Volume 17 —Issue 2 February, 2018 Living in Christ — Sharing God’s Love St. John’s Lutheran Church A community of believers since 1860. We pledge to be Christ’s community, growing in… FAITH . WORSHIP. HOSPITALITY. EDUCATION. MISSIONS. MINISTRY TO YOUTH. WEEKLY TEXT READINGS: February 4 Fiſth Sunday of Epiphany Isaaih 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 February 11 Transfiguraon of Our Lord 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalms 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 February 14 Ash Wednesday Joel 2:1-2,12-17 Psalms 51:1-17 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 Mahew 6:1-6,16-21 February 18 First Sunday in Lent Genesis 9:8-17 Psalms 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 February 25 Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalms 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38 St. John’S Journal Special Lenten Offering During the Lenten season, which starts with Ash Wednesday on February 14 th , we will have a special offering for Habitat for Hu- manity of DeKalb and La Salle counes. You may use a blue enve- lope for your offering and indicate on the outside that it is for Habitat for Humanity. Just wring Lenten offering will not get it into the correct account. Let’s help our neighbors in need of housing with this important offering. The amount raised will be matched by the Endowment commiee. Remember to mark your envelope with Habitat for Humanity. Special mes to celebrate Lent Feb. 14 ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES 4:00 pm AND 7:00 pm Mid-week Lenten services: Each service will begin at 6:30 PM Wednesdays: February 21 & 28 March 7,14,21 (No service on March 28) PALM SUNDAY SERVICE Sunday, March 23 at 9:45 AM HOLY WEEK SERVICES March 29 Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM March 30 Good Friday Ecumenical Service at St. John’s 7:00 PM EASTER SERVICES March 31 Saturday EASTER VIGIL 7:00 PM April 1 EASTER SERVICE 9:45 AM St. John's Public Recepon of New Members February 7th, 10th and 11th All those wishing to become new members here at St. John's are encouraged to come to one of the worship services that week to affirm their membership. Contact church office with any quesons or for addional informaon.

S. John’S Jornal Journal.pdfPAGE 2 ST. JOHN’S JOURNAL VOLUME 17 —ISSUE 2 Giving in Generosity Help us, Lord, to more fully embrace our identity as stewards, so we can live more

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Page 1: S. John’S Jornal Journal.pdfPAGE 2 ST. JOHN’S JOURNAL VOLUME 17 —ISSUE 2 Giving in Generosity Help us, Lord, to more fully embrace our identity as stewards, so we can live more

Volume 17 —Issue 2 February, 2018

Living in Christ — Sharing God’s Love St. John’s Lutheran Church A community of believers since 1860.

We pledge to be Christ’s community, growing in…



February 4 Fifth Sunday of Epiphany

Isaaih 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11

1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39

February 11 Transfiguration of Our Lord

2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalms 50:1-6

2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9

February 14

Ash Wednesday Joel 2:1-2,12-17 Psalms 51:1-17

2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 Matthew 6:1-6,16-21

February 18

First Sunday in Lent Genesis 9:8-17 Psalms 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22

Mark 1:9-15

February 25 Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Psalms 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25

Mark 8:31-38

St. John’S Journal

Special Lenten Offering

During the Lenten season, which starts with Ash Wednesday on February 14th, we will have a special offering for Habitat for Hu-manity of DeKalb and La Salle counties. You may use a blue enve-lope for your offering and indicate on the outside that it is for Habitat for Humanity. Just writing Lenten offering will not get it into the correct account. Let’s help our neighbors in need of housing with this important offering. The amount raised will be matched by the Endowment committee. Remember to mark your envelope with Habitat for Humanity.

Special times to celebrate Lent

Feb. 14 ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES 4:00 pm AND 7:00 pm

Mid-week Lenten services: Each service will begin at 6:30 PM

Wednesdays: February 21 & 28 March 7,14,21 (No service on March 28)

PALM SUNDAY SERVICE Sunday, March 23 at 9:45 AM

HOLY WEEK SERVICES March 29 Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM March 30 Good Friday Ecumenical Service at St. John’s 7:00 PM


March 31 Saturday EASTER VIGIL 7:00 PM April 1 EASTER SERVICE 9:45 AM

St. John's Public Reception of New Members

February 7th, 10th and 11th All those wishing to become new members here at St. John's are encouraged to come to one of

the worship services that week to affirm their membership.

