Ruysbroeck the Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage

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  • 8/13/2019 Ruysbroeck the Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage











    BV5080 J33

    "In tantum Deus cognoscitur, in quantum amatur" STBERNARD






  • 8/13/2019 Ruysbroeck the Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage







    ProogueI! # t$e Acti%e &i#e

    II! S$o'ing $o' 'e s$a consider t$e (oming o# ($rist in T$ree )a*s

    III! # +umiit*

    I! # ($arit*

    ! # Patient Endurance

    I! # t$e Second (oming o# ($rist

    II! # t$e Bessed Sacraments

    III! # t$e T$ird (oming o# ($rist

    I-! S$o'ing '$at ($rist 'i do in t$e Da* o# Doom

    -! # t$e .i%e /inds o# en '$o s$a aear at t$e udgment

    -I! # a Siritua 3oing ut 'it$ a irtues

    -II! +o' +umiit* is t$e .oundation o# a ot$er irtues

    -III! # 4edience

    -I! # t$e Renunciation o# Se#)i

    -! # Patience-I! # ee6ness

    -II! # /indiness

    -III! # (omassion

    -I-! # 3enerosit*

    --! # 7ea and Diigence

    --I! # Temerance and So4riet*

    --II! # Purit*

    --III! # T$ree Enemies to 4e o%ercome 4* Rig$teousness







  • 8/13/2019 Ruysbroeck the Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage


    --I! # t$e /ingdom o# t$e Sou

    --! # a Siritua eeting o# 3od and urse%es

    --I! # t$e desire to 6no' t$e Bridegroom in +is Nature



    I! +o' 'e ac$ie%e Suernatura Sig$t in our In'ard )or6ings

    II! # a T$ree#od 9nit* '$ic$ is in us 4* Nature

    III! # t$e In#o' o# t$e 3race o# 3od into our Sirit

    I! S$o'ing $o' 'e s$oud #ound our In'ard &i#e on a .reedom #rom Images! # a T$ree#od (oming o# our &ord in t$e In'ard an

    I! # t$e Second (oming o# our &ord in t$e In'ard an

    II! # t$e T$ird (oming o# our &ord

    III! +o' t$e .irst (oming $as .our Degrees

    I-! # 9nit* o# +eart

    -! # In'ardness

    -I! # Sensi4e &o%e

    -II! # De%otion

    -III! # 3ratitude

    -I! # T'o 3rie#s '$ic$ arise #rom In'ard 3ratitude

    -! A Simiitude $o' 'e s$oud er#orm t$e .irst Degree o# our In'ard


    -I! Anot$er Simiitude concerning t$e same E:ercise

    -II! # t$e Second Degree o# our In'ard E:ercise, '$ic$ increases

    In'ardness 4* +umiit*

    -III! # t$e Pure Deig$t o# t$e +eart and t$e Sensi4e Po'ers

    -I-! # Siritua Ine4riation

    --! )$at ma* $inder a an in t$is Ine4riation

    --I! A Simiitude $o' a an s$oud act and 4ear $imse# in t$is case

    --II! # t$e T$ird Degree o# t$e Siritua (oming o# ($rist

    --III! # t$e Pain and Restessness o# &o%e

    --I! # Ecstacies and Di%ine Re%eations

    --! An E:ame s$o'ing $o' one is $indered in t$is E:ercise







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    --I! Anot$er E:ame

    --II! A Para4e o# t$e Ant

    --III! # t$e .ourt$ Degree o# t$e (oming o# ($rist

    --I-! S$o'ing '$at t$e .orsa6en an s$oud do

    ---! A Para4e; +o' one ma* 4e $indered in t$is .ourt$ Degree

    ---I! # anot$er +indrance

    ---II! # .our /inds o# .e%er '$ere'it$ a an ma* 4e Tormented

    ---III! S$o'ing $o' t$ese .our Degrees in t$eir Per#ection are .ound in


    ---I! S$o'ing $o' a an s$oud &i%e i# $e 'oud 4e Enig$tened

    ---! # t$e Second (oming o# ($rist, or, t$e .ountain 'it$ T$ree Ris

    ---I! T$e .irst Ri adorns t$e emor*

    ---II! T$e Second Ri enig$tens t$e 9nderstanding

    ---III! T$e T$ird Ri esta4is$es t$e )i to e%er* Per#ection

    ---I-! S$o'ing $o' t$e Esta4is$ed an s$a go out in .our )a*s

    -&! +e s$a go out to'ards 3od and to'ards a Saints

    -&I! +e s$a go out to'ards a Sinners

    -&II! +e s$a go out to'ards $is .riends in Purgator*

    -&III! +e s$a go out to'ards $imse# and to'ards a 3ood en-&I! S$o'ing $o' 'e ma* recognise t$ose en '$o #ai in ($arit* to a

    -&! +o' ($rist 'as, is, and e%er 'i 4e t$e &o%er o# a

    -&I! Rero%ing a t$ose '$o i%e on Siritua 3oods in an Inordinate anner

    -&II! S$o'ing $o' ($rist $as gi%en +imse# to a in common in t$e

    Sacrament o# t$e Atar

    -&III! # t$e 9nit* o# t$e Di%ine Nature in t$e Trinit* o# t$e Persons

    -&I-! S$o'ing $o' 3od ossesses and mo%es t$e Sou 4ot$ in a Natura and a

    Suernatura 'a*&! S$o'ing $o' a an s$oud 4e adorned i# $e is to recei%e t$e most In'ard


    &I! # t$e T$ird (oming o# ($rist

    &II! S$o'ing $o' t$e Sirit goes out t$roug$ t$e Di%ine Stirring

    &III! # an Eterna +unger #or 3od

    &I! # a &o%ing Stri#e 4et'een t$e Sirit o# 3od and our Sirit

    &! # t$e .ruit#u )or6s o# t$e Sirit, t$e '$ic$ are Eterna







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    &I! S$o'ing t$e 'a* in '$ic$ 'e s$a meet 3od in a 3$ost* anner 4ot$

    'it$ and 'it$out eans

    &II! # t$e Essentia eeting 'it$ 3od 'it$out eans in t$e Na6edness o# our


    &III! S$o'ing $o' one is i6e unto 3od t$roug$ 3race and uni6e unto 3od

    t$roug$ orta Sin

    &I-! S$o'ing $o' one ossesses 3od in 9nion and Rest, a4o%e a i6eness

    t$roug$ 3race

    &-! S$o'ing $o' 'e $a%e need o# t$e 3race o# 3od, '$ic$ ma6es us i6e unto

    3od and eads us to 3od 'it$out eans

    &-I! # $o' 3od and our Sirit %isit eac$ ot$er in t$e 9nit* and in t$e &i6eness

    &-II! S$o'ing $o' 'e s$oud go out to meet 3od in a our )or6s

    &-III! # t$e ordering o# a t$e irtues t$roug$ t$e Se%en 3i#ts o# t$e +o*3$ost

    &-I! # t$e +ig$est Degree o# t$e most Interior &i#e

    &-! # T$ree /inds o# most In'ard Practices

    &-I! S$o'ing $o' some en i%e contrar* to t$ese E:ercises

    &-II! # anot$er 6ind o# Per%erted en


    I! S$o'ing t$e T$ree )a*s 4* '$ic$ one enters into t$e 3odSeeing &i#e

    II! +o' t$e Eterna Birt$ o# 3od is rene'ed 'it$out interrution in t$e no4iit*

    o# t$e Sirit

    III! +o' our Sirit is caed to go out in (ontemation and .ruition

    I! # a Di%ine eeting '$ic$ ta6es ace in t$e +iddenness o# our Sirit



    I! T$roug$ T$ree T$ings a an 4ecomes 3ood

    II! T$roug$ T$ree T$ings a an 4ecomes In'ard

    III T$roug$ T$ree T$ings a an 4ecomes 3odSeeing

    I! # t$e Sar6ing Stone, and o# t$e Ne' Name 'ritten in t$e Boo6 o# t$e

    Secrets o# 3od








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    ! # t$e 'or6s '$ic$ 3od 'or6s in a in common, and o# .i%e /inds o#


    I! # t$e di##erence 4et'een t$e +ireings and t$e .ait$#u Ser%ants o# 3od

    II! # t$e di##erence 4et'een t$e .ait$#u Ser%ants and t$e Secret .riends o#3od

    III! # t$e di##erence 4et'een t$e Secret .riends and t$e +idden Sons o# 3od

    I-! +o' 'e ma* 4ecome +idden Sons o# 3od, and attain to t$e 3odSeeing


    -! +o' 'e, t$oug$ ne 'it$ 3od, must eterna* remain t$er t$an 3od

    -I! # t$e great di##erence 4et'een t$e Brig$tness o# t$e Saints and t$e +ig$est

    Brig$tness to '$ic$ 'e can attain in t$is &i#e

    -II! # t$e Trans#iguration o# ($rist on ount T$a4or

    -III! +o' 'e oug$t to $a%e .ruition o# 3od

    -I! # t$at (ommon &i#e '$ic$ comes #rom t$e (ontemation and .ruition o#



    ProogueI! )$ere#ore t$is Boo6 'as )ritten

    II! A s$ort reetition o# a t$e +ig$est Teac$ings 'ritten 4* t$e Aut$or

    III! # t$e 9nion t$roug$ eans

    I! # t$e en '$o ractise a .ase acanc*

    ! # t$e 9nion 'it$out eans

    I! # +ea%en* )ea and +eis$ )oe

    II! S$o'ing '$ere#ore a 3ood en do not attain to t$e 9nmediated 9nion

    'it$ 3od

    III! S$o'ing $o' t$e In'ard an s$oud e:ercise $imse#, t$at $e ma* 4e

    united 'it$ 3od 'it$out eans

    I-! # t$e In'ard )or6ing o# 3od

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    -III! # t$e T$ree#od Pra*er o# ($rist, t$at 'e mig$t 4e one 'it$ 3od

    -I! +ere t$e Aut$or decares t$at $e su4mits a t$at $e $as 'ritten to t$e

    =udgment o# +o* ($urc$


  • 8/13/2019 Ruysbroeck the Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage




    ANANR9>SBRE(/?t$ree o# '$ose most imortant 'or6s are $ere #or t$e

    #irst time resented to Engis$ readers?is t$e greatest o# t$e .emis$ m*stics, and must

    ta6e $ig$ ran6 in an* ist o# ($ristian contemati%es and saints! +e 'as 4orn in 12@8,

    at t$e itte %iage o# Ru*s4roec6 or Ruus4roec6 4et'een Brusses and +a, #rom '$ic$

    $e ta6es $is name and sent $is '$oe i#e 'it$in $is nati%e ro%ince o# Bra4ant! At

    ee%en *ears od, $e is said to $a%e run a'a* #rom $ome and #ound $is 'a* to Brusses

    '$ere $e 'as recei%ed 4* $is unce an +inc6aert, a canon o# t$e (at$edra o# St

    3udue! +inc6aert, '$o 'as a man o# great iet*, i%ed 'it$ anot$er de%out riest

    named .rancis %an (ouden4erg in t$e most austere #as$ion entire* de%oted to ra*er

    and good 'or6s! T$e t'o eccesiastics 4roug$t t$e 4o* u, and ga%e $im a reigiouseducation, '$ic$ e%ident* incuded considera4e training in t$eoog* and $ioso$*;

    su4=ects #or '$ic$ $e is said to $a%e s$o'n, e%en in 4o*$ood, an astonis$ing atitude!

    In 181@ $e too6 orders, and o4tained t$roug$ $is unce

  • 8/13/2019 Ruysbroeck the Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage


    'it$ $is mind i#ted u into 3od!" >et it is certain t$at great #orce o# c$aracter, muc$

    s$re'd common sense, and remar6a4e inteectua quaities a* 4e$ind t$is mee6

    aearance! )e 6no' $o' great* $e disi6ed "singuar conduct" in t$ose '$o $ad

    gi%en t$emse%es to t$e siritua i#e! T$e* s$oud 4e, $e t$oug$t, i6e "ot$er good


    and t$is idea #ound e:ression in $is o'n i#e! A de%out and ort$odo: (at$oic,'e read in sc$oastic t$eoog* and $ioso$*, on t$e menta and socia side at east,

    $e 'as a t$oroug$ man o# $is time aarent* acceting 'it$out criticism its

    institutions and ideas! an* assages in $is 'or6s indicate t$is; #or instance, $is

    constant and unquestioning use o# t$e categories o# mediae%a s*c$oog*, or $is quiet

    assumtiont$at "utting to t$e torture" is art o# t$e 4usiness o# a rig$teous =udge! But

    on t$e siritua side $is eriod in#uenced $im itte! T$ere, $is concern 'as 'it$ trut$s

    '$ic$ ie, as $e sa*s, "outside Time" in t$e Eterna No' and '$en $e is tr*ing to

    interret t$ese to us t$e idde Ages and t$eir imitations #a a'a*! T$en 'e catc$

    #ragments '$ic$ Pato or Potinus on one $and, +ege on t$e ot$er, mig$t recognise as

    t$e reorts o# one '$o $ad 6no'n and e:erienced t$e Reait* #or '$ic$ t$e* soug$t!

