r I J y O c t 1 Uill J 911RBON NEWS PARIS KY JAN IT 1 X 6 1905 w TEi r U s > THREE YEARS AFTER Eugene E Lario of 751 Twcvivtietn avenue ticket seller in the Uniou Sta- tion Denver Col says You are 2 ttI a b Ir J Ej fl L ¬ = liberty to repeat what first stated through our Denver papers about Dpans Kidney Pills in tiLe summer of 1899 for I had no reason in the interim to change my opinion of the remedy I was subject to severe at tacks of backache al- ways aggravated if I sat long at a desk Doans Kidney Pills absolutely topped my backache I have never had a pain orla twinge since Z have 1 c 1 ¬ FosterMilburn Co Buffalo N Y esints per box J sale by all lruggists Price liO- n F I For m OF THE TITLED The Duchess Cecile of Mecllenburg the crown prince of Germany is tp marry has been brought many respects after the fashion of the German housewife She is profl- cient in all domestic duties and said to firstclass cook The little prince Piedmont unlike his sisters Princesses Yolanda and Ma falda is being nursed by his mother Queen helene reluctantly gave the other children up to the nurse but when the longhopedfor heir to throne ar rived she absolutely refused to let any other than herself give him nourish- ment King Leopold of Belgiumfhas ap pointed Henry Gabriels bishop of the Catholic diocese of an oft c rk of the Royal Order of Leopolds which was founded by the first king of Blgium This honor recognizes the labors of Bishop Gabriels in his writ- ings on various subjects puNished in Belgium and the services frequently Ex- tended by him to emigrants from Bel to this country Charles Beresford the inchief pf the Channel fleet is s popular in poiiticar circles as is in th navy In the house of commons his speeches were always invariably good humored and marked with sound com- mon sense On one occasion Lord Charles created a roar of laughter by explaining how he would deal with cap- tured slave traders Id give these a fair trial Mr Speaker said he and then Id hang them When she was Consuelo Vanderbilt the duchess of Marlborough had a sweet voice not remarkable for its timbre but she used to shock her musical instructors a little by display- ing a decided liking for the quaint melodiesof the old plantation darkies Now even as a stately and dignified duchess she loves to sing these old bal- lads and the more modern coon songs t for the entertainment of her friends and she has made the melodies so popu v lat they have become all the rage in the 4 families of the nobility The duchess oPYvestminster has taken them up has Princess Henry of Pless woMAlsr MAW When he his hair a neat brush and his coiffure is complete Vhen he doesnt have to kiss his sworn enemy and tell him how sweat he looks When the children cry atid h a tune get his hat bang tha door and go out When he trips up the street of her qn a rainy day with his trousers jauntily turned up and no skirts to carry TALES rJ c S in the Ogd nsburg Lord comman- d r h men pleasingand and- s WHEN ENVIES ives all whistle ahead herinhom up beta glum i I 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > When he have to twist his rras to hook his bodice up the back or drag six superfluous yards of dress goods behind him and do it gracefully too Why They Were Cleaner Teacher How Is it that your hands aijejsp much dirtier than your sisters Tommy after a period of intense ihought Why she as to wash up the tea things Ally Sloper Telling the Truth iJill Did you have you were a lad No my head Yonkers Statesma- nV HABITS CHAIN i s Certain Habits Unconsciously r and Hard to Break ingenious philosopher estimates that the amount x f will power neces sjiry to break a lifelong habit would i it could be transformed lift a weight cf rainy tons sometimes requires a higher de- gree of heroism to break the chains of pernicious habit than to lead a for Jfiirn hope in a bloody battle A lady itatirf rnm an Indiana town I From my earliest childhood I was af lever of coffee Before I was out oLiny teens I was u miserable dys tic terribly at times with tmy stomach fel was convinced that it was coffee that was causing the trouble and yet ll could not deny myself a cup for breakfast At the age of 36 I was in poor health indeed My Sister t9ld me t was in danger of becoming af coffee drunkard But I never could give up drinking coffee for breakfast although it kept nfe constantly ill until I tried Postum to to directions and now TVB can hardly do without Postum for break- fast and care nothing at all for coffee fI am no longer troubled with dys do not have spells of suffering ith my stomach that used to trouble so when 1 drank coffee Name nby Co Battle Creek doesnt your head- s i gled whc ri t I Q Formed rAn tIt suffer IP earned I p JSla Y I Q 1 ill pltg for 1ii- 10a1 Road to WellviIli- n I I S S Ii very 5 make it properly accord e pos in each the famous 1 The = > + < < + CAPTURE OF PORT