Round 1 CV Video

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  • 7/24/2019 Round 1 CV Video


    Resume format:

    Use an A4 templates, MS Word, Cambria 10 font, single spacing

    Insert your University logo at te top left and corner

    In te top rigt and corner, type your name and belo! your name, type your

    email address and pone number "all rigt aligned# Use te follo!ing eadings only "in caps, bold and underlined# in te body of your


    i% &ducation

    ii% '(A

    iii% Wor)ing e*perience

    iv% &*tra + Curricular

    v% (ersonal Acievements and Interest

    ill in your resume !it applicable dates rigt aligned

    Note: Your resume must not exceed one page

    Video Topic:

    'The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): Is Vietnam ready for an open and

    free competition? Discuss your views on why TPPA is necessary or not necessary for


    "oted: #ength of video not e$ceed %& minutes