    "* 'ords," said Ru*s4roec6, "are strange, 4ut t$ose '$o o%e 'i understand"; andt$is indeed is true, #or $e ossessed in an e:traordinar* degree t$e o'er?'$ic$ so

    man* great m*stics $a%e ac6ed?o# gi%ing %er4a and artistic e:ression to $is soaring

    intuitions o# Eternit*!

    In 188, '$en $e 'as #i#t* *ears od, t$e gro'ing sense o# contrast 4et'een

    t$ose intuitions and t$e reigious #ormaism and unreait* o# t$e cat$edra i#e, t$e

    distracting 4uste o# t$e to'n, reac$ed a oint at '$ic$ it seems to $a%e 4ecome

    unendura4e to $im! Toget$er 'it$ +inc6aert and (ouden4erg?4ot$ no' od men?$e

    e#t Brusses #or e%er a t$ree intending to sette in some one* countr* ace, '$ere

    t$e* coud de%ote t$emse%es to t$e i#e o# ra*er and contemation! T$e* 'ere gi%en

    t$e od $ermitage o# 3roenendae, or t$e 3reen ae*, in t$e #orest o# Soignes outside

    Brusses! T$ere t$e* 'ere resent* =oined 4* discies, and #ormed a sma communit*,

    '$ic$ 'as e%entua* aced under t$e rue o# t$e Augustinian canons! (ouden4erg

    4ecame t$e ro%ost and Ru*s4roec6 t$e rior and under t$eir go%ernment t$e rior* o#

    3roenendae soon 4ecame 6no'n as t$e $ome o# a secia $oiness!

    )e s$a ro4a4* 4e rig$t i# 'e identi#* $is t$irt*eig$t *ears, so=ourn in t$e

    #orest 'it$ t$e "3odseeing" stage o# Ru*s4roec6

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    'oud go out aone into t$e 'oods '$en $e #et t$at t$e insiration o# 3od 'as uon

    $im and t$ere, sitting under $is #a%ourite tree, 'oud 'rite as t$e +o* 3$ost dictated!

    T$e 4ret$ren used to decare t$at once, $a%ing 4een a4sent man* $ours #rom t$e rior*,

    $e 'as at ast #ound in t$is ace, rat in ecstac* and surrounded 4* a 4riiant aurao#

    di%ine ig$t?a egend '$ic$ cose* resem4es man* simiar stories in t$e i%es o# t$esaints!

    Suc$ ecstatic a4sortion in 3od, $o'e%er, #ormed on* one side o# Ru*s4roec6

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    'it$ 3od! T$e Boo6 o# Trut$ 'as 'ritten to re#ute t$is accusation! But t$e true e%ents

    o# t$ese *ears too6 ace #or $im in t$at suerna 'ord o# $ig$ contemation '$ic$ it

    'as $is secia ro%ince to discose to $is #eo'men! T$ere $is rea i#e 'as #i:ed!

    T$ere $is o%ing ardour 'as #or e%er *oung! T$it$er $e dre' t$ose treasures o# m*stica

    6no'edge '$ic$ $e is said to $a%e oured #ort$ to $is 4ret$ren in ong ecstaticdiscourses '$en t$e Sirit imeed $im to sea6; #or $e ne%er taug$t or so6e uness $e

    #et $imse# insired t$ereto 4* 3od! )$en od age came uon $im, t$oug$ $is g$ost*

    %ision ne%er ost its 6eenness $is eart$* e*es gre' dim; and $is ater 'or6s 'ere

    dictated, '$en t$e Sirit mo%ed $im, to one o# t$e *ounger 4rot$ers o# t$e $ouse! At

    eig$t*eig$t *ears o# age $is strengt$ #aied; and a#ter a s$ort iness, '$ic$ ne%er

    couded t$e radiance o# $is sirit, $e died uon Decem4er 2nd, 181!


    Ru*s4roec6 'rote a $is 'or6s in t$e diaect o# $is nati%e ro%ince o# Bra4ant;'$ic$ stands in muc$ t$e same reation to modern .emis$ as ($aucer

  • 8/13/2019 Ruysbroeck the Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage


    e:ame o# t$is in The Book of Truth! Suc$ %erse, $o'e%er, t$oug$ its uncout$

    strangeness gi%es to it an imressi%e quait*, is a #ar ess success#u medium #or t$e

    e:ression o# $is su4te m*stica ercetions t$an t$e %igorous rose st*e o# $is 4est

    assages #or instance, t$e 'onder#u nint$ c$ater o# The Sparkling Stone!10

    )$en 'e come to e:amine t$e c$aracter o# t$ese m*stica ercetions, 'e #indt$at Ru*s4roec6 'as one o# t$e #e' m*stics '$o $a%e 6no'n $o' to ma6e #u use o# a

    strong and disciined inteect, 'it$out e%er ermitting it to encroac$ on t$e roer

    domain o# siritua intuition! An order* and reasoned %ie' o# t$e uni%erse is t$e ground

    an uon '$ic$ t$e resuts o# t$ose intuitions are set out; *et 'e are ne%er ao'ed to

    #orget t$e mere* ro%isiona c$aracter o# t$e 4est inteectua concets '$ere 'e are

    deaing 'it$ utimate trut$! 9timate trut$, $e sa*s, is not accessi4e to t$e $uman

    reason; "t$e )$atness o# 3od" 'e can ne%er 6no'!11>et t$is need not discourage us

    #rom e:oring, and descri4ing as 'e as 'e can, t$ose ric$ regions o# aro:imate

    trut$ and i#egi%ing e:erience '$ic$ a'ait us 4e*ond t$e ramarts o# t$e sensua

    'ord! T$e inteectua ideas and s*m4os '$ic$ $e uses most o#ten are ta6en to a arge

    e:tent #rom t$e Bi4e and t$e &iturg*, and t$e 'or6s o# $is great redecessors andcontemoraries and con#orm to t$e main ines o# t$e ($ristian m*stica tradition! St

    Pau and St Augustine, in articuar, $a%e in#uenced $is t$oug$t! T$e notion

    ouarised 4* ! aeterinc6, t$at Ru*s4roec6 'as an "ignorant mon6" '$o 4ecame

    in $is ecstacies a ro#ound $ioso$er, is contradicted 4* t$e reminiscences o# Pato,

    Aristote, and Potinus, t$e man* quotations #rom Dion*sius t$e Areoagite, St

    Augustine, Ric$ard o# St ictor, St Bernard, and ot$er m*stica aut$ors, '$ic$ 'e #ind

    in $is 'or6s! Indeed, on* t$ose #amiiar 'it$ t$ese great seers and t$in6ers are in a

    osition to recognise t$e sources and unra%e t$e meaning o# $is more di##icut assages!

    +e 'as in #act amost as 'e equied on t$e inteectua as on t$e contemati%e side;

    and $ence 'as ena4ed to interret to ot$ers, in anguage 'it$ '$ic$ a educated

    ($ristians in $is da* 'ere more or ess #amiiar, somet$ing at east o# t$e ad%entures o#

    $is sirit in t$e #at$omess cean o# 3od!

    T$ose inteectua concets, $o'e%er, o# '$ic$ $e a%aied $imse#, are

    constant* used 4* $im in an origina 'a*; and a'a*s as a means o# e:ressing t$e

    resuts o# direct ersona insiration and e:erience! Particuar* c$aracteristic is t$e

    i%ing quait* 'it$ '$ic$ $e in%ests t$eoogica #ormuae t$at #or us $a%e 4ecome #i:ed

    and sterie! As Dante, 'it$out de%iating #rom t$e narro' at$ o# sc$oastic $ioso$*,

    4rings us at ast into t$e resence o# "t$at Eterna &ig$t '$ic$ o%es and smies,"12so

    Ru*s4roec6 eads us 4ac6 4* 'a* o# t$e most ort$odo: Trinitarian doctrine to t$e %er*

    $eart o# Reait*; t$e eterna and a4*sma .ountain o# i#egi%ing i#e!

    In t$e t$ree 4oo6s '$ic$ are no' transated 'e s$a #ind a $is mostc$aracteristic ideas, t$oug$ $ere it is on* ossi4e to touc$ uon a #e' o# t$em! 18.or

    Ru*s4roec6, as #or St Augustine, Reait* is 4ot$ Being and Becoming; one#od and

    c$angeess in essence, acti%e and di%erse in e:ression?a duaism at* reresented 4*

    t$e t$eoogica dogma o# t$e Trinit* in 9nit*! So too man, t$e image o# 3od, is a unit*

    '$o mani#ests $imse# in di%ersit* "made trinit*, i6e to t$e unmade Bessed Trinit*,"

    as our o'n m*stic uian o# Nor'ic$ $as it!1T$e utimate trut$ is t$e 3od$ead; t$e

    10T$is $e e%ident* came to reaise $imse#! (#! t$e end o# t$e t$ c$ater o# The Telve B!guines, "No'

    I must cease #rom m* r$*ming, t$at I ma* s$o' cear* t$e 'a* o# contemation!"11The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage, 46! i! ca! 21! (omare The Sparkling Stone, ca! G!

    12Par! :::iii! 12!

    18T$e student 'i #ind a #uer ana*sis in m* monogra$Ru'sbroeckKuest Series, 1G15F!1The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage, 46! ii! ca! 2!










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    Di%ine 9nit* o# reigion, t$e A4soute o# $ioso$*! It is Sime, not 'it$ t$e

    simicit* o# negation 4ut 'it$ t$e simicit* o# comete a##irmation; gat$ering u into

    its unit* a t$e ric$ come:ities o# o'er, 'isdom, and o%e! In its essence it is "dar6,"

    "na6ed," "'a*ess" inaccessi4e to a t$e rocesses o# t$oug$t! >et it is ai%e t$roug$

    and t$roug$ t$e eterna "i#egi%ing ground" #rom '$ic$ a comes! T$e ideas o#".at$er$ood", and "Son$ood" reresent its quic6ening #ruit#uness15 t$e +o* 3$ost is

    t$e name o# t$e Di%ine energ* and o%e '$ic$ ours #ort$ into t$e created 'ord, and

    t$ence, i6e a strong e44tide, dra's a t$ings 4ac6 into t$eir rigin! 1CT$oug$ t$e sou

    unged in 3od, "sun6 in +is unit*," seems to itse# to e:erience a ro#ound rest and

    stiness, *et it is rea* surrendered to t$e mo%ement o# t$is mig$t* o'er; #or "3od is

    an ocean t$at e44s and #o's!"

    T$e ideas, t$en, o# mo%ement, e##ort, and gro't$ are centra #or Ru*s4roec6

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    od Engis$ m*stics! So #or Ru*s4roec6 me'ninghe en minnen?'i and o%e?sum u

    t$e o4igations o# t$e sou at t$is stage o# its gro't$, and reare it #or t$e greater

    e:eriences o# t$e interior i#e! T$oug$ $e ne%er uses t$e traditiona #ormua o# t$e

    *stic )a*, 'e ma* regard t$is acti%e i#e as more or ess equi%aent to t$e )a* o#

    Purgation! T$e same stage is treated in t$e 1st and Ct$ c$aters o# The Sparkling Stoneand t$e 8rd c$ater o# The Book of Truth!

    T$e Second Bookgoes on #rom mora training to siritua training, and incudes

    a t$at ascetic 'riters mean 4* t$e "Iuminati%e )a*!" It deas 'it$ t$ose "g$ost*

    e:ercises," t$e dei4erate resonses o# t$e sou to t$e in%itation o# 3od, '$ic$ #orm t$e

    #irst degrees o# our interior i#e, and 'it$ t$e da'ning o# t$e true m*stica

    consciousness! It #as into t$ree c$ie# di%isions, treating o# t$ree 'a*s in '$ic$ t$e

    Sirit o# 3od comes into our inner man cas! 5, C, and @F!

    In t$e #irst di%ision cas! 82F Ru*s4roec6 treats o# t$e action o# grace on t$e

    "o'er o'ers," or sense i#e! In t$e aegor* o# t$e Seasons, $e descri4es t$e norma

    de%eoment o# t$e iuminated i#e in its emotiona asect; its =o*s and ardours,

    reactions and desairs! T$e +o* 3$ost "$unting t$e sirit o# man" ca! 8F $as seiLedand trans#igured t$ose "desirous, a##ecti%e and irasci4e" o'ers o# t$e sou '$ic$,

    according to t$e doctrine o# medie%a s*c$oog*, ma6e u natura i#e o# norma men!1G

    In t$e second di%ision cas! 858F t$is rocess is e:tended to t$e "$ig$er

    o'ers" o# t$e sou; t$e memor* or mind, t$e understanding, and t$e 'i! T$e

    e:erience o# 3od is, #or t$ese $ig$er o'ers, an e:erience o# #res$ enig$tenment and

    #res$ ardour in Ru*s4roec6

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    Persons roceed #rom t$e 9nit* o# 3od!21)$et$er our menta and emotiona o'ers as

    suc$ articiate in t$e siritua i#e, is #or $im a secondar* consideration! T$e* ma* do

    so, i# t$e* 4e '$o* surrendered to 3od! But our true union 'it$ +im ta6es ace in t$e

    a4*sma dees o# our 4eing?our "ground"?and e%er a4ides t$ere; #or $ere our i#e, as

    it 'ere, 4uds out #rom t$e Di%ine i#e, and $ere 3od d'es eterna* "according to +isessence!" I# 'e earn to enter 'it$in, assing 4e*ond t$e o'ers to t$e unit* o# t$e

    sirit, 'e 4ecome conscious o# t$is!22T$ere 'e e:erience +is m*sterious touc$ and

    stirrings #ee and resond to t$e t$rust and in%itation o# +is o%e, as +e dri%es eac$

    created sirit #ort$ to 'or6 +is 'i, and dra's it $ome again to'ards +is $eart! T$ere,

    outside Time, t$e Eterna Birt$ ta6es ace cas! 5@C1F!

