PGDM 2 Year (Equivalent to MBA) Post Graduate Diploma in Management Influencing Practice Promoting Value Based Growth

S P Jain Institute of Management and Research

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PGDM2 Year

(Equivalent to MBA)

Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Influencing Practice

Promoting Value Based Growth

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“The essential spring of all growth is

within you. All that you can get from

without is some food - material or

spiritual - with which to build your own

organism, and some stimulus to spur you

to activity. What is really essential in your

development, you must do for yourself.”

- Alfred North Whitehead

“A hundred times every day, I remind

myself that my inner and outer life

depend on the labours of other men,

living and dead. And that I must exert

myself in order to give in the same

measure as I have received and am still


-Albert Einstein

Our Inspiration

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We recognise our twin roles – as a responsible member of Bharatiya Vidya

Bhavan and as a responsive member of Indian society at large – and look at

ourselves in a wider context as a 'Beyond MBA' institution. We aspire to be a

globally recognised institute with concurrent presence in socially relevant

segments of Indian society.

We emphasize 'Influencing practice' and 'Promoting value-based growth',

which remain the guiding posts for planning and execution in all that we do.

In all our endeavours, we emphasize (i) attitudes and skills as much as

knowledge, (ii) indigenous learner-centric pedagogy, and (iii) global best

practices. Our attempt is to synthesize the apparent contradictions between

western efficiency and eastern ethos, and competition and collaboration. We

believe this could be a global model one day.

As a self-reliant institution, we seek operational freedom and encourage an

entrepreneurial, agile and flexible organizational culture working on a

collaborative pursuit of innovative solutions.

SPJIMR community strives to realize the objectives of the institution through

self-accountability, professional discipline and hard work.

Our Mission


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Letter from the Dean


Learning Approach

The Programme

Ÿ Programme Overview

Ÿ Programme Architecture

Ÿ Pedagogy & Evaluation

Social Sensitivity

Ÿ Leadership Development Programme

Global Relevance

Ÿ International Events, Conferences & Seminars

Ÿ Courses in International Schools

Ÿ International Faculty

Industry Integration

Ÿ An Overview

Ÿ SPJIMR Academic Conclave

Ÿ Guest Lectures & Visiting Faculty

Ÿ Corporate Events & Awards

Ÿ Autumn Internships


Ÿ Overview

Ÿ Placement Report Audits

Ÿ Our Prominent Recruiters


Ÿ Admissions 2014

Ÿ The Selection Process























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My dear MBA aspirants:

I take pride in introducing SPJIMR as a values-based institution with a relentless focus on teaching management rooted in values and for a larger purpose, thereby opening up rich opportunities for long term success and fulfillment that extend well beyond the superior placement records that we are known and recognised for.

Like most well-known B-Schools, we attract some of the best and the brightest students. You are one of them and I have no doubt that you bring your unique skills and qualifications coupled with superior academic performance to a field of study that at SPJIMR will not only be rewarding but also challenging and exciting.

A good management programme will equip you with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable you to participate in modern day businesses in a world where the economic landscape is changing, competition is rising and expectations from business are growing. In this complex environment, you will be charged with negotiating the path and leading people, optimising processes and delivering results. It's a world full of challenges as well as opportunities, and management programmes open up the doors and lay out the path for you.

But as an increasing number of candidates chase limited seats in select schools, an aura of exclusivity and elitism builds up and drives even more to these institutions. This brings us the incongruence of a bunch of bright youngsters who set out to be leaders by first becoming blind followers – members of a herd who rush without thinking about where they are going.

Now is the time therefore to take pause and ask some searching questions:

Why do you want to join a management programme?

How can this qualification help you lead a successful life?

And more crucially, what do you regard as success?

At SPJIMR, we ask these questions again and again. We teach that material success is important but it can ring hollow without an understanding of the deeper purpose that must guide your decisions and a spirit of service that must lead you to action.

These are the very issues that business leaders are grappling with today. As trust erodes and people demand that businesses be held accountable for all their actions and impacts, only those that lead by a set of values to serve the larger good and a wide base of stakeholders will grow and thrive.





‘An open-arms approach'LETTER FROM THE DEAN

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It is in this mould that you must resolve to learn, grow and build a career.

Individuals are unique and so are great business schools. Just as you are unmatched in terms of your potential, skill sets, preferences and what you stand for, so are we distinct in our values, philosophy, programme architecture, learning approach and social orientation. Our selection process, perhaps the most rigorous but also intriguing to some aspirants, is designed for mutual selection in a peer moderated context.

While we choose you on the basis of your potential, values and individual beliefs, we encourage you to choose us for a substantial overlap of similar criteria. This open-arms approach has been our hallmark almost since inception. With a good match, we make a formidable combination together that industry welcomes by awarding outstanding career opportunities to graduating candidates.

A perfect match could mean finding a philosophy that seeds a fulfilling life, well beyond a successful career. Hence, it is important that you carefully assess (perhaps, even skeptically evaluate) our unique value proposition and leave no doubt in your mind that SPJIMR is the right place for you to spend two critical and formative years of your life.

I would urge you to find your unique purpose and passion to study management at SPJIMR and not be one among the herd.

Best wishes,

Dr. M. L. Shrikant(DBA Harvard)Honarary Dean, SPJIMR


Individuals are unique and so are great business schools.

Just as you are unmatched in terms of your potential, skill sets,

preferences and what you stand for, so are we distinct in our

values, philosophy, programme architecture, learning

approach and social orientation.

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SPJIMR encourages development of a co-operative outlook that recognises the value of sharing and mutual respect. A testimonial of the same is reflected in the rankings of SPJIMR.

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR) is an autonomous management institute with entrepreneurial agility, personal freedom with professional accountability and corporatised culture, structure and processes. Since its inauguration in 1981 by the then British Prime Minister Rt. Hon'ble Margaret Thatcher, it has been consistently recognised as one of the top 10 management institutes in the country, by the virtue of its innovative pedagogic approach and ability to adapt to the changing business requirements.

gogic innovations and has developed pioneering programmes in socially under-managed sectors.

The Institute has an enviable track record of recognising the needs of the society, especially the underprivileged sectors. It is the only business school in India that has internship in the social sector as an indispensable part of its curriculum. SPJIMR indeed carved a niche for itself in the social sector and has set up a model that top business schools across the world are trying to emulate.

The guiding philosophy of SPJIMR is 'Influencing Practice' and 'Promoting Value Based Growth'.

Influencing Practice- All initiatives and innovations at SPJIMR aim to influence industry practices and therefore make us a participant in re-shaping the nation's future.

Promoting Value Based Growth- We believe that individuals need to build the right blend of concern for their own welfare and social good.

SPJIMR enjoys freedom in course curriculum, peda


Improved Rankings in all the

major B-School Surveys:

Ÿ Business World: 4

Ÿ Business Standard: 6

Ÿ Business India: 7

Ÿ Outlook: 7

Ÿ Hindustan Times: 9

Ÿ CNBC TV C-Fore: 9

Ÿ MBAUniverse: 9

Ÿ Business Today: 7

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At SPJIMR, we focus on Attitudes (To Be) and Skills(To Do) aspects of management education as much as the Knowledge (To Know) aspect. Though due importance is given to classroom learning, the effort is to build suitable stimuli into non-classroom learning on which the participants can base their own self-development. Our learning approach covers the following:

! Innovative pedagogy for character and attitude building, developing a mindset for holistic thinking and recognising skills for administration, in additionto the conventional inputs towards development of analytic, rational skills. To achieve the same, SPJIMR has evolved a combination of both classroom and beyond classroom pedagogic innovations.

! Focus on values-based education to develop empathic, and non self-centred leaders.

! Continuous quality improvements in all our processes and operations.

! Strong industry integration and alumni engagement to be able to respond to a dynamic marketplace.

! Making participants gain specialised knowledge by taking courses in top business schools in USA.

Learning Approach

“We equip, enable and empower our students to contribute to society. That

is undoubtedly our aim.”

