Rubrics Meaning

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  • 8/19/2019 Rubrics Meaning


    Mind Rubrics

    This work is meant for busy practitioners and those who are preparing for competitive

    examinations. This work is based on Synthesis and Complete repertory. These are not

    dictionary meaning but correct interpretations.

    This is an attempt to lessen the difficulties of the students & especially busy practitioners

    who my wish to make themselves familiar with the mind rubrics at a glance.

    Homoeopathic physician even if given mental symptoms by the patient, unable to

    perceive the case because of his lack of knowledge in this field. He ignores such

    symptoms unintentionally and the case may be a failure.

    ne of the main problems we encounter in practice is the conversion of the patient!s

    symptoms in the proper language of the repertory. "n order to overcome this problem we

    should understand exactly the meaning of each rubric, sub rubric with cross references

    and remedies. The mental rubrics especially, are difficult to understand by dictionary

    meanings alone. #e should understand the correct meaning assigned to a particular

    rubric from the mouth of great teachers and by constant practice. $any of the rubrics

    are of similar meaning but confusing also.

    " have tried with best of my efforts, knowledge and hard work to make this a valuable

    work. " hope and wish that this work will be accepted and appreciated. " welcome any

    suggestions from any %uarter it may be, so that this work can be improved upon.

    eaders are re%uested to visit ' "nterpretation of mind in Synthesis ' in for a detailed study on individual rubrics.

    (. )bandoned * +eeling of being left alone without help

     +orsaken * +eeling of being left alone without help

    eserted * +eeling of being left alone when most needed

    -. )bashed * To strike with shame

    . )brupt * /nexpectedly sudden, rude

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    0. )bsent minded * "n attention of mind

      "n )bsentmindedness there is no fixation of mind at all,

      "n )bsorbed the mind is directed towards one problem. +ixed in one thought

    )bstraction of mind * ) destructive symptom, something in the mind has been lost

    1. )bsurd * idiculously unsuitable , foolish

    2. )busive * Habit of employing harsh insulting languages as a routine.

    Cursing * "s due to some provocation by somebody or some provocative ideas

    Swearing. Cursing after heated exchange with another one

    3. )cuteness * Sharpness and keenness of mind

    4. )daptability loss of * 5ery difficult to ad6ust to the surroundings

    7. )dmiration * ) high degree of pleasure

    (8. )dmonition * )ggravation from gentle advice

    ((. )dulterous * Sexual intercourse with a female other than his lawful wife

    (-. )ffability * The %uality of being pleasant and at ease in talking to others

    (. )ffectation * )rtificial behavior designed to impress others

    (0. )ffectionate * )ffection beyond normal limit which may be cause of concern

    (1. )fraid * +illed with fear and apprehension

    (2. )gility mental * The %uality of being %uick in answering and resourceful

    (3. )gitation * "nviting public attention to a controversial matter or issues.

    (4. )gony * "ntense pain of mind and body

    (7. )goraphobia * )bnormal fear in open place

    -8.)ir castle * $aking theories which may not be practicable

    -(. )lert * 5igilantly attentive, %uick

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    --. )lienated * "ndifference to those formerly attached

    -. )loof * eserved, keeping distance in social relations

    -0. )mativeness * ) disposition to love with sexual desire

    -1. )mbitious * )n ardent desire for rank and power

    -2. )morous * )n intense desire for love especially sexual. 9ractical indulgence in sex is

    not necessary.

      :asciviousness * 9erson is much more attracted towards sexual thoughts and act.

    :ewdness. The sexual thoughts may not be predominating but the person desiresto expose the body. This is a voluntary act.

    Shameless. 9atient always seem to be half naked . This is an involuntary act.

    -3. )mnesia * ) gap in one!s memory

    -4. )musement * esire to play or entertainment

    -7. )narchist * ne who rebel against anything or ruling power

    8. )nger * ) strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism

    (. )nguish * )nxiety with physical sufferings

    -. )nimation * State of being full of life, 6est and vigor

    . )norexia nervosa & mentalis * ) forceful unwillingness to eat

    0. )ntagonism * )ctively expressed opposition or contradiction

    1. )nthropophobia * fear of men

    2. )nticipation * )nxiety for a good thing ;g. )t the time of marriage

    )nguish * )nxiety with physical sufferings

     )nxiety * )nxiety have no definite cause

    +ear * Has a definite cause.

    )pprehension * +ear with an element of doubt & expectation of something unpleasant to


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    3. )ntics * ) childish or foolish act

    4. )ntisocial * pposed to the principles of the society

    7. )pathy * want of feeling emotion or interest

    08. )phasia * :oss of power of speech due to a brain lesion

    0(. )ppreciation longs for * esire to get approval gratitude or good opinion

    0-. )pproached * rawing near of others aggravates

    0. )rdent * ;xtremely eager enthusiastic devoted faithful person

    00. )rguing * ;SS * +earless before danger, assured and confident

    aring * ecklessly bold.

     9resumptuous * =old and over confident

    High spirited* ) bold, energetic feeling despite being placed in tense situation

    "mpertinence * ude with out respect

     "nsolent * :ack of respect

     Temerity * ash & overconfident

    1-. )utomatic * ) complete lack of coordination between will & muscles

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    1. )utomatism * automatic action

    10. )varice * )n excessive insatiable desire for wealth and gain even though he is having

    enough of it.

    Covetous* esire to posses something, which belongs to others.

     $iserly * ) great desire to save money even from occasions where it is considered

    necessary to spend.

    11. )version * ) firmly settled and vehement dislike.

     Hatred * ) settled dislike with pre6udiced feeling for a particular person or aspect.

    isgust * )n intense dislike for something after repeated failures.

    Hatred ? is applied to a particular individual of affair.

    $isanthropy * Hatred from the whole mankind.

    12. )wareness heightened * elusionary state in which he gathers an accurate

    impression of his own internal organs ? a transparency feeling

    13. )wkward * :ack in social favour, skill or kindness

    14. =ad parts take everything * ffended easily

    17. =ad temper * ;asily angered nature

    28. =argaining * >egotiating over the terms of a purchase, where the rates are not fixed

    2(. =arking * speaking in a loud, curt and angry tone

    2-. =ashful * "nclined to shrink from public attention due to shyness

    2. =attles talk about * uring the course of sickness, person always talk about battles

    20. =eating * To hit sharply in a fit of anger

    21. =eautiful things * ;verything looks beautiful even rags

    22. =egging * to ask earnestly or submissively

    23. =enevolence * Tendency to do charitable and generous acts

    24. =enumbed * "nactive in his mental faculties like perception understanding etc.

