U15a15ea fN0015-Zexhbk 3


Gtahr a x-

11eAa tt l r ilpa WIasst a l-

Waa4apta Yale a aled tit tMst

wrstet ass M ady veUfad154 15 31 end a desaaPe 1-5w auMso 7

t padrewa aeiet15h ante esa tics k-e eel hates qMd tic ae

hit a its ssasM tsa b fnscasedaa punt Naives bepest at 415 ao ind

IPrc12ek rue stklkp

dry MAR 1415 k trek Wawa Matsme sMa utat h15R o late earl


teat reapRam iii


CO1 YEALstteq xtheves 1a-R3ATReIeM en Wv wsp dratire s 7 lea aAS Na-


kgdci Pseqlfeeti

hopthkWakta 311 des atetend ersske4 San Asdn 1

BUT Rtrtipt


Wes m


men cOmpaayproperty aad


p svedeoo









Capital 200000Surplus and undivided profits 40000Deposits 1400000

Two Centrally LocatedBanking Houses

both conducted on the soundest principles and equipped withevery modern convenience enable us to offer depositors


3 Interest on Savings AccountsONE DOLLAR will open an accountCommercial accounts invited upon the most terms

Merchants MechanicsUnder Supervision of


Julius Peyser v

Banking Hours

President days 9 a m to 12 noon SATNIGHTS from 6 to

Irvin Owing

PENNA AVE AND TENTH STBranch Cor Seventh and G Sts

eo eo eo


B kan u S Treasury Dept


9 a m to 3 p m on SaturMichael G onaIckL

S CatsCashier UJL fleshier9 and on 1st 2d 3d 15th 16th

yr I and last days of each monthp m



iSavBna s

cC PPes-esIdentnt

PtndaOwes ThompsooAsstSeventh Street Branch

W151am C jthextdlagtssMnegerManager until 5



sliest Engineer on C 0Rim Down by Train


John II Merrltt Killed at CliftonPore AVai Pilot of FASt PlyingVirginian for Many Years andWarn highly E tcemed by I tallroad Offialals for Ills Fldell

Ohio as the host mnrm ma tat Amsttenwas struck by tast bonad Cbssatpeakosad Ohio psurogm unto X S at Clifton

rge and fatally Injured r sutt-teg wtthbi twatyflr mhimsu aStor

3fT MaaTttt WM

to fhaimaniina OB NoIMS a On wert

lad west of Gladys teaftwn snliaid yard a tMi-

m hi the ast xrand main tracklilt by Bncinr Pilot

Upon exI smmatlon It was found that sas-taka deep gaaba on the n ck andof bond He tan hurried to tbeexpired tJt-

of the fatattty was wr dly to Ids tanks but itthat his wtfa sad daoghMr onvide to at Mldfflsbrook A-gaeta County Xr MorrKTs son Willthe Richmond Prosorietebarg and Po-tomae Railroad was notUed and Mt

on toe early morning trainfor CUftoa Forge The body wilt bs-btouaiat here for lariat

Mr Merrttt was a native of Augusta

of hta ageoca was gained as a hrak maa

Stauntoa and Htoton la U8 tw a yeight years ago he bsaan Ida

aagtaoer and two years later unitodwith the Brotherhood of Locomotive K-ghwera of which order he was a ai

Herewarded as most cngtnfcr-oa th Mountain division of the Chesa-peake and Ohio having m his cbwrgetwo of fastest traits oa the roadNog S and F F Va