- Dr.Sesha Iyer, Director, SPJIMR

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Globally Relevant & Socially Sensitive



The programme grooms young graduates (up to five years of work experience) as:

Socially sensitive value driven leaders

Having integrated knowledge of core business functions in the global environment

The objective of the program is to strike the right balance between each of the three key components – ‘knowledge’, ‘skills’ and ‘attitude’ of a leader






Group works,Field Exercises,


(Social Projects,

Abhyudaya, Science ofSpirituality,

PG Lab)

B-Schools have mostly stressed the “knowing” and “doing” components of management education and have been

lagging on teaching the “being” dimension, the one that is the most critical and challenging to deliver meaningfully.

At SPJIMR, we give due attention to the “being” dimension and we believe we have been at the forefront in

evolving pedagogy that delivers this meaningfully.

– Dr.M L Shrikant, Dean, SPJIMR

SPJIMR's Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) is a two year full time residential programmme equivalent to an MBA. The programme offers specialisations in Finance, Operations, Marketing and Information Management.

The programme has consistently been ranked among the top 10 in the country and is noted for providing participants the dual advantage of being

! Globally Relevant and

! Socially Sensitive

SPJIMR's PGDM provides global relevance by

! Offering a range of specialised courses and projects with various noted international institutes

! Encouraging and supporting participation in international events and competitions and

! Providing opportunities for interactions with international faculty

These and our other global linkages support an overall learning environment that builds among participants a global outlook. It prepares them to face challenges and exploit opportunities in a globalised economy that is marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – the so-called VUCA world

The programme nurtures a sense of social responsibility and sensitivity by

! Exposing students to life and circumstances across economic strata of society

! Building an appreciation of urban poverty and leading inquiries into deprivation and

! Encouraging students to inquire into the larger role and purpose of business

The initiatives are a part of our innovative pedagogy that helps not only build the right managerial knowledge and skills but also the right attitudes for sustainable success in professional and personal life.

The pedagogy has been widely acclaimed and has made SPJIMR students stand out because they are equipped to deliver high performance across businesses and geographies and yet remain rooted and sensitive to the overall environment they operate in.

The PGDM programme is

! Recognised by AICTE

! Accredited as equivalent to an MBA by NBA

! Accredited by the UK-based Association of MBAs

! Rated A*** by CRISIL

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The flagship programme of SPJIMR comprises courses which are benchmarked against leading global B-schools.

The programme starts with a foundation module followed by four semesters spread over two academic years.

Year 1

The first year curriculum aims at strengthening fundamentals in all areas of functional management and provides a holistic perspective of general management.

The programme commences with pre-MBA study material sent to students even before they arrive on campus. On arrival, all participants go through four weeks of the foundation module to ensure that they attain the same level of understanding on the basic issues and concepts related to management.

This is followed by two semesters constituting around 500 classroom sessions (each of 70 minutes duration), ensuring a through grounding in fundamentals.

The students also develop managerial traits through various beyond-the-classroom learning initiatives and real-life projects and internships.

Year 2

The second year provides inputs in the chosen area of specialisation and is customised to the career focus of students and industry requirements. The two semesters in the second year consist of around 360 classroom sessions geared towards an in-depth understanding of their respective fields of specialisation.

The students undertake eight-week corporate projects with our industry partners during the second year.


Strong Foundations, Sharp Focus


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The pedagogy is a mix of lectures, classroom discussions, peer learning, case studies, simulations, project work, group studies and participation in national and international events and competitions. Various case studies from the best business schools like Harvard are taken up for discussions in the class. Integration across functional areas leads to a participant becoming proficient in not only his/her specialisation area but also other areas catering to business decision making.

While due importance is given to classroom learning, the effort is to build suitable stimuli in non-classroom learning, interaction and internship to facilitate the development of the right attitudes, skills and knowledge on which the participant can base his or her own architecture of self-development. Students are given application exercises and simulation based courses and are therefore encouraged to work in live projects and problems to have first hand management experience.

The choice of pedagogic methods at SPJIMR is based on an important conviction expressed by the following three propositions:

1. The learning experience must result in the enhancement of the capabilities of the individual for actual practice

2. Professional life cannot be devoid of values and social responsiveness

3. The knowledge-seeker must own up the process of education and must accept responsibility for professional growth and development

SPJIMR uses a grading system in all its evaluation methods comprising quizzes, assignments, case analysis, project work, group exercises, field-work, internships, mid-term assessments and comprehensive examinations. Evaluation is continuous and spread throughout the course delivery.



A Good Mix

“The focus is on self development. The intention here is to touch your core value and not remain confined to behavioural aspects of the personality.”

- Dr.Sesha Iyer, Director, SPJIMR

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„ Business Computation using Spreadsheets

„ Financial Accounting

„ Introduction to case based learning

„ Introduction to Learning Management

„ Micro Economics

„ Quantitative Methods


„ People & Performance„ Business Environment - I

(Macro Economics & Economic Environment)„ Decision Analysis Simulation„ Financial Statement Analysis„ Operations Management - I„ Fundamentals of Business Research„ Integrated Course in Business Communication

(Spread across Sem I & II) Credits

„ Business Environment - II„ Management Accounting„ Marketing Management - I„ Operations Management - II„ People & Performance - II„ Legal aspect of Business„ Multivariate data analysis




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Course CourseCredit

1st Year

2nd Year

„ Manufacturing Planning and Control

„ Logistics and Supply Chain Management

„ Managing for Quality & Performance Excellence

„ Strategic Cost Management

„ Enterprise Solutions„ Project Management„ Service Operations

Management„ Operations Strategy„ Theory of Constraints„ Management Science„ Lean Six Sigma„ Global Supply Chain

Management Simulation

„ Self sponsored project

„ Fixed Income Securities and Treasury Management (DSTM)

„ Advanced Concepts in Accounting

„ Financial Derivatives and Risk Management

„ International Finance„ Advanced Corporate Finance„ Corporate Valuation„ Equity Research„ Investment Banking„ Managing Banks & Financial

Institutions„ Portfolio Management &

Security Analysis„ Project & Infrastructure

Finance„ Financial Risk Management„ Private Equity„ Key Legal &Taxation aspects in


„ IT Strategy„ Technology Services Management„ Enterprise Solutions„ Business Analysis and Process

Modelling„ IT Business Development„ IT Consultancy Management &

Business Transformation„ e-Supply Chain Management„ e-Business„ Business Intelligence Systems„ IT in Banking„ IT Product Management„ IT Project Management„ Social Media Marketing„ Enterprise Mobility„ Managing IT - Financial









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Course CourseCourseCredit

Autumn Internship (25-Aug-14 – 18-Oct-14) - credits 3


PGDM Programme

Major: Choose any one Specialization (11 credits to be taken)

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„ Corporate Finance - I„ Information Technology in Business„ Marketing Management - II„ Negotiation Skills„ People & Performance - III (HRM)„ Decision Making Science


„ Business Policy & Strategy„ Corporate Finance - II„ Ethics in Business (spread across semester) &

Science of Spirituality (1 + 0.5) „ International Business„ Current Thinking in Management (Learnings from

Academic Conclave)„ Optional Common Elective (1.0 Credit)





















– 2











– 0








DOCC (Social Project) (3-Mar-14 – 12-Apr-14) - Credits 3

Business Consulting Project - Credit - 0.5

Comprehensive Exams (27-Feb-14) - Credits 2

Assessment & Development of Managerial & Administrative Potential (ADMAP) - Credits 3.5

Abhyudaya - Credits 1.5


„ Consumer Behaviour„ Product Management„ Strategic Brand Management„ Sales & Distribution Management„ Strategic Marketing & Industrat

Simulation„ Marketing Execution„ B2B Marketing„ Rural Marketing + Organisation

perspective„ Retail Shopper Marketing„ Market Research„ Pricing „ Marketing Models„ Marketing Communications„ Marketplace Ethnography„ Social Media Marketing„ Media & Entertainment Marketing„ Capstone Project









IV (




- 0


ar 1


Credit Credit CreditCourse

Total Credits in 1st YearTotal Credits in 2nd YearGrand Total (1st year and 2nd year)


1 credit is equivalent to 18 sessions of 70 minutes duration plus 60 hours of reading, projects, assignments etc.