    27. =ereavement * :oss of death of relatives or friends

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    38. =esides one self being * ) state of extreme excitement ,deep personali@ation

    3(. =ewildered * ) state of confusion, lack of power to distinguish with certainty

    Confusion * #here individual is generally all right. =ut whenever he sits for doing some

    calculation work he gets confused

    3-. =ilious disposition * ) peevish ill natured disposition

    3. =iting * )n altered mental state of a person who desire to bite

    30. =lames himself * To hold oneself responsible for facts or errors

    31. =lasphemy * "rreverence towards something considered sacred

    32. =lindness pretending * ) deliberate and knowing attempt to post oneself as blind

    33. =lissful feeling * Complete happiness

    34. =lushing * ed glow on the skin caused by modesty or shame

    37. =oaster * 9erson speak %uite high of himself with much pride

    48. =oredom * #eary with dissatisfaction or tediousness

    4(. =rain fag * prostration of mind

    4-. =rooding * means, being occupied with things in the present

     well * means being occupied with things in the past

     )bsorbed * )n intellectual mental rubric. )s in great scientists like ;dison

    4. =rotherhood sensation of * =elongs to brother, unification

    40. =rutality * The state or %uality of being grossly ruthless, cruel and cold blooded.

     Cruelty * :ower grade than brutality.

     $alicious *9erson generally in the habit of making plans to harm others ,will fully

    involved commission of wrong.

    udeness* ) general and habitual deficiency in manner and grace. >o respect for elders.

     #icked disposition* ;vil in principle or practice. )cting contrary to moral or evine law.

    41.=uffoonery * )n irrational behavior lacking in 6udgment.

    Childish behavior * a person of grown up age behaves like a child.

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    +oolish behavior * a person behaves in a foolish manner irrespective of age

    "diocy * "s worse than "mbecility? "A much lower

    The difference between "diocy and +oolish behavior is that the former is due to deficiency

    or under development of brain while the later has no deficiency of brain.

    Stupidity * )n unintelligent behavior or action, which can be easily 6udged by somebody.

    They are dull from the intellectual side and they are not doing such acts deliberately.

    42.=ulimia * )n abnormal or irresistible desire for food

    43. =uoyancy * vivacity or hilarity

    44. =usy * being constantly engaged in something

    47. Calmness * ) state of repose & freedom from turmoil or agitation

    78. Calumniate * /tter false statement in order to impair public reputation of others

    7(. Capriciousness * Sudden change of opinions and purposes without any reasons.

    "nconstancy* Changeableness, one who cannot stick to one place or in one occupation.

    "rresolution* ) person who cannot make up his mind and is in turmoil when asked to

    make a selection

    9ersist in nothing* Bumping from one thing to another without any purposes. They are

    fickle minded and always wavering and unsteady.

    7-. Care free * free from anxiety or responsibility

    7. Carefulness * The %uality of being careful and protective, cannot tolerate least


    70. Careless * o not pay any attention what other say or think about him

    71. Caressed * Touch or stroke in loving or entreating manner

    72. Carousal * rink freely & nicely

    73. Carphologia * To make grasping movements or gestures

    74. Carried * ) mental condition in which he wants to be lapped & carried

    77. Casting off * )rrogant & dictatorial person looking on others with contempt

    (88. Catalepsy * $imicking suspended animation

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    (8(. Cautious * $arked by prudent forethought to minimi@e the risk

    (8-.Censorious * "nclination to critici@e or discover faults on others

    (8. Cerebral type * 9redominated by intellect

    (80. Chagrin * epression or distress of mind brought on by humiliation ,hurt etc.

    (81. Changeable * ne moment happy other moment angry

    (82. Chaotic * State of utter confusion

    (83. Character lack of * :ack of reputation, moral excellence & firmness

    (84. ) %uack or pretender to medical knowledge

    (87. Charming * +ascinating or attracting features

    ((8. Chases * +ollow in order to catch

    (((. Checking * Compelled to verify things repeatedly

    ((-. Cheerful * Happy, being in good sprit even during sickness.

     Content * Satisfied and easy in mind despite various sufferings or hurdles.

     ;xhilaration * 9erson feel inordinately happy, 6oyous without sufficient cause.

    ;xaltation * is in respect of the feelings a person is already having but ;xhilaration is in

    general. ;cstasy *) state of emotion so intense that one carried beyond thought and

    self?control as in sexual pleasure?orgasm.

    High spirited * Characterised by a bold, energetic feeling despite being placed in tense


     Besting * ) disposition of cutting 6okes even when attended by a doctor or in serious

    condition ;xhilaration ? ne can understand the reason for the happiness or sadness.

    ;cstasy one cannot satisfy himself by way of reasoning.

     The difference between cheerful and hilarity is that the former is satisfied and happy but

    the later is not only cheerful but laughing with happiness.

    ((. Childbed * State of mother during the birth of a child until a period of one month

    ((0. Choleric * 5iolent excitement & agitation in anger, love or in fulfillment of desire

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    ((1. Circumspection lack of * oes not take any precaution or attention to any possible


    ((2. Clairaudient * elusion of hearing voices

    ((3. Clairvoyance * ) gift or power to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary


    ((4. Clever * $entally %uick bright and alert

    ((7. Climb * To move up using hands and feet

    (-8. Clinging * ue to strong emotional attachment or dependence, adhere closely or


    (-(. Closing eye amel * ) sort of mental relief by closing the eyes during sickness or


    (--.Cloudiness * ) state of confusion

    (-.Coma * ) deep prolonged unconsciousness

    (-0. Commotion * $ental agitation

    (-1.Communicative *Talkative personality, tendency to communicate openly & readily

    (-2. Compassionate * Sympathetic, concern for the sufferings of others and give aid

    (-3. Complaining * ;xpressing a protest over some dissatisfaction without any threat

    but expecting some sympathy or redressel

    (-4. Comprehension The grasping power of mind

    (-7. Conceit * overweening self esteem

    (8.Concerned * )nxiety

    ((. Confiding * Telling something confidentially but have a fear in mind

    (-.Conflicts * ) mental struggle to be a opposition

    (. Confounding * Confusing ob6ects and ideas

    (0. Confusion * The state of being unclear in mind

    (1. Conscientious * Have strong morality

    (2. Consciousness * State of being aware of one!s own existence

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    (3. Consolation * )lleviation of distress by sympathetic care or attention

    (4. Contemptuous * pen disrespect despite the opposition

    (7. Content * satisfied and easy in mind despite various sufferings

    (08. Contentious * Hard effort or struggle to achieve something

    (0(. Contradiction * Tendency to oppose

    isposition * ) tendency to oppose or contradict the speech, actions or versions of

    anybody with arguments and by using his intellect.

