S fTHE STAR?FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1013. Westinghouse MAZDA LAMPS 25 Watt 35c 40 Watt 35c 60 Watt 45c 100 Watt 80c Colquhoun Hardware Co 1426 Third Ave. An Ideal plac« to eat Home Cooklnn. urrnt variety, moderately, priced. See us for all kinds of seeds. Largest assortment of home grown trees to select from in Seattle. Holland Bulbs just arrived. Sandahl & Son Company Store 120 Pike St. Nursery and Green Houses. Renton Junction DB.i.i).BBOWN ROBBED BY A DENTIST ON FIRST AVENUE people com* to my ©'flee +rmry dtj end fomp!»ln about btlng r"bb#«J of their money by eom* f)*ntl»t on i Flmt ir., repreaentln* hfme«lf to be, Dr E J Brown, or his «*»lnt*nt. BEWARK of th!§ thl-f who atftals mv patient* «nd Uvea off my rcputt Hon MY OFFICES mrm at 713 First Ave, Union Block I can *uarante» to u>« you Juiit on» dollar every «l«n» you p*r me ? dollar for dental work hecauae, while my work I* often nupertor. It colt* you le»« than one-half the prlre char«ed by oth»r hl«h-rla«» dentlsta You «ee I make a dollar and ynu »ave B dollar when I do your dertal work When yoq come to my offlrea he cure and aee my p|rt.,r» In my al*n \u25a0 t th» entrance of the hulldlnr tt'a Ju»t like the on# In thla advertlae- m»nt _ Bewara of fak» ur Ttrowna EDWIN J. BROWN, D. D. 5. r ,rm11lr'? I rmlluK l>*a«lat 713 Fir»t Avenue Op«n evenltiK« until * and Hundaya until 4 for people who work Get Acquainted With "Bailey" MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1327 FOURTH AVE. HISTORY OF CANAL RIGHT LP TO DATE; HOW IT WAS BUILT Flrit contemplated «nd rou«e surveyed over liinmui of Darlen by Vngel Sau\edra at about 1 f>-1 B.»ron Alexander von Humboldt, lamoui Q»rm»n naturalist and traveler, suggests canal at Isthmus of I'atmmn, ISO;! Spanish driven out, I#2l. Colombian republic becomei aove-elgn of lathmua of Panama, IMt. Panama railroad built, 1850, and American government g'vsn car tain rights regarding transportation of troops. (}«>ld ocel.ra to Call rornla made free use of thla road President U 9. Grant. In hla flrat measage to congreaa, auggeata construction of an Vmerlcan canal by A medi an people. IM9 Congress adopt a Joint resolution appointing commlaalon under Admiral Amnion, r S. N, for exploration on Ihe Isthmus. Colombia gives Lieut. Luclen N. U Wyae concession to build Inter- | iK-eanlc canal. 1878. International congreaa of engineer*, U5 delegates, of whom 11 were from I tiltod States, meets lu I'arla under leadership of Ferdinand | do Leaaepa. to consider canal project. In May, 1879. De Lest-epa, who built Sue* canal, choaan to conatruct Panama j canal. 1879 Work begun on aea level canal, to be flnlahed In eight yeara, at coat of |127.000.000, 1801 French courts dlaaolve Panama Canal Co. becauae of financial ! difficulties. In lxsJ. Kipendlturea up to that time had been more than 1 and the asset* of the concern amounted to a little over I $150,000,000. New Panama Canal company oryanljed 1894, with capital of ' $13,000,000. | Pr-eaident McKlnlay appolnta flrat lathmlan canal commlaalon In | with Admiral J U. Walker, V S \ . at ail I Walker commission reports favoring Nlcaraguan canal, but later I makes supplementary retort. favoring CIMM Md named l.y PM ' .una company for Ita holdings la HMtMN whl.li M?IHW thinks i la fair. United States accepta offer of Panama company, 190?, after heated debate regarding choice of routes between Panama and Nl**arag'ia. Senate finally ratlflaa treaty with Colombia, cloalng up canal pur. ' chase. March. 1903; treaty provide* paymeijt of jio.ooo.too to Colombia and $250,000 annually. beginning 9 years arter date of exchange «'f treaty ratifications. In June, 1903, Colombian aenate met In protracted session, finally falling to ratify treaty, creating great dl-"at|sfnctlon tn Panama ohlrli on November 4. finally aeceded from Columbia and set up repuMl ( ? Panama. United Statea recognizee republic of Panama, November 13, 1901 Treaty regarding canal concluded November 18, 1903. Senate, on February 23, 1904. ratifies Panana treaty, granting Cnlted States perpetual use, occupation ind control of tone of laud to miles In width lietween the cities of Colon and Panama. ett-ludlniE those cities, but placing them under V. S military regulations Col. W. C. Gorgas, U. S. A., appo'nted sanitary officer March 1. 