(7 Credits to be taken)

„ New Venture Creation„ Entrepreneurial Marketing„ Managing New Business Initiatives (MNBI) „ International Economics„ Global Competitiveness & Sector Analysis„ Gita in Management„ Key Account Management„ Services Management „ CRM - Evolution from 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0 CRM„ International Business Strategy and Planning„ Blue Ocean Strategy „ Advance Competitive Strategy„ Marketing Engineering„ Customer Acquisition„ Supply Chain Management„ Banking, Financial Institutions and Markets„ Data Warehousing & Data Mining„ Contemporary Leadership Practices„ International Marketing„ Relationship Marketing„ Lean Manufacturing„ Course of Independent Study„ Services Marketing„ Marketing Analytics„ Business Analytics„ Financial Markets & Econometrics for

Finance„ Workshop on Innovation & Qualitative

Research„ Course of Independent StudyConsulting Minor„ Management Consulting„ Micro Economics of Competitiveness„ Game Theory„ Critical ThinkingRed BookSpecial Field Exam


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A Larger Purpose

The idea of a larger purpose to business and an inner voice that might guide managers in their key decisions carries deep implications for modern day management, particularly at a time when questions are being raised about the current models of business rooted in the Western ideas of growth centred on a material and acquisitive mindset.

Amid economic uncertainty, B-Schools across the globe are also grappling with questions around the role of business in society and how managers might deliver amid rising aspirations, shrinking resources and increasing disparity.

And as people spend more time at work and in their organisations, there are disconcerting signals on issues concerning mental peace, happiness and questions on the purpose of a life mired in stressful situations.

At SPJIMR, we have set out a different path that can help resolve three apparent contradictions that face us:

Ÿ A synthesis of the Western emphasis on efficiency (individualistic, with a concern for the ends) with Eastern values and ethos (societal, with an equally important emphasis on the means)

Ÿ Coexistence of collaborative and competitive modes which strive for individual excellence and yet reinforce a group culture

Ÿ Retaining a motivation for material advancement but balanced with sensitivity to the idea of social justice.

We have long recognised the importance of Eastern ideas in addition to Western theories for addressing pedagogic challenges. We work to influence and shape attitudes of MBA students to strengthen social, moral and ethical dimensions of their personality.

Our five pedagogic innovations under the Leadership Development Programme are designed to shape a positive attitude among participants with an approach that

Ÿ Promotes management and development of the self

Ÿ Enhances inter and intra personal skills

Ÿ Develops societal consciousness, welfare and harmony


ŸEnhancing EQ and SQ

ŸCoping with Unfavorable Circumstances

ŸUnderstanding Self and Interpersonal Group Dynamics

ŸLearning mentoring skills

ŸDeveloping sensitivity to urban poverty

ŸLearning Administration - The Art of Getting Things Done

ŸWorking in an Unstructured Situation

ŸDeveloping Sensitivity to Rural Society

Science ofSpiritualityADMAP

PersonalGrowth Lab


DOCC/Social Projects

RequiredCourses in

the 1st Year

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Process Learning Objectives Programme Expected Outcomes

Impact on Actions - (Aachar) Impact on Thinking - (Vichara)


Ÿ Involvement in theInstitutes administrative and academic tasks

Ÿ Influence as a member of a small committee

Ÿ Learning by observation

Ÿ Classroom sessions on administrative theories & frameworks

Ÿ Diary writing- documenting experiential learning

Ÿ Getting Things Done- both as an individual and group member

Ÿ Permit self-assessment and development on key managerial skills

Ÿ Learning by Doing- a process with utility for lifelong learning

Ÿ Influence without power

Ÿ Roll up sleeves' when required

Ÿ Self-learning through experimentation

Ÿ Recognise importance of implementation & feasibility

Ÿ Self development skills through experience analysis


Ÿ 6-week project in social organisation, based in rural areas/urban slums – Study and Action Plan with focus on 12 critical social issues over 37 locations

Ÿ Case development and documentation for continued action,reference and knowledge building

Ÿ Handle unstructured situations for managerial analysis and inputs; recognise universality of management principles

Ÿ Develop sensitivity to(1) rural India and its heterogeneity (2) poverty and hardships faced by many in rural areas

Ÿ Understand NGOs as an organisation and their importance in the Indian context

Ÿ Practical management actions for unstructured environment/ situations

Ÿ Rational, entrepreneurial, yet grounded to reality

Ÿ Non self-centered approach to evoke the desire to 'give back' to society

Ÿ Gratefulness for being privileged

Ÿ Accommodative

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Process Learning Objectives Programme Expected Outcomes

Impact on Actions- (Aachar) Impact on Thinking -(Vichara)



Ÿ Spend 2 hours / fortnight with under-privileged children of municipal schools at their residence in Mumbai slums

Ÿ Develop plan for holistic development for child's ongoing mentoring process

Ÿ Diary writing for self introspection and reflection

Ÿ Experience the 'Joy of Giving’

Ÿ Learn mentoring as a skill

Ÿ Develop an ability to unearth human potential & unique abilities

Ÿ Respect for human dignity

Ÿ Mentoring Skills

Ÿ Learn to spot hidden potential in an individual for proactive development- an important leadership skill

Ÿ Being a contributor and not merely a consumer

Ÿ A sense of gratefulness leading to humility for what one has

The Science



Ÿ Moving towards blended learning

Ÿ Videos/lectures on an e-learning platform

Ÿ In-class discussions with faculty

Ÿ To understand, manage and develop the self

Ÿ To decipher the nature of subjectivity and appreciate its impact on the decision making process

Ÿ To evoke intuitive logic

Ÿ To develop the ability to enjoy life for integrated living

Ÿ Objective decision making, better choices

Ÿ Confident handling of crises

Ÿ Leadership that commands confidence and builds trust

Ÿ Increased creativity coupled with humility

Ÿ An intelligent understanding of motives and behaviours of self and others

Ÿ A decrease in negative psychic states (like anger, jealousy, insecurity)

Ÿ Increased self worth, happiness and self fulfillment

Ÿ A sense of calm and equanimity in all situations and circumstances

Ÿ Personal wellbeing and better physical health given that there is a medically validated connection between the mind and the body

PG Lab

Ÿ Review of western OB theories and frameworks- self, IP and group

Ÿ 3-day outbound activities at Khandala involving self administered tools and team exercises followed by debrief session with faculty

Ÿ Personal Learning paper for analysis of current 'self' and propose action plan for self development

Ÿ Explore, categorise and understand the 'Self’

Ÿ Understand interpersonal and group dynamics

Ÿ Collaborative approach to work

Ÿ Team Skills- behavioural dimension

Ÿ Concurrent role as a team leader and a member

Ÿ Understanding of self-strengths and weaknesses

Abhyudaya &Science of Spirituality

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Ready for the World

In a globalised society, where developments in one market can make an impact across continents, it is important for students to have a good exposure to global trends and practices. The PGDM programme offers a wide range of opportunities to participants to interact with global businesses and the best of global B-Schools.

L'Oreal Brandstorm (Paris)

A team of PGDM students from SPJIMR won the L'Oreal International Brandstorm finals held in Paris in June 2013. The SPJIMR team comprising Ujjwal Chaddha, Mitali Parekh and Himanshi Dandona, all second year PGDM students, not only represented SPJIMR, but also India at this international platform. The team was up against a stiff competition from 37 international teams during the semi-finals round.

The SPJIMR team made it to the top three along with the teams from France and Greece. In the finals held at Grand Palais, Paris, the team overcame the stiff challenge to win the coveted title. Apart from the trophy and prize of 10,000 Euros, the SPJIMR team also won the award for the “Best Integrated Marketing Communication Campaign”.

The process of L'Oreal Brandstorm Competition lasted some six months, a period which saw over 10,000 teams from across the world compete in this prestigious competition. More than 200 teams from India participated and only four of these made it to the Indian national finals.

