BAN NHÅN DAN n-1ÅNH Cili MINH SO GlÅo myc DAO TAO /GDDT-TC Thöng båo Chtrong trinh hec bbng cüa Chinh phü Kinh güi: CONG cui) NG11iA NAM DOC lip -e TV do Ilenh phüc Thånh Phd Chi Minh, ngåyG thång 02 nåm 2020 - Truong Phöng Giåo duc Dåo too quan, huyen; - Hi#u tnr&ng cåc tnr&ng Trung hoc Phd thöng; - Thü mr&ng cåc don vi tnrc thuöc SO. SO Giåo duc Dåo too co nhan Vän bån Chtrong trinh Hoc bbng Chinh phü Cc (Australia Awards) vöng tuyén chon 2020, kh6a hoc bit dåu tir näm 2021 (dinh kina), SO Giåo duc Dåo too db nghi Tnr&ng Phöng Giåo duc Dåo too quan, huyen•, Hiéu trur&ng cåc tnr&ng Trung hoc Phd thöng; Thü trtr&ng cåc don vi tnrc thuöc SO thöng tin dén cån bö, cöng chirc, vién chüc co nhu cau tham khåo däng k-y tuyén theo quy dinh cüa chtrong trinh. Th&i hen nop hd so trvc tuyén: ngåy 01/02/2020 dén ngåy 30/04/2020. Thöng tin chi tiét tiéu chi, cåc dibu kién Xin hoc bbng cåc néi dung khåc Chuong trinh, tng vién co thé tham khåo trén trang thöng tin dien tei dia chi http://www.australiaawardsvietnam.org. biét thém thöng tin, L?ng vién co thé güi cåu höi qua thu dien dén höp thu: [email protected] h04c goi (024)39393991/2./ Nai nhén.• - Nhtr trén; - Cåc phöng ban Co quan S&; - l.ru: vp, TCCB.ZZ 'S GiÅO DVC g Dio HO Höng Scn

sé /GDDT-TC Thånh Phd Chi Minh, ngåyG thång 02 nåm 2020- Truong Phöng Giåo duc vå Dåo too quan, huyen; - Hi#u tnr&ng cåc tnr&ng Trung hoc Phd thöng; - Thü mr&ng cåc don

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SO GlÅo myc vÅ DAO TAO

sé /GDDT-TCThöng båo vé Chtrong trinh hec bbng

cüa Chinh phü

Kinh güi:

CONG xÅ cui) NG11iA NAMDOC lip -e TV do Ilenh phüc

Thånh Phd Chi Minh, ngåyG thång 02 nåm 2020

- Truong Phöng Giåo duc vå Dåo too quan, huyen;- Hi#u tnr&ng cåc tnr&ng Trung hoc Phd thöng;- Thü mr&ng cåc don vi tnrc thuöc SO.

SO Giåo duc vå Dåo too co nhan Vän bån vé Chtrong trinh Hoc bbngChinh phü Cc (Australia Awards) vöng tuyén chon 2020, kh6a hoc bit dåu tirnäm 2021 (dinh kina),

SO Giåo duc vå Dåo too db nghi Tnr&ng Phöng Giåo duc vå Dåo too quan,huyen•, Hiéu trur&ng cåc tnr&ng Trung hoc Phd thöng; Thü trtr&ng cåc don vi tnrcthuöc SO thöng tin dén cån bö, cöng chirc, vién chüc co nhu cau tham khåo vådäng k-y tuyén theo quy dinh cüa chtrong trinh.

Th&i hen nop hd so trvc tuyén: tü ngåy 01/02/2020 dén ngåy 30/04/2020.

Thöng tin chi tiét vé tiéu chi, cåc dibu kién dé Xin hoc bbng vå cåc néidung khåc vé Chuong trinh, tng vién co thé tham khåo trén trang thöng tin dientü tei dia chi http://www.australiaawardsvietnam.org.

