Issue No 12 — Autumn 2017 Plaistow South Big Local What Is PSBL? South Plaistow is one of 150 areas selected by the Big LoƩery to receive funds from a £200 million, 10-year programme to ensure loƩery ‘good causes’ money is fairly distributed. We have over £1 million to spend! And loads of other resources to draw on. Plaistow South Big Local is an independent community iniƟaƟve, led by residents, working to bringing together all the local talent, ambiƟons, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisaƟons who want to make the area an even beƩer place to live. We are now in Year 3 of our programme, and aim to make a signicant and lasƟng posiƟve dierence to our community. JOIN US to make that dierence! PSBL is being supported by Local Trust, which is working with the Big LoƩery Fund and a range of partners providing expert advice and support for residents, and locally by Rights & EqualiƟes In Newham (REIN). INSIDE THIS ISSUE Page Plan update 2 Glen Rd Mural installaƟon 3 Plaistow Market Place FesƟval 4-5 Re-imagining the Greenway 6 Green Spaces Workers 7 Pride Net & Dragons’ Den 7 Grants available 8 NoƟceboard & Contacts 8 Bloomin’ Plaistow 2017 6 Together anything is PoSsiBLe Our mural is up! AŌer two years of painƟng and preparaƟon by over 1000 local people, the Glen Road Community Mural was installed in late July courtesy of construcƟon company Thomas Sinden. The mural is comprised of 75 panels, each 2.44 metres high, with a total length of close to 100 metres, painted by local adults, young people and children, including from Kaizen and New City Primary Schools, NewVIC, Cumberland School, The Mix (REIN) and Rythm Youth Clubs, Newham University Hospital, and open sessions at Plaistow Library and The Mix community centre. ConƟnued on p.3 www.plaistowsouthbiglocal.org.uk

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Plaistow South Big Local newsle er Issue No.12 - Autumn 2017

Issue No 12 — Autumn 2017

Plaistow South Big Local

What Is PSBL?

South Plaistow is one of 150 areas selected by the Big Lo ery to receive funds from a £200 million, 10-year programme to ensure lo ery ‘good causes’ money is fairly distributed.

We have over £1 million to spend! And loads of other resources to draw on.

Plaistow South Big Local is an independent community ini a ve, led by residents, working to bringing together all the local talent, ambi ons, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisa ons who want to make the area an even be er place to live.

We are now in Year 3 of our programme, and aim to make a significant and las ng posi ve difference to our community.

JOIN US to make that difference!

PSBL is being supported by Local Trust, which is working with the Big Lo ery Fund and a range of partners providing expert advice and support for residents, and locally by Rights & Equali es In Newham (REIN).


Plan update 2

Glen Rd Mural installa on 3

Plaistow Market Place Fes val 4-5

Re-imagining the Greenway 6

Green Spaces Workers 7

Pride Net & Dragons’ Den 7

Grants available 8

No ceboard & Contacts 8

Bloomin’ Plaistow 2017 6

Together anything is PoSsiBLe

Our mural is up!

A er two years of pain ng and prepara on by over 1000 local people, the Glen Road Community Mural was installed in late July courtesy of construc on company Thomas Sinden. The mural is comprised of 75 panels, each 2.44 metres high, with a total length of close to 100 metres, painted by local adults, young people and children, including from Kaizen and New City Primary Schools, NewVIC, Cumberland School, The Mix (REIN) and Rythm Youth Clubs, Newham University Hospital, and open sessions at Plaistow Library and The Mix community centre.

Con nued on p.3


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“Local History” Our “Growing Up In Plaistow” exhibi on is available to borrow for local venues and events. Website and app running. Project to mark the 70th anniv. of the NHS in 2018 agreed. Nomina on of commemora ve plaque sites under way. History talks or reminiscence sessions to be planned.

“Community Arts” Glen Road Community mural mounted—launch event 8th Sept.; Reviewing Arts Hub; looking to develop and part-fund arts-based ini a ves possibly including installa ons on The Greenway, an arts trail, graffi wall, and children’s/youth projects to supplement local schools’ art curriculum.

“Plaistow Streets” ”Bloomin’ Plaistow” 2017 compe on run with 34 nomina ons; Support residents’ projects - £1500 available to YOUR STREET/BLOCK NOW - get in touch! Liaise with LBN re Play Streets, & more effec vely tackling street fly- pping; First li er-pick event run (nominate your local hotspot?). Ongoing promo on of “Love where you live” poster to highlight li ering issue. First annual Plaistow Fes val event held 22nd July —planning 2018’s from now—be part of it!


“The Greenway” Improving access and use of the Greenway - suppor ng LBN works & plans - underway!

