GET A FLAT BELLY FAST & WIN! PRIZES INCLUDE: · ONE $2,500 Spokesperson Contract! · FOUR Runner-Up Winners Get 1-Year Supply of Belly Fat Free Supplements! Rules, Regulations, & Application Guide They went from fat to fit, fast... now it’s your turn! Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After

Rules, Regulations, & Application Guidebff-dl.s3.amazonaws.com/files/BFF-Challenge-Guide.pdf · Belly Fat Free Challenge Official Rules & Regulations It all begins by reading this

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PRIZES INCLUDE:· ONE $2,500 Spokesperson Contract!

· FOUR Runner-Up Winners Get 1-Year Supply of Belly Fat Free Supplements!

Rules, Regulations, & Application Guide

They went from fat to fit, fast... now it’s your turn!

Before AfterBefore AfterBefore AfterBefore After Before AfterBefore After


Belly Fat Free Challenge Official Rules & Regulations

It all begins by reading this important guide. In this guide you will learn how you can get a flat belly fast, while claiming your chance to win cash and

prizes, including: 1 paid Belly Fat Free spokesperson contract; and 4, one-year supply of Belly Fat Free supplements.

Make no mistake, every participant has a chance of winning. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman, age 18 or 108, whether you need to lose 20 pounds or 220 pounds—this is your chance to get the flat belly you’ve always dreamed of. Not to mention you can cash in big while you’re at it.

In this self-improvement contest, the Challenge Winner will not be chosen based on who has the best body, but rather, by who has made the most improvement throughout their program and can best articulate the benefits of living a healthy, Belly Fat Free lifestyle in the written portion of this Challenge (see page 12).

Enjoy your journey, set your goals, and don’t let any obstacle get in the way of you and your new Belly Fat Free body. I know you can make an extraordinary transformation—not in years, but within just a matter of weeks. I believe in you. And I believe great things will start happening in your life the moment you take the action necessary to make your dreams a reality.

— Coach Josh

Challege PrizesOne $2,500.00 spokesperson contract! Become an overnight weight loss celebrity, and spend your cash prize on new clothing or anything you want! Maybe a new wardrobe to show off that Belly Fat Free body?

Four product reimbursements, up to $1,000.00! Runners-up will be reimbursed up to $1,000.00 for money spent on Belly Fat Free products throughout the Challenge.

Four, one-year supply of Belly Fat Free supplements! Not only will these supplements help you maintain your new Belly Fat Free body, but they also represent a $1,000.00 retail value.


The Belly Fat Free 12-Step Program 1 Toguaranteeeligibility,pleasereadandcompletetheBellyFatFreeChallengeGuideinitsentirety.

2 ThewinnersofthiscontestwillberepresentingBellyFatFree,LLC.ParticipantsarethereforerequiredtouseatleastoneBellyFatFreeproductfortheentire12-weekdurationoftheChallenge.ParticipantscanchoosefromtheproductsatBellyFatFree.com/Storeorcall800-380-9840duringregularbusinesshourstospeakwithanadvisor.OnceyoupurchaseaBellyFatFreeproduct,youwillbeofficiallyenteredintotheChallenge.

3 Whileyou’rewaitingforyoursupplementstoarrive,haveyour“before”photostaken(asdescribedonpage4ofthisguide).Havethemdevelopedorprinted,andattachthemtotheBeforePhotosforms(pages8,9,and10)withdouble-sidedtape.

4 Forweightlosssupport,visitusatBellyFatFree.comandcheckourourblogpostsandfacebookpage.It’salsoimportanttointeractwithothermembersoftheWebsite—alongwithBellyFatFreeweightlosscoaches—willbeabletoviewandrespondtoyourentrieswithencouragingandhelpfulwords.Youmayalsouploadaphotoofyourselfifyou’dlike.

5 Whenyoursupplementsarrive,weighyourselfandmeasureyourcalves,thighs,hips,waist,chest,neck,andarmsattheirwidestpoints.RecordyourweightandmeasurementsintheBodyMeasurementforminthisGuide(seepage11).

6 Setyourgoalsandstartyourneweating,activity,andsupplementationprogramrightaway!WerecommendusingtheBFFProgram—allofourpastRoundWinnersusedthisprogramwithgreatsuccess.

7 AfterusingthetoolsatBellyFatFree.comandfollowingtheBellyFatFreefor12weeks,takeyour“after”photosandattachthemtotheAfterPicturesformsfoundinthisguide(seepage8)withdouble-sidedtape.Atthistime,youshouldalsoweighyourselfandtakeyourfinalmeasurements.RecordthisinformationontheBodyMeasurementform(page11).

