m PIAGE T-,WO SCHENECTADY GAZETTE,. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 13, 1 9 1 2. LIVE E BARGAINS That's just what we .are stringing out at this March Make-Room Sale. It's money in your pocket if you wart* Furniture, Rugs, Carpets and Home Outfits. The Home of Low- Prices is an <asy 1 place for your pocketbook. - Library Bargains March Sales Chairs $8.29 $16.50 Early English Leather Seat and Back Rocker §11.89 $12.50 Early English Leather Seat Chairs .. 1 §8.40 $22.00 Early English Leather Seat* Settee ... ; .... §14.48 $18.00 Early'English Desks . -...'.. $11.50 $18.00 Early English Library Tables. ...... ' .... $11.48 SEE THE GUNN SECTIONAL CASES—They are the best at least cost Couches—Steel Folding Cots—The March Sale See the $55.00 Davenport Folding Bed Couch $35.00 $15.00 Steel Bed Couch, fold* ing, with extra cotton mat- tress §12.80 $12.00 Drop Side Steel ^.Bed Couch, mattress and bol- _.., ster §9.87 % $20. Chase Lea. Tuffted 1-4" oak frame Couch §16.85 $5.50 Single Steel Folding Bed Cots §3.48 See the Three-piece Loose Cushion Parlor Suite— $45.00 Value—Only $28,45 $47.50 Upholstered Five-piece Parlor Suite Only $29.40 Rug March Clea.n Up! $7:50 Rugs. 2 */•* 3 yds., only $5.00 A MURDER TRIAL BEGUNATFONDA Life of Miszkinis, Charged With Killing Tony Belaski, in jeopardy. WEDGED IN COT, THE WOMAN DIES Mrs. : Ernest Groat of Saratoga Found Dead Under Suspic- ious Conditions. iHIGH SCHOOL DEBATE! MAN IS UNDER ARREST j Deputy Public Works Commisr I Edgar Clements, Caller at Groat II sioner Madden Has His Full Share of Bereavement. $8.50 Rugs, 3x3 yds., only.-.$6.00 $10.00 Rugs, 3x3 yds., only. .$7.50 $11.00 Rugs. 3x4 yds., onlv. .$8.00 Si 3.00 Rugs. 3x4 vds.. only $10.00 $15.00 Rugs. 3x4 vds., only $12.00 Folding Go-carts March Clean-Up $6.50 Go - Carts, only $4.96 $7.50 OJIIV Go Carts. $5-46 ! (Special to The Gazette.) i AMSTERDAM, March 12.—Constanto I Miszkinis, a Lithuanian laborer of Kort I Plain, was placed on trial (or his life I today at>Fonda for the shooting and I subsequent death of Tony Belaski, a •fellow countryman. . ' I Justice Whitmyer of j Is presiding- The selection of a jury from a panel of 75 was completed late yesterday afternoon, the following men being chosen: Andrew Greg£ of the town :of Amsterdam, Frank. Folmsbee of the town of Root, Truman Suits of the town of Mohawk. Edgar W. Sager. Harrison Pieer. Lewis. Waterstreet. Peter Smith, John J. Aldri.ch, all of the City of Amsterdam. William If. Balrd j of Glen. Daniel HInkle of Palatine. X. J. Quackenbush of Glen, and William I H. Hughes of Amsterdam. District At- i torney Hardies of this city is conduct- ing the prosecution with his assistant. K. V. Ausman of Fonda, while George ! E. Phillips of Fort Plain is the defend, ant's attorney, with* Judge H. V. Borst of this city as counsel. Adolpr J. Kubllas of Amsterdam, who speaks H languages, is engaged as interpreter, and Henry McLean of Gloversvllle Is court stenographer. Home, Held as Material Witness. (Special ».o T h e Gazette.) SARATOGA .SPRINGS. Mar. 12.—Mrs. Ernest Groat, thirty years old. was found dead at her home this afternoon under circumstances that caused the police and co.-outr to conduct an In- vestigation. V'her. found the woman's D Sn.oo Go-Garts.. only $8.75" $12.50 Go-Carts. •. $9-50 0 onlv Don't Forget the Home of Low Prices if You Want to S a v e Dollars. Double Rattan Seat Sewing Rock- —ers .,..:, - 1 .... : :>' §1.19' $3.00 Oak Sewing Rockers .... .§1.89 $3.50 Reed Sewing Rockers... .§2.98 $3.25 Oak Sewing Rockers §2.19 ^fepi $4.00 Oak Comfort Rockers, large roll At Good Bye rices .......... §2.48 arm saat Twi-Pr g SZJSA $4.25 Mahogany Easy Rockers §2.69 $4.50 Oak Arm Rockers ." §2.87 $S.oo Oak Arm Rockers . . .§3.19 $5.50 Oak Arm Rockers .§3.96 If You Have Not the Cash---Our Charge System At Your Service THE HOME OF LOW PRICES A NX LA I, DEBATE. (Special to The Gazette.) AMSTERDAM. March 12:—The seo- ond annual debate between the representing the Gloversvllle High School and the lq.eal High School will be held in the auditorium of the high school building in this city tomorrow night at S o'clock. The local team was defeated at the last debate between these schools by a very small mar- gin, and are now out to redeem them- selves. They are being coached by ice Principal R. E. Horton and some of the older members of the Boys' Debat- ing Club of the local school. .The subject for debate is: "Resolved. That United States senators should be elect- ed by direct vote of the people." The Amsterdam team will uphold the af- | Urinative side and' the speakers will be Warren P. Wood, Edgar C. Peddle and i Harry Weaver. The gloversvllle boys I Will UpnUt time negative'Blile. Lire U'am i being composed of Kenneth F. Cramer, Harry F. Anderson and Harold W. Ward. Edward Shelp will act as chair- man. The judges will be Rev. L. E. Carter of Troy, Attorney Leonard B. Moore of Fort Plain and Attorney H. C. Grupe of Schenectady. Schenectady I bidy was wedjric. between the woven wire spring and the side of a cot. in her dining room. Her husband is em- ployed as a Xew York Central flieman and boards at West Albany. The last time Mrs. G.-Dat* was seen alive was Saturday nignt. This morning Edgar Clements went to the house and could not get in. He .notified. William Ahearn. stepfather of the dead woman, and together they entered the house through a window and discovered the bedy. Coroner Small ana the police were notified and at the direction of the coroner Clements was taken into cistody by Patrolman Frn*ee R a n d a l l and is detained as a mater:al-\witness. It is alleged that Clements has been stopping at the Groat house more or less of late. Me denied that he had sfon the woman in several days. From the condition ,of the body it was evl-i dtnt that she had been dead twenty-j four hours or more. Rigor mortis had set in. While there Is no evidence or fi ul play. Coroner Small and Police Commissioner King will conduct a thorough Investigation of the case. It teams j is the theory that In attempting to lie dow.ifthe woman fell and was wedged In the couch i:i such a position that she could not extricate herself. It is pcssible that the woman's death was caused by exposure. I ELKS ELECT OFFICERS. (Speolai to The Gazette.) SARATOGA SPRINGS. Mar. 12.—Sar- atoga Lodge Nc. 161, B. P. O. Elks, held its annual election of officers tongiht and selected Frederick M. Wa- urbury as exalted ruler. Mr. Water- bury is one of the leading and influ- ential members of the locrge and has served as exalted ruler before. He has also fill-d the office of district deputy for this district. The other of- ficers elected v, ere: Esteemed leading unigiii. tidur^j 'u. Tuuk: ub'iui'ined l.uya-1 .knight. X. R. Thompson; esteemed lec- turing knight. Allison E. Curtis; secre-. tary. Alvin L. Freeman; treasurer. He- man L. Waier'eury: tiler, Ernest J. Fountain; trustee for three years. W. S. Robertson. These officers will be installed Aprii 9. • At the meeting one candidate was inlUated and this vyas followed by- a luncheon. PROTEST ENTERED. (Special to The Gazette.) Opposite Barrett St. 506 STATE STREET COAL DEALERS HERE WORRIED •< Although No Advance Has Been Made, Many Believe Situ- - -- ' ation Serious. Despite the fact that this Is the sea- son of the year when the price of coal usually drop-;, there has been nojndi- Court Dorp, No. 392. F. of A., meet tonight in K. of P. hall. Initiation will be held. will An The Good Cheer Club will hold a eu- chre party' this afternoon In Clan Mac- Rae Hall. Fou.- prizes will be given. Games start al 2:30 o'clock. ELIJAH ORATORIO TOMORROW NIGHT Distinguished Soloists Will Take Part in Production at Sec- ond Reformed. A euchre will be held at Mrs. Loos- man's. Foster avenue and Xott -street, tcnlght. . team of , are re- All members <^f t h e degree , Mohawk Valley Lodge Xo. 12 cation as yet cf any such thing hap- , quested to meet at St. Paul's Temple •penlng. In fac.t prominent coal deal- i tonight at 7:3) o'clock for a short re- ers in this city are of the opinion that ; hearsal before' conferring the second the prico for this product of .Mother i degree- for Champion Lodge'No. 554. Earth, will tdko wings and soar into! realms far removed from the fl'u>'se of champion Lodge Xo. 551. I, O. O. F.. ! Moyle of the ordinary consumer. This opinion I W JJJ me et tonipht at 440 State street, j Charlotte Bord Gilbert, soprano; Hiss would seem t."> have some grounds for . ^he third degree will be conferred on ; Meribah Moore, contralto; Everett ».T. Arrangements have been completed for the "Elija-h" performance tomor- row night Jn the Second Reformed church, Union street and Morris ave- nue, by the Schubert-Philomel club and a group of distinguished soloists. The soloists will be: William T. Gomph of Buffalo, organist; Overton Xew York, as Elijah: Mrs. DEATH OF MISS MADDEN". (Special to The Gazette.) AMSTERDAM, March 12.—Elizabeth M. Madden, the 20-year-old daughter j of Deputy Commissioner of Public j SARATOGA SPRINGS, March'12.— Works Dennis Madden, died this morn- j The -board of mana.^rs or the Fra- ing at her home, 36 Forbes street, after I tcrnal League at its meeting last night a brief illness. Heart trouble was the j received a p-otest from the Hepta- cause of death. Miss Madden had been j sophs against the last game played caring for her brother, Thomas, who j with the Royal Arcanum, tn which the has been 111 for some time past, until latter won a forfeited game. The her own Illness. Immediately following board was unable to reacn. a decision her death, the young man was removed i or the dispute and it was finally set- to St. Mary's Hospital. The death of I tied by agreeing that each team pick d mm m a a c 3D VISITORS, Welcome State - Wide Free Delivery These Are Days When TRUE RUG NEWS Is Of Vital Importance i Miss Madden is a particularly sad blow to her father, who seems to have had more than his share of trouble in a .little more than a year. Following the death of hls*wife. February 2S, 1911. came the death of a son, 22 years of age. by accidental drowning while at work as a plumber. The decreased was a graduate of St. Mary's institute. She is survived by her father, five brothers, Thomas, Walter and Lewis of this city, Edward of West Virginia, and Raymond of Saratoga Springs, and three sisters, Gertrude, Florence and Margaret, all.of this city. large class of candidates, iiig brothers are welcome. All visit- j Grout, tenor. quartet from the Schu- bert-Philomel club, including Miss I Grace Smith. Miss Ethel Reade. Mrs. S9, D. of P., I F. A. Yager and Mrs. G. C. MacKer- of rocahontas j racher. and Mrs. Frank K. Ragnall. belief in view of the fact that the lit- tle slip which the large coal compan- ies attach each winter to the receipt | acknowledging each order of the retail; ShlaWasses Council Xo dealers as it is sent in, and which j c c n fe r red lne degree states that the coal will be charged | upQn a class Df ,. ve can dldates, and en- j pianist at the current price at date of ship- • tcrtained as guests a large delegation' The chorus will include: ment, has not yet been detached, as it i from Algonquin Council of Albany. Sopranos—Mrs. E. H. Adamson, Miss usually is after the winter demand is I After the . quenching of the Council i.Fannie Burgor. Mrs. A. F. Routon, Miss ever. ( I tire, light refreshments were served, Inez Bissell. Mrs. William I'.annon, Miss Thus if a dealer orders a consign- | nn( j a very pleasant time enjoyed by i Janet Bright, Mrs. John Pay. .Miss Mar- me"nt on the fifteenth of the month at | a n present. garet Delehanty. Miss Ada Edwards, the price then quoted.- and the coal is i . - i M; S . S Kdith Ennis. Mrs. K. W. Fitzjohn. not shipped until the first of the fol-j Fidelity Ljdge Xo. 34.". I. O. G. T.. J Miss Flo'rence Foster. Mrs. (;. H. Good- lowing month, he may be obliged to will hold' Its weekly meeting tonight! win. Mrs. C. B. Hall. Miss Wilhelmlna iiiy advance over the original price 1 j n ci.an MacRae Hall. 423 State street. 