    As a resut o# t$is ractice in intro%ersion, t$is simi#ication o# consciousness,

    t$e se# no' #irst 4ecomes caa4e o# t$e second #orm o# contemation, descri4ed in

    The Telve B!guinesas

    "A 6no'ing '$ic$ is in no 'ise

    .or e%er a4iding a4o%e t$e reason!"28

    and enters uon t$at ro#ound *et sime communion 'it$ 3od '$ic$

    Ru*s4roec6 cas t$e most in'ard o# a e:ercises! .or t$is $is #a%ourite image is t$at o#

    #eeding; t$e sou tastes 3od ca! C5F, eats, de%ours, assimiates +im, and in $er turn is

    eaten and consumed2?anguage '$ic$ ro4a4* re#ects $is great ersona de%otion to

    t$e Euc$arist! )it$ t$is m*stica sa%ouring and #eeding uon Reait*, t$e se# reac$es

    t$e term o# t$e interior i#e, and t$e #u stature o# t$at "secret #riend o# 3od" descri4ed

    'it$ suc$ mar%eous su4tet* in t$e t$ c$ater o# The Sparkling Stone!

    It is at t$is oint t$at t$e dangers o# a #ase m*sticism ma6e t$emse%es #et!

    +ere, t$en, Ru*s4roec6 enters uon a %igorous and acute criticism o# Kuietism cas!

    CCC@F; esecia* %aua4e to us at t$e resent da*, '$en so man* irresonsi4e aostes

    o# "ne' m*sticism" are recommending %ountar* assi%it* o# t$is t*e as a su4stitute

    #or t$e stern disciine and eretua 'ied e##ort in%o%ed in t$e ($ristian science o#

    ra*er! Ru*s4roec6 descri4es t$e interior 4an6ness and sience o# t$e quietist as a

    s*c$ic tric6; a dei4erate sin6ing do'n into t$e su4conscious?t$e su4soi o# $uman

    nature?'$ere it is true t$at t$e Di%ine &i#e d'es and suorts our created i#e, 4ut

    '$ere 'e are 4eo' instead o# a4o%e t$e e%es o# norma consciousness! +ere, indeed,

    t$e sou e:eriences a sensation o# rest and eace; 4ut it is mere* resting in its o'n

    emtiness, a #ase reose '$ic$ demands no e:ercise o# %irtue, no tension o# t$e 'i,

    and is a caricature o# t$e acti%e and o%ing surrender taug$t 4* t$e ($ristian saints! T$e

    true emtiness and ideness o# '$ic$ Ru*s4roec6 sea6s as an essentia rearation o#t$e contemati%e state, is a condition o# mee6 and assi%e attenti%eness to 3od, '$ic$

    e:cudes consciousness o# t$e ordinar* o4=ects o# ercetion and t$oug$t s'ees and

    garnis$es t$e interior caste! +ere t$e %irtue is not in t$e emtiness and ideness, 4ut in

    t$e $um4e and eager *ieding o# ourse%es! At$oug$ man cannot 4* $is o'n e##ort

    reac$ 3od, *et 'it$out suc$ dei4erate o%ing e##ort 'e s$a ne%er ossess +im! 25

    21The Book of Truth, ca! 11!22)bid!, ca! !

    28The Telve B!guines, ca! !

    2The Sparkling Stone, cas! G, 10 and 11! (omare The Telve B!guines, cas! 5 and 15!25The Sparkling Stone, ca! G!










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    Be*ond e%en t$e $ig$est oint o# t$is interior i#e, in '$ic$ t$e contemati%e

    #ees $imse# to 4e i%ing "in 3od,"2Cis t$at trans#igured or dei#ied i#e, as t$e Patonic

    m*stics named it, '$ic$ Ru*s4roec6 cas overesen?sueressentia?t$e i#e o# t$e

    "3odseeing man" Boo6 IIIF! )$ereas in t$e interior i#e 'e ma* 4e said to redisco%er

    t$e ost in$eritance o# our sirit, in thisi#e t$ere is a genuine transcendence, a assing4e*ond t$at sirit

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    T$e m*stic $as no' entered into union 'it$ t$e t$ree 'ise, t$e t$ree modes or

    'a*s, under '$ic$ Di%ine &o%e imarts itse# in t$e sirit o# man; c$aracteristica*

    distinguis$ed 4* Ru*s4roec6 as t$ree #orms o# mo%ement! .irst t$is energetic o%e

    ours itse# out #rom t$e 3od$ead into us as grace; and 'e, in recei%ing it and ma6ing it

    ours 4* our %irtues and good 'or6s, are united to 3od "t$roug$ means!" T$is is t$e#unction o# t$e acti%e i#e $armonising man

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    Ecce sonsus %enit, e:ie o4%iam ei!

    BE+&D, T+E BRIDE3R (ET+, 3 >E 9T T EET +I! T$ese 'ords

    'ere 'ritten 4* St att$e' t$e E%angeist, and ($rist so6e t$em to +is discies and

    to a ot$er men in t$e ara4e o# t$e %irgins! T$is Bridegroom is ($rist, and $uman

    nature is t$e 4ride t$e '$ic$ 3od $as made in +is o'n image and a#ter +is i6eness!

    And in t$e 4eginning +e $ad set $er in t$e $ig$est and most 4eauti#u, t$e ric$est and

    most #ertie ace in a t$e eart$; t$at is, in Paradise! And +e $ad gi%en $er dominion

    o%er a creatures and +e $ad adorned $er 'it$ graces and $ad gi%en $er a

    commandment, so t$at 4* o4edience s$e mig$t $a%e merited to 4e con#irmed and

    esta4is$ed 'it$ $er Bridegroom in an eterna trot$, and ne%er to #a into an* grie#, oran* sin!

    T$en came a 4eguier, t$e $eis$ #iend, #u o# en%*, in t$e s$ae o# a su4te

    serent, and $e 4eguied t$e 'oman and t$e* 4ot$ 4eguied t$e man, in '$om a4o%e a

    t$e '$oe o# our nature consists! And t$e #iend seduced t$at nature, t$e 4ride o# 3od,

    'it$ #ase counse and s$e 'as dri%en into a strange countr*, oor and misera4e and

    cati%e and oressed, and 4eset 4* $er enemies so t$at it seemed as t$oug$ s$e mig$t

    ne%er attain reconciiation and return again to $er nati%e and!

    But '$en 3od t$oug$t t$e time $ad come, and $ad merc* on t$e su##ering o# +is

    4eo%ed, +e sent +is n* Begotten Son to eart$, in a #air c$am4er, in a gorious

    teme t$at is, in t$e 4od* o# t$e irgin ar*! T$ere +e 'as married to t$is 4ride, our

    nature, and +e united $er 'it$ +is o'n erson t$roug$ t$e most ure 4ood o# t$is

    no4e irgin! T$e riest '$o married t$e 4ride 'as t$e +o* 3$ost t$e ange 3a4rie

    4roug$t t$e o##er t$e gorious irgin ga%e $er consent! T$us ($rist, our #ait$#u

    Bridegroom, united our nature 'it$ +is erson and +e $as soug$t us in strange

    countries, and taug$t us $ea%en* customs and er#ect #ait$#uness, and $as a4oured #or

    us and #oug$t as our c$amion against t$e ad%ersar*! And +e $as 4ro6en oen our

    rison, and 'on t$e %ictor*, and 4* +is deat$ sain our deat$ and +e $as redeemed us

    4* +is 4ood, and made us #ree t$roug$ +is i%ing 'aters o# 4atism, and enric$ed us

    'it$ +is sacraments and 'it$ +is gi#ts; t$at 'e mig$t go out as +e sa*sF 'it$ a t$e

    %irtues, to meet +im in t$e $ouse o# gor* and to en=o* +im 'it$out end in eternit*!









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    No' ($rist, t$e aster o# Trut$, sa*s; BE+&DT+EBRIDE3R(ET+, 3

    >E9TTEET+I! In t$ese 'ords, ($rist our &o%er teac$es us #our t$ings! .irst, +e

    gi%es us a command, in t$at +e sa*s; BE+&D! T$ose '$o negect t$is command and

    remain 4ind are a damned! Second*, +e s$o's us '$at 'e s$a see, t$at is, t$e

    coming o# t$e Bridegroom #or +e sa*s, T+EBRIDE3R(ET+! In t$e t$ird ace,+e teac$es and commands us '$at 'e s$a do, #or +e sa*s; 3>E9T! And in t$e

    #ourt$ ace, 4* sa*ing; T EET +I, +e s$o's us t$e use and t$e urose o# our

    a4our and o# a our i#e t$at is to sa*, t$e o%ing meeting 'it$ our Bridegroom!

    T$ese 'ords 'e s$a no' decare and set #ort$ in t$ree 'a*s! .irst, according to

    t$e common 'a* reating to t$e i#e o# 4eginners, '$ic$ is caed t$e Acti%e &i#e, and

    '$ic$ is necessar* #or a men '$o 'is$ to 4e sa%ed! Second*, 'e 'i e:ain t$ese

    same 'ords in t$eir reation to t$e interior, e:ated, and 3oddesiring i#e, at '$ic$

    man* men ma* arri%e 4* t$eir %irtues and 4* t$e grace o# 3od! T$ird*, 'e 'i

    e:ound t$em in resect o# a sueressentia, 3odseeing i#e, '$ic$ #e' men can attain

    or taste, 4* reason o# t$e su4imit* and $ig$ no4iit* o# t$at i#e!



    SIN(Et$e time o# Adam, ($rist, t$e )isdom o# t$e .at$er, $as said to a men,

    and +e sa*s so sti, in'ard* according to +is Di%init*; BE+&D! And t$is 4e$oding is

    need#u! No' mar6 t$is 'e; t$at #or an*one '$o 'is$es to see, eit$er in a 4odi* or a

    g$ost* manner, t$ree t$ings are necessar*!

    T$e #irst t$ing is t$at, i# a man 'i see 4odi* and out'ard*, $e must $a%e t$e

    out'ard ig$t o# $ea%en, or some ot$er materia ig$t, to iuminate t$e medium, t$at is,

    t$e air, t$roug$ '$ic$ $e 'i see! T$e second t$ing is, t$at $e must ermit t$e t$ings

    '$ic$ $e 'is$es to see to 4e re#ected in $is e*es! And t$e t$ird t$ing is t$at t$e organs,

    t$e e*es, must 4e sound and #a'ess, so t$at gross 4odi* t$ings can 4e su4t* re#ected

    in t$em! I# a man ac6 an* o# t$ese t$ree t$ings $is 4odi* sig$t is 'anting! # t$is sig$t,

    $o'e%er, 'e s$a sa* not$ing more 4ut 'e s$a sea6 o# a g$ost* and suernatura

    sig$t, in '$ic$ a our 4iss a4ides!

    .or a '$o 'is$ to see in a g$ost* and suernatura manner t$ree t$ings aso

    are need#u! T$e #irst is t$e ig$t o# Di%ine grace t$e second is a #ree turning o# t$e 'i

    to 3od, t$e t$ird is a conscience cean #rom an* morta sin!No' mar6 t$is; 3od 4eing a common good, and +is 4oundess o%e 4eing

    common to a, +e gi%es +is grace in t'o 'a*s; re%enient grace, and t$e grace 4*

    '$ic$ one merits eterna i#e! Pre%enient grace is common to a men, Pagan and e',

    good and e%i! B* reason o# +is common o%e, '$ic$ 3od $as to'ards a men, +e $as

    caused +is name and t$e redemtion o# $uman nature to 4e reac$ed and re%eaed to

    t$e uttermost arts o# t$e eart$! )$osoe%er 'is$es to turn to +im can turn to +im! A

    t$e sacraments, 4atism and e%er* ot$er sacrament are made read* #or a men '$o

    'is$ to recei%e t$em according to t$e needs o# eac$ #or 3od 'is$es to sa%e a men and

    to ose not one! At t$e da* o# udgment, no one s$a 4e a4e to comain t$at, $ad $e

    'is$ed to 4e con%erted, 4ut itte 'as done #or $im! T$us 3od is a common ig$t and a










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    common sendour enig$tening $ea%en and eart$, and e%er* man, eac$ according to $is

    need and 'ort$!8

    But at$oug$, e%en as 3od is common to a, t$e sun s$ines uon a trees, *et

    man* a tree remains 'it$out #ruits, and man* a tree 4rings #ort$ 'id #ruits o# itte use

    to men! And #or t$is reason suc$ trees are runed, and s$oots o# #ruit#u trees are gra#tedinto t$em, so t$at t$e* ma* 4ear good #ruits, sa%our* and use#u to man!