1904. Commlaalon charged with duty of constructing canal appointed June, 1904, with Admiral Walker at head and John h Wallace chief engineer Preliminary construction work logins. Theodore P. Shonta appointed head of canal commission, 190%. John F. Stevens made chief engineer, 190&. Board of conauitlng engineers. Including eight American and five foreign, visit canal June. IHO6. and re|M-rt In favor of sea level plan, with minority report from five Americana favoring lock system Canal commission favors lock system President Roosevelt r- ominencls link canal. Congress finally authorise* lock system. May. IS'* Work on Unal plans actually begun with prtvat» contractor* In charge of arc | tlons Private contract work falls to come up to requirements Radical change In canal commission made, entire work being 1 turned over to Cnlted State* army engineers. under leadership of Ueut Col. George W*. (Joethala. with l,leut Col David I Kill Halliard. Lieut Col W. U Slbert of the corps of engineers. Col W (\ <k>rga* of the medical department, and 11. O. Houaaeau. civil engineer, I K N. all of whom were made members of the commission, the change* taking place February 2i. 1907. at which date Chief Knglncr Stevens reslgne.) Ueut. Col. H. F Hodges added to the commission ami one civil member appointed to act as governor. Col. Goathals announce! canal wilt be flnlahed by December 1, 1913, and finally opened for traffic January 1. 1916?thla announcement be tng made early In 1907 Final dam at Gam boa blown up with dynamite October 10, 1913, 1 and the canal la complete so far as water being admitted from both oceans and Joining In the Cul"bra Cut Is concerned There la yet much ! trimming and cutting to do, but light craft ran actually go through the i canal now. WANT EARLY SERMON L'NIONTOWN. Pi. ?DMMII he la no better than a dead man at present, Angus Tubba, dying with tuberculosis, asked the Uev. P. II Thompson to preach hla funeral sermon before he died. ? ? ? WANTS PARADES LITTLE HOCK. Ark?Arkansas | official* dug up an old law which forbids clrcuse* without parades and began Immediately to enforce It. ? ? ? ROBBERS TOUCHED HAOKENBACK. N J?Highway ! men refused to take a diamond ring from Mrs John S Mahon, whom , they heW up. when *he pleaded that it wa* a gift of her dead son. ODD ITEMS WHAT IS A HEAD? JEFFERSON CITY, Mo . Oct JO ?1* the head of ii man a part of hi* body? MARRIED AT LASTI Would You, If You Could, Get Well and Be Happy? The resulta obtained from th" short time wa have placed "Blood i anil Nerve Tonic" on th« market have been marvelous: the dealer* handling them have the beet of suc- cess with the sale of these remedlen, for the best advertisement Is a sat- isfied patient, and when you s*e a patient come hack after buying a trial box, with a smile on hla fsrel *nd saying, "I want another bo* of Blood and Nerve Tonic, for the first bo* did me a world of good," then you know what the result has been Huch reports are coming In every, day. and ao you can readily see thatj suffering humanity can get a very! much desired relief and eventually a cure for that awful malady. Con- stipation. which la the r«u»« of such ' diseases as Appendicitis, Rheuma- tism. much so-called H<-art Trouble, Dropsy. Tuberculosl*?all these ar.d many other* as well, for the over-i loaded colon scattt-rs Its poison all through the system and then you v/onder what Is the matter. Noj matter what your trouble Is Just 1 try a bo* <'f ISlood and Nerve Tonl<- for a general run-down system, and; If you are troubled with Dyspnpat:, i or Indigestion. or Ftlllousnnss, nr irns arising from your stomarh, tln-n you Hi ould by all means try our llo'.ld preparation railed "Has- trlrim." which can also be taken I. r wl'h Blood and N«rvn Tonic. f,,r sale hv Quaker Drug Co., Klrst Ave and Giles Drug Co. 112 S I Ja'kson St. yo-.i will 'Ind the nam«s and tes- ? lironlal* of Seattle people In »nrh r V nflr* H#*n4 all ' , ommun!' , Rtlon« to th* German Pharmacal Co. Cururr l nnil »4lit Ur. W.» Valiard« bcattlc* Wuk. TALKED WITH SPIRIT OF WILLIAM T. STEAD LONDON, Oct. 10. ?Btr Alfred Turner related last night that the spirit of William T. Stead, who per Ished on the TlUnlc, had appeared to him twice at spiritualistic circles He said the voice was strong and easily recognizable. but the spirit was dim Sir Alfred said When the Titanic sunk," »poke Mr. Stead's voice, "there was a abort, sharp struggle When I came to my senses I was surrounded by hundreds of beings, who, like my- self, had passed to the new exist- ence. but they were utterly unable ito realize what had happened. I While they were groping about In obscurity and uncertainty I *et my- self at once to do missionary work !by enlightening the people as to their new condition." FINES A MAN FOR TAKING UMBRELLA SPRINGFIELD. Mass., Oct 10 ? A legal precedent was established by Judge H W. Bosworth when he fined George (irover for taking an umbrella. Orover, who Is a tradesman, and took the umbrella from a hallway, said that he merely availed himself of It for protection In a heavy show- er He fully Intended to return the umbrella. The fine Is the first ever Imposed In Springfield for this offense. The Felix club will hold their next dance on Tuesday, October 21, at the Broadway