1 Haverdlll, Miss Cecelia Hourrlcan. Miss I A full attendance Is destred for the j Florence Lansing. Mrs. I.. Lee, Miss crnsidcration of matters of Importa- J Anna M. Losee, Miss Lotta Marsha!!. anco and the instruction of delegatesj Miss Elizabeth McGregor. Miss Edith to the Schenectady District Lodge [ McCully, Miss Agnes McCully, Mrs. B. which meets tomorrow. ! If. Xorrls, Miss Helen Patterson. Miss —— j.Alice Quigley, Mrs. Gertrude Rowe, Schaugh-n-iugh-ta-da Tribe will kin- j Miss Maude Rider. Mrs. E. Sandstrom. die Its council fire at the Wigwam In Ferry street, u night at S o'clock. The pay which may take effect at that time. This the dealers think Is a sure indi- cation that an advance in price is con- templated. - To the average coal man 'there is not the least semblance of a rift in the cloud that is settling over the country In the. threatened "break" between the operators and the miner, on April 1, HE IS ENDORSED. 'Special to The Gazette.) AMSTERDAM. March 12.—Attorney Ambrose P. Fitzjames of this city Is in line for the important office of state deputy of the Knights of Columbus. He wa-s endorsed for the office at a meeting of the delegates held in Sche- nectady Sunday, and again Monday at Utica at f. meeting held In that city attended by the delegAtes for the pur- post of witnessing the exemplification of the third degree by Daniel J. Griffin of Brooklyn. Mr. Fitzjames stands high in the or- der, having held the office of grand knight of Amsterdam council four years, resigning only to accept the more important office of district deputy of the 36th Xew York district, which includes the councils In Amsterdam. Johnstown, Gloversville and Fort Plain. I?." 1 has been a member of Xew York Slate Council eight years consecutive- ly, and received the high' honor of be- ing elected delegate to th» Supreme Council held In Rochester. August. I 1910. The election of state deputy will occur at the convention to be held in Watertown, May 14 and 15. a disinterested person ana these two tc pick a third party. The three will meet Wednesday night at the armory and consider'the protest. The follow- ing is the schedule for the remainder of the Fraternal "League: March 13, Foresters vs. Woodmen; March 15, R'-yal Arcanum vs. Eagles; Mar?h 19, Foresters vs. Royal Arcanum; March 20, Knights of Columbus vs. Eagles; March 23, Knishts of Columbus vs. Heptasophs.' UGS occupy a big section of tne 5tli Floor. So many kinds & so many different patterns, that at whatever price you fix, you have an abundance to check from. Before finally deciding, ask to see patterns in the following: ' 'Kilmarnock''' Scotch Rugs "Ardaham" The American Orientals Aocminster Velvet Rugs Wilton Velvet Rugs Tapestry Brussels Rugs Peerless Brussels Rugs Spartan Brussels Rugs -BodtyJlmissds, „Rugs- 'Beazwais" Axminster Rugs Terpac Wilton Rugs Pyraviid Wilton Rugs^^^j Bundhar Wilton Rugs Hardwick Wilton Rugt Royal Kashan Wilton Rugs French Wilton Rugs Anglo Persian Rugs •» Anglo Indian Rugs '. fn) Rugs From The Orient D wliMi the three-year .iRrecinent lie- | Warrior's decree will be conferred on twf'.i them comes up for renewal, and | a class of candidates. All members arc it i.-; thought that the demands for requested.to .>e [.resent. « shorter hours, more money, and a 1 - yearly agreement instead of the pro- vailjng one, may be refused by the op- Miss Grace E. Smith. Miss Sarah Schaup. Mrs. W. L.. Towne. Miss Kath- arine- Yanderbilt. Mrs. Earl Van Yranken. Mrs. Pearl Wagner. Miss Alice White. r Miss Ellen Williamson. Mrs. F. A. Yager. Altos—-Mrs. Daniel Rarkley. . Miss Charlotte Berkley. Mrs. F. O. Rowen. Mrs. James 'Cowle. Mrs. James II. CLAIM:?* BOARD CALENDAR. (Special to The Gazette.) SARATOGA SPRINGS. March 12.— Because of ths fact that Deputy At- torney Generil Frank W. Bro»vn Is ill v?lth an attack of indigestion and was unable to rppear In court today the board of e!:.ims went to Northum- berland to inspect the property for v, hlch claims have been made for dam- pge -because of the dam built at Cro- ker's reef. Ti.e members of the board have to examine each piece of property lor which a claim is niaoc. The cal- endar contains the following cases which will be taken up iij the order named: Thomas Flanagan, Jeremiah Crowley. Charles T. Wright. .To;m nru- en, George Henry, Horace H. Dibbel, two claims: Christopher Kenry, P. B. Daly, Isabella i'aly. Mary A. Galla- gher; Thoma u Meenly. Margaret Ash, Sarah A. Davidson.- Robert Parker, Sarah A. Davidson. Xelson Jerome Mil- ler. Daniel Cahlll. John J. Hurlay, Franklin P. Pa'ish. Helen Jr. Schcr- rrierhorn. George W. L. Smith, seven claims; John M. Butler. Sarah E. Brown. Luke Virgil, Walt«r Balc'h. Fred Virgil. Andrew- Matthews. Julia A. Kinnear, Frank Johnson, David Bar- tholomew. J I M D. Johnson, Byron D. Jackctt, Augus-. Bojack and Fred Male. High-Grade 9x12 Axminster At $21.50 I This is one of the groups included in the showing of Standard Trade-mark Rugs in attractive designs & colorings, possessing much the effect of expensive Aubusson fabrics. We have a handsome group of Artistic Rugs in Colonial effects, particularly adapted to Bedrooms. Smaller sizes much used for bath rooms. Sizes from 36x72 inches at $1.50 to 9x12 feet, at $28. R2WN & S2N CO, SCHENECTADY I two children, Mrs. L. C- Pouts .and My- ron E. Olds, and a sister, Mrs. Jane Sexton. *• 12.— MlVOIt MATTERS. CSpecial to The Gazette.) AMSTERDAM. March 12.—Raymond Hiller. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew ' A FAMOUS CASE. (Special to The Gazette.) I SARATOGA SPRIXGS. March. 12.— ! The famous case of William A. Davld- The women of Van Curler Camp Xo. 14. Order of the Golden Seal, will hold cra'tors. .' a euchre at the home of Mrs. Eiia Xcal, This-cond!tion-of~Bffairsr—hns—bwH-yrr^MBIU nvenve—rtmrnrrnw—aftcmrwn-t- T r r3 y nr - M rg:--Ka-thrvn—Ch.-.mfccrhrtir- enticipated by the large handlers of a t 2 o'clock. All members and their Mrs. M. M. Dolan. Miss Grace Garro- friends are invited. j way, Mrs. Mary Harley. Miss. Anna 1 Hourrigan. Miss Edna Hughes. Mrs. G. A regular meeting of the Van Curler c*. MacKerracher. Mrs. John D. Miller. Camp Xo. 611. Order Golden Seal, wasKf| ss jrta Mattice. Mrs. S. H. Mosler, held Monday <.!ghl In Red Men's Hall. Mrs. H. ~0. Xuman. Miss Viola' Prlm- A number of candidates were Initiated m er. Miss Ethel Reade, Miss Emma by the degree ttims under the Instruo- s 0 hult, Mrs. L C. Sherman. Mrs. G. W. tlons of Colonel K. C. Strope of the Hiller. of fi2 Academv street, died this I son against Walter L. Osborne will go morning at 2:15 o'clock at his home i to the Appellate Division. This case of tuberculosis, aged 17 rears. He •„.-,,]' was. started :V"f a yc:!r ago and was been ill for a period of three years. i an action to recover for the conversion Kralrtes his parents, he is survived by '. " f ten tons 'if ha>. Th» •: three brothers. Roy. Herbert and Rob- : before justjc? Parent of CHIEF IS SUHPRISED. (Special tc The Gazette.) SARATOGA SFRIXOS, March. James L. Lougnren. wire chief of the 1 ical exchange of the Xew York Tele- phone Company, was pleasantly sur- prised last night at his home, 23S Car- oline street, the occasion being Ii'i birthday. Mrs Loughren, who was In on tiie secret, nent out with net hus- band in tiie early part of the night, end when they returned, Mr. Loughren was greatly surprised to And that the guests hail taken possession of his homo. The night was spent with euchre and tl.e guests were entertain- ed with vocal and Instrumental music, after which refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S.'huyler Steenburgh, .Mr. and Mrs. C. A Lawrence, -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ulm- ington. Misses Eva Rlmington, Mao '•,'uinn, Clcre Quinn, Inez Formel, Al'o.e Tracy. M. Csafo, Lansing Van Aernem, !•'. 1. Vlbbard, Garfield Rimington. Earl Gallup, William Covey and Master Loitti Loughren. known, summer cottager, IB_ spending a few daysln town. Xewell Heasltr, son of Village Clerk James X. Heasllp, has recovered from a.u a t t a c k of tonsilitis. Frank H. Hathorn has returned from Chicago where he was called by the death of hl3 brother-in-law, R. H. Southgate. County Highway Superintendent John E. Hodgman. who underwent an operation in Xtw York, has recovered so that he is able to be at his office. Edward L. Louis died today at his home on West avenue, aged 7S years. the commodity for tho past three years and they have been gradually advanc- ing the price of the inferior grades, such as buckwheat, pea and birds-eye at the rate of ten cents a ton until these grades ar e now on a level with the best grades, such as chestnut, stove, egg and grate coal. As a further indication of the seri- ousness of the situation and the prob- ability of a tie-up, the coal carrying roads have sent out a quiet tip to the dealers that it may M> to their advan- tage to stock tip their yards before April 1, with the result that with the | huslnes. Advent of sprins tons upon tons cf th's | a dance cherished commodity are being piled into yards which are usually well nigh depleted at fhU time of the year. Some of the deaVers have not yet been impressed with the necessity of stocking up. but the majority are fill Third District of Xew York. Milton Ocvoe-of 29 Halgh avenue was nomi- nated, elected and Installed as com- mander of the Camp- Miss Sophia Hussong of 201 Hulett street, resigned from the chair on account of pressing The Camp decided to hold in I<ed Men's Hall April 19. The next regula,." meeting March 25 In Red Men's o'clock. ivill he held Hall, at 8 Zlon Long'? Nc. meet tonight at 3 909. I. O. O. F„ will _ o'clock. Tho Initla- Ing up their bins Just as fast as It Is ', tory degree will be conferred on a possible to receive consignments. j c'.as8 of candidates. It is even said that the carriers have I notified the dealers that they will not I n ,, n ,. A ., . T deliver any coal after the first of April. I A JblVoUiNAL except at an extremely high rate fe-,- which nn'ngTe?mT'nt"wmilii "now "have ' tr be made. of Slaght. Miss Helen steve'ns. Miss Ruth Stevens. Miss Martha Vanderbllt. Tenors—Tohn Allen. E. W. Bran- dow. William Rrown. John Campbell. Frank Clute; X. W. Donnan, A. J. De I Long. Layton E. Flero. E. T. Grotit. j George Glllman. C. B. Hall. Carl E. j Jester. Harold I. Lamb Maurice F. j May. Lester Mllllncton. G. S. Perkins. j John Robinson. Charles F/ Slverigbt. | Herbert G. Taggart. George E. Tay- | j lor. E. J. Vaughn. John J. Walker, R. j j C. Whitney. Clarence Weaver. j Basses—A. B. Peakbane. s. H. Beck- j er. Robert Barry, Frank S Barton, i I Riley Bressler, W. S. Bosworth. James' j H. Crapn. Harold Cool. Charles I'ahou- ! I sac. Samuel Currle. E. "M. Fltzjohn. ' Harrv L. Holden, Dr. J. A. W. T<eaM.! j P. J. Klrkwood. B. S. Mason. H. O. Xn- j man, A. G. Oehler, Charles E. Palme/ i Jr.,. Ralph- Rennle. Rae Sims. G. W. I Slaght. T.. C Sherman. P.. M. Wooster. i ert. all of this city, and three sisters. Mrs. Fred Link of Schenectady, Rnd the__Mls_ses__Edjtji_and Nellie HJlcr. _pf "this city. The.Orpheum Theater, the latest ad- dition to Amsterdam's amusement places, will be opened tomorrow after- noon to the public. At a meeting of the Amsterdam branch of the state committee for the prevention of tuberculosis, held last night, it was proposed to pur- chase the Hobb farm. situated on Swart Hill, as a tuberculosis hospitla. Rabbi Joseph H. Stoltz. wh-> h a s been pastor of the Temple of Israel in this city since last September, has been re-elected for a second t;rn: com- mencing next September, by the mem- bers of tho congregation. se was tried i tne town of] Charlton and the plaintiff obtained a| verdict of ?9f. The case was appealed tc the cdu"nTy~ Xow the ca<=e has been appealed by Mr. Davidson to the Appellato Divis- ion. ADJOURNED MEETING HELD. (Special to The Gazette.) SARATOGA SPRINGS, March. 12.