Personally 3tr Merritt WM of themost popular railroad men n thai sectionof State Ho was a Mason m m

of local lodge Xo CB amid aa Elk


Va JulyJuba H JMn1tt K thlePal J of the

IbisIIIItIda WQ tit Uw

tit for rsisfl tripe atIlL tile

hethis di

gently of No

The pilot of tile engine C1Iek lEI

tile his honk againstraD this welt track


tileaDd Ohio where be-



who le thief dertt to oidat of

L lad

Casty and Is theIlk raI1roedI8g upe

her up to tIe time of Ids loth wastIM teat


the a-


Charbtis IDs ritpgs seccity i bed by

li Staeea Cheespske sad


an eo-glaa h prep kin



to freest 3 which wad omis

hbaide ad threw theao


Chess 4 tat

pre tptbee was fwd


Ma an

was fiftyeeoed ysderSeat


career se-an





+ >




Two years ago the sate of Taft wasgiven toa smell town m I nca 4 rCo BtyVa TIlls Is only one of the maay phuesnamed after the uteUa uisued candidatelast H is safe to say that tile vote of thetown of Taft in Virginia win be eatcoMair for William J Bryan

Virctaia may well take her rightfulplace seem amoag dairying States OO-Bdttioas are favorable for this ta everyrespect notably ta mad dl adame of graafog load andveiihiine to exeeMeat markets and facul-ties for transporting the products Wehave takes occasion to trip atoms tateat m dairytag heretofore ana aregratifled to know that the interest tobroaeBtegRcaaoco World

t andfamtsa tbe atroagest oacnnractsaent tohope for prosperity pravMed Uw trustMgnatee do not get ta between thecrops and the people who are eoasonterssad by high prices which always motehard times drive away prosperityPetersburg IndexAppeal-


The BIg Stone Gap SMBMMJT laotnatefor Teachers o eaed Jamo M has

largest attendance la tile history ofthe school The enrollment is now con

tilts year Is of a high order Thepeople ta this secBon of the State are ofthe opinion that the Normal sboaM bepermanently located at leg Stone Gapbecause that place is now recognized asthe Mecca of the educational lire ofSouthwest Virginia There is now beingconstructed there a large and commodioushotel to be called the Normal for the

The er this are


llderaW than sad the wsrk


abanWalt con

year aba


more 311



United States Marine SavesTwo from Waves


Offers Six Hundred Dollars to Sailorfrom Cruiser CArolina KTioPlunges Into Waves and Brings

Wright and tier YoungBrother Safely to Shore

siiaJ to TbrNorfolk Va July Mtss Mary

Wright and yswag brotaor savedtenet drowaiog at Irgbda Beach byHoary a Vnttod Stare maniainns th ualaar North Carolina

Sacsag Mtos Wright aad her brotherhetaaaeety MrassAig ia tIM oases

loudthrew off Ida coat and dashed liraiilj outthtovgh UM rwcne sad

aaayfather of Wright sad

M jay at theoffend Cloud ttH an tile ash be

Wright and her brother niecethrown taco the water from a boat la-wMoh they wore rowmg


Dennis Snillvnn Stxtyfonr YearsOld Struck by n Car

Koriolk Vs July Jft Dennis Sullivanstetyf mr yenta oat a carriage manufac-turer lid one of moot prominent citl-aea of Portsmouth was struck by atrolley car near Ocean View lad night

INN Norfolk

tbe car Ho never regained conscious-ness Mystery nnr ouadb Ids presence atthe spot where the accident occurred

to CM out of tile war fr the car to go byend teD back against

Carolina Chairman ResignsSaMsbury X O Jury at J P Greek

chairman of Ute Democratic executivecommittee for the Eighth dtetrtct has

and exRepresentative Theodore FKhrttz of Salisbury is the unanimouschoice of the committee for chair-manship





aMI-D of drowning

the 3U to loaded

TIle herI II reseed

for Ide heroic batmania tIy refused

SRis1 a xtile

and at St VlDceat HNwas badly crabed by

He had off the uack


of elemeotd who last mouth was elected






ianslsr Mogan


ekebneksr ec

hadas a rowsrd ce data1k k-


t Wligss

Ned tonight

SidIkms kuf

apparently stepped




of Ute teachers attendingthe institute Tata is only the third termof tile institute He work for good hasfrom wticaj its patronage comes