hall, Broadway and Madison st. SHE'S BOSS IIRIDOKI'tMIT. <>. Oct, 10. ?Refused permission to marry on account of her youth at. the close of the civil war, Mrs lie hecca .1 '/an Busklrk of Mt Gllead, O , has Just been mar- ried to Hiram 11. Goodwin of Delphos, Kan. That in the question the Missouri supreme court will «o>n have to de- cide. and upon Its decision rest* the life of Junior Webb. under to hang for killing Archie Whltwell near (>»k Grove In 1911. In an *pj>« al to the supreme court Webb's attorney* have ral*«wl the point that while the Information charged him with having Inflicted mortal wound* upon the body of Whltwell, the evidence showed that the mortal wound «u In the h«ad The trunk. It I* contended, conafl tutes the body. MS3BEB* PROPER REGULATION Mr* Smith (to rhemlat) ?1 Uriah tn buy a th«rmoni«»l*r to r*i*ulAt« the h«*»i of tbt r«»>m. Ch-nUf What kind will you h*vi», madam* Mr* S Oh, It dor* tint ma? ler, mi you »«*t It ut C, u* th«* doctor said that would Im» th«* proper brfti National Monthly a <$h <\?w v $ir; V N \ N vV, \\ 1 t Poor Chap! You'd tear your hair,too. Think of It For ytora h«'t t »»n paying |33 for ordinary hand mtwJown "|ursi ? ft'i", wfc«n all the ho cuuli have b«d fitting pure ?It wool (kotch Wool on Mild Suits and Overcoats 15 Made-To-Order Roody mode atylee ara de- signed month* In w! *«nco. They're out ?# dote jroti (?( thorn. Y"« |rt up-to-the* minute otylce made for y ur form ? ond Antal matiHall RIOHT HERK ?ond »«*? ? 10. Como on ?*«. Neat United Store It'* a*tonl*hlng the buyer* a want ad in The Star will bring you. J. J. Kelley 9 s Family Liquor Store The reader* of The Star will flid Jin the rami reliable house to dial m. ' |M when Id of Wines At store only?no ra/1 I|\ We prepny ex deliveries at this ' ' press charge* on all + out-of-town orders ,>r|fe. except with Q A nt no nr over, ex other order* \ A cept beer. 1315 FIRST AVENUE 4 II Where You Can Buy 'Em 6 for a Quarter Seattlo merrtant* hare re ?pnndi»d to The Htar'e tu jura- tion In aplte of the trartloti omp«nx'i arbitrary withdrawal f th«' valo of tlrk**ts on ram. 'i rjn buy tli car 11« kote for » tpiarter at the following ;>laree: I'anion A I>.nd- n. 1111 H«"-ond or - Hnu(hwl' k Co . ? «»nd nn<l Plli* M ' Vrm«« k Itro* Ho*-ond ond Jomea. N"» T«rk outfitting Co. IJ& Third ar ' M F rink. atoll 104. Wr.flokr \ll rk * t Am»rtr«n Potn* A Well Paper rirot ond t*nl»n Wright Hoeteurent Co., Inc . 144 at. Taibr Cc.. Fourth ond Pike ?i' 'i«n Weet Grocery. ilth and Pfilnney. T?to It -n M«rch« ftorond ond rike J »1 H«e'-amf». 'l*»r atand. 140' Third ll* I !>ruc *tor«» end of Itoren- no lino Perfe<*to Cofotoria. Third ond Jo moo 11*11 Ouleo <lroc*ry Co. Alkl at \ 11rd s W Kd a Itoblnaon A Bona. Fr«« nv-nt »» ond Kalnf »t Humrnlt I.bjuor Co, ItCl Flrat or lawl*h N'* Y*or'a cord otora 171? Y«*«l*r «ey po< i»ir « f*n? !? Mr«><ery. No ? 4> |6th m r N Spring '"Ifor Co <f«ur atonda) ?cf Flrat iv . (Urnftd av and Modl«' ri »t >Ift Horond iv, Third u\ ail l'lk«* at M! k? r 1 urotpry, Hat ov ond Modloon ?! ?? I > »»p Ia n rigor atoro. Becond ond Wonhln at on ? jr*«rn |j»k«» Drue Co. "lot Wood lawn ov Hottereby A Hmltb. 904 Flrat av llfrman Hlumenthal. 110 Hoc ond ov H Hmlth Pharmacy. llrd ond Jo 'k *on. N'etlonol T.lquor r*o , 40& l*lk?». fl*ntnn Hill Pharmacy, 14th ond \l« dlaon r*"i'»nlal Theatre bo* offtro California Wine Co. &IGI Pal lord ov A T rn 112 Columbia <>Knrf* A Mudd 410 Flrot ov Foifle Tron*for Co.. ?11 I'ourtl ov Italnler laundry fd >wntown of fl< ?»). 101 Horond ov H W<**tlak" Av Morkot. 11l Wool- lok«» ov. N t*nrla Ham T»yo Work*. 115S Pike it raorode J4Ol Mallard <* Nybo 101 Flrat ov <lold«*n Phoaaont Itoatouront. 111& l*lk» at Brooklyn ov arorary. 40th ond tirooklyn ov Hub Cluthlne <"*«» ilft Flrot av Itutlor'a <'lfur Co. 414 Flrat av j'rjink ICnurrjulat A Hon. tnllora. I4|| Be ird av. fforoux Lunch Room. ftftOl I>u- wamlah a*. Coltimbla Caah Markot. 11 \V Columbia Hbam«*k flroa. Johbore 127 to I.umbor Eirhanao Blda Tho Wafftorlon atoro. 121-124 Sonltorv Markot r 1! PahUm Point A Woll Pa par atorr Pino at . between Horond and Third av* Honda Candy Co., IBOft Plk* plaro. dm C Konyon A Hon. JOOS \Vo«tlaH" ov. F.rnat Hardware A Plumhlna Co . r.04 Plko *t Annie Hrardon randy atand 111 Whlt*» bulldlna Stratford Claar Co.. 110 Herond av Clemmer theatre. 1414 Horond av Flrat 1(111 Pharmacy, toi Madl aon *t Palace Cafr and Grill. 140 Waahlnaton Conr> A Hbaw * Knrbor Rliop, JIT Columbia «t Max Uodane. Jeweler. 1112 Flrat n% Chappell Claar Co.. 404 Rocond av. IMoneer Market. 41?n Ith av S W !?'. PauU. banker. Weat Bo altl*». Victor Dye Worka. 1201 Tealer way. I*ovy*a Pharmacv. Bf»ll Duwntn lull av . Oeoractown Itutlor'a druß atore. Beventh and Union. It Hanaen, 64th and Fremont. r.