ARTHUR I How the Japanese LineS Advanced by Miles to Gates of City After a Ten Months Seige Gen Stoessel Surrendered I The Beseiging Army is Now Free to Join the Forces Opposing Gen Kuropatkin There is Great x Rejoicing in Japan New York Jan Arthur whose hills have for months run red with the blood of the bravest of two PORT ARTHUR TAKEN r J I 3port I I Lieut Gen Count Nogi v The distinguished Japanese soldier in command of the besieging army before Port Arthur warlike nations has at last succumbed- to the fierce tenacity of the Japanese attack Gen Stoessel most stubborn- in carrying out the will of his has seen the advance of the be sieging army gain in momentum and energy until to hold out longer would have been a crime against humanity Tokio was the scene of rejoicing people of all ranks finding in the out come compensation for all the sacri- fice of life and money that was en- tailed in the ten months siege To what extent the fall of Port Ar- thur will make for a restoration of- neace is an sover- eign > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Chefoo Jan interesting statistics concerning the defense of Port Arthur were brought here by the flotilla of Russian torpedo boat de stroyers which numerous chests containing complete records of Gen Stoessels army Originally the army numbered 35 000 Eleven thousand have been kill ed 16000 are wounded or sick and 8000 remained in the forts of whidh however 2000 were unable to fight Duringthe siege 265 per cent of the gdrrisons were put out of action This remarkable fact was due to wounded men returning to the front Cases have been recorded where men have gone to hospitals four times returning convalescent to the forts The number of Officers killed was proportionately greater than in any battle known in history This was due to the frequent lethargic condition- of the men who without food and without sleep moved only when or dered by their officers The Russians estimate that the tak- ing of the fortress has cost Japan 100000000 New York Jan text of the articles of capitulation of the Port garrison signed by the commis- sioners representing Gen Stoessel and Gen Nogi has been made public All Russian soldiers marine and civil of ficials of the garrison and harbor are made prisoners all forts batteries vessels munitions etc are to the Japanese in the condition- in which they existed a noon of 3 violation of this clause to oper ate as an annulment of the negotia- tions giving the Japanese army war rant to take free action the Russian military and naval authorities are to furnish to the Japanese of all fortifications and submarine mines a list of military Fifth Member of theCommission Vienna Jan 5 Adm Baron von Spaun fifth member of the commission of inquiry into th Dogger Bank affair left here by Capt Winterhalder anti Lieut Barr on Hauser I- To Increase the of Glass f Cleveland Cv Jan 5 A meeting about 20 independent glass turers was held here representing nearly 500 pots It was decided iii formally to make an advance of five per cent in the price of glass 4Some cal ried 4The Ar- thur transfer- red t Jan- uary h bit underground Thurs- day for Paris rJce of manuf j i o S interna- tional He was accompanie r r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > officers of ships and the numbers of their crews and of ivilians of both sexes with their race and and all public property as buildings munitions of war etc to be left in the present position pending arrange ment for their transference Officers of the army and navy are permitted to retain their swords and such of their personal property as is directly necessary for the mainten- ance of life and with one servant each may upon signing their parole not to take up arms during the con tinuance of the war return to Russia Headquarters of the Third Japanese Army at Port Arthur Jan formal entry of the Jap anese into Port Arthur January S will be an imposing spectacle The Japan ese officers will be given a banquet in the city on January 10 The reason for the surrender of the fortress is evident from a visit to Wantai hill The entire strength of the position lay in the main line of outer defenses The of Wantai gave the the key to the forts east of the city The hills in the rear were not fortified and afforded a full cover for the assaulting forces The weight of opinion in Japanese official circles seems to be against a belief in the early conclusion of peace and doubt is expressed that the fall of Port Arthur will materially affect the situation St Petersburg Jan seems now to be definite that Vice Adm Ro jestvenskys squadron will not attempt- at present to reach Vladivostok The decision has been reached that he will await the third Pacific squadron on which work is proceeding night and day and several ships of which are expected to be ready for service by the end of January It is by no means certain