Dé biét thém thöng tin, L?ng vién co thé güi cåu höi qua thu dien tü dénhöp thu: [email protected] h04c goi (024)39393991/2./

Nai nhén.•- Nhtr trén;- Cåc phöng ban Co quan S&;- l.ru: vp, TCCB.ZZ




Lé Höng Scn


Hà NOi, ngày 1 thàng 2 nam 2020

K/ bbng Chinh phù Australia (Australia Awards) vòng tuyòn chon 2020 nhôn hè scydang kV

TOi Xin vui mù•ng thông béo Hoc b6ng Chinh phù Australia (Australia Awards) vòng tuyén

chon nam 2020/nién khôa 2021 sé bât dàu nhôn hb scy ter ngày 1/2/2020 dén 30/4/2020.

Céc ü•ng viên Xin Hoc bbng Chinh phù Australia (Australia Awards) sé nop hò scy trvc tuyén.

Thông tin chi tiét Xin xem tai trang web http://www australiaawardsvie!nëm.org/.

Hoc bbng Chinh phù Australia (AAS) là hoc bbng quôc té uy tin duvc Chinh phù Australia

trao cho thé hè câc nhà lânh dao toàn chu tucyng lai trong Iïnh phât trién. Thông qua hoc

tap và nghién cCru, nhòn hoc b6ng sé phât trién kién thü•c và k9 nàng nhàm tao ra sv'

thay déi và thiét lâp céc mbi quan hé hCru nghi lâu dài Australia.

Hoc bbng dành cho câc Cyng viên Viét Nam xuAt sac theo hoc bâc thac si & Australia. khôa

hoc sé bât dàu nam 2021. Xin Iwu y là dort tuyén chon làn này không cép hoc b6ng tién si.

Céc Ong vién duqc hoc bbng sé theo hoc bâc thac si tai mot truò•ng dai hoc Australia do ho

Iva chon, trong nhièu finh vu•c phât trién then ch6t d6i Véi Viêt Nam nhu: quàn tri và phât

trién kinh té, ha tàng và giao thông, nuOc và ve sinh, giào duc, binh dàng gibi. nông nghiëp

và phât trién nông thôn, 6n dinh khu vu•c và nhân quyèn, khuyét tôt, bién dbi khi hèu và déi

m&i. Céc hoc bbng này dành cho chucyng trinh hoc toàn th&i gian.

Ûng vién là khuyét tat và nguOi & vùng nông thôn khô khân là déi turqng du.rqc tién

cùa Hoc bbng Chinh phù Australia (AAS). Trong s6 50 Crng vién du•qc trao hoc b6ng & vòng

tuyèn chon nàm ngoâi, co 10 Crng viën khuyét tôt và 3 Crng viên dén tû cac vùng nông thôn

khé khân.

Ung vièn duvc hoc b6ng së du•qc hb trq dào tao tiéng Anh t6i da 12 thâng dé dat t6i thiéu

IEL TS (Academic) 6.5, không cô diém thành phàn dl-r&i 6.0 hoòc ch&ng chi TOEFL/PTE

tuong du•cyng.

Tièu chi hqp lè và câc 61èu kiën Xin hoc bbng duqc tom tât trong to thông tin dành cho cong

dôn Viet Nam, dinh kèm thu' này. Dè biét thông tin chi tiét, Xin vui Iòng truy cap trang web


Cherong trinh uc cong Viet Nam Phat trién NguÒn nhOn lu•cPhOng 602. Nhà A. 14-16 Long. Hoan Ki6rn. H' NOi, Viot Nam(024) 3939 (024) 3934 6/82 Emaill

Australia Awarrls

Viôt NamNÔp don Xin Hec bÓng Chinh phdl Australia (AAS)

NÔp do•n Xin Hec bÔng Chinh phó Australia (AAS)

Australia tiÔp tuc cam kÔt hgyp tâc phât tnbn ViÔt Nam nhâm hÔ

tro phât triÔn hóa nhÔp, giâm nghôo vâ tâng bÔn vCrng khu vvc.

Hoc bÔng Chinh phó Australia (AAS) lâ hoc bÔng qu6c t6 uy tindtrgc Chinh phó Australia trao cho thô hÔ cac nhâ lânh dąo toânchu tuo•ng la trong [inh wc phât tră Thông qua hoc tâp vângh'ôn cou. ngtrô•ł nhÔn hec bÔng se phât tribn k16n thO•c vâ k9

nâng nhâm tąo sg thay dÔi vâ thiÔt lăp căc m6i quan hÔ hO•u nghilâu dâi vot Australia.