St. Gallen Symposium (Switzerland)

The St. Gallen Symposium is a global gathering of ‘Leaders of Today and Tomorrow’ that takes place annually in May at the university of St. Gallen, Switzerland. The 42nd edition's theme was “Facing Risk”. Reputed names from the world of business and politics such as Jean-Claude Trichet, former President of the European Central Bank, Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director of Greenpeace and Josef Ackerman, CEO of Deutsche Bank participated and shared their views. SPJIMR students Chirag Heda and Abhineet Rawat were among the few selected to represent India at the St. Gallen Symposium.

HPAIR (Harvard University, USA)

Six participants from SPJIMR – Aditya Narang, Jayajanani Pattabhiraman, Nishant Chawla, Rajas Abhyankar, Shruti Khuntia and Sneha Bopaiya - were selected for the prestigious Harvard Project for Asia and International Relations (HPAIR) 2012. With

the theme of "Cross Cultural Connections: Weaving New Silk Roads", delegates had the chance to explore pertinent issues concerning the Asian region including foreign policy, public health, environmental issues, media and entrepreneurship through plenary sessions, panel discussions, seminars and case-studies.

4th NUS Stock Pitch Competition(Singapore)

Khushboo Sharma, Srihari Santhakumar and Amish Shah represented SPJIMR at the 4th NUS Asian MBA Stock Pitch Competition in Singapore hosted by the Centre for Asset Management Research & Investments (CAMRI). The forum provides top MBA participants in Asia and opportunity to

compete and showcase their equity research and stock-picking skills in front of a panel of distinguished judges from the investment industry.


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A Global Foot Print

Understanding the global environment by way of international exposure has been one of the key focus areas of the PGDM programme.

With a view to enhancing the exposure of participants to the global business scenario, the programme invites increased faculty and student participation from foreign countries and encourages PGDM participants to go to foreign universities for specialised courses.

From the batch of 2011-13, a total of 22 participants undertook specialised courses in foreign universities and 12 participants interned during the summers at international schools. Participants have undertaken specialised courses/projects in the following Institutes

Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, USA

University of Maryland, USA

Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, USA

Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University, USA

Olin Business School, Washington University, USA

Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada

IESEG, Lille Catholic University, France

ESB Reutlingen, Germany

Kuhne Logistics University, Germany

Bordeaux Management School, France

Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Japan

NUS, Singapore

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

Universiti Sans Malaysia
















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International Faculty

Faculty from business schools across the world visit SPJIMR on a continuous basis to take full courses or modules within the courses or for guest lectures.


Some of the International faculty members

Dr. Devendra PotnisSchool of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee

Dr. Jacob Tsao Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering San Jose State University, San Jose, California

Dr. Suraj Commuri State University of New York, University at Albany

Dr. Lakshmi Mohan Customer Relation Management, State University of New York

Dr. Nikhilesh DholakiaMarketing & Supply Chain Management,University of Rhodeisland

Chris GuillebeauEntrepreneur, traveler and author of bestseller “The $100 Start Up”

Walter Russell MeadFormer Yale professor, is the James Clark Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at the Bard College, and Editor-at-Large of The American Interest

Nello GasparadoBusiness Communication & Cross Cultural Communications, ESB Business School

Rajkumar VenkatesanBusiness Administration, Darden Business School

We believe in providing each one of our participants an opportunity to pursue a profession of choice by enabling them to acquire advanced knowledge and skills wherever applicable. Our globalisation efforts are directed towards the objective of developing a higher level of professional competency amongst participants which we expect will result in better and a higher level of career opportunity.

- Dr. Atish Chattopadhyay, Deputy Director, PGDM

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Theory meets Practice

Business schools have an important role in driving economic growth by providing the right talent that is ready to take up managerial roles in industry. Living up to this role demands regular interaction and an overall integration with industry so that the participants are exposed to market dynamics and have the benefit of the latest developments and ideas from the world of business.

The PGDM initiatives at industry integration

Ÿ help students appreciate business as it operates in the real world and

Ÿ promote experiential learning so that theories and models are looked at from the specific context in which they work

At the same time, industry integration is a way for us to indicate to industry how MBA education is evolving and if they find our students to be better and more effective, they also identify the reasons thereof. That sets the stage for our students to be frontrunners when it comes to fitting the needs of industry and helps us drive the superior placement records that the PGDM programme is known for.

Industry Visits

Perspectives from the Shop Floor

To provide firsthand and practical information about production operations and techniques used in manufacturing industries and to help students build on their academic knowledge, SPJIMR organises industry visits for students to various manufacturing plants/facilities across India. This takes students right to the heart of the shop floor and provides an opportunity to understand various processes and practices and relate them to theoretical concepts learnt in classes. Apart from traditional manufacturing operations, students also visit modern, IT-driven businesses that are changing the way we do business in India.

In 2012, first year PGDM participants visited the manufacturing facilities of the Parle group, Mumbai, Mahindra & Mahindra, Mumbai and Tata Motors Limited, Pune. A visit was also organised to the National Stock Exchange (NSE) headquarters in Mumbai.

WorkshopsWorkshops help students gain practical skills, provide an opportunity to discuss ideas with practitioners and help students appreciate the nuances of actual working in a corporate environment.

Some of the workshops held in 2012 were:

Ÿ Business Plan workshop where the guest speaker was Mr. Sanketh Garimella, an alumnus of Purdue University

Ÿ In-Basket Workshop by Mr. Jagmohan Bhanver, chief mentor at People First

Ÿ Laboratory on Entrepreneurial Motivation by Dr.Sunil Handa, Professor at IIM Ahmedabad

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An Exchange of Ideas


The SPJIMR Academic Conclave, popularly known by its acronym SAC, is a platform for fostering business-academia integration, a unique initiative under which corporate leaders discuss emerging trends and share their experiences with delegates and students.

Six of the most prominent issues affecting the functional domains of finance, marketing, operations, information management, consulting and human resources are generally presented as themes for SAC each year.

SAC 2013 was a four day action packed event that was inaugurated on January 11, 2013. It comprised panel discussions, key note addresses, symposia and exhaustive deliberation on emerging trends in management and the changing business environment.

The 2013 industry participants included representatives and leaders of organisations like Amazon Web services, Accenture, Ford India, L&T, Unilever, Standard Chartered, KPMG, Mahindra & Mahindra, Deloitte Consulting, Google, CISCO, Ogilvy & Mather, AC Neilson, IBM, McKinsey & Company, PWC, and many others.

Acclaimed global academicians and thinkers including Prof. Nirmalya Kumar of London Business School, Prof. Dipak C. Jain of INSEAD, Deans of Schulich Business School and NUS, Singapore have graced the SAC platform in the past.

SAC 2013 saw 60 industry stalwarts and academicians including over 600 corporate participants.

Under the SAC umbrella, the following were the function-specific conclaves and their themes:

Ÿ The Information Management Conclave had the theme 'India Next- Technology Transforming the Real India'.

The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Sankerson Bannerjee, MD, Accenture who spoke about challenges facing real India, the need to implement technology profitably and opportunities for bridging the gap by making the actual technology products available.

Ÿ The Consulting Conclave had the theme 'Sustainability – A Choice or A Business Imperative?’

The keynote speaker for the conclave was Dr. Steven A Melnyk, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University. His presentation, 'Making sense of sustainability' dealt with understanding sustainability in detail and beyond what is generally perceived.

Ÿ The HR Conclave carried the theme 'Building Inclusive Workplaces by Harnessing Diversity'.

The keynote speaker for the conclave was Stacy Blake Beard, Associate Professor, Simmons College School of Management, Boston, USA. Her presentation on dealing with the sources of conscious and unconscious bias in an organisation covered biases at various levels which employees face in their profession.

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The Operations Management Conclave had the theme 'Managing Risks & Sustaining High Performance in Supply Chain'.

The keynote speaker for the conclave was Prof. David J. Closs, the John H McConnell Professor of Business Administration & Chairperson, Department of Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University. His presentation, 'Evolution of Supply Chain' dealt with the trends impacting supply chain decisions in India and how a good supply chain should address effective and efficient management of physical assets, expertise and intellectual capital.