— The board of trustees held an adlourn- ed meeting last night- to act on the resolution introduced at the last meet- ing to abolish the Publicity Commis- sion and the appropriation of S1O.UO0 for advertising the village. The law committee, to whom it was referred. CAMBRIDGE. Mrs. Harry Hedges spent Thursday and Friday in Troy. Mrs. Frederick Wallace went to Hot Springs Tuesday. Mrs. Theodore Reynolds gave a flve- hundred party last Friday night. Mrs. P.. J. S. Williams and son of Saratoga are spending some time in town visiting Miss Minnie Johnson. Mrs. George Centre entertained her Sunday 1 school class last Friday nVght. Howard Guthrie was called home Friday by the serious Illness of his father. Master Burton and Miss Lydla Lake entertained their young friends Mon- day night. The Grange Hall company held a meeting Friday, at which Horace V. Bump was elected chairman and II. A. StaTbuck teller. Tiie three directors were re-elected for three years: George R. King. Isaac Brownell and Lett Wood worth. The directors elected: President. Isaac Brownell; manager, GLENVILLE, J Mrs. Henry Van Derveer of Mlnavllle| has been visiting her parents, Mr. andt Mrs. Elbert S. Groot. Edward Seaman is confined to the? house, suffering with an attack of grip. | Miss N'ettte Barrett of Hagaman/ spent Sunday with her parents in this' place. Mrs. Clarence R. Swart has returned home from Schenectady, where she has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Clayton J. Potter. A number of people from this plac went to Schenectady Friday night t' witness Dockstader's minstrels. David F. Swart spent Friday with his sister. Mrs. Edwin Young. Rev. Clinton W. Clowe has receiver! a call to tho pastorate of the Reformer: church of Woodstock, Ulster county. * A supper will he given in the chap Thursday, March 14, under the auspl of the consistory of the Reforr. church. The proceeds will bo used , paying the rebuilding of tho chun sheds. county court of SchenectadyJ ^ apprODr iation were created by an HTTd ~;udgmerit - was-xeverse-d^-^<-„? the ' Te-gTsTaTuTeT—A~c^mmu ffl-c&--- e ca=c nas been appealed by •__ .. = V«„-IJ„„. *,.„„, ,i,„ rnm - / WTLL PLAY TOMtillT, The Clalrmont A. C. will play the i Bohemian Turners basketball team tonight at S o'clock In Turn hall. I i .%'*-».^^.-».^'*<i.'» , %-»x»x».%<fc. f Telephone JN. Y. 23S2-.I t (.'. F. WAIT* CEO. 7.EI.M-.U J iWAIT & ZELlERi Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, Craig, X. Y., have returned from a two weeks' trip to Xew York and At- lantic City. J. M. Hlemepbcrg of Xott Terrace has purchase 1 .-• lot In the Van Voast plot in Union street and will erect ft residence th'.s summer. Judge Charles B. Andrus' wife mid daughter Elizabeth, and Mrs. John Corey, all of Saratoga Springs, are visiting the Judge's father. E. A. An- Judge because he was In arrears In ilrus. al 29 Yates'street, this city. payments required by the court for Miss Helen Lewis of Saratoga I the support of his wife. Jnmes Moore Springs. Kcndrick ration, of Madison, ! chose the former. He must now face STOLE TO AVOID COI'RT. rtnt Fortune Teller DodKe <o ThrotT Scent Endu In Exposure. YORK. Fn.. March 12.—Tarn to fare with a choice between robbing his room-mate or appearing before the Judge because he wn.« WALL PAPER, PAINTS, VARNISH J ' S (-'orpA,—of- -}-a7-~Sftuth Ferri'.street t 4 t I t t f t i t i t f ^ '* * %• % * "^ Miss l.ncy Wible of Fort Edward, and William La Hose of Port Henry were over Sunday gnosis of Mr. and Mrs. AND GLASS. EMImnto* Given on All Work. 412 UNION STREET J | W. T. (', V. NOTES. ' ! 'fhj Schenectady w. c. T. I', will * j celebrate Lillian M, X. Stevens' birth- f j day Jat headquarters tomorrow after- •%^m^*,^-» ,*%*,»%'*'* •*».».»/ IH>on.\ Mis. Hlien.i Mallery will lead I the Aevollonal service an<i Mrs. Sad dlemlry. will have charge of tho pro gram. the Judge In any event, Moore stole a MO bill from the cloth- ing of George Wlsenall. and with the money he satisfied the obllcatlon to his I wife. To convince, Wisrinall.. that he I hart not liken the money. Moore j helped him scftVrli for It. and then look him to n fortune teller, who Wlsonflll though' might help him lo- < ate the money. The fortune teller advised Wlsonnll to go to the polL^e. which lie did. And tho j Detective CookWT quickly fixed J crime upon Moore, who confessed. CAMP GAHADA Adirondack Mountains Parents planning on sending their sons to camp this season are requested to communicate with the director before April 1, after which time vacan- cies will be filled. Full term, half term. Booklet of ten ..weeks; five weeks, seventy - five camp views on request. ~—WitHsurBrEfiier Mf(I0t,5Ai«M; TWENTY PETITIONS. (Special to The Gazette.) SARATOGA SPRINGS. March. 12.— High Rock Council Xo. 652, Royal Ar- canum, at It3 meeting last nigh', re- ceived and acted on twenty petitions for members'hlp. These applicants will- be received at the class Initiation j which, will . ike place March 25. At ! that time an official visit will be i made by a m'-mncr of grand officers j Including Roswell H. Starrett. grand regent of the state of Xew York. In- | vitatlons have been extended to the ] councils of H.idstn Falls. Corinth, Had- i ley and Schuj lervllle to attend. The ! following comni'ttee has been nppolnt- ed to arrange for the banquet In con- i nectlon with the r.ffalr: Orator John H. j Morris, chairman: George H. Stenacher. ! Edward I'. Eddy, Joseph Chauvln. i John W. Lyman. William II. Hodge?, John P. Fianat.an .and Frank Kelly. k POMIM>VI MAN DIES. (Special to The Gazette.) SARATOGA SPRINGS. March. 12.— Henry. C. Old?, a native of Saratoga county, died Sunday night at his home In Canton, Ohio, after an Illness of pneumonia. Mr Olds wa.i horn In the town of Groenfnld February 14. IM1. and was In his "(2d year. When the I Civil War hrcke out he etiltsled (n ! Company H of the. 153d New York Vol- unteer Infantry, on August 30, 18(12. i He contract^ 1 'yphold fever and ,n IV- I comber was discharged on-account of | disability. Ii 1 S*54 he mimed Miss j Hannah St. John, and ;n IR7S they ! moved to Canton, where he engaged In ; tho hardware 1 nslness. Mr. Olds was ja member of !he Knights of Pythias, j Modern Woodmen and O. A. R. Mr. 'olds had be n a Mason for 30 years. \ 11* mTrTroTrt~TrrTTrrrrn>^ innd had, served as township clerk for j nine yf-ars. !h? had also sefvrd as al- j derman and ooputy assessor. While a . rosldenla "osldent of Saratoga j SftJSnKS Mr. Oid> was employed in the •fjrro<Jry stor- r>t W.iUer .fonnoiy unit ' aftorwarda ens-aged in business for himself. He I* survived by hU. widow, tlcn was also received from the com mission' stating that contracts had al- ready been made' for the coming year that would havt to be fulfilled. The resolution to abolish the commission and approprlati ;h' was withdrawn. The bq>rd rejected tho claim of Mw>—lul.la Cook for Injuries sustained by falling on an ley walk In 3ilalton street. 12.- reported that the board had no power In the matter as the commission and Lott Woodworth; treasurer. George R King; secretary, Robert .Fischer. A -dividend-of -fl—per-ccnt—wae-deela-r^dr— Mrs. H. J. Mann Is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Seltz and Miss Seltz of Gale- ton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher are en- tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Rollln Bliss of Canandalgua. Miss Gertrude Hart gave a small dancing party at her home last Friday nlght- A surprise party was__given Miss Rutti Robinson at her home Friday night. Mrs. Edward Livingston has been en- tertaining Mrs. E. L.- Colton of Eagle Bridge. Mrs. Henry Maxwell has been enter- taining Mrs. Joseph Smith of Putnam and Mrs. Dunn and daughter of Gard- ner, Mass. The Anthony circle will meet with Mrs. c; E. Smith Saturday at 2:30 o'clock. Charles E. Morse of Northampton. Mass.. Is visiting his father, Elijah Morse. Announcement Is made of the mar- riage of Samuel Wright and Miss Jes- sie Pet toys. At the home of Mrs. I. M. Westfflll Jr. Saturday afternoon, the Ondawa chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will be entertained at luncheon by Mrs. West fall. Mrs. Fred Small. Miss Elizabeth Chandler and Miss .May Carpenter. Miss Mary Mnlinr gave ft parly Sat- urday flight In honor of her cousin, M/ss Loretla Matthews. The funeral of tho date William H. Turner was held from the Turner home Saturday at 2:30 o'clock. The firemen, the Odd Fellows and tho Robeknh lodge attended In a body. At the nnnual meeting of* the Wo- men's Missionary society of the Pres- byterian church Inst Wednesday Mrs. Morton S. Falos was elected president, Mrs. Richard Turnbull nml Mm. ' An- Miss Katheiiii" C. Devlin, a teacher derson, vice presidents; Miss L. P. in Xo. 3 school, ;s confined to her home | crny. secretary, and Miss Bacon, tress- SALOONKEEPER DISCHARGED. John Xovak, the Jefferson etree saloonkeeper was discharged yesterdr by Justice Falrlee In Police Court af- an examlnstlon on a cnarge of viol Ing the state-liquor tax law last f day. Novak had been arrested by trolmen Steen and Moncsko early ' day morning for trafficking in II during the prohibited hours. S' Harney, who was arrested Si night for Intoxication, and wfc held as a witness against proved to be of; no VRltie at all prosecution. Rarney denied tl was In the Xovak place Sund: .sv-as_nat_ser.v.ed.av.lUi_anylhlng_t___ by Xovak or his employes. J found guilty of the charge of li tton and allowed to go under pended sentence. Waltt & Bond Union made.' Totem Clira BURGLARY A«D FIRE. (Snecial to The Gazette.) SARATOGA SPRINGS, March. 11 Michael J. Rowland, whose bnkery In West Congress street was ffamaged by fire Sunday night, reported to tho po- lice today tha' he believed the place, had been burglarized. After he had made an Investigation Mr. Rowland discovered that the cash register had bfen rifled and a quantity of change extracted. Some stationery and lead pencils were missing and this led to the belief that boys had entered the place. Chief Shidwlck of tho fire de: partment reported that when he ar- rived tho window In the door was broken. It Is supposed that the Intru- ders used matches In rifling the place and accidentally dropped one that er.usert the (Ire. The police aro Inves- tigating. MINOR MATTERS. (Special lc Tho Gazette.) SARATOGA SPRINGS, March. 12 Miss Kiithorlne Maude Nichols under- went an operation for appendicitis to- (lev at the Saratoga Hospital by Dr. Frank H. O'Cvitior of Brnttleboro, VI., nfsisted bv.Drs Downs and Rossoguic. George Waring, who has *>ecn 111 for several days, has recovered. B. K. Wnlb.idgo has returned from a visit in Schenectady. John Butler Is home from tho Mor- c.-rburgh academy f o r ft short vacation. teacher . Illness. R. H. NIohoD. of Schenectady Is In town, called by tho Illness or his sis- tor. Miss K.itherlno Maude Nichols. Mr. nnrl Mfs. Fred H. Raxer have gone to Daytona, Florida, where they v 111 spend the balance or the'winter. W. D. Ellis of New York, a well urer. The Young Ladles' 'Missionary so- ciety of A the United Presbyterian church held ft meeting-Wednesday and elected: President, Miss Ors.ee Robert- son:.vice president, Miss Roatrloo Ful- ler: secretary. Miss Vlra Watklns, and treasurer, Miss Mabel Hodge. Decayed Teell Dr. .liilo» .1. Snrnxln. dentist, of ^''1- Orlenns. hn* made n very cn'rofnl l**j voxllgnilnn of the harmful fosnllx <>U drcnyod tooth, > -|1 Ho snysi '•Deonyort leelh and'hrftfi ken down roots onrry millions of ill**} esse germ* nbout tvllh lhcm. Snch mouths onrrylng this Infection nre n t mennce lo the person ft* well nouree of dnngor lo Ihoso coming I conlnct with Ihom," Mo »«r« fnrlhcr In his reporli "V<j dooftjroil lorlh mhsl ho kepi In th-j month, They must lie fllloit, r r o n n t . ' or emrneted." Extractions, ,V»o| Silver Filling*. *l" Gold Fillings from *2t Gold or Pore-'. lain I'rowtn, *Si ' llrldse Work, V r tooth. Mi Plntos, *lft mil $15, Open Evenings. Snnflsys, 11 lo.l.^.„ KNOX DENTISTS 240 SlfllO S»„ Sohonoolnrly, N. Y. FIVE RIG OFFICES. Cnrlr Denial Co Alhany, N. V Williamson Co Pnngiikorpstr', N. y Cady Drniat Co .SitrlnRrtrla. M»«,' tady Denial Co..,,,. .Nenburgh, jf, v t 1 '"iiniiiiiTrtaOaiiSiii i»ri#Wiiiini ,»>I»'I - / '''• - ^- J.«^Jt M«J.^A"'<.*iMiV»Niii» li<M : 'i»»J' i niiniiii >!•• > ii •> u^Mw^M»mimm IIITIVIII i Xi : %-yi Hi"rT •• ; -ir-i^r---"^i r -rr-- tfC'"'!"—"*C' : T-- r--[••'" •-i---- -"' •l^—:.—.t •••"'-.' im- /--^>t-{l-'"' .••-.•• l .,4i,.^,-^-i.-— •-•,., .... •• i L t„>wa»<<.i-,i i o,n.;;ii ,-,>,,• ij,^ii.»ai»lw»MMi»»ai^rtf, l *l«<<^MAte«(JA»'.>L>.»r' .' ..--"' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Rug These Are Days When TRUE RUG NEWS Is Of Vital Importancfultonhistory.com/newspaper 8/Schenectady NY... · $45.00 Value—Only $28,45 $47.50 Upholstered Five-piece Parlor Suite