that Rojestvensky will return with his ships to European waters ho may await the third squadron off the coast of Madagascar and seize maker his base one of the coral islands of Polynesia In view of the report that the intend to invest Vladivostok Gen occupations 5Via FusanThe besiegers 5It Japan- ese uninhabited ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GEN STOESSEL The Commander of the Defending Forces at Port Arthur Batiavoff who has been interviewed has expressed the opinion that if Vladivostok should be blockaded Rc jestvensky would be compelled to re turn New Set of Russian Stamps- St Petersburg Jan govern ment has decided to issue a new set of stamps for foreign and domestic postage in denominations from one to ten kopecks bearing pictures of the Kremlin Plevna Peter the Greats statue etc Have Left St Petersburg- St Petersburg Jan Carl Reichmarm of the 17th United States infantry and Lieut Col Walter S Scliuyler Second United States cav- alry who were with the Russian army and have been recalled have left St Petersburg Purposely Permitted to Escape London Jan Daily Mails correspondent with Gen Nogis army before Port Arthur in a dispatch pub- lished says that the Russian torpedo boat destroyers were purposely per- mitted to escape from Port Arthur Big Mahogany and Cedar Deal Mobile Ala Jan Interna tional Mahogany Co of New York Cincinnati and Mobile has just a deal for 56000 acres of the finest mahogany and cedar tim- ber lands in Cuba The aniount in- volved vas not made public Polygamist I Washington Jan 5 Four polyga- mists ipidiapnointinents as ppstmas ters iKTdaho This information was to thersenate Wednesdaym to aTe oltitiorf pre 1 J Senator Dutooige 5The 5Capt 5The 5The con- summated s nt f I oj Postmasters re- sponse tell 7 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > Pork Bull Take a piece of pickled side pork at and lear together spread with a seasoning of powdered sage and a lit- tle pepper rail up tightly wind a cloth tightly around it and tie so the edges will not curl boil tender in plenty of water take from the liquor ready to serve remove the cloth and slice Serve with tomato or currant catsup Boston Budget Glazed Sweet Potatoes Six sweet potatoes one egg onehalt cupful sugar onehalf teaspoonful salt one tablespoonful of butter scrape and cut the potatoes in strips steam until nearly done remove cool and dip first in egg beaten with the salt then in the sugar coating each strip thickly place in the pan with the butter and bake a pretty Home Journal Tenants League in Ireland Great progress has been made in Ireland with the Town Tenants league within the last few months It alms to do for the tenants in towns what the various forms of the Land League have done for the agricultural tenants- to protect town tenants from con fiscation of the improvements by ground landlords Corsets in Hungary- A Hungarian government document notes a great decline in the manufacture- of corsets Some factories have been closed others have largely reduced their Working force It attributes this result to the growing custom of wearing re form clothing and to the persistent de- nunciation of corsets by physicians Four oclock Tea Cake One and onehalf cups sugar onehalf cup butter three eggs onehalf cup milk threequarters teaspoonful cream tartar onequarter teaspoonful soda two cups flour one teaspoonful lemon onehalf teaspoonful salt Chicago Post when brownPeoples I i 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ Free Libraries a Curse Free public libraries are becoming a curse to the nation They are making women lazy by novelreading by novel reading women all become in imagina tion persecuted the cook- ing goes Express Rubbing It In She after the you didnt enjoy the performance- He No I didnt see a darned thing I heard you complaining about a darned hat Didnt you see that Philadelphia Press Essential father gave me an automo bile does he still give you pin money No fine money Chicago Daily News In Modern Vein UptoDate Pastor The collection will now be taken and those who con tribute ten cents or more will receive tradingstamps from the ans Home Companion Too Modest In measuring our powers of fascina- tion against those of the women of other nations I think perhaps we have taken a needlessly low estimate of ourselves Ambrosia in the World Kipling Hits England There exists an England which ruined by excess of prosperity sleeps and be cause it snores loudly imagines it is thinking Rudyard Kipling Power in Blows The stroke of a lions paw is the third strongest force in the animal woi Id The first is the blow of a whales tail and tha second the kick of a giraffe MARKET REPORT Cincinnati Jan 4 CATTLE Common 2 50 g Heavy steers 4 65 5 00 HOGS Ch packers 4 75 4 82 Mixed packers 4 60 4 75 4 65 4 75 LAMBS Extra 7 25 7 35 pat 6 10 6 35 WHEAT No 2 red 1 20 No 3 winter g 1 10 2 mixed 46 