RULE CHANGE 2020(29) COLORADO RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT Rules 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5

RULE CHANGE 2020(29 COLORADO RULES OF ......See also Rule 5.3 (duties of lawyers and law firms with respect to the conduct of nonlawyers); Rule 8.4(a) (duty to avoid violating the

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    Rules 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5

  • Rule 7.1. Communications Concerning a Lawyer's Services

    (a) A lawyer shall not make a false or misleading communication about the lawyer or the

    lawyer's services. A communication is false or misleading if it:

    (1) contains a material misrepresentation of fact or law, or omits a fact necessary to make the

    statement considered as a whole not materially misleading;

    (2) compares the lawyer's services with other lawyers' services, unless the comparison can be

    factually substantiated; or

    (3) is likely to create an unjustified expectation about results the lawyer can achieve.

    (b) No lawyer shall, directly or indirectly, pay all or a part of the cost of communications

    concerning a lawyer's services by a lawyer not in the same firm unless the communication

    discloses the name and address of the non-advertising lawyer, the relationship between the

    advertising lawyer and the non-advertising lawyer, and whether the advertising lawyer may refer

    any case received through the advertisement to the non-advertising lawyer.

    (c) Unsolicited communications concerning a lawyer's services mailed to prospective clients

    shall be sent only by regular U.S. mail, not by registered mail or other forms of restricted

    delivery, and shall not resemble legal pleadings or other legal documents.

    (d) Any communication that states or implies the client does not have to pay a fee if there is no

    recovery shall also disclose that the client may be liable for costs. This provision does not apply

    to communications that only state that contingent or percentage fee arrangements are available,

    or that only state the initial consultation is free.

    (e) A lawyer shall not knowingly permit, encourage or assist in any way employees, agents or

    other persons to make communications on behalf of the lawyer or the law firm in violation of

    this Rule or Rules 7.2 through 7.4.

    (f) In connection with the sale of a private law practice under Rule 1.17, an opinion of the

    purchasing lawyer's suitability and competence to represent existing clients shall not violate this

    Rule if the lawyer complies with Rule 1.17(d).


    [1] This Rule governs all communications about a lawyer's services, including advertising

    permitted by Rule 7.2 and solicitations governed by Rule 7.3.

    [2] The touchstone of this Rule, as well as Rules 7.2 through 7.4, is that all communications

    regarding a lawyer's services must be truthful. Truthful communications regarding a lawyer's

    services provide a valuable public service and, in any event, are constitutionally protected. False

    and misleading statements regarding a lawyer's services do not serve any valid purpose and may

    be constitutionally proscribed.

    [3] It is not possible to catalog all types and variations of communications that are false or

    misleading. Nevertheless, certain types of statements recur and deserve special attention.

    [4] One of the basic covenants of a lawyer is that the lawyer is competent to handle those matters

    accepted by the lawyer. Rule 1.1. It is therefore false and misleading for a lawyer to advertise for

    clients in a field of practice where the lawyer is not competent within the meaning of Rule 1.1.

    [5] Characterizations of a lawyer's fees such as “cut-rate”, “lowest” and “cheap” are likely to be

    misleading if those statements cannot be factually substantiated. Similarly, characterizations

    regarding a lawyer's abilities or skills have the potential to be misleading where those

    characterizations cannot be factually substantiated. Equally problematic are factually

    unsubstantiated characterizations of the results that a lawyer has in the past obtained. Such

  • statements often imply that the lawyer will be able to obtain the same or similar results in the

    future. This type of statement, due to the inevitable factual and legal differences between

    different representations, is likely to mislead prospective clients.

    [6] Statements that a law firm has a vast number of years of experience, by aggregating the

    experience of all members of the firm, provide little meaningful information to prospective

    clients and have the potential to be misleading.

    [7] Statements such as “no recovery, no fee” are misleading if they do not additionally mention

    that a client may be obligated to pay costs of the lawsuit. Any communication that states or

    implies the client does not have to pay a fee if there is no recovery shall also disclose that the

    client may be liable for costs.

    [8] An advertisement that truthfully reports a lawyer's achievements on behalf of clients or

    former clients may be misleading if presented so as to lead a reasonable person to form an

    unjustified expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters

    without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client's case. Similarly,

    an unsubstantiated comparison of the lawyer's services or fees with the services or fees of other

    lawyers may be misleading if presented with such specificity as would lead a reasonable person

    to conclude that the comparison can be substantiated. The inclusion of an appropriate disclaimer

    or qualifying language may preclude a finding that a statement is likely to create unjustified

    expectations or otherwise mislead the public.

    [9] Finally, Rule 7.1(c) proscribes unsolicited communications sent by restricted means of

    delivery. It is misleading and an invasion of the recipient's privacy for a lawyer to send

    advertising information to a prospective client by registered mail or other forms of restricted

    delivery. Such modes falsely imply a degree of exigence or importance that is unjustified under

    the circumstances.

    Rule 7.2. Advertising

    (a) Subject to the requirements of Rules 7.1 and 7.3, a lawyer may advertise services through

    written, recorded or electronic communication, including public media.

    (b) A lawyer shall not give anything of value to a person for recommending the lawyer's services

    except that a lawyer may:

    (1) pay the reasonable costs of communications permitted by this Rule;

    (2) pay the usual charges of a not-for-profit lawyer referral service or legal service organization;

    (3) pay for a law practice in accordance with Rule 1.17; and

    (4) refer clients to another lawyer or a nonlawyer pursuant to an agreement not otherwise

    prohibited under these Rules that provides for the other person to refer clients or customers to the

    lawyer, if

    (i) the reciprocal referral agreement is not exclusive, and

    (ii) the client is informed of the existence and nature of the agreement.

    (c) Any communication made pursuant to this Rule shall include the name and office address of

    at least one lawyer or law firm responsible for its content.


    [1] To assist the public in learning about and obtaining legal services, lawyers should be allowed

    to make known their services not only through reputation but also through organized information

    campaigns in the form of advertising. Advertising involves an active quest for clients, contrary to

  • the tradition that a lawyer should not seek clientele. However, the public's need to know about

    legal services can be fulfilled in part through advertising. This need is particularly acute in the

    case of persons of moderate means who have not made extensive use of legal services. The

    interest in expanding public information about legal services ought to prevail over considerations

    of tradition. Nevertheless, advertising by lawyers entails the risk of practices that are misleading

    or overreaching.

    [2] This Rule permits public dissemination of information concerning a lawyer's name or firm

    name, address, e-mail address, website, and telephone number; the kinds of services the lawyer

    will undertake; the basis on which the lawyer's fees are determined, including prices for specific

    services and payment and credit arrangements; a lawyer's foreign language ability; names of

    references and, with their consent, names of clients regularly represented; and other information

    that might invite the attention of those seeking legal assistance.

    [3] Questions of effectiveness and taste in advertising are matters of speculation and subjective

    judgment. Some jurisdictions have had extensive prohibitions against television and other forms

    of advertising, against advertising going beyond specified facts about a lawyer, or against

    “undignified” advertising. Television, the Internet, and other forms of electronic communications

    are now among the most powerful media for getting information to the public, particularly

    persons of low and moderate income; prohibiting television and other forms of electronic

    advertising, therefore, would impede the flow of information about legal services to many

    sectors of the public. Limiting the information that may be advertised has a similar effect and

    assumes that the bar can accurately forecast the kind of information that the public would regard

    as relevant. See Rule 7.3 (a) for the prohibition against the solicitation of a prospective client

    through a real-time electronic exchange initiated by the lawyer.

    [4] Neither this Rule nor Rule 7.3 prohibits communications authorized by law, such as notice to

    members of a class in class action litigation.

