It’s been quite a quarter, and now comes an interlude of well-earned rest from the routine. Some highlights of this quarter: Welcoming a new TT faculty member, Carry the Vision Conference (with the LRP), AAR, SBL, Paul Morris, Bryan Massingale, Teilhard Conference, Guadalupana celebration... a new Mission and Goals statement, the start of the GPPM program review and ongoing work with JST ... plus the ongoing hum of teaching and scholarship. And so much more. All of this as we try to balance work with personal and family challenges. A generous group of people! Thanks to everyone, and may the blessings of the season be upon one and all. -Paul Bulletin RS FACULTY DECEMBER 2010 Fourteenth Annual Guadalupe Festival Links RS and Teatro Corazón !" $%&%'(%) *+ ,%-%)./ 01"2)%2 3%43/% 5.60%)%2 7" 60% 87,,74" 901)&0 64 :76"%,, 60% ;<60 .""1./ =1.2./13% >-%"6 + . &4//.(4).?4" (%6:%%" @A ."2 A.&)%2 B%.)6 901)&0 7" A." C4,%D E" .227?4" 64 . '4-7"5 )%/75741, 2).'.+ 607, %-%"6 ./,4 &%/%().6%, 60% .""1./ C1." $7%54 A&04/.),073+ (%"%FG"5 . :4)60H ,612%"6 I)4' 60% >.,6 A72% 4I A." C4,%D J124, 64 K". 8.)7. L7"%2.+ @A8 ."2 8.)7,4&4 9.,6.M%2.NO7/%, I4) 60%7) %P4)6, 7" '.Q7"5 607, %-%"6 ,1&0 . 5)%.6 ,1&&%,, .5.7" 607, H%.)D 8.)Q H41) &./%"2.), I4) "%R6 H%.)+ 60% S7T%%"60 9%/%().?4" 4I O. U7)5%" 2% V%3%H.&D WA%% K". 8.)7.X, %"6)H 7",72% I4) '4)% 2%6.7/,YD

RS Dept Faculty Bulletin Dec 2010

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News of faculty, staff and students in the SCU Religious Studies Dept.

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Page 1: RS Dept Faculty Bulletin Dec 2010

It’s been quite a quarter, and now comes an interlude of well-earned rest from the routine. Some highlights of this quarter: Welcoming a new TT faculty member, Carry the Vision Conference (with the LRP), AAR, SBL, Paul Morris, Bryan Massingale, Teilhard Conference, Guadalupana celebration... a new Mission and Goals statement, the start of the GPPM program review and ongoing work with JST ... plus the ongoing hum of teaching and scholarship. And so much more. All of this as we try to balance work with personal and family challenges. A generous group of people! Thanks to everyone, and may the blessings of the season be upon one and all.




Fourteenth Annual Guadalupe Festival

Links RS and Teatro Corazón





Page 2: RS Dept Faculty Bulletin Dec 2010

Farewell, Jane!Holiday Party and a fond farewell to Jane Najour, December 3rd

Gary Macy gave a talk at Tulane University, "Can they do that? The historical justification for women's ordination," on October 21. He delivered, “Where Do Women Belong?” at Christ the King Parish in Pleasant Hill on December 6 and will be speaking on women's ordination for the Jesuit Alumni in Arizona in Phoenix on January 22.

David Gray’s article "On the Very Idea of a Tantric Canon: Myth, Politics, and the Formation of the Bka’ ’gyur" has been published in the most recent issue of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies. It is viewable online at:http://www.thlib.org/collections/texts/jiats/#jiats=/05/gray/

Jason Smick gave two papers at the annual meeting of the AAR. The first paper, which will be published in an edited collection next spring, was entitled "Nietzsche on the Death of God and the God of Life." The other paper was "Heidegger, Ricoeur,

and the Unthought of the Phenomenology of Religion: Philosophy." Both explored different aspects of his work on the philosophical tradition and its relation to community and the process of secularization in the modern era.

He is also working with the Humanist Community of the Silicon Valley (HCSV) and the Office of Religious Life at Stanford to set up a pilot Humanist Chaplaincy program and to establish a West Coast Humanist Center. He is also working with the coordinator of the Agnostic Community @ Apple on a related project. He is in the initial stages of securing the agreement of Apple, Inc. to allow him to offer interested employees short courses on philosophy, humanism, and secular cultures and traditions.

Kitty Murphy gave a paper on The Dead Sea Scrolls and Economics for a new program unit at the SBL, Economics in the Biblical World, where she serves on the steering committee. Even though the session was


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program slot, it was well attended, with an international group of scholars from Australia, England, Finland, and the U.S.

Michael Castori also gave a paper, “‘You Shall Not Abhor an Egyptian’: The Rabbis and Origen of Alexandria on Pharoh’s Nation,” which explored the evolution of the relationship between “self” and “other” in late Christian and Jewish texts.