No 2 white 4 OATS No 2 mixed No 2 white 34 RYE No 2 82 83 HAY Ch timothy 12 50 mess 13 70 6 35 dairy 17 Choice creamery 30 2 50 3 00 POTATOES Per bbl 1 60 1 65 TOBACCO New 5 00 13 00 Old 4 50 14 75 heroinesand wrongLondon plaYSo IdaMy MayAnd ushersWom I I 3 75 1 SHEEPExtra j FLOURSpring CORNNo 3 a PORKClear LARDSteam BUTTERCh APPLESChoice c c i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Chicago FLOUR Winter pat 5 10 2 red No 3 red 98 CORN No 2 mixed 2 mixed 2 PORK Mess 13 25 New York FLOUR Win strts 5 25 WHEAT No 2 red 2 mixed OATS No 2 mixed Western PpRK Family 14 00 Baltimore 3 75 SHEEP NO 1 fat 250 6 00 CALVES Choice 8 00 6 25 Loufsville No 2 red OATS No 2 mixed OATS Nb mixed 5 25 WHEATNo 1 17 1 12 42 OATSNo RYENo 75 13 37 LARDSteam 6 5 40 1 21 1r CORNNo 54 72 1450 LARDS eanl n CATTLESteers 4 3 00 LAMBSChoice 6 50 S50 HOGSDressed 6 116 CORNNo 2 34 f PORKMess 11 QO- JAARD Pure team Y l N92 red 7 i16i CORN N 5 2 l J 31ol- J f i1 29y4 C2l fJ 371k 00 50 50 rnxed 551A 6 7- hdanapolls 2 mixed = < < Queen Crescent Route SHORTEST LINE ANDIQUICKEST SCHEDULE BETWEEN FORNFORMATtON EftATES 6ETClADDRESS E H AIKEN Passr Agt GAR ETT Gen Mgr W C RINEARSON Gen At CINCINNATI I The Erection of that MONUMENT Cincinnati Lexington Chattanooga Knoxville Asheville Charleston Savannah Atlanta Jacksonville Birmingham New Orleans Shreveport j and Texas Points i 89 E Main St Lexington Ky iff Our designs are new exclusive and our stock of Monuments Markers and Headstones i is by far the largest in Central Kentucky With uptodate machinery alee tricity we guarantee promptness and satisfao tion Fin Lettering by Pneumatlo Tools Our Specialty WM ADAMS SON Lexington Ky J 7 i ki 0 4 t Ytrp i Tray WA Pau u I I t- I fb Order now if you desire it delivered this FALL l operatedby 4 I 0 S Ht I p L ant Too Many Burglars About Town For the comfort of society One less will visit your homes if he is introduced to one of our revolvers This Week Only I Will Sell Double Action Revolvers with re bounding hammers nicely finished and nickeled barrel hard rubber handles 223238 Cat 200 Automatic Safety Hammer Revol- vers made with hinged frame re bounding hammers antomatic sheil ejectors Positive safety device accidental discharge impossible 223238 Cal 650 each Automatic Safety Hammerlcss Re- volvers have hinged frame inde- pendent cylinder stop and automatic shell ejectors Has no hammer to catch on clothing Fits the pocket 32 or 38 Cal 700 each All other popular makes such as Colts Smith Wesson etc in stock Saws lawn mowers and scissors sharpened keys fitted locks and trunks repaired All work guaran- teed Elite Barber Shop CARL CRAWFORD Proprietor COLD HOT BATHS Only First Class Employed r i I octagon r I I o I and J Bar- bers 1 I w DAT a- ge n I T ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ± Big Four Route DIRECT LINE TO nsrE w STORK ONLY DEPOT IN THE CITY THRE1 TRAINS A DAY BOSTO3ST ONLY THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINE PRIVATE COMPARTMENT SLEEP- ING CARS STRICTLY MODERN ST LOUIS THREETRAINS A DAY ONLYNOON DAY TRAIN Diuing Car Service Modern Equipments Fast Schedules WARREM LYNCM W PIEPME- U rT kt As tGP kTArt- JEREEMS General So ithM I CHICAGO I I A QDllUIk9Jit- j equaIo1 S OBT GJKANGEBBA PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 709 High Street Paris Kentucky Next to Public Library V Home Phone 233 DENTIST Broadway PARIS KENTUCKY PORTER SMITH INSURANCE AGENT KENTUCKY W DAVIS A FURNITURE CARPETS WALL PAPER Etc Funeral Furnishings Calls for Ambn lance Attended to Promptly Day Phone 137 Night 100- AVM KENNEY leimey Dudley OFFICE HOTEL f8 TO 930 A M OFFICE HOURS 130 TO 3 P M 7 TO 8 P M 163 V BOGAERT J E KNOCKED WQ0 8 CyuS R IT m Manufacturing Jeweler and Importer NO 135 W Main Street Importing Belgium WILLIAMS BROS 1 Square from L N Depot LEXINGTON KY Fine Old Harlem Club Whisky Wines Cigars and Tobaccos Send your name and address on a postal and we will send you our 1S6 page illustrated catalogue free WINCHESTER REPEATifiG ARMS GO 180 Winchester Avenue Now Haven Conn Quickly scented OUR FEE DUE WHKK PAIENI OBTAINED model sketch or with description forfree reportaa to patoataWlitj1 HANDBOOK FREE Contains rrference and full information WRITE FOR OF ODB SPECIAL OFFER It lathe most liberal proposition cvarirnde by a patent attorney and IKVENTOR SHOU1D READ before applying for Add- ressHBW1LLSONICO PATENT LAWYERS LeDroitBldK D C This button with a CANDY CATHARTIC the Ideal iQxatlva patlon cure itnl on of five stamps Address PRDFESSIOU GHBD- SR i z T OfficeNo I T a PARIS G it J V K j h Drs I FORDHAM i p 4 HONES ii BO tf1 1J Lexington Jnzck fJ HouseBrussels l t t BROADWAY AND VINE SrRRET ij f ft 1 t r Fin Sea AGE COpy EVERY WASHINGTON itt cent box pT fir and ftr FIilEEH rec n t ln c i t IM I MD T McMLLLA- Nt iv DUDiY OPP COXNER c 9fC5T a ji pat a at CASCARE con u > > < > > < > << < < < ° ¼

