46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.) Visit Report for Rural Innovation Idea Challenge under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Date of Visit: 22/09/2020 Time: 9:00AM to 5:00PM Members Present: 1. Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Coordinator) 2. Mr. Prabhakar Sharma (ECE) 3. Mr. Sameer(CE) 4. Mr. Sachin Sinha (MBA) 5. Mr. Amit Gupta (ME) 6. Mr Ashish Gupta (ASH) Objective: Rural Innovation Idea Challenge Report: We visited below villages and gave the awareness about the Rural innovation idea challenge. 1. shafipur 2. KondliKhader 3. Atta gujran 4. Nawada 5. Pali Under Rural innovation idea challenge, there are three major areas jalprabhandan and sanrakshan, saururja, kutir and gram udyog. People from all above villages can submit application for any project under above areas. Last date was 15 October 2020. ITS engineering college incubation center and EDC will help in each and every activity of selected project. Outcome: Many people will share their idea under Rural Innovation Idea Challenge.

Rural Innovation Idea Challenge

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Page 1: Rural Innovation Idea Challenge

46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Visit Report for Rural Innovation Idea Challenge under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Date of Visit: 22/09/2020

Time: 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Members Present:

1. Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Coordinator)

2. Mr. Prabhakar Sharma (ECE)

3. Mr. Sameer(CE)

4. Mr. Sachin Sinha (MBA)

5. Mr. Amit Gupta (ME)

6. Mr Ashish Gupta (ASH)

Objective: Rural Innovation Idea Challenge


We visited below villages and gave the awareness about the Rural innovation idea challenge.

1. shafipur

2. KondliKhader

3. Atta gujran

4. Nawada

5. Pali

Under Rural innovation idea challenge, there are three major areas jalprabhandan and sanrakshan,

saururja, kutir and gram udyog. People from all above villages can submit application for any project

under above areas. Last date was 15 October 2020. ITS engineering college incubation center and EDC

will help in each and every activity of selected project.

Outcome: Many people will share their idea under Rural Innovation Idea Challenge.

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Event Pictures:

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Page 4: Rural Innovation Idea Challenge

46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Visit Report for Awareness on National Education Policy-2020 under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Date of Visit: 23/09/2020

Time: 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Members Present:

1. Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Coordinator)

2. Mr. Prabhakar Sharma (ECE)

3. Mr. Sameer(CE)

4. Mr. Sachin Sinha (MBA)

5. Mr. Amit Gupta (ME)

6. Mr. Ashish Gupta (ASH)

7. Mr. Praveen Bhola (EEE)



We visited below villages and gave the awareness about the NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY

1. Shafipur

2. Kondli Khader

3. Atta Gujran

4. Nawada

5. Pali

Under NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY, There are a number of changes made in school and college

education level in new education policy. Students can avail a no. of courses in 11th and 12th in different

streams. Students from degree and diploma level, can left course in any year and can start at any time.

They will also get certificate of that year. Coding classes will also be in the curriculum. Student can take

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

leave from school for doing his interest of work, There are numerous other changes, we discussed with

village people.

Outcome: Parents/Students from the above villages get the information regarding NEP. They were

enthusiastic and keen to know about NEP.

Event Pictures:

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Visit Report for Survey on Tuberculosis (TB) under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Date of Visit: 28/10/2020

Time: 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Members Present:

1. Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Coordinator)

2. Mr. Prabhakar Sharma (ECE)

3. Mr. Sameer(CE)

4. Mr. Sachin Sinha (MBA)

5. Mr. Amit Gupta (ME)

6. Mr Ashish Gupta (ASH)



We visited below villages and done the survey on TB PATIENTS

1. Atta Gujran

2. Nawada

3. Shafipur

4 Kondli Khadar

5. Pali

A team of six members from the institute visited to the above-mentioned villages to trace the TB patients.

We educated the people what precaution they should take to deal with TB patient. The treatment for the

disease is available free of cost in the government hospitals. Only one patient is traced in Shafipur village.

He was guided for the treatment.

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Outcome: A survey on TB was conducted and aware the people about the treatment.

Event Pictures:

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Page 11: Rural Innovation Idea Challenge

46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)


World Environment Day is a UN Environment-led global event, the sole largest celebration of

our environment each year, which takes place on June 5 and is celebrated by thousands of

communities worldwide. Since its commencement in 1972, it has grown to become a global

platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated across the globe.