The Finance Conclave had the theme 'Tapping the Business Potential in Financial Services in India'.

'Tapping the Business Potential in Financial Services in India' was the theme for the Finance Conclave 2013. The keynote address was delivered by Mrs. Usha Thorat, Director, Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL) and former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India. She identified four major challenges for the financial industry - to provide safe and convenient product and delivery channels, to assess optimum size and structure of a financial services business, to focus on the fiduciary role in financial services that differentiates the business from many others and progressive regulation – all of which were perceived as highly customer centric.

The annual SPJIMR Marketing Impact Awards, a part of the conclave, had the theme 'Making Marketing Accountable: Metrics for Measuring Marketing Effectiveness' for the event.

Corporates from various domains present detailed cases on marketing initiatives that have been taken up to successfully solve a business problem or encash a market opportunity with a measurable impact on business. This year, 27 business, government and non-profit organisations participated to win the coveted award.

The four finalists teams were: ICICI Bank (financial inclusion across 11,000 villages), Four Fountains Spa by CMYK Health Boutique Private Ltd (astute marketing efforts by a start up), Interface Communication-Kraft Oreo (entry strategy and growth of Oreo in the highly competitive biscuit industry) and Eureka Forbes ('water shops' across various rural India)

CMYK Health Boutique Private Ltd (Four Fountain Spas) was ranked first while the team from Eureka Forbes was adjudged as runners-up. The winning team got the prestigious SMIA trophy and the prize money of Rs. 100,000 while the runners up got prize money of Rs. 75,000.


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“Business Leaders Lecture Series” is an initiative of SPJIMR wherein the top leaders of the corporate world are invited to share their thoughts on and expectations from management education. These lectures give participants an insight into the challenges faced by top management of leading companies.

Guest Lectures & Visiting Faculty

Lulu RaghavanManaging Director,Landor Associates

Saugata BhattacharyaSenior Vice President and Chief Economist, Axis Bank

D. SundaramVice- Chairman and Managing Director of TVS Capital Funds Ltd.

Chetan GoreMarketing Director of Oral Care, Procter & Gamble, Singapore

Deepak MohantyExecutive Director, Reserve Bank of India

Harsh MariwalaChairman & Managing Director,Marico Ltd.

Saurabh KumarFormer Ambassador of India to International Atomic Energy Agency, United Nations Industrial Development Organization & the UN Offices in Vietnam and Austria

Rama BijapurkarThought leader on marketing strategy and India's consumer economy

Boman K MoradianManaging Consultant & Director,Essel Propack Ltd.

Sriram VenkateswaranDirector of National Supply Chain & QA, McDonald's India

Few Industry Speakers

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Corporate Events & Awards

The SPJIMR PGDM participants participated in over 50 B-School competitions at the national and international level in 2012-13. The participants attained a significant number of wins.

Team Luminescence from SPJIMR was the winner of the fourth season of Lessons in Marketing Excellence (LIME). LIME which is organised by Hindustan Unilever in collaboration with CNBC-TV 18, is the most sought after competition amongst all the top B-Schools of the country.

SPJIMR's team consisting of Nilisha Agarwal, Santosh Gaurav & Avinash Nair emerged as the winner.

Citi awarded nine first-year management participants from leading business schools in the country with the Citi Woman Leader Award 2012-13. Abha Ajmera from SPJIMR was the winner of the Citi Women Leader Award with Aditi Agarwal as the runner-up.

A team comprising of PGDM participants Sonia Apsingekar, Vikalp Babelay, Gaurav Sapra and Viraj Kulkarni won the Capstone® Business Simulation Challenge. The Challenge pits participants who have participated in either Capstone or Foundation Business Simulation in their university studies to compete with other Capsim alumni to run the world's top simulated company. Approximately 1800 participants from more than 280 universities around the globe competed in the Capsim Challenge in November, with 12 teams (six for Capstone and six for Foundation Business Simulation respectively) qualifying for the 48-hour, high pressure business simulation playoffs. A total of eight teams from SPJIMR participated in the challenge with five of them finishing in the top 10 percentile.


Citibank Women Leader Award

CAPSIM Challenge - Fall 2012


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Tata Business Leadership Awards 2013

Team "TASk Force" from the SPJIMR were declared the national winners at the prestigious Tata Business Leadership Awards (TBLA) at the end of a nine month long competitive process in which they bested more than 200 teams from top 10 B-Schools across the country.

The four member team of second year PGDM students Shri Harsh, SRK Dattu, Govind Lohia and Niranjan Sane represented SPJIMR at the national level. The team was felicitated by the Chairman of Tata Sons Cyrus P. Mistry and was awarded the TBLA rolling trophy along with a sum of Rs. 2 lakh and other exciting prizes from Tata group businesses – the Taj group of hotels, Titan, Croma and Ginger Hotels.

Mahindra War RoomThe winners 'Team Bistro' presented on the financial services sector in the Campus round of Mahindra War room. They represented SPJIMR at the finals to a jury comprising Anand Mahindra, the Group Executive Board (GEB), and eminent Mahindra managers. The team comprising Gaurav Sapra, Divya Mohan, Rohith TV, Divya Vishwanathan were the National runners up.

RMAI Award

The Rural Marketing Association of India and Ayurvet Limited organised the 6th Annual Ayurvet RMAI Awards for the Best Summer Project in Rural Marketing amongst the participants from the top 30 Management Schools across the country. In all, RMAI received 84 entries from across the country like IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Rohtak, Shillong, SPJIMR, Mica, Teri etc. Ranjana Dobal, participant of SPJIMR, presented on Value Chain Intervention- a self-sustainable business model and bagged the 1st prize. The first prize comprised of a trophy, a certificate of merit and a cash award of INR 50,000. The project focused on building a self-sustainable business model through the collective action of rural women.

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Autumn Internships

The Autumns Placement process for the Class of 2013 concluded in the month of August 2012. 176 participants completed their internship according to their specialisations. There were17 new companies making offers on campus.


Telecom & Media




Equity Research


Investment Banking


Self-generated Placement

Private Equity

Sector-Wise Data




















l Ser


s/ E














e Eq












Selection wise break up in different sectorsIT







Varied backgrounds, a wide range of qualifications, a good blend of experienced and freshers with different skills makes the batch a recruiters' delight.

- Prof. Abbasali Gabula, Deputy Director-External Relations & Administration, SPJIMR

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A Superior Record

SPJIMR has been known for its consistent and superior placement records. Despite edgy markets, SPJIMR became the first B-school to complete 100% placements this season. To ensure accurate reporting and full transparency, SPJIMR placement reports are in alignment with the Indian Placement Reporting Standards (IPRS) and are audited by CRISIL.

Class of 2013SPJIMR reported another successful year of placements for PGDM class of 2013. A total of 97 companies participated in the final placement process for the year.

Participants in the Batch

Participants in the batch opting out of placements

Total Number of Offers Made

Number of Participating Companies

Number of First time Recruiters

Number of Lateral Offers

Total Number of Pre Placement Offers (PPO/PPI)

No. of offers per student

Average Salary









INR 1,613,000

Key Highlights

Ÿ 61% of the batch had offers of INR 1,500,000 and more

Ÿ 83% of the batch had salaries of INR 1,300,000 and more

Ÿ The median salary for the batch of 176 participants was INR 1,595,000

Ÿ Offers for global positions were made by Ranbaxy & Jumbo Electronics



IT & Telecom

Banking & Financial Services


Placements 2013





The Institute has long standing relationships with recruiters who come on campus again and again and look forward to hiring our students.

- Prof. Abbasali Gabula, Deputy Director-External Relations & Administration, SPJIMR

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CRISIL is the auditor for SPJIMR placement reports and plays a key role in the release of the SPJIMR report by checking the data with actual offer letters and ensuring that the presentation of the data is in alignment with the Indian Placement Reporting Standards (IPRS).

CRISIL's audit process involves validating the information in the placement report shared by SPJIMR with respect to remuneration, job function and location of the placement, through communication received from recruiters. The audit exercise covers robust data set of the placements made through the Institute. This enables the arrival of an accurate median salary amount which candidates would have garnered through the placements.