“Green Spaces” Two part- me Community Workers just recruited to progress green space/wildlife ini a ves— poten ally including the community orchard, suppor ng residents to improve run-down spaces - working with new resident groups’ projects - £2500 plus volunteer team available for your green space NOW—get in touch! Support forma on of a gardening/hor cultural club. Possibly produce a teachers’ pack to assist with exploring the Greenway.


“Credit Union Access” Promo ng Credit Union use in south Plaistow—Money A+E project funded un l Mar 2020.

“Advice & Support” Money management & debt advice—Money A+E project funded un l Mar 2020.

“Training Champions & Mentors”

Local people trained to signpost and guide others—Money A+E project funded un l Mar 2020.


“Outreach to Isolated Older People”

Evaluate the 2016-17 ‘buddying’ project & concurrent feasibility study re the most effec ve way to provide support to older people leaving hospital or otherwise in circumstances which might lead to their social isola on; Fund local organisa ons to run social ac vi es such as social nights or ou ngs for all, ac vi es targeted just for women or primarily for men (e.g. dominos/music sharing), etc. Funding for ac vi es available to local groups— get in touch!

“ICT Classes” Support development and opera on of IT classes for older people linked to local schools’ or youth project volunteers .


“PYM” Young people’s market— 2 run so far this year; 2 more planned—sustainability models being worked on.

“Building Skills, Engage- ment & Enterprise”

Support, training and skills development through Youth Enterprise Worker; training and support available - (contact Lora on 074 0561 1338 for details)

“Young People’s Forum” Forum to shape and steer youth ac vi es in Plaistow, with match-funding of their projects.


“Suppor ng Local Ac on Fund”

Small grants to local groups—one grant already made this year - up to £2500 available throughout 2017; training and support to local groups; small dona ons to local causes.

“Community Hub” Feasibility study and poten al investment in re-developing REIN and/or The Mix as a community hub resource - feasibility study brief at dra stage.

“School Savers” Develop savers scheme at a local Primary School—in the offing!

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Primarily funded and commissioned by PSBL, with major contribu ons from partners LBN Plaistow Community Neigh-bourhood and Barts Health NHS Trust, the mural was over-seen by ar st-organiser Madhumita Bose-Thomas.

There are four ‘sec ons’ to the mural - star ng at the end nearest Prince Regent Lane, panels move from dealing with local history, through health issues and then educa on, to a final sec on (nearest the hospital’s main entrance) celebra ng local community and diversity.

It is a true “community” mural, in that, within the broad themes and schema, panels were prepared, drawn and painted from scratch by locals, and then worked on by Madhumita to integrate them into the final scheme - the

excep on being the final panel which was contributed by professional ar st Serena Sussex.

If you receive this newsle er before 8th September, why not come along at 3pm that day to join in the mass ribbon-cu ng which will officially ’open’ the mural? Otherwise, just mosey on down any me, along Glen Road, to take a closer look at this wonderful art exhibi on!

We hope you agree that it has really brightened up a dull wall, as well as having provided a crea ve ac vity for so many people!

Here are some photos of the installa on process and the final result. Major thanks to for their help!

Glen Road Community Mural—it’s up! Con nued from front page

The first panel goes up! Denny, Madhumita, and Cllrs Hussain & Abdulmuhit lend a hand!

The first sec on is nearly done!

Cu ng panels to fit round corners Moving panels from store to van to site Denny & Simon on site with the TS team

Hospital and Council officers help oversee the installa on The final sec on goes up PSBL’s proud Chair, Denny!

A panoramic view of the whole mural Photos courtesy of Emily Cornuaud

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A ended by around 1900 people, Plaistow Summer Market Place Fes val was held in Plaistow Park on Saturday 22nd July 2017. The usual Plaistow Youth Market (see opposite page) was matched by three further elements - a collec on of com-munity informa on and ac vity stalls, a performance stage showcasing local talent, and a range of fun ac vi es including Sumo Suits and pedal carts in the centre of the park.

The event was organised and funded jointly by Plaistow South Big Local and LBN Plaistow Community Neighbour-hood, with further contribu ons from Park Lives, West Ham United Founda on, and Tesco.

Community stalls included health, social care and employ-ment informa on and support, recycling and fly- pping advice, the Green Gym (TCV), REIN and VYG youth services, Friends of Queens Market coconut shy, face-pain ng and henna, local sports and ac vity providers, and, of course, Plaistow Community Neighbourhood.

The packed performance schedule was compered and ed together by singer-guitarist Zac Vincent, performing pop and rock songs from the 60s to the present day. Performers

included tradi onally-costumed Lithuanian dance troupe Versme which meets at the Mix, powerful young singer Charlo e (a former Tollgate Primary School pupil), Quadrille dancers from Newham African Caribbean Centre, and young musicians from Lister School, UCKG’s Victory Youth Group, and The Mix Youth Centre. There was also a touch of drama and community choir singing from Plaistow-based Applecart Arts and two “flash Zumba” sessions led by SalsaPam’s Cris na - rapidly turned into Zumberella by the onset of rain!