    T$e ig$t o# Di%ine grace is a #ruit4earing s$oot, coming #ort$ #rom t$e i%ing

    aradise o# t$e eterna 6ingdom and no deed can 4ring re#res$ment or ro#it to man i# it

    4e not 4orn o# t$is s$oot! T$is s$oot o# Di%ine grace, '$ic$ ma6es man easing to

    3od, and t$roug$ '$ic$ $e merits eterna i#e, is o##ered to a men! But it is not gra#ted

    into a, 4ecause some 'i not cut a'a* t$e 'id 4ranc$es o# t$eir trees t$at is,

    un4eie#, and a er%erse and diso4edient 'i oosed to t$e commandments o# 3od!

    But i# t$is s$oot o# 3od

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    I# a man does a $e can, and cannot do more 4ecause o# $is #ee4eness, it rests

    'it$ t$e in#inite goodness o# 3od to #inis$ t$e 'or6! T$en, straig$t as a sun4eam, t$ere

    comes a $ig$er ig$t o# Di%ine grace, and it is s$ed into t$e sou according to its 'ort$,

    t$oug$ neit$er merited nor desired! .or in t$is ig$t 3od gi%es +imse# out o# #ree

    goodness and generosit*, t$e '$ic$ ne%er creature can merit 4e#ore it $as recei%ed it!And t$is is an in'ard and m*sterious 'or6ing o# 3od in t$e sou, a4o%e time and it

    mo%es t$e sou and a its o'ers! T$ere'it$ ends re%enient grace and 4egins t$e ot$er

    grace, t$at is to sa*, t$e suernatura ig$t!

    T$is ig$t is t$e #irst oint necessar*, and #rom it t$ere arises a second oint, and

    t$at on t$e art o# t$e sou name*, t$e #ree con%ersion o# t$e 'i, in a singe moment

    o# time! And $ere it is t$at c$arit* is 4orn o# t$e union o# 3od 'it$ t$e sou! T$ese t'o

    oints $ang toget$er, so t$at t$e one cannot 4e #u#ied 'it$out t$e ot$er! )$ere 3od

    and t$e sou come toget$er in t$e union o# o%e, t$en 3od, a4o%e time, gi%es +is ig$t

    and t$e sou, in a singe moment o# time, gi%es, 4* %irtue o# t$e grace recei%ed, its #ree

    con%ersion to +im! And t$ere c$arit* is 4orn o# 3od and o# t$e sou in t$e sou, #or

    c$arit* is a 4ond o# o%e, t*ing 3od to t$e o%ing sou!# t$ese t'o t$ings?t$at is to sa*, t$e grace o# 3od and t$e #ree con%ersion o#

    t$e 'i enig$tened 4* grace?c$arit*, t$at is, Di%ine o%e, is 4orn! And #rom t$is

    Di%ine o%e t$e t$ird oint arises t$at is, t$e uri#ication o# conscience! And t$ese t$ree

    oints 4eong toget$er in suc$ a 'a* t$at one cannot e:ist ong 'it$out t$e ot$ers #or

    '$osoe%er $as Di%ine o%e $as aso er#ect contrition #or $is sins!

    >et $ere 'e must ta6e $eed to t$e order o# Di%ine and creature* t$ings as t$e*

    are $ere s$o'n! .or 3od gi%es +is ig$t, and 4* t$is ig$t man gi%es $is 'iing and

    er#ect con%ersion; and o# t$ese t'o is 4orn a er#ect o%e to'ards 3od! And #rom t$is

    o%e t$ere come #ort$ er#ect contrition and uri#ication o# conscience! And t$ese arise

    #rom t$e consideration o# misdeeds and a t$at ma* de#ie t$e sou; #or '$en a man

    o%es 3od $e desises $imse# and a $is 'or6s! T$is is t$e order o# e%er* con%ersion!

    .rom it t$ere come true reentance, a er#ect sorro' #or e%er* e%i t$ing '$ic$ one $as

    done, and an ardent desire ne%er to sin again and e%ermore to ser%e 3od in $um4e

    o4edience! +ence too an oen con#ession, 'it$out reser%e, am4iguit*, or e:cuse a

    er#ect satis#action according to t$e counse o# a rudent riest and t$e 4eginning o#

    %irtue and o# a good 'or6s!

    T$ese t$ree t$ings, as *ou $a%e $eard, are need#u to a siritua or god* sig$t! I#

    *ou $a%e t$em, ($rist is sa*ing 'it$in *ou; BE+&D, and *ou are 4e$oding in trut$!

    And t$is is t$e #irst o# t$e #our c$ie# oints name*, t$at in '$ic$ ($rist our &ord sa*s;





    No', 4* sa*ing; T+EBRIDE3R(ET+, +e s$o's us #urt$er '$at 'e s$a

    see! ($rist, our Bridegroom, so6e t$is 'ord in &atin; ENIT! And t$is 'ord imies

    t'o tenses, t$e ast and t$e resent and *et $ere it denotes t$e #uture too!










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    And t$at is '$* 'e s$a consider t$ree comings o# our Bridegroom, esus

    ($rist! In t$e #irst coming +e 4ecame man, #or man

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    T$e #irst 6ind is t$is; t$at +e 'ied to 4ecome man, and too6 uon +imse# t$at

    %er* nature '$ic$ $ad 4een 4anis$ed and cursed to t$e 4ottom o# $e, and 'ied to

    4ecome one 'it$ it according to +is ersonait* so t$at no' an* man, eit$er good or

    e%i, can sa*; ($rist, t$e Son o# 3od, is m* 4rot$er!

    T$e second 6ind o# $umiit* according to +is 3od$ead consists in t$is t$at +ec$ose a oor maiden, and not a 6ing

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    #or it #o's out o# t$e un#at$oma4e #ountain o# t$e +o* 3$ost, and transcends a t$at

    creatures $a%e e%er e:erienced o# c$arit* #or ($rist 'as 3od and man in one Person!

    And t$is is t$e second oint; t$at is to sa*, c$arit*!



    T+Et$ird oint is atient endurance! )e s$oud mar6 t$is oint care#u*, #or it

    adorned ($rist our Bridegroom during a +is i#e! .or +is su##erings 4egan %er* ear*,

    as soon as +e 'as 4orn t$e* 4egan 'it$ o%ert* and cod! T$en +e 'as circumcised

    and s$ed +is 4ood +e 'as dri%en to a strange countr* +e ser%ed t$e ord ose$ and

    +is mot$er +e su##ered $unger and t$irst, s$ame and contemt, t$e %ie 'ords and

    'or6s o# t$e e's! +e #asted, +e 'atc$ed, and +e 'as temted 4* t$e de%i! +e 'as

    su4=ect to a men +e 'andered #rom countr* to countr*, #rom to'n to to'n, 'it$ muc$

    a4our and great Lea, t$at +e mig$t reac$ t$e 3ose!

    At ast +e 'as ta6en risoner 4* t$e e's, '$o 'ere +is enemies, t$oug$ +e

    'as t$eir #riend! +e 'as 4etra*ed, moc6ed and insuted, scourged and 4u##etted, and

    condemned 4* #ase 'itness! +e 4ore +is cross 'it$ great ains u to t$e $ig$est oint

    o# t$e and! +e 'as stried star6 na6ed! So #air a 4od* neit$er man nor 'oman e%er

    sa' so crue* iused! +e su##ered s$ame, and anguis$, and cod, 4e#ore a t$e 'ord;

    #or +e 'as na6ed, and it 'as cod, and a searc$ing 'ind cut into +is 'ounds! +e 'as

    naied to t$e 'ood o# t$e cross 'it$ 4unt nais, and so stretc$ed out t$at +is %eins 'ere

    torn asunder! +e 'as i#ted u and t$en #ung do'n, and 4ecause o# t$e 4o' +is'ounds 4egan to 4eed again! +is $ead 'as cro'ned 'it$ t$orns +is ears $eard t$e

    e's cr* in t$eir #ur*; (R9(I.>+I, (R9(I.>+I, 'it$ man* ot$er in#amous 'ords!

    +is e*es sa' t$e $ardness and maice o# t$e e's, and t$e anguis$ o# +is mot$er! And

    +is e*es o%er#o'ed 'it$ t$e 4itterness o# sorro' and deat$ +is nose smet t$e #it$

    '$ic$ t$e e's sat out o# t$eir mout$s into +is #ace +is mout$ and tongue dried

    'it$ %inegar minged 'it$ ga, and e%er* sensiti%e art o# +is 4od* $ad 4een 'ounded

    4* t$e scourge!

    ($rist our Bridegroom, 'ounded to t$e deat$, #orsa6en o# 3od and o# a

    creatures, d*ing on t$e cross, $anging i6e a og #or '$ic$ no one cared, sa%e ar*, +is

    oor mot$er, '$o coud not $e +im

    ($rist aso su##ered siritua*, in +is sou, 4ecause o# t$e $ardened $earts o# t$ee's and o# t$ose '$o 'ere utting +im to deat$ #or '$ate%er signs and 'onders t$e*

    sa', t$e* remained in t$eir 'ic6edness! And +e su##ered 4ecause o# t$eir corrution and

    4ecause o# t$e %engeance #or +is deat$ #or +e 6ne' t$at 3od 'oud a%enge it on t$em,

    4od* and sou! Aso +e su##ered #rom t$e distress and anguis$ o# +is mot$er and +is

    discies, '$o 'ere in great a##iction! And +e su##ered sti more, 4ecause +is deat$

    'oud 4e o# no ro#it to so man* men, and 4ecause o# t$e ingratitude o# man and

    4ecause o# t$e #ase oat$s '$ic$ man* 'oud s'ear, re%iing and 4as$eming +im

    )$o $ad died out o# o%e #or us a! And aso +is 4odi* nature and +is o'er reason

    su##ered, 4ecause 3od $ad 'it$dra'n t$e in#o' o# +is grace and o# +is consoations,

    and $ad e#t t$em aone in suc$ distress! And o# t$is ($rist comained, e:caiming; >

    3D, >3D, )+>+ASTT+9.RSA/ENEM But as to a +is su##erings our &o%er










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    'as sient and cried to +is .at$er sa*ing; .AT+ER, .R3IET+E .RT+E>/N)

    NT)+ATT+E>D! And ($rist 'as $eard o# +is .at$er 4ecause o# +is re%erence #or

    t$ose '$o acted #rom ignorance 'ere soon a#ter'ards con%erted!

    T$ese t$en 'ere ($rist

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    T$ese are t$e '$ere#ore, and t$e 'a* o# t$e ne' coming 'it$ ne' %irtues! T$en,

    t$is %ae*, t$e $um4e $eart, recei%es t$ree t$ings; it 4ecomes more radiant and

    enig$tened 4* grace, it 4ecomes more ardent in c$arit*, and it 4ecomes more #ruit#u in

    er#ect %irtues and in good 'or6s! And t$us *ou $a%e t$e '$*, t$e 'a*, and t$e 'or6 o#

    t$is coming!



    T+EREis sti anot$er coming o# ($rist our Bridegroom, ta6ing ace e%er* da*,

    'it$ gro't$ o# grace and rene'a o# gi#ts! T$at is, '$en a man recei%es some sacrament

    'it$ a $um4e $eart %oid o# an*t$ing contrar* t$ereto! In t$is 'a* $e recei%es ne' gi#tsand more ame grace, 4ecause o# $is $umiit* and t$roug$ t$e m*sterious 'or6ing o#

    ($rist in t$e sacraments! T$ose t$ings '$ic$ are contrar* to t$e sacraments are un4eie#

    in Batism, a ac6 o# reentance in (on#ession, and aroac$ing t$e Sacrament o# t$e

    Atar in t$e state o# morta sin or 'it$ an e%i intention and so on as regards t$e ot$er

    sacraments! T$ose '$o act t$us recei%e no ne' grace rat$er does t$eir sin#uness


    T$is is t$e ot$er coming o# ($rist our Bridegroom, '$ic$ is resent 'it$ us

    e%er* da*! )e s$oud consider it 'it$ a desiring $eart, est it s$oud not ta6e ace

    'it$in us #or it is need#u, i# 'e are to remain stead#ast and to go #or'ard in eterna i#e!



    T+Et$ird coming, '$ic$ is *et to 4e, 'i ta6e ace at t$e udgment, or in t$e

    $our o# deat$! T$e '$ere#ore o# t$is coming is t$e #itting time, t$e due cause, and t$e

    rig$teousness o# t$e udge!

    T$e time '$ic$ is #itting #or t$is coming is t$e $our o# deat$, and t$e &ast

    udgment o# a men! )$en 3od created t$e sou out o# not$ing and united it 'it$ t$e4od*, +e set a #i:ed da* and a #i:ed $our 6no'n on* o# +im, '$en it s$oud $a%e to

    gi%e u temora t$ings and to aear in +is resence!

    T$e due cause; #or t$e sou must t$en account #or e%er* 'ord so6en and #or

    e%er* deed done, 4e#ore t$e Eterna Trut$!