World Environment Day celebrated on Friday, June 5th, 2020. The theme of this World

Environment Day is “Biodiversity.” This year the host of World Environment Day is


Reflecting the Indian philosophy and lifestyle of co-existence with nature, I.T.S Engineering

College – a premier technical institute in Greater Noida has also contributed in a small way to

celebrate World Environment Day coordinated by Dr P. C Jha.

Dr. Vikas Singh, Executive Director, I.T.S Engineering College after planting sapling urged

everyone to come together in fighting the global menace of Pollution and decreasing


Dr Singh also said that the only way to achieve this is to plant more diverse trees which will help

to decrease pollution level and increase biodiversity of our ecosystem.

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

World Environment Day 2020

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Organizing Body:Corporate Social Responsibility Cell (CSR Cell) of I.T.S Engineering College,

Greater Noida and Rotaract Club, Ghaziabad North .

In Charge: Dr. Kuldeep Malik Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

Date: 22nd October 2019.

Salient Features:

Total count of blood donation units was 253.

A fruit juice, biscuit packet, mug, donor card and a certificate of appreciation were given

to the donors

on behalf of Rotaract Club, Ghaziabad North.

One/Two Bananas were provided to each donor, on behalf of the Institute.

An uninterrupted event was well managed by the Coordinating Team.

Team was well supported by Administrative staff.

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

One faculty coordinator from each department managed flow of students and monitored

the overall process

to avoid any inconvenience.

Many faculty members and Staff members also donated blood, and contributed towards

this noble cause.

Scope for Improvements:

Industrial Tour or any such activity must not clash on such events.

Participation may further be enhanced with creating more awareness among students,

staff and faculty.

More sensitizing of Faculty regarding such event may be incorporated.

More sensitization of students in Hostel by making aware of benefits and realities against

common myths.

Social networking must be fully used for advertising and informing about the event much

in advance.

Bigger Organizations such as RED CROSS may be approached for motivating

participants with a better

gift like T Shirts etc.

Family members of Faculty and Staff may also be invited for the noble cause.

Number of faculty members and staff was less(28) than expected, may be motivated

further department


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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Blood Donation camp 2019

Blood Donation camp 2019

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

“Awareness on Water Bodies” Campaign Report under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

“Awareness on Water Bodies” Campaign in Nawada and Atta Gujran Village by Unnat Bharat

Abhiyan Team

Date of Campaign: 10/08/2019

Time: 09:30AM to 1:00PM

Venue: Village Nawada & Atta Gujran

Members Present:

1. Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Coordinator)

2. Dr. Kuldeep Malik (CSE)

3. Mr. Prabhakar Sharma (ECE)

4. Mr. Surendra Singh (ASH)

5. Mr. Sachin Sinha (MBA)

6. Mr. Amit Gupta (ME)

Objective: To motivate people towards sustainable use of water and other natural resources through

optimum utilization.


Nawada and Atta Gujran are well populated villages and many villagers are still farmers.

They use water for the farming as well for their households. Our team members visited both

the villages and shared different irrigation techniques (drip and sprinkle) to increase the crop

productivity while conserving water. They also shared water problems of Bundelkhand

region, one of the most backward regions in India. Members also told about How to use water

efficiently in agriculture and domestic use to enhance productivity. This campaign was

focused to the primary school of the villages and to the residents too.

Outcome: All participants were committed to conserve water and to make people in their environs aware

to conserve water. Some participants have planned to begin a ‘driveto make people aware’.

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Event Pictures:

Journey started

Discussion with villagers

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Yoga Camp Report under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Yoga Camp at Atta Gujran by the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Team

Date of Yoga Camp: 25/09/2019

Time: 06:00AM to 7:30AM

Venue: Mata Shankri Devi Public School, Atta Gujran

Members Present:

1. Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Coordinator)

2. Dr. Kuldeep Malik (CSE)

3. Mr. Surendra Singh (ASH)

4. Mr. SachinSinha (MBA)

Objective: To make aware about benefits of yoga and the right way to do yoga.


A few minutes of Yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates

daily, in both, body and the mind. Yoga postures, Pranayama and meditation are effective

techniques to release stress. Meditation is relaxation and rejuvenates the body and mind.

In view of this, Dr. Kuldeep Malik has successfully organized YOGA’s demonstration, lecture

and little bit of competitions inside the school premises on 25th September 2019. More than 50

students of the school along with teaching and non-teaching staffs have taken part and effectively

performed the various hard and easy steps of Yoga under the guidance of instructor Dr. Kuldeep

Malik and his two gentle and friendly trainees.

Outcome: All the participants got knew about different kinds of Yoga Aashana and the right procedure

to do those Aashana.