8 Next,answerthequestionsontheTransformationQuestionsform(page12).

9 IncludereceiptsforanyandallBellyFatFreeproductspurchasedduringtheprogramontheProductReceiptsform(page14).(Winnerswillbereimbursedforallproductspurchasedupto$1,000.00.)

10 Includeacopyofyourbirthcertificateordriver’slicensetoverifyyournameandageintheIdentificationVerificationform(seepage15).

11 FilloutandsigntheInformationandAuthorizationform(seepage7).

12 Withinsevendaysoffinishingyour12-weekChallenge,sendthiscompletedguidebyExpressMail,FederalExpress,orUPSto:

The Belly Fat Free Challenge 7251 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Suite 300 Las Vegas, NV 89128


Contest Deadline To enter the Belly Fat Free Challenge, start your program as soon as possible and follow the Belly Fat Free program for 12 weeks. Then turn in your completed packet within 7 days of completing your 12-week program.

Ordering Supplements Belly Fat Free products can be found online at BellyFatFree.com/Store or by calling our support staff toll-free at 800-380-9840.


Tips for Incredible Before and After Photos Challenge participants will need to take three “before” photos (front, back, and side) at the beginning of their 12-week Challenge and three “after” photos at the completion of the 12 weeks. Please send in the highest quality photos possible; if the judges can’t see your changes, you are unlikely to win. Here are some important tips to inc rease your chances of winning:

1 Make sure photos are of good quality and that your body is centered and crystal clear.

2 Take the photos outside or in a well-lit room with the light in front of you so there are no shadows on your face and body. Early morning or late afternoon are generally good times to take photos outside, as the light is best at these times.

3 Make sure your body takes up the entire photograph. If you are too far away, we won’t be able to see your true results. The top of your head should be at the top of the photo and your feet near the bottom. (See examples beginning on page 8.)

4 The background of your photo should be uncluttered (i.e., no furniture or pictures in the background.)

5 If you are taking pictures on film, be sure to get your “before” photos developed immediately at a one-hour photo store. You never know, the photos may not turn out, and you may need to retake them right away.

6 Use a quality digital camera or 35mm camera and send in only 3x5 or 4x6 photographs. Please do not use Polaroid cameras or film. (Computer print outs of digital photos will not be accepted.)

7 Be sure to keep a copy of all photos for yourself and attach duplicates to the photos section of this guide. Do not send negatives—keep these in a safe place in case the original photos are lost or damaged in the mail.

8 Copyrighted photos will not be accepted unless a signed release from the photographer stating that Belly Fat Free may use the photos in any form, for any purpose, is attached to your guide.

9 Women must wear light-colored (no dark or black) clothes. Light-color, form-fitting shorts and t-shirts or sports bras are preferred. Men must wear shorts (no Speedos). It’s important that you wear form-fitting clothing that shows as much of your body as you feel comfortable so the judges can see your changes. Try to wear a similar style of clothing in your “before” and “after” photos.

10 Please do not hold a newspaper in your “before” or “after” photographs. Unfortunately, many past Challenge participants have accidentally covered up their bodies with newspapers, which makes it impossible for us to see the changes. (The results of the winners will be thoroughly investigated to make sure they are legitimate.)

11 Once you have your “before” photos, e-mail them to [email protected] or mail hard copies to the address on page 2. We will let you know if they are approved.

12 At the four-week mark of your Challenge, we’d also like to see how your progress is coming along. Therefore, please mail hard copies to the address on page 2, or e-mail them to [email protected].

By the way, don’t let the fear of having these photos taken stop you from starting the Challenge. Taking and reviewing these photos will actually give you the mental leverage necessary to take action and make a great physical transformation. You may be a little embarrassed to have a friend or family member take the “before” photos, but please realize that this is the beginning of greater things to come. Soon you’ll be able to look back at them and feel proud about your extraordinary accomplishment!

[email protected]


Rules and Regulations • Challenge participants may not use prescription weight loss drugs or medications unless prescribed by a doctor to treat an existing

medical condition. If you are using a prescription weight loss drug, you must include a note about the medication and your medical condition in the written portion of your application packet. Do not stop using a prescribed medication without first consulting with your doctor and receiving his or her approval. Challenge participants must not undergo any weight loss surgeries (such as a gastric bypass or stomach stapling) to lose weight during the Challenge. All weight loss must be the result of healthy eating, activity, and a Belly Fat Free supplementation program.