Contact church office with any questions or for

additional information.

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Giving in Generosity Help us, Lord, to more fully embrace our identity as stewards, so we can live more grateful, generous lives. As we continue our discussion of ‘Giving in Generosity,’ we will keep the aforementioned prayer as our focus. What do you think of when you hear the words “generosity of God”? Perhaps one’s understand-ing of the generosity of God is linked with wealth and prosperity given to us by God in response to some action or attitude on our part. This is called ‘the theology of abundance’ which finds its center in God rewarding us with wealth and blessings for some favorable action on our part. But this is NOT what the generosity and abun-dance of God is about. Rather, God’s generosity is the sacrificial giving centered on the cross where Jesus died for our sins that we might have forgiveness and life. It is the cross that defines the core of God’s generosity and defines our own. Stories of generosity: The follow-ing stories were shared by two pa-rishioners. Our parishioner was 15 when his grandpa was hospitalized with cancer just before harvest time. Harvesting the crop of the 2 farms, 7 miles apart, fell on his shoulders. He went to school for a half day, expecting to come home and get to work. In the meantime, a great uncle started a phone tree. By the time he got there, the beans had been harvest-ed. He explained there were two

waves of harvest; 13 machines were in the fields. People who could not come sent others, or equipment such as trucks or wag-ons. One farmer’s combine was laid up at the implement dealer’s and he insisted that he be given a new combine so he could go and help. The dealer did so. One man whose old tractor had no lights had a pickup lead the way for him when it got dark. The local bank provided lunch for the workers and the fuel company gave free fuel for all the machines. The ele-vator opened especially for them and when the bins were full, the grain was dumped on the ground to be shoveled by men (many re-tired) who had again come to help in any way that they could. Our second parishioner was 17 and in his junior year of High School when his father died in 1966. They had about 310 acres in crops in addition to pigs and cattle. He remembers one neighbor com-ing over daily to feed the cattle while he took care of the pigs. When the wheat was ready for harvesting, he began changing the settings (using a manual) on the combine only to have another neighbor tell him that he would harvest it for them. In the mean-time, 2 uncles had been coming over on a regular basis to help, and when the corn was ready in Oct., they began readying the machin-ery. On the day they were to begin harvesting, he was sent to school by his mom, and when he got home, everything was finished – harvested and taken to the grain elevator by the local farmers and

neighbors. Also, when the hogs were ready for market, the local vet sold them to local farmers and the market for excellent prices. Thank you God for your loving, kind, and generous people! In Christ’s love, Connie Hamer St. John’s Stewardship Committee


BRUNCH Each year the Stew-

ardship Committee

hosts a brunch

which benefits a

worthy charity or

organization. This

year’s brunch will

benefit the ELCA Dis-

aster Relief for the

recent hurricanes in

the Golf Cost and

Puerto Rico. Please

join us at the free-

will offering brunch

on Sunday, February

4, 2018. Serving will

begin at 10:45 am

and end at noon.

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LWR (Lutheran World Relief) WORK TIMES in February Tuesday February 20th, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. & 7-9 p.m. (bring your lunch) . Wednesday February 21st, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (bring your lunch)

For the month of February we will be concentrating on PERSONAL CARE KITS. A Personal Care Kit includes 8-9 oz. of soap in original package, 1 adult-size toothbrush in original package, 1 sturdy comb, 1 metal nail clippers and 1 lightweight bath-size towel(about 52”x27”)in a dark color. There will be a display in the Welcome Center with bags and a list so you can go shopping. Please return the bags to the church by February 28th.

We will also have our regular quilting days in February, where the temperature will most likely be higher than outside. Won’t you come join us for a fun time tieing, sewing, cutting and pressing. We always have plenty of coffee and the treats will be plentiful. Remember our neighbors who need our help are not always close to us.

Location for Piecemaker packets(for sewing at home) and completed baby afghans, completed quilt tops, kits and donated items for LWR Projects…baskets and hamper are located in the hallway by the kitchen. Thank you for your cooperation.