\ KKKTT HKATTI.R INTF.KI IIMAN It \ll \\ AY MRATTLK TO BVKItETT ? Umltnri train* 10 *o ? m and R.;6 p m Ix>onl trwln® ft 10. 7 .10. * 10. 0 10, U in H in., i? no. I *o ? ao. a no. 4 so. r. in 0 *0, 7 *0. f AO 4R. 1 1 4ft p m dully Tl'U»t Heat tin. Fifth nv . n««r Wtntlak*. <Ji fnwo'iil, AJa* l>ru« Storo, 16th mti*« iin*nwood RVKItfCTT To MKATTfJQ ? Mmltnd (mini & 00 n m and 4 00 p m Loch! trnlnt o'. ft 00. 7 00. * 00, B 01. 10 00 11 00 ii in. 12 00 n<»on. 1 2 00. 3 00 4 o|. ft 00. 0 00. 7 00 ft 00 10 15 p m dally Pi night Innvn® both rltlna ft no p m I'ACIFIO NOiyrilWEHT Tit ACTION CO *V*liflXT. WAMtL ? SOME MEAT HERE PAI.IHAUtCH, Colo, Oct N Two hundred pounds la the avenigi weight of every member of a fatulli which held a reunion here There are 13 < hllilren, as well aa father and mother, living Mr and Mrs John Charleaworth of Palisades are the parenta of the family, the l.'« members of which will weight a ton and a half. Pl*e of the i hi Id re n with their parents weigh 1..V.4 pounds The eldest boy, John, weighs 231'. Opal, a daughter, tlpa the scales ot 2l!>, and Frances at lir> The *lde« daughter. Mary, weighs but a paltry 210 iMiiinds, and Will weighs 207 pounda The weight of the remain lug youngsters ranges from 140 to IN The father w<lgha i.16 and Mrs Char esworth 233. MOTHER OF EIGHTEEN DIES ACROKIA. 111, Oct. 10 -Mrs Thomas C Mtitler mother of IS chII dren. died In Maple Park Hhe was 90 yearn old There are «rand < hlldrvn and 12 great grandchildren In the family. II ?\u25a0T t A uiUn *aM )tot. Aftlnglo* GET ACQUAINTED WITH PANAMA CANAL, OPENED TODAY! WHAT TIIE BIG DITCH IS LIKE; FIGURES ON ITS CONSTRUCTION ( anal /on* contain* I'lfi n>|um< iniw l -hi' >, ?> \u25a0 r. iull< >r« r*|ircnitnted l>v Oatun mid Mlriiflop > I:tk? \u25a0 and the < anal. IxtiKth of iniiiil from deep water on MliinMi Hide to deep water on Pacific, aide, 60 iiillh*. from ahore Hie to Hion* line, 40 mllea I Hri-i I lon of * iiihl from Atlanlti to I " . fl' r. t to nouth'-n t, Panama, mi Pacific, liclnK 22'/4 mil' > \u25a0 hi In a direct line, run noil I h from Colon, nt the At In nf I' entrari'e Ooliik from A? li-utl«- lo Pacific, w-mwl* >r" r ;i| u t(|i < hannel In Minon bin to K" to 'iatun 7 mil"-*, thenc \u25a0 11f? ?«1 1 y thrc lock* *f< feet to tint tin lit I'. ? thtouxh which will ro 2t mil' to I \| up' whirl Ciilrliiit c "nt will In i nti" <l |inhn '..ro iidi < t :? m t, Pedro Mir i''l. »nil I* I\u25a0 *i 11-I '\u25a0 In t tli'\u25a0iiukli i I in ?!. \u25baurfnof Mlraflorea Ink**, tben»e I'-/ mile- to Mlrftflor* m ,!»? ,nd lowered r.l 2.1 fi-«*l by two lock* to »\u25a0 i !«? v«-I :? u<l paaa out < tiami'i V ! nil!''* to Pacific, total dlatam e traveled, '?>« ru 11 «? h Tim* required fur pnehugi . 10 to 12 houu Kxtretiie height nf i anal above nn level, h', feet, at tintun lake birkn, 12 In number, In <? piilrx 3 nt < .itu n, 1 at Pedro 1 at Mlraflorea. Time required to no through lock*, 3 hour*. I«ength of cai h lot k, 1,000 feet Width of lock*, 110 feet. Depth nf canal, minimum <1 fi>i-t max'm'm 45 feet. Width of \u25a0' ha tine I from 300 feet to 1,000 feet Cone rata um-d in constructloa of look*, dam*. etc., G,000,w0 cubic yard*. Ktcavallona tiecer*ury, 212,MM,13k cutdc yard* Ptetii h excavation* u»cd In prenent cai...l 29,'J05.000 cubic yard*. Au erlcati excavation*. I '\u25a0\u25a02 .'»!?'».I-*!h cubl'- , u la. Total coat of canal to I '? 11 mated I, $376,000,000. Korce required for work, 3#,000 men. Time required by I H to build canal I*' I h artual completion fixed fof l>ec 1, tits, arid time taken from date of beginning May !>, 1904), it yearn. I month RAINCOATS SLIPONS J % 1.1. \\ t \TIII H f s\lt (iAHARDIXCR 4?^ ? rmf»AY AND MAT! Kl>Al' m# prrtra f vnrui apell km» mnf rnadaHit norn.»l Ur ah nil rfMlf ? inoaf dfl.lrd nu <1 quirk 4rmaatf bj (TRBllag dnnbu dUeAiiai nm pnrc-linae (kU DOt'ftl l: Iliac 111 \T RU.i: Why hiII fill Up vieather romprUf THrrr'a a krap af i#w- fori \u25a0nH Biiil«faril*»»t la kMunlng rra«tf. arKC'IAI. 1 lI'KI'UI. WO. 3 Well }«*«t say Iknl ihr»f 920 Par Mm aad Womra, I nicil«h anprrh all-^palhrr I oaf* for allp-»B» and gunhl* vfllM Mrs »o4 Womn lire \u25a0??\u25a0?si ...?.a?... ..a*, re... 512.50 ".zr ST.SO ..-r..., 4 For Mr a »n«1 %%'omaa ihm at»- iredAl, *0. S prrb donblp aaralra tD- r #h . aralkar (««la of uaoinsal a. ..a.u.l r..« h.rii.l. tnr mrr^t . p,rfeei Mr. and Wnme. These ».R 4rea. Coat, aei.al IBM ..4 SIO.OO i'ITT.!, 515.00 Empire Building 916 Second Avenue | STAR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Ml year Vound FEBRUARY I 2 3 I m 8 /'I 1 * 6 > */* Zi 10 rMilTtl 415 / r vLi° ''i s '' 122 , 7 rtilf *7 »/<? i?l* 71/ () 7 8 q io ii 12 jl^^ \ 20 ?? ' 5 16 17 \ A 6\t\ Vx6 l l\ ~ 28 29 119 20 «22'23 J >01 2820 303 16 17 18,19 20 2l7»fc<2o>/ 5 2 <5/2 ? / ol *> OStrtmm "C^ 3^epen^i?t\iOf*; Seattle,U.S.A.