    Paying Others to Recommend a Lawyer

    [5] Except as permitted under paragraphs (b)(1)-(b)(4), lawyers are not permitted to pay others

    for recommending the lawyer's services or for channeling professional work in a manner that

    violates Rule 7.3. A communication contains a recommendation if it endorses or vouches for a

    lawyer's credentials, abilities, competence, character, or other professional qualities. Paragraph

    (b)(1), however, allows a lawyer to pay for advertising and communications permitted by this

    Rule, including the costs of print directory listings, on-line directory listings, newspaper ads,

    television and radio airtime, domain-name registrations, sponsorship fees, Internet-based

    advertisements, and group advertising. A lawyer may compensate employees, agents and

    vendors who are engaged to provide marketing or client-development services, such as

    publicists, public-relations personnel, business-development staff, and website designers.

    Moreover, a lawyer may pay others for generating client leads, such as Internet-based client

    leads, as long as the lead generator does not recommend the lawyer, any payment to the lead

    generator is consistent with Rules 1.5(e) (division of fees) and 5.4 (professional independence of

    the lawyer), and the lead generator's communications are consistent with Rule

    7.1 (communications concerning a lawyer's services). To comply with Rule 7.1, a lawyer must

    not pay a lead generator that states, implies, or creates a reasonable impression that it is

    recommending the lawyer, is making the referral without payment from the lawyer, or has

    analyzed a person's legal problems when determining which lawyer should receive the referral.

    See also Rule 5.3 (duties of lawyers and law firms with respect to the conduct of

    nonlawyers); Rule 8.4(a) (duty to avoid violating the Rules through the acts of another).

  • [6] A lawyer may pay the usual charges of a legal service plan or a not-for-profit or qualified

    lawyer referral service. A legal service plan is a prepaid or group legal service plan or a similar

    delivery system that assists people who seek to secure legal representation. A lawyer referral

    service, on the other hand, is any organization that holds itself out to the public as a lawyer

    referral service. Such referral services are understood by the public to be consumer-oriented

    organizations that provide unbiased referrals to lawyers with appropriate experience in the

    subject matter of the representation and afford other client protections, such as complaint

    procedures or malpractice insurance requirements. Consequently, this Rule only permits a lawyer

    to pay the usual charges of a not-for-profit or qualified lawyer referral service. A qualified

    lawyer referral service is one that is approved by an appropriate regulatory authority as affording

    adequate protections for the public. See, e.g., the American Bar Association's Model Supreme

    Court Rules Governing Lawyer Referral Services and Model Lawyer Referral and Information

    Service Quality Assurance Act (requiring that organizations that are identified as lawyer referral

    services (i) permit the participation of all lawyers who are licensed and eligible to practice in the

    jurisdiction and who meet reasonable objective eligibility requirements as may be established by

    the referral service for the protection of the public; (ii) require each participating lawyer to carry

    reasonably adequate malpractice insurance; (iii) act reasonably to assess client satisfaction and

    address client complaints; and (iv) do not make referrals to lawyers who own, operate or are

    employed by the referral service).

    [7] A lawyer who accepts assignments or referrals from a legal service plan or referrals from a

    lawyer referral service must act reasonably to assure that the activities of the plan or service are

    compatible with the lawyer's professional obligations. See Rule 5.3. Legal service plans and

    lawyer referral services may communicate with the public, but such communication must be in

    conformity with these Rules. Thus, advertising must not be false or misleading, as would be the

    case if the communications of a group advertising program or a group legal services plan would

    mislead the public to think that it was a lawyer referral service sponsored by a state agency or bar

    association. Nor could the lawyer allow in-person, telephonic, or real-time contacts that would

    violate Rule 7.3.

    [8] A lawyer also may agree to refer clients to another lawyer or a nonlawyer in return for the

    undertaking of that person to refer clients or customers to the lawyer. Such reciprocal referral

    arrangements must not interfere with the lawyer's professional judgment as to making referrals or

    as to providing substantive legal services. See Rules 2.1 and 5.4(c). Except as provided in Rule

    1.5(d), a lawyer who receives referrals from a lawyer or nonlawyer must not pay anything solely

    for the referral, but the lawyer does not violate paragraph (b) of this Rule by agreeing to refer

    clients to the other lawyer or nonlawyer, so long as the reciprocal referral agreement is not

    exclusive and the client is informed of the referral agreement. Conflicts of interest created by

    such arrangements are governed by Rule 1.7. Reciprocal referral agreements should not be of

    indefinite duration and should be reviewed periodically to determine whether they comply with

    these Rules. This Rule does not restrict referrals or divisions of revenues or net income among

    lawyers within firms comprised of multiple entities.

    Rule 7.3. Solicitation of Clients

  • A lawyer shall not by in-person, live telephone or real-time electronic contact solicit professional

    employment from a prospective client when a significant motive for the lawyer's doing so is the

    lawyer's pecuniary gain, unless the person contacted:

    (1) is a lawyer; or

    (2) has a family, close personal, or prior professional relationship with the lawyer.

    (b) A lawyer shall not solicit professional employment from a prospective client by written,

    recorded, or electronic communication, or by in-person, telephone, or real-time electronic

    contact even when not otherwise prohibited by paragraph (a), if:

    (1) the target of the solicitation has made known to the lawyer a desire not to be solicited by the

    lawyer; or

    (2) the solicitation involves coercion, duress, or harassment.

    (c) A lawyer shall not solicit professional employment from a prospective client believed to be in

    need of legal services which arise out of the personal injury or death of any person by written,

    recorded, or electronic communication. § 13-93-111 (2019). This Rule 7.3(c) shall not apply if

    the lawyer has a family or prior professional relationship with the prospective client or if the

    communication is issued more than 30 days after the occurrence of the event for which the legal

    representation is being solicited. Any such communication must comply with the following:

    (1) no such communication may be made if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the

    person to whom the communication is directed is represented by a lawyer in the matter; and

    (2) if a lawyer other than the lawyer whose name or signature is contained in the communication

    will actually handle the case or matter, or if the case or matter will be referred to another lawyer

    or law firm, any such communication shall include a statement so advising the prospective client.

    (d) Every written, recorded, or electronic communication from a lawyer soliciting professional

    employment from anyone known to be in need of legal services in a particular matter shall:

    (1) include the words “Advertising Material” on the outside envelope, if any, and at the

    beginning and ending of any recorded or electronic communication, unless the recipient of the

    communication is a person specified in paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2);

    (2) not reveal on the envelope or on the outside of a self-mailing brochure or pamphlet the nature

    of the prospective client's legal problem.

    A copy of or recording of each such communication and a sample of the envelopes, if any, in

    which the communications are enclosed shall be kept for a period of four years from the date of

    dissemination of the communication.

    (e) Notwithstanding the prohibitions in paragraph (a), a lawyer may participate with a prepaid or

    group legal service plan operated by an organization not owned or directed by the lawyer that

    uses in-person or telephone contact to solicit memberships or subscriptions for the plan from

    persons who are not known to need legal services in a particular matter covered by the plan.


    [1] A solicitation is a targeted communication initiated by the lawyer that is directed to a specific

    person and that offers to provide, or can reasonably be understood as offering to provide, legal

    services. In contrast, a lawyer's communication typically does not constitute a solicitation if it is

    directed to the general public, such as through a billboard, an Internet banner advertisement, a

    website or a television commercial, or if it is in response to a request for information or is

    automatically generated in response to Internet searches.

    [2] There is a potential for abuse when a solicitation involves direct in-person, live telephone, or

    real-time electronic contact by a lawyer with someone known to need legal services. These forms

  • of contact subject a person to the private importuning of the trained advocate in a direct

    interpersonal encounter. The person, who may already feel overwhelmed by the circumstances

    giving rise to the need for legal services, may find it difficult fully to evaluate all available

    alternatives with reasoned judgment and appropriate self-interest in the face of the lawyer's

    presence and insistence upon being retained immediately. The situation is fraught with the

    possibility of undue influence, intimidation, and over-reaching.

    [3] This potential for abuse inherent in direct in-person, live telephone, or real-time electronic

    solicitation justifies its prohibition, particularly since lawyers have alternative means of

    conveying necessary information to those who may be in need of legal services. In particular,

    communications can be mailed or transmitted by e-mail or other electronic means that do not

    involve real-time contact and do not violate other laws governing solicitations. These forms of

    communications and solicitations make it possible for the public to be informed about the need

    for legal services, and about the qualifications of available lawyers and law firms, without

    subjecting the public to direct in-person, telephone, or real-time electronic persuasion that may

    overwhelm a person's judgment.