Câc Crng viën se dłrąc xet duyet dua trôn trinh dÔ chuyôn môn.nâng Iv•c câ nhân, thânh tich hec tâp. vâ quan trong nhât lâ khânâng ânh nh(rng thâch tmrc vÔ phât triÔn cua ViÔt Nam.

Câc Ong vłôn nguOi khuy6t tôt. ngu•ôi vong nông thôn khó khân vângu&l dân tÔc thiôu sÔ dupc khuyón khich nÔp hÔ so Xin hec bÔng.Hoc bÔng có chinh sâch hÔ tro tham gia binh dâng cho nhóm OngV'ôn nây.

Căc rinh vvc hec tăp vu tiën

Câc rînh vł,rc hec tôp t)ôn dânh cho ong viën Viet Nam gÔm:

Quăn tri vă phăt triÔn kinh ť (kinh tÓ hec, cąnh tranh,thtrong mat qu6c tâ. chinh sâch công, quin 19 công, quân IY tăichinh cóng. tâi chinh doanh nghiôp. quân I} doanh nghiôp. IuÔthóa nhôp kinh tÔ, khôi nghiôp kinh doanh vâ dÔi meri sâng tao)

Co se hą tâng vâ Giao thóng (quân 19 vâ tăi chinh du ân. dvbâo giao thông. k} thuât giao thông vân tăi. bien phóp bâo vÔxâ hÔi vâ rnôl trubng. quăn 19 vâ quy hoąch giao thông dô thj,quy hoach głao thông t6ng thĆ. hcxp tâc công tu, kinh tb giaothông. an toăn vă ki&rn toón duOng bÔ. quân IY logistics)

vă sinh (quân 19 nu•Oc. k9 thuÔt thóy Iqi, chât luqng

nu•Oc va câc th6ng cung câp nuôc, rurOc vâ nuóc thói,

quân tri nguÔn nuOc, an toân nguÔn nłrOc, quân IY han hón)

Giăo dyc (quin 19 giźo duc, quân tri tÓ chóc, quân IY giâo ducnghÔ nghlŕp)

Binh dâng Gi&i (giOi vâ phât tribn. nghiôn cou vÔ phv nCr)

Nông nghiôp vi Phźt triÔn Nông thôn (kinh tĆ nông nghiôp.

kgnh tĆ nóng nghiôp. phât tnÔn nông thôn, quăn IY du lich

bÔn v[łng, an toân ve sinh thvc phâm)

Ôn dinh Khu vvc vă Nhân quyÔn (an ninh rnąng. quân IS'

công vâ tÔl pham hec, công phâp quÔc t6. luÔt nhân quyÔn

quÔc ť)Khuy6t tât (công tâc kâ hÔi, gińo dvc dÔc biet)

khi hÔu (giârn thi6u ânh thiôn tai)

ĐÔi rn&i sâng tșo (c*łuy6n giao vâ thtmng mei hôa khoa hoc

vâ công nghO)

ngânh hec khâc (tro nhOng ngânh hec không tvp IO bao

gÔmȚhąc SY Ouân tri Kinh doanh. Công nghÔ thông tin (công nghÔphân cong. phân mÔm). Y khoa, Duqc, TruyÔn thông, bóo Chi,

tuyôn truyÔn) dupc xem xót dv•a trôn thânh tich câ nhân.

Chinh phó Australia vâ ViÔt Nam sô dânh giâ theo đinh k} vâ sôadbi nhCrng Iînh wc hoc tâp Iru tiôn cóa hoc bÔng, Vui lông xemthông tin chi tibt tei website: australiaawardsvietnam.org

Bâc hec

Hoc bÔng trao co hÔi cho công dân ViÔt Nam dcrvc hoc bâc sau đąihoc toi mot viôn, truOng dai hec ta Australia,

Hoc bÔng Chinh phó Australia (AAS) tai ViÔt Nam năm nay sô traocho câc ting viôn hoc bâc Thac SY nhôp hoc năm 2021 dân tir.