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Page 1: Rug These Are Days When TRUE RUG NEWS Is Of Vital Importancfultonhistory.com/newspaper 8/Schenectady NY... · $45.00 Value—Only $28,45 $47.50 Upholstered Five-piece Parlor Suite

m P I A G E T-,WO S C H E N E C T A D Y G A Z E T T E , . W E D N E S D A Y M O R N I N G , M A R C H 13 , 1 9 1 2.

LIVE E BARGAINS That ' s just what we .are stringing out at this March Make-Room Sale. I t 's money in your pocket if you wart* Furniture, Rugs, Carpets and Home Outfits. The Home of Low- Prices is an <asy 1 place for your pocketbook. -

Library Bargains March Sales Chairs


$16.50 Early English Leather Seat and Back Rocker § 1 1 . 8 9 $12.50 Early English Leather Seat Chairs . . 1 § 8 . 4 0 $22.00 Early English Leather Seat* Settee . . . ; . . . . § 1 4 . 4 8 $18.00 Early 'English Desks • . -... ' . . $ 1 1 . 5 0 $18.00 Early English Library Tables. ...... ' . . . . $ 1 1 . 4 8 SEE THE GUNN SECTIONAL CASES—They are the best at least cost

Couches—Steel Folding Cots—The March Sale See the $55.00 Davenport Folding Bed Couch $35.00

$15.00 Steel Bed Couch, fold* ing, with extra cotton mat-

• tress § 1 2 . 8 0 $12.00 Drop Side Steel ^.Bed

Couch, mattress and bol- _.., ster § 9 . 8 7 %

$20. Chase Lea. Tuffted 1-4" oak frame Couch § 1 6 . 8 5

$5.50 Single Steel Folding Bed Cots § 3 . 4 8

See the Three-piece Loose Cushion Parlor Suite— $45.00 Value—Only $28,45

$47.50 Upholstered Five-piece Parlor Suite Only $29.40

Rug March Clea.n Up! $7:50 Rugs. 2 */•* 3 yds., only $5.00


Life of Miszkinis, Charged Wi th Killing Tony Belaski, in



Mrs.: Ernest Groat of Saratoga Found Dead Under Suspic­

ious Conditions.


j Deputy Public Works Commisr I Edgar Clements, Caller at Groat


sioner Madden Has His Full Share of Bereavement.