S GET WITH Westinghouse MAZDA HISTORY OF CANAL …RIGHT LP TO DATE; HOW IT WAS BUILT Flrit contemplated «nd rou«e surveyed over liinmui of Darlen by Vngel Sau\edra at about 1 f>-1

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Page 1: S GET WITH Westinghouse MAZDA HISTORY OF CANAL …RIGHT LP TO DATE; HOW IT WAS BUILT Flrit contemplated «nd rou«e surveyed over liinmui of Darlen by Vngel Sau\edra at about 1 f>-1




25 Watt 35c

40 Watt 35c

60 Watt 45c

100 Watt 80c

ColquhounHardware Co

1426 Third Ave.

An Ideal plac« to eat Home

Cooklnn. urrnt variety, moderately,


See us for allkinds of seeds.Largest assortmentof home growntrees to select fromin Seattle. HollandBulbs just arrived.

Sandahl & SonCompany

Store 120 Pike St.Nursery and Green

Houses. Renton Junction



people com* to my ©'flee +rmrydtj end fomp!»ln about btlng r"bb#«Jof their money by eom* f)*ntl»t on iFlmt ir., repreaentln* hfme«lf to be,Dr E J Brown, or his «*»lnt*nt.

BEWARK of th!§ thl-f who atftalsmv patient* «nd Uvea off my rcputtHon MY OFFICES mrm at

713 First Ave, Union BlockI can *uarante» to u>« you Juiit

on» dollar every «l«n» you p*r me ?

dollar for dental work hecauae,while my work I* often nupertor. Itcolt* you le»« than one-half the prlre

char«ed by oth»r hl«h-rla«» dentlstaYou «ee I make a dollar and ynu »aveB dollar when I do your dertal work

When yoq come to my offlrea hecure and aee my p|rt.,r» In my al*n\u25a0 t th» entrance of the hulldlnr tt'a

Ju»t like the on# In thla advertlae-m»nt _

Bewara of fak» ur Ttrowna

EDWIN J. BROWN, D. D. 5.r,rm11lr'? I rmlluK l>*a«lat

713 Fir»t AvenueOp«n evenltiK« until * and Hundaya

until 4 for people who work

Get Acquainted With"Bailey"



HOW IT WAS BUILTFlrit contemplated «nd rou«e surveyed over liinmui of Darlen by

Vngel Sau\edra at about 1 f>-1B.»ron Alexander von Humboldt, lamoui Q»rm»n naturalist and

traveler, suggests canal at Isthmus of I'atmmn, ISO;!

Spanish driven out, I#2l.Colombian republic becomei aove-elgn of lathmua of Panama,

IMt.Panama railroad built, 1850, and American government g'vsn car

tain rights regarding transportation of troops. (}«>ld ocel.ra to Callrornla made free use of thla road

President U 9. Grant. In hla flrat measage to congreaa, auggeata

construction of an Vmerlcan canal by A medi an people. IM9 Congress

adopt a Joint resolution appointing commlaalon under Admiral Amnion,

r S. N, for exploration on Ihe Isthmus.

Colombia gives Lieut. Luclen N. U Wyae concession to build Inter-

| iK-eanlc canal. 1878.International congreaa of engineer*, U5 delegates, of whom 11

were from I tiltod States, meets lu I'arla under leadership of Ferdinand| do Leaaepa. to consider canal project. In May, 1879.

De Lest-epa, who built Sue* canal, choaan to conatruct Panama

j canal. 1879Work begun on aea level canal, to be flnlahed In eight yeara, at coat

of |127.000.000, 1801

French courts dlaaolve Panama Canal Co. becauae of financial! difficulties. In lxsJ. Kipendlturea up to that time had been more than

1 and the asset* of the concern amounted to a little overI $150,000,000.

New Panama Canal company oryanljed 1894, with capital of' $13,000,000.

| Pr-eaident McKlnlay appolnta flrat lathmlan canal commlaalon In| with Admiral J U. Walker, V S \ . at h« ail

I Walker commission reports favoring Nlcaraguan canal, but later

I makes supplementary retort. favoring CIMM Md named l.y PM' .una company for Ita holdings la HMtMN whl.li M?IHW thinks

i la fair.United States accepta offer of Panama company, 190?, after heated

debate regarding choice of routes between Panama and Nl**arag'ia.

Senate finally ratlflaa treaty with Colombia, cloalng up canal pur.' chase. March. 1903; treaty provide* paymeijt of jio.ooo.too to Colombiaand $250,000 annually. beginning 9 years arter date of exchange «'ftreaty ratifications.

In June, 1903, Colombian aenate met In protracted session, finallyfalling to ratify treaty, creating great dl-"at|sfnctlon tn Panama ohlrli

on November 4. finally aeceded from Columbia and set up repuMl ( ?

Panama.United Statea recognizee republic of Panama, November 13, 1901

Treaty regarding canal concluded November 18, 1903.Senate, on February 23, 1904. ratifies Panana treaty, granting

Cnlted States perpetual use, occupation ind control of tone of laud tomiles In width lietween the cities of Colon and Panama. ett-ludlniE thosecities, but placing them under V. S military regulations

Col. W. C. Gorgas, U. S. A., appo'nted sanitary officer March 1.1904.

Commlaalon charged with duty of constructing canal appointedJune, 1904, with Admiral Walker at head and John h Wallace chiefengineer Preliminary construction work logins.

Theodore P. Shonta appointed head of canal commission, 190%.John F. Stevens made chief engineer, 190&.