    [4] The use of general advertising and written, recorded, or electronic communications to

    transmit information from lawyer to the public, rather than direct in-person, live telephone, or

    real-time electronic contact, will help to assure that the information flows cleanly as well as

    freely. The contents of advertisements and communications permitted under Rule 7.2 can be

    permanently recorded so that they cannot be disputed and may be shared with others who know

    the lawyer. This potential for informal review is itself likely to help guard against statements and

    claims that might constitute false and misleading communications, in violation of Rule 7.1. The

    contents of direct in-person, live telephone, or real-time electronic contact can be disputed and

    may not be subject to third-party scrutiny. Consequently, they are much more likely to approach

    (and occasionally cross) the dividing line between accurate representations and those that are

    false and misleading.

    [5] There is far less likelihood that a lawyer would engage in abusive practices against a former

    client or a person with whom the lawyer has close personal or family relationship, or in

    situations in which the lawyer is motivated by considerations other than the lawyer's pecuniary

    gain. Nor is there a serious potential for abuse when the person contacted is a lawyer.

    Consequently, the general prohibition in Rule 7.3(a) and the requirements of Rule 7.3(c) are not

    applicable in those situations. Also, paragraph (a) is not intended to prohibit a lawyer from

    participating in constitutionally protected activities of public or charitable legal service

    organizations or bona fide political, social, civic, fraternal, employee, or trade organizations

    whose purposes include providing or recommending legal services to its members or


    [6] But even permitted forms of solicitation can be abused. Thus, any solicitation which contains

    information which is false or misleading within the meaning of Rule 7.1, which involves

    coercion, duress, or harassment within the meaning of Rule 7.3(b)(2), or which involves contact

    with someone who has made known to the lawyer a desire not to be solicited by the lawyer

    within the meaning of Rule 7.3(b)(1) is prohibited. Moreover, if after sending a letter or other

    communication to a client as permitted by Rule 7.2 the lawyer receives no response, any further

    effort to communicate with the recipient of the communication may violate the provisions of

    Rule 7.3(b).

    [7] This Rule is not intended to prohibit a lawyer from contacting representatives of

    organizations or groups that may be interested in establishing a group or prepaid legal plan for

  • their members, insureds, beneficiaries, or other third parties for the purpose of informing such

    entities of the availability of and details concerning the plan or arrangement which the lawyer or

    lawyer's firm is willing to offer. This form of communication is not directed to people who are

    seeking legal services for themselves. Rather, it is usually addressed to an individual acting in a

    fiduciary capacity seeking a supplier of legal services for others who may, if they choose,

    become prospective clients of the lawyer. Under these circumstances, the activity which the

    lawyer undertakes in communicating with such representatives and the type of information

    transmitted to the individual are functionally similar to and serve the same purpose as advertising

    permitted under Rule 7.2.

    [8] The requirement in Rule 7.3(d)(1) that certain communications be marked “Advertising

    Material” does not apply to communications sent in response to requests of potential clients or

    their spokespersons or sponsors. General announcements by lawyers, including changes in

    personnel or office location, do not constitute communications soliciting professional

    employment from a client known to be in need of legal services within the meaning of this Rule.

    [9] Paragraph (e) of this Rule permits a lawyer to participate with an organization which uses

    personal contact to solicit members for its group or prepaid legal service plan, provided that the

    personal contact is not undertaken by any lawyer who would be a provider of legal services

    through the plan. The organization must not be owned by or directed (whether as manager or

    otherwise) by any lawyer or law firm that participates in the plan. For example, paragraph (e)

    would not permit a lawyer to create an organization controlled directly or indirectly by the

    lawyer and use the organization for the in-person or telephone solicitation of legal employment

    of the lawyer through memberships in the plan or otherwise. The communication permitted by

    these organizations also must not be directed to a person known to need legal services in a

    particular matter, but is to be designed to inform potential plan members generally of another

    means of affordable legal services. Lawyers who participate in a legal service plan must

    reasonably assure that the plan sponsors are in compliance with Rules 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3(b).

    See Rule 8.4(a).

    Rule 7.4. Communication of Fields of Practice

    (a) A lawyer may communicate the fact that the lawyer does or does not practice in particular

    fields of law or that the lawyer is a specialist in particular fields of law. Such communication

    shall be in accordance with Rule 7.1.

    (b) A lawyer admitted to engage in patent practice before the United States Patent and

    Trademark Office may use the designation “Patent Attorney” or a substantially similar


    (c) A lawyer engaged in admiralty practice may use the designation “admiralty,” “proctor in

    admiralty” or a substantially similar designation.

    (d) A lawyer shall not state or imply that a lawyer is certified as a specialist in a particular field

    of law, unless:

    (1) the lawyer has been certified as a specialist by an organization that has been approved by an

    appropriate state authority or that has been accredited by the American Bar Association; and

    (2) the name of the certifying organization is clearly identified in the communication.

    (e) In any advertisement in which a lawyer affirmatively claims to be certified in any area of the

    law, such advertisement shall contain the following disclosure: “Colorado does not certify

    lawyers as specialists in any field.” This disclaimer is not required where the information

  • concerning the lawyer's services is contained in a law list, law directory or a publication intended

    primarily for use of the legal profession.


    [1] Paragraph (a) of this Rule permits a lawyer to indicate areas of practice in communications

    about the lawyer's services. If a lawyer practices only in certain fields, or will not accept matters

    except in a specified field or fields, the lawyer is permitted to so indicate. A lawyer is generally

    permitted to state that the lawyer is a “specialist,” practices a “specialty” or “specializes in”

    particular fields, but such communications are subject to the “false and misleading” standard

    applied in Rule 7.1 to communications concerning a lawyer's services.

    [2] Paragraph (b) recognizes the long-established policy of the Patent and Trademark Office for

    the designation of lawyers practicing before the Office. Paragraph (c) recognizes that designation

    of Admiralty practice has a long historical tradition associated with maritime commerce and the

    federal courts.

    [3] Paragraph (d) permits a lawyer to state that the lawyer is certified as a specialist in a field of

    law if such certification is granted by an organization approved by an appropriate state authority

    or accredited by the American Bar Association or another organization, such as a state bar

    association, that has been approved by the state authority to accredit organizations that certify

    lawyers as specialists. Certification signifies that an objective entity has recognized an advanced

    degree of knowledge and experience in the specialty area greater than is suggested by general

    licensure to practice law. Certifying organizations may be expected to apply standards of

    experience, knowledge and proficiency to insure that a lawyer's recognition as a specialist is

    meaningful and reliable. In order to insure that consumers can obtain access to useful

    information about an organization granting certification, the name of the certifying organization

    must be included in any communication regarding the certification.

    [4] A claim of certification contained in a lawyer's letterhead does not require the disclaimer in

    Rule 7.4(e) unless the letterhead is used in an advertisement.

    Rule 7.5. Firm Names and Letterheads

    (a) A lawyer shall not use a firm name, letterhead or other professional designation that

    violates Rule 7.1. A trade name may be used by a lawyer in private practice if it does not imply a

    connection with a government agency or with a public or charitable legal services organization

    and is not otherwise in violation of Rule 7.1.

    (b) A law firm with offices in more than one jurisdiction may use the same name or other

    professional designation in each jurisdiction, but identification of the lawyers in an office of the

    firm shall indicate the jurisdictional limitations on those not licensed to practice in the

    jurisdiction where the office is located.

    (c) The name of a lawyer holding a public office shall not be used in the name of a law firm, or

    in communications on its behalf, during any substantial period in which the lawyer is not actively

    and regularly practicing with the firm.

    (d) Lawyers may state or imply that they practice in a partnership or other organization only

    when that is the fact.