$8.50 Rugs, 3x3 yds., only.-.$6.00

$10.00 Rugs, 3x3 yds., only. .$7.50

$11.00 Rugs. 3x4 yds., onlv. .$8.00

Si 3.00 Rugs. 3x4 vds.. only $10.00

$15.00 Rugs. 3x4 vds., only $12.00

Folding Go-carts March Clean-Up $6.50 Go - Carts, only $4.96

$7.50 OJIIV

Go Carts. $5-46

! (Special to The Gazette.) i AMSTERDAM, March 12.—Constanto I Miszkinis, a Li thuanian laborer of Kort I Plain, was placed on trial (or his life I today a t>Fonda for the shoot ing and I subsequent death of Tony Belaski, a •fellow countryman. . ' I Jus t ice Whitmyer of j Is presiding- The selection of a jury

from a panel of 75 was completed late yes terday afternoon, the following men being chosen: Andrew Greg£ of the town :of Amsterdam, Frank. Folmsbee of the town of Root, Truman Suits of the town of Mohawk. Edgar W. Sager. Harr i son Pieer. Lewis. Waters t ree t . Peter Smith, John J. Aldri.ch, all of the City of Amsterdam. William If. Balrd

j of Glen. Daniel HInkle of Pala t ine . X. J. Quackenbush of Glen, and William

I H. Hughes of Amsterdam. District At-i torney Hardies of this city is conduct­

ing the prosecution with his ass is tan t . K. V. Ausman of Fonda, while George

! E. Phil l ips of Fort Plain is the defend, an t ' s a t torney, with* Judge H. V. Borst of th is city as counsel. Adolpr J. Kubllas of Amsterdam, who speaks H languages , is engaged as interpreter , and Henry McLean of Gloversvllle Is court s tenographer .

Home, Held as Material Witness.

(Special ».o The Gazette.) SARATOGA .SPRINGS. Mar. 12.—Mrs.

Ernest Groat, thir ty years old. was found dead a t her home this afternoon under circumstances that caused the police and co.-outr to conduct an In­vestigation. V'her. found the woman's D

Sn.oo Go-Garts.. only $8.75"

$12.50 Go-Carts. • . $9-50

0 onlv Don't Forget the Home of Low P r i c e s if You Want to S a v e Dollars.

Double Rattan Seat Sewing Rock-— e r s . , . . : , - 1 . . . . : :>' § 1 . 1 9 ' $3.00 Oak Sewing R o c k e r s . . . . . § 1 . 8 9 $3.50 Reed Sewing Rockers . . . . § 2 . 9 8 $3.25 Oak Sewing Rockers § 2 . 1 9

^fepi $4.00 Oak Comfort Rockers, large


At Good Bye rices . . . . . . . . . . § 2 . 4 8 arm

saat Twi-Prg SZJSA $4.25 Mahogany Easy Rockers § 2 . 6 9 $4.50 Oak Arm Rockers ." § 2 . 8 7 $S.oo Oak Arm Rockers . . . § 3 . 1 9 $5.50 Oak Arm Rockers . § 3 . 9 6

If You Have Not the Cash---Our Charge System At Your Service THE HOME OF LOW PRICES

A NX LA I, DEBATE. (Special to The Gazette.)

AMSTERDAM. March 12:—The seo-ond annua l debate between the represent ing the Gloversvllle • High School and the lq.eal High School will be held in the audi tor ium of the high school building in this city tomorrow night a t S o'clock. The local team was defeated at the last debate be tween these schools by a very small mar -gin, and a re now out to redeem them­selves. They are being coached by ice Principal R. E. Horton and some of the older members of the Boys' Debat­ing Club of the local school. . T h e subject for debate is : "Resolved. Tha t United States senators should be elect­ed by direct vote of the people." The Amsterdam team will uphold the af-

| Urinative side and' the speakers will be Warren P. Wood, Edga r C. Peddle and

i Ha r ry Weaver. The gloversvll le boys I Will UpnUt time negative'Blile. Lire U'am i being composed of Kenneth F. Cramer,

Har ry F. Anderson and Harold W. Ward. Edward Shelp will act as chair­man. The judges will be Rev. L. E. Carter of Troy, At torney Leonard B. Moore of For t Plain and Attorney H. C. Grupe of Schenectady.

Schenectady I b idy was wedjric. between the woven wire spring and the side of a cot. in her dining room. Her husband is em­ployed as a Xew York Central flieman and boards at West Albany. The las t time Mrs. G.-Dat* was seen alive was Saturday nignt. This morning Edga r Clements went to the house and could not get in. He .notified. William Ahearn. s tepfather of the dead woman, and together they entered the house through a window and discovered the bedy. Coroner Small ana the police were notified and a t the direction of the coroner Clements was taken into cis tody by Pat ro lman Frn*ee R a n d a l l and is detained as a mater:al-\witness. It is alleged that Clements has been stopping at the Groat house more or less of late. Me denied tha t he had sfon the woman in several days. From the condition ,of the body it was evl- i d tn t that she had been dead t w e n t y - j four hours or more. Rigor mort is had set in. While there Is no evidence or fi ul play. Coroner Small and Police Commissioner King will conduct a thorough Invest igat ion of the case. I t

teams j is the theory that In a t t empt ing to lie dow.ifthe woman fell and was wedged In the couch i:i such a position that she could not extr icate herself. It is pcssible that the woman's death was caused by exposure.


ELKS ELECT OFFICERS. (Speolai to The Gazette.)

SARATOGA SPRINGS. Mar. 12.—Sar­atoga Lodge Nc. 161, B. P. O. Elks, held its annual election of officers tongiht and selected Freder ick M. Wa-u r b u r y as exalted ruler. Mr. Wate r -bury is one of the leading and influ­ential members of the locrge and has served as exalted ruler before. He has also fill-d the office of distr ict deputy for this district. The other of­ficers elected v, ere: Esteemed leading unigiii. t idur^j 'u. Tuuk: ub'iui'ined l.uya-1 .knight. X. R. Thompson; esteemed lec­turing knight. Allison E. Curt is ; secre-. tary. Alvin L. F reeman; t reasurer . He-man L. Waier 'eury: tiler, Ernes t J. Fountain; t rustee for three years. W. S. Robertson. These officers will be installed Aprii 9. • At the meet ing one candidate was inlUated and this vyas followed by- a luncheon.

PROTEST ENTERED. (Special to The Gazette.)

Opposite Barrett St. 506 STATE STREET


• <

Although No Advance Has Been Made, Many Believe Situ- -

-- ' ation Serious.

Despite the fact t ha t this Is the sea­son of the year when the price of coal usually drop-;, there has been n o j n d i -

Court Dorp, No. 392. F. of A., meet tonight in K. of P. hall. Initiation will be held.

will An

The Good Cheer Club will hold a eu­chre party ' th is afternoon In Clan Mac-Rae Hall. Fou.- prizes will be given. Games s t a r t a l 2:30 o'clock.

ELIJAH ORATORIO TOMORROW NIGHT Distinguished Soloists Will Take

Part in Production at Sec­ond Reformed.

A euchre will be held a t Mrs. Loos-man's. Fos te r avenue and Xott -street, tcnlght . • . •

team of , are re-

All members <̂f the degree , Mohawk Valley Lodge Xo. 12

cation as yet cf any such thing hap- , quested to meet at St. Paul ' s Temple •penlng. In fac.t prominent coal deal- i tonight a t 7:3) o'clock for a short re-ers in this city are of the opinion tha t ; hearsal before' conferring the second the prico for this product of .Mother i degree- for Champion Lodge 'No. 554. Ear th , will tdko wings and soar in to ! realms far removed from the fl'u>'se of champion Lodge Xo. 551. I, O. O. F.. ! M o y l e o f

the ordinary consumer. This opinion I W JJJ m e e t tonipht at 440 State street , j Charlot te Bord Gilbert, soprano; Hiss would seem t."> have some grounds for . ̂ h e third degree will be conferred on ; Meribah Moore, contral to; Everet t ».T.

Ar rangements have been completed for the "Elija-h" performance tomor­row night Jn the Second Reformed church, Union s treet and Morris ave­nue, by the Schubert-Philomel club and a group of dist inguished soloists. The soloists will be: William T. Gomph of Buffalo, organis t ; Overton

Xew York, as Eli jah: Mrs.

DEATH OF MISS MADDEN". (Special to The Gazette.)