Board of conauitlng engineers. Including eight American and fiveforeign, visit canal June. IHO6. and re|M-rt In favor of sea level plan,with minority report from five Americana favoring lock system Canalcommission favors lock system President Roosevelt r- ominencls link

canal. Congress finally authorise* lock system. May. IS'* Work onUnal plans actually begun with prtvat» contractor* In charge of arc

| tlons Private contract work falls to come up to requirements

Radical change In canal commission made, entire work being1 turned over to Cnlted State* army engineers. under leadership of Ueut

Col. George W*. (Joethala. with l,leut Col David IKill Halliard. LieutCol W. U Slbert of the corps of engineers. Col W (\ <k>rga* of the

medical department, and 11. O. Houaaeau. civil engineer, I K N. all ofwhom were made members of the commission, the change* taking

place February 2i. 1907. at which date Chief Knglncr Stevens reslgne.)

Ueut. Col. H. F Hodges added to the commission ami one civil memberappointed to act as governor.

Col. Goathals announce! canal wilt be flnlahed by December 1, 1913,and finally opened for traffic January 1. 1916?thla announcement betng made early In 1907

Final dam at Gam boa blown up with dynamite October 10, 1913,

1 and the canal la complete so far as water being admitted from both

oceans and Joining In the Cul"bra Cut Is concerned There la yet much! trimming and cutting to do, but light craft ran actually go through the

i canal now.


la no better than a dead man at

present, Angus Tubba, dying withtuberculosis, asked the Uev. P. IIThompson to preach hla funeralsermon before he died.

? ? ?


| official* dug up an old law whichforbids clrcuse* without paradesand began Immediately to enforce It.

? ? ?


! men refused to take a diamond ring

from Mrs John S Mahon, whom, they heW up. when *he pleaded thatit wa* a gift of her dead son.


?1* the head of ii man a part ofhi* body?


Would You, IfYouCould,Get Well and Be Happy?

The resulta obtained from th"short time wa have placed "Blood ianil Nerve Tonic" on th« markethave been marvelous: the dealer*handling them have the beet of suc-cess with the sale of these remedlen,

for the best advertisement Is a sat-isfied patient, and when you s*e apatient come hack after buying a

trial box, with a smile on hla fsrel*nd saying, "I want another bo* ofBlood and Nerve Tonic, for the firstbo* did me a world of good," thenyou know what the result has beenHuch reports are coming In every,day. and ao you can readily see thatjsuffering humanity can get a very!

much desired relief and eventually

a cure for that awful malady. Con-stipation. which la the r«u»« of such 'diseases as Appendicitis, Rheuma-tism. much so-called H<-art Trouble,Dropsy. Tuberculosl*?all these ar.dmany other* as well, for the over-iloaded colon scattt-rs Its poison allthrough the system and then youv/onder what Is the matter. Nojmatter what your trouble Is Just 1try a bo* <'f ISlood and Nerve Tonl<-for a general run-down system, and;If you are troubled with Dyspnpat:, ior Indigestion. or Ftlllousnnss, nrirns arising from your stomarh, tln-nyou Hi ould by all means try our

llo'.ld preparation railed "Has-trlrim." which can also be taken

I. r wl'h Blood and N«rvn Tonic.f,,r sale hv Quaker Drug Co.,

Klrst Ave and Giles Drug Co. 112 SIJa'kson St.

yo-.i will 'Ind the nam«s and tes-? lironlal* of Seattle people In »nrh

r V nflr*H#*n4 all ', ommun!' , Rtlon« to th*

German Pharmacal Co.Cururr l nnil »4lit Ur. W.»

Valiard« bcattlc* Wuk.


LONDON, Oct. 10. ?Btr AlfredTurner related last night that thespirit of William T. Stead, who perIshed on the TlUnlc, had appearedto him twice at spiritualistic circlesHe said the voice was strong and

easily recognizable. but the spiritwas dim Sir Alfred said

When the Titanic sunk," »pokeMr. Stead's voice, "there was aabort, sharp struggle When I cameto my senses I was surrounded by

hundreds of beings, who, like my-

self, had passed to the new exist-ence. but they were utterly unableito realize what had happened.

I While they were groping about Inobscurity and uncertainty I *et my-self at once to do missionary work

!by enlightening the people as totheir new condition."


SPRINGFIELD. Mass., Oct 10 ?

A legal precedent was establishedby Judge H W. Bosworth when hefined George (irover for taking

an umbrella.Orover, who Is a tradesman, and

took the umbrella from a hallway,said that he merely availed himselfof It for protection In a heavy show-er He fully Intended to return theumbrella.

The fine Is the first ever ImposedIn Springfield for this offense.

The Felix club will hold theirnext dance on Tuesday, October 21,at the Broadway hall, Broadway andMadison st.


?Refused permission to marryon account of her youth at. theclose of the civil war, Mrs liehecca .1 '/an Busklrk of MtGllead, O , has Just been mar-ried to Hiram 11. Goodwin ofDelphos, Kan.

That in the question the Missourisupreme court will «o>n have to de-cide. and upon Its decision rest* thelife of Junior Webb. underto hang for killing Archie Whltwellnear (>»k Grove In 1911.

In an *pj>« al to the supreme courtWebb's attorney* have ral*«wl thepoint that while the Informationcharged him with having Inflictedmortal wound* upon the body ofWhltwell, the evidence showed thatthe mortal wound «u In the h«ad

The trunk. It I* contended, conafltutes the body.

MS3BEB* PROPER REGULATIONMr* Smith (to rhemlat) ?1

Uriah tn buy a th«rmoni«»l*r tor*i*ulAt« the h«*»i of tbt r«»>m.

Ch-nUf What kind will youh*vi», madam*

Mr* S Oh, It dor* tint ma?ler, mi you »«*t It ut C, u* th«*doctor said that would Im» th«*proper brfti National Monthly


<$h<\?w v

$ir;V N \N

vV, \\ 1


Poor Chap!You'd tear your hair,too.Think of It For ytora h«'tt »»n paying |33 for ordinaryhand mtwJown "|ursi ? ft'i",wfc«n all the ho cuulihave b«d fitting pure?It wool (kotch Wool on Mild

Suits and Overcoats


Roody mode atylee ara de-signed month* In w! *«nco.