SPJIMR is the second institute in India to have published CRISIL-audited placement related information under the IPRS, an initiative pioneered by the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A) in September 2011. IPRS is a framework aimed at standardising reporting of placement statistics and is freely available in the public domain for voluntary adoption by other business schools.

IPRS specifies the standard format in which the aggregate statistics will be reported across function, sector, and location. The aggregate statistics to be published include minimum, maximum, median and average salaries across every parameter. The framework envisages a clear demarcation of performance-linked compensation from fixed salary, thus enabling a more realistic understanding of compensation offered on campus. The standards also require that employment data be audited by an independent auditor.

“We believe that following the IPRS represents an important transition within the Indian management education sector. It changes the evaluation metrics of management education from the excessively focused 'highest salary paid' to a more realistic understanding based on comprehensive compensation data covering a large proportion of the batch. The extent and quality of the data, therefore, is critical to

reliability of the report. CRISIL is pleased to be associated with this initiative of SPJIMR.”

- Akash Deep Jyoti, Head, CRISIL Ratings

“The IPRS initiative would only enhance transparency within the placement process if institutes and recruiters present 100% data for audit. It is very crucial for audit agencies to verify whether all the students are placed or not and capture this in their report. Hence,

acknowledging its proven credibility and independent stance, CRISIL has been chosen as the auditor for our placement report.”

- Dr. M.L. Shrikant, Dean, SPJIMR

Placement Report Audits

Transparency is the Key

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Our Prominent Recruiters


Accenture Management Consulting

Actuate Consulting





Asian Heart Institute

Asian Paints

Axis Bank





Cheers Interactive


Cognizant Business Consulting





Deutsche Bank


Deloitte Innovation

Deloitte S&O

Deloitte TS&A


Dr Reddy's

Ernst & Young

Edelweiss Capital



Franklin Templeton








HT Media




ING Vysa Bank


JDAJ&J Consumer

J&J Pharma

JM Financials


Jumbo Electronics


Kotak Bank


L&T Finance


Magma Corp

Mahindra & Mahindra





Miebach Consulting

Motilal Oswal Investment Banking



O3 Capital




PRTM Consulting






Sabre Capital

SBI Caps





TATA Capital



Texas Instruments


Wipro Consumer

Wipro Fin

Yes Bank

ZS Associates

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SPJIMR launched the admission process for its two-year PGDM for 2014-16 with effect from 15 September 2013. The application window will remain open from 15 September 2013 to 18 November 2013.

Eligibility To be eligible, an applicant has to have a Bachelors degree or equivalent (10+2+3) from a recognised university. Students in the final year of graduation can also apply. SPJIMR accepts CAT 2013, XAT 2014 and GMAT scores (test taken between 2011 & 2013) as well. A total of 36 seats above the sanctioned intake are available for PIOs and foreign nationals.

Choice of Specialisation at the Time of Application The programme offers four specialisations –Information Management, Operations, Marketing and Finance. SPJIMR's PGDM programme asks applicants to select their specialisation at the application stage itself. A choice at this stage helps:

Ÿ Achieve segmentation at the time of admission based on differentiated need of the recruiting organisations

Ÿ Participants develop a clear and sharp focus early on in the programme

Ÿ Broaden the spectrum of recruiters as participants graduate

Ÿ Avoid overcrowding in one specialisation and mitigates the risk of periodic downturns across sectors


A Differentiated Approach


Strong Focus on Values

The selection process of SPJIMR assesses not only intellectual readiness in terms of academics but also emotional readiness, work experience, extra-curricular activities and aptitude for and befitting the Institute's mission of value-based leadership.

As a result of this approach, the admissions process shortlists applicants on the basis of their profiles (subject to a minimum qualifying test score, which is set at 85 percentile in case of CAT/XAT or a GMAT score of 650). The admission approach thus emphasises the interview process where applicants come face-to-face with the interviewing team from SPJIMR. The Institute calls in as many as 3,000 plus aspirants for interviews. The Institute seeks to interview as many applicants as possible and may call in more this year.

Eventually, the final merit list is based on a composite score which takes into account the applicant's academic record, entrance test scores, relevance of work experience for the chosen specialisation and performance in two rounds of group interviews.

Profile based Shortlists & Early Interviews

Applicants are shortlisted based on their profiles. The profiles are scored and the applicants are sorted into two groups corresponding to two phases of interviews.

What's NewŸ Participants can opt for two

specialisations among the four (Information Management, Operations, Marketing and Finance).

Ÿ Naming two options means aspirants who are not shortlisted for the first option will be considered for the second option. The outcome of the first option will have no bearing on the second option.

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Applicants placed in the first phase of this shortlist are called for an early interview based on their profile where the following factors are considered:

Ÿ Consistency of academic record

Ÿ Versatility

Ÿ Achievements

Ÿ Relevance of work experience for the specialisation

Ÿ Adversities faced, if any

Shortlists at this early stage provide an opportunity to the applicant to go through the interview process early. This is convenient for applicants because it avoids overlapping with other interview calls during the admissions season. For the Institute, it affords the opportunity to stagger interviews and ensure that the interview process remains robust even though numbers being interviewed is large.

SECOND PHASE SHORTLISTS FOR FEBRUARY 2014 INTERVIEWS: This phase is held after the availability of entrance test scores. Applicants in this phase are called for interviews based on their profiles as given above along with their performance in the entrance tests. This interview call is thus a combination of profile and performance in the entrance tests.

Two Choices in Specialisation at the Application Stage The programme offers four specialisations – Information Management, Operations, Marketing and Finance.


Rakesh BussaSoftware Engineer

Gayak JainCA & Lawyer

Akshay KulkarniArchitect

Reeti NageshriSportsperson

Ankur AggarwalAnalyst

Kunal JoshiDoctor

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This year, the PGDM programme allows aspirants to opt for two specialisations at the application stage itself.

Naming two options at the application stage itself means that aspirants who are not shortlisted for the first option will be considered for the second option. The outcome of the first option will have no bearing on the process for considering the applicant for the second option.

This benefits applicants because sometime there is a mismatch between the applicant's preference and the profile desired for that specialisation. Sometimes, aspirants rush into applying for a specialisation on perceptions of the self or of the market that may not hold out. So a second option may help aspirants get a second chance, as it were, under a different specialisation. Also, the Institute will not lose out on a potential good student.

Classroom Diversity

SPJIMR's PGDM class is a blend of fresh graduates and experienced professionals. The PGDM class of 2013-2015 has the highest percentage of non-engineers amongst the top B-Schools in India. Women constitute more than 40% of the class. The class has doctors, architects, designers and a good number of CAs as well. Students with varied interests like music, drama, arts, sports, photography etc. make for an accomplished group that supports a rich learning experience. The topper of the Class of 2013 was a graduate in Fashion Technology.

“At SPJIMR, we believe diversity in the classroom is critical to peer-learning.”

– Dr. Atish Chattopadhyay,Deputy Director, PGDM


Facebook Group

The student community has a Facebook Group which the aspirants can join to interact with SPJIMR students and get their admission related queries answered:


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Campus Facilities and Infrastructure

The Mumbai Advantage

SPJIMR is situated in the popular western suburb of Andheri in the heart of Mumbai, India's financial centre.

The Institute and its facilities are housed in a lush, sprawling 48 acre (1.81 lakh sq metre) campus that combines agile infrastructure with an abundance of green. The campus is located opposite the famous Andheri Sports Complex and is in close proximity to several restaurants, shopping malls, entertainment and recreation areas, hospitals and medical centers. The area is well connected with the Western Express highway, is easily accessible and is close to Andheri Railway Station, an important junction on the city's suburban rail network.

SPJIMR itself has a built up area of 130,000 sq. ft. comprising classrooms, the library, meeting rooms, bistro, mess, canteen areas, a 300-seater auditorium, among other facilities. Another 100,000 sq. with three floors of a library and a 450-seater auditorium are currently under development on campus. Despite its modern day facilities, the campus retains a humble charm.