  • [1] A firm may be designated by the names of all or some of its members, by the names of deceased members where there has been a continuing succession in the firm's identity or by a trade name such as the “ABC Legal Clinic.” A lawyer or law firm may also be designated by a distinctive website address or comparable professional designation. Although the United States Supreme Court has held that legislation may prohibit the use of trade names in professional practice, use of such names in law practice is acceptable so long as it is not misleading. If a private firm uses a trade name that includes a geographical name such as “Springfield Legal Clinic,” an express disclaimer that it is a public legal aid agency may be required to avoid a misleading implication. It may be observed that any firm name including the name of a deceased partner is, strictly speaking, a trade name. The use of such names to designate law firms has proven a useful means of identification. However, it is misleading to use the name of a lawyer

    not associated with the firm or a predecessor of the firm, or the name of a nonlawyer.

    [2] With regard to paragraph (d), lawyers sharing office facilities, but who are not in fact associated with each other in a law firm, may not denominate themselves as, for example, “Smith and Jones,” for that title suggests that they are practicing law together in a firm.

    Rule 7.1. Communications Concerning a Lawyer’s Services

    A lawyer shall not make a false or misleading communication about the lawyer or the lawyer's services. A communication is false or misleading if it contains a material misrepresentation of fact or law, or omits a fact necessary to make the statement considered as a whole not materially misleading.


    [1] This Rule governs all communications about a lawyer’s services, including advertising. Whatever means are used to make known a lawyer’s services, statements about them must be truthful.

    [2] Misleading truthful statements are prohibited by this Rule. A truthful statement is

    misleading if it omits a fact necessary to make the lawyer’s communication considered as a whole not materially misleading. A truthful statement is misleading if a substantial likelihood exists that it will lead a reasonable person to formulate a specific conclusion about the lawyer or the lawyer’s services for which there is no reasonable factual foundation. A truthful statement is also misleading if presented in a way that creates a substantial likelihood that a reasonable

    person would believe the lawyer’s communication requires that person to take further action when, in fact, no action is required.

    [3] A communication that truthfully reports a lawyer’s achievements on behalf of clients or former clients may be misleading if presented so as to lead a reasonable person to form an unjustified expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case. Similarly, an unsubstantiated claim about a lawyer’s or law firm’s services or fees, or an unsubstantiated comparison of the lawyer’s or law firm’s services or fees with those of other lawyers or law

    firms, may be misleading if presented with such specificity as would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the comparison or claim can be substantiated. The inclusion of an appropriate disclaimer or qualifying language may preclude a finding that a statement is likely to create unjustified expectations or otherwise mislead the public.

    [3A] Any communication that states or implies the client does not have to pay a fee if there is no recovery must also disclose that the client may be liable for costs or the adverse party’s attorney fees if ordered by a court. This provision does not apply to communications that state only that

  • contingent or percentage fee arrangements are available, or that state only that the initial consultation is free.

    [4] It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation. Rule 8.4(c). See also Rule 8.4(e) for the prohibition against stating

    or implying an ability to improperly influence a government agency or official or to achieve results by means that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law.

    [5] Firm names, letterhead and professional designations are communications concerning a lawyer’s services. A firm may be designated by the names of all or some of its current members, by the names of deceased members where there has been a succession in the firm’s identity or by a trade name if it is not false or misleading. A lawyer or law firm also may be designated by a distinctive website address, social media username or comparable professional designation that is not misleading. A law firm name or designation is misleading if it implies a connection with a government agency, with a deceased lawyer who was not a former member of the firm, with a lawyer not associated with the firm or a predecessor firm, with a nonlawyer or with a public or charitable legal services organization. If a firm uses a trade name that includes a geographical name such as “Springfield Legal Clinic,” an express statement explaining that it is not a public legal aid organization may be required to avoid a misleading implication.

    [6] A law firm with offices in more than one jurisdiction may use the same name or other professional designation in each jurisdiction, but identification of the lawyers in an office of the firm must indicate the jurisdictional limitations on those not licensed to practice in the jurisdiction where the office is located.

    [7] Lawyers may not imply or hold themselves out as practicing together in one firm when they are not a firm, as defined in Rule 1.0(c), because to do so would be false and misleading.

    [8] It is misleading to use the name of a lawyer holding a public office in the name of a law

    firm, or in communications on the law firm’s behalf, during any substantial period in which the lawyer is not actively and regularly practicing with the firm.

    Rule 7.2. Communications Concerning a Lawyer’s Services: Specific Rules

    (a) A lawyer may communicate information regarding the lawyer’s services through any media.(b) A lawyer shall not compensate, give or promise anything of value to a person for recommending the lawyer’s services except that a lawyer may:

    (1) pay the reasonable costs of advertisements or communications permitted by this Rule;

    (2) pay the usual charges of a legal service plan or a not-for-profit or qualified lawyer referral service;

    (3) pay for a law practice in accordance with Rule 1.17;

    (4) refer clients to another lawyer or a nonlawyer professional pursuant to an agreement not otherwise prohibited under these Rules that provides for the other person to refer clients or customers to the lawyer, if:

    (i) the reciprocal referral agreement is not exclusive; and

    (ii) the client is informed of the existence and nature of the agreement; and

    (5) give nominal gifts as an expression of appreciation that are neither intended nor reasonably expected to be a form of compensation for recommending a lawyer’s services.

    (c) A lawyer shall not state or imply that a lawyer is certified as a specialist in a particular field

    of law, unless:

  • (1) the lawyer has been certified as a specialist by an organization that has been approved by an

    appropriate authority of the state or the District of Columbia or a U.S. Territory or that has been

    accredited by the American Bar Association; and

    (2) the name of the certifying organization is clearly identified in the communication.

    (d) Any communication made under this Rule must include the name and contact information of

    at least one lawyer or law firm responsible for its content.


    [1] This Rule permits public dissemination of information concerning a lawyer’s or law firm’s

    name, address, email address, website, and telephone number; the kinds of services the lawyer

    will undertake; the basis on which the lawyer’s fees are determined, including prices for specific

    services and payment and credit arrangements; a lawyer’s foreign language ability; names of

    references and, with their consent, names of clients regularly represented; and other information

    that might invite the attention of those seeking legal assistance.

    Paying Others to Recommend a Lawyer

    [2] Except as permitted under paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(5), lawyers are not permitted to pay

    others for recommending the lawyer’s services. A communication contains a recommendation if

    it endorses or vouches for a lawyer’s credentials, abilities, competence, character, or other

    professional qualities. Directory listings and group advertisements that list lawyers by practice

    area, without more, do not constitute impermissible “recommendations.”

    [3] Paragraph (b)(1) allows a lawyer to pay for advertising and communications permitted by

    this Rule, including the costs of print directory listings, on-line directory listings, newspaper ads,

    television and radio airtime, domain-name registrations, sponsorship fees, Internet-based

    advertisements, and group advertising. A lawyer may compensate employees, agents and

    vendors who are engaged to provide marketing or client-development services, such as

    publicists, public-relations personnel, business-development staff, television and radio station

    employees or spokespersons and website designers.

    [4] Paragraph (b)(5) permits lawyers to give nominal gifts as an expression of appreciation to a

    person for recommending the lawyer’s services or referring a prospective client. The gift may

    not be more than a token item as might be given for holidays, or other ordinary social hospitality.

    A gift is prohibited if offered or given in consideration of any promise, agreement or

    understanding that such a gift would be forthcoming or that referrals would be made or

    encouraged in the future.

    [5] A lawyer may pay others for generating client leads, such as Internet-based client leads, as

    long as the lead generator does not recommend the lawyer, any payment to the lead generator is

    consistent with Rules 1.5(d) (division of fees) and 5.4 (professional independence of the lawyer),

    and the lead generator’s communications are consistent with Rule 7.1 (communications

    concerning a lawyer’s services). To comply with Rule 7.1, a lawyer must not pay a lead

    generator that states, implies, or creates a reasonable impression that it is recommending the

    lawyer, is making the referral without payment from the lawyer, or has analyzed a person’s legal

    problems when determining which lawyer should receive the referral. See Comment [2]

    (definition of “recommendation”). See also Rule 5.3 (duties of lawyers and law firms with

    respect to the conduct of nonlawyers); Rule 8.4 (a) (duty to avoid violating the Rules through the

    acts of another).