The event incorporated this year’s PSBL “Bloomin’ Plaistow” compe on awards (see page 6), an exhibi on of PSBL’s projects, and an arts ac vi es tent also organised by PSBL.

Visitors to the event included the Mayor of Newham and 6 local Councillors, along with an engine and crew from Plais-tow Fire Sta on!

The hope is to make next year’s event part of a week-long “Plaistow Fes val” - if you would like to be part of the planning group for this, get in touch with Simon now (see back page for PSBL contact info).

Zumberella in the Park - the first Plaistow Fes val!

Zac Vincent Versme - Lithuanian folk dancers Community stalls

Victory Youth Group Peter & Madhumita’s arts tent Charlo e Quadrille dancers

Zumberella! PSBL + Council = photo opp! Fun at the Photo Booth!

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PYM9, held on Saturday 22nd July, was a huge success despite the pouring rain. Our aim was to bring the community together and celebrate all things Plaistow - and we did just that! This market was part of Plaistow Summer Market Place Fes val, an ini a ve of PSBL in partnership with LBN Plaistow Community Neighbourhood.

13 stalls were allocated, of which 8 were led by young people aged 14 to 30 years, and 5 by people over 30 – the average age of lead stallholders was 33. Around 40 young people and young adults were involved in running stalls. The total takings of the young people’s stalls topped £700.

We would like to say THANK YOU to all involved in the organisa on of the market and those coming along to help

during the market day. Special thanks go to our volunteers and traders who stayed un l the end to help pack up every-thing in the rain!

Our 10th market will be on Saturday 2nd December at NewVIc, from 11am to 2:30pm. Come along and check out all that the traders have to offer. Help us do be er by sending your feedback to [email protected] or visit our Facebook page: h ps://www.facebook.com/PlaistowYouthMarket/. If you would like to take part, as a trader or a volunteer, please also contact Lora. This is a fantas c way to meet new people, gain new skills and have a great me.

Plaistow Youth Market - part of the fes val

Bianca, a young PYM entrepreneur, says she “Always enjoyed cra ing things. I would make toys and games out of paper and cardboard.”

At her first PYM market stall she was selling bear keyrings and sweets “just to try it out” she said, “but I didn’t really know what direc on I wanted to go in”.

Bianca kept a ending more markets and invested in her business idea. I am very impressed with how quickly she has grown. I remember Bianca when she had her first stall at PYM, two and a half years ago - she improves with every market she a ends.

Bianca says “I wanted to create a brand for myself that represented my style and was able to inspire others.” She is definitely inspiring me with her vibrant stall.

With a quirky-girly style she creates unique and cute products for customers . B-sweet is aimed mostly at women, because Bianca definitely relates more to the female market. She is inspired mostly by Cath Kidston and Ted Baker “I love Kidston’s floral prints, which are always changing. … I also love Ted Bakers slightly retro style and use of bows.”

Bianca’s view on PYM? “Being part of PYM I was able to learn ps and tricks from other traders, which helped me to be er

my business. Also, through my experience trading regularly on the market I was able to understand my customers’ needs in my area and tailor my business to them. PYM is a great community to be part of - people are always willing to give

advice and support as we’re all aiming to grow together."

You can see what B-sweet has to offer on its Instagram page bsweetgi s, or visit the Etsy store at www.etsy.com/uk/shop/bsweetgi s, and at our next PYM on the 2nd December at NewVIc.

B-sweet in Plaistow Park Lora Toma meets Bianca Prince, a young cra designer who a ends Plaistow’s Victory Youth Group

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Bloomin’ Plaistow 2017

Re-imagining the Greenway in 3D

The second year for PSBL’s “Bloomin’ Plaistow” compe on saw 34 nomina ons of front gardens, window box and hanging basket displays. The quan ty was matched by quality, making it a difficult and lively task for PSBL’s Steering Group to select the winning entries!

Awards were announced at the Plaistow Summer Market Place Fes val in July. Congratula ons to Mechelle Duffy of Palmer Road (Gold), Saher Arzoo of Kingsland Road (Silver) and Carlos Gonzales also of Kingsland Road (Bronze) - winning Wes ield/B&Q vouchers worth £150, £100 and £50 respec vely. There was also a special Chair’s Award for one of the best runners-up, Bill Veness of St.Quin n Road. All runners-up received a cer ficate and token gi too!

Have a look at our website home page for photos of the runners-up entries.