    "ntolerant of * persons who cannot tolerate any contradiction to what they have said.

    This intolerance is not supported by anger.

    Contrary * He will oppose anything without applying intellect or argument

    (0-. Controlling * To excise authority or influence over

    (0. Conversation * ral exchange of sentiments, opinion etc

    (00. Co%uettish * ) short lived amorous attachment with a man

    (01. Corrupt * "mmoral & dishonest

    (02. Cosmopolitan * Common to the entire world

    (03. Courageous * State of mind to face danger marked by bold resolution even in

    diseased state.

    (04. Cowardice * lack of courage

    (07. Crafty * $ischievous

    (18. Crawling * ) person move like insects ? on hands and knees

    (1(. Cra@y * intensive eager to achieve something which may be beyond his reach

    (1-. Credulous * Tendency to believe readily, unsuspecting

    (1. Critical * Critici@e severely by finding faults & imperfections

    (10. Croaking * 9rotesting in a sorrowful melancholic manner with a frog sound

    (11. Cross * "ll humor

    (12. Cruelty * Hard hearted, inhuman behaviour

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    (13. Culpability * He feels himself responsible for wrong or error

    (14. Cunning * "nclined to cheat

    (17. Curious * eager to ac%uire information or knowledge

    (28. Cynical * Contemptuously and bitterly mocking

    (2(. aring * ecklessly bold

    (2-. a@ed * State of being astonished

    (2. ebauchery * "mmorality, excessively indulging in sensual pleasures

    (20.eceitful * ) tendency to cheat others deliberately

    (21. ecisive * To believe what is not true

    (22. ecomposition of shape * Sense of appreciation & discrimination of shape lost

    (23. eeds great * epeated feeling in mind that he could do great deeds which could be

    appreciated by others

    (24. efiant * =oldness to such an extend that one can do despite any amount of

    opposition or challenge by others

    (27. e6ection * The state of being depressed after failures

    (38. elirium * ) transient mental disturbance with confusion, disorientation, disordered

    speech etc.

    (3(. elirium tremens * )n acute insanity due to alcohol intoxication

    (3-. elivery * mental complaints after parturition

    (3. elusion * ) false belief in spite of invalidating evidence.

    (30. ementia * eterioration of intellectual faculties, emotional disturbances resulting

    from organic brain disorder

    (31. ependant of others * /nable to do without the help of others

    (32. e personisation * :oss of feeling of his own reality

    (33. epravity * Corrupt state of moral character, wicked

    (34. epression *

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    (37. eserted * +eeling of being left alone when most needed

    (48. esires * ) mental condition in which person feels necessary for something or


    (4(. esolate room appears* ) feeling of loneliness or lacking hope

    (4-. espair * :osses all hope & confidence due to illness or circumstances

    (4. espising * To disrespect, regard something as negligible, worthless

    (40. espondency * epression of spirit from loss of hope or confidence

    (41. espotic * )n absolute power, autocratic control or leader ship

    (42. etached * )s in depression?separated, free from emotional ,intellectual or socialinvolvement

    (43. etermination * The %uality of being resolute or firm

    (44. ictatorial* )uthoritative people who dominate, want to give orders like a superior


    (47. ipsomania * /ncontrollable periodic insatiable desire for alcohol

    (78. irty * /nclean though or conversation

    (7(. isagreeable * eveloped by discomfort or repugnance and is marked by bad

    tempered unpleasant thought

    (7-. isconcertment * "nsight, discriminate by understanding

    (7. iscomfort * ) feeling of mental or physical discomfort

    (70. isconcerted * ) frustrated upset or confused mind due to grievance or desires and


    (71. iscontent * )lways dissatisfied

    (72. iscords * +ail to agree or harmoni@e

    (73. iscourage * eprived of confidence due to some provocation by somebody

    (74. iscrimination lack of * The act of recogni@ing and making fine distinction

    (77. iscuss * To speak together about something

    -88. isgust * islike after repeated failures

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    -8(. ishonest * disposed to cheat or lie

    -8-. isobedient * efusal or failure to obey, violation of rules

    -8. isoriented * loss one!s direction, position or relationship

    -80. ispleased * +eeling of dissatisfied, unhappy

    -81. issatisfied * 9erformance shown to hi m by others is not satisfactory

    -82. istance * "naccurate in 6udging the distance and events

    -83. istraction * ) mental derangement in which a person is agitated with violent,

    usually conflicting emotions

    -84. istrustful * So much suspicious, doubt every one, no faith in close relatives

    -87. iversion amel * ) person feel relaxed by diverting mind to some other matters

    -(8. ogmatic * )uthoritative, asserts his opinion forcefully

    -((. omineering * =y virtue of his natural dominating personality he make them agree

    on proposals

    -(-. otage * "mpaired intellect in old age, second child hood

    -(. oubtful * /ncertain about outcome

    Skeptical * postponing doubtfulness

    -(0. oro mania * "mpulse to run

    -(1. uality sense of * sense of being double

    -(2. ullness * :acking luster ,alertness or brightness in face

    -(3. uplicity * ouble dealings, deliberate deception

    -(4. uty * moral obligation to do ones business

    -(7. wells * =eing occupied with things in the past

    --8. ynamic * elating to activity or things in movement

    --(. yslexia * "mpairment of the ability to read

    ---. ;arnestness * eep sincerity & seriousness, work with great devotion

    --. ;ccentricity * ) departure from the established traditional behaviour

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    -0(. ;rratic * irregular and unpredictable in behaviour

    -0-. ;scape * ) desire to run away from present situation

    -0. ;stranged * "ndifference, will not show any affection to loved one!s

    -00. ;uphoria * ) heightened sense of well being

    -01. ;vading look * ;scape from responsibility

    -02. ;xacting * e%uiring great accuracy

    -03. ;xaggerating * to over state,.