Co quan trung u•ong (bao gÔm câ căc tÔ chirc doân thó)

Co quan chinh quyÔn dia phtrong câp tinh (bao gÔm câ câc tÔchiic doân thô)

Ccy quan chinh quyÔn căp thânh phÔ (bao gÔm câ căc tÔ chircdoân thÓ)

Truông/Co sô gióo duc nghÔ nghiÔp

Tnrŕyng dąi hoc

ViÔn nghiôn ciru (Viôt Nam/ Nhâ nuóc)

Công ty Viet Nam

TÓ chóc phi chinh phó Viet Nam/quÔc tâ TÔ chirc Liôn HqpQuÓc, Đąi sir quân

Ong viôn con Cô thô hec khóa hoc liôn kôt ngânh Kinh tô hoc QuÔctb vâ Phót triôn vâ Thąc Sî Kinh t6 Môi trubng vâ Tâi nguyôn. Xemchi tiôt tąi: australiaawardsvietnam.org.

QuyÔn lę•i Hec bÔng Chinh phă Australia (AAS)

Hoc bÔng Chinh phó Australia (AAS) dupc câp trong thOi gian tÔithiÓu dÔ ngubi hec hoân thânh chuong trinh hoc tÔp do truôngdąi hoc Australia yôu câu. bao gÔm th&i gian hoc Chuan bl, nĆucó.

Ngu•ôi nhân hoc bÔng dupc hc.rông nhCrng quyÔn Igi sau:

vó rnóy bay kh[r hÔi

trq câp Ôn dinh ban dâu, câp mÔt lân khj rnôi sang Australia

toân bÔ tiÔn hoc phi

hÔ trg sinh hoșt phi

Chuang trlnh hoc Chuan bi

băo hiôrn y tÔ cho sinh viôn quÔc td trong th&i glan hoc

h6 trq hec tâp bÔ sung

tro câp nghiôn cou thvc dia (cho sinh viôn hÔ nghiôn cou;hoôc sinh viôn hoc hÔ tÔp trung. Chl câp theo yôu câu coakhóa hoc).

Tiôu chi hqp

Ong viôn Hec bÔng Chlnh phÓ Australia (AAS) phâi dăp (mg toânbÔ yôu câu vÔ tiôu chi tuyÔn chen duvc nôu trong cuÔn SÔ tayChlnh sâch Hoc bÔng. Cô thÔ tói tir du•ông link dfatgov.aulabout•


floc bÔng phu Ausuălła (AAS) 2021

Yéu cau tiéng Anh

Ong vién phåi det t6i thibu IELTS (Academic) 6.5, khöng co (Tlåmthånh phån du+i 6.0 (hoöc chü'ng chi TOEFL/PTE tu•cyng duvng)tnr&c khi nh$n hoc khöng dibu kién.

Cåc dibu kién cu thé

Ngoål nhü•ng tiéu chi tuyén chon Chung nay, cåc ü'ng vién VietNam phåi dåp b•ng nhü•ng dibu ki$n cu thé sau:

• phåi co bång dai hoc chinh quy

• co it nhåt 24 thång kinh nghiém låm viéc phü hep tai Viet Namtinh dén ngåy 30/4/2020 (trir Ong vién co hoån cånh khö khån— xem mö tå phia du'Oi)

• khöng Xin hoc bång thec sy thü' hai.

Cåc (mg vién phåi dåp Ong nhCrng dibu kién cw thé d6i vOi VietNam nhur sau (xem chi tiét tai australiaawardsvietnam.org).

NhOm O•ng vién

Chinh quyén dia phu•cyng c.åptinh (khöng bao gbm Hå NOi.Hb Chi Minh. Håi Phöng,Nång. Hué va Cån Tho)

• Co quan trung u•ong• Chinh quyén dia phtrong

cåp thanh ph& Hå Néi.thänh phb Hb Chi Minh, HåiPhOng. Nång. Hué vaCån Tho

• TruOngjco so glåo ducnghé nghlép

• Truong dai hoc tinhfthånhphå (tro cac thanh phåduoc néu dUOi dåy)

• Vlén nghién cü•u.• Tb chü•c phi chinh phü cüa

Viet Nam• cong ty Viet Nam

• Truong dai hoc tai Ha NO,thånh ph6 HO Chi Minh, HåiPhOng. Nång. Hué våCån Tho

• choc phi chinh phü qu6cté. Tå chü•c Lién Hvp Quoc,Dai so quån

Diåmtrung binh

Dei hoc



you cau IELTS

Khö yéucåu IELTS khinDi m IELTS 4.5 (khöng codiém thånh phån dureyi 4.0)

di&n IELTS khi nophb so.