The classrooms are both stepped and leveled to facilitate discussions and customised to the needs and requirements of various programmes. All facilities are equipped with 24X7 connectivity.

The campus has a lake, an amphitheatre, playing fields and jogging tracks. The campus also boasts of a cultural center, a botanical garden, a YogKutir and the Institute of Holistic Health Sciences.

The Hostel: One of the key contributors to an effective and intensive learning experience is living on campus. SPJIMR is equipped with excellent residential facilities that strengthen the feeling of belongingness and provide students the necessary impetus to a more cohesive learning environment. Besides easy access to library and computer facilities, the recently upgraded hostel facilities include amenities like television, table-tennis tables, water filters and coolers, coffee vending machines as well as washing machines. Moreover, all rooms are networked and students enjoy 24X7 connectivity.

The Library: The fully computerised library offers 27 different types of learning media. With a collection of over 18,000 volumes including the most recent publications in diverse areas of business, economics and management, some 150 foreign and Indian business journals and periodicals, audio-video cassettes and CD-ROMs, the Library is well-reputed to be the best in Mumbai. It also stocks the annual reports of several companies, products profiles and directories and subscribes to a host of online database like Thomson Learning, EBSCO Premier, Emerald Management Journals, CRISINFAC, CRISIL GVC, ISI Emerging Markets, Prowess Client and Cline.

Moreover, SPJIMR has ensured an arrangement with other libraries including the British Council Library, American Resource Center and World Trade Centre Library for wider access and information research. The library is equipped with a Reading Room and a Reference Section.


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IT Facilities: The IT Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art Client Server architecture with educational software and analytical tools including management games as well as computers, laptops, printers, scanners and projectors thereby encouraging the SPJIMR pedagogy of non-classroom learning. The E-learning facilities, which include comprehensive study materials, also allow students to take tests online. All students are equipped with laptops, which facilitate learning at their time and pace, as well as allowing them to submit assignments online. The institute has internet connectivity of 90 Mbp. Network printer are installed across the campus. SPJIMR was among the first institute to be equipped with Video Conferencing Technology (Both IP & ISDN) riding on a 768 Kbps and 4 ISDN line backbone. This facility is used for virtual classroom, interviews, placements and other interactions.

Amphitheatre: Learning is extended beyond the classroom to an amphitheatre set amongst the scenic surroundings of a botanical garden and a lake. The open-air amphitheatre known as Pranganga provides the perfect ambience for open classroom sessions, interactions, academic and cultural events.

Executive Training Centre: The new and renovated air-conditioned state-of-the-art Executive Training Centre has a capacity to seat 40 participants and is equipped with modern audio-visual training aids.

Sports Facilities: The SPJIMR campus is in proximity to Andheri Sports Complex, giving participants an opportunity to indulge in sports of their choice. The campus has space for jogging, outdoor games and facilities for indoor games.


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Events, Conferences, Celebrations

OJAS 5.0The word ‘OJAS' originates from the Vedas – a blend of eclectic elements which gives birth to an everlasting spring of vitality, vibrancy & fortitude. The event is about celebration of the OJAS power that lies in everyone, and manifests itself in forms like diligence, creativity and intellect.

OJAS 5.0 witnessed participation from the best brains of SPJIMR, IIMs, ISB, FMS and other premier B-Schools of the country and also drew participation from International Universities such as NUS, Singapore and Washington University. Tata Administrative Services (TAS) was the title Sponsor of OJAS along with numerous prominent names partnering as co-sponsors. OJAS 5.0 saw more than 9000 registrations with over 600 students shortlisted for the final campus round to compete for top honours. In all, 158 colleges from across the nation participated.

The chief guests at the opening ceremony in January 2013 were Lakshmikant Aggarwal, Principal consultant to CEO, TCS and Ms. Sonu Wadewal, Talent and Acquisition team, TAS.

Some of the OJAS events were TAS Finding Neo, Brando, Wiseguy, Eurowars, Industry Inc., Thinkcity, Glitterati, The Works and Janufest

HastantranAbhyudaya’s ‘Hastantaran', is one of the most colorful and vibrant days on campus. The 5th Hastantaran held in July 2013 was attended by over 1000 people, including the sitaras, their parents, the participants and the faculty of SPJIMR. Amid a sense of accomplishment and nostalgia, second year PGDM participants entrusted their mentoring responsibility to the first year buoyant PGDM participants, the new mentors, to carry the Abhyudaya journey forward. In return, the mentees or Sitaras (bright-underprivileged children) expressed their gratitude towards the old mentors and welcomed their new mentors with zest.

SPRINT 2013SPJIMR concluded the sixth edition of its annual sports festival, SPRINT. This year, SPRINT registered participation from 13 B-Schools across India. A total of 14 sports activities were conducted across eight venues over three days.

As one of the unique initiatives in SPRINT'13, ex- Indian hockey team captain, Viren Rasquinha visited SPJIMR for an exhibition football match with the internationally recognised NGO 'Slum Soccer'. After a gruelling routine of 14 sports activities which required 157 matches to be played, SPJIMR emerged as a clear winner in the medals tally . SPRINT'13 also saw an exhibition cricket match between the SPJIMR team and the TAS (TATA Administrative Services) executive team.

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GASP 2013The Guild of Actors at SPJIMR (GASP) is a voluntary, non-classroom initiative of the PGDM participants that gives them the opportunity to create their own production. GASP was held in February 2013.

Lock Stock & TradeLock, Stock & Trade, a simulated IPO game wherein investors bid for mock shares of actual startups, was held on January 27, 2013. LST is organized by the Entrecom Committee in association with National Entrepreneurship Network.

The keynote speaker for the event was Dheeraj Gupta, founder of Jumbo King, the well-known chain of hygienic vada pav stores in Mumbai. An experience eight person jury heard fifteen start-ups present their business ideas. The event was a one stop platform for the young startups to pitch their business models to VCs and mentors who have founded or are associated with venture financing & mentoring communities like Headstart Network Foundation, Indian Angels Network, Mumbai Angels, Ah! Ventures, India Social Fund and NEN. Astute investments by Bidhan Kumar Pradhan of SPJIMR emerged as the most profitable investor and LocalBanya.com bagged the award for highest Market Capitalization.

Heroes Speak by DOCCHeroes Speak, a DOCC (Development of Corporate Citizenship) event brings together the “heroes” of the society on to a single platform to share their experiences. September 2013 witnessed some of the most powerful and charismatic speakers such as Mr. Tushar Gandhi, great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and a socio-political activist, Mr. Madan Padaki, founder of Meritrac and co-founder of Head Held High (HHH), Mr. A- Murungnatham, inventor and Mr. Vineet Rai, founder and CEO of Aavishkar India.

The event also hosted an engrossing panel discussion with the presence of noted business leaders. The panel included Mr. Nishith Acharya who was the Director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce in the Obama administration, Mr. Anirban Ghosh, Vice- President of Strategic Planning and New Business Development at Mahindra & Mahindra and Mr. Vineet Rai. The theme of the event and the panel discussion was ‘Inclusive Development’ wherein each of the speakers and Panel Members shared their views and ideas.

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SAMVID LaunchResearch and Publications committee launched the first issue of a management journal, 'SAMVID' in July, 2012. SAMVID’s mission is to expand the body of management research at SPJIMR and publish selective research work to promote and encourage a healthy discussion in the academia as well as in the business.


Held in December 2012, SPANDAN, SPJIMR's Annual Alumni reunion, gives SPJIMR alumni from all over the world an opportunity to meet their batchmates, relive the times spent at SPJIMR as participants reconnect with the institute. This annual event is aimed at strengthening alumni ties and facilitating networking amongst the alumni of various batches. The events saw more than 150 alumni and their families in attendance.

DOCC committee conducted the event 'Experentia' over a period of two days in October 2012. SPJIMR participants visited the NGO 'Yusuf Meherally Centre', located in Tara village, Raigad district. The participants worked in groups on six themes - Cottage Industries, Education Sector, NGO's & Panchayati Raj, Rural Development, Health & Gender from a rural perspective, and Gandhian Economics. The participants also learned management principles through a social enterprise - 'Om Creations', an NGO for mentally challenged children/youth.