Kristin Heyer reports: Over the fall quarter the ethics faculty from JST and SCU who participated in the Trent conference met to brainstorm ideas for carrying the shared experience forward (Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church conference). Those involved include Teresia Hinga, David DeCosse, William O’Neill (JST) and Lisa Fullam (JST). We plan to meet with the local bishop in the winter quarter, and we are hoping to host a regional (international) conference on conscience in the coming year.  

Several of us also adapted our Trent panel for a session with JST students last week on migration. Undergraduate major Mark Vetto '11 and graduate student Mary Dillon each

played a leadership role in pulling off a substantiveand very inspiring evening.

Ana Maria Pineda reports: In October, I carried out the second part of the Bannan Grantawarded for the 30th anniversary commemoration of Archbishop Romero's death.  The first Bay Area/West Coast screening of the documentary "Monseñor, The Last Journey of Oscar Romero" was viewed by a full house in the Recital Hall on October 26.  The introduction and the Q&A that followed the secreening was given by Fr. Robert Pelton of Notre Dame.  On October 25, a dinner to honor Fr. Pelton's visionary theological contribution to the film was hosted by Bishop McGrath. The following evening, a Salvadorean dinner was held with iguests from SCU, JST and the Diocese of prior to the screening.  On October 28 for the twelfth consecutive year, the Altar of Remembrance was created for the campus community with the assistance of my class and MariSoco Castañeda-Liles.  

I moderated several sessions on "Communion and Cultural Integrity in U.S. Catholicism" during the November 4-5 Conference on “The U.S. Catholic

Church: The Challenge of Communion” held in Chicago, IL. and co-sponsored by DePaul University and Catholic Theological Union.  On November 14, 2010, I led a meeting of Sisters of Mercy in Burlingame addressing issues of Leadership of Women Religious.

At the invitation of the Latino students at SCU, I gave a reflection on the significance of "Las Posadas" on December 1 as the students and family members re-enacted this Hispanic religious ritual throughout the SCU campus.  As the month of December approached, I continued to provide my class on "Hispanic Spirituality: Our Lady of Guadalupe" with opportunities to inter-act with the Teatro Corazón of Sacred Heart Parish and in making final preparations for the 14th annual celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe at SCU in partnership with Sacred Heart Parish on December 5 in the Mission Church.  This event was enjoyed by a diverse community drawing from SCU students accompanied by family and friends, SCU/JST faculty, Jesuits from Mexico studying with Paul Crowley at JST, members of the Sacred Heart Parish and Diocesan community.

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1. Vivamus est ipsum vehicula nec.Praesent et dolor ac sapien vehicula bibendum. Donec eu ante. Pellentesque quis est eu pede laoreet elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

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RS FACULTY INVOLVED IN VALLEY INTERRELIGIOUS LIFEPhilip Boo Riley continues to collaborate with--and study and write about--leaders of local congregations and organizations who are developing a more robust interreligious network and voice in Silicon Valley.  He is on the steering committee charged with establishing a new organization, Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SIVIC).  The committee is working on all the pieces that go into establishing a non-profit organization--mission/goals, by-laws, outreach, funding, etc.--and perhaps as a commentary on our peculiar religious landscape here in the Valley, one of the first steps to going public was the creation of a facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SiVICouncil#!/pages/Silicon-Valley-Interreligious-Council/201685280201. This new interfaith effort grows out of several developments in the Valley the past few years, including the designation of our region as the inaugural entry in the newly created "Partner City" network by the Parliament of World's Religions. SCU will host the "kick off" event for SIVIC on Sunday, March 6, 2011.

One of SIVIC's first initiatives was to convene an interreligious rally to support local Muslims in early September, when news of anti-Islam events--e.g. the threatened Koran burning in Florida--was very much in the media.  Over 300 people assembled at Jim McEntee Plaza at the Santa Clara County government building to hear from

continued on next page...


McEntee Plaza Vigil

MariSoco Castañeda-Liles participated in various activities Fall quarter. !On October 22 she was the keynote speaker at the Education Talent Search, organized by Undergraduate Admissions. !On October 26 she introduced Professor Juan Velasco’s lecture on "The Novels of the Mexican Revolution," which was part of the Mexican Revolution in the Arts Symposium. !On October 28 MariSoco helped Ana Maria Pineda and her students set up the annual Altar of Remembrance at the Mission Church. !The first week of November she gave two lectures on Sociology of Religion in Gary Macy’s class on Research Methods. !On November 12 she helped facilitate small group discussions forAna Maria’s Guadalupe course. !The reflection took place at Sacred Heart Parish in collaboration with Teatro Corazón.  MariSoco was also involved in the Ethnic Studies mid-rank faculty search. !She attended the job talks, dinners, and met with the candidates individually. !!On December 6 she was interviewed by Joe Rodriguez from the San Jose Mercury News about her study on devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe among Latinas. !!The news article will be featured on Saturday December 11.