To insure strict compliance with tbe lawby tile West Virginia legislature

known as the corrupt practices actno money whisky or other thing of

I value may be used to Influence the reter

tickets in Taylor County W Va are

with that law m Its true letter and wirtt-

la aa editorial entitled Whistle Againtile SvKotk Bventeg Herald says Thepersonal organ of the Taft family UteCincinnati Times Star acts very muchlike the boy whistling to keep up his

whoa K says The sun te sbming thebeds are staging and wmtain JtowtassBryan has again reoolved the X e oeratie-

tkm lot President of the tailedStates Why sheaMnt Republicans te-ta pyr

TIle Democratle ticket Is vktaeHrVirginia as both Ute fatter orBryan and the father of Kern weren the OM Dominion TIM is cer-tainly acceptable to Virginia aad it wOtsweep State The Democrat aresited everywhere ca the boat platformsad the beet ticket they have bad teyears They will wit Ute election Whyeves Ohio Judge State is doubtlot The Republicans indeed to beIn sore straits in hoping for success in-States impregnable against Republicanassault as Virginia Georgia and NorthCarolina are Peninsula Enterprise


Petfelt tbe


In IIb Ids haIIet tile eat3the and Republican

Ill to strictly

wilDe pustDg by a grave yard




throughout try


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While AccumulatingHere Your Money

Will Earn 3per annum interest and in

addition will have that protec

tion insured by government


Deposits subject to check

Ample facilities for transact-

ing banking business of every


United StatesTnistCompanyII Bradley Davidson President

1405 G Street Northwest

Capital and Surplus JJ OOWC

Union Trust CoEdward SUBwiisEJaN O Pajoe-6aa E Haauaan-

Gn E naaJse

J4 Yips Piarideat

Iran O WIHeaW D Mom

Interest on ALL acceutsDeposits subject to efeeok

TheSafest InvestmentsAe time tint d B t taHStlU llslau aaHarfeed

des C trait sots that mmtg pril well Moand-

ra iiinpr boBX twos aa jmiiaaH jxncHWe CXBSeat JH9 ssvard

Swartzell Rheem 6Hensey Cot-


Capital aeoo ks n iB

Drafts direct on principal dues ofthe world

Letters of Credit IssuedExchange bought and soldInvestments and collections madeStocks and Bonds bought and sold

Pa Are opposite U


lnr t sf intemt fttmtatt I tcS I e-

POO er niaa at aar inUnt patiedTHE F H SMITH CO-


DOOBTSK SZ aaeer M torts tod isaS aaei a

fist and ta ratri ftatmiU adj BMTJold cociVJenitltn banevcn



RBAU-csUte at boast rfc iaerc t speediiflfctj vtta kefpea e fetor vajBMSO TTLSB-KOTHERFOBD HBCJ W Mth tt w BB4tf-


ccasldtratlon f r Unavera WM H SAONDK83


Three Men Bound Over to the CntteilState Grand Jury

St dal to Tbe UB u BoaldAnnapolis Md July laCharged wilt

tile theft of a lot of toes pipe and etherJunk from the Naval Academy RobertCarraa Robert Elliott and John Chap

atKled for tbe action of tbe Statesgrand jury te at tile comingSepteatber term

TIM hearing was before Deputy tailedStates Ceramtsekmer Julian Brewer ofAnnapolis It is alleged that the oKeasewas committed throe weeks ago and thearrest of Ute three men was only madeOB Wednesday aa they has kept taemselves ia hiding la default of ball theywere committed to Jan Pt r a suaflaroffense Eattott was previOBaty sentencedto a term of Imsi I SIMM iM and Csad Chappea have served terms in Jailfor other oCeaees

Bryan and Kern Club FormedSeed ta The ffnhsiilsi Baud

Lynchburg Va July A rnovnmentwas started here today for the formationof a BryanKern aad Glass IVmocraticdab Membership papers were signedduring the day An wffl beperfected Gee night next wk inmeeting which will be reinexState Senator Thomas

When you have lost or found anythingtelephone an advertisement to The

Herald and bin will be sent you at








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