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    -20. +anaticism * "ntolerant of any views or concepts which differ from his own?

    religion, politics

    -21. fancies * "magination especially of fantastic nature

    -22. +ar way * )pathy and indifference to future as in depression

    -23. +ascinating others * Charming and entreating

    -24. +astidious * want everything in neat clean and order, very difficult to please

    -27. +ault finding * Continually looking for negative points in others

    -38. +ear * )larm and agitation caused by expectation or reali@ation of danger

    -3(. +easting * ) ban%uet

    -3-. +eigning * 9retend to be ill, an artificial posing to be sick

    -3. +ervent * Hot glowing, ardent , animated

    -30. +ickle * Constantly changing decisions and moving on the track which nobody may


    -31. +idgety * Compulsive movement of limb, these movements are not involuntary but


    -32. +iery *"rritable temperament

    -33. +ight wants to be * aggressive person who gets violent at slightest provocation

    -34. +inery * :uxurious

    -37. +irmness * "ndicating resolution or determination

    -48. +ists * Hand closed tightly with the fingers bend against the palm

    -4(. +itful * ) sudden emotional upset marked by irregular burst of activity

    -4-. +ixed notion * 9eculiar type of habits, ideas or usage without having a proper


    -4. +lash back * ) scene from the past inserted as command or explanation

    -40. +lattered * 9leasing somebody by praising

    -41. +leeing away * inclination to runaway

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    -42. +ogged * mental confusion

    -43. +oppish * )lways wants to be dress at his best

    -44. +orage * +ood for horses and cattle

    -47. +oreboding * 9rior forethought something bad is going to happen

    -78. +orgetful * /nable to remember, constantly misses appointment

    -7(. +orgotten something feels constantly * ) recurrent feeling that he has forgotten


    -7-. +ormal * $ethodical and proper

    -7. +orsaken feeling * +eeling of being abandoned

    -70. +rail * +ragile, he is delicate and he will break

    -71. +rantic * $entally deranged to the point of madness in anger

    -72. +raterni@ed with the whole world * #hole world is his friend

    -73. +retful * ) type of irritability with agitation

    -74. +right * ) terror excited by a danger

    -77. +rightened easily * Thrown into a state of alarm easily

    88. +ritters away * To waste his time

    8(. +rivolous * oes not pay serious attention to anything

    8-. +rown * Tendency to wrinkle brow to show displeasure or disapproval

    8. +rustrated * iscontent through inability to achieve one!s desire

    80. +uror * ;xcitement, enthusiasm

    81. +ury * 5iolent unrestrained anger

    82. +ussy * paying great attention, affectionate

    83. +ussiness * Confusion


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    . Hastiness * The %uality or state of being in hurry with mental restlessness

    0. Hatred * ) settled dislike with pre6udiced feeling for a particular person

    1. Haughty * )rrogantly proud

    2. Head strong * bstinate with fixed ideas and don!t care others views

    3. Heedless * 9aying little attention without understanding any conse%uences

    4. Hesitating * >ot decided upon, in doubt

    7. Hiding * Tendency to hide feelings, hide in appearing

    08. High spirited * =old energetic feeling despite being placed in tense situation

    0(. Hilarity * "nternal feeling of pleasure with happiness even in sickness

    0-. Holding * #ants to be held, anxiety disorder

    0. Home desire to go * ) dislike for any place other than his home ;g. Hospital

    00. Home sickness * He become lonely and away from home, he longs to be with his

    family and wants to return to his native country

    01. Homosexuality * )n erotic attraction towards same sex

    02. Honor wounded * esult followed by an insult to the reputation or prestige of a

    person with some physical ailments

    03. Hopeful * ptimist

    04. Hopeless * Having no possibility of solution, no expectation of cure

    07. Horrible * 9eople who cannot bear cruel stories

    18. Horror * ) strong and emotional feeling of fear and dread

    1(. Howling * 9rolonged cry as in distress or severe pain

    1-. Humble * Submissive respect

    1. Humility * The %uality or condition of being humble

    10. Humor * )musing or comical

    11. Humorous * )bility to perceive things that are amusing

    12. Hunting for words * ifficult to get words during conversation

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    13. Hurry * ) disturbance of mind with turmoil and speed

    14. Hydrophobia * $orbid dread of water

    17. Hypochondrias * ;xaggerated imaginary feeling of being ill

    28. Hypocrisy * 9retending principles, posing many principles but not follow in life

    2(. Hysteria * ) neurosis marked by emotional excitability, amnesia, somnambulism


    2-. "diocy * "s worse than "mbecility? "A much lower

    2. "dleness * "nsolent and la@y to pass time without working

    20. "magination * 9ower of mind to form mental image or concept

    21. "mbecility * +eeble minded person with defect in mental ability

    22. "mitation * Copying other peoples action and speech

    23. "mpatience * hurried and worried, intolerance of any delay

    24. "mperious * ominating and full of himself who is always force their views on


    27. "mpertinence * ude and improper in performance & behaviour

    38. "mpetuous * This is found in persons who tend to do things abruptly in an

    impulsive manner without any thought of conse%uences. "n Hurry ? a persons

    wants to do things in a haste and there is no excitement.

      "n "mpatience, The persons is mentally restless

    "n "mpetuous ? He is violent in achieving his goal

    3(. "mpolite * uncivil , rude in manner

    3-. "mportant person behaving as a * marked by an exaggerated show of self


    3. "mpressionable * ;asily influenced and are impressed even by slight trifles

    30. "mprovident * >o care for future, want of foresight

    31. "mprudence * #anting foresight or discretion

    32. "mpudent * isrespect personalities with no modesty or shame

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    33. "mpulse * ) sudden spontaneous urge or inclination

    34. "mpulsive * )n inner impelling force to carry out some action, acting suddenly with

    no thought

    37. "nactivity * ) state of la@iness or sluggishness

    48. "nadvertency * "n attentive or negligence

    4(. "nattentive * :ack of attention

    4-. "nciting * ) disposition to excite or provoke others

    4. "nconsolable * >o amount of consolation bring him any comfort

    40. "nconstancy * ne who cannot stick to one place or in one occupation

    41. "ndecision * "nability to make decision

    42. "ndependence * >ot influenced or determined by someone

    43. "ndifference * :ack of interest or anxiety towards children, business or loved ones

    44. "ndignation * )n intense deep felt resentment or anger aroused by an un6ustice or

    wrong they had suffered

    47. "ndiscretion * )n act at variance with the accepted morality of the society

    78. "ndolence * :a@y people, who would not like to work

    7(. "ndustrious * ) disposition to be constantly or habitually occupied

    7-. "nfantile behavior * )n adult behave like a child, lacking maturity

    7. "nflexible * )dhere in firmly to a particular intention or purpose

    70. "nhibition * :ack of social inhibition

    71. "n humanity * /nsympathetic, barbarous attitude

    72. "nitiative lack of * :ack ability to begin a task

    73. "n6ustice cannot support * eluctant to support violation of rights of another

    74. "n%uisitive * Curiosity but of a negative aspect, not so innocent

    77. "nsanity * $adness or unsoundness of mind

    088. "nsecurity mental * #ant of self confidence

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    08(. "nsensibility * /nresponsive or uncreative to his surroundings