    [6] A lawyer may pay the usual charges of a legal service plan or a not-for-profit or qualified

    lawyer referral service. A legal service plan is a prepaid or group legal service plan or a similar

    delivery system that assists people who seek to secure legal representation. A lawyer referral

  • service, on the other hand, is any organization that holds itself out to the public as a lawyer

    referral service. Qualified referral services are consumer-oriented organizations that provide

    unbiased referrals to lawyers with appropriate experience in the subject matter of the

    representation and afford other client protections, such as complaint procedures or malpractice

    insurance requirements. Consequently, this Rule only permits a lawyer to pay the usual charges

    of a not-for-profit or qualified lawyer referral service. A qualified lawyer referral service is one

    that is approved by an appropriate regulatory authority as affording adequate protections for the

    public. See, e.g., the American Bar Association’s Model Supreme Court Rules Governing

    Lawyer Referral Services and Model Lawyer Referral and Information Service Quality

    Assurance Act.

    [7] A lawyer who accepts assignments or referrals from a legal service plan or referrals from a

    lawyer referral service must act reasonably to assure that the activities of the plan or service are

    compatible with the lawyer’s professional obligations. Legal service plans and lawyer referral

    services may communicate with the public, but such communication must be in conformity with

    these Rules. Thus, advertising must not be false or misleading, as would be the case if the

    communications of a group advertising program or a group legal services plan would mislead the

    public to think that it was a lawyer referral service sponsored by a state agency or bar


    [8] A lawyer also may agree to refer clients to another lawyer or a nonlawyer professional, in

    return for the undertaking of that person to refer clients or customers to the lawyer. Such

    reciprocal referral arrangements must not interfere with the lawyer’s professional judgment as to

    making referrals or as to providing substantive legal services. See Rules 2.1 and 5.4(c). Except as

    provided in Rule 1.5(d), a lawyer who receives referrals from a lawyer or nonlawyer professional

    must not pay anything solely for the referral, but the lawyer does not violate paragraph (b) of this

    Rule by agreeing to refer clients to the other lawyer or nonlawyer professional, so long as the

    reciprocal referral agreement is not exclusive and the client is informed of the referral agreement.

    Conflicts of interest created by such arrangements are governed by Rule 1.7. Reciprocal referral

    agreements should not be of indefinite duration and should be reviewed periodically to determine

    whether they comply with these Rules. This Rule does not restrict referrals or divisions of

    revenues or net income among lawyers within firms comprised of multiple entities.

    Communications about Fields of Practice

    [9] Paragraph (c) of this Rule permits a lawyer to communicate that the lawyer does or does not

    practice in particular areas of law. A lawyer is generally permitted to state that the lawyer

    “concentrates in” or is a “specialist,” practices a “specialty,” or “specializes in” particular fields

    based on the lawyer’s experience, specialized training or education, but such communications are

    subject to the “false and misleading” standard applied in Rule 7.1 to communications concerning

    a lawyer’s services.

    [10] The Patent and Trademark Office has a long-established policy of designating lawyers

    practicing before the Office. The designation of Admiralty practice also has a long historical

    tradition associated with maritime commerce and the federal courts. A lawyer’s communications

    about these practice areas are not prohibited by this Rule.

    [11] This Rule permits a lawyer to state that the lawyer is certified as a specialist in a field of

    law if such certification is granted by an organization approved by an appropriate authority of a

    state, the District of Columbia or a U.S. Territory or accredited by the American Bar Association

    or another organization, such as a state supreme court or a state bar association, that has been

    approved by the authority of the state, the District of Columbia or a U.S. Territory to accredit

  • organizations that certify lawyers as specialists. Certification signifies that an objective entity has recognized an advanced degree of knowledge and experience in the specialty area greater than is suggested by general licensure to practice law. Certifying organizations may be expected to

    apply standards of experience, knowledge and proficiency to ensure that a lawyer’s recognition

    as a specialist is meaningful and reliable. To ensure that consumers can obtain access to useful information about an organization granting certification, the name of the certifying organization must be included in any communication regarding the certification.

    [11A] In any advertisement in which a lawyer affirmatively claims to be certified as a specialist in any area of the law, such advertisement shall contain the following disclosure: “Colorado does not certify lawyers as specialists in any field.” This disclaimer is not required where the information concerning the lawyer’s services is contained in a law list, law directory or a publication intended primarily for use of the legal profession.

    Required Contact Information

    [12] This Rule requires that any communication about a lawyer or law firm’s services includethe name of, and contact information for, the lawyer or law firm. Contact information includes a website address, a telephone number, an email address or a physical office location.

    Rule 7.3. Solicitation of Clients

    (a) “Solicitation” or “solicit” denotes a communication initiated by or on behalf of a lawyer or law firm that is directed to a specific person the lawyer knows or reasonably should know needs legal services in a particular matter and that offers to provide, or reasonably can be understood as offering to provide, legal services for that matter.

    (b) A lawyer shall not solicit professional employment by live person-to-person contact when a significant motive for the lawyer’s doing so is the lawyer’s or law firm’s pecuniary gain, unless the contact is with a:

    (1) lawyer;

    (2) person who has a family, close personal, or prior business or professional relationship with

    the lawyer or law firm; or

    (3) person who routinely uses for business purposes the type of legal services offered by the lawyer.

    (c) A lawyer shall not solicit professional employment even when not otherwise prohibited by paragraph (b), if:

    (1) the target of the solicitation has made known to the lawyer a desire not to be solicited by the lawyer; or

    (2) the solicitation involves coercion, duress or harassment.

    (d) A lawyer shall not engage in solicitation by any media for professional employment, concerning personal injury or wrongful death of any person. See § 13-93-111, C.R.S. This Rule

    7.3(d) shall not apply if the lawyer has a family or prior business or professional relationshipwith the person or if the communication is issued more than 30 days after the occurrence of the event for which the legal representation is being solicited. Any such communication must

    comply with the following:

    (1) no such communication may be made if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the person to whom the communication is directed is represented by a lawyer in the matter; and

    (2) if a lawyer other than the lawyer whose name or signature is contained in the communication will actually handle the case or matter, or if the case or matter will be referred to another lawyer or law firm, any such communication shall include a statement so advising the prospective client.

  • (e) This Rule does not prohibit communications authorized by law or ordered by a court or other


    (f) Every communication from a lawyer soliciting professional employment shall:

    (1) include the words “Advertising Material” on the outside envelope, if any, and at the

    beginning and ending of any recorded or electronic communication, unless the recipient of the

    communication is a person specified in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2) or (b)(3);

    (2) not reveal on the envelope or on the outside of a self-mailing brochure or pamphlet the nature

    of the person’s legal problem; and

    (3) be maintained for a period of five years from the date of dissemination of the communication,

    and include a copy or recording of each such communication and a sample of the envelope, if

    any, in which the communication is enclosed, unless the recipient of the communication is a

    person specified in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2) or (b)(3).

    (g) Notwithstanding the prohibitions in this Rule, a lawyer may participate with a prepaid or

    group legal service plan operated by an organization not owned or directed by the lawyer that

    uses live person-to-person contact to enroll members or sell subscriptions for the plan from

    persons who are not known to need legal services in a particular matter covered by the plan.


    [1] Paragraph (b) prohibits a lawyer from soliciting professional employment by live person-to-

    person contact when a significant motive for the lawyer’s doing so is the lawyer’s or the law

    firm’s pecuniary gain. A lawyer’s communication is not a solicitation if it is directed to the

    general public, such as through a billboard, an Internet banner advertisement, a website or a

    television commercial, or if it is in response to a request for information or is automatically

    generated in response to electronic searches.