• Winners of the Belly Fat Free Challenge will become spokespersons for Belly Fat Free, LLC; therefore, as stipulated in the Rules and Regulations, you must use only Belly Fat Free products. Using other weight loss products will result in disqualification.

• Fifty percent of your score as determined by Belly Fat Free judges will be based on how dramatically you transform your body during the 12-week Challenge. This will be determined by how many pounds and inches you lose, and a review of your “before” and “after” photos. The remaining 50 percent of your score will be based on your answers to the questions found in the Transformation Questions form (page 12). The total of these two components will be added together to determine your final score. In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken based on who had the highest score from the Transformation Questions.

• If you haven’t lost all the weight you want after 12 weeks, you need to send in your completed Guide and start a new Challenge round. You can compete in as many rounds as needed. Your initial “before” picture will remain the same throughout the contest, even if you compete in multiple rounds.

• This entire Belly Fat Free Challenge Guide must be completed and mailed to Belly Fat Free within seven days of the day you finish your 12-week Challenge. Incomplete guides will not be judged or returned. All photos and forms must be securely fastened to this Guide with double-sided tape so they are not lost when opened.

• The odds of becoming a Belly Fat Free Challenge winner are dependent on the number of people who enter and cannot be determined in advance.

• All judging decisions will be final. Competitors’ scores are confidential and will not be disclosed.

• Prizes and endorsement contracts are nontransferable, and there will be no cash equivalents or substitutes offered, except at the dis-cretion of Belly Fat Free.

• You must be a resident of the United States and at least 18 years of age throughout your entire 12-week program to enter this contest. The Belly Fat Free Challenge is set up in accordance with U.S. legal guidelines and not those of other countries. (Unfortunately, only U.S. residents are eligible for the Belly Fat Free Challenge. However, please don’t let that stop you from joining us and getting in great shape! Belly Fat Free ships products to many countries outside the U.S.)

• The Belly Fat Free Challenge is subject to applicable federal and state laws and is void in all states where skill contests requiring proof of purchase are prohibited. These states include, but are not limited to: Maryland, New Jersey, and Vermont.

• All winners must provide the information necessary for the completion of IRS Form 1099. Winners will be responsible for any gift tax.

• Employees of Belly Fat Free, LLC and any of their affiliated companies, or consultants and contractors providing services for Belly Fat Free, LLC and their immediate family members, may participate but are not eligible to win. Employees working in stores that sell Belly Fat Free products are eligible to compete. Challenge participants in previous Belly Fat Free Challenges may compete, but past winners are not eligible to win.

• Consult your physician or health care provider before starting any new exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program. If you are not

experienced with resistance training or an aerobic exercise program, please consult a qualified fitness professional.

• Each participant assumes all risk of injury, harm, or loss of any kind arising from participation in the Belly Fat Free Challenge. Partici-pants in the Belly Fat Free Challenge release Belly Fat Free, LLC, and its affiliated and related companies, and the directors, officers, and employees of any of these companies from all risk, loss, injury, damage, or harm that may arise from participating in the Challenge.


• The one $2,500.00 spokesperson contract for winner will be paid immediately by check.

• By submitting your completed Official Rules and Regulations Guide for the Belly Fat Free Challenge, you are giving Belly Fat Free, LLC your express consent and permission to use your name, photographs, video footage, recorded voice, written responses, and any other submitted materials (in whole or in part) for promotional and advertising purposes to promote Belly Fat Free, LLC, its business, and products and services, in any media and in any manner whatsoever, without limitation, restriction, or additional compensation, and such consent is deemed given by your entry and participation in the Belly Fat Free Challenge, even if you are not chosen as a winner.

• Submission of your completed Official Rules and Regulations Guide shall be deemed your acceptance of these Rules and Regulations and your voluntary transfer to Belly Fat Free, LLC of all right, title, and interest, including copyright, of your photographs, audio, and video footage (if any) of you, and written responses. The total contents of your completed Rules and Regulations Guide will become the sole property of Belly Fat Free, LLC.

• If you have a change of address or phone number(s) after submitting your completed Belly Fat Free Challenge Guide, but before the date winners are announced, you must notify Belly Fat Free in writing at The Belly Fat Free Challenge, 7251 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Suite 300 Las Vegas, NV 89128, and provide your new contact information. If you are judged a winner and cannot be reached at the address, e-mail, or phone number provided, you will forfeit your position and be replaced with the next highest judged competitor.