Dém IELTS 5.0 (khöng codibm thånh phån dubi 4.5)

diérn IELTS khi nophb so.

Diém IELTS 5.5 (khöng codiém thånh phån dlJ'Oi 5.0)

Nép diém IELTS khi nophb so.

Diém IELTS 6.5 (khöng codiém thånh phån duOi 6.0)

Chong chl 'EL TS (hooc TOEFL iBT, chüng chi PTE Academic) hep lå cluing chi

co ngay thi båt dåu tv ngåy 1/1/2019 tro d',

Ung vién cånh khÖ khån

Hoc bbng åp dung cåc diéu khoån déc biét sau dåy cho cåc Ong

Vién thu4c dien khÖ khån tai Viet Nam, dü Ong vién dé thuéG båt

ky ryhOm Ong Vien nåo:

• Ong vién nguOi khuyét tat

• Ong vién dén tü' cåc dia phuong nghéo theo quy dinh (tham

khåo australiaawardsvietnam.org).

Diém trungbinh Dei hoc


KhÖng yéu cåu IELTSta thOi dém nop ho so

IELTS 4.5 (khÖng00 diérn thanh phåndubi 3.5)

Xinh nghiérn låm vi$c


Th&i hqn nép hb so

Cho hd so nhöp hoc nåm 2021:

Ngåy 1/2/2020

Ngåy dÖng: 30/4/2020

Dan Xin hoc bbng hoöc tåi lieu kém theo nop sau ngåy hét han sé

khöng duvc xem xét.

Quy trinh nép hb so

Nép so truc tuyén toihttps://oasispartners.dfat.gov.au/Function/Home/Default.aspx

Tåi lieu kém theo

O'ng vién phåi nop cüng hb so Xin hoc bång tåt cå cåc tåi liéu kém

theo båt buéc dwqc liét ké trong cu6n Sd tay Chinh såch Hoc b6ng.

Ong vién cong phåi nop thém cåc tåi lieu khåc dé dåp Ong yéu cåu

cu thé d6i vOi Viet Nam. Xin tham khåo

australiaawardsvietnam.org dé biét chi tiét danh muc cåc tåi lieu

kém theo båt buåc.

Quy trinh xét tuyén

Sau khi xét cåc tiéu chi hep IQ, Ong vién sé duec so tuyén. Cåc

Ong vién vuvt qua vÖng so tuyén sé tham gia vÖng phång vån

bång tiéng Anh. Ong vién dtrqc dånh giå dwa trén cåc tiéu chi sau:

Nång Ivc hoc tap

Tibrn nång döng gop cho sv phåt trién cüa Viet Nam vå thüc

dåy cåc m6i quan hé Viet Nam - Australia

Nång Ivc chuyén mön vå tb chåt lånh deo

Két quå cu6i cüng sé duvc thöng båo våo cubi thång 7 h04c dåuthång 8 nåm 2020.

Dåo teo chuån bi

Ong vién nh0n hoc bdng phåi tham dv cåc bubi ph6 bién

thöng tin truOc khi nh$p hoc.

CJng vién co thé phåi tham gia khöa bbi duong tiéng Anh

tibn du hoc tbi da 12 thång tai Viet Nam (tüy trinh dé tiéng

Anh) néu chua dat t6i thiéu IELTS (Academic) 6.5, khöng codiém thånh phån dubi 6.0 hoec chü'ng chi TOEFLJPTEtuong ducyng.