    T$e rig$teousness o# t$e udge, #or it is to ($rist t$at t$is udgment and t$is

    erdict 4eong #or +e is t$e Son o# an and t$e )isdom o# t$e .at$er, and to t$is

    )isdom a =udgment is gi%en, since a $earts, in $ea%en, and on eart$, and in $e, are

    cear and oen to It! And t$ere#ore t$ese t$ree oints are t$e occasions o# t$e genera

    coming in t$e Da* o# Doom, and o# t$e articuar coming to eac$ man in t$e $our o# $is










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    S+)IN3 )+AT (+RIST )I&& D IN T+EDA> . D

    INt$is udgment ($rist, our Bridegroom and our udge, 'i re'ard and unis$,

    according to =ustice #or +e 'i gi%e e%er* man t$at '$ic$ $e $as earned! +e 'i gi%e

    to t$e good, #or e%er* good 'or6 done in 3od, a 'age 'it$out measure, t$at is to sa*,


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    are made #ree #rom t$eir 4odies, t$e* en=o*, in t$at %er* moment, eterna 4iss and t$e*

    are not =udged, 4ut s$a t$emse%es =udge ot$er men, 'it$ ($rist, in t$e Da* o# Doom!

    And t$en a morta i#e, and a temora sorro's, 4ot$ on eart$ and in urgator*, s$a

    end, and a t$e sous o# t$e damned, toget$er 'it$ t$e .iend and $is comanions, s$a

    sin6 and disaear in t$e dees o# $e, in a corrution and e%erasting $orror 'it$outend! And in t$e t'in6ing o# an e*e t$e 4essed s$a 4e 'it$ ($rist t$eir Bridegroom in

    eterna gor* and t$e* s$a see and taste and en=o* t$e #at$omess ric$es o# t$e Being

    o# 3od, eterna* and #or e%er!

    T$is is t$e t$ird coming, '$ic$ a o# us a'ait, and '$ic$ is sti to $aen! T$e

    #irst coming, '$en 3od 4ecame man and i%ed in $umiit* among us, and died #or t$e

    o%e o# us, t$is coming 'e s$oud imitate, out'ard* 4* #u#iing t$e er#ect mora

    %irtues, in'ard* 4* t$e ractice o# c$arit* and true $umiit*! In t$e second coming,

    '$ic$ $aens in t$e resent time, +e comes 'it$ grace 'it$in eac$ o%ing $eart and

    t$is coming 'e s$oud ong #or and ra* #or e%er* da*, t$at 'e ma* remain stead#ast

    and gro' in ne' %irtues! T$e t$ird coming, at t$e udgment, or in t$e $our o# deat$, 'e

    s$oud e:ect 'it$ onging, 'it$ trust, and 'it$ a'e t$at 'e ma* 4e set #ree #rom t$ismiser* and enter into t$e $ouse o# gor*!

    T$is coming in its t$ree 'a*s is t$e second oint o# t$e #our c$ie# oints,

    '$erein ($rist sa*s; Sponsus venit, T+EBRIDE3R(ET+!



    N)understand and mar6 t$is; ($rist sa*s, at t$e 4eginning o# t$is recet,

    BE+&D and t$is is done t$roug$ c$arit* and a ure conscience, as *ou $a%e $eard

    4e#ore! T$en +e $as s$o'n us '$at 'e s$a see, t$at is, t$e t$ree#od coming!

    No' +e commands us '$at 'e s$a do ne:t, and sa*s; 3 >E 9T! I# *ou

    ossess t$e #irst oint, t$at is, i# *ou are a4e to see, t$roug$ grace and t$roug$ c$arit*

    and i#, #urt$er, *ou $a%e gaLed 'e uon *our attern ($rist and +is going out t$en,

    t$ere arises 'it$in *ou, out o# c$arit*, and out o# t$e o%ing o4ser%ation o# *our

    Bridegroom, a rig$teousness,0name*, t$at t$erea#ter *ou ong to #oo' +im in t$e

    %irtues! T$en ($rist is sa*ing 'it$in *ou; 3>E9T! T$is going out must 4e done in

    t$ree 'a*s; 'e must go out to'ards 3od, to'ards ourse%es, and to'ards our

    neig$4ours, and t$is 'e must do 4* means o# c$arit* and rig$teousness! .or c$arit* e%erstri%es to'ards t$e $eig$t, to'ards t$e 6ingdom o# 3od, '$ic$ is 3od +imse# #or +e

    is t$e source #rom '$ic$ unmediated c$arit* #o's #ort$, and '$erein it a4ides in t$e

    9nit*! And rig$teousness, '$ic$ is 4orn o# c$arit*, 'is t$e er#ection o# a t$e mora

    and a t$e ot$er %irtues '$ic$ are $onoura4e and roer to t$e 6ingdom o# 3od, t$at is

    t$e sou!

    ($arit* and Rig$teousness; t$ese t'o a* t$e #oundation o# t$e 6ingdom o# t$e

    sou '$ere 3od 'oud d'e! And t$is #oundation is $umiit*!

    T$ese t$ree %irtues ro and 4ear t$e '$oe 'eig$t and t$e '$oe edi#ice o# a

    t$e ot$er %irtues and o# a transcendence! .or c$arit* a'a*s con#ronts man 'it$ t$e

    0"Rig$teousness" g$erec$tic$eitF must 4e read $ere and on'ards in t$e sense, not on* o# goodness, 4uto# =ustice and rig$tness in t$e conduct o# i#e! "It is meet and rig$t so to do!"









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    un#at$oma4e goodness o# 3od, #rom '$ic$ it $as #o'ed #ort$, t$at t$ere4* $e ma*

    i%e 'ort$i* and remain stead#ast 4e#ore 3od, and gro' in true $umiit* and a ot$er

    %irtues! And rig$teousness aces man #ace to #ace 'it$ t$e eterna trut$ o# 3od, t$at $e

    ma* 6no' trut$, and 4ecome enig$tened, and ma* #u#i a %irtue 'it$out erring! But

    $umiit* 4rings man #ace to #ace 'it$ t$e most $ig$ mig$tiness o# 3od, t$at $e ma*a'a*s remain itte and o'*, and ma* surrender $imse# to 3od, and ma* not stand

    uon $is se#$ood! T$is is t$e 'a* in '$ic$ a man s$oud $od $imse# 4e#ore 3od, t$at

    t$ere4* $e ma* gro' continua* in ne' %irtues!



    N)consider t$is; as 'e $a%e aid do'n $umiit* as a #oundation, so t$ere#ore'e s$a sea6 o# $umiit* #irst!

    +umiit*, t$at is o'iness or se#a4asement, is an in'ard 4o'ing do'n or

    rostrating o# t$e $eart and o# t$e conscience 4e#ore 3od

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    4edience means an unassuming, su4missi%e, and ia4e $umour, and a 'i in

    readiness #or a t$at is good! 4edience ma6es a man su4mit to t$e 4iddings, t$e

    #or4iddings, and t$e 'i o# 3od it su4=ects t$e senses and t$e anima o'ers to t$e

    $ig$er reason, so t$at a man ma* i%e decent* and reasona4*! And it ma6es men

    su4missi%e and o4edient to +o* ($urc$, to t$e sacraments, to t$e reates and t$eirteac$ing, to t$eir commandments and t$eir counses, and to a t$e good customs

    ractised 4* +o* ($ristendom! It aso ma6es a man read* and sue in $is intercourse

    'it$ ot$er men, in deed and counse, in g$ost* and 4odi* 4usiness, 'it$ rudent

    discretion, according to t$e needs o# eac$!

    And it casts out diso4edience, t$at daug$ter o# ride, more to 4e a4$orred t$an

    %enom or oison! To 4e o4edient in 'i and deed adorns and enarges and re%eas t$e

    $umiit* o# a man! It ma6es eace in t$e coister! I# it is in t$e reate, as it oug$t to 4e,

    it 'i dra' to $im a t$ose '$om $e rues! It ma6es #or eace and unanimit* 4et'een

    equas and $e '$o $as it is o%ed 4* $is sueriors and 4* t$ose '$o are set o%er $im

    '$ist 4* 3od $e is ad%anced, and enric$ed 'it$ +is gi#ts, '$ic$ are eterna!



    .R t$is o4edience t$ere srings t$e renunciation o# one

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    .Rt$e renunciation o# se#'i srings atience #or none can 4e er#ect*

    atient in a t$ings sa%e t$e man '$o $as su4=ected $is o'n 'i to t$e 'i o# 3od, and

    aso in a ro#ita4e and seem* t$ings, to t$e 'i o# a ot$er men!

    Patience is a eace#u endurance o# a t$ings t$at ma* 4e#a a man eit$er #rom

    3od or #rom t$e creatures! Not$ing can trou4e t$e atient man neit$er t$e oss o#

    eart$* goods, o# #riends and 6insmen, nor sic6ness, nor disgrace, nor i#e, nor deat$,

    nor urgator*, nor de%i, nor $e! .or $e $as a4andoned $imse# in er#ect c$arit* to t$e

    'i o# 3od, and as $e is not 4urdened 4* morta sin, e%er*t$ing t$at 3od imoses on

    $im, in time and in eternit*, is ig$t to $im! B* t$is atience a man is aso adorned and

    armed against ee%is$ness and sudden 'rat$, and imatience in su##ering '$ic$ o#ten

    stir a man #rom 'it$in and #rom 'it$out, and a* $im oen to man* temtations!



    .Rt$is atience t$ere sring mee6ness and 6indiness, #or none can 4e mee6

    in ad%ersit* sa%e t$e atient man!

    ee6ness gi%es a man eace and rest in a t$ings! .or t$e mee6 man can 4ear

    ro%o6ing 'ords and 'a*s, unci%i oo6s and deeds, and e%er* 6ind o# in=ustice to'ards

    $imse# and $is #riends, and *et in a t$ings remain in eace, #or mee6ness is eace#u

    endurance!B* mee6ness t$e irasci4e or reusi%e o'er remains unmo%ed, in quietude t$e

    desirous o'er is ui#ted to'ard %irtue t$e rationa o'er, ercei%ing t$is, re=oices!

    And t$e conscience, tasting it, rests in eace #or t$e second morta sin, Anger, #ur*, or

    'rat$, $as 4een cast out! .or t$e Sirit o# 3od d'es in t$e $um4e and t$e mee6 and

    ($rist sa*s; B&ESSEDARET+EEE/, .RT+E>S+A&&IN+ERITT+EEART+, t$at is, t$eir

    o'n nature and a eart$* t$ings, in mee6ness and a#ter t$at t$e (ountr* o# &i#e in




    9To# t$e same source '$erein mee6ness ta6es its rise srings 6indiness, #or

    none can 4e 6ind sa%e t$e mee6 man!

    T$is 6indness ma6es a man s$o' a #riend* #ace, and gi%e a cordia resonse,

    and do comassionate deeds, to t$ose '$o are quarresome, '$en $e $oes t$at t$e*

    'i come to 6no' t$emse%es and mend t$eir 'a*s!

    B* genteness and 6indness, c$arit* is 6et quic6 and #ruit#u in man, #or a $eart

    #u o# 6indness is i6e a am #u o# recious oi #or t$e oi o# merc* enig$tens t$e









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    erring sinner 'it$ good e:ame, and 'it$ 'ords and 'or6s o# com#ort it anoints and

    $eas t$ose '$ose $earts are 'ounded or grie%ed or ere:ed! And it is a #ire and a

    ig$t #or t$ose '$o d'e in t$e %irtues, in t$e #ire o# c$arit* and neit$er =eaous* nor

    en%* can ertur4 it!



    9To# 6indiness srings comassion, '$ic$ is a #eo'#eeing 'it$ a men

    #or none can s$are t$e grie#s o# a, sa%e $im '$o is 6ind!

    (omassion is an in'ard mo%ement o# t$e $eart, stirred 4* it* #or t$e 4odi*

    and g$ost* grie#s o# a men! T$is comassion ma6es a man su##er 'it$ ($rist in +is

    assion #or $e '$o is comassionate mar6s t$e '$ere#ore o# +is ains and t$e 'a* o#+is resignation o# +is o%e, +is 'ounds, +is tenderness o# +is grie# and +is

    no4eness o# t$e disgrace, t$e miser*, and t$e s$ame +e endured o# t$e 'a* in '$ic$

    +e 'as desised o# +is cro'n o# t$e nais o# +is merci#uness o# +is destruction and

    d*ing in atience! T$ese mani#od and un$eardo# sorro's o# ($rist, our Sa%iour and

    our Bridegroom, mo%e a 6ind* men to it* and comassion 'it$ ($rist!

    (omassion ma6es a man oo6 into $imse#, and recogniLe $is #auts, $is

    #ee4eness in %irtues and in t$e 'ors$i o# 3od, $is u6e'armness, $is aLiness, $is

    man* #aiings, t$e time $e $as 'asted and $is resent imer#ection in mora and ot$er

    %irtues a t$is ma6es a man #ee true it* and comassion #or $imse#! .urt$er,

    comassion mar6s t$e errors and disorders o# our #eo'creatures, $o' itte t$e* care

    #or t$eir 3od and t$eir eterna 4essedness, t$eir ingratitude #or a t$e good t$ings

    '$ic$ 3od $as done #or t$em, and t$e ains +e su##ered #or t$eir sa6e $o' t$e* are

    strangers to %irtue, uns6ied and unractised in it, 4ut s6i#u and cunning in e%er*

    'ic6edness $o' attenti%e t$e* are to t$e oss and gain o# eart$* goods, $o' careess

    and rec6ess t$e* are o# 3od, o# eterna t$ings, and t$eir eterna 4iss! )$en $e mar6s

    t$is, a good man is mo%ed to comassion #or t$e sa%ation o# a men!