They're out ?# dote jroti(?( thorn. Y"« |rt up-to-the*minute otylce made for y ur

form ? ond Antal matiHallRIOHT HERK ?ond »«*?

? 10. Como on ?*«.

Neat United StoreIt'* a*tonl*hlng the buyer* a want

ad in The Star will bring you.

J. J. Kelley 9sFamily Liquor Store

The reader* of The Star will flid

Jinthe rami reliable house to dial m.


when Id of Wines

At store only?no ra/1 I|\ We prepny ex

deliveries at this' ' press charge* on all

+ out-of-town orders,>r|fe. except with Q A nt no nr over, exother order* \ A cept beer.


Where You Can Buy'Em 6 for a Quarter

Seattlo merrtant* hare re?pnndi»d to The Htar'e tu jura-

tion In aplte of the trartlotiomp«nx'i arbitrary withdrawalf th«' valo of tlrk**ts on ram.

'i rjn buy tli car 11« kote for» tpiarter at the following;>laree:

I'anion A I>.nd- n. 1111 H«"-ondor

- Hnu(hwl' k Co .? «»nd nn<l Plli*

M ' Vrm«« k Itro* Ho*-ond ondJomea.

N"» T«rk outfitting Co. IJ&Third ar

' M F rink. atoll 104. Wr.flokr\llrk *t

Am»rtr«n Potn* A Well Paperrirot ond t*nl»n

Wright Hoeteurent Co., Inc . 144at.

Taibr Cc.. Fourth ondPike

?i' 'i«n Weet Grocery. ilth andPfilnney.

T?to It -n M«rch« ftorond ondrike

J »1 H«e'-amf». 'l*»r atand. 140'Third

ll* I !>ruc *tor«» end of Itoren-no lino

Perfe<*to Cofotoria. Third ondJo moo

11*11 Ouleo <lroc*ry Co. Alklat \ 11rd s W

Kd a Itoblnaon A Bona. Fr««nv-nt »» ond Kalnf »t

Humrnlt I.bjuor Co, ItCl Flrator

lawl*h N'* Y*or'a cord otora171? Y«*«l*r «ey

po< i»ir « f*n? !? Mr«><ery. No ?

4> |6th m r NSpring '"Ifor Co <f«ur atonda)

?cf Flrat iv . (Urnftd av andModl«' ri »t >Ift Horond iv, Thirdu\ ail l'lk«* at

M! k? r 1 urotpry, Hat ov ondModloon ?!

?? I > »»p Ia n rigor atoro. Becondond Wonhln aton

? jr*«rn |j»k«» Drue Co. "lotWood lawn ov

Hottereby A Hmltb. 904 Flrat avllfrman Hlumenthal. 110 Hoc

ond ov HHmlth Pharmacy. llrd ond

Jo 'k *on.N'etlonol T.lquor r*o , 40& l*lk?».fl*ntnn Hill Pharmacy, 14th ond

\l« dlaonr*"i'»nlal Theatre bo* offtroCalifornia Wine Co. &IGI Pal

lord ovA l» T rn 112 Columbia<>Knrf* A Mudd 410 Flrot ov

Foifle Tron*for Co.. ?11 I'ourtlov

Italnler laundry fd >wntown offl< ?»). 101 Horond ov H

W<**tlak" Av Morkot. 11l Wool-lok«» ov. N

t*nrla Ham T»yo Work*. 115SPike it

raorode J4Ol Mallard

<* Nybo 101 Flrat ov<lold«*n Phoaaont Itoatouront.

111& l*lk» atBrooklyn ov arorary. 40th ond

tirooklyn ovHub Cluthlne <"*«» ilft Flrot avItutlor'a <'lfur Co. 414 Flrat avj'rjink ICnurrjulat A Hon. tnllora.

I4|| Be ird av.fforoux Lunch Room. ftftOl I>u-

wamlah a*.Coltimbla Caah Markot. 11 \V

ColumbiaHbam«*k flroa. Johbore 127 to

I.umbor Eirhanao BldaTho Wafftorlon atoro. 121-124

Sonltorv Markotr 1! PahUm Point A Woll

Pa par atorr Pino at . betweenHorond and Third av*

Honda Candy Co., IBOft Plk*plaro.

dm C Konyon A Hon. JOOS\Vo«tlaH" ov.

F.rnat Hardware A PlumhlnaCo . r.04 Plko *t

Annie Hrardon randy atand

111 Whlt*» bulldlnaStratford Claar Co.. 110 Herond

avClemmer theatre. 1414 Horond

avFlrat 1(111 Pharmacy, toi Madl

aon *tPalace Cafr and Grill. 140

WaahlnatonConr> A Hbaw * Knrbor Rliop,

JIT Columbia «tMax Uodane. Jeweler. 1112 Flrat


Chappell Claar Co.. 404 Rocondav.

IMoneer Market. 41?n Ith av SW !?'. PauU. banker. Weat Bo

altl*».Victor Dye Worka. 1201 Tealer

way.I*ovy*a Pharmacv. Bf»ll Duwntn

lull av . OeoractownItutlor'a druß atore. Beventh

and Union.It Hanaen, 64th and Fremont.