Just a reminder-donated items for use in quilts and for layettes should be clean and free of stains and pet hairs. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Questions???Contact Karol Grandgeorge, 815-498-2668 or the church office 815-498-3667.

Knitter Critters usually meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month (February 13th) to knit and crochet baby af-ghans for the babies born at Valley West, a part of Northwestern Medicine, in Sandwich. If you knit or cro-chet and need yarn or patterns, see the file cabinet located in the corner of the Matthew Room

across the hall from the church office. Check out some of the thank you notes on the kiosk. If you need assistance or want to learn, you may speak with Elfriede Korallus 498-3943 or Tena Hamster 498-3326.

Hearts and Hands Ministry provides aid within our congregation as volunteers lend a hand by providing meals to those recuperating from an illness or hospitalization or bringing home a new baby, etc. Stella Gardner coordinates this effort and would be happy to have more volunteers who are willing to provide a meal for fellow members of St. John’s. For details on how you can be a part of this warm and caring minis-try, contact Stella at 815-761-1581 or the church office at 815-498-3667. If you know of someone who would benefit from this Ministry, contact Stella or the church office.

LWR Work Times in 2018... February 20 & 21 Personal Care Kits March 20 & 21 April 17 & 18 Ingathering of SOAP May 15 & 16 Baby Care Kits June 19 & 20 July 17 & 18

August 21 & 22 School Kits September 18 & 19 Collection for shipping October 16 & 17 November 13 & 14 December 11 & 12 Submitted by Karol Grandgeorge

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St. John's Lutheran Church of Somonauk presents a check from the church's Endowment Fund to Feed My Starving Children during their recent work session in Aurora. Pictured from the left are: Robin Raupp, Cheryl Hearn, Julie Horsch, Lilly Horsch, program staff member.


Recently, we identified a new mission opportunity for St. John's and your response has been wonderful! This article is a review and quick update on BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK. The Blessings program provides weekend snacks for children receiving meal assistance through Somonauk schools. The Blessings organizer needed help getting the backpacks to the school so St. John's volunteers have signed up to provide that deliver.

We made our first delivery the second week in January. We will continue deliveries as the schedule requires. Brenda Warhurst has agreed to serve as St. John coor-dinator. The sign up sheet remains on the kiosk for those that would like to be added to the list of volun-teers.

Thank you for your support. Contact DeAnne Zaeske for more information about the program.


Missions Committee


Souper Bowl of Caring—Empowering Youth and Uniting Communities to help those in need. Youth across the nation use the excitement and energy sur-rounding the “Big Game” to transform this time of celebration into caring for people in their local communities, fighting hunger and assisting those in need. 100% of their donations are given to the local hunger-relief chari-ty of their choice. This year, St. John’s Youth will be receiving donations the weekend of February 3 & 4 to benefit Our Sharing Pantry. Look for

them in the Welcome Center sporting their big soup pot. You are invited to toss change or a few dol-lars into the pot, or place your donation in a blue offering envelope (marking it “Souper Bowl”). Thank you for supporting this Youth Project to help fight hunger in our local communities!

Souper Bowl NOT Super Bowl!


February 15 at 1:00 PM

In the Fellowship Hall

Leader: Karol Grandgeorge

Hostess: Jackie Wendland


February 7 at 9:00 AM

In the Fellowship Hall

All women are welcome at any circle meeting. So, please join us for Bible Study, fellowship and

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Worship Committee Happenings…..

We have some new and exciting things happening with Worship in the upcoming months. Below are some improvements we’ve been trying to make to make your worship experience better. First off, we are using new covers with pre-printed scripture readings for our worship folders. Although the order of worship will stay the same these pre-printed covers will all for us to combine all our hand outs in one easy to use folder that you can take home each week. Included will be the News & Notes, worship order and readings. Also printed on the bottom back cover will be the scripture readings for the next week. We hope this will make things easier for you and your experience more enjoyable. If you are a scheduled reader you can stop by the office and pick up a pre-printed cover to prepare. The readings for the month are also available here in the journal. Secondly, we are working towards some new multimedia devices in the worship space. Currently we have a projector and screen set up. In the coming months that will become more permanent and we will install a large tv in that corner. This will allow easier viewing and down the road will allow us to make things easier to read, add more multimedia, allow committees to showcase things they have been working on, and allow for us to have it hooked into the sound system. We will also be adding microphones to the sound system so we can more easily record services for those unable to attend. The worship committee has been working with the outreach committee to record services so people at the nursing homes can watch the service and receive communion at the appropriate time. Also installed at the beginning of January were new wireless microphones. We found out that our old wireless microphones do not comply with the new FCC regulations so they were upgraded.