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Event Pictures:

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)


World Environment Day is a UN Environment-led global event, the sole largest celebration of

our environment each year, which takes place on June 5 and is celebrated by thousands of

communities worldwide. Since its commencement in 1972, it has grown to become a global

platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated across the globe.

This year China is the global host of 2019 World Environment Day which takes place on June 5,

2019 with “Beat Air Pollution” as the theme for this year’s edition, the world is coming

together with the hashtag #BeatAirPollution and #WorldEnvironmentDay.

Reflecting the Indian philosophy and lifestyle of co-existence with nature, I.T.S Engineering

College – a premier technical institute in Greater Noida has also contributed in a small way to

celebrate World Environment Day by planting saplings in its premises.

Dr. Vikas Singh, Executive Director, I.T.S Engineering College urged every student and faculty

member to come together in fighting the global menace of Air Pollution and the only way to

achieve this is to plant more trees which act as lungs for our ecosystem.

Dr. Singh in his statement said that this problem is an issue of tremendous magnitude that needs

to be taken care of by each and every individual by taking simple steps such as by using public

transport, car pooling, and reducing use of electricity as thermal power plants are the major

contributors to air pollution. He also stresses that one must plant at least 5 trees in his lifetime

and also to take care of planted trees.

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

World Environment Day 2019

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)


World Environment Day is a UN Environment-led global event, the sole largest celebration of

our environment each year, which takes place on June 5 and is celebrated by thousands of

communities worldwide. Since its commencement in 1972, it has grown to become a global

platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated across the globe.

This year India is the global host of 2018 World Environment Day which takes place on June 5,

2018. With “Beat Plastic Pollution” as the theme for this year’s edition, the world is coming

together to combat single-use plastic pollution.

Reflecting the Indian philosophy and lifestyle of co-existence with nature, I.T.S Engineering

College – a premier technical institute in Greater Noida has also contributed in its small way to

celebrate World Environment Day by planting saplings in its premises.

Dr. O. P Chaudhary, HOD Applied Sciences and Humanities, I.T.S Engineering College urged

every student and faculty member to come together in fighting this global menace and explore

other sustainable alternatives that could play a pivotal role in reducing the production and

excessive use of single use plastic that has damaged the nature.

Dr. Chaudhary in his statement said that this problem is an issue of tremendous magnitude that

needs to be taken care of by each and every individual. Everyone must take ownership of their

environment and actively engage in the protection of our earth.

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World Environment Day 2018

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)


World Environment Day – which is observed on 5 June every year across the globe – is the

largest annual event for positive environmental action. World Environment Day was inaugurated

in 1972 following the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden on

5-16 June – the first international conference on environmental issues since its first celebration on 5

June 1974, millions of people across the world have taken part in thousands of events to raise

awareness and generate political momentum around growing concerns such as the depletion of the

ozone layer, toxic chemicals, desertification and global warming.

The host country for this year’s celebration is Canada. Canada has chosen the theme “Connecting People

to Nature” for 2017, which invites people to enjoy the outdoors and to take forward the call to protect

the Earth that we share.

I.T.S Engineering College – a premier technical institute in Greater Noida has also contributed in its

small way to celebrate World Environment Day by planting saplings in its premises.

Dr. Gagandeep Arora, Dean Academics, I.T.S Engineering College said: this day reminds us of what a

treasure nature is, and encourages us all to protect and appreciate our environment.

World Environment Day 2017

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Organizing Body: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Cell of I.T.S Engineering College,

Greater Noida and Rotary Club, Sahibabad

Timings of Event: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM

In Charge: Mr. Abhishek Shivhare, Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

Chief Guest: Sh. Kumar Vineet, ADM (E), G B Nagar

Guest of Honour: Sh. Rakesh Sharma, VP-HR, MothersonSumi Infotech & Designs

Date: 21st October 2016.

Department wise Faculty Coordinators:

S.No. Department Faculty Coordinator



Dr. P K Shukla

2 Dr. Kavita Sinha

3 Mr. Madan Mohan Puram

4 CSE Dr. Kuldeep Malik

5 ME Mr. Harsh Gupta

6 EEE Mr. Gaurav Kesarwani

7 ECE Mr. Jugul Kishore Gupta

8 Civil Mr. Saurav

9 MBA Ms. Pallavi

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Department wise Summary of Donors:

S.No. Department No. of Donors

1 ASH 83

4 CSE 39

5 ME 56

6 EEE 11

7 ECE 15

8 Civil 19

9 MBA 4

10 Dental 3

11 Faculty/Staff 10

12 Alumini 1

13 Others 2

Total 243

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Salient Features:

Total count of blood donation units was 243.