s J Uill 911RBON Ir 0 - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785jp1s/data/0021.pdfr I J y O c t 1 Uill J 911RBON NEWS PARIS KY JAN IT1 X 6 1905 w TEi r U s > THREE YEARS AFTER

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Page 1: s J Uill 911RBON Ir 0 - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785jp1s/data/0021.pdfr I J y O c t 1 Uill J 911RBON NEWS PARIS KY JAN IT1 X 6 1905 w TEi r U s > THREE YEARS AFTER



J y O c t 1Uill J 911RBON NEWS PARIS KY JAN IT1 X 6 1905






Eugene E Lario of 751 Twcvivtietnavenue ticket seller in the Uniou Sta-tion Denver Col says You are




IrJ Ej




liberty to repeat whatfirst stated through ourDenver papers aboutDpans Kidney Pills intiLe summer of 1899 forI had no reason inthe interim to change myopinion of the remedy Iwas subject to severe attacks of backache al-ways aggravated if I satlong at a desk DoansKidney Pills absolutelytopped my backache Ihave never had a painorla twinge since






FosterMilburn Co Buffalo N Y

esints per boxJ sale by all lruggists Price liO-nF I For



The Duchess Cecile of Mecllenburgthe crown prince of

Germany is tp marry has been broughtmany respects after the fashion of

the German housewife She is profl-cient in all domestic duties and said to

firstclass cookThe little prince Piedmont unlike

his sisters Princesses Yolanda and Mafalda is being nursed by his motherQueen helene reluctantly gave the otherchildren up to the nurse but when thelonghopedfor heir to throne arrived she absolutely refused to let anyother than herself give him nourish-ment

King Leopold of Belgiumfhas appointed Henry Gabriels bishop of theCatholic diocese of an oftc rk of the Royal Order of Leopoldswhich was founded by the first king ofBlgium This honor recognizes thelabors of Bishop Gabriels in his writ-ings on various subjects puNished inBelgium and the services frequently Ex-

tended by him to emigrants from Belto this country

Charles Beresford theinchief pf the Channel fleet is s

popular in poiiticar circles as is inth navy In the house of commons hisspeeches were always invariably goodhumored and marked with sound com-mon sense On one occasion LordCharles created a roar of laughter byexplaining how he would deal with cap-

tured slave traders Id give thesea fair trial Mr Speaker said he andthen Id hang them

When she was Consuelo Vanderbiltthe duchess of Marlborough had a sweetvoice not remarkable for its timbrebut she used to shock hermusical instructors a little by display-ing a decided liking for the quaintmelodiesof the old plantation darkiesNow even as a stately and dignifiedduchess she loves to sing these old bal-lads and the more modern coon songs

t for the entertainment of her friendsand she has made the melodies so popu

v lat they have become all the rage in the4 families of the nobility The duchess

oPYvestminster has taken them uphas Princess Henry of Pless

woMAlsr MAW

When he his hair a neat brushand his coiffure is complete

Vhen he doesnt have to kiss hissworn enemy and tell him how sweat helooks

When the children cry atid ha tune get his hat bang tha

door and go outWhen he trips up the street

of her qn a rainy day with his trousersjauntily turned up and no skirts tocarry






Ogd nsburg

Lord comman-d r
























When he have to twist hisrras to hook his bodice up the back or

drag six superfluous yards of dress goodsbehind him and do it gracefully too

Why They Were CleanerTeacher How Is it that your hands

aijejsp much dirtier than your sistersTommy after a period of intense

ihought Why she as to wash upthe tea things Ally Sloper

Telling the TruthiJill Did you have

you were a ladNo my head Yonkers



Certain Habits Unconsciouslyr and Hard to Break

ingenious philosopher estimatesthat the amount x f will power necessjiry to break a lifelong habit wouldi it could be transformed lift aweight cf rainy tons