    [2] “Live person-to-person contact” means in-person, face-to-face, live telephone and other

    real-time visual or auditory person-to-person communications where the person is subject to a

    direct personal encounter without time for reflection. Such person-to-person contact does not

    include chat rooms, text messages or other written communications that recipients may easily

    disregard. A potential for overreaching exists when a lawyer, seeking pecuniary gain, solicits a

    person known to be in need of legal services. This form of contact subjects a person to the

    private importuning of the trained advocate in a direct interpersonal encounter. The person, who

    may already feel overwhelmed by the circumstances giving rise to the need for legal services,

    may find it difficult to fully evaluate all available alternatives with reasoned judgment and

    appropriate self-interest in the face of the lawyer’s presence and insistence upon an immediate

    response. The situation is fraught with the possibility of undue influence, intimidation, and


    [3] The potential for overreaching inherent in live person-to-person contact justifies its

    prohibition, since lawyers have alternative means of conveying necessary information. In

    particular, communications can be mailed or transmitted by email or other electronic means that

    do not violate other laws. These forms of communications make it possible for the public to be

    informed about the need for legal services, and about the qualifications of available lawyers and

    law firms, without subjecting the public to live person-to-person persuasion that may overwhelm

    a person’s judgment.

    [4] The contents of live person-to-person contact can be disputed and may not be subject to

    third-party scrutiny. Consequently, they are much more likely to approach (and occasionally

    cross) the dividing line between accurate representations and those that are false and misleading.

  • [5] There is far less likelihood that a lawyer would engage in overreaching against a former

    client, or a person with whom the lawyer has a close personal, family, business or professional

    relationship, or in situations in which the lawyer is motivated by considerations other than the

    lawyer’s pecuniary gain. Nor is there a serious potential for overreaching when the person

    contacted is a lawyer or is known to routinely use the type of legal services involved for business

    purposes. Examples include persons who routinely hire outside counsel to represent the entity;

    entrepreneurs who regularly engage business, employment law or intellectual property lawyers;

    small business proprietors who routinely hire lawyers for lease or contract issues; and other

    people who routinely retain lawyers for business transactions or formations. Paragraph (b) is not

    intended to prohibit a lawyer from participating in constitutionally protected activities of public

    or charitable legal service organizations or bona fide political, social, civic, fraternal, employee

    or trade organizations whose purposes include providing or recommending legal services to their

    members or beneficiaries.

    [6] A solicitation that contains false or misleading information within the meaning of Rule 7.1,

    that involves coercion, duress or harassment within the meaning of Rule 7.3(c)(2), or that

    involves contact with someone who has made known to the lawyer a desire not to be solicited by

    the lawyer within the meaning of Rule 7.3(c)(1) is prohibited. Live, person-to-person contact of

    individuals who may be especially vulnerable to coercion or duress is ordinarily not appropriate,

    for example, the elderly, those whose first language is not English, or the disabled.

    [7] This Rule does not prohibit a lawyer from contacting representatives of organizations or

    groups that may be interested in establishing a group or prepaid legal plan for their members,

    insureds, beneficiaries or other third parties for the purpose of informing such entities of the

    availability of and details concerning the plan or arrangement which the lawyer or lawyer’s firm

    is willing to offer. This form of communication is not directed to people who are seeking legal

    services for themselves. Rather, it is usually addressed to an individual acting in a fiduciary

    capacity seeking a supplier of legal services for others who may, if they choose, become

    prospective clients of the lawyer. Under these circumstances, the activity which the lawyer

    undertakes in communicating with such representatives and the type of information transmitted

    to the individual are functionally similar to and serve the same purpose as advertising permitted

    under Rule 7.2.

    [8] Communications authorized by law or ordered by a court or tribunal include a notice to

    potential members of a class in class action litigation.

    [9] Paragraph (g) of this Rule permits a lawyer to participate with an organization which uses

    personal contact to enroll members for its group or prepaid legal service plan, provided that the

    personal contact is not undertaken by any lawyer who would be a provider of legal services

    through the plan. The organization must not be owned by or directed (whether as manager or

    otherwise) by any lawyer or law firm that participates in the plan. For example, paragraph (g)

    would not permit a lawyer to create an organization controlled directly or indirectly by the

    lawyer and use the organization for the person-to-person solicitation of legal employment of the

    lawyer through memberships in the plan or otherwise. The communication permitted by these

    organizations must not be directed to a person known to need legal services in a particular

    matter, but must be designed to inform potential plan members generally of another means of

    affordable legal services. Lawyers who participate in a legal service plan must reasonably assure

    that the plan sponsors are in compliance with Rules 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3(c).

    Rule 7.4. Reserved

  • Rule 7.5. Reserved

  • Rule 7.1. Communications Concerning a Lawyer’s Services

    A lawyer shall not make a false or misleading communication about the lawyer or the lawyer's services. A communication is false or misleading if it contains a material misrepresentation of fact or law, or omits a fact necessary to make the statement considered as a whole not materially



    [1] This Rule governs all communications about a lawyer’s services, including advertising. Whatever means are used to make known a lawyer’s services, statements about them must be truthful.

    [2] Misleading truthful statements are prohibited by this Rule. A truthful statement is misleading if it omits a fact necessary to make the lawyer’s communication considered as a whole not materially misleading. A truthful statement is misleading if a substantial likelihood exists that it will lead a reasonable person to formulate a specific conclusion about the lawyer or the lawyer’s services for which there is no reasonable factual foundation. A truthful statement is also misleading if presented in a way that creates a substantial likelihood that a reasonable

    person would believe the lawyer’s communication requires that person to take further action when, in fact, no action is required.

    [3] A communication that truthfully reports a lawyer’s achievements on behalf of clients or former clients may be misleading if presented so as to lead a reasonable person to form an unjustified expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case. Similarly, an unsubstantiated claim about a lawyer’s or law firm’s services or fees, or an unsubstantiated comparison of the lawyer’s or law firm’s services or fees with those of other lawyers or law

    firms, may be misleading if presented with such specificity as would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the comparison or claim can be substantiated. The inclusion of an appropriate disclaimer or qualifying language may preclude a finding that a statement is likely to create unjustified expectations or otherwise mislead the public.

    [3A] Any communication that states or implies the client does not have to pay a fee if there is no recovery must also disclose that the client may be liable for costs or the adverse party’s attorney fees if ordered by a court. This provision does not apply to communications that state only that contingent or percentage fee arrangements are available, or that state only that the initial consultation is free.

    [4] It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation. Rule 8.4(c). See also Rule 8.4(e) for the prohibition against stating

    or implying an ability to improperly influence a government agency or official or to achieve results by means that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law.

    [5] Firm names, letterhead and professional designations are communications concerning a lawyer’s services. A firm may be designated by the names of all or some of its current members, by the names of deceased members where there has been a succession in the firm’s identity or by

  • a trade name if it is not false or misleading. A lawyer or law firm also may be designated by a

    distinctive website address, social media username or comparable professional designation that is

    not misleading. A law firm name or designation is misleading if it implies a connection with a

    government agency, with a deceased lawyer who was not a former member of the firm, with a

    lawyer not associated with the firm or a predecessor firm, with a nonlawyer or with a public or

    charitable legal services organization. If a firm uses a trade name that includes a geographical

    name such as “Springfield Legal Clinic,” an express statement explaining that it is not a public

    legal aid organization may be required to avoid a misleading implication.

    [6] A law firm with offices in more than one jurisdiction may use the same name or other

    professional designation in each jurisdiction, but identification of the lawyers in an office of the

    firm must indicate the jurisdictional limitations on those not licensed to practice in the

    jurisdiction where the office is located.

    [7] Lawyers may not imply or hold themselves out as practicing together in one firm when they

    are not a firm, as defined in Rule 1.0(c), because to do so would be false and misleading.

    [8] It is misleading to use the name of a lawyer holding a public office in the name of a law

    firm, or in communications on the law firm’s behalf, during any substantial period in which the

    lawyer is not actively and regularly practicing with the firm.

    Rule 7.2. Communications Concerning a Lawyer’s Services: Specific Rules

    (a) A lawyer may communicate information regarding the lawyer’s services through any media.