A fruit juice, two fruits (banana and apple), a biscuit packet, a mug, a donor card

and a certificate of appreciation were given to the donors on behalf of Rotary Club,


One/Two Bananas were provided to each volunteer, on behalf of the Institute.

An uninterrupted event was well managed by the Coordinating Team.

Team was well supported by Administrative staff.

One faculty coordinator from each department managed flow of students and

monitored the overall process to avoid any inconvenience.

The news of the event was published in the following newspapers:


Nav Bharat Times

Scope for Improvements:

S.No Issues/Observations Person/Suggestion Timeline


Team sent by ROTARY was observed to be

poor in experience, were not able to find veins

properly and caused swelling to many


Faculty Incharge with

Competent Authority





Only 10 stretchers were made available by

ROTARY, 10 beds and mattress were brought

from tent house, although concern for not

bringing same was already shared with their

Faculty Incharge with

Competent Authority




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centre head


The team from ROTARY was lethargic, they

were seen dependent on student volunteers for

test of hemoglobin etc, and were seen less

participative as compared to DONORS

Faculty Incharge with

Competent Authority





Bigger Organizations such as RED CROSS

may be approached for motivating participants

with a better gift like T Shirts etc.

Senior Management





Faculty members and Staff showed a little

interest, so units (10) were less than expected

(25 last year)

Self Motivation Required





Hemoglobin of about 60% of reported

candidates was low than permissible limit,

under weight and under age(1st year students),

so rejection rate was high

More awareness regarding

healthy eating habits and

lifestyle is required, as this will

lead to better Hemoglobin



Many candidates, ready to donate were found

suffering with Dengue, Chikungunya and other

viral fever in last 3 months, so could not


Event may be organized at a

different time, other than


Next six



Participation may further be enhanced with

creating more awareness for noble cause

among students, staff and faculty

Departmental CSR coordinator





More sensitization of students in Hostel by

making aware of benefits and realities against

common myths

Departmental CSR coordinator




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Blood Donation camp 2016

Blood Donation camp 2016

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)


World Environment Day is a UN Environment-led global event, the sole largest celebration of

our environment each year, which takes place on June 5 and is celebrated by thousands of

communities worldwide. Since its commencement in 1972, it has grown to become a global

platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated across the globe.

World Environment Day (WED) will take place on 5 June 2016, its theme being Illegal Wildlife

Trade (IWT). It will be celebrated around the world, with Angola being this year’s host country.

I.T.S Engineering College – a premier technical institute in Greater Noida has also contributed in

its small way to celebrate World Environment Day by planting saplings in its premises.

Dr. Sanjay Yadav, Dean Students Welfare, I.T.S Engineering College urged every student and

faculty member to come together in fighting this global menace of Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT)

and to not procure the illegal wildlife goods.

World Environment Day 2016

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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)


Organizing Body:Corporate Social Responsibility Cell (CSR Cell) of I.T.S Engineering College,

Greater Noida and Rotary Club, Ghaziabad Central.

In Charge: Mr. Abhishek Shivhare, Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

Date: 9th October 2015.

Salient Features:

Total count of blood donation units was 310, as compared to last year being 260.

A fruit juice, biscuit packet, mug, donor card and a certificate of appreciation were given

to the donors

on behalf of Rotary Club, Ghaziabad.

One/Two Bananas were provided to each donor, on behalf of the Institute.

An uninterrupted event was well managed by the Coordinating Team.

Team was well supported by Administrative staff.

One faculty coordinator from each department managed flow of students and monitored

the overall process

to avoid any inconvenience.

Many faculty members and Staff members also donated blood, and contributed towards

this noble cause.

The news of the event was published in the following newspapers:


Uttar Pradesh Kesari


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46, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Distt. GautamBudhha Nagar (U.P.)

Scope for Improvements:

Placement Drive may be avoided with Blood Donation date.

Industrial Tour or any such activity must not clash on such events.

Participation may further be enhanced with creating more awareness among students,

staff and faculty.

About 50% Heads were not present; more sensitizing of Faculty regarding such event

may be incorporated.

More sensitization of students in Hostel by making aware of benefits and realities against

common myths.

Social networking must be fully used for advertising and informing about the event much

in advance.

Bigger Organizations such as RED CROSS may be approached for motivating

participants with a better

gift like T Shirts etc.

Family members of Faculty and Staff may also be invited for the noble cause.

Number of faculty members and staff was less(23) than expected, may be motivated

further department


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Blood Donation camp 2015

Blood Donation camp 2015