Thong tin bd sung

Dé biåt thém thöng tin vé Hoc bång Chinh phü Australia (AAS). Xin mOihttp://www.australlaawardsvietnam.org

Dé tim hiåu cåc vån då thi thvc. quyål loi va dlégu kién coa Hoc b&ngChinh phü Australia, Xin tham khéo cubn Sb tay Chinh sach Hoc béngv


Då co thém thång tin Chung vå Hoc bbng Chinh phü Australia (RAS)va viOc hoc tap toi Australia, Xin rnOi truy cop cac website sau:


Thöng tin lién he

Aus4SkillsD'a chi: PhÖng 502, Nhå A, 14-16 Heim conq, Quan Hoan Kiém. HåDien thoai_ (024) 3939 3991/2Fax: (024) 3934 678?Email:Website: www.australiaawardsvietnam.org

Hoc bbng Chinh phü Australia (AAS) nién khOa 2021

Australia A"arxls

VietnamApplying for an Australia Awards scholarship

Australia Awards scholarships in Vietnam

Australia's intemational development assistance in Vietnam

helps promote prosperity, reduce poverty, and enhance

political stability.

Australia Awards scholarships are prestigious intemational

awards offered by the Australian Government to the next

generation of global leaders for development. Through study

and research, recipients develop the skills and knowledge todrive change and help build enduring people-to-people linkswith Australia.

Applicants are assessed on their professional and personalqualities, academic competence and, most importantly, theirpotential to impact on development challenges in Vietnam.

Applications are strongly encouraged from women, peoplewith disability and other marginalised groups.

Priority fields of study

The priority areas of study for Vietnam are:

Governance and Economic Growth (economics,competition, international trade, public policy,public finance management, corporate finance, lawto support economic integration, entrepreneurshipand innovation)

• Infrastructure and Transport (projectmanagement and financing, traffic forecasting,transport engineering, social and environmentalsafeguards, urban transport planning andmanagement, transport master planning, public-private partnership, transport economics, roadsafety and audit, logistics management)

Water and sanitation (water management, waterengineering, water quality and supply systems,water and waste water, water governance, watersecurity, drought management)

Education (education management, institutionalgovemance, vocational education management)Gender Equality (gender and development,women's studies)Agriculture and Rural Development(agribusiness, agricultural economics, ruraldevelopment, sustainable tourism management,food safety)Regional Stability and Human Rights (cybersecurity, criminology and public governance,international law. international human rights law)Disability (including social work, specialeducation)Climate Change (including disaster risk reduction)Innovation (science and technology transfer andcommercialisation)

Studies in other fields (except Master of BusinessAdministration, Information Technology hardware andsoftware, Medicine, Pharmacy, Communication / Media /Journalism) will be considered on the basis of merit.

The governments of Australia and Vietnam regularly reviewthese areas of study together and adjust the emphasis ofthe program. Detailed information on priority areas of studycan be found at: australiaawardsvietnam.org

Level of study

Australia Awards scholarships provide citizens of Vietnamwith the opportunity to obtain a qualification at an

Australian tertiary institution.

Awards will be offered in Vietnam for Master degrees

commencing in 2021 within the following allocations:

Central agencies, including mass organisations

Provincial agencies, including mass- organisations

City-level agencies, including mass- organisations

• Vocational education and training colleges

• UniversitiesVietnamese / State research institutions

• Vietnamese companiesVietnamese NGOsInternational NGOs, UN agencies, embassies

Split courses in International and DevelopmentEconomics, and Environmental and Resource Economicsare available. See australiaawardsvietnam.org for furtherdetails.

Australia Awards benefits

Australia Awards scholarships are offered for the minimumperiod necessary for the individual to complete theacademic program specified by the Australian educationinstitution, including any preparatory training.

Scholarship recipients will receive the following:

• return air travela one-off establishment allowance on arrivalfull tuition feescontribution to living expenses

• introductory academic programoverseas student health cover for the duration ofthe scholarshipsupplementary academic support,fieldwork allowance for research students andmasters by coursework which has a compulsoryfieldwork component.

Eligibility criteria

Australia Awards applicants must meet all eligibilityrequirements detailed in the Australia Awards ScholarshipsPolicy Handbook, available at: dfat.gov.aulabout-us/publications/Pages/australia-awards•scholarships•policy-handbook.aspx

Australia Awards scholarships information for study commencing in 2021

English language proficiency The application process

An applicant must have achieved an IELTS (Academic)score of 6.5 or higher (with no individual band score of lessthan 6.0) or an equivalent TOEFL or PTE score beforereceiving a final unconditional offer of scholarship.