    (b) A lawyer shall not compensate, give or promise anything of value to a person for

    recommending the lawyer’s services except that a lawyer may:

    (1) pay the reasonable costs of advertisements or communications permitted by this Rule;

    (2) pay the usual charges of a legal service plan or a not-for-profit or qualified lawyer referralservice;

    (3) pay for a law practice in accordance with Rule 1.17;

    (4) refer clients to another lawyer or a nonlawyer professional pursuant to an agreement not otherwise prohibited under these Rules that provides for the other person to refer clients orcustomers to the lawyer, if:

    (i) the reciprocal referral agreement is not exclusive; and

    (ii) the client is informed of the existence and nature of the agreement; and

    (5) give nominal gifts as an expression of appreciation that are neither intended nor reasonably expected to be a form of compensation for recommending a lawyer’s services.

    (c) A lawyer shall not state or imply that a lawyer is certified as a specialist in a particular field of law, unless:

  • (1) the lawyer has been certified as a specialist by an organization that has been approved by an

    appropriate authority of the state or the District of Columbia or a U.S. Territory or that has been

    accredited by the American Bar Association; and

    (2) the name of the certifying organization is clearly identified in the communication.

    (d) Any communication made under this Rule must include the name and contact information of

    at least one lawyer or law firm responsible for its content.


    [1] This Rule permits public dissemination of information concerning a lawyer’s or law firm’s

    name, address, email address, website, and telephone number; the kinds of services the lawyer

    will undertake; the basis on which the lawyer’s fees are determined, including prices for specific

    services and payment and credit arrangements; a lawyer’s foreign language ability; names of

    references and, with their consent, names of clients regularly represented; and other information

    that might invite the attention of those seeking legal assistance.

    Paying Others to Recommend a Lawyer

    [2] Except as permitted under paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(5), lawyers are not permitted to pay

    others for recommending the lawyer’s services. A communication contains a recommendation if

    it endorses or vouches for a lawyer’s credentials, abilities, competence, character, or other

    professional qualities. Directory listings and group advertisements that list lawyers by practice

    area, without more, do not constitute impermissible “recommendations.”

    [3] Paragraph (b)(1) allows a lawyer to pay for advertising and communications permitted by

    this Rule, including the costs of print directory listings, on-line directory listings, newspaper ads,

    television and radio airtime, domain-name registrations, sponsorship fees, Internet-based

    advertisements, and group advertising. A lawyer may compensate employees, agents and

    vendors who are engaged to provide marketing or client-development services, such as

    publicists, public-relations personnel, business-development staff, television and radio station

    employees or spokespersons and website designers.

    [4] Paragraph (b)(5) permits lawyers to give nominal gifts as an expression of appreciation to a

    person for recommending the lawyer’s services or referring a prospective client. The gift may

    not be more than a token item as might be given for holidays, or other ordinary social hospitality.

    A gift is prohibited if offered or given in consideration of any promise, agreement or

    understanding that such a gift would be forthcoming or that referrals would be made or

    encouraged in the future.

    [5] A lawyer may pay others for generating client leads, such as Internet-based client leads, as

    long as the lead generator does not recommend the lawyer, any payment to the lead generator is

    consistent with Rules 1.5(d) (division of fees) and 5.4 (professional independence of the lawyer),

    and the lead generator’s communications are consistent with Rule 7.1 (communications

    concerning a lawyer’s services). To comply with Rule 7.1, a lawyer must not pay a lead

    generator that states, implies, or creates a reasonable impression that it is recommending the

    lawyer, is making the referral without payment from the lawyer, or has analyzed a person’s legal

  • problems when determining which lawyer should receive the referral. See Comment [2]

    (definition of “recommendation”). See also Rule 5.3 (duties of lawyers and law firms with

    respect to the conduct of nonlawyers); Rule 8.4 (a) (duty to avoid violating the Rules through the

    acts of another).

    [6] A lawyer may pay the usual charges of a legal service plan or a not-for-profit or qualified

    lawyer referral service. A legal service plan is a prepaid or group legal service plan or a similar

    delivery system that assists people who seek to secure legal representation. A lawyer referral

    service, on the other hand, is any organization that holds itself out to the public as a lawyer

    referral service. Qualified referral services are consumer-oriented organizations that provide

    unbiased referrals to lawyers with appropriate experience in the subject matter of the

    representation and afford other client protections, such as complaint procedures or malpractice

    insurance requirements. Consequently, this Rule only permits a lawyer to pay the usual charges

    of a not-for-profit or qualified lawyer referral service. A qualified lawyer referral service is one

    that is approved by an appropriate regulatory authority as affording adequate protections for the

    public. See, e.g., the American Bar Association’s Model Supreme Court Rules Governing

    Lawyer Referral Services and Model Lawyer Referral and Information Service Quality

    Assurance Act.

    [7] A lawyer who accepts assignments or referrals from a legal service plan or referrals from a

    lawyer referral service must act reasonably to assure that the activities of the plan or service are

    compatible with the lawyer’s professional obligations. Legal service plans and lawyer referral

    services may communicate with the public, but such communication must be in conformity with

    these Rules. Thus, advertising must not be false or misleading, as would be the case if the

    communications of a group advertising program or a group legal services plan would mislead the

    public to think that it was a lawyer referral service sponsored by a state agency or bar


    [8] A lawyer also may agree to refer clients to another lawyer or a nonlawyer professional, in

    return for the undertaking of that person to refer clients or customers to the lawyer. Such

    reciprocal referral arrangements must not interfere with the lawyer’s professional judgment as to

    making referrals or as to providing substantive legal services. See Rules 2.1 and 5.4(c). Except as

    provided in Rule 1.5(d), a lawyer who receives referrals from a lawyer or nonlawyer professional

    must not pay anything solely for the referral, but the lawyer does not violate paragraph (b) of this

    Rule by agreeing to refer clients to the other lawyer or nonlawyer professional, so long as the

    reciprocal referral agreement is not exclusive and the client is informed of the referral agreement.

    Conflicts of interest created by such arrangements are governed by Rule 1.7. Reciprocal referral

    agreements should not be of indefinite duration and should be reviewed periodically to determine

    whether they comply with these Rules. This Rule does not restrict referrals or divisions of

    revenues or net income among lawyers within firms comprised of multiple entities.

    Communications about Fields of Practice

    [9] Paragraph (c) of this Rule permits a lawyer to communicate that the lawyer does or does not

    practice in particular areas of law. A lawyer is generally permitted to state that the lawyer

    “concentrates in” or is a “specialist,” practices a “specialty,” or “specializes in” particular fields

  • based on the lawyer’s experience, specialized training or education, but such communications are

    subject to the “false and misleading” standard applied in Rule 7.1 to communications concerning

    a lawyer’s services.

    [10] The Patent and Trademark Office has a long-established policy of designating lawyers

    practicing before the Office. The designation of Admiralty practice also has a long historical

    tradition associated with maritime commerce and the federal courts. A lawyer’s communications

    about these practice areas are not prohibited by this Rule.

    [11] This Rule permits a lawyer to state that the lawyer is certified as a specialist in a field of

    law if such certification is granted by an organization approved by an appropriate authority of a

    state, the District of Columbia or a U.S. Territory or accredited by the American Bar Association

    or another organization, such as a state supreme court or a state bar association, that has been

    approved by the authority of the state, the District of Columbia or a U.S. Territory to accredit

    organizations that certify lawyers as specialists. Certification signifies that an objective entity has

    recognized an advanced degree of knowledge and experience in the specialty area greater than is

    suggested by general licensure to practice law. Certifying organizations may be expected to

    apply standards of experience, knowledge and proficiency to ensure that a lawyer’s recognition

    as a specialist is meaningful and reliable. To ensure that consumers can obtain access to useful

    information about an organization granting certification, the name of the certifying organization

    must be included in any communication regarding the certification.

    [11A] In any advertisement in which a lawyer affirmatively claims to be certified as a specialist

    in any area of the law, such advertisement shall contain the following disclosure: “Colorado does

    not certify lawyers as specialists in any field.” This disclaimer is not required where the

    information concerning the lawyer’s services is contained in a law list, law directory or a

    publication intended primarily for use of the legal profession.

    Required Contact Information

    [12] This Rule requires that any communication about a lawyer or law firm’s services include

    the name of, and contact information for, the lawyer or law firm. Contact information includes a

    website address, a telephone number, an email address or a physical office location.