Upcoming Lent Schedule: Wed, February 14, 2018 – Ash Wednesday Services at 4:00pm & 7:00pm Wed, February 21, 2018 – Lenten Midweek Service at 6:30pm Wed, February 28, 2018 – Lenten Midweek Service at 6:30pm Wed, March 7, 2018 – Lenten Midweek Service at 6:30pm Wed, March 14, 2018 – Lenten Midweek Service at 6:30pm Wed, March 21, 2018 – Lenten Midweek Service at 6:30pm Sun, March 25, 2018 – Palm Sunday at 9:45am Wed, March 28, 2018 – NO Wednesday Service Thur, March 29, 2018 – Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00pm Fri, March 30, 2018 – Good Friday Ecumenical Service at St. John’s Lutheran 7:00pm Sat, March 31, 2018 – Easter Vigil at 7pm Sun, April 1, 2018 – Easter Sunday at 9:45am

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SOAP DRIVE coming in MARCH Start collecting/saving bars Now!

No one likes to be dirty. A brand new bar of soap lets someone present him- or herself with dignity, keep hands clean and stay healthy. Did you know pneumonia and diarrheal disease are two of the leading causes of death among children under 5 years old? According to the World Health Organiza-tion, millions of young lives could be saved with access to bar soap and hygiene education. These sim-ple things are some of the very building blocks to success and may be all it takes to provide someone a fresh outlook on life. The Parish Education Committee will be collecting new bars of soap throughout the month of March for LWR. LWR accepts new bars of any brand, in its original wrapping. Bath-size bars (4 to 5 oz.) are highly preferred. Or please consider donating funds needed to ship the soap. It costs LWR $11.60 to send an 18 pound carton of soap overseas. Thank you in advance for your help!

Submitted by Robin Raupp On behalf of the Parish Education Committee

Parish Education Project

Update on Broken Stained Glass Window As of January 10, 2018 our church insurance is Cincinnati Insurance. They have agreed to pay out $19,072.40 on our claim. The break down is as follows: Colorsmith Stained Glass will be paid from the insurance $ 6,960.00 for the broken Stained Glass window. Colorsmith Stained Glass will be paid from the insurance $ 12,790.00 for leading the whole window of Jesus. O’Neill Glass & Mirror, will be paid by insurance $ 1,822.40 for new Lexan for the outside windows. O’Neill Glass & Mirror, will be replacing the two side windows in the back by Jesus. Council voted to have these two replaced so they will match the center window and also protect them from possible future damage. O’Neill will be out here and this will cut the cost down by replacing those two at the same time. Cost for the two side windows $ 1262.00 . The Church will be paying for these items. Lexan is not glass it’s a polycarbonate resin thermoplastic. This material is see thru. Football players use this for their helmets. Nascar car drivers use this for their helmets and windshields on their cars. Please if you have any questions please contact me Kathi Hastings. Glory to our Lord: Thank you, Kathi Hastings and the Property Committee

Property Committee News St. John’s is a church that thrives on volun-teers. Do you know how many volunteers are need each week to serve as Wor-ship Leaders? It

takes about 30 volunteers to fill the Worship Leader positions each week.

Are you aware that St. John’s has many oth-er volunteer positions? They range from outside maintenance and inside upkeep to quilters, teachers, kitchen help for our many dinners and other projects, help with mail-ings, and a myriad of other tasks.

Some people may not feel comfortable being an assisting minister or reader: but anyone can learn to run the audio system or be an usher or greeter.

Did you fill out a TIME % TALENTS list this year? Lists from previous years are not moved to the current year. Also, maybe you were absent when this was done at church. THAT IS NO PROBLEM! Either fill out a form which is at the usher stand, or simply call the office to offer your valuable service.