EHSAAS“Ehsaas” is a forum where the participants of the B-School interact and mingle with differently abled children, to learn from them the power of the human spirit, mind and will. DOCC committee participants organized Ehsaas- 2012. More than 250 children attended. The event was jointly organised by NABARD, Tata Chemicals and Club of LEO.

SpectrumSpectrum – a global cultural event was organised by the International Exchange and Internship Committee together with the Cultural Committee to celebrate music, dance and transcend cultural barriers.

From heart melting renditions of popular Bollywood songs and gleeful strums of the guitar to crooning voices, the event had it all. The international community was represented by participants from ESCP France, BEM Bourdeaux, USM Malaysia and ESB Reutlingen.

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Our Distinguished Faculty


Dr. Shrikant M.L., Hon. DeanDBA Harvard, MBA (Finance) Cornell,M.S.(Mech.) University of Illinois, B.S.(Prod.) Michigan Technology University

Dr. Iyer Sesha R., DirectorPh.D. (Operations Management), M.Tech,B.Sc., FICWA

Prof. Merchant ParimalDirector, FMB ProgramAICWA, BGL, B.Com.

Prof. Gabula AbbasaliDeputy Director - External Relations &AdministrationMBA (International Institute ofManagement, Geneva), B.E. (Mech, VJTI,University of Bombay)

Prof. Advani Suresh P.Chairperson, International OperationsPGDBM (Mumbai University),B.Tech. (Mech, IIT, Bombay)

Prof. Agarwal RajivBCom, ICWAI, MMS(Mktg), OMP-30 from Harvard, Ex Edu Course (3 wks) from Stanford

Dr. Bahadur UmeshPh.D. (IIT Kharagpur), PGDBM (XLRI),B.Sc. Engg (BHU)

Prof. Bhoola VanitaPGDCA (IGNOU), MCA (IGNOU), B.Com

Prof. Chandrani PremChairperson, International RelationsFICWA, ACA, MBA (Finance and Strategy),London Business School/Wharton, ACMA(UK), CISA (USA) B.Com (Hons.) DelhiUniversity

Dr. Chattopadhyay AtishDy. Director, PGDM ProgramPh.D. (Marketing), PGDBM, DHM

Prof. Dalal SamishMBA (Univ. of Queensland), B.Com.

Dr. Das SuranjanFellow in Management (IIM A),M.Sc. (Economics)

Dr. Dhir Lata VidyutPh.D., M.Phil (Psychology), M.A. (Psychology)

Prof. Divatia AditiM.C.A, M.Sc. (Maths, M.S. University ofBaroda)

Prof. Doctor SanjayTechnical Degree in Broadcast Production and Engineering, Columbia College - West Hollywood, USA. MEP (IIM-A)

Dr. D'Souza KeithFello (PersonnelMgmt & Industrial Relations), B.A.

Prof. D'Souza OscarPGD. (IISc), M.Sc., MMM, B.Sc.

Dr. George Preeta (on-lien)Ph.D., M.A. Economics (International Economics)

Dr. George SajeevPh.D. (IIT Bombay), M.Tech., B.Tech.

Prof. Jagasia JyotiM.S. (Software Systems), B.Sc. (Maths),B.Sc. (Tech)

Dr. Jayakumar Tulsi M.A., M.Phil (Economics), PhD, MBA (Marketing)

w in Mgmt. (IIM A), PGDM

Prof. Jayaraman R.M t Engg)(Univ of British Columbia, Canada)

Prof. Joshi RukaiyaChairperson, PGCDM ProgramM.Phil., DMS, M.Com., B.Com.

Dr. Kamath RenukaChairperson, PGEMP Program,Ph.D., PGDM (Mktg., TAPMI, Manipal),M.Sc. (Chemistry)

Dr. Karmakar K. G.Ph.D., MFM, BSc

Dr. Krishna MalayChairperson, International RelationsMBA (Vanderbilt University, Nashville),M.Tech. (Biochemical Engineering, IIT Delhi)

Prof. Kulkarni Anil BPGDM (IIM C), B.Sc.

Prof. Kulkarni BinduMBA (IM), B.E. (Comp Sc.)

Prof. Lakshminarayanan Srivatsan B.Com, ACA, CFA, CISA (on study leave)

Prof. Lalwani Suresh G.M.Com., CAIIB

Dr. Mallik DebasisPh.D., M.Sc. (Eco), B.Sc. (Hons)

Dr. Mattoo NirjaChairperson, DOCCPh.D., MSW (NirmalaNiketan, Mumbai), 'Training on Advocacy' at the School of International Training, Washington

Dr. Mody PallaviPh.D. (Eco), M.Phil., M.A.

Prof. Mohan HarshHonors Degree in Electronics Engg (BITS Pilani), P.G. (International Trade, (IIFT)

Prof. Mukhopadhyay JibanM.A. (Eco), B.A. (Hons)

Prof. Nair LathaBCom, MMS, ICWAI

Dr. Narain UmaFulbright Fellow, Ph.D.

Prof. Narayanan RadhikaMBA (Mktg.), Leadership & Training Program(LMI, Texas), Dip in Counseling & Guidance,B. Com.

Dr. Niranjan InduDy. Director, PGPM ProgramPh.D., MCom, Mphil. Grad.CWA

Prof. Palekar S. K.Chairperson, Executive Education, MMS (Mktg), M.Sc. (Physics), B.Sc.

Dr. Pattnaik R. K.Ph.D. (Economics); IIT Bombay, Mumbai

Dr. Prasad AjitBA (Hons); PhD; MSc

Prof. Rao M. S.Chairperson, CEDPGDBA (IIM A), B.Sc. Engg. (Electrical, REC Bhopal)

Dr. Sharma Ashita AggarwalPh.D., PGDM, MMM, B.A. (Hons Eco)

Prof. Sivaraman VasantPGDM (Finance, IIM C)

BA (IIM-B) and MS (MeDr. Thakur Rakhi B.Sc.(Computer Science), Delhi University; PGDGMT from NIFT; PhD (Marketing) from NMIMS, Mumbai

Dr. Vaidya AnilDBA (UK), MBA (USA), CISA, CISM.

Dr. Yadav HansrajDoctorate in Sacred Philosophy (USA)


Prof. Dhand UmeshFDP (IIM A), MBA, B.Com.

Prof. Fernandes MacarioBSc, MA, MBA/MMM, PG-DORM, PG-DFM, EDP, Honours Graduate in Leadership Management (Peter Drucker Institute of management, London)

Prof. Ghadiyar Nitin B.A. (Economics & Statistics), MMS (Marketing)

Prof. Iyer RaghuFellow of the Institute of CharteredAccountants of India

Mr. Maroo UdayanB.Com, CA, CS

Dr. Mazumdar ArupPh.D., International Graduate School of Business, University of South Australia; Graduate Diploma in Research Methods, University of South Australia; PGDM (Marketing), IIM (B); B.Sc (Mathematics), University of Calcutta

Dr. Menon AnilPhD in Mergers & Acquisition, MMS (Fin), B.E. (Prod)

Dr. Mohan LakshmiPh.D. (Mathematical Statistics, ColumbiaUniversity)

Prof. Murti V. K.PGDMS, PGDMM, B.Com.

Prof. Nanavati Mona M. M.A.(Clinical Psychology), PGDEdu Admin, D.H.A

Prof. Parameswaran K.MST (I), CAIIB, B.Sc.

Dr. Parikh ShrikantPMI, Ph.D. (Comp. Sc.), M.S. (Comp. Sc. &Engg.), B.E. (Elec.)

Prof. Sood SurajJt. Chairperson, FMB, Dip. In Personnel Management & IR, MBA (Mktg.), B.Pharma

Mr. Srinivasan Anil BA (Eco), Masters in Mktg Communication, MBA (Marketing) from University of Southern California, M.Phil (Marketing) from Columbia B-School, Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music

Prof. Thakker RajivBCom, Masters in Intl Business

Prof. Vatsaraj Bhargava K. Dy. Director - FMBB.Com, CA

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