PSBL funded Rose a Art Centre to work with pupils at Kaizen and Tollgate Primary Schools to make clay models represen ng their visions of how the Greenway could be improved. Kikis Leven s, a local ar st and Finnish ceramicist Pauliina Pollanen, a former ar st in residence at the V&A led the a er school workshops.

At the awards event held in NewVIC’s new café in July, 9 pupils were awarded scholarships to RAC’s Saturday Art School, and 37 arts kits were given to those who took part in workshops.

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GREEN SPACES & STREETS Alongside our Community Development Coordinator, Simon Vincent, and Youth Enterprise Worker, Lora Toma, we now have a dynamic duo of “Green Spaces Community Workers”!

Milena Rouse and Ros Southern were the successful applicants in our recent recruitment - so good we had to employ them both!

Their role will be to focus on our “Greening Plaistow” and “Plaistow Streets” priori es (see page 2), helping residents, other volunteers and partner organisa ons carry out make-overs on local green spaces and make a posi ve difference to south Plaistow streets and blocks.

We would also like to develop a local club for gardeners to share ideas and experience - is that something in which you might be interested?

Milena has a special interest in organic gardening, and has been involved in running parent & toddler groups, a community garden,

and running a Family Garden Group. She has also professional skills as a life coach and complementary therapy.

Ros has loads of relevant experience - running street par es, St George’s Day cuppas, food fes vals, street sales, arts fes vals, a food coop, green events, skills sharing, children's play, campaigning etc. She’s also worked and volunteered in Newham for many years in conflict resolu on, media on, community development, and community gardens.

PSBL is so glad to be able to bring Ros and Milena on board to work with the south Plaistow community.

We have grants available to groups of resi-dents of up to £2500 to cover costs of these projects, and some corporate partners bring addi onal funds!

Get in touch if you have an idea to improve your street or a nearby green space.

Milena Rouse

Ros Southern

Newham's first Pride Youth Network started at Cumber-land School at the beginning of this year. PSBL discovered them through our Plaistow Youth Market when they applied to host a photo booth. With such an energe c and helpful a tude, we are so happy to have found them.

PSBL decided they deserve to be celebrated for all their involvement in the local community. Hosted at The Mix, it was a lovely a ernoon with a rainbow cake made by Adam The Pastry Guy, that impressed everyone present. Music and dancing featured too!

Our collabora on with Pride Network will con nue developing the Photobooth into a business worthy of envy.

Just a few days before last school year ended, we decided it was me to celebrate the progress our Dragons’ Den winners have made in the past year. We invited all par cipants of the compe on to The Mix and, besides cake and pizza, they shared what they have learned on this journey.

Although the businesses are very different, from African prints clothes to 3D prin ng and halal sweets, the basics of a business are the same and much of what they learned was relevant for everyone. We will con nue to sustain the compe tors and, we hope, we can start a new compe on opened to all youth PSBL residents.

The pupils have le this celebra on more mo vated than ever to con nue their journey towards a successful business.

Pride Party Dragons’ Den Awards Celebra on

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Together anything is PoSsiBLe!


PSBL has a small grants programme to support local groups and organisa ons address the needs in our Priori es (see page 2). Your group doesn’t need to be a cons tuted organisa on. You could be just a group of local residents who want to make a posi ve change on a need or issue.

So far we’ve awarded over £18000 to projects including catering training for young lone parents, youth performances, computer training resources, domes c violence awareness for young Asian women, development of a charity shop, leather goods workshops for young people, and involving girls and young women in sport.

Details of the applica on process and the simple form are available from our website:

www.plaistowsouthbiglocal.org.uk/ini a ves/suppor ng-local-ac on/

or for paper copies email: [email protected]

VOLUNTEER WITH Making all this PSBL stuff happen relies on teams of volunteers! We’re always looking for new people to help with our ini a ves.

Do you have experience of community work, grants management or monitoring, evalua on, events manage-ment, social media campaigning and marke ng, facili es management, fundraising, accoun ng/book keeping, running workshops or training or advice services, project management or art ac vity facilita on?

Could you help us in planning or running the Plaistow Youth Market, helping on our green spaces or arts projects, promo ng our Money Issues ini a ves, manage our finances or grants programmes, improve our use of social media, or anything else? Give us a call or email for a chat about where you might volunteer (see bo om le ).



Plaistow South Big Local


[email protected]

020 7473 5349 / 079 2010 1740

c/o REIN, 478 Barking Road, E13 8QB

Having fun is PoSsiBLe! Helping with PSBL ini a ves is not all hard work! There’s a good mix of fun in everything we do, and many a laugh to be had.

Good friendships grow across our differences, but we haven’t done enough pure fun things for

our volunteers un l now!

In August we finally got around to having our Christmas 2016 social celebra on - an evening at The Good Hotel in Victoria Dock with great food and drink and, chiefly, ourselves!

Please “like” our

Facebook page