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SAT. 2/7 5 PM

SAT 2/10 5 PM

SAT 2/15 5PM

SAT 2/24 5 PM

ASH WED. 2/14 4:00 PM

ASSIST.MIN. Marlyn Glover Wayne Karp Alan Zaeske Linda Weidenbach Ward Hearn

GREETERS Donna Guehler

Elfriede Korallus

Lorri Boyer

Cindy Karp

Barb Voss

Tom Glover

Bob Huss

Bob Mueller

Kathy Anderson

Jill Krapausky

READER Jerry Lundeen Chuck Hoepe Lance Davenport Nancy Miller Karol Grandgeorge


Barb Voss

Marlyn Glover Mike Gletty Nancy Miller Gloria Cook

Nancy Gletty-Olson

Susan Thomas

ALTAR GUILD Cindy Karp Marlyn Glover Nancy Miller Cara Killey Nancy Maroscia

USHERS Wayne Karp

Mike Gletty

Bruce Wold

Nancy Miller

Bob Huss

Linda Weidenbach

Elfriede Korallus

Cindy Karp

Connie & Mike


AUDIO Bruce Wold Nancy Miller Diane Wold Wayne Karp Cheryl Hearn

ORGAN/PIANO (both services)

Toni Lundeen Becky Stephens Darla Fraley Toni Lundeen Toni Lundeen


SUN 2/4 9:45 AM

SUN 2/11 9:45 AM

SUN 2/18 9:45 AM

SUN 2/25 9;45 AM

ASH WED. 2/14 7:00 pm

ACOLYTE Taylor Johnson Lily Horsch Brooklyn Misener

ASSIST. MIN. Emily Denault Ward Hearn Abigail Denault Mike Hamer Anita Milligan


Stella Gardner

Glends Andrews

Cheri Kossak

Jamie Johnson

Karie Misener

Mary Bark

Tena Hamster

Linda Johnson

Robin Raupp

READER Dave McKenzie Karol Grandgeorge Chuck Hoepe Doris Miller Jean Lunt


Darlene Hozie

Jeanette Pfeifer

Susan Thomas

Alan & DeAnne


Mary Carlson

Kari & Brooklyn


Linda Johnson

Connie Hamer

Adam Killey

Darla Fraley

Susan Thomas

ALTAR GUILD Phyllis Zoellner Glenda Andrews Marion Gaffney Jackie Harmon Karol Grandgeorge

USHERS Kathi Hastings

Phyllis Zoellner

Jeff Denault

Rich Kossak

Homer & Tena


Ellie Kulton

Cheryl Hearn

Scott Horsch

Ellie Kulton

AUDIO Adam Killey Mark Lee Erik Johnson Erik Gottlieb Bob Fraley

COUNTERS Glends Andrews

Jerry & Toni


Marion Gaffney

Jamie Johnson

Karie Misener

Mark Lee

Lois Spizzirri

Susan White

Phyllis Zoellner

Doris Miller

Linda Johnson

Val Spizzirri

February Worship Leaders

WORSHIP LEADERS - If you are unable to be present at worship when scheduled please contact one of

the other worship leaders in your category to shift dates with another volunteer. —THANK YOU

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


8:30-10:30 AM

Food Pantry


9 AM Bible




10 AM Fellowship

Hall Rented


8:30 am


Education Hour

9:45 am









9 AM-12 PM

Walk-In Office

Hours with

Pastor William


9:00 am Esther


6:30 Worship

7:10 PM

All committee



8:30-10:30 AM

Food Pantry


9 AM Bible


6:30 PM Exec.