    Suc$ a man 'i aso regard 'it$ it* t$e 4odi* needs o# $is neig$4ours, and t$e

    mani#od su##erings o# $uman nature seeing men $ungr*, t$irst*, cod, na6ed, sic6,

    oor, and a4=ect t$e mani#od oressions o# t$e oor, t$e grie# caused 4* oss o#

    6insmen, #riends, goods, $onour, eace a t$e countess sorro's '$ic$ 4e#a t$e

    nature o# man! T$ese t$ings mo%e t$e =ust to comassion, so t$at t$e* s$are t$e sorro'so# a! But t$eir greatest ain srings #rom t$is; t$at men are so imatient o# t$is

    su##ering, t$at t$e* ose t$eir re'ard, and ma* o#ten earn $e #or t$emse%es! Suc$ is

    t$e 'or6 o# comassion and o# it*!

    T$is 'or6 o# comassion and o# common neig$4our* o%e o%ercomes and casts

    out t$e t$ird morta sin, t$at is $atred or En%*! .or comassion is a 'ound in t$e $eart,

    '$ence #o's a common o%e to a man6ind and '$ic$ cannot 4e $eaed so ong as an*

    su##ering i%es in man #or 3od $as ordained grie# and sorro' o# $eart 4e#ore a t$e

    %irtues! And t$is is '$* ($rist sa*s; B&ESSEDARET+E>T+AT9RN; .RT+E>S+A&&

    BE (.RTED! And t$at s$a come to ass '$en t$e* rea in =o* t$at '$ic$ no',

    t$roug$ comassion and it*, t$e* so' in tears!










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    .R t$is comassion srings generosit* #or none can 4e generous in a

    suernatura 'a*, 'it$ #ait$#uness and good'i to'ards a, sa%e $im '$o $as a iti#u

    $eart?t$oug$ a man ma* o#ten s$o' generosit* to a articuar erson 'it$out c$arit*

    and 'it$out suernatura generosit*!

    3enerosit* is a i4era #o'ing #ort$ o# t$e $eart '$ic$ $as 4een touc$ed 4*

    c$arit* and it*! )$en a man considers 'it$ comassion t$e su##erings and t$e sorro's

    o# ($rist, t$ere#rom srings generosit* '$ic$ ma6es $im o##er to ($rist, #or +is ains

    and #or +is o%e, raise and t$an6s, 'ors$i and adoration, 'it$ a =o*#u and $um4e

    surrender o# 4od* and sou, in time and in eternit*! I# a man considers $imse# 'it$

    comassion, and $as it* on $imse#, and t$in6s uon t$e good '$ic$ 3od $as done to$im, and $is o'n #aiings; t$en $e must our $imse# #ort$ into t$e generosit* o# 3od,

    ta6ing re#uge in +is #ait$#uness and +is merc*, turning to +im 'it$ trust and 'it$ a

    er#ect and #ree intention to ser%e +im #or e%ermore! And t$e generous man '$o sees

    t$e errors and disorders o# ot$ers, and t$eir unrig$teousness, 4eseec$es and ra*s 3od,

    'it$ ardent #ait$, t$at +e 'i et +is Di%ine gi#ts #o' #ort$, t$at +e 'i s$o' +is

    generosit* to a men, and t$e* ma* 6no' +im and turn to t$e Trut$! T$e generous man

    aso mar6s 'it$ comassion t$e 4odi* needs o# a men, and $e ser%es, and $e gi%es,

    and $e ends, and $e consoes e%er*one, according to t$e needs o# eac$, in so #ar as $e is

    a4e, 'it$ rudent discretion!

    Because o# t$is generosit* men are 'ont to ractise t$e se%en 'or6s o# merc*

    t$e ric$ do t$em 4* t$eir ams and 4ecause o# t$eir ric$es, t$e oor 4* t$eir good'iand 4* t$eir $eart* desire to do as t$e ric$ i# t$e* coud! And t$us t$e %irtue o#

    generosit* is made er#ect!

    B* generosit* o# $eart a ot$er %irtues are increased, and a t$e o'ers o# t$e

    sou are adorned #or t$e generous man is a'a*s 4it$e in sirit and untrou4ed o# $eart,

    and $e #o's #ort$ 'it$ desire and in $is 'or6s o# %irtue, to a men in common!

    )$osoe%er is generous, and o%es not eart$* goods $o' oor soe%er $e 4e, $e is i6e

    3od; #or a t$at $e $as in $imse#, and a t$at $e #ees, #o' #ort$ and are gi%en a'a*!

    And in t$is 'a* $e $as cast out t$e #ourt$ morta sin, '$ic$ is co%etousness or A%arice!

    # a suc$ ($rist sa*s; B&ESSEDARET+EER(I.9&, .RT+E>S+A&&BTAINER(>

    in t$at da* '$en t$e* s$a $ear t$ese 'ords; (E, >E B&ESSED . > .AT+ER,

    IN+ERIT T+E /IN3D PREPARED .R >9?4ecause o# *our merc*,?.R T+E.9NDATIN.T+E)R&D!



    9T o# t$is generosit* t$ere sring a suernatura Lea and diigence in a

    %irtues and a t$at is seem*! And none can #ee t$is Lea sa%e $im '$o o%er#o's 'it$









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    generosit*! It is an in'ard restess stri%ing a#ter e%er* %irtue, a#ter t$e i6eness o# ($rist

    and o# a +is saints! In t$is Lea a man ongs to de%ote $is $eart and $is senses, $is sou

    and $is 4od*, and a t$at $e is, and a t$at $e $as and a to'ard '$ic$ $e asires, to

    t$e gor* and raise o# 3od!

    T$is Lea ma6es a man gro' in reason and rudence, and ractise t$e %irtues,4ot$ o# sou and o# 4od*, in rig$teousness! T$roug$ t$is suernatura Lea a t$e o'ers

    o# t$e sou are aid oen to 3od, and are made read* #or a %irtues! And t$e conscience

    re=oices, and t$e grace o# 3od is increased t$e %irtues are ractised 'it$ =o* and

    gadness, and t$e out'ard 'or6s are adorned!

    )$osoe%er $as recei%ed t$is i%ing Lea #rom 3od $as cast out t$e #i#t$ morta

    sin, '$ic$ is indoence o# t$e mind or Sot$, as regards t$e %irtues '$ic$ it is need#u

    t$at 'e s$oud ractise! And sometimes, t$is i%ing Lea aso casts out t$e sot$ and

    indoence o# t$e natura 4od*! # a suc$ ($rist sa*s; B&ESSEDARET+E>)+I(+D

    +9N3ERANDT+IRSTA.TERRI3+TE9SNESS; .RT+E>S+A&&BE.I&&ED, and t$is s$a

    come to ass '$en t$e gor* o# 3od s$a 4e mani#est to t$em, and s$a #i t$em, eac$

    according to $is o%e and rig$teousness!



    .Rt$is Lea t$ere sring temerance and so4riet*, 4ot$ in'ard and out'ard

    #or none can ossess t$e rig$t measure o# so4riet* sa%e $im '$o is great* Leaous and

    diigent to 6ee $is sou and 4od* in rig$teousness! So4riet* di%ides t$e $ig$er o'ers

    #rom t$e anima o'ers it sa%es a man #rom intemerance and #rom e:cess! So4riet*

    'is$es neit$er to taste, nor to 6no', t$ose t$ings '$ic$ are #or4idden!

    T$e incomre$ensi4e and most $ig$ Nature o# 3od transcends a creatures in

    $ea%en and on eart$! .or a t$at a creature can comre$end is o# t$e creature 4ut 3od

    is a4o%e a creatures and 'it$in and 'it$out a creatures, and e%er* created

    comre$ension is too narro' to comre$end +im! But i# a creature is to comre$end

    and to understand 3od, it must 4e caug$t u 4e*ond itse# into 3od, and comre$end

    3od 'it$ 3od! )$osoe%er t$en 'oud 6no' and understand '$at 3od is?'$ic$ is not

    ermitted?$e 'oud go mad! Be$od, a created ig$t is o'eress to 6no' '$at 3od

    is! )$at 3od is in +imse#, transcends a creatures, 4ut t$at 3od e:ists, is testi#ied 4*

    nature, and 4* +o* )rit, and 4* e%er* creature! )e s$oud 4eie%e t$e artices o# #ait$,and not desire to understand t$em, #or t$is is imossi4e as ong as 'e are $ere 4eo';

    suc$ is so4riet*! T$e m*sterious and su4te teac$ings o# +o* )rit, insired 4* t$e +o*

    3$ost, s$oud not 4e e:ained and understood in an* ot$er 'a* t$an in t$eir 4earing

    uon t$e i%es o# ($rist and +is saints! an s$oud consider nature, and t$e Scritures,

    and a creatures, and ta6e #rom t$ese t$at '$ic$ ro#its $im and not$ing more! Suc$ is

    so4riet* o# sirit!

    A man s$oud 6ee $is senses in so4riet* and s$oud restrain t$e anima o'ers

    4* means o# t$e reason so t$at t$e usts o# t$e #es$ do not enter too #ar into t$e

    sa%ouring o# #ood and o# drin6 4ut $e s$oud eat and drin6 as t$e sic6 ta6e t$eir $*sic,

    4ecause it is need#u to suort $is strengt$, t$at $e ma* ser%e 3od t$ere'it$! T$is is

    so4riet* o# 4od*! +e s$oud aso o4ser%e met$od and moderation in doing and in










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    ea%ing undone, in 'ords and in 'or6s, in sience and in sea6ing, in #ood and in drin6,

    according to t$e custom o# +o* ($urc$, and a#ter t$e e:ame o# t$e saints!

    B* in'ard and g$ost* temerance and so4riet* a man reser%es #irmness and

    constanc* o# #ait$, urit* o# inteigence, t$at tranquiit* o# reason necessar* to t$e

    comre$ension o# trut$, an imuse to'ards a %irtues according to t$e 'i o# 3od,eace o# $eart, and serenit* o# conscience! And $ere'it$ $e ossesses an enduring

    eace, in 3od and in $imse#!

    And 4* temerance and so4riet* o# t$e out'ard 4odi* senses, a man o#ten

    reser%es t$e $eat$ and t$e soundness o# $is natura 4od*, t$e dignit* o# $is out'ard

    i#e, and a good reutation! And t$us $e i%es in eace 'it$ $imse# and 'it$ $is

    neig$4ours #or 4* $is temerance and so4riet* $e dra's to $imse# and eases a men

    o# good'i! And t$us $e casts out t$e si:t$ morta sin, '$ic$ is intemerance, greed or

    3utton*! # a suc$ ($rist sa*s; B&ESSEDARET+EPEA(EA/ERS; .RT+E>S+A&&

    BE(A&&EDT+E(+I&DREN.3D #or t$e* are i6e unto t$e Son, )$o $as made eace

    in e%er* creature '$o desired eace! And '$osoe%er ma6es eace in $imse# t$roug$

    $is temerance and so4riet* s$a arta6e 'it$ +im o# t$e in$eritance o# +is .at$er ands$a ossess it 'it$ +im in eternit*!



    .Rt$is temerance t$ere srings urit* 4ot$ o# sou and o# 4od*, #or none

    can 4e er#ect* ure in 4od* and in sou sa%e $im '$o is temerate in 4od* and in sou!

    Purit* o# sirit is t$is; t$at a man s$oud not cea%e to an* creature 'it$ desirous

    a##ection, 4ut to 3od aone #or 'e s$oud use a creatures, 4ut en=o* on* 3od! Purit*

    o# sirit ma6es a man cea%e to 3od, a4o%e a understanding, and a4o%e a #eeings,

    and a4o%e a t$e gi#ts '$ic$ 3od ma* our into $is sou; #or a t$at a creature recei%es

    in $is understanding and in $is #eeing, urit* 'i ass 4*, to rest in 3od! 3o t$ere#ore

    to t$e Sacrament o# t$e Atar, not #or t$e sa6e o# re#res$ment, nor 4ecause o# desire, nor

    #or easure, nor #or eace, nor #or satis#action, nor #or s'eetness, nor #or an*t$ing ese

    t$an t$e gor* o# 3od and *our o'n gro't$ in a %irtues! T$is is urit* o# sirit!

    Purit* o# $eart is t$is; t$at a man, in e%er* 4odi* temtation or natura

    incination, o# $is o'n #ree 'i, and 'it$ an e%errene'ed con#idence and 'it$out

    $esitation, turns to 3od 'it$ an e%errene'ed #ait$#uness and 'it$ a #irm 'i e%er toremain 'it$ +im! .or consenting to t$ose sins or satis#actions, '$ic$ t$e 4odi* nature

    see6s i6e a 4east, is a dearture #rom 3od!

    Purit* o# 4od* is t$is; t$at a man 'it$dra's #rom, and 4e'ares o#, a unc$aste

    deeds, in '$atsoe%er manner t$e* 4e, '$ic$ $is conscience teac$es and decares to 4e

    unc$aste, and contrar* to t$e commandments, t$e $onour, and t$e 'i o# 3od!

    B* t$ese t$ree 6inds o# urit* t$e se%ent$ morta sin is o%ercome and cast out

    t$at is, 9nc$astit*! And t$is is a consenting and turning o# t$e sirit #rom 3od to some

    creature* t$ing it is t$e unc$aste 'or6 o# t$e 4od* contrar* to t$e disensation o# +o*

    ($urc$ it is a sensua d'eing o# t$e $eart uon t$e taste or en=o*ment o# some

    creature, '$atsoe%er it 4e! But t$ere4* I do not mean t$ose sudden mo%ements o#

    aetite and desire, '$ic$ no one can re%ent!