AMSTERDAM, March 12.—Elizabeth M. Madden, the 20-year-old daughte r j of Deputy Commissioner of Public j SARATOGA SPRINGS, March'12.— Works Dennis Madden, died this morn- j The -board of m a n a . ^ r s or the F r a -ing a t her home, 36 Forbes street , af ter I tcrnal League at i ts meet ing las t night a brief illness. Hear t trouble was the j received a p-otest from the Hepta-cause of death. Miss Madden had been j sophs agains t the las t game played ca r ing for her brother , Thomas, who j with the Royal Arcanum, tn which the has been 111 for some time past, until latter won a forfeited game. The her own Illness. Immediately following board was unable to reacn. a decision her death, the young man was removed i or the dispute and it was finally set-to St. Mary's Hospital . The death of I tied by agree ing that each team pick

d mm m a a c 3 D

VISITORS, Welcome State - Wide Free Delivery

These Are Days When TRUE RUG NEWS

Is Of Vital Importance i

Miss Madden is a par t icular ly sad blow to her father, who seems to have had more than his share of trouble in a

.little more than a year. Fol lowing the death of hls*wife. Feb rua ry 2S, 1911. came the death of a son, 22 years of age. by accidental d rowning while at work as a plumber. The decreased was a g radua te of St. Mary's inst i tute. She is survived by her father, five brothers , Thomas, Wal te r and Lewis of this city, Edward of West Virginia, and Raymond of Sa ra toga Springs, and three s is ters , Ger t rude, Florence and Margaret , al l .of th is city.

large class of candidates, iiig brothers a re welcome.

All visit- j Grout, tenor. quar te t from the Schu­bert-Phi lomel club, including Miss

I Grace Smith. Miss Ethel Reade. Mrs. S9, D. of P., I F. A. Yager and Mrs. G. C. MacKer-

of rocahon tas j racher . and Mrs. Frank K. Ragnall .

belief in view of the fact that the lit­tle slip which the large coal compan­ies at tach each win te r to the receipt | acknowledging each order of the re ta i l ; ShlaWasses Council Xo dealers as it is sent in, and which j c c n f e r r e d l n e degree s ta tes that the coal will be charged | u p Q n a c l a s s Df , . v e c a n d l d a t e s , and en- j pianist a t the current price at date of ship- • tcr tained as guests a large delegation' The chorus will include: ment, has not yet been detached, as it i f r o m Algonquin Council of Albany. Sopranos—Mrs. E. H. Adamson, Miss usually is after the winter demand is I A f t e r t h e . quenching of the Council i .Fannie Burgor. Mrs. A. F. Routon, Miss ever. ( I tire, l ight refreshments were served, Inez Bissell. Mrs. William I'.annon, Miss

Thus if a dealer orders a consign- | n n ( j a very pleasant time enjoyed by i J ane t Bright, Mrs. John Pay. .Miss Mar-me"nt on the fifteenth of the month at | a n present. • gare t Delehanty. Miss Ada Edwards, the price then quoted.- and the coal is i . - i M;S .S Kdith Ennis. Mrs. K. W. Fitzjohn. not shipped until the first of the fol-j Fidelity Ljdge Xo. 34.". I. O. G. T.. J Miss Flo'rence Foster. Mrs. (;. H. Good-lowing month, he may be obliged to will hold' Its weekly meeting tonight! win. Mrs. C. B. Hall. Miss Wilhelmlna

iiiy advance over the original price 1 j n ci.an MacRae Hall. 423 State street. 1 Haverdlll , Miss Cecelia Hourr lcan. Miss I A full a t tendance Is destred for the j Florence Lansing. Mrs. I.. Lee, Miss

crnsidcrat ion of mat te r s of Importa- J Anna M. Losee, Miss Lotta Marsha!!. anco and the instruct ion of delegatesj Miss Elizabeth McGregor. Miss Edith to the Schenectady District Lodge [ McCully, Miss Agnes McCully, Mrs. B. which meets tomorrow. ! If. Xorrls, Miss Helen Pat terson. Miss

—— j.Alice Quigley, Mrs. Gertrude Rowe, Schaugh-n- iugh-ta-da Tribe will kin- j Miss Maude Rider. Mrs. E. Sandstrom.

die Its council fire at the Wigwam In Ferry street, u night at S o'clock. The

pay which may take effect at that time. This the dealers think Is a sure indi­cation t h a t an advance in price is con­templated. -

To the average coal man 'there is not the least semblance of a rift in the cloud that is set t l ing over the country In the. threatened "break" between the operators and the miner , on April 1,

HE IS ENDORSED. 'Special to The Gazette.)

AMSTERDAM. March 12.—Attorney Ambrose P. Fi tzjames of this city Is in line for the impor tan t office of s ta te deputy of the K n i g h t s of Columbus. He wa-s endorsed for the office at a meet ing of the delegates held in Sche­nectady Sunday, and again Monday at Utica at f. meet ing held In that city at tended by the delegAtes for the pur-post of witnessing the exemplification of the third degree by Daniel J. Griffin of Brooklyn.

Mr. Fitzjames s tands high in the or­der, having held the office of grand knight of Amsterdam council four years, resigning only to accept the more important office of distr ict deputy of the 36th Xew York district, which includes the councils In Amsterdam. Johnstown, Gloversville and Fort Plain. I?."1 has been a member of Xew York Slate Council e ight years consecutive­ly, and received the high ' honor of be­ing elected delegate to th» Supreme Council held In Rochester. August.

I 1910. The election of s ta te deputy will occur at the convention to be held in Water town, May 14 and 15.

a disinterested person ana these two tc pick a third par ty . The three will meet Wednesday night at the armory and cons ider ' the protest . The follow­ing is the schedule for the remainder of the Fra te rna l "League: March 13, Foresters vs. Woodmen; March 15, R'-yal Arcanum vs. Eag les ; Mar?h 19, Fores ters vs. Royal Arcanum; March 20, K n i g h t s of Columbus vs. Eagles ; March 23, K n i s h t s of Columbus vs. Heptasophs. '

UGS occupy a big section of tne 5tli Floor. So many kinds & so many different patterns, that at whatever price you fix, you have an abundance to

check from. Before finally deciding, ask to see patterns in the following:

' 'Kilmarnock''' Scotch Rugs "Ardaham" The American Orientals Aocminster Velvet Rugs Wilton Velvet Rugs Tapestry Brussels Rugs Peerless Brussels Rugs Spartan Brussels Rugs

-BodtyJlmissds, „Rugs-'Beazwais" Axminster Rugs

Terpac Wilton Rugs Pyraviid Wilton Rugs^^^j Bundhar Wilton Rugs Hardwick Wilton Rugt Royal Kashan Wilton Rugs French Wilton Rugs Anglo Persian Rugs •» Anglo Indian Rugs '.


Rugs From The Orient


wliMi the three-year .iRrecinent lie- | Warr ior ' s decree will be conferred on twf ' . i them comes up for renewal, and | a class of candidates. All members arc it i.-; thought that the demands for requested . to .>e [.resent. « shorter hours, more money, and a 1 -yearly agreement instead of the pro-vailjng one, may be refused by the op-

Miss Grace E. Smith. Miss Sarah Schaup. Mrs. W. L.. Towne. Miss Ka th ­arine- Yanderbilt . Mrs. Earl Van Yranken. Mrs. Pearl Wagner . Miss Alice White. r Miss Ellen Williamson. Mrs. F. A. Yager.

Altos—-Mrs. Daniel Rarkley. . Miss Charlot te Berkley. Mrs. F. O. Rowen. Mrs. James 'Cowle. Mrs. James II.

CLAIM:?* B O A R D C A L E N D A R .

(Special to The Gazette.) SARATOGA SPRINGS. March 12.—

Because of ths fact that Deputy At­torney Gener i l F r a n k W. Bro»vn Is ill v?lth an a t tack of indigestion and was unable to rppear In court today the board of e!:.ims went to Northum­berland to inspect the property for v, hlch claims have been made for dam-pge -because of the dam built at Cro-ker 's reef. Ti.e members of the board have to examine each piece of property lor which a claim is niaoc. The cal­endar contains the following cases which will be taken up iij the order named: Thomas Flanagan, Jeremiah Crowley. Charles T. Wright . .To;m nru-en, George Henry, Horace H. Dibbel, two claims: Christopher Kenry, P. B. Daly, Isabella i 'aly. Mary A. Galla­gher; Thoma u Meenly. Margaret Ash, Sarah A. Davidson.- Robert Parker , Sarah A. Davidson. Xelson Jerome Mil­ler. Daniel Cahlll. John J. Hurlay, F rank l in P. Pa ' i sh . Helen Jr. Schcr-rrierhorn. George W. L. Smith, seven claims; John M. Butler. Sarah E. Brown. Luke Virgil, Walt«r Balc'h. Fred Virgil. Andrew- Matthews. Jul ia A. Kinnear, F rank Johnson, David Bar­tholomew. J I M D. Johnson, Byron D. Jackc t t , Augus-. Bojack and Fred Male.

High-Grade 9x12 Axminster At $21.50


This is one of the groups included in the showing of Standard Trade-mark Rugs in attractive designs & colorings, possessing much the effect of expensive Aubusson fabrics.

We have a handsome group of Artistic Rugs in Colonial effects, particularly adapted to Bedrooms. Smaller sizes much used for bath rooms.

Sizes from 36x72 inches at $1.50 to 9x12 feet, at $28.


two children, Mrs. L. C- Pouts .and My­ron E. Olds, and a sister, Mrs. J a n e Sexton. *•


MlVOIt MATTERS. CSpecial to The Gazette.)

AMSTERDAM. March 12.—Raymond Hiller. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew

' A FAMOUS CASE. (Special to The Gazette.)

I SARATOGA SPRIXGS. March. 12.— ! The famous case of William A. Davld-

The women of Van Curler Camp Xo. 14. Order of the Golden Seal, will hold

cra'tors. . ' a euchre at the home of Mrs. Eiia Xcal, This-cond!tion-of~Bffairsr—hns—bwH-yrr^MBIU nvenve—rtmrnrrnw—aftcmrwn-t-Tr r 3yn r-Mrg:--Ka-thrvn—Ch.-.mfccrhrtir-

enticipated by the large handlers of a t 2 o'clock. All members and their Mrs. M. M. Dolan. Miss Grace Garro-friends are invited. j way, Mrs. Mary Harley. M i s s . Anna

• 1 Hourr igan. Miss Edna Hughes . Mrs. G. A regular meeting of the Van Curler c*. MacKerracher. Mrs. John D. Miller.