Comm. Meeting

7 PM Council

9 10

8:30 AM Prison


Mission’s Trip

5 PM Worship

6:30 PM



11 8:30 AM


Education Hour

9:45 AM


* New Mem-

ber Recogni-

tion Day

5-8 PM 3N1

Pizza Party @


10:30 AM Food

Bank Distribution




9 AM-12 PM

Walk-In Office

Hours with

Pastor William

1 PM Knitter





4:00 pm


7:00 pm



8:30-10:30 AM

Food Pantry


9 AM Bible


11:15 AM Staff


1 PM Rebekah


16 17

5 PM Worship

18 8:30 AM


Education Hour

9:45 AM



10 AM


4-6 PM Food

Pantry Distribu-





9 AM-12 PM

Walk-In Office

Hours with

Pastor William


6:30 Worship

7:10 PM Bible



8:30-10:30 AM

Food Pantry


9 AM Bible


23 24

5 PM Worship

25 8:30 AM


Education Hour

9:45 AM






9 AM-12 PM

Walk-In Office

Hours with

Pastor William

12 PM Endow-

ment Comm.


6:30 Worship

7:10 PM Bible


February, 2018

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1 Reagan Hallman Chuck Eighner,

Allie Otto-Classon Lori Wold

2 Derick Skaggs

Lorilye Johnson Joshua Schmitt Alan & DeAnne Zaeske

3 Don Rubis, Linda Gletty

Jean Lunt Charles & Madison Vermeland Phyllis Zoellner

4 Don Abel

5 Stephen Kossak Marlene Allen

6 Cindy Karp Kevin & Becky Anderson

7 Glenda Andrews

8 Caitlym Wesolowski Alan & DeAnne Zaeske Lora Arend

9 Mary Bark

10 Amy Killey Jim & Anita Beal

11 Roger & Donna Belden

12 Lorri Boyer

13 Susan White, Emily Denault Dave & Megan Brue

Kashton, Gentry

14 Chris Cain, Ben Svoboda John & Mary Burgin

15 Peter & Sheila Buschman

16 Andrew Milligan Calleigh Rogers, Bruce Wold Tim & Chris Cain


17 Toni Lundeen, Tammy Michael

Olivia Rogers JoAnn Fox, Don Rubis Mary Carlson

18 Andrea Otto-Classon

Tyler Stahl John & Della Chapp

19 Tyler & Julie Christopher

20 Montana Rogers Darlene Fishburn Patricia Clapper

21 Mike Gletty Armand (Shorty) Dannewitz,

Phyllis Zoellner Gloria Cook

22 Lee Gehrke, Destiny Eaton Armand (Shorty) Dannewitz

23 Lance Davenport, Karen Mander

24 Evan Gottlieb Doris Rogers, Ed Stahl Dick & Bev Delp

25 Elfriede Korallus, Jessica Wold Jeff & Monda Denault

Emily, Abigail

26 Cindy Johnson Jim & Anita Beal Brad & Jackie Eade

Coleton, Kaydence

27 Owen Haggerty Kori Eggert,

Jake, Jessie, Jimmy Faltz

28 Della Chapp Chuck & Amy Eighner

29 Doug Stahl William & Anita Johnson


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Calling all people who have love in their hearts.

Love for friends, Love for children,

Love for Christ. Love for our church or any kind of LOVE.

You are welcome to attend St. John’s Special Dinner to honor all forms of LOVE!

Saturday, February 10 at 6:30 pm

Lasagna AND Spaghetti will be provided.

Please sign up to bring a Salad or a Dessert as well as how many will be attending. You will find sign-up sheets on the kiosk in the Welcome Center.

If you have any questions, please call Stella Gardner at 815-761-1581

Eighteen of us headed into Aurora, on a snowy day, to fill bags of nutritious food for child living in developing countries. Two of the photos show our group filling the bags. Another photo shows Bob and Robin refilling the containers at each work station.

This is an amazing organization. If you want to join our group so your smile can be sent with food to someone who needs a smile, please see DeAnne Zaeske and watch for an announcement of our next trip.

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Church Staff: a. Administration i. Office Secretary: Rebecca Wollenweber b. Business i. Financial Recorder: Mike Hamer ii. Treasurer: Dave McKenzie c. Facilities i. Building Superintendent: Diane Wold d. Worship i. Accompanists: Darla Fraley, Toni Lundeen, Margaret Page, Becky Stephens iii. Pastor: Rev. William C. Weidenbach Jr.