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    No' *ou s$oud 6no' t$at urit* o# sirit 6ees a man in t$e i6eness o# 3od,

    untrou4ed 4* an* creature and incined to'ards 3od, and united 'it$ +im!

    Purit* o# 4od* is i6ened to t$e '$iteness o# iies and to t$e ceanness o# t$e

    anges! In 'it$standing, it is i6ened to t$e redness o# roses and to t$e no4eness o#

    mart*rs! I# it is 6et #or t$e o%e and t$e gor* o# 3od, it is er#ect! And so it is i6enedto t$e sun#o'er, #or it is one o# t$e $ig$est ornaments o# nature!

    Purit* o# $eart 'or6s a rene'a and increase o# t$e grace o# 3od! B* urit* o#

    $eart a t$e %irtues are romted, ractised and reser%ed! It guards and 6ees t$e

    senses #rom 'it$out it ques and restrains t$e anima usts #rom 'it$in it is an

    adornment o# a in'ardness! And it is t$e door o# t$e $eart 4arred against a eart$*

    t$ings and a deceit, 4ut oened to a $ea%en* t$ings and to a trut$! And o# a suc$

    ($rist sa*s; B&ESSEDARET+EP9REIN+EART; .RT+E>S+A&&SEE3D and in t$is

    %ision consist our eterna =o*, our re'ard and our entrance into 4iss! T$ere#ore men

    s$oud 4e so4er and temerate in a t$ings, and 4e'are o# a intercourse and occasion

    '$ere4* urit*, '$et$er o# sou or o# 4od*, ma* 4e de#ied!



    N), i# 'e 'is$ to ossess t$ese %irtues, and to cast out t$eir oosites, 'e

    must ossess rig$teousness, and 'e must ractise and reser%e it in urit* o# $eart unto

    deat$ #or 'e $a%e t$ree o'er#u ad%ersaries, '$o temt us and ma6e 'ar on us at a

    times, in a aces, and in man* 'a*s! I# 'e ma6e eace 'it$ one o# t$ese t$ree, and

    4ecome su4=ect to $im, 'e are %anquis$ed #or t$e t$ree o# t$em agree toget$er in a


    T$ese t$ree ad%ersaries are t$e de%i, t$e 'ord and our o'n #es$ and t$is ast

    is t$e nearest to us and o#ten t$e 'orst and most $arm#u o# a t$ree to us #or our

    #es$* usts are t$e 'eaons 'it$ '$ic$ our enemies ma6e 'ar on us! Ideness and

    indi##erence to %irtue and t$e gor* o# 3od, t$ese are t$e causes and t$e occasions o# t$e

    strugge! But t$e 'ea6ness o# our nature, our careessness and ignorance o# trut$, t$ese

    are t$e s'ords 'it$ '$ic$ our enemies o#ten 'ound, and sometimes conquer us!

    And #or t$is reason 'e s$oud 4uid u a 'a and ma6e a searation 'it$in

    ourse%es! And t$e o'er art o# ourse%es, '$ic$ is 4east* and contrar* to t$e %irtues,

    and '$ic$ 'is our searation #rom 3od, 'e s$oud $ate and ersecute, and 'e s$oudtorment it 4* means o# enances and austerit* o# i#e so t$at it 4e a'a*s reressed, and

    su4=ect to reason, t$at t$ere4* rig$teousness and urit* o# $eart ma* a'a*s $a%e t$e

    uer $and in a t$e 'or6s o# %irtue! And a t$e su##ering, grie#, and ersecution,

    '$ic$ 3od sends us t$roug$ t$ese enemies o# %irtue, 'e s$oud gad* 4ear #or t$e

    gor* o# 3od, and #or t$e $onour o# t$e %irtues, and t$at 'e ma* o4tain and ossess

    rig$teousness in urit* o# $eart #or ($rist sa*s; B&ESSED ARE T+E> )+I(+ ARE


    a rig$teousness '$ic$ is maintained in su##ering and in %irtuous deeds is i6e t$e enn*

    '$ic$ is counted as $ea%* as t$e 6ingdom o# 3od and 'it$ it is 4oug$t eterna i#e!

    And 'it$ t$ese %irtues a man goes out to'ards 3od, to'ards $imse#, and

    to'ards $is neig$4our, in good customs, in %irtues, and in rig$teousness!










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    )+SEER 'is$es to o4tain and to 6ee t$ese %irtues s$oud adorn and

    ossess and rue $is sou i6e a 6ingdom! .ree'i is t$e 6ing o# t$e sou! It is #ree 4*

    nature and sti more #ree 4* grace! It s$a 4e cro'ned 'it$ a cro'n t$at is caed

    c$arit*! T$e cro'n and t$e 6ingdom s$a 4e recei%ed #rom t$e Emeror, )$o is &ord

    and aster and /ing o# 6ings and t$e 6ingdom s$oud 4e ossessed, rued, and

    maintained in +is name! T$is 6ing, #ree'i, s$oud d'e in t$e c$ie# cit* o# t$e

    6ingdom name*, in t$e desirous o'er o# t$e sou! And $e s$oud 4e cad and adorned

    'it$ a garment o# t'o arts! T$e rig$t side o# $is garment s$oud 4e a %irtue caed

    strengt$, t$at t$ere'it$ $e ma* 4e strong and mig$t* to o%ercome a $indrances, and toascend u to $ea%en, into t$e aace o# t$e most $ig$ Emeror, and to 4o' do'n $is

    cro'ned $ead 4e#ore t$e most $ig$ /ing, 'it$ o%e, and 'it$ se#surrendered desire!

    T$is is t$e roer 'or6 o# c$arit*; t$roug$ it t$e cro'n is recei%ed, t$roug$ it t$e cro'n

    is adorned, t$roug$ it t$e 6ingdom is maintained and ossessed in eternit*! T$e e#t side

    o# t$e garment s$oud 4e a cardina %irtue caed mora #orce! T$roug$ it, #ree'i, t$e

    6ing, s$a que a immorait*, and #u#i a %irtues, and s$a ossess $is 6ingdom in

    o'er, e%en unto deat$!

    T$is 6ing s$oud aso c$oose counciors in $is 6ingdom; t$e 'isest in t$e

    countr*! T$ese s$oud 4e t'o di%ine %irtues; 6no'edge and discretion, enig$tened 4*

    t$e ig$t o# Di%ine grace! T$e* s$oud d'e near t$e 6ing, in a aace caed t$e rationa

    o'er o# t$e sou, and t$e* s$oud 4e cad and adorned 'it$ a mora %irtue caed

    temerance, so t$at t$e 6ing ma* a'a*s do or ea%e undone according to t$eir counses!

    B* means o# 6no'edge our conscience s$a 4e ceansed o# a its #aiings and adorned

    'it$ a %irtues and 4* $e o# discretion 'e s$a gi%e and ta6e, do and ea%e undone,

    4e sient and sea6, #ast and eat, isten and re*, and act in a t$ings according to

    6no'edge and discretion, cad in t$e mora %irtue caed temerance or so4riet*!

    T$is 6ing, #ree'i, s$oud aso aoint in $is 6ingdom a =udge; t$at is,

    rig$teousness! T$is is a di%ine %irtue '$en it srings #rom o%e, and it is one o# t$e

    $ig$est o# mora %irtues! T$is =udge s$oud d'e in t$e $eart, in t$e midst o# t$e

    6ingdom, in t$e irasci4e o'er! And $e s$oud 4e adorned 'it$ a mora %irtue caed

    rudence #or rig$teousness cannot 4e er#ect 'it$out rudence! T$is =udge,rig$teousness, s$oud tra%e t$roug$ t$e 6ingdom 'it$ t$e 6ing

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    And t$is is t$e t$ird o# t$e #our rincia oints '$ic$ 'e 'oud consider!



    )+ENa man t$roug$ t$e grace o# 3od is a4e to 4e$od, and $is conscience is

    cean, and $e $as considered t$e t$ree comings o# ($rist our Bridegroom, and '$en $e

    $as gone out 'it$ t$e %irtues; t$en t$ere ensues t$e meeting 'it$ t$e Bridegroom, and

    t$at is t$e #ourt$ oint and t$e ast! In t$is meeting ies a our 4iss, t$e 4eginning and

    end o# a %irtue and 'it$out t$is meeting no %irtue $as e%er 4een #u#ied!

    )$osoe%er 'is$es to meet ($rist as $is 4eo%ed Bridegroom, and to ossess in

    +im, and 'it$ +im, eterna i#e $e must no', in time, go out to meet ($rist at t$ree

    oints or in t$ree 'a*s! T$e #irst oint is t$at $e s$a $a%e 3od in mind in a t$ingst$roug$ '$ic$ 'e earn eterna i#e! T$e second oint is t$at t$ere s$a 4e not$ing t$at

    $e means or o%es more t$an 3od or e%en so muc$ as 3od! And t$e t$ird oint is t$at $e

    s$a 'it$ great Lea see6 to rest in 3od, a4o%e a creatures and a4o%e a 3od

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    t$ese t$at t$e* ma* a%ai to $is sa%ation; t$en $e s$oud go out to meet ($rist once

    more, and s$oud $a%e +im e%er in $is sig$t, 'it$ raise and t$an6#uness and 'it$ a

    'ort$* ac6no'edgment o# a +is gi#ts, and a t$at +e $as done, and 'i do, in

    eternit*! T$en $is #ait$ 'i 4e strengt$ened and $e 'i 4e more o#ten, and more

    ardent* imeed to'ards a %irtues!I#, t$en, $e 'is$es to go #or'ard in t$e 'or6s o# %irtue, $e must aso go out to

    meet ($rist 'it$ se#renunciation, neit$er see6ing $imse#, nor ursuing t$ings aien

    #rom 3od 4ut et $im 4e 'ise and discreet in a t$at $e does, $a%ing in mind in a

    t$ings 3od aone, and 3od

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    in'ard consoation and s'eetness, and innumera4e gi#ts o# a 6inds, according to t$e

    needs o# eac$!

    )$en a man 4e$ods a t$is, $e #ees an unmeasured imuse to see ($rist $is

    Bridegroom, and to 6no' +im as +e is in +imse#! T$oug$ $e 6no's +im in +is

    'or6s, t$is does not seem to $im enoug$! T$en $e must do as t$e u4ican 7acc$eusdid, '$o onged to see esus, '$o +e 'as! +e must run 4e#ore t$e cro'd, t$at is t$e

    mutiicit* o# creatures #or t$ese ma6e us so itte and so o' t$at 'e cannot see 3od!

    And $e must cim4 u into t$e tree o# #ait$, '$ic$ gro's #rom a4o%e do'n'ards, #or its

    roots are in t$e 3od$ead! T$is tree $as t'e%e 4ranc$es, '$ic$ are t$e t'e%e artices o#

    #ait$! T$e o'er sea6 o# t$e Di%ine +umanit*, and o# t$ose t$ings '$ic$ 4eong to our

    sa%ation o# sou and o# 4od*! T$e uer art o# t$e tree tes o# t$e 3od$ead, o# t$e

    Trinit* o# Persons, and o# t$e 9nit* o# t$e Nature o# 3od! And t$e man must cing to

    t$at unit*, in t$e $ig$est art o# t$e tree #or t$ere it is t$at esus must ass 'it$ a +is


    +ere comes esus, and sees t$e man, and s$o's to $im, in t$e ig$t o# #ait$, t$at

    +e is according to +is 3od$ead immeasura4e and incomre$ensi4e and inaccessi4eand a4*sma, transcending e%er* created ig$t and e%er* #inite concetion! And t$is is

    t$e $ig$est 6no'edge o# 3od '$ic$ an* man ma* $a%e in t$e acti%e i#e; t$at $e s$oud

    con#ess in t$is ig$t o# #ait$ t$at 3od is incomre$ensi4e and un6no'a4e! And in t$is

    ig$t ($rist sa*s to man I 9ST

    ABIDEATT+>+9SE! T$is $ast* descent, to '$ic$ $e is summoned 4* 3od, is not$ing

    ese t$an a descent t$roug$ desire and t$roug$ o%e into t$e a4*ss o# t$e 3od$ead,

    '$ic$ no inteigence can reac$ in t$e created ig$t! But '$ere inteigence remains

    'it$out, desire and o%e go in! )$en t$e sou is t$us stretc$ed to'ards 3od, 4*

    intention and 4* o%e, a4o%e e%er*t$ing t$at it can understand, t$en it rests and d'es in

    3od, and 3od in it! )$en t$e sou cim4s 'it$ desire a4o%e t$e mutiicit* o#

    creatures, and a4o%e t$e 'or6s o# t$e senses, and a4o%e t$e ig$t o# nature, t$en it meets

    ($rist in t$e ig$t o# #ait$, and 4ecomes enig$tened, and con#esses t$at 3od is

    un6no'a4e and incomre$ensi4e! )$en it stretc$es itse# 'it$ onging to'ards t$is

    incomre$ensi4e 3od, t$en it meets ($rist, and is #ied 'it$ +is gi#ts! And '$en it

    o%es and rests a4o%e a gi#ts, and a4o%e itse#, and a4o%e a creatures, t$en it d'es in

    3od, and 3od d'es in it!