Camp Xo. 611. Order Golden Seal, w a s K f | s s jrta Mattice. Mrs. S. H. Mosler, held Monday <.!ghl In Red Men's Hall. Mrs. H. ~0. Xuman. Miss Viola ' P r lm-A number of candidates were Initiated m e r . Miss Ethel Reade, M i s s Emma by the degree t t i m s under the Instruo- s 0 hul t , Mrs. L C. Sherman. Mrs. G. W. tlons of Colonel K. C. Strope of the

Hiller. of fi2 Academv street , died this I son aga ins t Walter L. Osborne will go morning at 2:15 o'clock a t his home i to the Appellate Division. This case of tuberculosis, aged 17 rea r s . He •„.-,,]' was . s ta r ted :V"f a yc:!r ago and was been ill for a period of three years. i a n action to recover for the conversion Kralrtes his parents, he is survived by '. " f ten tons 'if ha>. Th» •: three brothers . Roy. Herber t and Rob- : before jus t jc? Paren t of

C H I E F IS SUHPRISED. (Special tc The Gazette.)

SARATOGA SFRIXOS, March. James L. Lougnren. wire chief of the 1 ical exchange of the Xew York Tele­phone Company, was pleasant ly sur­prised last night a t his home, 23S Car­oline street , the occasion being Ii ' i bir thday. Mrs Loughren, who was In on tiie secret, n e n t out with net hus­band in tiie ear ly par t of the night , end when they returned, Mr. Loughren was grea t ly surprised to And tha t the guests hail taken possession of his homo. The night was spent wi th euchre and tl.e guests were en te r ta in ­ed with vocal and Inst rumental music, after which refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S.'huyler Steenburgh, .Mr. and Mrs. C. A Lawrence, -Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Ulm-ington. Misses Eva Rlmington, Mao '•,'uinn, Clcre Quinn, Inez Formel, Al'o.e Tracy. M. Csafo, Lansing Van Aernem, !•'. 1. Vlbbard, Garfield Rimington. Earl Gallup, William Covey and Master Loitti Loughren.

known, summer cot tager , IB_ spending a few d a y s l n town.

Xewell Heasl t r , son of Vil lage Clerk James X. Heasllp, has recovered from a.u a t t a c k of tonsili t is.

F r a n k H. Hathorn has re tu rned from Chicago where he was called by the death of hl3 bro ther - in- law, R. H. Southgate .

County Highway Super intendent John E. Hodgman. who underwent an operation in X t w York, has recovered so tha t he is able to be a t his office.

Edward L. Louis died today a t his home on West avenue, aged 7S years .

the commodity for tho past three years and they have been gradually advanc­ing the price of the inferior grades, such as buckwheat, pea and birds-eye a t the ra te of ten cents a ton until these grades a r e now on a level with the best grades, such as chestnut, stove, egg and gra te coal.

As a further indication of the seri­ousness of the situation and the prob­abili ty of a tie-up, the coal carrying roads have sent out a quiet tip to the dealers that it may M> to their advan­tage to stock tip their yards before April 1, with the result that with the | huslnes. Advent of spr ins tons upon tons cf th ' s | a dance cherished commodity are being piled into yards which are usually well nigh depleted at fhU time of the year.

Some of the deaVers have not yet been impressed with the necessity of stocking up. but the majority are fill

Third District of Xew York. Milton Ocvoe-of 29 Halgh avenue was nomi­nated, elected and Installed as com­mander of the Camp- Miss Sophia Hussong of 201 Hule t t street , resigned from the chair on account of pressing

The Camp decided to hold in I<ed Men's Hall April 19.

The next regula,." meet ing March 25 In Red Men's o'clock.

ivill he held Hall, at 8

Zlon Long'? Nc. meet tonight at 3

909. I. O. O. F„ will _ o'clock. Tho Initla-

Ing up their bins Just as fast as It Is ', tory degree will be conferred on a possible to receive consignments. j c'.as8 of candidates.

It is even said that the carr iers have I notified the dealers that they will not I n , , n , . A . , . T deliver any coal after the first of April. I A J b l V o U i N A L except a t an extremely high ra te fe-,-which nn'ngTe?mT'nt"wmilii "now "have ' t r be made. of

Slaght. Miss Helen steve'ns. Miss Ruth Stevens. Miss Martha Vanderbll t .

Tenors—Tohn Allen. E. W. Bran-dow. William Rrown. John Campbell. F rank Clute; X. W. Donnan, A. J. De

I Long. Layton E. Flero. E. T. Grotit. j George Glllman. C. B. Hall. Carl E. j Jes ter . Harold I. Lamb Maurice F. j May. Lester Mllllncton. G. S. Perkins . j John Robinson. Charles F / Slverigbt . | Herber t G. Taggar t . George E. Tay- | j lor. E. J. Vaughn. John J. Walker , R. j j C. Whitney. Clarence Weaver. j Basses—A. B. Peakbane. s. H. Beck- • j er. Robert Barry, F rank S Barton, i I Riley Bressler, W. S. Bosworth. J a m e s ' j H. Crapn. Harold Cool. Charles I 'ahou- ! I sac. Samuel Currle. E. "M. Fltzjohn. ' Har rv L. Holden, Dr. J. A. W. T<eaM.! j P. J. Klrkwood. B. S. Mason. H. O. Xn- j

man, A. G. Oehler, Charles E. Palme/ i Jr. , . Ralph- Rennle. Rae Sims. G. W. I Slaght. T.. C Sherman. P.. M. Wooster. i

ert. all of this city, and three sisters. Mrs. Fred Link of Schenectady, Rnd the__Mls_ses__Edjtji_and Nellie HJlcr. _pf "this city.

The.Orpheum Theater , the la tes t ad­dition to Amsterdam's amusement places, will be opened tomorrow after­noon to the public.

At a meet ing of the Amsterdam branch of the s ta te committee for the prevention of tuberculosis, held last night, it was proposed to pur­chase the Hobb farm. si tuated on Swar t Hill, as a tuberculosis hospitla.

Rabbi Joseph H. Stoltz. wh-> has been pas to r of the Temple of Israel in this city since last September, has been re-elected for a second t ; rn : com­mencing next September, by the mem­bers of tho congregat ion.

se was tried i tne town of]

Charlton and the plaintiff obtained a | verdict of ?9f. The case was appealed tc the cdu"nTy~ Xow the ca<=e has been appealed by Mr. Davidson to the Appellato Divis­ion.

ADJOURNED MEETING HELD. (Special to The Gazette.)

SARATOGA SPRINGS, March. 12.— The board of t rus tees held an ad lourn-ed meet ing last night- to act on the resolution introduced at the last meet­ing to abolish the Publicity Commis­sion and the appropriat ion of S1O.UO0 for adver t i s ing the village. The law committee, to whom it was referred.

CAMBRIDGE. Mrs. H a r r y Hedges spent Thursday

and Fr iday in Troy. Mrs. Freder ick Wallace went to Hot

Springs Tuesday. Mrs. Theodore Reynolds gave a flve-

hundred pa r ty las t F r iday night. M r s . P.. J. S. Will iams and son of

Sara toga are spending some time in town vis i t ing Miss Minnie Johnson.

Mrs. George Centre en te r ta ined her Sunday1 school class las t Fr iday nVght.

Howard Guthrie w a s called home Fr iday by the serious Illness of his father.

Master Burton and Miss Lydla Lake enter ta ined their young friends Mon­day night.

The Grange Hall company held a meet ing Friday, a t which Horace V. Bump was elected chairman and II. A. StaTbuck teller. Tiie three directors were re-elected for three years : George R. King. Isaac Brownell and Lett Wood worth. The directors elected: President. Isaac Brownell ; manager,

GLENVILLE, J Mrs. Henry Van Derveer of Mlnav l l l e |

has been vis i t ing her parents , Mr. a n d t Mrs. E lber t S. Groot.

Edward Seaman is confined to the? house, suffering wi th an a t t a c k of grip. |

Miss N'ettte B a r r e t t of H a g a m a n / spent Sunday with her paren t s in t h i s ' place.

Mrs. Clarence R. Swar t has re turned home from Schenectady, where she has been the gues t of her daughter , Mrs. Clayton J. Pot ter .

A number of people from this plac went to Schenectady Fr iday night t ' witness Dockstader 's minstrels .

David F . S w a r t spent Fr iday with his sister. Mrs. Edwin Young.

Rev. Clinton W. Clowe has receiver! a call to tho pas tora te of the Reformer: church of Woodstock, Ulster county. *

A supper will he given in the chap Thursday, March 14, under the auspl of the consistory of the Reforr. church. The proceeds will bo used , paying the rebuilding of tho chun sheds.

county court of SchenectadyJ ^ a p p r O D r i a t i o n were created by an HTTd ~;udgmeri t - was -xeve r se -d^ -^<-„? the ' Te-gTsTaTuTeT—A~c^mmu ffl-c&---e ca=c nas been appealed by •__ . . = V « „ - I J „ „ . *,.„„, ,i,„ r n m -


WTLL PLAY TOMti l lT , The Clalrmont A. C. will play the i

Bohemian Turners basketball team tonight a t S o'clock In Turn hall.

I i

.% ' * -» .^^ . -» .^ ' *< i . '» , %-»x»x».%<fc .

f Telephone JN. Y. 23S2-.I


(.'. F . WAIT* CEO. 7.EI.M-.U J


Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, Craig, X. Y., have returned from a two weeks' t r ip to Xew York and At­lantic City.

J. M. Hlemepbcrg of Xott Terrace has purchase 1 .-• lot In the Van Voast plot in Union street and will erect ft residence th'.s summer.

Judge Charles B. Andrus' wife m i d daughter Elizabeth, and Mrs. John Corey, all of Saratoga Springs, are visiting the Judge's father. E. A. An- Judge because he was In a r r ea r s In ilrus. al 29 Yates ' s t ree t , this city. payments required by the court for

Miss Helen Lewis of Saratoga I the support of his wife. Jnmes Moore Springs. Kcndrick r a t i on , of Madison, ! chose the former. He must now face


rtnt Fo r tune Teller DodKe <o ThrotT Scent Endu In Exposure .

YORK. Fn.. March 12.—Tarn to fare with a choice between robbing his room-mate or appear ing before the Judge because he wn.«

WALL PAPER, PAINTS, VARNISH J ' S (-'orpA,—of- -}-a7-~Sftuth Fer r i ' . s t r ee t t 4 t I t t f t i t i t f ^ '* * %• % * "̂

Miss l.ncy Wible of Fort Edward, and William La Hose of Port Henry were over Sunday gnosis of Mr. and Mrs.