Church Council: President: Ward Hearn Vice-President: Kathy Anderson Secretary: Linda Johnson

Congregation Council: Kathi Hastings Mary Hooper Adam Killey Mark Lee Jean Lunt Robin Raupp DeAnne Zaeske

Mendota Lutheran Home Representatives-2017: Sharon Goode, Mary Carlson Lutherdale Bible Camp Representatives-2017: Nancy Miller, Karol Grandgeorge Synod Assembly Representatives-2017: Ward Hearn, Lisa Lee, Wendy Merkel, Caitlynn Merkel (youth) Cemetery Board: Bob Fraley, Glen Reuter, Doug Stahl Endowment Fund: Marion Gaffney, Beth Gottlieb, Mike Hamer, Vicky Huss, Don Loux, Finance Committee: Monda Denault, Chuck Hoepe, Valerie Spizzirri

Church Ministries & Organizations Contacts: Altar Guild: in need of leadership Baby Afghans for Valley West Community Hospital: Tena Hamster, Elfriede Korallus Community Health Network (CHN): Sharon Goode CROP Walk: Karie Misener Fair Trade: Karol Grandgeorge, Barbara Voss Foods Resource Bank: Jerry & Toni Lundeen Global Missions: Tom Martin, DeAnne Zaeske Habitat for Humanity: Karol Grandgeorge Hearts & Hands: Tena Hamster House of the Little Ones: Linda Johnson International Holiday Market: DeAnne Zaeske, Tom Martin LSSI Christmas Hope Chest: Heidi Eaton LWR Projects (Mission Quilts, Soap, Baby Care Kits, School Kits, Personal Care Kits, Sewing Kits): Karol Grandgeorge Meals on Wheels: Tena Hamster

Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans: Monda Denault Our Sharing Pantry: Doris Miller Partners In Mission - Uganda, Africa: DeAnne Zaeske Prayer Chain: Nancy Strever, Barbara Voss Wedding Coordinator: Diane Wold

Parish Education: Youth Faith Formation, Confirmation Level: a. Primary Instructor—Scott Horsch b. St. John’s Congregational Council 3N1: 7—12 gr. Youth Ministry: Coordinators: Scotto & Leigh-Leigh Kossman from Salem Lutheran Church, Sandwich Youth Ministry Connection from St. John’s - Anita Milligan Esther Circle: Jeanette Pfeifer Rebekah Circle: Connie Hamer Sunday School Coordinator: Jamie Johnson

Chairpersons/Committee Summaries: (Listed alphabetically by committee) Cemetery Committee: Doug Stahl Oversees the care of the church cemetery, seeing to maintenance and improvements.

Communications Committee: Linda Johnson Seeks to improve communication with members and the community.

Fellowship & Hospitality Committee: Mary Hooper Plans activities and recreational outings to promote friendship and fellowship in our congregation and community.

Finance Committee: Kathy Anderson Proposes the budget and administers incoming and outgoing funds.

Missions Committee: DeAnne Zaeske Provides a variety of opportunities to do God's Work with Our Hands. Organizes activities, publicize events and coordinate participation. Please join us in any way that works for you.

Outreach Committee: Jean Lunt Develops ways to reach out to the community in invitation to worship, delivering bread to new residents and ‘mugging’ newcomers.

Parish Education Committee: Robin Raupp Oversees Sunday School Program, Summer Bible Day Camp, and youth related activities.

Property Committee: Kathi Hastings Oversees the care of the church facilities and grounds, seeing to maintenance and improvements.

Stewardship Committee: Mark Lee Provides opportunities for members of our congregation to use their gifts and resources, which includes raising funds for special projects.

Worship Committee: Adam Killey Striving to provide Spirit filled worship opportunities in an atmosphere of hospitality.

Page 12: S. John’S Jornal Journal.pdfPAGE 2 ST. JOHN’S JOURNAL VOLUME 17 —ISSUE 2 Giving in Generosity Help us, Lord, to more fully embrace our identity as stewards, so we can live more

Newsletter of St. John’s Lutheran Church: February, 2018 We’re on the Web:


235 South Green Street P.O. Box 245

Somonauk, Illinois 60552

Pastor: William C. Weidenbach Jr.

Church Office 815-498-3667 [email protected] [email protected] www.elcastjohns.com

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Worship Times-



SUNDAYS 9:45 AM Worship

Christian Education Hour Sundays 8:30 AM — 9:30 AM