MRATTLK TO BVKItETT ? Umltnritrain* 10 *o ? m and R.;6 p m Ix>onltrwln® ft 10. 7 .10. * 10. 0 10, U inH in., i? no. I *o ? ao. a no. 4 so. r. in0 *0, 7 *0. f AO f» 4R. 1 1 4ft p m dully

Tl'U»t Heat tin. Fifth nv . n««rWtntlak*. <Ji fnwo'iil, AJa* l>ru« Storo,16th mti*« iin*nwood

RVKItfCTT To MKATTfJQ ? Mmltnd(mini & 00 n m and 4 00 p m Loch!trnlnt f» o'. ft 00. 7 00. * 00, B 01. 10 0011 00 ii in. 12 00 n<»on. 1 2 00. 3 00

4 o|. ft 00. 0 00. 7 00 ft 00 10 15 p mdally

Pi night Innvn® both rltlna ft no p mI'ACIFIO NOiyrilWEHT TitACTION CO

*V*liflXT. WAMtL ?


hundred pounds la the avenigi

weight of every member of a fatulliwhich held a reunion here Thereare 13 < hllilren, as well aa fatherand mother, living

Mr and Mrs John Charleaworthof Palisades are the parenta of thefamily, the l.'« members of whichwill weight a ton and a half. Pl*eof the i hi Idre n with their parentsweigh 1..V.4 pounds

The eldest boy, John, weighs 231'.Opal, a daughter, tlpa the scales ot2l!>, and Frances at lir> The *lde«daughter. Mary, weighs but a paltry210 iMiiinds, and Will weighs 207pounda The weight of the remainlug youngsters ranges from 140 toIN The father w<lgha i.16 andMrs Char esworth 233.


Thomas C Mtitler mother of IS chIIdren. died In Maple Park Hhe was90 yearn old There are «rand< hlldrvn and 12 great grandchildrenIn the family.

II ?\u25a0T t A uiUn *aM )tot. Aftlnglo*



ITS CONSTRUCTION( anal /on* contain* I'lfi n>|um< iniw l -hi' >, ?> \u25a0 r. iull< >r«

r*|ircnitnted l>v Oatun mid Mlriiflop > I:tk? \u25a0 and the < anal.IxtiKth of iniiiil from deep water on MliinMi Hide to deep water on

Pacific, aide, 60 iiillh*. from ahore Hie to Hion* line, 40 mlleaI Hri-i I lon of * iiihl from Atlanlti to I " .fl' r. t to nouth'-n t,

Panama, mi Pacific, liclnK 22'/4 mil' > \u25a0 hi In a direct line, runnoil I h from Colon, nt the At Innf I' entrari'e

Ooliik from A? li-utl«- lo Pacific, w-mwl* >r" r ;i| u t(|i < hannel In Minonbin to K" to 'iatun 7 mil"-*, thenc \u25a0 11f? ?«1 1 y thrc lock* *f< feetto tint tin litI'. ? thtouxh which will ro 2t mil' to I \| up' whirlCiilrliiit c "nt will In i nti" <l |inhn '..ro iidi < t :? m t, PedroMir i''l. »nil I* I\u25a0 *i 11-I '\u25a0 In t tli'\u25a0iiukli i I in ?!. \u25baurfnofMlraflorea Ink**, tben»e I'-/ mile- to Mlrftflor*m ,!»? ,nd loweredr.l 2.1 fi-«*l by two lock* to »\u25a0 i !«? v«-I :? u<l paaa out < tiami'i V ! nil!''*to Pacific, total dlatam e traveled, '?>« ru 11 «? h

Tim* required fur pnehugi . 10 to 12 houuKxtretiie height nf i anal above nn level, h', feet, at tintun lakebirkn, 12 In number, In <? piilrx 3 nt < .itu n, 1 at Pedro 1 at

Mlraflorea.Time required to no through lock*, 3 hour*.I«ength of cai h lot k, 1,000 feetWidth of lock*, 110 feet.Depth nf canal, minimum <1 fi>i-t max'm'm 45 feet.Width of \u25a0' ha tine I from 300 feet to 1,000 feet

Cone rata um-d in constructloa of look*, dam*. etc., G,000,w0 cubicyard*.

Ktcavallona tiecer*ury, 212,MM,13k cutdc yard*Ptetii h excavation* u»cd In prenent cai...l 29,'J05.000 cubic yard*.Au erlcati excavation*. I '\u25a0\u25a02 .'»!?'».I-*!h cubl'- , u la.Total coat of canal to I '? 11 mated I, $376,000,000.Korce required for work, 3#,000 men.Time required by I H to build canal I*'I h artual completion fixed fof

l>ec 1, tits, arid time taken from date of beginning May !>, 1904),it yearn. I month


4?^? rmf»AY AND MAT! Kl>Al'

m# prrtra f vnrui apell km» mnf rnadaHit t« norn.»lUr ah nil rfMlf? inoaf dfl.lrd nu <1 quirk 4rmaatf bj

(TRBllag dnnbu dUeAiiai nm pnrc-linae (kU

DOt'ftl l: Iliac 111 \T RU.i:Why hiII fill Up vieather romprUf THrrr'a a krap af i#w-

fori \u25a0nH Biiil«faril*»»t la kMunlng rra«tf.

arKC'IAI. 1 lI'KI'UI. WO. 3Well }«*«t say Iknl ihr»f 920

Par Mm aad Womra, I nicil«h anprrh all-^palhrr I oaf* forallp-»B» and gunhl* vfllM Mrs »o4 Womn lire \u25a0??\u25a0?si...?.a?... ..a*, re... 512.50

".zr ST.SO ..-r..., 4For Mra »n«1 %%'omaa ihm at»-

iredAl, *0. S prrb donblp aaralra tD-r #h . aralkar (««la of uaoinsala. ..a.u.l r..« h.rii.l. tnr

mrr^t . p,rfeeiMr. and Wnme. These ».R 4rea. Coat, aei.al IBM ..4

SIO.OO i'ITT.!, 515.00

Empire Building 916 Second Avenue |


Ml year VoundFEBRUARY I

2 3 Im 8/'I1*

6> */* Zi 10rMilTtl415 / r

vLi°''is '' 122, 7 rtilf *7 »/<? i?l* 71/

() 7 8 q io ii 12jl^^ \

20 ?? '5 16 17 \ A 6\t\ Vx6 ll\~

28 29

119 20 «22'23 J >012820 303 16 17 18,19 20 2l7»fc<2o>/ 5 2<5/2? /

ol*> OStrtmm "C^3^epen^i?t\iOf*; Seattle,U.S.A.