    08-. "nsolence * isgracing others, rude and immoderate in language and attitude

    08. "nstability * ) fluctuating mind that keep on changing from time to time

    080. "ntellect predominate emotions * Head rule over the heart in making decision

    081. "ntellectual * rational rather than emotional

    082. "ntelligent * Having high degree of "A, mentally acute

    083. "ntemperance * :ack of moderation especially in the excessive consumption of

    alcoholic beverages

    084. "nterruption * ) person gets irritated when disturbed in his doings

    087. "ntolerance * >ot enduring difference of opinion

    0(8. "ntoxication * Strange feeling as from 6oy or pleasure and looking as if drunk

    0((. "ntriguer * =uild up secret plots against others

    0(-. "ntrospection * Self examination, looking into himself 

    0(. "ntroverted * irect inward, concentrate on oneself 

    0(0. "rascibility * ;asily influenced by anger, short tempered

    0(1. "rksome * ne feels as if everything is irritating for him, upset on pretty things

    0(2. "rony * Hurt others by contemptuous or mocking statements

    0(3. "rreligious * "ndifference to religion

    0(4. "rrational * "ncapable of reasoning affected by loss of mental activity

    0(7. "rresolution * /nable to decide

    0-8. "rritability * ;asily upset

    0-(. "solation sensation of * +orsaken feeling, feeling of segregation

    0--. Bealousy * 9rosperity of another not tolerable

    0-. Besting * $aking merry by word or action

    0-0. Boyless * >ot having a feeling of happiness even if there are occasion

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    0-1. Boyous * :ooking happy or pleased despite adverse circumstances

    0-2. Bumping * raising in a sudden manner with force for coming down

    0-3. Dicking * ) tendency to strike with legs

    0-4. Dill * ) disturbed state of mind charecterised by an impulse to kill

    0-7. Dindness * )ffectionate with sympathy and compassion

    08. Dissing * To touch or press with lips

    0(. Dleptomania * Tendency to steal without any economic motive

    0-. Dneeling * )sking for something in kneeling position

    0. :aconic * Speaking in few words

    00. :amenting * )n earnest re%uest for grief 

    01. :anguages inability for * "nability to grasp or learn language as in $

    02. :ascivious * )ttracted towards sexual thoughts and acts

    03. :ate * Slow, does not perceive the value of time

    04. :aughing * )n expression of pleasure by producing a sound showing teeth

    07. :a@iness * )version or reluctance to work

    008. :earning * )bility to study or understand

    00(. :echerous * :ascivious thoughts

    00-. :ethargy * #eakness

    00. :evitation * ) light manner or attitude especially in inappropriate situation

    000. :ewdness * ;xposing body ? a voluntary act

    001. :ibertinism * "mmoral people behave in perverted manner, against social custom

    002. :iar * >ever speak the truth

    003. :istless * >o pleasure in his work & act without energy? indifference

    004. :itigious * Tendency to take others into court for minor reasons

    007. :ively * ) pleasurable love & affection

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    018. :oathing * ) feeling of aversion to everything, disgust

    01(. :ocality errors of * $aking mistakes in locating places which are familiar to him

    01-. :oneliness * ) feeling of being left alone, isolated

    01. :onging good opinion* esire to get good opinion from others

    010. :ooked at * He cannot tolerate to be watched or observed by others? feels they are

    mocking at him

    011. :o%uacity * ;xcessive talking in a sound personality

    012. :ove * )n expression of ones affection towards others

    013. :ow minded * :evel of thinking is always petty and they are looked down upon byothers

    014. :ow spirited * ) mild hearted may become sad & de6ected whenever faced with


    017. :udicrous * :augh at most serious & important things, sub6ect of laughing to


    028. :ypothymia * $ental exhaustion from grief 

    02(. $adness * /nsoundness, mental capacity is lost

    02-. $agnetised * #ants to be influenced by a person with a stronger will than he is

    02. $alicious * $aking plans to harm others

    020. $alingering * +eeling of being ill in order to attract attention or sympathy

    021. $ania * ;xcitement of psychotic proportion manifested by mental & physical


    022. $ani?)?9otu * elirium tremens? an alcohol withdrawal syndrome

    023. $anipulative * Corrupt & dishonest

    024. $annerly * 9olite & obedient

    027. $annish * esembling a man? girls dress & behave like a man

    038. $anual work * $ental aggravation whenever engaged in any physical work

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    03(. $arriage un endurable * islike even the idea of marriage, may or maynot be due

    to the idea of responsibility associated with it

    03-. $ature * ) young child behave like an adult and astonishing people around him

    03. $eddlesome * "nterfering in others matters which may not concern him

    030. $editating * ) devotion or spiritual exercise with deep thoughts and is generally

    inattentive what is going around him

    031. $egalomania * )mbitious people have desire for power wealth & fame ? rulers who

    always fight wars to expand their kingdom

    032. $elancholy *

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    07. $iserly * ) great desire to save money even when occasions where it is considered

    necessary to spend

    070. $isery *

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    1(8. $urmuring * ) low continually repeated sound

    1((. $utilating body * $ental disturbance in which disfiguring his body by cutting

    1(-. $uttering * ) low rumbling voce representing his complaints in angry way

    1(. >agging * Scold and continually %uarrelling

    1(0. >aEve * Simple trusting, plain and always takes things at their face value

    1(1. >arrow minded * :acking tolerance, petty

    1(2. >eglecting * +ail to give proper attention & care

    1(3. >ervous * )nxiety with excitement

    1(4. >eurasthenia * >ervous debility causing fatigue

    1(7. >eurosis * ) psychological disorder in which anxiety predominating

    1-8. >ew * ;ntire ob6ect despite very old are looking new

    1-(. >ibble * =ite gently and repeatedly

    1--. >ight terror * +earful dream child awake frightened ? cannot remember in the

    event, occur in early part of night

    >ightmare * occur in last part of the night, awake frightened, and remember the events.

    "n both case observer find the patient is frightened.

    1-. >ostalgia * Home sickness

    1-0. >umbers * tendency to draw even numbers

    1-1. >ymphomania * "ncreased desire for sex in females

    1-2. b6ective reasonable * /n influenced by emotion or personal opinion

    1-3. bligations * ) moral or legal bond , a dept of gratitude

    1-4. bscene * ffensive to accepted standard of decency

    1-7. bse%uious * Submissive up to slavery, all time on others opinion, no complaints

    18. bsession * ) persistent thought on disagreeable occurrence by compulsion ;g.