EMImnto* Given on All Work.


J | W. T. (', V. NOTES. ' ! ' fhj Schenectady w . c. T. I', will * j celebrate Lillian M, X. Stevens' birth-f j day Jat headquar ters tomorrow after-

• % ^ m ^ * , ^ - » , * % * , » % ' * ' * • * » . » . » /

IH>on.\ Mis. Hlien.i Mallery will lead I the Aevollonal service an<i Mrs. Sad

dlemlry. will have charge of tho pro gram.

the Judge In any event, Moore stole a MO bill from the cloth­

ing of George Wlsenall. and with the money he satisfied the obllcatlon to his

I wife. To convince, Wisrinall.. that he I hart not l i k e n the money. Moore j helped him scftVrli for It. and then

look him to n fortune teller, who Wlsonflll though ' might help him lo-< ate the money.

The fortune teller advised Wlsonnll to go to the polL^e. which lie did. And

tho • j Detective CookWT quickly fixed J crime upon Moore, who confessed.

C A M P G A H A D A Adirondack Mountains

Paren ts p lanning on

sending their sons to camp

this season a re requested

to communicate with the

director before April 1,

after which t ime vacan­

cies will be filled.

Full term,

half term.

Booklet of

ten ..weeks;

five weeks,

seventy - five camp views on request.

~—WitHsurBrEfiier Mf(I0t,5Ai«M;

TWENTY PETITIONS. (Special to The Gazette.)

SARATOGA SPRINGS. March. 12.— High Rock Council Xo. 652, Royal Ar­canum, a t It3 meeting last n igh ' , re­ceived and acted on twenty petit ions for members'hlp. These applicants will- be received at the class Initiation

j which, will . ike place March 25. At ! that time an official visit will be i made by a m'-mncr of grand officers j Including Roswell H. Starret t . grand

regent of the s ta te of Xew York. In-| v i ta t lons have been extended to the ] councils of H.idstn Falls. Corinth, Had-i ley and Schuj lervllle to at tend. The ! following comni' t tee has been nppolnt-• ed to a r r ange for the banquet In con-i nectlon with the r.ffalr: Orator John H. j Morris, cha i rman: George H. Stenacher. ! Edward I'. Eddy, Joseph Chauvln. i John W. Lyman. William II. Hodge?,

John P. Fianat .an .and Frank Kelly.

k POMIM>VI MAN DIES. (Special to The Gazette.)

SARATOGA SPRINGS. March. 12.— Henry. C. Old?, a native of Saratoga county, died Sunday night at his home In Canton, Ohio, after an Illness of pneumonia. Mr Olds wa.i horn In the town of Groenfnld February 14. IM1. and was In his "(2d year. When the

I Civil War hrcke out he etiltsled (n ! Company H of the. 153d New York Vol­

unteer Infantry, on August 30, 18(12. i He contract^ 1 'yphold fever and ,n IV-I comber was discharged on-account of | disability. I i 1 S*54 he m i m e d Miss j Hannah St. John, and ;n IR7S they ! moved to Canton, where he engaged In ; tho hardware 1 nslness. Mr. Olds was j a member of !he Knigh ts of Pythias , j Modern Woodmen and O. A. R. Mr. ' o l d s had be n a Mason for 30 years. \ 11* mTrTroTrt~TrrTTrrr rn>^ innd had, served as township clerk for j nine yf-ars. !h? had also sefvrd as a l -j derman and ooputy assessor. While

a . rosldenla "osldent of Saratoga j SftJSnKS Mr. Oid> was employed in the •fjrro<Jry s to r - r>t W.iUer .fonnoiy unit ' af torwarda ens-aged in business for

himself. He I* survived by hU. widow,

tlcn was also received from the com mission' s t a t ing tha t cont rac ts had a l ­ready been made' for the coming year tha t would havt to be fulfilled. The resolution to abolish the commission and approprla t i ;h' was wi thdrawn. The bq>rd rejected tho claim of Mw>—lul.la Cook for Injuries sustained by fal l ing on an ley walk In 3ilalton s treet .


reported that the board had no power In the mat te r as the commission and Lott Woodworth ; t reasurer . George R

King ; secretary , Robert .Fischer. A -dividend-of -fl—per-ccnt—wae-deela-r^dr—

Mrs. H. J. Mann Is en te r t a in ing Mr. and Mrs. Seltz and Miss Seltz of Gale-ton, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher a re en­te r t a in ing Mr. and Mrs. Rollln Bliss of Canandalgua.

Miss Ger t rude H a r t gave a small dancing pa r ty a t her home last Fr iday nlght-

A surpr ise par ty was__given Miss Rutti Robinson a t her home Fr iday night.

Mrs. Edward Livingston has been en­te r ta in ing Mrs. E. L.- Colton of Eagle Bridge.

Mrs. Henry Maxwell has been enter­ta ining Mrs. Joseph Smith of Putnam and Mrs. Dunn and daugh te r of Gard­ner, Mass.

The Anthony circle will meet with Mrs. c ; E. Smith Saturday a t 2:30 o'clock.

Charles E. Morse of Northampton. Mass.. Is visi t ing his father, Elijah Morse.

Announcement Is made of the mar­riage of Samuel Wright and Miss Jes­sie Pet toys.

At the home of Mrs. I. M. Westfflll Jr . Sa turday afternoon, the Ondawa chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will be enter ta ined at luncheon by Mrs. West fall. Mrs. Fred Small. Miss Elizabeth Chandler and Miss .May Carpenter.

Miss Mary Mnlinr gave ft pa r ly Sat­urday f l i g h t In honor of her cousin, M/ss Loret la Matthews.

The funeral of tho date William H. Turner was held from the Turner home Sa turday at 2:30 o'clock. The firemen, the Odd Fellows and tho Robeknh lodge at tended In a body.

At the nnnual meet ing of* the Wo­men's Missionary society of the Pres­byter ian church Inst Wednesday Mrs. Morton S. Falos was elected president, Mrs. Richard Turnbull nml Mm. ' An-

Miss Kathe i i i i " C. Devlin, a teacher derson, vice presidents ; Miss L. P. in Xo. 3 school, ;s confined to her home | c rny . secretary , and Miss Bacon, t r ess -

SALOONKEEPER DISCHARGED. John Xovak, the Jefferson etree

saloonkeeper was discharged yesterdr by Just ice Falr lee In Police Court af-an examlnst lon on a cnarge of viol Ing the s ta te - l iquor tax law last f day. Novak had been arrested by trolmen Steen and Moncsko early ' day morning for trafficking in II during the prohibited hours. S' Harney, who was arres ted Si night for Intoxication, and wfc held as a witness agains t proved to be of; no VRltie at all prosecution. Rarney denied t l was In the Xovak place Sund: .sv-as_nat_ser.v.ed.av.lUi_anylhlng_t___ by Xovak or his employes. J found gui l ty of the charge of li tton and allowed to go under pended sentence.

Wal t t & Bond Union made.'

Totem Clira

BURGLARY A«D F I R E . (Snecial to The Gazette.)

SARATOGA SPRINGS, March. 11 Michael J. Rowland, whose bnkery In West Congress s t reet was ffamaged by fire Sunday night, reported to tho po­lice today t h a ' he believed the place, had been burglarized. After he had made an Investigation Mr. Rowland discovered that the cash regis ter had bfen rifled and a quant i ty of change extracted. Some s ta t ionery and lead pencils were missing and this led to the belief that boys had entered the place. Chief Shidwlck of tho fire de : par tment reported that when he ar­rived tho window In the door was broken. It Is supposed tha t the Intru­ders used matches In rifling the place and accidentally dropped one tha t er.usert the (Ire. The police aro Inves­t igat ing.

MINOR MATTERS. (Special lc Tho Gazette.)

SARATOGA SPRINGS, March. 12 — Miss Kiithorlne Maude Nichols under­went an operat ion for appendicit is to-(lev a t the Sara toga Hospital by Dr. Frank H. O'Cvitior of Brnttleboro, VI., nfsisted bv .Drs Downs and Rossoguic.

George Waring, who has *>ecn 111 for several days, has recovered.

B. K. Wnlb.idgo has returned from a visit in Schenectady.

John Butler Is home from tho Mor-c.-rburgh academy f o r ft short vacation.


. Illness. R. H. NIohoD. of Schenectady Is In

town, called by tho Illness or his sis-tor. Miss K.itherlno Maude Nichols.

Mr. nnrl Mfs. Fred H. Raxer have gone to Daytona, Florida, where they v 111 spend the balance or t h e ' w i n t e r .

W. D. Ellis of New York, a well

urer. The Young Ladles' 'Missionary so­

ciety of A the United Presbyter ian church held ft meet ing-Wednesday and elected: President, Miss Ors.ee Robert­son: .vice president, Miss Roatrloo Ful­ler: secretary. Miss Vlra Watk lns , and treasurer, Miss Mabel Hodge.

Decayed Teell Dr. .liilo» .1. Snrnxln. dentist , of ^ ' ' 1 -

Orlenns. hn* made n very cn'rofnl l**j voxllgnilnn of the harmful fosnllx <>U drcnyod tooth, • > -|1

Ho snysi '•Deonyort leelh and'hrf tf i ken down roots onrry millions of ill**} esse germ* nbout tvllh lhcm. Snch mouths onrrylng this Infection nre nt mennce lo the person ft* well a« nouree of dnngor lo Ihoso coming I conlnct with Ihom,"

Mo »«r« fnrlhcr In his reporl i "V<j dooftjroil lor lh mhsl ho kepi In th-j month, They must lie fllloit, r r o n n t . ' or emrneted."

Extract ions, ,V»o| Silver Filling*. *l" Gold Fil l ings from *2t Gold or Pore - ' . lain I ' rowtn, *Si ' l l r ldse Work, Vr

tooth. Mi Plntos, *lft mi l $15,

Open Evenings . Snnflsys, 11 lo . l .^ .„

KNOX DENTISTS 240 SlfllO S»„ Sohonoolnrly, N. Y.


Cnrlr Denial Co Alhany, N. V Williamson Co Pnngiikorpstr', N. y Cady Drnia t Co .SitrlnRrtrla. M»«,' t a d y Denial C o . . , , , . .Nenburgh , jf, v

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