sometimes requires a higher de-

gree of heroism to break the chains ofpernicious habit than to lead a forJfiirn hope in a bloody battle A lady

itatirf rnm an Indiana townI From my earliest childhood I was

af lever of coffee Before I was outoLiny teens I was u miserable dys

tic terribly at times withtmy stomachfel was convinced that it was coffee

that was causing the trouble and yetll could not deny myself a cup forbreakfast At the age of 36 I was in

poor health indeed My Sister

t9ld me t was in danger of becoming

afcoffee drunkardBut I never could give up drinking

coffee for breakfast although it keptnfe constantly ill until I tried Postum

toto directions and now TVB can

hardly do without Postum for break-

fast and care nothing at all for coffee

fI am no longer troubled with dys

do not have spells of suffering

ith my stomach that used to troubleso when 1 drank coffee Name

nby Co Battle Creek


your head-s i gled whc

ri tI






IP earned


p JSla




ill pltg for 1ii-

10a1 Road to WellviIli-





Ii very5

make it properly accord

epos in

each the famous1 The








How the Japanese LineS Advanced by Miles to Gates of City

After a Ten Months Seige GenStoessel Surrendered


The Beseiging Army is Now Free toJoin the Forces Opposing Gen

Kuropatkin There is Greatx Rejoicing in Japan

New York Jan Arthurwhose hills have for months run redwith the blood of the bravest of two







Lieut Gen Count Nogi v

The distinguished Japanese soldier incommand of the besieging army beforePort Arthur

warlike nations has at last succumbed-to the fierce tenacity of the Japaneseattack Gen Stoessel most stubborn-in carrying out the will of his

has seen the advance of the besieging army gain in momentum andenergy until to hold out longer wouldhave been a crime against humanity

Tokio was the scene of rejoicingpeople of all ranks finding in the outcome compensation for all the sacri-fice of life and money that was en-

tailed in the ten months siegeTo what extent the fall of Port Ar-

thur will make for a restoration of-

neace is an








Chefoo Jan interestingstatistics concerning the defense ofPort Arthur were brought here by theflotilla of Russian torpedo boat destroyers which numerouschests containing complete records ofGen Stoessels army

Originally the army numbered 35000 Eleven thousand have been killed 16000 are wounded or sick and8000 remained in the forts of whidhhowever 2000 were unable to fight

Duringthe siege 265 per cent of thegdrrisons were put out of action Thisremarkable fact was due to woundedmen returning to the front Caseshave been recorded where men havegone to hospitals four times returningconvalescent to the forts

The number of Officers killed wasproportionately greater than in anybattle known in history This wasdue to the frequent lethargic condition-of the men who without food andwithout sleep moved only when ordered by their officers

The Russians estimate that the tak-ing of the fortress has cost Japan

100000000New York Jan text of the

articles of capitulation of the Portgarrison signed by the commis-

sioners representing Gen Stoessel andGen Nogi has been made public AllRussian soldiers marine and civil officials of the garrison and harbor aremade prisoners all forts batteriesvessels munitions etc are

to the Japanese in the condition-in which they existed a noon of

3 violation of this clause to operate as an annulment of the negotia-tions giving the Japanese army warrant to take free action the Russianmilitary and naval authorities are tofurnish to the Japanese

of all fortificationsand submarine mines a list of military

Fifth Member of theCommissionVienna Jan 5 Adm Baron von

Spaun fifth member of thecommission of inquiry into th

Dogger Bank affair left here

by Capt Winterhalder anti Lieut Barron Hauser I-

To Increase the of Glass fCleveland Cv Jan 5 A meeting

about 20 independent glassturers was held here representingnearly 500 pots It was decided iiiformally to make an advance of fiveper cent in the price of glass


cal ried




t Jan-uary

h bit underground

Thurs-day for Paris







He was accompanie













officers of ships and the numbers oftheir crews and of ivilians of bothsexes with their race andand all public property as buildingsmunitions of war etc to be left inthe present position pending arrangement for their transference

Officers of the army and navy arepermitted to retain their swords andsuch of their personal property as isdirectly necessary for the mainten-ance of life and with one servanteach may upon signing their parolenot to take up arms during the continuance of the war return to Russia

Headquarters of the Third JapaneseArmy at Port Arthur Jan

formal entry of the Japanese into Port Arthur January S willbe an imposing spectacle The Japanese officers will be given a banquet inthe city on January 10 The reasonfor the surrender of the fortress isevident from a visit to Wantai hillThe entire strength of the position layin the main line of outer defenses

The of Wantai gave thethe key to the forts east of

the city The hills in the rear werenot fortified and afforded a full coverfor the assaulting forces