    Rule 7.3. Solicitation of Clients

    (a) “Solicitation” or “solicit” denotes a communication initiated by or on behalf of a lawyer or law firm that is directed to a specific person the lawyer knows or reasonably should know needs legal services in a particular matter and that offers to provide, or reasonably can be understood as offering to provide, legal services for that matter.

    (b) A lawyer shall not solicit professional employment by live person-to-person contact when a significant motive for the lawyer’s doing so is the lawyer’s or law firm’s pecuniary gain, unless

    the contact is with a:

    (1) lawyer;

  • (2) person who has a family, close personal, or prior business or professional relationship with

    the lawyer or law firm; or

    (3) person who routinely uses for business purposes the type of legal services offered by the


    (c) A lawyer shall not solicit professional employment even when not otherwise prohibited by

    paragraph (b), if:

    (1) the target of the solicitation has made known to the lawyer a desire not to be solicited by the

    lawyer; or

    (2) the solicitation involves coercion, duress or harassment.

    (d) A lawyer shall not engage in solicitation by any media for professional employment,

    concerning personal injury or wrongful death of any person. See § 13-93-111, C.R.S. This Rule

    7.3(d) shall not apply if the lawyer has a family or prior business or professional relationship

    with the person or if the communication is issued more than 30 days after the occurrence of the

    event for which the legal representation is being solicited. Any such communication must

    comply with the following:

    (1) no such communication may be made if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the

    person to whom the communication is directed is represented by a lawyer in the matter; and

    (2) if a lawyer other than the lawyer whose name or signature is contained in the communication

    will actually handle the case or matter, or if the case or matter will be referred to another lawyer

    or law firm, any such communication shall include a statement so advising the prospective client.

    (e) This Rule does not prohibit communications authorized by law or ordered by a court or other


    (f) Every communication from a lawyer soliciting professional employment shall:

    (1) include the words “Advertising Material” on the outside envelope, if any, and at the

    beginning and ending of any recorded or electronic communication, unless the recipient of the

    communication is a person specified in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2) or (b)(3);

    (2) not reveal on the envelope or on the outside of a self-mailing brochure or pamphlet the nature

    of the person’s legal problem; and

    (3) be maintained for a period of five years from the date of dissemination of the communication,

    and include a copy or recording of each such communication and a sample of the envelope, if

    any, in which the communication is enclosed, unless the recipient of the communication is a

    person specified in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2) or (b)(3).

    (g) Notwithstanding the prohibitions in this Rule, a lawyer may participate with a prepaid or

    group legal service plan operated by an organization not owned or directed by the lawyer that

    uses live person-to-person contact to enroll members or sell subscriptions for the plan from

    persons who are not known to need legal services in a particular matter covered by the plan.

  • Comment

    [1] Paragraph (b) prohibits a lawyer from soliciting professional employment by live person-to-

    person contact when a significant motive for the lawyer’s doing so is the lawyer’s or the law

    firm’s pecuniary gain. A lawyer’s communication is not a solicitation if it is directed to the

    general public, such as through a billboard, an Internet banner advertisement, a website or a

    television commercial, or if it is in response to a request for information or is automatically

    generated in response to electronic searches.

    [2] “Live person-to-person contact” means in-person, face-to-face, live telephone and other

    real-time visual or auditory person-to-person communications where the person is subject to a

    direct personal encounter without time for reflection. Such person-to-person contact does not

    include chat rooms, text messages or other written communications that recipients may easily

    disregard. A potential for overreaching exists when a lawyer, seeking pecuniary gain, solicits a

    person known to be in need of legal services. This form of contact subjects a person to the

    private importuning of the trained advocate in a direct interpersonal encounter. The person, who

    may already feel overwhelmed by the circumstances giving rise to the need for legal services,

    may find it difficult to fully evaluate all available alternatives with reasoned judgment and

    appropriate self-interest in the face of the lawyer’s presence and insistence upon an immediate

    response. The situation is fraught with the possibility of undue influence, intimidation, and


    [3] The potential for overreaching inherent in live person-to-person contact justifies its

    prohibition, since lawyers have alternative means of conveying necessary information. In

    particular, communications can be mailed or transmitted by email or other electronic means that

    do not violate other laws. These forms of communications make it possible for the public to be

    informed about the need for legal services, and about the qualifications of available lawyers and

    law firms, without subjecting the public to live person-to-person persuasion that may overwhelm

    a person’s judgment.

    [4] The contents of live person-to-person contact can be disputed and may not be subject to

    third-party scrutiny. Consequently, they are much more likely to approach (and occasionally

    cross) the dividing line between accurate representations and those that are false and misleading.

    [5] There is far less likelihood that a lawyer would engage in overreaching against a former

    client, or a person with whom the lawyer has a close personal, family, business or professional

    relationship, or in situations in which the lawyer is motivated by considerations other than the

    lawyer’s pecuniary gain. Nor is there a serious potential for overreaching when the person

    contacted is a lawyer or is known to routinely use the type of legal services involved for business

    purposes. Examples include persons who routinely hire outside counsel to represent the entity;

    entrepreneurs who regularly engage business, employment law or intellectual property lawyers;

    small business proprietors who routinely hire lawyers for lease or contract issues; and other

    people who routinely retain lawyers for business transactions or formations. Paragraph (b) is not

    intended to prohibit a lawyer from participating in constitutionally protected activities of public

    or charitable legal service organizations or bona fide political, social, civic, fraternal, employee

    or trade organizations whose purposes include providing or recommending legal services to their

  • members or beneficiaries.

    [6] A solicitation that contains false or misleading information within the meaning of Rule 7.1,

    that involves coercion, duress or harassment within the meaning of Rule 7.3(c)(2), or that

    involves contact with someone who has made known to the lawyer a desire not to be solicited by

    the lawyer within the meaning of Rule 7.3(c)(1) is prohibited. Live, person-to-person contact of

    individuals who may be especially vulnerable to coercion or duress is ordinarily not appropriate,

    for example, the elderly, those whose first language is not English, or the disabled.

    [7] This Rule does not prohibit a lawyer from contacting representatives of organizations or

    groups that may be interested in establishing a group or prepaid legal plan for their members,

    insureds, beneficiaries or other third parties for the purpose of informing such entities of the

    availability of and details concerning the plan or arrangement which the lawyer or lawyer’s firm

    is willing to offer. This form of communication is not directed to people who are seeking legal

    services for themselves. Rather, it is usually addressed to an individual acting in a fiduciary

    capacity seeking a supplier of legal services for others who may, if they choose, become

    prospective clients of the lawyer. Under these circumstances, the activity which the lawyer

    undertakes in communicating with such representatives and the type of information transmitted

    to the individual are functionally similar to and serve the same purpose as advertising permitted

    under Rule 7.2.

    [8] Communications authorized by law or ordered by a court or tribunal include a notice to

    potential members of a class in class action litigation.

    [9] Paragraph (g) of this Rule permits a lawyer to participate with an organization which uses

    personal contact to enroll members for its group or prepaid legal service plan, provided that the

    personal contact is not undertaken by any lawyer who would be a provider of legal services

    through the plan. The organization must not be owned by or directed (whether as manager or

    otherwise) by any lawyer or law firm that participates in the plan. For example, paragraph (g)

    would not permit a lawyer to create an organization controlled directly or indirectly by the

    lawyer and use the organization for the person-to-person solicitation of legal employment of the

    lawyer through memberships in the plan or otherwise. The communication permitted by these

    organizations must not be directed to a person known to need legal services in a particular

    matter, but must be designed to inform potential plan members generally of another means of

    affordable legal services. Lawyers who participate in a legal service plan must reasonably assure

    that the plan sponsors are in compliance with Rules 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3(c).

    Rule 7.4. Reserved

    Rule 7.5. Reserved

  • Amended and Adopted by the Court, En Banc, September 10, 2020, effective immediately.

    By the Court:

    Monica M. MárquezJustice, Colorado Supreme Court

    Professional Conduct Rules 7.1-7.5 Marked FinalProfessional Conduct Rules 7.1-7.5 Clean FinalUntitled