    T$is is t$e 'a* in '$ic$ 'e s$a meet ($rist on t$e summit o# t$e acti%e i#e!

    )$en *ou $a%e aid t$e #oundation o# rig$teousness, c$arit*, and $umiit* and $a%e

    esta4is$ed on it a d'eingace, t$at is, t$ose %irtues '$ic$ $a%e 4een named

    $ereto#ore and $a%e met ($rist t$roug$ #ait$, 4* intention and 4* o%e t$en *ou d'e

    in 3od and 3od d'es in *ou, and *ou ossess t$e true acti%e i#e!And t$is 'as t$e #irst o# '$ic$ 'e 'oud sea6!










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    T+E'ise %irgin, t$at is t$e ure sou, $a%ing a4andoned eart$* t$ings, and

    i%ing according to t$e %irtues #or 3od, $as ta6en in t$e %esse o# $er $eart t$e oi o#

    c$arit* and o# god* deeds, 'it$ t$e am o# an unsuied conscience! But '$en ($rist

    t$e Bridegroom tarries 'it$ +is consoations, and t$e rene'ed inouring o# +is gi#ts,

    t$e sou 4ecomes dro's*, see*, and inert! T$en, at midnig$t, '$en it is east e:ected,

    a g$ost* cr* is made 'it$in t$e sou; BE+&D, T+EBRIDE3R, (ET+, 3>E9TTEET+I! # t$is 4e$oding, and o# t$e in'ard coming o# ($rist, and o# a man

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    and taug$t us, and i%ed #or our sa6e, and $as +imse# 4ecome t$e )a* to t$e unit*! And

    +e died in t$e 4onds o# o%e, and $as ascended and $as oened to us t$at %er* unit*, in

    '$ic$ 'e ma* ossess eterna 4iss!



    N)mar6 t$is 'it$ diigence; a t$ree#od unit* is #ound in a men 4* nature,

    and aso in a good men according to a suernatura manner!

    T$e #irst and $ig$est unit* o# man is in 3od #or a creatures deend uon t$is

    unit* #or t$eir 4eing, t$eir i#e, and t$eir reser%ation and i# t$e* 4e searated in t$is

    'ise #rom 3od, t$e* #a into t$e not$ingness and 4ecome noug$t! T$is unit* is in us

    essentia*, 4* nature, '$et$er 'e 4e good or e%i! And 'it$out our o'n 'or6ing itma6es us neit$er $o* nor 4essed! T$is unit* 'e ossess 'it$in us and *et a4o%e us, as

    t$e ground and t$e reser%er o# our 4eing and o# our i#e!

    T$e second unit* or union is aso in us 4* nature! It is t$e unit* o# our $ig$er

    o'ers #orasmuc$ as t$ese sring natura* as acti%e o'ers #rom t$e unit* o# t$e mind

    or o# t$e sirit! T$is is t$at same unit* '$ic$ deends uon 3od 4ut 'it$ t$is

    di##erence, t$at $ere it is acti%e and t$ere essentia! Ne%ert$eess, t$e sirit is '$o* and

    er#ect* understood according to t$e #uness o# its su4stance, in eac$ unit*! T$is unit*

    'e ossess 'it$in us, a4o%e our senses and #rom it t$ere roceed memor*,

    understanding, and 'i, and a t$e o'ers o# g$ost* action! In t$is unit*, t$e sou is

    caed "sirit!"

    T$e t$ird unit* '$ic$ is in us 4* nature is t$e source o# a t$e 4odi* o'ers, in

    t$e unit* o# t$e $eart origin and 4eginning o# t$e 4odi* i#e! T$is unit* t$e sou

    ossesses in t$e 4od* and in t$e quic6ening centre o# t$e $eart, and t$ere#rom #o' #ort$

    a 4odi* acti%ities, and t$e #i%e senses! And t$erein t$e sou is caed "sou" #or it is

    t$e #orming rincie o# t$e 4od*, and quic6ens t$is carcase t$at is, gi%es it i#e and

    6ees it t$erein!

    T$ese t$ree unities a4ide in man 4* nature as one i#e and one 6ingdom! In t$e

    o'est 'e are sensi4e and anima in t$e midde 'e are rationa and siritua and in t$e

    $ig$est 'e are 6et according to our essence! And t$us are a men 4* nature!

    No' t$ese t$ree unities, as one 6ingdom and one eterna d'eingace, are

    adorned and in$a4ited in a suernatura 'a* 4* t$e mora %irtues t$roug$ c$arit* andt$e acti%e i#e! And t$e* are sti more gorious* adorned and more e:ceent*

    er#ected 4* in'ard e:ercises united 'it$ a siritua i#e! But t$e* are most gorious*

    and 4essed* adorned 4* a suernatura and contemati%e i#e!

    T$e o'est unit*, 4eing o# t$e 4od*, is suernatura* adorned and er#ected

    t$roug$ out'ard 'or6s and mora er#ection, according to t$e 'a* o# ($rist and +is

    saints; and t$roug$ 4earing t$e cross 'it$ ($rist, and t$roug$ su4ordinating nature

    discreet* according to its o'ers to t$e commandments o# +o* ($urc$ and to t$e

    doctrines o# t$e saints!

    T$e second unit*, 4eing in t$e sirit and '$o* siritua, is suernatura*

    adorned and er#ected t$roug$ t$e t$ree di%ine %irtues, .ait$, +oe, and ($arit* and










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    t$roug$ t$e in#o' o# t$e grace and t$e gi#ts o# 3od and t$roug$ a good'i to #oo'

    t$e e:ames o# ($rist and +o* ($ristendom in a %irtues!

    T$e t$ird and $ig$est unit* is a4o%e t$e comre$ension o# our reason, and *et

    essentia* 'it$in us! )e ossess it in a suernatura 'a* '$en in a our 'or6s o#

    %irtue 'e $a%e in mind t$e raise and gor* o# 3od, and a4o%e a aims, a4o%eourse%es, and a4o%e a t$ings 'oud rest on* in +im! T$is is t$at unit* '$ere#rom 'e

    $a%e come #ort$ as creatures, and '$erein, according to our 4eing, 'e are at $ome! And

    4* means o# t$e %irtues $ere named, t$ese t$ree unities are adorned in t$e acti%e i#e!

    No' 'e 'i s$o' $o' t$ese t$ree unities are more $ig$* adorned and more

    no4* #ostered t$roug$ an in'ard e:ercise =oined to t$e acti%e i#e! )$ene%er a man,

    4ecause o# $is c$arit* and $is urig$t intention, i#ts $imse# u 'it$ a $is 'or6s and

    'it$ $is '$oe i#e to'ard t$e gor* and t$e raise o# 3od, e%er see6ing to rest in 3od

    a4o%e a t$ings; t$en, in $um4e atience and se#surrender, *et 'it$ a sure trust, $e

    'i a'ait ne' ric$es and ne' gi#ts, 4ut 'it$out an:iet* as to '$et$er it 4e 3odE

    9TTEET+I! ($rist, '$o is t$e ig$t o# Eterna Trut$, sa*s; BE+&D; #or t$roug$

    +im 'e 4ecome seeing #or +e is t$e ig$t o# t$e .at$er, and 'it$out +im t$ere 'ere no

    ig$t, neit$er in $ea%en nor on eart$! T$is sea6ing o# ($rist 'it$in us is not$ing ese

    t$an an inrus$ o# +is ig$t and +is grace! T$is grace ours into us in t$e unit* o# our

    $ig$er o'ers and o# our sirit '$ere#rom, t$roug$ t$e o'er o# t$e grace recei%ed,t$e $ig$er o'ers #o' out to 4ecome acti%e in a %irtues, and '$ereto, 4ecause o# t$e

    4ond o# o%e, t$e* e%er return again!

    In t$is unit* ie t$e o'er #or, and 4eginning and end o#, e%er* natura and

    suernatura 'or6 o# t$e creature in so #ar as it is 'roug$t in a creature* 'a*, t$roug$

    grace and Di%ine gi#ts, and 4* t$e creature

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    No' t$e grace o# 3od, ouring #ort$ #rom 3od, is an in'ard t$rust and urge o#

    t$e +o* 3$ost, dri%ing #ort$ our sirit #rom 'it$in and e:citing it to'ards a %irtues!

    T$is grace #o's #rom 'it$in, and not #rom 'it$out #or 3od is more in'ard to us t$an

    'e are to ourse%es, and +is in'ard t$rust or 'or6ing 'it$in us, 4e it natura or

    suernatura, is nearer to us and more intimate to us, t$an our o'n 'or6ing is! Andt$ere#ore 3od 'or6s in us #rom 'it$in out'ards 4ut a creatures 'or6 #rom 'it$out

    in'ards! And t$us it is t$at grace, and a t$e gi#ts o# 3od, and t$e oice o# 3od, come

    #rom 'it$in, in t$e unit* o# our sirit and not #rom 'it$out, into t$e imagination, 4*

    means o# sensi4e images!




    N) ($rist sa*s in g$ost* 'ise in t$e man '$o is turned 'it$in; BE+&D!

    T$ree t$ings, as I $a%e said, ma6e a man seeing in $is in'ard e:ercise! T$e #irst is a

    s$ining #ort$ o# t$e grace o# 3od! T$e grace o# 3od in a sou is i6e a cande in a antern

    or in a gass %esse #or it enig$tens, and 4rig$tens, and s$ines t$roug$, t$e %esse, t$at

    is, t$e rig$teous man! And it mani#ests itse# to t$e man '$o $as it 'it$in $im, i# $e 4e

    o4ser%ant o# $imse#! And it mani#ests itse# t$roug$ $im, to ot$er men, in %irtues and in

    good e:ame! T$is #as$ o# di%ine grace in'ard* stirs and mo%es a man 'it$

    s'i#tness, and t$is s'i#t mo%ement is t$e #irst t$ing '$ic$ ma6es us see! # t$is s'i#t

    mo%ement o# 3od t$ere srings #rom t$e side o# man t$e second t$ing, '$ic$ is agat$ering toget$er o# a in'ard and out'ard o'ers in t$e unit* o# t$e sirit, in t$e

    4onds o# o%e! T$e t$ird oint is t$e #reedom '$ic$ ao's t$e man to turn in'ards,

    'it$out $indrance #rom sensi4e images, as o#ten as $e 'is and t$in6s uon $is 3od!

    T$is means t$at a man must 4e indi##erent to gadness and grie#, ro#it and oss, rising

    and #aing, to strange cares, to deig$t and to dread, and ne%er 4e attac$ed to an*

    creature! T$ese t$ree t$ings ma6e a man seeing in $is in'ard e:ercise! I# *ou $a%e t$ese

    t$ree, *ou $a%e t$e #oundation and t$e 4eginning o# t$e in'ard ractice and t$e in'ard





    EENt$oug$ t$e e*e 4e cear and t$e sig$t 6een, i# t$ere 'ere no o%e'ort$*

    and desira4e o4=ect, cearness o# sig$t 'oud neit$er ease nor ro#it a man! And t$is

    2T$e t$ree oints $ere descri4ed?t$e enig$tenment or imuse o# grace, concentration o# mind, and t$e

    dei4erate e:usion o# distracting t$oug$ts and images?are summed u in t$e e:ercise '$ic$ ascetic'riters ca Recoection, and '$ic$ reares consciousness #or t$e contemati%e state!









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    is '$* ($rist s$o's to t$e enig$tened e*es o# t$e understanding '$at t$e* s$a see, to

    'it, t$e in'ard coming o# ($rist t$eir Bridegroom!

    T$ree 'a*s o# t$is secia in'ard coming o# 3od are #ound in t$ose men '$o

    e:ercise t$emse%es 'it$ de%otion in t$e in'ard i#e and eac$ o# t$ese t$ree comings

    raises a man to a $ig$er degree and to a more in'ard e:ercise!T$e #irst coming o# ($rist in in'ard 'or6ing dri%es and urges a man in $is

    in'ard #eeing it dra's $im 'it$ a $is o'ers u'ards to $ea%en, and it cas $im to

    unite $imse# 'it$ 3od! T$is dri%ing and dra'ing 'e #ee in t$e $eart, and in t$e unit*

    o# a t$e 4odi* o'ers, and esecia* in t$e desirous o'er! .or t$is coming stirs, and

    'or6s in, t$e o'er art o# man #or t$is must 4e '$o* urged and adorned, and

    in#amed and dra'n in'ards! T$is in'ard urge o# 3od gi%es and ta6es, ma6es ric$ and

    oor, 4rings 'ea and 'oe uon a man it causes $oe and desair it 4urns and it

    #reeLes! But no tongue can te o# t$ose gi#ts and 'or6s and contraries t$at $ere come to


    T$is coming 'it$ its 'or6ing is arted into #our degrees, eac$ one $ig$er t$an

    t$e ot$er, as 'e 'i s$o' a#ter'ards! And 'it$ it t$e o'er art o# man is adorned int$e in'ard i#e!



    T+Esecond 'a* in '$ic$ ($rist comes in'ard*, 'it$ a $ig$er no4eness, more

    a#ter +is i6eness, 'it$ increased gi#ts, and 'it$ a greater radiance, is a ouring #ort$ o#