The weight of opinion in Japaneseofficial circles seems to be against abelief in the early conclusion of peaceand doubt is expressed that the fall ofPort Arthur will materially affect thesituation

St Petersburg Jan seemsnow to be definite that Vice Adm Rojestvenskys squadron will not attempt-at present to reach Vladivostok Thedecision has been reached that he willawait the third Pacific squadron onwhich work is proceeding night andday and several ships of which areexpected to be ready for service bythe end of January It is by no meanscertain that Rojestvensky will returnwith his ships to European waters homay await the third squadron off thecoast of Madagascar and seizemaker his base one of thecoral islands of Polynesia

In view of the report that theintend to invest Vladivostok Gen













GEN STOESSELThe Commander of the Defending Forces

at Port Arthur

Batiavoff who has been interviewedhas expressed the opinion that ifVladivostok should be blockaded Rcjestvensky would be compelled to return

New Set of Russian Stamps-St Petersburg Jan govern

ment has decided to issue a new setof stamps for foreign and domesticpostage in denominations from one toten kopecks bearing pictures of theKremlin Plevna Peter the Greatsstatue etc

Have Left St Petersburg-St Petersburg Jan Carl

Reichmarm of the 17th United Statesinfantry and Lieut Col Walter SScliuyler Second United States cav-alry who were with the Russian armyand have been recalled have left StPetersburg

Purposely Permitted to EscapeLondon Jan Daily Mails

correspondent with Gen Nogis armybefore Port Arthur in a dispatch pub-lished says that the Russian torpedoboat destroyers were purposely per-mitted to escape from Port Arthur

Big Mahogany and Cedar DealMobile Ala Jan Interna

tional Mahogany Co of New YorkCincinnati and Mobile has just

a deal for 56000 acres ofthe finest mahogany and cedar tim-ber lands in Cuba The aniount in-

volved vas not made public

Polygamist I

Washington Jan 5 Four polyga-mists ipidiapnointinents as ppstmasters iKTdaho This information was

to thersenate Wednesdaymto aTe oltitiorf pre 1 J

Senator Dutooige






s nt





re-sponse tell











> >

Pork BullTake a piece of pickled side pork

at and lear together spread with aseasoning of powdered sage and a lit-tle pepper rail up tightly wind a clothtightly around it and tie so the edgeswill not curl boil tender in plenty ofwater take from the liquorready to serve remove the cloth andslice Serve with tomato or currantcatsup Boston Budget

Glazed Sweet PotatoesSix sweet potatoes one egg onehalt

cupful sugar onehalf teaspoonful saltone tablespoonful of butter scrape andcut the potatoes in strips steam untilnearly done remove cool and dip firstin egg beaten with the salt then in thesugar coating each strip thickly placein the pan with the butter and bake apretty Home Journal

Tenants League in IrelandGreat progress has been made in

Ireland with the Town Tenants leaguewithin the last few months It almsto do for the tenants in towns whatthe various forms of the Land Leaguehave done for the agricultural tenants-

to protect town tenants from confiscation of the improvements byground landlords

Corsets in Hungary-A Hungarian government document

notes a great decline in the manufacture-of corsets Some factories have beenclosed others have largely reduced theirWorking force It attributes this resultto the growing custom of wearing reform clothing and to the persistent de-

nunciation of corsets by physicians

Four oclock Tea CakeOne and onehalf cups sugar onehalf

cup butter three eggs onehalf cupmilk threequarters teaspoonful creamtartar onequarter teaspoonful sodatwo cups flour one teaspoonful lemononehalf teaspoonful salt ChicagoPost









Free Libraries a CurseFree public libraries are becoming a

curse to the nation They are makingwomen lazy by novelreading by novelreading women all become in imagination persecuted the cook-ing goes Express

Rubbing It InShe after the you didnt

enjoy the performance-He No I didnt see a darned thing

I heard you complaining about adarned hat Didnt you see thatPhiladelphia Press

Essentialfather gave me an automo

biledoes he still give you pin

moneyNo fine money Chicago Daily


In Modern VeinUptoDate Pastor The collection

will now be taken and those who contribute ten cents or more will receivetradingstamps from theans Home Companion

Too ModestIn measuring our powers of fascina-

tion against those of the women of othernations I think perhaps we have takena needlessly low estimate of ourselvesAmbrosia in the World

Kipling Hits EnglandThere exists an England which ruined

by excess of prosperity sleeps and because it snores loudly imagines it isthinking Rudyard Kipling

Power in BlowsThe stroke of a lions paw is the third

strongest force in the animal woi IdThe first is the blow of a whales tail andtha second the kick of a giraffe