Country-specific conditions

In addition to the eligibility requirements, candidates fromVietnam must also meet the following conditions:

have completed a formal undergraduate degree• have at least 24-month full-time relevant work expenence

in Vietnam as at 30 April 2020 (except disadvantagedapplicants — see description below)not apply for a second Master degree.

Applicants must also meet the following country specificcondibons (please refer to australiaawardsvietnam.org forfull details).


Pro•-ancsal agenoes (exceptHan04. HCM City. Hal Phong.Danang, Hue. Can Tho)

Central agenciesCity4evel agencies inHanoi. HCM City. HaiPhong. Danang. Hue andCan Tho

• Vocabonal education andtrat col

Provincially baseduniversities

• Research institutions• Vietnamese NGOs• Vietnamese companies

Unverstties (Hanoi. HCMCity. Hat Phong, Danang.Hue. Can Tho)Intematjonal NGOs, UNagencies. embassies






iELtSNo IELTS requirement atapplicabonIELTS 4.5 (no sub-bandbelow 4.0

Submit IELTS certificateat applicationIELTS 5.0 (no sub-bandbelow 4.5)

Submit IELTS certificateat applicationIELTS 5.5 (no sub-bandbelow 5.0)

Submit IELTS certificateat applicationIELTS 6.5 (no sub-bandbelow 6.0)

• ELTS, TOEFL iBT or BTE Academic certificates will be valid

if the tests have been on or after 1 January 2019.

Disadvantaged applicants

Special provisions apply for the following disadvantagedapplicants from all indicated — above groups:

persons with disabilitydisadvantaged rural applicants, (for details, refer toaustraliaawardsvietnam.org).


Minimum GPA6.0

IELTS Work Experience

No IELTS requirement12-month full-time

at applicationrelevant work

IELTS 4.5 (no sub-band experiencebelow 3.5)

Application dates

For study commencing in Australia in 2021 :

Opening date: 1 February 2020

Closing date: 30 April 2020

Applications and/or supporting documents received after the

Online applications

All applications must be lodged online throughhttps://oasispartners.dfat.gov.au/Function/Home/Default.aspx

Supporting documents

Applicants must submit all of the relevant supporting

documents listed in the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy


Applicants must also provide the additional documents to

meet the specific requirements for Vietnam. Please refer to

australiaawardsvietnam.org for a full list of required

supporting documents.

The selection process

Applications will be shortlisted after eligibility checking.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

The selection process includes an interview. Applicants

will be assessed against the following criteria:

- academic competence- potential outcome, specifically the contribution to

development outcomes in Vietnam and to promoting

relationships between Vietnam and Australia

- professional and personal leadership attributesincluding relevant work experience.

Successful candidates will be notified in late July-earlyAugust 2020.

Preparatory training

Successful applicants will be required to attend:

pre-departure briefing• pre-departure English language training in Vietnam of

up to 12 months (depending on your English level), ifyou do not achieve an IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5 orhigher (with no individual band score of less than 6.0) oran equivalent TOEFL or PTE score.

Further information

Information about the Australia Awards—Vietnam can be foundhttp://www.australiaawardsvietnam.org

More general information about the Australia Awards. Australia'said program, and studying in Australia can be found at thefollowing links:

• dfat.gov.au/people-to-peoplelaustralia.awards/pages/australia-awards-scholarships

• studyinaustralia.gov.au

Information about visas and Australia Awards scholarshipentitlements and conditions can be found in the ScholarshipsPolicy Handbook:dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/Pages/australia•awards-scholarships•policy-handbook.aspx

Contact details

Aus4SkillsAdd: Room 502, Building A, 14-16 Ham Long Str., HanoiTelephone: (024) 3939 3991/2 • Fax: (024) 3934 6782Email: [email protected]

closing date will not be considered. Website: www.australiaawardsvietnam org

Australia Awards scholarships information for study conurEncing in 2021