• Belly Fat Free reserves the right to deny anyone based on their criminal history. In connection with this Challenge packet, you authorize Belly Fat Free, LLC to conduct an inquiry into your criminal background. Moreover, you hereby release the company, , LLC, and any agent acting on its behalf from any and all liability of any nature by reason of requesting such information from any person.

• Belly Fat Free reserves the right to interpret these Rules and Regulations and, if necessary, to amend the rules and prizes at its sole discretion and without notice to individual competitors. Participants will be notified about any amendments to the rules or changes in prizes at BellyFatFree.com/challenge.

• The individuals featured in this Guide were competing for cash and prizes in a Belly Fat Free Challenge and have received compensation from Belly Fat Free. They achieved extraordinary results; there are not typical results. Their photos represent extraordinary examples of what can be accomplished through an integrated system of exercise, nutrition, Belly Fat Free supplementation, and ongoing support. As individuals differ, so will results, even when using the same program.

• Belly Fat Free reserves the right to not declare a winner during any round in which too few packets are received. In this case, partici-pants will be notified and all packets received in said round will be held and judged as part of the next round.


Belly Fat Free Challenge Information and Authorization

I represent that all statements made in this booklet are true and correct. I understand that this booklet must be shipped by Overnight Express Mail, Federal Express, or UPS, and it must be received by Belly Fat Free no later than seven days after completing my 12-week Challenge. (See page 3 for registration deadlines.) I under-stand that if this booklet is incomplete, it will not be considered for judging, and that if this package is lost or not delivered in a timely manner because of delays, it will not be considered for judging. I am 18 years of age or older and competent to make this statement. I have read, understand, and shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the Belly Fat Free Challenge, and by signing below, I swear I have abided by all rules, regula-tions, and requirements for competition in this contest.

Participant signature:

Printed name:

Date of birth and current age:

Challenge begin date:

Challenge end date:

Address (including unit number):

City / State / Zip:

Daytime phone (including area code):

Evening phone (including area code):

E-mail address:

Social Security number:

Have you previously competed in a weight loss or body transformation competition? If so, when and in which competition?

Please e-mail [email protected] with questions or for more information



Before and After

Date of before photo: _____________________ Date of after photo:______________________

Attach before photo here (front)

Attach after photo here (front)

Please e-mail [email protected] with questions or for more information.



Before and After

Date of before photo: _____________________ Date of after photo:______________________

Attach before photo here (back)

Attach after photo here (back)

Please e-mail [email protected] with questions or for more information.



Before and After

Date of before photo: _____________________ Date of after photo:______________________

Attach before photo

here (side)

Attach after photo here (side)

Please e-mail [email protected] with questions or for more information.


Before and After MeasurementsAlways measure the widest part of each area in inches. For example, measure your waist across your belly button, not your hipbones. Provide measurements to the nearest quarter-inch.

Before After 12 Weeks Inches Lost



Upper arm:





Total inches lost:

Before After 12 Weeks Weight Lost


Total weight lost:

Please e-mail [email protected] with questions or for more information.


Transformation Questions Write the answers to these 11 questions as if you are talking to a good friend—they should be very personal and personable. We suggest you practice answering these questions before filling in your answers. If at all possible, please type or print your responses, making sure they are spell checked and easy to read.

1 What primary reason motivated you to start and finish the Challenge? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 What were your results—how many inches, pounds, dress sizes, or pant sizes did you lose? Did you have any changes in health indicators, such as cholesterol levels or blood pressure? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 How has your mental outlook changed—do you have more confidence? Did your energy levels change? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 How do you currently feel about your body post-transformation? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 How do you currently feel about your life? How has it improved? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


6 What kept you motivated and allowed you to finish this contest? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 What were some of your keys to success in losing weight? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 What challenges did you have to overcome while participating in this contest? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 Why should you be chosen as a winner in this contest? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10 What weight loss support tools did you find to be the most helpful at BellyFatFree.com and why? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 What specific Belly Fat Free product(s) did you use, how did you use them, and how did they help you in achieving your results? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please e-mail [email protected] with questions or for more information.


Product Receipts

Attach all Belly Fat Free receipts Each contest competitor must use at least one Belly Fat Free product during the 12-week program to

qualify for the Belly Fat Free Challenge. Belly Fat Free products can be purchased at BellyFatFree.com/Store or by calling 800-380-9840.

Total amount spent on supplements: $_________

For verification, please attach all receipts to this page.


Identification Verification

Copy of driver’s license or birth certificate

Please attach a copy of your driver’s license or birth certificate to verify your

name and date of birth.



________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________



________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________