Cincinnati Jan 4CATTLE Common 2 50 g

Heavy steers 4 65 5 00HOGS Ch packers 4 75 4 82

Mixed packers 4 60 4 754 65 4 75

LAMBS Extra 7 25 7 35pat 6 10 6 35

WHEAT No 2 red 1 20No 3 winter g 1 10

2 mixed 46No 2 white 4

OATS No 2 mixedNo 2 white 34

RYE No 2 82 83HAY Ch timothy 12 50

mess 13 706 35

dairy 17Choice creamery 30

2 50 3 00POTATOES Per bbl 1 60 1 65TOBACCO New 5 00 13 00

Old 4 50 14 75








3 75




















ChicagoFLOUR Winter pat 5 10

2 redNo 3 red 98

CORN No 2 mixed2 mixed

2PORK Mess 13 25

New YorkFLOUR Win strts 5 25WHEAT No 2 red

2 mixedOATS No 2 mixed

WesternPpRK Family 14 00

Baltimore3 75

SHEEP NO 1 fat 2506 00

CALVES Choice 8 006 25

LoufsvilleNo 2 red

OATS No 2 mixed

OATS Nb mixed

5 25WHEATNo 1 17

1 1242


13 37LARDSteam 6

5 401 21 1r



LARDS eanln

CATTLESteers 43 00

LAMBSChoice 6 50S50

HOGSDressed 6

116CORNNo 2

34 fPORKMess 11 QO-

JAARD Pure teamY l

N92 red 7 i16iCORN N 5

2 l J 31ol-J f i1



fJ 371k




rnxed 551A

6 7-


2 mixed







E H AIKEN Passr Agt


IThe Erection of that


Cincinnati Lexington ChattanoogaKnoxville Asheville CharlestonSavannah Atlanta JacksonvilleBirmingham New Orleans Shreveport j

and Texas Points i

89 E Main St Lexington Ky iff

Our designs are new exclusive and ourstock of Monuments Markers and Headstones

iis by far the largest in Central KentuckyWith uptodate machinery alee

tricity we guarantee promptness and satisfaotion

Fin Lettering by Pneumatlo Tools Our Specialty

WM ADAMS SON Lexington Ky







i TrayWA Pau






fbOrder now if you desire it delivered this FALLl





I p


Too Many BurglarsAbout Town

For the comfort of society Oneless will visit your homes if he isintroduced to one of our revolvers

This Week Only I Will SellDouble Action Revolvers with rebounding hammers nicely finishedand nickeled barrel hardrubber handles223238 Cat 200

Automatic Safety Hammer Revol-vers made with hinged frame rebounding hammers antomatic sheilejectors Positive safety deviceaccidental discharge impossible223238 Cal 650 each

Automatic Safety Hammerlcss Re-

volvers have hinged frame inde-pendent cylinder stop and automaticshell ejectors Has no hammer tocatch on clothing Fits the pocket32 or 38 Cal 700 each

All other popular makes such asColts Smith Wesson etc instock

Saws lawn mowers and scissorssharpened keys fitted locks andtrunks repaired All work guaran-teed

Elite Barber Shop






Only First ClassEmployed








and J




I w DAT a-

ge n I


















Diuing Car ServiceModern Equipments

Fast SchedulesWARREM LYNCM W PIEPME-U rT kt As tGP kTArt-

JEREEMS General So ithM





j equaIo1



709 High Street Paris Kentucky

Next to Public Library V

Home Phone 233






WALL PAPER EtcFuneral Furnishings Calls for Ambn

lance Attended to PromptlyDay Phone 137 Night 100-


leimey Dudley


f 8 TO 930 A MOFFICE HOURS 130 TO 3 P M

7 TO 8 P M163


WQ0 8 CyuS R IT m

Manufacturing Jeweler and ImporterNO 135 W Main Street

Importing Belgium


1 Square from L N DepotLEXINGTON KY

Fine Old Harlem Club WhiskyWines Cigars and Tobaccos

Send your name and address on apostal and we will send you our 1S6page illustrated catalogue free


180 Winchester Avenue Now Haven Conn

Quickly scented OUR FEE DUE WHKK PAIENIOBTAINED model sketch or withdescription forfree reportaa to patoataWlitj1HANDBOOK FREE Contains rrference and fullinformation WRITE FOR OF ODB SPECIALOFFER It lathe most liberal proposition cvarirnde bya patent attorney and IKVENTOR SHOU1DREAD before applying for Add-


LeDroitBldK D C

This button with a

CANDY CATHARTICthe Ideal iQxatlva

patlon cure itnlon of fivestamps Address






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K j h







Lexington Jnzck fJ

HouseBrussels l


1 t r






itt cent box


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