    1(. bstinate * "nflexible firmly adhering to an opinion by argument

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    1-. ccupation amel * )n activity , business or profession provides amelioration to all


    1. ccupied * )lways busy with things closed to him in his surroundings

    10. dds * issatisfied or discontented with himself 

    11. ffended easily * Sensitive person feel insulted very fast and takes most harmless

    remark as hurt feeling

    12. lder * ) precocity in which child behave as a matured person

    13. pinions * #ants to be respected by others, will not tolerate any contradiction

    14. ptimistic * )lways expect a favorable out come, no matter how grim thing seems

    17. rder in one!s life * #ants every thing in perfect orderly manner

    108. rphan * +orsaken children

    10(. ver active * )lways wants to be busy and occupied

    10-. verbearing * 9roud of her own looks or cloths, looked down upon others with


    10. ver sensitive * ;xtremely susceptible to feel something ? pain or happiness

    100. verwhelming * 5ery proud and c haughty person

    101. ver worked * complaints from over work

    102. 9anic * Sudden attack of fear

    103. 9aradoxical * That which contrary to received opinion

    104. 9aranoia * elusion of persecution or grandeur? as a Ding

    107. 9artial * 9re6udiced or biased, favoring one person or side over another

    118. 9assionate * Capable of having intense feeling

    11(. 9athetic * )rousing pity or sympathy from others

    11-. 9atience * 9ower to bear anything calmly and coolly without any provocation

    11. 9eace * ) sense of extreme calmness and contentment

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    110. 9edant * /nduly concerned with book learning and formal rules without

    understanding or experience

    111. 9edophilia * esire for sexual intercourse with children

    112. 9erceptions * "nsight, product of perceiving

    113. 9erfectionist * ) predilection for setting extremely high standards and being

    displeased with anything else

    114. 9erfidious * +aithless, violating faith

    117. 9erseverance * Try to full fill any condition whatever may be the conse%uences? not

    give up easily

    128. 9ersist in nothing * Bumping from one thing to another without any purpose

    12(. 9ert * "mpudent in speech or conduct

    12-. 9ertinacity * 9ersist or holding firmly even if others disagree

    12. 9erverse * #ant of moral feeling

    120. 9essimist * Take least hopeful view on any situation

    121. 9ettiness * ) thing of little value given lot of importance

    122. 9etulant * 9eevish or irritable person for no apparent reason and behave crossly

    with every one

    123. 9hilosophy * :ove and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual investigation and moral self 


    124. 9hlegmatic * "ndifference marked by slowness & solidity

    127. 9hoto mania * esire for light and color

    138. 9icking * uring the course of sickness he plucking & picking anything like clothes

    13(. 9iety nocturnal * $oral & spiritual reasoning at night only

    13-. 9ities herself * Sympathetic & heartfelt sorrow for herself while suffering mentally

    & physically

    13. 9lacidity * 9eaceful & free from agitation, undisturbed and calm

    130. 9laintive * ;xpression of sorrow

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    131. 9:)>S making many * This individuals have a habit of wanting to do many things

    which is not always practical or possible. The person is desirous or expanding his present

    business for a while he will make many statements, charts, graphs or other things

    although he may not implement them.

     Theori@ing * The person has no definite plan, statement, graph etc. but he makes

    castles in the airway, but it is not so in plans making many.

    132. 9lants * lover of nature & plants.

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    17-. 9remonition * 9resentiment of the future in advance

    17. 9re menstrual symptom * )nger, irritability, depression etc 6ust before menses

    170. 9re occupied * :ost in thought, absorbed from look itself 

    171. 9resumptuous * =old and over confident

    172. 9ride * )n unreasonable opinion of one!s own excellence

    173. 9rim * artificial behaviour designed to impress others

    174. 9rocrastinate * 9ostponing or putting of something until its later date

    177. 9rofanity * isrespect towards the religious things

    288. 9rophesying * +oretelling future events

    28(. 9rotesting * They rebel against any authority or ruling power

    28-. 9roud * Haughtiness

    28. 9rovoke * To excite, stimulate or incite others

    280. 9rying * To examine things with impertinent curiosity

    281. 9ulling hair * esire to draw out one!s hair

    282. 9unctilious * )rriving or reacting at the designated time

    283. 9yromania * +ire mania

    284. Auaking * Sound produced by ducks? occur in mania

    287. Aualmish * =itter regrets arising from the repentance of past misdeeds

    2(8. Auarrelsome * isposed to fight for pretty matters

    2((. Aueer * pen to suspicion, counter fit

    2(-. Auick to act * He has %uick reflexes and react very fast due to great co?ordination

    of ideas and actions

    2(. Auite disposition * Tendency to remain calm and peaceful

    2(0. Auitted cannot * So agitated or restless and not possible to keep %uite or calm

    2(1. age * He has no control over his anger and behave in violent manner

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    2(2. akes * "mmoral personalities

    2(3. ash * Auality of acting hastily and incautiously

    2(4. eading av to * ) settles and vehement desire not to read

    2(7. eality flight from * #hen faced with facts or difficult situation he tries to escape

    and live in imaginary world

    2-8. eason increased power of * "ncreased intellectual faculty ,have logical

    explanation for every little incident in life

    2-(. ebellious * evolt, resents and resist authority

    2--. eckless * Careless or heedless of conse%uences

    2-. ecogni@e anything * ne ceases to identify his own friends

    2-0. ecriminating * emain absorbed in nostalgia and bad memories

    2-1. elenting * )n attentive consideration with introspection

    2-2. e6ecting every thing * He does not accept things offered , capriciousness

    2-3. eligious * Committed to the service of divine or religion

    2-4. elocating * Have a desire to change or misplace things from their place

    2-7. emedies homeopathic * )version to homoeopathic medicine

    28. emorse * painful memory of wrong doing, bitter regrets arising from the

    repentance of past misdeed

    2(. enunciation * Self resignation, self denial

    2-. epose * To rest in confidence

    2. eproaches * )ilments after disappointment and disapproval ? they blame oneself

    for something, they lack self confidence

    20. epulsive mood * ) tendency to re6ect anything irrespective of its %uality, does not

    appreciate efforts by others, nothing give him satisfaction

    21. esentment * +eeling of anger or irritation caused by insult

    22. eserved * "ntrovert, self restrained in behaviour and expression

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    23. esignation * Condition around does not agree very well even though he wants to

    change it , he cannot? he give up position because he cannot cop up with stress and


    24. esolute * +irmness, determination and boldness enough to face circumstancesagainst all odds

    27. espected desire to be * #ant to be respected by everybody even though he is not

    in a good status

    208. esponsibility av to * Try to avoid any important 6ob or promotion given to him

    20(. est * Cannot when things are not in proper place, C>, always cleaning up and

    put things in order

    20-. estlessness * /nable to rest, hyperactive people who are full of energy and

    desires a constant change

    20. eticent * eserved in speech

    200. etirement desire for * esire to withdraw from company or occupation or


    201. evealing secrets * $aking Dnown the facts which are supposed to be maintained

    as confidential

    202. evengeful * Take revenge by harming somebody whom had harmed earlier or

    suspected to have harmed in any way

    203. everence * +ear mingled with profound respect, showing highest degree of

    respect to the point of worship

    204. everes * ay dream, lost in thought

    207. evolutionary * Those who have rebellions thought against any authority or ruling


    218. ich * esire to be rich in wealth & money

    21(. idiculous action * )ction designed to excite laughter with some degree of

    contempt, mockery, but without having a very good and sensible aspect on it.