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different religious leaders and join in a litany for peace.

Paul Crowley joined Boo in arranging for SCU’s hosting a conference with local faith leaders--Carry the Vision, another new interfaith "start up" in the Valley (www.carrythevision.org)--in early October.  SCU President Michael Engh, SJ opened the conference with a welcome, and some 40 students from Boo's and Sarita Tamayo-Moraga's Fall RSOC 9 courses attended the keynote talks by Fr. John Dear, S.J. and Rev. Bernard Lafayette as well as workshops run by a variety of local organizations on the theme of non-violence, and a vegetarian lunch prepared by the Jain Center in Milipitas and the Sikh Gurdwara in San Jose. 

Other Fall Quarter activity with the local community included David Gray sponsoring talks by local Buddhist nuns; David Pinault's visit with students to local faith communities; and Teresia Hinga's ongoing work with a northern California networkof African diaspora faith communities.

In addition to interfaith activities, Boo is beginning a study of a local Muslim organization devoted to the

writings of Turkish Muslim leader Fetullah Gulen, the Pacifica Institute in Sunnyvale.  As part of that work, he is collaborating with Pacifica on the second Gulen conference to be hosted at SCU, in February 2011, and along with other department faculty--Teresia Hinga and Jim Bennett--attends Pacifica sponsored events.

Boo's other activities this year include service as co-chair of the AAR Western Region section on Religion in America and a stint as SCU's Faculty Senate

Connie Lasher!"our Bannan Fellow, arrived in mid-September, settling into 305 Kenna via the perpetual assistance of Saint Vicky Gonzalez, and grateful for the generous hospitality of the Religious Studies Department, the Ignatian Center, and in particular, Dr. Bethie (Editor’s note: Professor of Canine Theology). Job number one was trying to get a sense of the Sustainability Initiative at SCU via conversations with faculty, including participation in the Western Conversations weekend. Once unpacked, she resumed work on her book manuscript for Herder/Crossroad, Passion for Wholeness: ‘Ignatian Humanism’ and Ecological

Identity. During the course of the Fall Quarter, she completed an anthology chapter for publication in the CTSA’s project on Human-Forced Climate Change [“With Generous Courage: Promise & Poignance in the Legacies of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI,” co-authored with Msgr. Charles Murphy, in Confronting the Climate Crisis: Catholic Theological Perspectives, ed. Jame Schaefer (forthcoming, Marquette University Press, 2011)].

In October, she began work on an invited essay which she was asked to contribute to the journals of the Institute of!"#$%&'()!*+$),-,.+/!01,2/,34!during her visit/faculty dialogue session there last summer. The essay, as yet untitled, explores the topic of religious humanism, ecological identity, and the “sense of wonder”—in comparative perspective. It will appear in the Institute’s Japanese- and English-language editions: Toyo Gakujutsu Kenkyu, Vol.50, No.1, scheduled to be published on May 3, 2011; and The Journal of Oriental Studies, Vol.21, scheduled to be published in August 24, 2011. Also in October, she was interviewed by the Academic Affairs Liaison of Soka Gakkai, discussing her

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Vicky with Gabriela, student worker

We all send a special holiday greeting to Vicky, our indomitable support. One reason we can all rest this Christmas break is because she has worked so hard this Fall Quarter to make everything come together for us. And, as we are off doing our things, Vicky is in the office just a day or two before Christmas making sure that January 3 will flow smoothly.

Blessings of the season, Vicky! (and, for ’11-- GO GIANTS!).

work on religious humanism and ecological identity, for a feature which will appear in their international quarterly

sometime next year. In December, she completed an assigned draft of theological reflections in preparation for the mid-December working session of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue: Roman Catholic-United Methodist Church Dialogue, where she is a member of the Catholic Delegation in Round 8, 2008-2012 (a four-year appointment to

this commission whose mandate is entitled “The Eucharist and Stewardship of God’s Creation”). These bi-annual working sessions will produce, next year, a joint theological statement on the environment. She took off for a quick two-day trip to Santa Cruz via the commuter courtesy of Dr. Terry Terhaar, and while there, was delighted to see the monarchs gathering at Natural Bridges State Park. Finally, she made a point to end each day on campus by taking time to—literally—stop and smell the roses, sending “photo-bouquets” via iPhone to her elderly parents back in Maine each night.!!!


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Winter Quarter

Dates to


January 3Classes Begin

January 11Faculty Meeting

January 17Martin Luther King Day

January 21JST Board Meeting

February 1Faculty Meeting for Chair Nomination

February 7-9WASC Visitation

February 16State of University Speech

February 17Faculty Meeting

February 21Presidents Day

March 1Faculty Meeting

March 11Classes End