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    21-. iding in carriage av to * #ho dislike travel in carriage

    21. ight always claim to be * He never accept others opinion and feel that only his

     6udgment will lead to success

    210. igid * +irmly adhering to an opinion or purpose, inflexible

    211. omantic * )n opinion attitude or idea based on feelingsFemotions rather than


    212. oving about naked * 9erverted mind wants to expose in public

    213. udeness * ) general & habitual deficiency in manner and grace, no respect

    214. ules * )version to obey the rules, rebellion

    217. uns about * esire to run away or try to run here and there

    228. Sadness * /nhappiness or sorrow , a general term without implication of intensity

    22(. Sarcasm * ) mocking ridicule intended to wound others

    22-. Satyriasis * ;xcessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in man

    22. Scape goat * ) goat on which laid sins of Bewish and then allowed to escape one

    who made to bear others mistakes

    220. Sacred * +rightening and terrifying

    221. Skepticism * oubt full and disbelieve

    222. Schi@ophrenia * Split personality with withdrawal from reality

    223. Scoffing * +eeling or showing open disrespect

    224. Scolding * )lways finding faults and %uarrelling by harsh language

    227. Scorned * )n expression of extreme contempt , but has been in silence

    238. Scowl inclination to * #rinkle brows to look gloomy or threatening

    23(. Scraping with hands * ) symptom of delirium, tear or mark the surface with hands

    23-. Screaming * ) sudden sharp cry indicates sudden terror or fear he has 6ust


    23. Scrupulous * Have principles and moral integrity in all the deeds

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    230. Searching * Search for something on the floor as if lost which may draw the

    attention of others also

    231. Secretive * eliably close mouthed, maintain privacy in all affairs of life

    232. Secrets divulges * evealing secrets which are of confidential nature

    233. Self control * Strong will power and are able to exercise control over their emotions

    and actions

    234. Self deception * eceiving oneself, mislead to do something due to one!s own


    237. Self denial * +orbearing to gratify ones own appetite and desires

    248. Self esteem *

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    270. Shameless * ) voluntary act by which exposing body, lack of modesty and decency

    271. Shy * )voiding observation by others , tendency to keep way

    272. Sighing * ;xhale audible long deep breath as in grief or to express pain

    273. Singing * $arked desire to sing continually even during severe illness

    274. Sitting inclination to * "nclination to sit irrespective of his surrounding even though

    there is no seat available

    277. Si@e incorrect 6udgment of * "ncorrect assessment of si@e, gravity of situation or


    388. Slander disposition to * +ormulating false stories in order to impair public

    reputation of others

    38(. Slovenly * Habitually careless about their looks even though financially sound

    38-. Slowness * "nability to perform any work with fast or normal speed

    38. Sluggishness * isinclination to activity, mentally dull with poor understanding

    inability to do anything

    380. Sly * "nclined to cheat , committing fraud and give false witness in court

    381. Smaller thing appear * ;verything appear smaller to him

    382. Smiling * To express pleasure always

    383. Snappish * Speaking curtly. They are tense worried overworked angry person

    uttering sharp words

    384. Snarling * =arking or growling like a dog

    387. Sneering at every one * +acial contortions that expression contemptuousness to

    every one

    3(8. Snub * "gnoring or behaving coldly towards others in a sarcastic manner

    3((. Sobbing * #eep with audible convulsive catches of breath

    3(-. Soberness * Straight forward, earnest in their dealings and manners

    3(. Sociability * +itted for companion ship

    3(0. Solemn * oes not like to deviate from norms

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    3(1. Solitude * ) desire for loneliness, do not like to mingle with society

    3(2. Somber everything that is * >ot satisfies, everything seems to be in a blue


    3(3. Somnambulism * )n action performed while sleep, not able to recall later

    3(4. Sopor * eep stupid sleep

    3(7. Sorrowful * Sadness expressing sorrow

    3-8. Spaced out feeling * Stupefaction of mind, empty feeling

    3-(. Spineless * >o courage or dare to do anything

    3--. Spiteful * 9etty unwanted annoyance, other person feel offended

    3-. Spitting * "mpulse to spit in face of people ? an involuntary action

    3-0. Spoiled children * Conduct disorder , children had over indulged or pampered

    3-1. Spoonerism * Transposition of initial sounds of spoken words

    3-2. Spying everything * "nvestigate secretly

    3-3. S%uandering * Spend money unwisely, unwanted purchase, worthless investments

    3-4. Stage fright * )nticipation on stage, in presence of people

    3-7. Staring * :ook fixedly with wide open eyes, totally blank

    38. Starting * #ake suddenly from sleep

    3(. Stating * 5ery difficult to narrate her complaints

    3-. Stereotypic * ) conventional or traditional idea, no sense of creativity and

    apprehensive to try out anything new

    3. Strange things impulse to do * #ants to unusual things not done by anybody


    30. Stranger sensation * +eeling of one self to b a stranger may occur after high fever

    31. Strength increased mental * $entally strong enough to sustain & withstand stress

    and strain

    32. Stressed * )ffected by strain, pressure or force

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    33. Striking * Touching something with a speed of force, like an accident which may

    draw attention of others

    34. Stubborn * bstinate, admen to his thoughts and actions

    37. Studying difficult * ull sluggish and lack concentration

    308. Stunned * :ose consciousness due to sudden event or news

    30(. Stupefaction * )stonished and being ama@ed

    30-. Stupidity * /nintelligent behaviour, they are intellectually dull and not doing such

    act deliberately

    30. Succeed never * 5ery hard working person met with repeated failures, now he feel

    that he will never succeed

    300. Suggestions will not receive * /nwillingness to accept advices, they never follow

    other people suggestions even though it is for their own good

    301. Suicidal disposition * "ntentionally killing one self 

    302. Sulky * Silent inactive and unsocial attitude in de6ected persons. He will talk only to

    the extend of his purpose served

    303. Sullen *

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    312. Taciturn * ) gloomy person wants to be left alone

    313. Talented * Special aptitude

    314. Talkative * isposition to en6oy conversation to n unlimited end

    317. Talk alone when * Talk to themselves either about their anxieties and fears even

    though there is no one around

    328. Talk desire to some one * )n intense desire to talk to some one for self satisfaction

    32(. Tearing * ) destructive tendency to destroy things by tearing them

    32-. Teasing * To irritate for the purpose of provocation

    32. Temerity * ver confident & rash

    320. Tenderness * #arm friendly affectionate people

    321. Testament * efuse to make a written document

    322. Theori@ing * $akes many plans without any head or tale

    323. Thinking aversion to * :a@y and indolent people dislike to think on any aspect

    324. Threatening * ) disposition to utter threat even on petty matters

    327. Throwing things around * Tendency to throw things in anger

    338. Thunderstorm * )ll the mental complaints and sufferings increase before or during

    a thunderstorm

    33(. Ticklishness * Titillating or stir up to pleasure

    33-. Tics *

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    337. Torpor * ) state of mental or physical inactivity with sluggishness and stagnation of 


    348. Torturing * Threatening and tormenting

    34(. Trance * ) detachment from physical surroundings. bserved when a person

    totally absorbed in deep concentration especially when listening to music with eyes close

    and meditating

    34-. Tran%uility * 9eaceful, calm and undisturbed mind

    34. Trapped * elusion or feeling of being trapped

    340. Trauma mental * Symptoms arising after mentally in6ured or emotionally disturbed

    341. Traveling * Cosmopolitan, feeling of satisfaction by traveling

    342. Tribadism * Homosexuality

    343. Tricky * "nclined to cheat and committing fraud

    344. Trifles * ) thing of little value given too much importance

    347. Truth telling the plain * They prefer not to lie even if beneficial, come forward and

    admit their faults

    378. Twilight agg * $ental symptoms are aggravated during the faint light? before

    sunrise and after sunset

    37(. /n attractive things seems * ;very thing look un attractive , lacking beauty and


    37-. /nconsciousness * /n aware of his surroundings

    37. /nderstanding not * /nable to comprehend fully

    370. /ndignified * They have low self esteem and undertake things without dignity ? not

    given the respect they might deserve.

    371. /nfeeling * Hard hearted having no sympathy

    372. /nfortunate feels * ) feeling of ill fated unsuccessfulness, devoid of have blessing

    from ot kind or favorable

    374. /n gracious * :acking social grace, unpleasant & wicked

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    377. /ngrateful * >ever appreciate what others are done for him and do not express

    their gratitude

    488. /nification * ) brotherhood feeling

    48(. /n observing * :ack of observation or failure to notice

    48-. /n real everything seems * :acking in truth, whatever visible to him feel unreal

    48. /n reasonable * "mmoderate and make absurd demands

    480. /n reliable * >ot to trusted or relied upon

    481. /ntidy * 5ery careless about their dress, work or ideas

    482. /nworthy * >ot conforming to the standards

    483. /p heave * ) type of excitement in which he rise upwards

    484. /surer * ne who lend money in illegal & fraud way

    487. 5acillations * "nability to take stands and fluctuate in their opinion

    4(8. 5anity * )lways pre occupied with their appearance achievements and belongings

    4((. 5eneration * eep respect, showing respect excessively

    4(-. 5erify everything * C>, checking everything fre%uently

    4(. 5erses * Habit of representing thoughts and desires in a poetical manner

    4(0. 5exation * isturbed and un easy person may feel the smallest occurrences

    troublesome and annoying. They feel angry or harassed on little matters

    4(1. 5indictive * "nclined to seek revenge when hurt or insulted

    4(2. 5ivacious * +ull of life animation, enthusiasm & spirit even if faced difficulties

    4(3. 5ulnerable * Susceptible to attack emotionally

    4(4. #ailing * To protest by making high pitched prolonged sound suggestive of a cry

    4(7. #andering * Traveling here and there aimlessly

    4-8. #atched * bservant and vigilant person always being very alert

    4-(. #earisome * Causing mental or physical fatigue

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    4--. #eary of life * ue to fre%uent set back in life, mentally and physically fed up with

    life with no desire to survive as life is felt as a burden

    4-. #eeping * To express grief or anguish by tears

    4-0. #himpering * Soft intermittent crying

    4-1. #himsical * /n predictable erratic mood or actions. He will not listen to any one

    and will not budge an inch from his thought

    4-2. #hining * ) prolonged high pitched cry usually expressing a distress

    4-3. #histling * ) disposition to produce sound like whistling in musical minded or light


    4-4. #icked disposition * ;vil in principles and practice

    4-7. #ild feeling in the head * Turmoil, wild type of impulses rendering a person not

    amenable to human habitation

    48. #ildness * ough personalities with irregularity of manners and ungovernable


    4(. #ill full * bstinate and head strong

    4-. #ill contradiction of * :ack of coordination in the desires and execution of these

    desires by body parts

    4. #illy * Cheating and deceitful

    40. #itty * 9ower to amuse and express %uickly

    41. #oman mannish * #oman who have desire to dress and behave like a man

    42. #ork av to mental * settled dislike for any sort of mental work

    43. #orry * 9ainful or apprehensive uneasiness

    44. #retched * $iserable, marked or affected by un happiness and sorrow

    47. #rong everything seems * ) false sort of felling where he declare everything

    wrong or it appears wrong to him. )re dissatisfied and make life miserable to others also

    408. Gielding * 5ery flexible and ad6ustable. )gree to demands made by others, even if

    they want to do otherwise

    40(. ealous * ;nthusiastic devoted person in pursuit of perfection

  • 8/19/2019 Rubrics Meaning



     +rederik Schroyence * epertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum

    Dent.B.T * epertory To the Homoeopathic $ateria medica

     Dent.B.T * :ectures on homoeopathic materia medica

     ockx & Dockelenberg * Comparative repertory to Homoeopathic $$

    )garwall $: * Dey to the ubrics of mind

     +aroke B $aster * 9erceiving the rubrics of mind

    #ebster * "nternational ictionary

    Chamberline * th century dictionary

     >ira6a )hu6a * ) short text book of psychiatry

     Stedman * $edical dictionary

     amakrishna pillai * ;nglish $alayalam dictionary